Our Healing Team is inviting you to a Healing Offering on Zoom

Saturday, June 25, 2022

8 am Pacific, 10 am Central, US/Canada – 4pm UK – BST


Find the time in your area here-worldtimebuddy.com


Diagnosing Dis-Ease

with guest presenter John Millward


“The only mystery to healing is the mystery that surrounds the cause of disease.  Once we know the cause, healing is relatively simple”, John Millward.

Please join us in welcoming John Millward, as our guest presenter for this week’s healing offering. John will present an explanation and demonstrate his method(s) of diagnosing physical Dis-ease.

John will empower participants by demonstrating that it’s not only possible to heal remotely, but also that remote diagnosis is normal.  He will offer each of our participants a live diagnosis during this first session, and he will return for another offering in two weeks inviting participants back for a live “follow up”.

In discussing this session John recalled, “Healing at home even in my living memory was normal and commonplace. Grandma’s remedies were as valid as the doctors and in some cases were the same but from a different source. Many of those remain and in our corporate world are renamed and rebranded more to confuse than as an aid to health. We all, I hope, remember the worth of eucalyptus balm to ease someone’s breathing or Aloe Vera for a burn or superficial wound. What I offer is merely an extension of our herbal heritage in order to rectify any Dis-ease.

John Millward is a member of our PFC Healing Group, he has a background in electronic engineering, and also studied Shiatsu, Reflexology, and many other Healing modalities.  John discovered the value of frequency healing about 15 years ago, and since then, he has developed and expanded his own healing methods. “The process of finding the frequencies and the equivalent virus or bacteria took me two to three years. Just by meeting people with those pathogens and finding the frequencies. The next part of the process was finding the frequencies that exist in our natural surroundings. That voyage of discovery is still ongoing.”

John has held a long interest in a variety of Healing modalities because of his own life time of ill health and the lack of any real knowledge from doctors. John shared, “I initially thought they were missing something about health, but soon discovered I had missed the obvious clues.”

Medicine is an industry, not a remedy, and supporting health in this system is not even secondary.

To learn more about John’s work, and / or to reach out to him directly, please visit his website at https://essentialoiltherapy.org


On behalf of the healing team, we look forward to sharing space with you on Saturday.

Sincerest blessings,

Rev. Danielle Dufour


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Healing on Telegram:


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And, we have linked our Group to a Public Chat found here:


Your Saturday ZOOM Invite:


This is a recurring Bi Weekly Zoom Call– Every Second Saturday

8 am Pacific, 10 am Central, US/Canada – 4pm UK – BST


See your Time zone: https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/


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Meeting ID: 889 5716 1938

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Whether you are new to our group or a regular, we ask that you read the guidelines below.


To maintain a smooth, distraction-free Zoom call, we ask that you familiarize yourself with the Zoom platform.  If this is your first time on Zoom, don’t worry.   We were all new at one time and we can walk you through the basics.

  1. Please mute your mic upon entering the room (If not done for you). This helps eliminate background noise, feedback, or other distortions that can disrupt the flow of communication.  Please keep your mic muted until your turn to speak.  If able, please have your video on.


  1. If you have a concern or find yourself emotionally triggered by something stated, please type a note in the chat box and a volunteer will assist you by opening a breakout room. This creates a separate safe space for you and a volunteer to talk in private.


  1. Questions/comments pertaining to the topic of discussion should be verbalized and not placed in the chat as it can be quite distracting for the guest speaker and host. When verbalized, everyone benefits! If you would like to contribute to the discussionplease raise your hand or use the raise hand button in the app. Please lower your hand once you’ve spoken or as soon as you are acknowledged to speak.  If your hand has been raised and you still have not been acknowledged, please mention this in the chat so a volunteer may assist.


  1. Please limit your comments/shares to about 2 to 3 minutes maximumso everybody may have the opportunity to contribute to the discussion.  Mute your mic when finished speaking.


  1. Be respectful in your communications: Please do not interrupt others who are speaking and please, DO NOT use foul language.  Use the zoom reaction buttons to raise your hand, react to a comment, to support a speaker, or vote.  Please, do not speak until your name is called AND do not speak over others who have been acknowledged to talk.



Recording and your Privacy: Prepare for Change strives to protect the privacy and security of all participants in our zoom calls. Most of our meetings are not recorded.  However, from time to time, we may have a guest speaker or a topic that we wish to record and post on the site for the benefit of our members. You will always be notified in advance of such an event.  If you do not wish to be recorded on the zoom call, simply turn off your video.  You also have the option to change your name as it appears on screen or to use only a first name.



Healing Group Protocols


Prepare for Change (PFC) was formed to serve others in loving and peaceful support towards a new and prosperous society. All actions and commitments will be pursued with the Laws of God, the Laws of Creation, and the Galactic Codex as our supreme guidance.


We are charged with organizing Light Warriors & Light Workers who work at this etheric level to bring about change and assist others through the Event. 


General Format of our Public Healing Offerings


  • Greeting – Meeting Etiquette / Logistics
  • Opening Prayer/Meditation / Healing Technique
  • Topic of Discussion, or Presentation
  • Group Discussion as appropriate
  • Closing Prayer/Meditation/Healing Technique


A few points to consider…..



Despite how you may define The Event, the circumstances and challenges of the past year make it quite clear that we are on the threshold of monumental change.  This is causing various levels of awakening processes in humanity, each with their own unique challenges.  Those with clarity to sense both the subtle and obvious signs around them know that something just does not feel right.  When the truth is exposed, it can be a critical and shocking experience.

Nobody plans how their awakening process happens, and when it comes, most of us know even less about how to deal with it, or even what it is.  Our emotions, thoughts, beliefs, relationships, careers, and everything we thought was our life can be suddenly in question.  The ego mind has a hard time dealing with these traumatic realizations.  Hence the need for compassionate understanding and healing from those who are familiar with the phenomenon.



There are many types of healing methods and practices.  Our primary intention is to focus on emotional and spiritual healing, rather than physical ailments.  How can we create clarity for self-awareness and self-love and to find peace within ourselves?  How can we feel safe and calm when faced with so much stress and disruption?  How can we find compassion and support for others when we are struggling with these same issues in our own lives?


We hope to offer multiple techniques to assist in the healing our followers seek.  Please understand that no healing can occur if a person is not ready to receive it.  Nor will it occur when one believes that the healing comes solely from outside of themselves.  They must believe all things come from within and accept that.  Others can act as a conduit for a healing process, but they are not the source of the healing.  All lasting and true healing can only be done by the person seeking it.



As important as it is to understand that healing can only occur by the seeker, the healing agent must acknowledge they are only directing the healing, not providing it.  Healers surrender their ego and respect the energies and higher intentions that come through them from Source.


Some healers and channelers work with beings that produce good work, but some get trapped within their ego by convincing themselves that they are performing miracles.  They are not.  Of course, there are also dark beings that attach themselves to healers to create a trap for the ego which could lead to temptation and corruption.  If you feel at any time that any of our healers are coming from a place of ego, we would appreciate knowing this so it can be addressed.


Emotional attachment to an outcome is another trap to avoid during healing.  As an example, Energy practitioners have principals they abide by which are useful for any practitioner. Prior to the session they take time to prepare themselves. In a light state of meditation or prayer, they call in Universal Life Force energy from Source. They ask that all that occurs be for the best and good of everyone concerned and that their body be used as the clean clear channel for which the energy flows and is directed. By invoking these intentions, the healer accepts the outcome without fear of guilt of causing harm as it is up to the higher self of the recipient to accept or decline the energy.  Another important aspect to consider that comes directly from the bible is having a gratitude for the outcome and feeling what the person needs has already been granted. It is a state of grace or surrender to the will of a higher power (not our own) and the results may not be what we expected, but what the individual needs.


Those requesting healing must approach the process with an open mind. Once you have convinced yourself of one outcome or another, your ego could be limiting the best possible outcome for you.  Do not assume that a healing experience is the defining or end moment of your issue as there is usually more work to be done of a psychospiritual nature. This requires releasing buried trauma and fear and forgiving the people or situations that created them (including yourself).


Shadow Work

The awakening process is a mind-expanding experience.  Shock and awe are not harsh enough words to define it.  Knowledge is power.  The eagerness to absorb as much information as possible is a common reaction, once the minds’ door has been opened.  It is easy to find oneself wanting to dive deeper into the history and reasons for the matrix that is now being revealed to you.  Although a normal response, a person can find themselves on an endless search that leads down multiple rabbit holes. You need to stay grounded lest you find yourself experiencing anxiety and more trauma.


While the mind is busy with such contemplations, the subconscious and ego minds are simultaneously reacting at warp speed by stirring up emotions and triggers that have been suppressed yet lying in wait for release. Without a strong and stable foundation, a person can quickly be drawn into a mental quagmire with dire consequences.  The same predicament can occur with a well-grounded person if they do not understand that dark entities thrive in the lower dimensions of the 3D world you wish to explore.


Battles with the ego and subconscious are often lost in the third dimensional realm.  The only way out is to perceive and act in the higher dimensions for yourself and others by responding with compassion and reviewing your observations from a position of love rather than judgment or fear.  Your actions should be for the betterment of the whole and in service to others, rather than in service to self.  Taking steps toward understanding what makes you feel fear, anger, jealousy, and the many other 3D judgmental reactions in your reality is an important and difficult task in reducing your ego mind.


These are a few examples of what is referred to as Shadow Work.  You can spend each day focusing on a different healing practices but until you start to address your own shadow work, you may find little progress in your awakening process.  The point to make is that your shadow work should become a habit and never assumed to be over but rather, an ongoing process.  Once started, it is something that should be worked on every day.  Afterall, for now you are still living in the 3D world where the Dark energies and lower vibrational frequencies rule unequivocally.


Creation of a safe space

It is critical that all sessions create a safe place for compassionate communication to flourish.  The ability to establish a warm and receptive atmosphere where people can openly share personal beliefs, stories and experiences without fear is paramount to the healing process.  Behaviors, reactions, and words that do not promote a safe environment are simply not acceptable.  Failure to comply will cause immediate removal from the session.

We are here to help those that participate in raising their vibration to assist and receive in the healing process.  The calls will not be recorded, unless specified for special guest speaker and / or presentations, and we ask that participants not record them either.  To honor this safe space, all participants agree to not share information and statements made by individuals during the session after its conclusion, unless each person has given specific approval to do so during the call.


Meditations and Healing Activities

Sessions most often will include short meditations, prayers, or other healing exercises / techniques.  Clearing the space and a group cohesion exercises may also be part of the opening or closing activities.  To get the most out of these sessions we ask that you participate with an open heart and loving attitude to allow healing to occur as needed.  Thoughts that remain on the self are counterproductive as noted above.  Group activities and focused thought are extremely powerful and will yield the best results when we are all concentrating on the task at hand and work together for the desired outcome.


Healing Group Moderators

Please know that all Prepare for Change moderators in the healing sessions are volunteers willing to donate their time for this work.  They are not offering professional services on the calls, nor will they ever charge for any service.

Each of our team members have their own personality and/or training experience and therefore each has a unique way of presentation and style.

Please allow your mind to be free of judgment and expectation as the goal is to participate and receive what your higher self needs the most.


Personal Healing

Prepare for Change Healing Group does not exist to offer instantaneous personal and deep emotional therapeutic sessions.  We are primarily here to provide solace and calm through the awakening journey.  At this time, we will not be offering personal healing sessions as part of the group sessions.  Participants may request attention to a specific issue they are facing however it will be addressed in a general manner to manifest the best possible outcome for the situation at large.  The outcome may not immediately benefit the primary person involved if it is not meant to occur.

That said, many participants do benefit from the positive energy and intentions shared in group sessions, and you will likely leave the meeting better off for the experience. With practice and perseverance comes progress and changing world situations begins with a change within each of us. We at Prepare for Change seek to be the change we want to see in the world!


Liability Statement

Any information, statement, advice, exercise, practice or teaching method presented or offered in a PFC Healing Session is provided for entertainment purposes only.  The Prepare for Change organization and its volunteers do not present themselves as medical professionals, professional therapists, professional healers, or any other practice that requires a professional license or certification for services rendered.  All participants join the session of their own free choice and without an expectation for any outcome other than to dedicate their own time to the experience.

Participation in a Prepare for Change Healing Group Session

If you have read the above and understand how important this background information is to the mission that the Prepare for Change Healing Group portends, then you are welcome to join one of our sessions.  If you are not, then we kindly ask that you respect our vision and join a session when you are ready and willing.

Your Tax Free Donations Are Appreciated and Help Fund our Volunteer Website

Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.


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