Healing Group Public Call – Inspiring Hope – Turmoil to Tranquility, Oct. 29, 2022


The Healing Team invites you to a public offering on Zoom

Saturday, October 29, 2022
8 am Pacific, 10 am Central, US/Canada – 4pm UK – BST

Inspiring Hope – Turmoil to Tranquility
With Guest Presenter Lois Hermann

Success Coach, Board Certified Hypnotist, Professional Speaker & Trainer &
Award-Winning Author of #1 Best Seller Chronicles of Hope series, and Spirits of Amoskeag

Please join us in welcoming Lois Hermann as our guest presenter for this Saturday’s healing offering.

Do you have a knowing that you are here at this time in history on a mission with a deep sense of purpose… yet feel blocked in your progress or stuck on your path? Are you sensitive to the world around you and feel empathic to the energetic struggles of so many? You may be a star seed, a light worker who has incredible gifts to help humanity through this time of transition… from turmoil to tranquility.

Many of us intuitively know we are here for a reason, yet wish to more fully embrace our gifts, skills, and talents. My team was blessed to receive important guided messages to inspire hope for humanity and illuminate the light workers to embrace their power. As outlined in the Chronicles of Hope series, our Guides encourage us to learn (or remember) simple tools for protection, healing, and empowerment to raise our vibrational frequency individually and collectively. It is the warriors of light who are here to shift the collective consciousness of this planet. Together, we will usher in a time of grace, peace, love, and tranquility.

Please join us, as we work to shift the energy of our beautiful planet, and welcome the magic and miracles that have been hidden for far too long.

Many Blessings,
Lois Hermann & Associates, LLC

Contact Information:

Lois Hermann website / Chronicles of Hope website
Amazon Author page / Inspiring Hope Community
Chronicles Facebook / Lois Hermann Facebook
Inspiring Hope with Lois Hermann Radio Show
YouTube / LinkedIn / Instagram / Telegram

Lois Hermann is a Seasoned Metaphysical Energy Expert, Board Certified Hypnotist, and Success Coach.  Lois is passionate about helping people clear their energy to achieve their goals. A professional corporate-based trainer, Lois offers several training programs for Light workers, Holistic Professionals, and those looking to enhance their life path. Offering her unique Light worker Energy Integrity Training, and Energy Clearing & Alignment Certification, she also teaches NLP (Neuro-Linguistics Programming) Essentials and offers Hypnosis Certification Training.

She is an international best-selling author of Chronicles of Hope, and she has answered the call to bring hope to humanity and works with her incredible team to illuminate and empower the light workers so they may achieve their life calling.

Read more about Lois HERE.

On behalf of our “Healing” team, we look forward to sharing space with Lois, and all who join in on Saturday.


Rev. Danielle Dufour

TO Join the meeting click HERE OR cut and paste the below link into your browser:
Meeting ID: 889 5716 1938
Passcode: 703607

Zoom Call Guidelines

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To maintain a smooth, distraction-free Zoom call, we ask that you familiarize yourself with the Zoom platform in advance of the call.

The purpose of our public calls is to connect with others and create a cosmic community of like-minded individuals. The calls provide a safe space to share opinions and experiences on higher dimensional topics and are intended to empower people to create a new, harmonious society with love, well-being, unity, and balance.

To fulfil that purpose, we ask that you adhere to our zoom guidelines during the meeting. Please keep your microphone on mute to prevent background noise from disturbing those speaking. Hold your questions and comments until the speaker or host invite conversation from the viewers. Use the raise hand feature and wait until the host has called on you to speak.

Please be courteous in your communication, and attire.   We invite you to turn your camera off when taking care of personal business such as: bathroom breaks, or moving about. Your cooperation is appreciated, as it can be distracting to the call.

Recording and your Privacy: Prepare for Change strives to protect the privacy and security of all participants in our zoom calls. Most of our meetings are not recorded.  However, from time to time, we may have a guest speaker or a topic that we wish to record and post on the site for the benefit of our members. You will always be notified in advance of such an event.  If you do not wish to be recorded on the zoom call, simply turn off your video.  You also have the option to change your name as it appears on screen or to use only a first name.

While the zoom link is always available on this Event Page, you can send a request to receive emails to notify or remind you of upcoming events. Please send your request to:  Healing@prepareforchange.net. 

Would you like to become a volunteer and assist with such needs as hosting calls, helping administratively, or creating content for posting or translating?  Click here.  Join our worldwide family!


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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.


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