The Ascension Connection Invites You to a Public Zoom Call
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
6pm UTC/GMT, 7pm London, 8pm Paris. 9pm Bulgaria
11am Pacific, 12 Noon Provo Utah, 2pm New York
2023 Positive Predictions and Transformations
With Guest Speaker and Astrologer Pam Gregory
Pam Gregory will return for another amazing talk at the Ascension Connection Call!
Her past calls have been a huge success and we’re delighted to have Pam back and finish this year with a bang.
Overall, the winter solstice is a time of transition and renewal, and it is an opportunity to tap into your inner wisdom and set intentions for the future. It is a time to focus on life’s practical aspects and work towards achieving your goals with determination and clarity.
Pam will share her unique perspective for the end of 2022, and the beginning of 2023, based on her profound astrological knowledge and insight. We’ll have about 20 minutes of Pam sharing her insights. After that, we open the floor for questions and spontaneous interactions. Write down any questions that come up during Pam’s talk then raise your hand to voice them when appropriate, or type them in the chat and the host will read them for you.
Be sure to join us and finish this year in the best possible way! We know you’ll be there because….
About Pam Gregory-
Pam has been involved with astrology for 45 years, it is her passion to help people. She sees astrology as a profound and sacred language of geometry and meaning that helps us to see the bigger picture.
Her interest lies in seeing astrology in the context of our spiritual journey, and how new astrological discoveries are expanding our view of our life on Earth.
If your unfamiliar with the wonderful work of Pam Gregory, get a sneak peak of what’s to come Tuesday in this video: Conversation with Heather Ensworth – Astrology of 2023
Read Pam’s Newsletters here:
Pam is not currently offering readings nor is there a waiting list due to her heavy schedule. However, you can contact her here: [email protected]
We invite you to explore Pam’s website, The Next Step for her products, videos and free charts.
Books by Pam Gregory include – (click the images to go buy them at Amazon) and her next book is titled “How to co-create using the secret language of the universe”.
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The Ascension Connection call will start promptly at 7pm London Time, 11am in California, but we generally open the call about 15 minutes early just say hello. If you’re not sure of the time to participate from your city or country, click on this WorldTimeBuddy Link.
Ascension Connection Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 838 7511 8791
Passcode: 051259
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Meeting ID: 838 7511 8791
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The purpose of the Ascension Connection call is to connect with others and create a cosmic community of like-minded individuals. The calls provide a safe space to share opinions and experiences on higher dimensional topics and are intended to empower people to create a new, harmonious society with love, well-being, unity, and balance.
To fulfil that purpose, we ask that you adhere to the following zoom guidelines while attending.
Keep your mics on mute to prevent background noise from disturbing the speaker. Hold your questions and comments until the speaker or host invite conversation from the viewers. Use the raise hand feature and wait till you are asked to speak. Limit your comments to 2 to 3 minutes. If you wish to respond to a comment, please raise your hand again to reserve your spot in line. Do not speak out of turn or interrupt someone who has been asked to speak.
Please be courteous at all times. We ask that you show up appropriately clothed if you will be on camera. Turn it off when taking care of personal business such as bathroom breaks, getting dressed and if you are moving about. It’s quite distracting and occasionally embarrassing!
We look forward to seeing you!
Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.