The Ascension Connection Group Invites You to a Public Call
Thursday, June 22, 2023
10 am California, 11 am Denver, 12 pm Chicago, 1 pm New York & Caribbean
5pm UTC, 6 pm London, 7 pm Paris, 8 pm Bulgaria
Crystals, Their Structure, and Multi-Faceted Uses
With guest speaker, PFC’s member from the UK, Dr. Robin (Rob) Stevens
The above image is Mexico’s Cueva de los Cristales, a thousand feet (300 meters) below Naica mountain in the Chihuahuan Desert. The cave was discovered by two miners excavating a new tunnel for the Industrias Peñoles company in 2000.
Crystals are usually highly decorative and beautiful in their natural state and particularly when shaped and polished.
They greatly enhance and can transform their surroundings when placed with care and intention whether they are selected for their aesthetic or esoteric properties.
Throughout history, men and women have worn jewelry, amulets, or talismans as badges of office and decoration but also for perceived protective or spiritual functions, such as being worn on the Ephod or apron worn by Aaron when in the presence of the Ark of the Convenant. In this instance, the 12 stones represent the 12 tribes of Israel.
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It is believed wearing crystals, or having one in close proximity, may boost your energy, clean your space, or attract wealth. We might use stones to enhance intuition, lift confidence, attract love or increase our mental abilities.
Crystals such as black tourmaline purportedly have the ability to absorb negativity and electromagnetic smog. The belief is that it transforms this energy into a cleaner more harmonious form. Should you be placing such a crystal between yourself and sources of electromagnetic smog or geopathic stress?
So, what are crystals and how might they affect our environment, our bodies, and feelings? This is a vast subject to address with many wide, varied views and perspectives.
So perhaps I, as a trained scientist with a PhD, can give you my views on the basics of what constitutes a crystal and why they might be more wonderful than you think.
So, what is a Crystal?
It is a well-ordered repeated material structure built up of atoms or molecules. At the most detailed level it is a seething mass of subatomic particles that are constantly in motion that somehow maintains a collective coherence and structure.
Pause for thought…
The big picture is that Quantum Physics gives us probability functions and Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle for those minute subatomic particles. At the lowest level we cannot precisely know what is going on. However, at a higher aggregate view we use those probabilities to predict, on average, what to expect.
Science works from the perspective that we first understand the basis of the material world which then hopefully leads us up to understand the complexity seen in nature. Science then applies the lowest level of physics upwards in an attempt to understand chemistry, biology and most recently where and how consciousness is formed at the top of the pile.
Perhaps it is time to consider that consciousness is a property of all matter, however rudimentary. Then it is consciousness that creates the complexity in nature through collective action.
It’s a fact that crystals grow and self-assemble. Water when freezing creates complex, unique and beautiful patterns. [Reference Japanese research by Dr. Masaru Emoto on ice crystal shapes in the presence of projected emotions]
Traditional science tells us crystals form because it is the most energetically favorable arrangement for its component particles.
BIG QUESTION: which way around is it?
The material leads to consciousness OR Consciousness leads to the material?
This brings in the concept of cleansing crystals or clearing out frequencies or modes of vibration that maybe choking, interfere, or mask the beneficial resonances we like.
The implication here is that crystals, like water, have some form of energetic memory.
There appears to be many documented methods for cleansing or clearing crystals of unwanted energies or resonances:
* Moonlight or bright sunlight. NOTE some crystals may bleach in strong sunlight over time (Kunzite)
* Water, such as a natural flowing stream. NOTE some minerals are water soluble (Fluorite) and obviously take great care not to lose precious stones down the river !!!
* Burying in the ground (apparently houseplant pots or organic brown rice also work ?!?!?)
* Meditation and Intention to clear the crystal yourself
* Smoking sage smudges (not the user smoking the sage!!)
Can we kick off and feed the ringing of a crystal as we might strike a bell or gong?
It’s not quite the same as hitting a bell or gong. The resonances we want to excite are likely beyond direct physical action. We must therefore use intention or other less tangible, spiritual activities in the absence of high technology.
[remember the snowflake and ice experiments affected by emotional intent above]
I strongly suspect this is the reason crystals are not universally accepted for their spiritual and healing effects. The vast majority of people would say they are not aware of and therefore not connected with these “unseen” resonances. Consequently, they are unable to knowingly strike up, feed, feel or knowingly benefit from any subtle harmonious frequencies.
The shape of a crystal is believed to affect how might conduct the flow of subtle resonant energies. I have tried to summarize those beliefs below…
Points – focus energy. Pointing at the subject may inject energy, pointing away from the subject may draw out energies.
Clusters – distributes energy in many directions. Used for changing the environment in a room for example.
Ball – radiates energy out in all directions equally. Often used as a window to feel past or future potential / Scrying.
Egg – confines and shapes energy. The tapering end of an egg shape can be used within reflexology or acupressure to rebalance energies in a subject. Also excellent in the hand as comforters in times of stress.
Amorphous – i.e., Obsidian and other glass-like materials – not strictly crystalline. No particular internal structure. Energies flow through such materials quickly and equally in all directions.
Pyramidal – collects energy and focuses it through the point. Considered an ‘amplifier’ of energy in through the base.
Cubic – absorbs and consolidates energy for grounding or anchoring intentions.
Layered – enhanced energy flow along the striations.
Phantoms – a ghost-like structure within a crystal. Can have many meanings depending on the crystal.
Occlusions – another crystal or mineral within or on the surface of a larger crystal. For example, patches or cloudy spots of chlorite within quartz. The occlusion radiates its energy into the surrounding crystal that then may amplify and focus it.
Geodes – Rock form which when broken open is hollow with many crystals pointing inwards. Geodes absorb energy and hold it within to transform and slowly radiate out as and when required.
So perhaps I, as a trained scientist with a PhD, can give you my views on the basics of what constitutes a crystal and why they might be more wonderful than you think.
Join us and lets consider resonance, frequency, tuning, and clearing crystals. We hope this information will help awaken others to their wonderful properties and uses. Let’s also consider the natural crystals underground, and not take them for granite (pun intended) in how they help electrify the pyramids and other ancient structures, via the quartz crstals in the stone.
The Giza Pyramids: A History of Wireless Electricity Transmission Validated by Today’s Science
This will be an open discussion and you may bring your favorite crystals and story to share about in their meaning to you and how you use them. We hope you’ll join us!
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We look forward to seeing you there!
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