Source: Surprise blockbuster ‘Sound of Freedom’ echoes antisemitic QAnon conspiracies

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  1. Jewishness is not a Religion, Race but a Culture! In that Culture at the Core is Money, Money is the Deity that THEY worship; 'Money Talks!' 'Money Makes the World Go Around!' THEY control Money! Decadence, Sexual Perversion, Prostitution, Pedophilia, Pornography is in the hands of Jews, around the World, that THEY use to corner, blackmail, use-abuse Mankind!

  2. Saudi Arabia & United Arab Emirates pass Israel on human Trafficking.
    Mummar Gaddafi exposed this one year before they hunted him down in 2011.
    Remember the Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Hotel shooting in 2017. The 32nd floor, Saudi's owned the entire floor. Las Vegas was one of their underaged Bride game.
    Always remember it was the Arab Muslim's in the Congo. Sub-Saharan Slave Trade, 640 – 1920's.
    Saudi Arabia was the last Nation on Paper to surrender Slavery,1970's….
    it is prominent in the Arab Muslim Culture for Child Brides & to have more than one wife, even if they live in America, they have wives abroad.


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