Splintering Babylon” is a provocative documentary that explores the controversial theory of Nazi influence in the founding of major Western institutions such as the CIA, NATO, and the United Nations. The film presents a narrative that Wall Street, along with Prescott Bush—father of U.S. Presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush—financially supported Adolf Hitler and the Nazi elite prior to World War II.

This film uncovers how the Nazis infiltrated Western governments, shaping modern society under the Fourth Reich master plan. It reveals the CIA’s portrayal of history, concealing stark realities and the dark agenda of the New World Order. Today, a growing awareness and resistance to these claims spotlight a corporate-government fascist state thriving on illicit trades in money, drugs, and human trafficking.

“Splintering Babylon” shines a light on how the tyrannical Babylon Beast system will come to an end per biblical prophecy thousands of years ago.

See more at https://splinteringbabylon.com/

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