Excerpted from my book Royal Bloodline Wetiko & The Great Remembering: Chapter 13: The Royal Bloodline Command Structure

The Rosicrucians have a very important role in the Crown’s concealment of its Anunnaki origins. But they are not at the top of the hierarchical pyramid that is the Nephilim Crown.

As we have seen, the single corrupted bloodline that controls the banking, politics, sciences, media, militaries, and educational institutions on this planet goes back at least 8,500 years to ancient Sumeria and Babylon. Their “royal” blood is the Sangreal, or Holy Grail, and is indeed different from that of humans. They are hybrids of the Nephilim, or fallen angels, from the Book of Genesis. Others call them Anunnaki. There blood is Rh-Negative, which less than 15% of the people on the planet have.

The Sangreal is their biggest secret, guarded closely by their secret society minions. It explains their obsession with blood types, genealogy, genome sequencing, and DNA mapping. At the very highest levels of the cabal, a Privy Council serves every monarch in the world. The Privy Council is also nobility since the Latin word nobilitatis means “high-ranking”. The Crown recruits its Privy Council from the various sectors of society that it controls.

Possibly the most powerful bloodline is that of the Merovingian family which claims to descend from Oannes, a Nephilim hybrid abomination mentioned in the Babylonian texts, who came from the sea and was half fish and half man. The Merovingians also claim to

descend from the Tribe of Dan, which settled at the base of Mt. Zion; and to Jesus, who they say was taken off the cross before death, married Mary Magdalene and had three children. The latter claim is a tactical lie that has garnered them sympathy via Dan Brown’s propaganda books and films and will be utilized to justify their coming fake Second Coming of Christ.

The Merovingians morphed into the French Frank and Bourbon kings. These have intermarried, as all these bloodlines do, with the House of Hapsburg or Habsburg, who proudly display the Spear of Destiny that was used to kill Jesus at one of their Austrian castles. They were prominent among the Holy Roman Emperors.

King Juan Carlos of Spain has the surname de Borbon y Borbon, which is indicative of this interbreeding. Many members of the Hapsburg bloodline suffer various physical disfigurations, especially of the jaw. This comes from their obsession with inbreeding and is commonly known as the “Hapsburg jaw”.

The Merovingians also bred the Smith & Sinclair, or St. Clair lineages. The former is the most common surname in America. The latter is a powerful bloodline that intermarried with the powerful Bruce lineage, eased the Knights Templar loot into the City of London banking system, and elevated modern-day Freemasonry. They own the famous Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland, which was founded in 1446 by Sr. William St. Clair and is legendary for its Rosicrucian, Knights Templar, and Freemason connections.

The Plantagenets are another powerful bloodline that intermarried with the French Anjou and the Norse Viking Rollo bloodline when the Normandy interbreeding frenzy occurred in the 14th and 15th centuries. These Normans then invaded the British Isles via William the Conqueror. Nearly every US President descends from Plantagenet royals. This is also the Charlemagne bloodline.

Charles the Great was part of the Carolingian dynasty. He became King of the Franks in 768 and King of the Lombards – the old Venetian banking family – in 774. In 800, he became the first Roman Emperor, known as Emperor Charlemagne.

Another powerful Anunnaki bloodline is the Indian Khan family – founders of Sufism, racehorse owners, and financiers of Islamic terror worldwide via their Crown charity Aga Khan Foundation. They descend from Genghis Khan’s Mongol marauders who were used as mercenaries by the Venetian bankers in their wars against Constantinople.

The Chinese Li family controls the Triad mafia, which was founded by Freemasons at the East India Company. They proudly claim to descend from dragons. During the Tang dynasty, there were seven noble families: the Li family of Zhaojun, the Li family of Longxi, the Lu family of Fanyang, The Cui family of Bolin, the Cui family of Qinghe, and the Wang family of Taiyuan. The Tang Dynasty was founded by the Li family, which enriched itself by doing Silk Road trade with the Khazarian Ashkenazis.

The Yamato family are Japan’s emperors. The Imperial House of Japan dates back to 660 BC. When Emperor Hirohito sent young Japanese on kamikaze missions against the US in WWII, they were told that they were truly “wind from the Gods”. The House of Yamato and many Japanese believe they descend from the wind goddess, Ameretsu. The Shinto religion that predominates in Japan perpetuates this nonsense.

The Rothschild family – formerly the Bauers and Baccarats – are Talmudic Babylonians turned Khazarian Ashkenazi “Jews” who spent time as accountants for the German House of Hesse and became bankers to many European monarchs before intermarrying into the bloodlines. They probably changed their name to Rothschild because it means “red shield”. Just as the Rosicrucians protect the bloodline secret that the royals are not human, the Rothschilds serve as a shield for the bloodline when it comes to pesky researchers of the global elite.

Many researchers place the Rothschilds at the top of the global power pyramid. And while they are very powerful, they specialize in banking, which is but one component of the Crown’s global control apparatus. More importantly, they shield the rest of the bloodline from public view and the resulting criticism. They are known as the red shield, or bloodline shield.


In his seventh book, Dean Henderson tracks the royal Anunnaki bloodline from Sumeria through Babylon, Egypt, and Rome to their current power base in the City of London and deconstructs their methodology to keep humans enslaved and isolated during this relatively brief period of human history. Drawing upon ancient Lakota culture to remind us who we are, Henderson sees a great remembering unfolding which makes this royal bloodline very nervous.

From deanhenderson.substack

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