As an individual committed to uncovering corruption and exposing the truth, I have long relied on Substack as a platform to share my findings and engage with my readers. However, recent developments have left me even more deeply troubled about the future of free speech and journalistic integrity on this once-promising platform.

Over the past two months, I have noticed a disturbing trend: while my overall subscriptions continue to rise, my paid subscriptions are plummeting. Stripe, the payment processor used by Substack, has been failing more subscriptions than ever before. At first, I thought this issue was unique to my account, but after reading Emerald Robinson’s article “The Right Way, Substack Has Gone Woke,” I realized that this problem is ubiquitous throughout the platform — if you are not left leaning.

This year, the number of paid subscribers signing up on my Substack has declined — a lot. I’ve talked with several people who also run popular blogs on Substack, and they are noticing the same trend.

One of the reasons for this decline is that the leftists who run the Substack platform have herded most of America’s most prominent dissidents into a new subcategory they call: “health politics.”

Essentially, if you are not a left leaning writer, you have been relegated into a new category, “health politics,” and paying the price for it.

The comments section of Robinson’s article is filled with other Substack writers who have experienced the same phenomenon. Many are speculating that this sudden shift is related to the upcoming election, with Substack attempting to silence and snuff out any voices that do not align with left-leaning, pro-Biden sentiments before the next potential election theft.

As my subscribers already know, we are witnessing a troubling rise in Marxist ideology, which seeks to control the narrative and suppress dissenting opinions. Substack, once a beacon of hope for independent journalists and free thinkers, appears to have succumbed to this dangerous trend. By quietly throttling the reach and with Stripe’s assistance, financial viability of writers who dare to challenge the status quo, Substack is effectively engaging in a form of censorship that undermines the very principles upon which it was founded.

It is a brutal reality to see a platform with such potential to serve journalistic freedoms take such a dark turn. However, as a free thinking American, I refuse to be silenced. I will continue to dig deeper, uncover the truth, and share my findings with my readers, regardless of the obstacles placed in my path.

To my fellow Substack writers and readers who value free speech and independent journalism: we must stand together and fight against this encroaching darkness. We cannot allow ourselves to be censored or intimidated into submission. Our voices matter, and our commitment to the truth is more important now than ever before.

From Reinette Senum Substack





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