The long-awaited deadline is finally approaching on May 7 and it will disqualify many from boarding commercial airplanes, whether domestic or international flights.

The globalists are moving quickly to crush our freedom of movement, and the US government is all in.

The freedom-crushing policies come under many false pretenses. They come under the guise of national security, protecting the planet from so-called climate change, and protecting us from public-health emergencies.

I reported yesterday on the U.N. World Health Organization adopting a set of freedom-crushing amendments to the existing International Health Regulations. This will lead to forced testing, quarantining and injections, among other harassments, of international travelers, all under the guise of looking out for our health. The IHR amendments also give WHO member states the authority to use “surveillance” to “address” issues of “disinformation” and “misinformation.” They don’t spell out or define the meaning of “address” but we should assume this means governments will have greater censorship powers to clamp down on anyone who releases information contrary to the globalist establishment narrative about the need for mass-testing, mass-injection campaigns or any other public-health issues.

Today, I bring to your attention another government policy that’s about to take effect that will crush domestic air travel under the guise of national security.

Independent journalist Patrick Webb reports that the US government plans to launch its heavily criticized federal ID program, called Real ID, for domestic air travel on May 7, 2025.

Webb stated in a series of posts to X Sunday that this will ban all adults from domestic flights unless they have replaced traditional state-issued IDs with Real IDs, raising significant concerns about privacy and state surveillance.

I decided to fact-check Webb and found him to be spot on.

On the government’s own DHS website, it states:

Are you REAL ID ready?

On May 7, 2025, U.S. travelers must be REAL ID compliant to board domestic flights and access certain federal facilities.

This change raises major concerns about privacy and state surveillance.

In the wake of the 9/11 attacks, Congress passed the Real ID Act in 2005 (signed by George W. Bush) and it was presented by the Department of Homeland Security as a means to standardize the issuance of ID cards, driver’s licenses, and similar forms of identification. But what this really represents is a national ID card through back-door means. Nothing could be more un-American than a national ID card but come May 7 of next year we will all need to have one or be treated as second-class citizens.

The only other option is a U.S. passport.

But here’s the rub: Fewer than half of Americans possess a passport, according to the U.S. Department of State.

Without a passport, adults will be left with Real ID or so-called Enhanced ID as their only options. However, as noted by Webb, the Enhanced IDs will only be valid for land or sea travel to Mexico and Canada, not for domestic flights. Not to mention, Enhanced IDs are only issued by five states — Washington, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, and Vermont.

So, it appears the goal here is to shut down air travel for a large portion of the American public, certainly those who are concerned about government abuse of the new federalized Real ID program. How convenient that this dove-tales perfectly with the globalist climate agenda known as “net zero emissions,” in which they have stated they want to see dramatically fewer people traveling by air.

Why the states ever allowed the federal government to hijack the identification process is beyond me. But why should we be surprised, as the states have allowed the feds to hijack just about everything, including the roads we drive on, our education system, the firearms business, all labor and housing, healthcare, food production and distribution, everything.

Webb reports that privacy watchdog groups like the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) argue that the US government is essentially forcing states to turn driver’s licenses into national IDs, “which carry severe privacy implications.”

EFF asserts that the purported goal of improving national security will not be met and instead, Real ID will lead to the erosion of privacy and the expansion of state surveillance, Webb says.

EFF likens Real ID to the Social Security number, which began as an innocuous identifier but evolved into a crucial component of numerous government services and private databases of personal information.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) shares these concerns, emphasizing the financial and administrative burdens of Real ID. The ACLU has joined states in opposing the law and advocating for its repeal.

From leohohmann.substack

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  1. 26 June 2024
    FALSE FLAG ALERT! Russian MOD Warns United States Of Zionists aka grey aliens Set To Release Avian Bioweapon Ahead Of 2024 Election, Blame New Pandemic On Putin

    Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, Chief of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, issued a video briefing this week claiming the United States may soon launch a biological false flag to blame on the Kremlin.

    The U.S. military veteran and researcher known as WarClandestine on X posted a segment of the Kirillov statement, explaining the new report alleges the Pentagon relocated its secretive Ukrainian biolab operation to Africa.

    The Russian military general specifically said U.S. biolab activities are taking place in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), where a new variant of monkeypox that reportedly “causes miscarriage and has a fatality rate of 10 percent” is currently spreading.

    Kirillov also explained how the U.S. government is using third-party companies such as the Hunter Biden-linked groups Metabiota and EcoHealth Alliance, as well as a company called Quicksilver and over twenty others

    Come join the New Blueprint for Humanity for Peace !
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