A Little Reminder For The Times We’re In

By Bernhard Guenther

Always remember, deep down inside, we are perfect, and nothing can touch or change that. We tend to forget that truth as we engage in the 3D play of finding ourselves and realizing our divine nature as we spiritualize our Being.

When we have cleared enough of the conditioning, wounding, and emotional debris from our consciousness that clouded our true self, we need to focus on “refilling” the vessel and bringing down the Divine force.

That’s where healthy self-love and compassion come into the picture, which permits us to surrender and let emerge what was always within us: LOVE.

In other words, instead of constantly pulling out weeds (or worse, unconsciously replanting even more weeds, i.e., self-sabotage) while always looking for something that’s ‘wrong’ with us, we should also be drawing our attention to the task of watering the flowers and planting the seeds for more flowers to bloom.

‘Flowers,’ in this analogy, are positive reinforcements, co-creative love, compassion, and forgiveness for self and others.

Some people may think that this is an avoidance strategy that can fuel narcissistic tendencies. This approach can indeed be abused for spiritual bypassing when we refuse to make the darkness conscious within.

However, I’m talking about a specific state of consciousness that can rise above it all. It’s the emergence into the light after spending time exploring the underworld.

The Ascent after the necessary Descent.

Many of us tend to forget that this ‘mission’ is all about when we find ourselves stuck in “making the darkness conscious” mode—constantly pointing out what is “wrong” with the world, with others, and with ourselves—or when we keep blaming the world and others from a victim-state mentality, projecting our own shadow and unconscious pain.

It’s the trap of the black-pilled doom-and-gloom mindset, which only feeds the matrix forces in their attempt to create their desired reality through us.

It is possible to consistently experience positive emotions, but not from a forceful place of escapism, which would be spiritual bypassing and avoidance.

We need to do the groundwork of clearing before we can consistently stay at a higher frequency. Many of us still need to heal, clear, and work through our shadows and wounds, which is fundamental to creating the vessel for higher [divine] frequencies to anchor.

Narcissism is an inflated egoic shadow state that has nothing to do with the self-love I speak of—this affirming harmonic doesn’t need praise, validation, or attention from anyone outside ourselves.

It is not concerned with the opinions which others have of us. It doesn’t listen to the “negative introvert”, our self-diminishing thoughts of guilt, shame, and insecurity, nor will it get inflated by flattery and compliments.

It doesn’t need to put others down to make itself feel better. It’s immune to entitlement and desire.

It is also not an aloof/intellectual state of being, detached from our body and emotions.

It is connected to the Divine within us – our essence – self-contained – something that is untouchable and cannot be defined nor described by the limitations of language. Of course, there is an irony in that I am attempting to write about it as well!

It is pure joy – Ananda – the state of your soul-being – your divine nature – the kingdom within.

Turning Off The Food Source For Hyperdimensional Entities

By consistently experiencing positive emotions in a fully embodied and integrated way – as opposed to chasing a philosophical/spiritual ideal in a contrived way (of being positive/loving and ignoring the negative, one of the fallacies of “New Age Thought”), we also turn off the food source for negative hyperdimensional entities.

In other words, we can starve them to the point that they lose interest and move on, and we don’t become subjected to their constant attacks and manipulations.

But this higher state of being implies clearing all the entry points within us before we can rise above. You can’t just “think” or “feel” yourself higher [spiritual bypassing]. It’s an alchemical inner process that involves transmuting negative emotions into positive ones – the rebirth from the lower nature into our higher nature.

It also means embracing our vulnerability – allowing yourself to feel ALL feelings (without identifying with them or projecting them externally) – which creates a deeper strength instead of building a tough outer shell by avoiding our vulnerability.

Anchoring these higher frequencies through ourselves doesn’t mean we won’t be subjected to negative emotions anymore or that we’ll walk around in bliss. It’s a process, and stuff still may come up. The key is not to resist it but to get into it and fully feel what is arising within that part of your Being.

A Personal Story Of The Descent And Ascent

For example, the other day, something (that was seemingly insignificant) triggered me and pushed me into a negative emotional state, anxiety, and overall annoyance.

My mechanical reaction would have involved me trying to “think” my way out of it, finding reasons to justify my feelings, blaming someone, or distracting myself.

In the past, I’d have smoked cannabis or escaped into the “death scroll” on social media or watched random YouTube videos, which only serves to cloud things up and create more internal emotional pain in the long run via suppression as we try to avoid/resist the negative emotions.

Instead of entering that pattern, I practiced some Qi Gong to get into my body and get grounded, even though my mind kept trying to distract me from these practices (telling me, “It’s no good, and what’s the point anyway?”).

I needed a strong will to continue with it and ignore my ‘monkey mind’ thoughts. After my Qi Gong practice, I meditated for about 15 minutes, letting everything arise—not to disassociate from it or ‘just’ observe it, but to actually dive into this unpleasant, “negative” feeling, fully committing to its presence in the body, without judgment.

As a result of my commitment, something interesting happened. As I gave up all resistance and felt the negativity and emotions without resistance or thoughts, entirely focused on my somatic/bodily sensations, I noticed a lot of pressure around my heart center/chakra.

The original feeling I had before meditation was anger, anxiety, and just being annoyed with myself and the world, but as I was feeling more into my body, sensations of guilt and shame arose like waves until sadness came up out of nowhere, and I started to cry.

As tears rolled down my face, I had visions of my childhood. I felt the innocence of my inner child, who just wanted to be held, loved, and accepted, no matter what he had done. In my mind, I told my inner child that I loved him, that he’d be forgiven, that he had done nothing “wrong,” and that there was nothing to forgive, to begin with – pure unconditional love.

Then everything shifted suddenly, and I started to laugh, feeling light and joyful. I got up and danced, feeling more life force and energy as if something awoke within me that I wasn’t aware of before.

All the negative emotions at that moment simply vanished, and it felt like a huge weight was leaving my heart. Simultaneously, a higher frequency/vibration emerged, one composed of love for self and others. There was no “story” attached to it regarding any reasons or details of why I felt that way.

Sometimes, it’s not necessary to rationally understand why we feel the way we feel—we just need to fully experience the emotion with conscious somatic awareness in the present moment so that we can actively participate in healing the past.

In fact, we can often get distracted by “the story,” and we fall into the trap of intellectualizing the process without embodying and feeling it.

Resisting Negative Emotions Creates More Pain And Suffering And Feeds Occult Forces If Not Processed Consciously

I had the insight that resisting pain and negative emotions actually creates more pain. I realized that we live in a world where most people run away from their internal pain and project it outwardly onto the world (and others) in unconscious ways.

All of these create the food supply for occult forces in unseen realms. I had a visceral experience of what Rudolf Steiner talked about:

“There are beings in the spiritual realms for whom anxiety and fear emanating from human beings offer welcome food. When humans have no anxiety and fear, then these creatures starve.

If fear and anxiety radiates from people and they break out in panic, then these creatures find welcome nutrition and they become more and more powerful. These beings are hostile towards humanity.

Everything that feeds on negative feelings, on anxiety, fear and superstition, despair or doubt, are in reality hostile forces in supersensible worlds, launching cruel attacks on human beings, while they are being fed.

Therefore, it is above all necessary to begin with that the person who enters the spiritual world overcomes fear, feelings of helplessness, despair and anxiety.

But these are exactly the feelings that belong to contemporary culture and materialism; because it estranges people from the spiritual world, it is especially suited to evoke hopelessness and fear of the unknown in people, thereby calling up the above mentioned hostile forces against them.”

~ Rudolf Steiner [Source (German): Rudolf Steiner – Die Erkenntnis der Seele und des Geistes – Berlin, 1907]

The vast majority of people are constantly living in anxiety, even though many of them may deny it because they are dissociated, out-of-body, and “checked out”, not being able to feel anything.

The avoidance of unconscious, repressed pain also creates conflict between people, which can even be ‘scaled-up’ into inter-tribal, “us versus them” warfare.

Hence, Carl Jung emphasized the necessity of “holding the tension of opposites,” which is an aspect of the process of individuation and alchemical inner transmutation to anchor the true Self.

It’s not an intellectual idea of being “neutral.” It’s an inner somatic psycho-spiritual process that can be very challenging.

Unacknowledged, unconscious, and unprocessed negative emotions are precisely what the archonic hyperdimensional overlords and occult forces tag into and feed upon, which is why they try their best to keep us in that lower frequency through the mechanism of our own minds and tag into our unconscious shadow, trauma, and wounding.

The Paradox And The Solution

So this is the ironic paradox in the anchoring equation: in order to access a higher vibration, anchor the Divine Force, a higher level of being and consciousness, feel more positive emotions, and consistently access true joy and love, we need to dive into and “love” any negative emotions that come up, without judgment, and without attempting to fight them, resist them, identify with them, or over-analyze them, but feel and transmute them.

It’s not about avoiding these feelings in an attempt to access love – the contrary – the access to true love (which is not a feeling but a state of being of your true Self) is through the gateway of transmuting “negative” emotions” via the descent within.

In other words, the only way out is in and through.

Always has been.

The most important thing you can do to raise your frequency/vibration is to love and accept yourself, whatever happens to you, whatever shortcomings and issues you may have, whatever mistakes and poor choices you have made; love yourself, be good to yourselves and others, and forgive yourself and others.

This doesn’t mean to justify, rationalize or deny your shortcomings or put up with abuse, falling into the trap of blind compassion without boundaries; nor does it mean to live in denial, cover anything up, or ‘put lipstick on a pig.’

It means not getting stuck in the blame, shame, resentment, and guilt programs and seeing life through more compassionate and forgiving eyes in light of universal pain and suffering – but without blind compassion.

The Trap Of Becoming What You Fight Against

Remember, people who hurt us, shame us, or abuse us are in pain themselves because they are lashing out to avoid their anguish and bypass the hurt-filled emotions that so many people have carried throughout their lives (or even lifetimes…or they may even be dealing with entity attachments, which are working and feeding through them).

They tend to project these painful energies onto others as a means of avoiding feeling their own unacknowledged/unconscious pain and repressed emotions.

We can also hurt others because of our unacknowledged pain, which we carry deep within us, or we can inadvertently shame others in our well-meaning attempts to make them feel better.

We all can get triggered at times and act from our neurotic egos. We seek validation, attention, and co-dependent love. We feel the need to correct others, shame others, punish them, and put them down.

We make mistakes, make poor choices, and have down days, but all of this is part of the human experience, especially during these crazy energies engulfing the planet at the present time.

However, before we can truly be loving and compassionate with others, we need to give that frequency to ourselves first – to gift ourselves with our own medicine of healthy self-love and self-acceptance, but not in a selfish, narcissistic shadow-egoic kind of way (where we are attempting to feel “better” than others).

Don’t beat yourself up with this process; there is no need to get frustrated with others, either. Some people may lash out at you, attack you, and attempt to shame you, but as I said, in the end, it is their own unacknowledged pain that they are projecting onto you; even people who constantly “scream” at the world about how everything is fucked up tend to project their own pain and frustration onto the world and others.

When we start to hate others and project our disgust onto them – or think that others deserve to be punished and shamed, or even killed (no matter what they have done) – then we play the game on the level of the “predator”, the negative 4D entities who are keeping humanity in a frequency asylum.

In short, we become what many of us are fighting against and thus feed into their agenda (no pun intended).

From veilofreality.com

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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.


  1. Patrick Wood posted the following message: https://www.technocracy.news/response-to-critics-of-lee-broudy-2024-on-the-toxicity-and-self-assembling-technology-in-incubated-samples-of-injectable-mrna-materials/

    "Convergence Science (NBIC – Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno) is a new branch of science since [the year] 2000, and it has been extensively developed at leading universities around the world. NBIC combines to create nightmarish combinations that defy understanding. However, when you try to critique these NBIC scientists and their works, they hide behind their original scientific disciplines to throw stones [and sludge and whatnot] at you. Other nay-sayers come from outside the NBIC world and have no basis to critique it in the first place. If NBIC science is to be critiqued at all, it must be according to NBIC science and not just from the perspective of computer science, neuroscience, nanotechnology, or biological science."

    That is Mr. Wood's commentary on the following weblink: https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/article/view/109

    I wouldn't be surprised, if the new cosmos were to have no place for NBIC Convergence Science.

    Thanks for reading,

    — Elfriede Lentner, https://www.deviantart.com/puretassel

  2. Brilliant Post !! If more were aware of this aspect of our reality, we'd live much more peace and prosperity. Cancelling out the "Loush" or fear energy from our life takes practice as you've nicely outlined herein. Once we are aware of the importance of releasing fear, we begin an upward ascension in our consciousness. Replacing fear with love ultimately energizes our power of manifestation so that we can more easily modulate the quantum field, bringing positive events and experiences into our reality. That's the key that the regressives attempt to keep from us… and they do that by feeding us the exact opposite of the truth through a framework they've defined as truth such as the "TV".

  3. arguably the best of all your other excellent articles, Derek! On one level, most lightworkers know about minding their mindstreams, but i think the issue bears repeating esp now when we're in the crunch, so thanx for you great work, and i second the motion about leaving the nuthouse of 3D — (which i frankly think is run by a deranged rogue AI program)


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