The film “Secret Honor” was produced by Robert Altman in 1984, and features a single actor (Philip Baker Hall) playing the character of Richard Nixon, the 37th president of the United States who was in office from 1969 until his resignation in 1974.
Stated to be “fictional”, there is a lot information revealed in this monologue film that is certainly not fictional based on other historical sources.
The “fictional” Nixon in this film is very bitter at how his presidency went down, and reveals details about a secret society that he said goes by many names, but he knew them as the “Council of 100”, where they met at Bohemian Grove each year, and how they were the real power behind presidential politics.
This “fictional” Nixon is seemingly blowing the whistle on who really runs the United States.
Some quotes from this film:
“The founding fathers were nothing more than a bunch of snotty English sh*ts who never trusted any elected president to begin with.”
“I kissed Rockefeller’s ass, and he sh*t all over me. Oh, yeah. That’s what they do.”
The “fictional” Nixon claims he was chosen to open up trade relations with China, and that America was looking to make a lot of money from Asian countries. Henry Kissinger was a big part of that, and Nixon has nothing positive to say about Kissinger.
I first became aware of this film in a 20-minute commentary video by Aaron Dykes of Truthstream Media.
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