The location of our Ascension conference in Thailand was strategically chosen on an important Ascension vortex near Chiang Mai in northern Thailand.
The conference was a wonderful success. We had a very dedicated and pure group of participants, mostly from Asia. Representatives of many “factions” were present at the conference. People in Asia are very open to the Goddess presence and much important work was done on subtler planes of creation. We were not alone, our star brothers and sisters were with us, and here you can see this cloudship which appeared above our conference venue on the first day of the conference
This conference has opened many important doorways for the future.
Victory of the Light!
Posted by Cobra at 1:56 AM on July 7th 2016
Re-Post PFC on 7th July at 2000 PM CET
Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.
Here is not alright at all. From the original post was removed the phrase “and here you can see this cloudship which appeared above our conference venue on the first day of the conference”.
The picture with the cloud was replaced as well with another one, of allegedly galactic reunion.
This is not a good sign, that Cobra censored is own posts.
The post looks now so:
(July 9th 2016)
“Thailand Ascension Conference Report
The location of our Ascension conference in Thailand was strategically chosen on an important Ascension vortex near Chiang Mai in northern Thailand.
The conference was a wonderful success. We had a very dedicated and pure group of participants, mostly from Asia. Representatives of many “factions” were present at the conference. People in Asia are very open to the Goddess presence and much important work was done on subtler planes of creation. We were not alone, our star brothers and sisters were with us.
This conference has opened many important doorways for the future.
Victory of the Light!”
There is also a comment on this post:
Lockwood wrote on July 9, 2016 at 4:14 AM
“Wait, were we just mandela’d. I remember this post referencing a cloud ship being above the conference on the first day and a picture of said cloud. Now their is a galactic reunion pic and no mention of the cloud ship. Help.”
This may be the first step. The other may be Cobra removing from his posts all which is related to the event. Who knows?
That picture is magnificent! So good to hear about this. I’m following a Vietnamese teacher who lives in Plum Village in France. Here’s another doorway to the future, a sharing of a teacher and his relationship to young people, by being a wayshower and on equal grounds with them, to start with:
Thich Nhat Hanh in a lecture at a Retreat on Buddhist Psychology continues in Key West, Florida. The date is November 5, 1997.
“I myself am a teacher and I like my job. And I know that you too love your job, you want to build young men and women who are healthy and happy who are able to be happy and who are able to help other people around them also be happy. Our mission is not only to transmit knowledge but to build people a humanity that is worthy of it and that can take care of our precious planet.
I have been very lucky because people especially young people who came to me have had the same ideal. They want to learn how to transform themselves to be happy and live happily I’m to help others learn to live happily also. Every time I enter my classroom there is always happiness. There is a kind of mutual understanding between student and teacher. There is also a kind of brotherhood which makes the work of teaching and the work of studying much easier.
I always learn about the lives of my students. I tell them my difficulties my hopes and aspirations things like that and therefore communication is always possible. We know that children – the students of our time – have a lot of suffering in them. It’s because their parents suffer, because their parents are unable to communicate with one another and the communication between parents and children is not easy. So there is a certain kind of solitude, a kind of vacuum in the child and the child seeks to fill the void with games and the internet and things like that and you all know this very well. Thus there is an enormous amount of suffering in young people and this makes the work of teaching very difficult.
And we ourselves [teachers] also have difficulties. We have tried our best but the environment, the family, colleagues with whom we work they have a lot of suffering in themselves, so it’s hard.
If teachers and their colleagues are not happy, then how can we make children happy? It’s a great problem. We don’t have enough patience, understanding, freshness and compassion to confront all of this, so there is a spiritual dimension that is necessary for us and that helps us to transform and begins to help those who are close to us also to transform themselves, starting with members of our family and our partner. And if we succeed in this practice we become much more pleasant, smiling, compassionate. And then we can help our colleagues do the same thing and we can bring this practice into our classroom.
So the first step is to make a great return, a great return home [to one’s self]. The Exit. We are looking for an exit (a way out]. But the exit begins with an entrance. “The way out is in”. [You know something, brother?] There, that’s the great return to one’s self. In order to take care of one’s self. In order to manage the difficulties in oneself”.
Source link:
absolutely Amazing. Thank you so much.
Love Eterna.
Victory of the Light!