
One doesn’t need to be an investigative journalist or a serious researcher to realize that human traits like virtue, morality, dignity, integrity, righteousness, honor, or even just common human decency are hardly in abundance in today’s world. Because I do a lot of writing about the New World Order and the global elite, it was suggested that I look into a possible connection between globalists and child sex rings, child pornography, or pedophilia. 

As a writer, I spend virtually all day reading and writing, so I come across a lot of subjects or issues that most people never see. With that said, the only “mainstream” report I can recall ever seeing on this subject related to Bill Clinton’s buddy, billionaire financier Jeffrey Epstein. As part of a plea deal, Epstein spent 13 months in prison and home detention for solicitation and procurement of minors for prostitution. 

 Allegedly, Epstein had a team of traffickers who procured girls as young as 12 to “service” his friends on “Orgy Island,” an estate on Epstein’s 72-acre island, called Little St. James, in the U.S. Virgin Islands. “But for” a certain passenger on his private plane, the Jeffrey Epstein story probably would have never seen daylight. It was only because one of Epstein’s friends and fellow sexual deviant, former President Bill Clinton, was being investigated by the political opposition that traced him to at least 26 trips aboard Epstein’s private jet, the ‘Lolita Express,’ that Epstein  got so much attention. Fox News reports that Clinton even even left behind his secret service agents on several occasions.
 Here’s my point: Upon as much investigation as I could stomach, and as the lengthy report below by Aaron Kesel illustrates very clearly, Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton seem to be more of the rule than the exception when it comes to the global elite with their sexual perversions and pedophilia. “Normal” people don’t even want to think about issues like this, but perhaps it’s time we start! The situation seems to be bordering on an epidemic! 

As you read the work below by Aaron Kesel, and you watch some of the videos provided, or you listen to some of the interviews, it doesn’t take long to realize that for the number of incidents to be happening to that many children, there must be thousands, if not maybe even MILLIONS of people who are “covering” for the globalists by either not doing their jobs, or who are turning a blind eye deliberately to enable the elite to use children as party favors. Pass this along in hopes it gets people’s attention and a light starts being shined into some dark corners… 

By the way, since Bill Clinton’s name came up, it’s worth noting that after 40 years, earlier this week a Witness For Juanita Broaddrick Came Forward and Said it Was Undoubtedly Bill Clinton That Raped Juanita.


Pedophile rings are enormous and pervasive among the world’s elites

For years it’s been rumored that the globalist elite are involved in some pretty strange practices, from mock sacrificing a baby at Bohemian Grove to the testimony that a child was actually murdered in a Bohemian Grove ritual. The testimony and evidence in this article prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the allegations of Bohemian Grove are just the tip of the iceberg.

Bohemian Grove

Paul Bonacci once told investigators Gary Caradori, Ted L. Gunderson, and ex-Senator and attorney John Decamp that he was forced to murder a boy at the creepy California resort Bohemian Grove.

Here’s is Bonacci’s testimony on Child Murder at Bohemian Grove:

The former Los Angeles FBI Director Ted L. Gunderson expanded that accusation with the famous Macdonald Douglas Case. Helena Stoeckley testified in the case to all that goes on behind closed doors — including satanic robes, blood sacrifices, and more. The MacDonald Douglas Case documented evidence of an elite cult that included military, police, and justice system officials smuggling drugs and performing occult rituals. Stoeckley testified that Dr. MacDonald fought this gang and tried to stop the smuggling — and was subsequently framed for the murder of his wife and two daughters (5 years old and 2 years old). MacDonald was tried at a military tribunal and convicted. Helena Stoeckley testified that the murders were part of her initiation into The Process Church of The Final Judgment.

In another case called “The Finders,” Director Gunderson claimed CIA connected “elite” were kidnapping and drugging kids in an operation called Operation Brownstone.


Pattern of Abuse Around the World

Another witness in Australia, Fiona Barnett, matches the claims made by Stoeckley and Bonacci, alleging she was part of a VIP pedophile ring. Barnett described the debauchery that goes on, and said this — “He cut off the head, hung it in my face and made me partake in cannibalism.”

Another case Director Gunderson was investigating was the “McMartin Pre-School”, where investigators dug up the school and found tunnels and skeletons. Incredibly, a similar case emerged recently in Ireland where a septic tank at a Catholic orphanage was found full ofpiles and piles of bodies. The causes of death included tuberculosis, undernourishment, pneumonia, neglect and abuse.

The Catholics’ explanation for those 800 dead babies found in a septic tank? “There’s a lot of speculation as to what went on in the home following these recent revelations,” Monsignor Sean Green, spokesperson for the Irish branch of the Catholic Church’s “Scandal Containment Unit,” explained.

The Truth Starts to Leak

Recently, a rock star seemingly confirmed the age-old secret suspicion of the rich and powerful elite’s involvement in sacrifice rituals sometimes involving children — that purport to date back to ancient Sumerian times.

Ralph Rieckermann, the former bassist for the Scorpions, admitted he has been to an elite snuff “fetish” party in Germany, where wealthy guests would attend and pay $100,000 to watch or participate in murder — and other horrific activities he wouldn’t even repeat. What was more sickening than live murder — child rape?

What Rieckermann saw was the “Magick” spilling of the blood of the innocent — and the pure chemical of adrenaline found only in the human body. Absolute insanity.

Interestingly enough, Rieckermann then tried to retract what he said, saying it was misunderstood in a video he uploaded to YouTube. If true, why not sue TMZ for slander like everyone else? Also who jokes like that? He looked 100% serious.

Major Cracks in the Pedophile Ring

Former Pope Benedict’s sudden resignation is speculated by many to have stemmed from rampant child abuse. These accusations are supported by a number of witnesses and a shocking story that got no air time in the mainstream media — that the former Pope Benedict’s brother abused at least 231 children at a catholic boys choir.

In another major outing of the pedophile culture, Scotland Yard obtained video evidence of a UK Politician “Murdering a Child in a bizarre ritual.” A Scotland Yard official said “these accusations are true” – and another 261 prominent people including politicians and TV stars are suspected of partaking in the horrific evil of child abuse/murder. Some have speculated the criminal ritual is used as a form of blackmail to compromise individuals – and that high level people are preventing prosecutions.

The U.K. probe known as Operation Midlands was shut down in March for “insignificant evidence” despite a quote from MP John Mann saying “that the victim total could be in the many tens of thousands.” The probe had video evidence, and several victim’s testimonies, including Alex Wheatle , Steven George , George Smith,Darren , Thomas , Nick , and several additional witnesses. The claims are backed up by retired Scotland yard detectives . Yet the probe was shut down, and at least 114 documents just vanished.

One document that turned up after 30 years showed that the Thatcher government knewand was told about the Westminster officials’ odd sexual behaviors. The CIA and KGB even knew about what was going on and hoped to blackmail the VIP pedophile ring in exchange for information.

Sixteen MP’s were named in a 1984 dossier of VIP pedophile abusers documenting the influence that the the Pedophile Information Exchange lobby had on Westminster. A whistle-blower goes further to state that 20 powerful elitists abused children for decades,including a female MP. The ultimate goal of the pedophile lobby was to lower the age of consent and push the pedophilia agenda, which several people tried to do.

Even the High Court judge to the Queen, Lord Justice Fulford, tried to lower the age of consent to four. Absolutely sick and twisted — four years old.

Another official, Patricia Hewitt, former Labour cabinet minister, was caught trying to push the pedophile’s agenda to make incest legal and lower the age of consent to the age of 10.

The Pedophile inquiries which include investigations into Kincora house , Elm Guest House ,Dolphin Square , St. Helena and the Lambeth Town Hall basement were covered up and ignored to protect the establishment from embarrassment, just like other investigations. Investigators were told to back off investigating because a royal was suspected to be involved and several others even warned police, including MP John Mann . Buckingham Palace and Balmoral Castle have even come up in the current investigation as a witness has claimed he was sexually assaulted there at the age of 16.

Put simply this is utterly disgusting.. Children are being put below politics, because psychopaths are in control and believe that they are entitled to abuse people . It’s even alleged that they used children’s foster homes as a supply to fulfill their sick urge.

Actor and comedian Russell Brand did a very good expose on the UK Pedophilia scandal. So did Australia’s 60 minutes and another Australian comedy show called “The Last Leg”. Using comedy to shed light on a dark subject is an old practice made well known by comedian’s like George Carlin.

Jimmy Savile and the BBC

Oh and speaking of entertainers, who can forget ole Jimmy Savile?

The sick entertainer with royal connections raped dozens of kids – including a boy who was just two years old – while working at the BBC.

Decades ago, journalist Jill Dando alleged the BBC might be involved in a pedophilia ring. Then Jill Dando was found dead on her front doorstep.

Jill Dando was assassinated under orders of someone called Mr.BIG, but the police failed to even follow the suspects to find out who murdered her. She is far from the only person killed or threatened to cover up these elite pedophile rings, and this is only a fraction of how many people have been murdered to keep this thing covered up — even an SNP activist was killed .

What kind of sick twisted monsters rape a two year old? A satanic pedophile ring does and there is proof Savile was involved in a Satanic Pedophile Ring.

Although, there have been several historic victories in the UK exposing some of these pedophiles, like Lord Janner and Cyril Smith, this stories are somehow just scratching the surface of the guilty parties involved in such horrific unspeakable acts. Other cases continue to be covered up and hushed as various links to the pedophiles setting up their own inquiries by friends have shown. Investigations have been outright shut down as 30 former detectives have testified.

How has all this been kept secret? When they can’t simply murder witnesses and victims to shut them up, these sick psychopaths have infiltrated into every part of society and call on judges, law enforcement, and media to cover for them.

With the advent of social media, even publications like TIME have been forced to report on the allegations swarming the UK. We Are Change and independent media won’t stay silent and neither should any potential whistleblower.

The good thing about such massive exposure is that these disgusting practices by current politicians are now known and harder for the elite to partake in. It also sets them all up for failure if one gets caught – it will be like a domino effect. This will set things into motion tore-open investigations into whistleblower deaths and the living victims will be brought forward. No longer victim’s testimonies be “accidentally” permanently deleted .

So be afraid Sir Nicholas Fairbairn , Peter Righton , Sir Peter Morrison , Leon Leon Brittan ,Peter Hayman , John Allen , Keith Harding , Mr Herman (Prince Philips Former Aide), Doug Richard (David Cameron’s Adviser), Harvey Proctor , Enoch Powell , Bishop – Peter Ball , Paul Kidd (Royal Butler), Michael John Carroll , Peter Righton , Greville Janner , and Edward Heath(Former Prime Minister).

Be afraid, pedophiles of Hollywood and Washington, D.C.

The Franklin Cover Up will be exposed. The White House call boy ring involving the Reagan and Bush administrations will be exposed. Eighty different children came forward claiming to be involved in a large scale child kidnapping ring. Four of the victims and photographer Rusty Nelson testified. All claimed the reach of the pedo ring went deep into government.


The evidence is seemingly endless.

John DeCamp – The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism & Murder in Nebraska:

Pedophilia in Bush/Reagan White House Call Boy Ring Rusty Nelson Interview:

NBC Tom Brokaw, 1989 “White House Call Boy Scandal” Reagan/Bush White House Pedophile ring:

Pedophilia in Bush/Reagan White House Call Boy Ring Rusty Nelson Interview:

There was a documentary set to be aired called the “Conspiracy of Silence” on the Discovery Channel, but that documentary was canceled at the last minute and all copies bought up until a copy leaked online years later…showing the influence these pedophiles have on the media. Not only that but several people were threatened, murdered or imprisoned to keep this sick secret hushed up.

Conspiracy of Silence BANNED TV Documentary:

The Franklin Cover-Up & Johnny Gosch Story:

Don’t think for a minute that the pedophilia accusations end there — more recently known is Jeffrey Epstein and pals’ pedophilia adventures at Lolita Express and Lolita Island. Of course covered up by the feds because its involving some very big names…including Bill Clinton.

Over the years, Bill Clinton was on a plane with Jeffrey Epstein more then 26 times and he ditched his Security detail too.. how lovely! Now he’s accused of underage sex by Epstein’s ex-sex slave Virginia Roberts.. keep it up Bill! Another person that Virginia Roberts has accused was Prince Andrew. Roberts claims she had an orgy with him and eight other girls .

Elijah Woods and Corey Feldman

The exposure of the elite’s dark secret has truly only just begun.

Actor Elijah Woods said Hollywood is about to be gripped by a scandal comparable to Jimmy Savile. Another Actor, Corey Feldman has said “I Would Love to Name, Names.” In a twitter exchange with Corey we learn why he won’t name names, as it seems these sick pedophiles have likely threatened to murder or harm Corey’s kids if he comes forward.

I stand with Corey and all those witnesses who want to come forward and will assist anyone who has information they want to go public. My source who will remain nameless leaked me information in Hollywood before regarding a castle with hidden rooms — where a woman was brutally anally raped multiple times. She had to have her sphincter stitched up.

Also leaked to me via another inside Hollywood source was an uncensored copy of the movie “An Open Secret” – this copy of which is Amy Berg’s Masterpiece — before the edits came. She was sued for libel by the pedophiles who confessed on hidden camera to their disgusting acts and how open it was in Hollywood and “normal”.

The movie an Open Secret documents Hollywood’s obsession with child sex abuse. You can find the film by by googling my twitter handle “Akilluminati.” It’s time to get the world talking about elite pedophilia and snuff parties and break down the taboo wall so more whistleblowers can step forward to tell their shocking stories.

My goal is to show the general public that this goes on globally and to give a voice to the voiceless and an outlet for them.

The State Department

DYNCORP was found to have trafficked children, and continued to receive government contracts. Congresswoman Cynthia Mckinney asked then Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld why this corporation continues to receive funding. His answer admitted abuse happened.

Further information on DYNCORP’s trafficking of children can be found from a whistle-blower, Kathryn Bolkovac – a human rights investigator who saw UN officials, military and state department officials involved in human trafficking in Bosnia. Her story was then turned into a Hollywood movie called “The Whistleblower.”

5,200 Pentagon Employees Bought Child Pornography, Investigation halted after 8 Months:

Dyncorp exposed for the trafficking of Women and Children:

The Whistleblower: Kathryn Bolkovac:

On Twitter or under the hashtag #ThePedoFiles is a wealth of information I compiled on Big Up to the New Zealand Government for Hosting these files All these Years Thanks Guys!

Support Anonymous’s Operation DeathEaters…an Independent Investigation into the global Elite pedosadist rings. Demand all this be re-opened because We Are Change and our children are our future!

I’m Aaron Kesel or AK, short for Akilluminati on twitter. I’m a researcher, journalist and blogtalk radio host of #SmokeScreenDisclosure writing proudly with the We Are Change team. I’ve been researching for 10+ years, which is how i garnered the name “An0nKn0wledge” on twitter. I live up to my name with every article I write, I try to give the reader as much information and research as possible on any given subject and summarize it all. I expose the conspiratorial facts and sift through the dis-information, lies, propaganda and news. Because I realize not everyone has the time and dedication to research but people want to learn I bring you my investigations and opinions you form your own. I have a no fear mentality branching from my inspirations – from investigative journalists like Michael Hastings and Danny Casolaro. Journalism isn’t a crime, The New World Order Octopus is.

If you know of any further information or you wish to be a whistleblower, and help bring down these sick people you can contact this writer at [email protected] or on Twitter @An0nKn0wledge My sources – and I’ve had many over the years – have always been kept confidential and I respect my sources privacy and safety and will help you leak your information Anonymously.

This Article First Appeared On:






  1. Salaam al ekum , namastey , hello dear freinds,
    These pedophiles are so dark souls of evil , that even if thousands of time they say they are not going to to this horrendous deed and they are changing, they should be judged as deep as the knowledge of light can judge , its very very hard to believe any of their words.I am so confirmed about these ghastly beings as 27 years ago ,I married a man I loved more than anything , but at that time I have no knowledge that I am going in close contact with the darkest soul ever a paedophile. With thousands of efforts , he didn’t change a one portion. The courts the jails are mostly filled with poor and innocent beings and these paedophiles are at loose and roaming free everywhere.Even these blind societies influenced by all the dark forces welcome them in all gatherings and respect them as super beings.My husband is free and enjoying and saying that this world is an open market , everything is on sale , I am buying human flesh because they are selling. I wish these Paedophiles will be judged according as their Karma and according as the law of the universe.Victory of light , peace and love .Shweta anwar

  2. Here’s another source of info on mindcontrol and the use of people’s senses to be active in that person, almost like in the case of a “walk in” using the host for the purpose of surveillance. And the way it’s managed by the host in a way that no total submission took place. By taking a warrior stance. Listen to a revealing interview with Solara Blueraven in a Project Camelot video:

  3. The video link below is related to super soldier programs and pedophilia both, for reasons that will be explained in it. It reveals why certain globalists are involved in pedophilia, when Satanic practice is key.
    Also Hollywood actors and famous popstars, their coming out about abuse and mindprogramming, are discussed. For example the personalities of Britney Spears and Madonna. It’s very helpful to begin to understand and connect the dots, clearing the whole picture of present day constructions of programs
    that aim for control on all levels.

    Published on 28 Oct 2015

    DARPA has created “Super Soldiers” and they’re everywhere; probably even in your child’s classroom
    or daycare center. And they’re nothing like you ever imagined.

    More links with explanations:

    Douglas Dietrich on the Vinnie Eastwood Show…

    Natural Law America

    Reign of Earth

    Ubuntu USA

  4. This is very true, Edward Morgan, do it for those who still not know. We should use our energy to an effect that it’s taken in and accepted, for only than the energy of those involved is uplifted.Shouting the truth in other people’s face for the need of telling it due to having a hang up and issues about freedom to speak, is depleating the other person’s energy and one’s own, fueling anger as a result, due to disappointment.

    That’s a self fulfilling prophecy. Here’s a confrontational presentation (beyond 12.40 minutes) of the motives in those who deliberately practice cannibalism and a witness testimony of satanic rituals and pedophily. I was shocked, initially, but it’s at the same time helpful to understand the mind of these people better.

    Their logic is utterly destructive to life and freedom and due to living with split personalities and while being controlled by an Archonic “supermind” or “God”, these people live in existential desperation using all willpower and methods of control to hold themselves together and in function. Pay attention to the body language of that witness I just mentioned. It’s revealing much. The interviewer is a bit of a woodpecker 😉

  5. I tried telling my sister who works for CPS about this. I tried telling her that our own governor who is her boss is involved. I sent her plenty of proof. She refused to read it and labeled me a crazy conspiracy theorist. That’s how bad this really is. You can’t even bring this to anyone’s attention without being ridiculed yourself. That’s how brainwashed society is and the government employees on the lower levels who have no idea who they are really working for and apparently do not care or want to know. What a sad society America has turned into. There will be justice. I will not shut up no matter how much ridicule I get or how many times CPS comes to investigate me for speaking out about their tyranny. I WILL NEVER SHUT MY MOUTH. NEVER

    • Thank you Gravatar, that is the way to go, speak the truth no matter what anyone says…do not worry and concern yourself with those who do not want to know, do it for those who still not know…

  6. I wonder how many more victims will the… “Event” ask until it finally occur while the ones who really cause all this damage gonna’ enjoy the luxuries of get away with their crimes…

    Sorry, i’m just… sometimes i torture myself for all the suffering that happened in the world while i’m in my room playing a videogame, i’m… i didn’t mean to insult those who are helping us and already suffer loss, Pleiadians, Andromedans, even Arcturians i’m sure they suffer the lost of their loved ones… so… Guys of Prepare of Change, really, how many victims are gonna’ die until the “Event” occur?

    Thanks and… sorry…

  7. So sick & disturbing on many levels. Bill’s involvement in the ‘circle of trust’ would indicate that Hillary would be more ‘blackmailable’ compared to other candidates. Pretty sure many puppets continue to play the game out of fear of being exposed from within the circle of trust due to their naughty nature. It would be nice if puppets feared public more than their overlords.

  8. God Bless you for your commitment to the truth. I have lived long enough that I’m not surprised, but I am shocked and sickened. I know this is just the tip of the iceberg.

    I have no words to express what I feel for the suffering of the victims. You see, I’m a victim, too. I won’t go into the particulars, but I am a victim and my experience nearly ruined my life. I attempted suicide in 2006. Nothing, however, has changed the fact that I’m a being of light and love. I am coming out on the other side.

    This world has been held in darkness for far too long. I pray for all truths to be revealed soon and an end to the pain. Its time for each of us to be allowed to fulfill our journey and mission.

  9. Interesting that this would show up here in 2016,when the media and public is revisiting the Jon Benet Ramsey case so much.

    Back in the day like most I just thought that this was a tragic crime,and hoped that the beast that did it would eventually be caught.

    But in this modern age where we are finally finding out about all the secret pedo parties;and other evil acts of the elites in the shadows,it makes me wonder if poor Jon Benet was victim of one of these sick sex/snuff rituals.

    I’ve heard that many people outside of the elite families themselves get fame,wealth,and power,by following the orders of the globalists.Perhaps John and Patsy Ramsey owe at least part of their wealth, to serving the powers that be.It wouldn’t surprise me if they pimped out their 2 kids to these wealthy perverts,even perhaps sexually abusing them as well.

    I’ve heard a lot of disturbing rumors of John Ramseys involvement in the elitist under belly of society.
    He was in the military,which is probably where he began his involvement with the powers that be.
    Also we all know that the area around Denver is a NWO hotspot for elite occultic activity.
    Her being abused and killed while living there really doesn’t surprise me.

    She was probably a Monarch mind control sex slave from birth.
    Maybe her brother Burke as well.I also have no doubt that the Columbine shooters;and the Aurora theater shooter grew up in Colorado as stock in the Monarch program as well.

    That would be an interesting question to ask COBRA.
    I want to know if the truth about these sad cases will come out,after the reset happens.
    I surely hope so.

    And I sincerely hope that potential conspirators like John Ramsey;and the parents of the monarch controlled shooters will be prosecuted for their crimes,once the truth finally comes out.

    They were supposed to be trustworthy as parents,and they failed their duty to sell their souls for influence.


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