From interestofjustice.substack:

She didn’t even wait, she simply did her duty & flat rejected the States stupid move to dismiss as INVALID.

The Judge thankfully DENIED the Absurd Attorney General’s request to dismiss the Nuremberg Hearing November 9

COURT OF APPEALS OF ADMINISTRATIVE AND CIVIL CONTENTIOUS OF FINANCE, II JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF SAN JOSÉ, CALLE BLANCOS, at thirteen hours and fourteen minutes of the twelfth day of October, two thousand and two thousand and twenty three. In view of the memorial filed by the state representative on October 11, 2023, wherein he expressly requests: “(…) Having regard to the order of 15:42 hours of October 5 of the current year, where this Court reiterates “for the last time” that the plaintiff “proceed to authenticate his brief with a legal professional (art. 10, second paragraph, Law 8454)”. For compliance, the plaintiff was granted 3 working days, which as of today has expired. This representation has reviewed the appeals file of this Tribunal and the appellant continues to fail to comply with the mandate of this Tribunal. Consequently, I request that the present appeal be archived as it lacks the essential requirement of legal counsel and failing to comply with the order of this Tribunal. (…)”, for the foregoing reasons, BE IT RESOLVED: There is no validity to what has been requested, taking into consideration that the appeal was admitted in the order of sixteen hours and twenty-four minutes of September thirteenth, two thousand and twenty-three, after the signatures were authenticated. The evidence for a better resolution, will be resolved in the oral hearing to be attended by a professional. (f) Jazmín Aragón Cambronero, Judge

Dear readers, We have this one in the bag. The States representative is clearly REACHING and desperately grasping at straws to get out of this hearing!

What happened is we DID authenticate our first documents last month to start the whole hearing. The Attorney General is not paying close attention and apparently got confused, thinking we were ordered to sign the original document. Then he was confused on the date as well and was incorrectly thinking we were late.

About a week or so ago we uploaded a request for a room for the expert witnesses. The request was resolved by telling us we have been granted a room for 15 people and we were ordered to sign it as “an evidence to better resolve”. The shameless Attorney General jumped on this and took it as cause to toss the whole case out and archive it.

It was just a simple request for a room that we were ordered to sign and the State tried to pretend the judge asked for us to sign the entire Appeal, which as noted by the judge was already signed last month to commence the whole appeal.

Apparently the judge wants to hear from the witnesses because she gave us a room and now she just told the Attorney General that “The evidence for a better resolution, will be resolved in the oral hearing”….

In this case the evidence to better resolve is the EXPERT TESTIMONY coming. BOOM. The State cant get out of it.

You all will be very happy to hear which experts are coming. Our Chief Scientist Dr. Yeadon (former VP of Pfizer) will be testifying as well as others.

We keep forgetting to ask the other AMAZINGLY AWESOME experts if they want to be public yet – but they will be announced shortly if they agree.

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