By Noa Landau,

While more bodies of Israeli hostages are being discovered, Netanyahu seeks to garner support not just for American weapons, but for everlasting Israeli control over the Gaza Strip

Let’s start at the end: The goal of Benjamin Netanyahu’s trip to Washington, including his appearance before the U.S. Congress, is not and never was to advance a diplomatic agreement to bring home the Israeli hostages safely while they are still alive and to bring an end to the fighting and the suffering. Rather, it is designed to enlist domestic American support to keep waging the war.

Specifically, Israel needs ammunition and the Biden administration is still delaying delivery of some of it. Netanyahu came to do what he does best, which is to exert political and public pressure on the White House by addressing the House of Representatives and speaking in front of television cameras.

In his speech, Netanyahu first sought to paint the war in universal terms, devoid of the specifics of the conflict, a war between the sons of light and the sons of darkness, Hollywood style, with biblical motifs intended to delight Christian Republicans. He then went on to deliver this message, namely that this is a proxy war of Iran against the United States. Israel is fighting America’s war, Israel is defending America, our war is their war, our victory will be their victory. Therefore, our weapons are your weapons. Deliver them as soon as possible.

In this framing of the Gaza war, Netanyahu took to the extreme Israel’s role as a pro-American protectorate that aims to serve the regional interests of its master and yet has been abandoned without adequate military assistance.

Besides the plea for arms on Capitol/Ammunition Hill, Netanyahu sought in his address to rally American support against the proceedings at the two international courts in The Hague. These proceedings threaten Israel but also the prime minister personally due to the possibility that the International Criminal Court will issue an arrest warrant that prevents him from traveling freely around the world.

In addition, Netanyahu sought to justify Israel’s continued control of the Gaza Strip for an open-ended period. In contrast to his vigorous denials that Israel has no intention to reestablish settlements there, what Netanyahu calls demilitarization and Israeli security control can very quickly pave the way for actual settlements. Like the de facto annexation of the West Bank, de facto settlement always gets its start under the guise of security.

Family members of Israeli hostages held by Hamas protest in front of Congress before Netanyahu's speech on Wednesday.
Family members of Israeli hostages held by Hamas protest in front of Congress before Netanyahu’s speech on Wednesday.Credit: Gili Getz

A certain grotesque dimension has always accompanied Netanyahu’s political speeches around the world. The self-importance, the clichés, the infantile gimmicks and, of course, the repetition of well-known messages, a repertoire at heart designed to impress his political base back at home in Israel and not, God forbid, to do anything of substance and value in the international arena.

After all, all his speeches in recent years could have been written by an artificial intelligence app, so much so that he repeats himself like a broken robot. In any case, these speeches have no practical meaning because they are delivered by a master in the art of emptying words of content. He has deliberately created a gap between Mr. Netanyahu in English and Mr. Bibi in Hebrew.

However, in these difficult times, the experience of watching this theater of lies has become more grotesque and oppressive than ever. Because out of sadness and despair there is no longer an ounce of cynicism or humor left in us that would make listening to him a little easier. Nine months into a horrifying and exhausting war – with masses of dead, wounded, kidnapped and evacuated – and even now, Netanyahu has not managed to revise the failed political and security paradigm that brought us with such exactitude to this dismal situation.

Military vehicles manoeuvre inside Gaza, amid the Israel-Hamas conflict, as seen from Israel, July 16, 2024.
Military vehicles manoeuvre inside Gaza, amid the Israel-Hamas conflict, as seen from Israel, July 16, 2024.Credit: Amir Cohen/רויטרס

As expected, the grotesqueness was capped by his cynical use of the hostage families and their stories as he throws wrenches into the talks aimed at their release. Unfortunately, more and more reports are coming out about the bodies of hostages newly being identified.

Nor did Netanyahu, as he is wont, forget to incite and divide by reprimanding the Jews who dare to demonstrate against Israel’s policy in Gaza. He turned them all into supporters of Hamas and Iran, hinting that the Israelis protesting against him personally outside the Capitol were in fact funded by Iran. Netanyahu capped it off with a few words of flattery to Trump, just to be safe.

But no less important was the bit that was missing from the address. The enthusiastic applause might have left the impression that he had bipartisan support, when in fact dozens of Democratic lawmakers did not come to hear the speech at all.



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  1. Nothing to expose about & who is Netanyahu,he is a terrorist evil who run rule control planet government a genocider government leader & must be eliminate as soon as possible to stop the killing of our fellow.paledtinian brothers & sisters,

  2. 'Demonic Satanyahu' was the 'Star Performer' for our(?) 'The Brothel of a Congress' – to quote the Late Congressman from Ohio, James Traficant! Mr. Traficant was right on the Money! OUR(?) Senators, Representatives, are mostly PROSTITUTES, They SERVE the highest BIDDERS; Israel Lobby-AIPAC! BIG Pharma! Military Industrial Complex! The rest of US are just Taxpaying SLAVES, and our BLOOD & TREASURE, our Military Personnel, are being used-abused, as the 'Sacrificial Lambs', on the barbaric-bloody Altar of Zionism, on the World Stage, for many decades now! Like Congressman Traficant said on other occasions; "The US is the WHORE of the Zionist Terror State!" We all know what THEY done to Mr. Traficant? He was 'pushed out of the way', right under his own tractor!!!


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