Spirituality is a network linking us to the Most High, the Universe, and each other. Spirituality does not come from religion, it comes from our soul.

We must stop confusing religion with spirituality. Religion is a set of rules, regulations, and rituals created by humans, which were supposed to help people spiritually. Due to human imperfection religion has become corrupt, political, divisive and a tool from power struggle.

Spirituality is not theology or ideology. It is simply a way of life, pure and original as given by Source. 

THE LAWS OF GOD and those of THE CREATION were given unto you of physical experience to honor total simplicity and gain wondrous fulfillment and joy from our relationships with our brethren, to pass the journey of experience in learning and then make passage into higher levels of understanding and knowledge. We have now bound ourselves by shackles of lies into the endless rotation of the wheel of experience worsening with each experience until we have forgotten all the Truth of LIFE…

God has sent its hosts to give truth unto you, the ones of the planet Earth and he has sent the WORD (Dharma), until the ending of the cycle so shall it be thus. We have no way to know of the “time” which might be given unto us to find your way into the lighted path of Godly behavior and Truth.

God has extend his hand unto all who will take of it. He shall bring us home into his place of wondrous experience–but he shall force none, not by so much as one hair of his head. Man-kind shall turn about and into truth by his own freewill or he shall perish in his own delusion.

The following laws serve as a reminder that we can live in complete harmony among everyone and the creation if we just listen and follow our divine laws already given to us since the beginning of our creation.

With these laws a civilization can live in peace and harmony. If you know you are part of this greater picture, you will love yourself more because you know we are all part of the creator. A being would not want to hurt anything or anyone, quite the opposite in fact, they would show love to every creature in creation and help nurture and care for them; all with no need for payment or gratitude, just out of pure love for one’s family.


These laws are part of our divine HU-Man (Higher-Universal Man) Cosmic Blueprint, it is not just a set of instructions but the mere foundation to the profound understanding of all Universal Laws & the innate balance that governs all of existence as its acceptance activates the understanding that true harmony can only be achieve through the elevation of collective consciousness. The fear and limitations some may hold against following these laws is what is holding humanity back from embracing its Divine and Cosmic Blue print full potential.

These Laws are given unto our species to maintain balance and and wholeness of Soul direction (Click link below):


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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.


  1. Just a thought to prosper by. in if many of fake all monarchy certain religious demons removed. their historical hidden consignment of birth cert "Contracts" per such said state of condition. Gone them would mean also by a proper law Gone all is the Gone by rights of the compass being all with birth certificates be basically null and void. And we all are looking at this in a missed rate by condition just achieved to date. All would be free in of humanity and no longer would such contract be need to ask to be removed regain our persona by rights. Would think to consider this could should be a new condition. They hold nothing over our heads. Stop playing robot puppet and time to throw out the trash. Be a auto magic Spiritual Release to rights of Freedoms on the Planet. Would think the light can now shine in by bright of each and every heart. something to awaken too could be Lead to Change. And CHARGE!
    Let it be known, Let it be written (scratched out) and LET IT BE DONE. In GOD Of Light We TRUST.

  2. August 6th , 2024

    Truth honor & Integrity Special – The current STATE of events NOW

    with Thomas Williams

    Biden has gone Missing, Trump assassination Fake,

    Kamela's husband and New Uk prime minister and Zelensky are Zionist's

    Usa aka Israel Genocide of Palestine, Crowdstrike False Flag !

    Thomas confirms Kim Goguen stopped been trustee of the Global Trust

    containing quad trillions in 2020 due to dereliction of duty

    and is Chipped with a Marduk Chip and Much Much More !!!


  3. Thank you Rob. Excellent link grabbed the journal 27 for reading. Nice venture to this site with wonderful word.
    share from:
    http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/bellringers_corner/meditation/poetry/news.php?q=1492195299 (see bottom for j027.pdf)

    Best of the best by the best of all THE BEST Ever!!!
    support for purpose in need- Amen.

    One could consider apply in all nations Under, By, For, and ALL, { by GOD Aton of Light: }
    Gracious Thank you ' Esu Sananda'.
    something one could clear out and replace such by in day Start and given thanks for a days experienced end to repeat. Specially in these – "nano-second, Now times" Triumph to the Forces of Light.

  4. The Phoenix Journals is where you will find the 18 laws of God(Aton) and Creation.
    It is all laid out for you in 241 journals. Go to www.fourwinds10.com. Mother Earth (Shan)
    is going to be evacuated while she is going through a cleansing phase of an approximate
    3000 years. Time is very short you must raise your frequency to 169443 for lift off. Ask in prayer all details are give in the journals. The most important ones are 2,5,7,27,47.
    Don’t believe me; go to Ben Davis site Suspicious Observer todays 15min YouTube clip.


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