By Michael Gryboski, Mainline Church,

A woman has filed a lawsuit against Planned Parenthood and others, accusing them of “rushing” her into irreversible and disfiguring sex-change procedures.

Cristina Hineman filed a lawsuit against Planned Parenthood in the New York state Supreme Court in Albany back in April, with the litigation garnering extensive media attention this week.

The defendants named in the suit include: Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc.; Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood, Inc.; Dr. Lee Stetzer, who provides services at the Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood; Maureen Gara and Jacqueline Dall, a nurse practitioners at Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood; Brianna Samson, a physician’s assistant at Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood; Astor Services for Children & Families; Cassidy Robishaw and Kristin Woods, mental health counselors with Astor Services; Dr. Jeffrey L. Rockmore, a plastic surgery provider; and Dr. Jeffrey Rockmore of Rockmore Plastic Surgery.

According to the complaint, Hineman, who has a history of mental illness, was counseled at age 18 to take body-disfiguring male hormones for perceived gender dysphoria.

She visited the Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood clinic in November 2021, and, after a 30-minute appointment that did not include examining her mental health history, she was prescribed testosterone as part of their so-called “gender-affirming care.”

“Defendants Gara, Stetzer, and Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood neither requested nor required any previous medical or mental health records, let alone asked about her mental health history,” the lawsuit states.

“They did not inquire about or attempt to address or resolve any of Cristina’s myriad mental health comorbidities. They simply took her at her word that she was a candidate for testosterone, a Schedule III controlled substance.”

In addition, according to the lawsuit, in 2022, Hineman was encouraged by the defendants to undergo an elective double mastectomy despite having no medical issues with her breasts.

The lawsuit argues that Hineman’s mental and physical health worsened as a result of the actions of Planned Parenthood, Astor Services and Rockmore Plastic Surgery.

These issues have included post-traumatic stress disorder, chronic pain and severe scarring on her chest as a result of the surgery, and “sharp, shooting pains” in her clitoral area.

“I was brainwashed,” Hineman told The Free Press in an interview published Wednesday. “A lot of people say that adults should be able to do whatever they want. But if you have mental illness that’s clouding your view, or you’re so misinformed about what gender dysphoria even means, then you cannot consent to such invasive treatments.”

For its part, Planned Parenthood filed a response in court back in June disputing Hineman’s claims, according to The Free Press.

Planned Parenthood states on its website that the majority of its clinics “provide hormone therapy and other gender-affirming services for transgender and nonbinary patients.”

The services they provide under this umbrella term include: “Estrogen and anti-androgen hormone therapy,” “Testosterone hormone therapy,” “Puberty blockers,” “Surgery referrals” and “Transition support.”

“Planned Parenthood is proud to provide a safe and welcoming place to get gender-affirming care. We offer services to transgender women, transgender men, and nonbinary people,” they added.

“Not every Planned Parenthood health center provides all services. Check with your local Planned Parenthood health center about the services they offer.”

Last year, a California woman named Chloe Cole, who took cross-sex hormones and underwent a double mastectomy because she reportedly had gender dysphoria, filed a lawsuit against a medical group over the body-mutilating procedures they performed on her when she was 13.



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