Israel is ranked 8th on the planet for rape and sexual assaults. 90% of rape cases end with no charge. If they didn’t allow 90% of rapes to go unpunished… Israel would clearly be rank No1 on the planet for rapes and sexual assaults.
🇮🇱 Israel is ranked 8th on the planet for rape and sexual assaults. 90% of rape cases end with no charge.
If they didn’t allow 90% of rapes to go unpunished… Israel would clearly be rank No1 on the planet for rapes and sexual assaults.
— Pelham (@Resist_05) January 12, 2025
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Lets be fair to this downtrodden peaceful nation.They doing it in self defense against animals how they like to call them.No wonder there is joke saying what would it be called if Government corruption is banned? ANTISEMITISM.