About PFC and the Global Movement We Support
If you are thinking about joining Prepare for Change as a Member or Volunteer, we have provided some basic information below about the organization. First, some definitions of our common references.
NOTE: To contact PFC about the website or any thing else you can email [email protected]
How is the PrepareforChange.net Website organized?
The website was created as a voice for the New Society Groups started at the New Society Conference in May 2013. At inception the website invited other followers of Cobra to join the Network and Groups to Prepare for the Event and help create the New Society. Now the website has up to eight hundred thousand views per month and fifty thousand members. With 2600 articles available to read as well as information needed to organize and prepare groups for the Event and create a New Society. The website is supported by donations and staffed with an all volunteer team of web professionals with a mandate to build a site able to handle the influx of visitors expected at the time of the Event, while also supporting the New Society Initiatives requested by the Group Leaders, Volunteers and Members.
Connecting the worldwide participants together has become the central task of the web team, which is adding new languages and social network features to facilitate better communication locally and globally. The languages feature consists of providing a complete website on its own sub-domain in the additional language, including a backend in that language. The social network feature is designed to unite all the languages with a shared database allowing members to connect with everyone regardless of language.
The ambitious expansion into multiple languages requires that the web team grow to meet the demands created by each language having its own complete site with management needed for all parts, so each language will need about six people to maintain it and keep it current.
What is the Prepare for Change Network?
A global network of Event Support and Sisterhood of the Rose Groups has formed out of the participants who joined through the website. There are over 31,000 members who belong to local groups formed since May 2013,  on all continents of the planet. Members on the Facebook page exceed fifty  thousand.
Regardless of being in a New Society Group, everyone belongs to a Network Group since they are based on location, or place of residence, rather than the skill or talent contribution a member chooses to make. The Network Groups organize around their cities and schedule meetings on Sunday evenings where they share ideas and strategies for the Event and conduct powerful meditations to assist the global population to be calm and connect to the higher frequencies.
Who are PFC Members?
Everyone who has signed up on the website is considered a member.
Who are PFC Volunteers?
They are Members who have Signed up as Volunteers to help the PFC Mission
What is the Prepare for Change Council?
The Prepare for Change Council is composed of the Group Leaders and their co-chairs of the ten New Society Groups. Meeting each week in a voice call, they are organized as a Roundtable allowing the New Society Groups to exchange ideas and opinions before voting on expenditures and policy for the eight groups. You can view information about these groups via their newsletters using the forms linked below (some of these newsletters may not yet be posted):
- Event Support
- Financial
- Healing
- Leadership
- Media
- Renaissance
- Sisterhood of the Rose
- Technology
- Humanitarian Projects
- Nature Restoration
Each of these groups has an individual form with a detailed auto reply that provides up-to-date information about the Groups activities with links to pages and sites that can help.
Who are the Prepare for Change Council Leaders?
They are the original Volunteers from 2013 who created and currently maintain the website. They were elected/chosen by the members at the beginning in 2013 to represent the New Society Groups. Two additional Council positions were created for Event Support Groups, and the Sisterhood of the Rose, and new Council members have emerged from participating members as time has passed. They represent both the Members and the Volunteers. There are eight Council seats, with each one having a second, chosen by the Leader, who attends meetings when the Group Leader is unable. This makes a total of sixteen people who are considered Council members.
What are the New Society Groups?
The New Society Groups were defined by the Resistance Movement as needed after the Event, for the purpose of being “way showers”, or being the ones who will step forward after the Event and lead by example. (see this section of the website)  All members are associated with New Society Groups and for practical purposes these groups are similar to the departments of a magazine, with each Group Leader responsible for a particular area of interest discussed on the  website. Activities related to New Society Groups are now organized through the Volunteer Assembly.
Opportunity: Join 1 billion+ people for International Peace Day 21 Sept
Please excuse me if you’re already acting on this.
You could make a real difference by involving yourselves in International Peace Day (and the 9 days after) in some way – even simply sending out positive, deliberate intentions for greater peace.
There are predicted to be over 1 billion people around the World wanting to send positive thoughts and/or do acts of kindness for World Peace from 21 -30 Sept.
For more info, see: https://doitforpeace.org/
I’ll join others at the Wellington Peace flame (New Zealand), or do something similar and send out positive peace wishes for the World. I will also devote all my daily meditations to this cause alone between 21 and 30 Sept.
You could also contribute to this positive consciousness. Interesting to see / feel the impact of 1 billion + people being proactive in this regard.
Please share with others.
Best wishes,
Very Important!
It would be useful to us all, if ‘Prepare for Change’ explained and clarified in a video soon, if they/you are a part of ‘Gaia Inc.’ which keeps changing names, when revealed (former ‘Gaiam’).
Both David Willcock and Corey Goode (I apologize for any misspellings) often refer and promote to Gaia (as did Benjamin Fuldford too, but not near as close, as the former two persons/journalists and whistle-blowers, which I now know, BF that is, is a true/good man, and not ‘hijacked’ by the Globalists’ (clarified on one of his videos), and I trust them, as to their own disclosures. Gaia might have been ‘true’ in the beginning, but certainly not anymore, several people say, employees who have gotten out express Gaia is NOT spiritual anymore! Actually owned by Luciferians..
Unfortunately I cannot seem to find any info on the web about Gaias affiliate programs on YouTube. If lets say: ‘Higher Self’, ‘Higher Ascension’, ‘DNA Awakening’, ‘IN5D’ often co-related to ‘Prepare for Change’, etc. are/are not a part of Gaia Incorp. it must be clarified to re-establish Trust or any shred of doubt. It is very very pivotal for viewers.
Both personally, I sensed it, something was cooking, but found also recent related ‘news’ on the issue by ‘You Are Free TV’ (video from around 25th June 2018) on YTube again and on her patreon site. Also, on the subject of ‘yoga’ (not the same as praying and meditation) as it is, i.e. not a physical/spiritual awakening movement, but actually a religious Luciferian Black magic witch ritual which Al.Cr. founder of such ‘S… Church’ and ‘Free Masons of Scotland’ used to summon demons. This is done, by opening your so-called yoga religious Kudalini and/ Chakras to leave back your body and by that allowing the demons to re-possess it, revealed on YTube channel: ‘A Call for an Uprising’. Ask him which one, not sure if that one is a recent one of back from febr. 2017, he makes many videos to expose manipulations and lies inside our communities and world. Facts.
Be awaken and aware, and try to stay calm and in good spirit despite:-)
Much love to all!
Twilight Zone. Read the Bible. All the answers to all your questions are written there. God is the creator of all things good and holy. Jesus Christ is God in the flesh. Our salvation comes through our acceptance of Jesus Christ as God in the flesh and as our Lord and Saviour. There is no other way to find the so called “light”. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the light.
Yes, read Colossians 1:
12. Giving thanks unto the Father, who has made us fit to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light:
13. Who has delivered us from the power of darkness, and has translated us into the kingdom of His dear Son:
14. In whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins:
15. Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation:
16. For by Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by Him, and for Him:
17. And He is before all things, and by Him all things are held together.
18. And He is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things He might have the preeminence.
19. For it pleased the Father that in Him should all fullness dwell;
20. And, having made peace through the blood of His cross, by Him to reconcile all things unto Himself; by Him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.
Typical crazy Christians spreading the heretical doctrine of Calvinism. It’s flawed because nowhere in the Bible Jesus said “I am God” that equates him to his Father God; he should’ve said “…that whoever believes in *me*/*Me* will not perish but have eternal life,” not “him”.
Does 40,000 sects mean something? The Pneuma is a confused Spirit? No ounce of spiritual substance has been seen in this comment.
Greetings, I would like to know if through you I can enter a brotherhood of light for personal progress and in this way help in this time of crisis. I already talked about an issue that worries me in its publication about the loss of the soul
Hello (friends, I hope),
first, I would like to say, how hopeful this site and message is, in our times. Watching from YouTube at this point (I am sorry? but am I? I do not believe in Google’s ‘values’ but this is the channel at this point of time). You are one of the many good ones I watch, I feel.
I would like to express a suggestion (from a personal concern). Due to uncertainty and bad experience with groups, I am relucted to join in groups today. Though in doubt, something’s telling me this is a good one, I believe in your cause.. if it’s true… and though one part of me is still doubtful, I do believe in love, joy, helping people, goodness, compassion, praying (is my own way of culture, upbringing and meditation) and sharing, a.o values. How do you see on this?
Though I am relucted to be a member of a group, I can guarantee anyone at any time that I will be one of the first ones to go out and help people, when needed. I do not merely stay on the praying and words, I do act. Is that something that is welcomed just as equal?
Some would label it a ‘loner’. Having my own unique personal background experiences, I am not keen on labels, and I am sure, I am no holy either on the subject matter, but do try to change/grow and reflect. I can say, I am already out there trying to share knowledge, insight, joy and love to people I know, I contact authorities, committees, agencies, politicians, civil servants, media, you name it, and even though it’s not always fruitful, I do what I, in my heart, feel is right.
I don’t know many, anymore, coming from a country in Greece to a Scandinavian (Denmark) one, certainly changed a lot, but I would claim, I am reaching out to both opposite sides, if I may…
I do wish ‘money’ was not an option at all in the New Earth, which is my way of saying, I am still in doubt with this, as you propose it to continue being a means to an end, which I find it to be a more on the evil side measure of creating honest community bonds and happiness. I prefer people going back to an exchanging goods and ‘services’, e.g. hands, work, etc. I never quite got it, I guess, the whole ‘new world’ or prepping about ‘minimalism’ and such, because when you need a house and a home, i.e. safety, stability, peace, etc. (a proper one, not a caravan nor a buss, and having rain or ice pouring in and in the minst of freezing and feeling unrest from all the moving around, call it ‘ new housing’), you need materials, hands/resources. They cost. I believe everyone’s primary need after food, water and care is, Shelter. But, it needs to be more than that to thrive. From here we can rest, expand, etc. I believe in Community help. If we all gathered to help each other to build relatively small and comfortable eco-friendly houses and villages/communities outside City lines, not too big communities (e.g. like the ‘type villas’ of today, which are way too densed or the other extreme like a Stepford House area), but still, with respect for human life and nature, e.g. with respect for peace in life and privacy, i.e. with space in between, with soem land to grow food and exchange goods or services, to avoid stress, inside nature, and create more nature around us, I believe this to be a much better way. Banks I do not believe in with mortgages and rates and fees, we are all enslaved to work as slaves on the side, in another setting of a job, only to sustain that kind of expensive living style and often for a house which has not the value of its price at all, as it is speculation price.
Creating such housing options with a little land, means we are a part of each other’s lives for a greater cause. It adds value on a whole other level. Local. No big farms and greed anymore. Providing locally for each other. People start helping each other, start interacting with honesty and authenticity, stop having jobs they hate only to sustain a lifestyle that makes them.. slaves, stop stressing about money to pay for a house, stop stressing of not having a house and home, peace and safety, and start thriving instead…
My husband and I certainly feel this way. Rentals are scarce and very expensive or very bad/disrespectful to life and time needs, we live in a town or country we’d prefer to leave but we cannot afford to move in a whole other with no housing or job (which feels so distant and an enslavement concept), we cannot afford a house here even with high educations and one income, it all vanishes in the expenses and taxes. My husbands father could sustain and provide for 4 mouths with one income, 40 years ago and live a decent life. We in our 40’s are enslaved. The standard now is 2 incomes and it is barely enough to live a decent life not becoming a slave at a job you hate to keep on paying bills.. we have been stressed for years moving around and living so close with some people who weren’t decent enough or respectable enough (unfortunately to have to see this and write it down, some are waaay out there, very aggressive, but we are over the anger today, though very hurt…). Do I need to keep adding…
How’s your take on that duality then, ‘money vs. exchange of good and services/hands/work’?
Hi there,
This is a message for Rob Potter – I have just listened to Goldfish Report and it was so wonderful to hear that all this information is getting more and more out to the people in the world – and all the things that he talked about have been explained so beautifully by the Ascended Masters – www.iamfree.co.za
Peter Mt Shasta is a wonderful soul – I dont know if you know him? He is now back in Mt Shasta
Blessings and love
Is there any way I can ask a question of the administration of this site without it being available for everyone to see.
Good day to you all in Prepare for change Team, let me know what else i can do to take part
In this big movment. I will be with you in deep meditation, Every 7days on sundays, and in day to day meditations.
What else can i do to move along our cause!
Have a good day, take care Family of meditatiors.
I’m looking for a recent post that included “What to do if the Event happens when you’re away from home?” I have no idea where I saw it or who was the author, but I know it wasn’t Nova. It was a very PFC kind of post. Can you help me?
Hello, I wanted to let you know that for the past month or so that I cannot access this website at all (prepareforchange.net) on any web browser, it just won’t load at all). I am pretty sure that Comcast, my ISP is blocking the site as it loads up right away on my T-mobile mobile phone. Is anyone else out there having the same problem? I realize that the FCC just gave a carte-blanche to all ISPs to basically censor and choke any site they want to with no legal repercussions so I would guess that Comcast is just choking this site but want to see if is already a know problem. Thanks, at least I can still access the site through my mobile internet.
Yes, this has happened to some of us individually and we have to have our internet provider change things around to make it work. Interference.
Hi, I started to download and listen to the August 21 meditation in preparation for the group meditation, but the music is too load for me, and I can’t understand the ladies voice.
Hi at all
I have found a negative Orsini Tower near positive Ravello and Positano positive vortex.
I have contacted Cobra and Jim say to me to put Cintamani stone there. Can anyone send one to me for accomplish this task?
For the 21st of Aug Unity Meditation, are we not supposed to download an audio file? I can’t find any such thing, so I must be mistaken.
If you do make an audio file, like the one that we use every Sunday for the Weekly Ascension Meditation, please let me know how to download it so that your server is not overwhelmed on Aug 21.
working on it.
Hey, I’d like to know why my comments are being censored, and why I am not allowed to post on the “Letters to the Resistance Movement” link here: https://prepareforchange.net/letters-resistance-movement/ This is already the second time it happened, and it’s really upsetting me, because I poured a lot of time and energy into this. Please reply to me.
Thank you for resolving my issue now. I really appreciate it. It means a lot to me.
It’s a very good question, I wrote to the RM three different occasions and not one of those were posted, so I have given up trying to write to the RM.
I bet it was, unless it was the 4 days our website was down. You should have gotten an e-mail confirmation. We did have well over 700 responses, so you’re could be very buried.
Thank you,
The attempts we’re done about a week apart, thanks for your insight.
Is there someone on this blog I can contact? I had my comment deleted on the “Letters to the Resistance Movement” page, because I accidentally posted my comment on both the ‘About’ link where we were not supposed to post, and the proper link.
I reckon this was accidental and meant to prevent spam, but please, I really need the RM to see my comment, I poured my heart and soul out into typing it last night, and I really would not want it to go to waste. I re-entered the comment again on the proper link here: https://prepareforchange.net/letters-resistance-movement/ , and please ask you to accept it. I don’t care if you delete it on the ‘About’ link.
I mean the ‘Announcement’ link, not ‘About’ link. Getting my terminology confused here. haha
Something has changed with the PFC website, I have been able to post comments for 3 years until 2017. I used to post a comment and it would say “your comment is awaiting moderation” now it does not say anything and my comments disappear completely. I love the new contact page for communication with the RM, yesterday I wrote a letter to the RM when only 5 had been posted and again my comments or letter got lost and was never posted, I kept checking after 53 post and mine was NOT one of those. Can you please tell me how to fix this so I can communicate with you and the RM?
Thank You,
Submit it again. My personal one didn’t post either so will have to write it again. I think it’s the internet.
Hello CObra . mais d’ou vient le pouvoir de Cobra, Homme ou machine nul n’imagine. How to contact you on a secure way?
Thank you for that. Can you change the clock and the adverts so more people can join at the right time please? The meditation is trying to reach a critical mass and the time needs to be known by all so that we can achieve this.
Where is it the clocks are wrong? what part of the world are you in?
What time is the meditation event, on one advert it says 7pm GMT on another it says 4pm GMT and the clock says in eight hours and that would be 5pm GMT. Can anyone help please? Numerous people would like to join this meditation but we need to know the correct time.
We have had to change it in the past. The correct time is 4pm GMT. You can find the meditation on this web-site’s home page in the upper right corner. You can click on the picture of the map which will take you to COEO where the meditation plays at the correct time or check in on Cobra’s blog.
for Dane Arr:
Hallo Dane, Had to chose this way for writing you.
Long time ago… It runs through my head all the time that I might have more or less hurt you with my reaction. Later I did not understand it myself. I’m sometimes like not present, although I want to do what I do.
I sincerely want to apologize for hurting you if I did. I learned to appreciate you as a person and that remains:)
Love from me, Maria
I’m calling on cobra to reveal the true events of WW2. Auschwitz is clearly a false flag! there is outstanding evidence to prove the so called gas chambers of Auschwitz were built after the war, The shower room walls were knocked down and chimney stacks were built post war. Also investigations were carried out by Fred A. Leuchter, He found no possible way the Auschwitz camp could facilitate a gas chamber; the official story is false. What say you cobra? this is my test to you, for I will judge your knowledge on how you answer, if you answer.
Danell Glade i have posted my approved conference notes here https://peterpansblog.wordpress.com/2017/04/06/personal-notes-from-cobras-ascension-conference-in-taipei-march-11th-12th/ and on my FB page
Excellent research in old historical books about the end times.
how to heal from lime and morgelons deaseses alone
In his most recent interviews, Cobra was asked about manifestation, and replied that it had been addressed in the Taiwan notes. I was unable to find his reference. Any chance you could show me where to find it ? I’m sure I’m not the only one looking for it. Thanks in advance. Tom
Any news on WF9 and/or companions.
Posts on this site are great and often very valuable. Apparent claims of authorship are not clear and/or VERY misleading and at worst outright plagiarism. To be fair to the folks actually doing the work PLEASE cite the original author after the title. Simple courtesy that is often not offered on this website.
The actions of those in the committee of 300 and the members of the Khazarian Mafia/Illuminate/Jesuit Order through the creation of the class system, the banking system and the taxation system, are in violation of Prime Directive! Humanity has from the beginning been interfered with. The rights of the individual to live by Divine Law has been violated. Yet there is nothing that heaven can do to stop it because it violates prime directive? I find this fact very disturbing.
Those without honor, lacking in morality and ethics, have created laws, a court system, and judiciary then used these systems against the citizens of the world. I am sickened that no one has put a stop to this tyrannical system. Why has no one stopped the narcissistic psychopaths working out of the Vatican?
The health of my body and brain was interfered with at birth when my body was injected with poisons and foreign DNA which has interfered with the well being of the cells in my body.
My attempt to assist other to know themselves, and to know the truth, has been interfered with as my emails have been manipulate. My enlightenment has been interfered with. This is a violation of my will. The earth was designated as a free will zone if the High Council is not maintaining Prime Directive what good is the High Council? Prime Directive has been violated from the very beginning as humanity has been manipulated by the master manipulator. It boggles the mind that the prime directive has been violated for the last 82 billion years.
Invading another culture the invaders must adhere to the Prime Directive as set out by the Prime Creator. What good is a law when the laws themselves are violated by the insane? The High Council itself is negligent in not insuring that universal laws are maintained. Those that have violated this directive must be taken into immediate custody.
The forced conversion to Christianity or to a One World Religion is in violation of the prime directive. All treaties are void. All constitutions must be converted to Natural Law and the Natives of the Land be put to their rightful status as keepers of Mother Earth.
The individuals behind the Vatican have violated prime directive thus must be taken into immediate custody. The Popes all 3 of them and their unholy priests have violated prime directive. The not so royal “Royalty” on the planet are in violation of prime directive. They are not living by Divine Law.
The citizens are the benefactors and beneficiaries of the planet, all are born with inalienable rights these rights are not granted and therefore cannot be taken away. All people of the world have the right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The endless wars manufactured by the narcissistic psychopaths at the Vatican have violated the inalienable rights of the citizens of the world this must be stopped immediately.
All those that have violated the rights of others to live in liberty and happiness must be incarcerated and brought before High Council.
All bankers are committing fraud, embezzlement, and entrapment everyday. They are in violation to the scriptures.
Exodus 22:25
“If you lend money to one of my people among you who is needy, do not treat it like a business deal; charge no interest.”
Reconciliation, restitution, and restorative justice thought truth is the path to healing a profoundly sick global society.
The money stolen from the people and held at the Vatican must be returned to the people that earned it. The money in the accounts of those known as the “illuminati” must be seized and the money distributed to the people for their pain and suffering over many life times.
@Denise Ward, I would also love to read your Public Disclisure book. You asked us to email you, but I don’t see your email address. Thank you))). Victory to His Light)))
I believe that everyone on the computer is pretty overwhelmed with the amount of emails they have to deal with daily and are generally trying to delete everything they can. That is why I am becoming overwhelmed with the blogs from Prepare for Change. I have 5 to deal with today and yesterday was 4 and one of them 45 pages long. Please, maybe only one or two a day. I don’t want to lose you as it is important info, but too much daily is too much to deal with. I am pretty sure I am not the only one that feels this way. I especially want to receive Cobra’s blogs
Dear Alysa, not all the post may be for you because, we at PFC do our best to cater to people who may be at different levels of awakening & spiritual growth and that is why we have widen the amount of daily postings and ‘topics” in the website; to not feel overwhelmed by our daily posts, just read the ones with the titles that “resonate” the most with you and kindly disregard the rest as those may resonate well with others who may be at a different level of understanding/spiritual awakening…
Hi , can you please tell me if you have anything about flat earth on your website ? Because I cloud not find any
Happy to find this website and come across light beings preparing for a shift to higher frequencies. But I am trying to help expose money for what it is and that we will get nowhere, absolutely nowhere, if we continue to use this low frequency vector. Sorry to disturb you but that is the plain truth. Come on wayfarers! As if we need money, the vehicle that has been used to keep us vicious and tormented! Come on, we can do so much better. It’s not that money per se is necessarily bad but the money we use and which you request for donation, is deliberately set up to promote greed. That’s just not good enough for us! We are so much more genius than this! We must think of other ways of being. We must experiment with other means. If we are to call ourselves lightbearers, we need to come up with new ideas. How about offering “options” in a new currency – a currency based on something that is good for the planet and creation? Something like starting a hemp economy? That’s not the only suggestion, there are plenty more. We need some juice to boost our creativity! Please understand that we will only make ourselves laughable if we continue to support the very system that has kept humanity writhing in dysfunction, scarcity and wickedness. Let’s open up the dialog, if you want to know more. I have studied money theory and I am also philosophically minded, an unusual combo. Money is a very insidious medium. Most people have very little understanding of it.
Is there for non-profit Facebook participants to join PFC groups? I am interested in a San Francisco group.
write your email address if you want public disclosure on reality. any alien activity visible on Earth comes down to the individual observer – you are the Creator and you create whatever you want to be true – nobody else can tell you what is true – only you. There is a book ONE Upon A Time that is the discovery of the Explanation of All Things – There is no such thing as the theory of everything, because if something can explain everything, it is no longer a theory…What is very important is that you understand the fundamental questions of ‘who am i’, ‘where did i come from’ and ‘why do i exist’ – here is the text from the childrens versions of those three questions:
Right now there are many offerings of a future reality, many people are tuned into possible spheres of activity, there are multiple parallel omniverses, each hu vessel of mahn operates the Creator Consciousness within through a projected illusionary mass of form called your body or hu-vessel, these equations, frequencies, thought impulses and heart resonance vibrations are then projected outwards onto the Earth plane, where the same equations from consciousness, that take on an allegorical costume called the body, make up the Earth plane that you see. This is caused by the soundwave vibrations that eminate from you and through wave particle duality it turns into light which reflects back off other form and matter to reveal the same subconscious equations, yet in another alleogorical form. You are threefold projected consciousness that all stems from one single point, each one of you is an individual and completely unique (fingerprint) aspect of conscious expression. You ARE one projected piece of “God”. Right now there are very clever ‘players’ everywhere tempting you to adopt THEIR truth – nonsense – YOU know best, whoever you may be, nobody can take away your individual conscious preferred reality. Nobody will save you – any external source of saviour is an anti-christ as in anti-matter – consciousness is formless and it projects itself threefold, through species, projected dome of experience and astral plane. Kaballah explains the planets. Each of the planets represent one aspect of the one mind that you are a piece of. The Moon represents 4D and a conscious ‘portal’ to the foundation of spirit, 5D portal is Mercury (Splendour) on the left side, and Venus (Victory) on the right, 6D portal is Mars (Discernment/Severity) left and on the right you have Jupiter (Mercy), within 6D you have Pluto (The Abyss – The Veil) this contains all the things you have suppressed – it is ‘Pandora’s Box’. When you deal with all past pain and incorrections you transcend into 7D and ‘illuminated triangele’ which consists of Saturn (understanding) on the left side and Uranus (wisdom) on the left. Then the eye at the top of the triangle is when you transcend the 7 Dimensions of human/animal hybrid consciousness and is represented by Crown of being, or Crown Chakra in Hindu or Neptune in the planets. Then you have 8D, 9D and the Void, before descending consciousness within through 11D and 12D to consciously come back to Earth and see everything for what it really is and how everything in Reality is reversed. This is the Eye of Horus, the All Seeing Eye.
Now – here are the truths of the most profound questions in human existence. I should explain that I am an observer from the future – there are currently several timelines on offer, if you will – it is up to each individual for them to choose what they wish to be real and that is decided with what resonates the most excitement from you. Fear and negativity are a very complicated illusion and do not exist in the future – there are methods through simple natural neurogenesis that rebuild any corrections or false beliefs – neurogenesis and the return to full Self awareness cures all known disease and illness and unlocks the infinity gene. All of you, individually, on the inside are evolving – you are evolving from carbon12 – 6 protons 6 neutrons and 6 electrons (666) to carbon13 – 6-7-6 to carbon 14 – 6-8-6.
The book has been written ‘ONE Upon A Time – Public Disclosure on Reality’ for once you understand the true nature of reality, then you are able to change it and learn how to quantum leap into higher dimensions and projected life experiences. The Earth plane is much slower to react beyond reflected human behaviour – for there to be incredible things, the human vessels must act out the things necessary to create those incredible things – the Astral plane, takes even longer to react as the third outer most placed projection of Conscious Ascension.
I will tell you now, that many of you have been manipulated and altered every time you came close to the Absolute Truth of Creation. Many good people and big hearts and come a cropper to their ‘achilles heel’. Reality is complex, yet simple – I am an observer from the Evolution of the Collective Consciousness Reality. There are many many choices of preferred Reality. I am from the coming Age of Enlightenment, where YOU the hu-vessel Creator of all things and the conscious source of your projected, reflected life experience and are in 100% control of your own Creations.
Email me if you want the Public Disclosure – it is out soon in bookshops but can only be understood and comprehended by the pure of heart. It is protected in a Sacred manner in the very words – if you are not pure of heart your memory of what you have read will automatically wipe itself clear.
This so resonates with me. I’d like the Public Disclosure book but I don’t use a bank account. I hate money but I’m happy to pay for it if it is not too costly. I’m sure you believe that getting this information out is the name of the game and it shouldn’t rely on income ability. It sounds exciting, count me in.
This is not the same subject as listed above…..but a correction to your current newsletter: NESARA actually is “National Economic Security and Reformation Act” NOT The National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act
2016-03-08 01:02:47-05.
Been riding this train for a long time, long before the NESARA website became an entity; which is actually manned by the Military Industrial Complex. They only give a partial picture and the rest cannot be believed!!!
Thank you,
Rob, the highest elevation in Florida is 345 feet, not 900 or so feet. This is important info.
All of the videos in the “enzyme being added to the vaccines” article are gone. https://prepareforchange.net/2016/01/20/cancer-causing-enzyme-intentionally-being-added-to-all-vaccines/
Is there another way to access these videos?
Well friends most of you are unaware of new
Energy we are converting to plasma energy
It’s everywhere.
This is the new energy 1000,000 homes already have space age energy off the grid
And decentralization of power.
There is one catch there is no advanced
Beings guiding us into the new era.
I’m wondering this new keshe energy
Is this living energy are we hurting a life
Form by using this new power???
Well there is no advanced society to answer
This question its OK to spiritualy advance
And we may be walking into this new era alone
Please check out this effort which seems to have an identical purpose as the Event. It’s here: http://www.siriusdisclosure.com/announcing-the-global-ce-5-initiative/
The financial voucher link/document won’t open. Do you have another please?
I’ve been a light worker for 5 to 10 years, and have nothing, nor do I have family. Well I do have some distant family a few hours up in case. So I’m worried and would hope to be prepared. I don’t own a home, or land, and just rent a small apartment.
Thanks for all the information. This is scary but I know this is mass awakening.
Should you get silver or gold coins? Where do you get them? I have nothing, I have $50.
Hi Beeks!
The financial voucher it’s just a possible outline of a document Cobra once mentioned it could be distributed to the population at general at the time of the Event.
However we deeply advise not to rely on that whatsoever. Community’s must be self-organized to the core to assure everyone’s taken care of.
Help from the outside is a plus not something we should rely at this point. Too much uncertainties and secrecy about the overall plan all together make it unwise to rely on unknown variables.
Also the energies of the Event and subsequent funds for healing mankind are directed to inspire grassroot community organizations and self-organized collectives, and over time dismantle centralized forms of power. That power will be returned to the People!
In that sense we advise you to read the following documents:
– http://communityleadersbrief.org/2015/09/06/a-business-continuity-plan-for-producers-distributors-and-retailers-of-essential-goods/
– http://communityleadersbrief.org/2015/07/16/basic-practical-steps-to-prepare-for-the-event/
Just a thought:
1: In the event the website goes down (during critical times), are there mirror sites that people could connect to. (at least to get the bare resources/knowledge necessities)
2: In the case the site gets hacked… is there reasonable backup and restore solutions… there are so many sites out there that wait until they get hacked and tampered to get some security or backup plan in place.
best of luck.
Hi DragonHeart! There are no assurances regarding the availability of this site in case of any cyber attack. However we have the www.communityleadersbrief.org where all critical information is condensed in a light format (light with dual meaning here- in terms of quantity but also being more >>digestible<< for the genereal population unaware of the current planetary situation.Therefore we encourage everyone to print physical copies of all the documents published at www.communityleadersbrief.org as a back up, to be handed out in paper, just in case.Highest frequencies
Is anyone else having issues downloading “the event?” – Can I please get some assistance with this? I’ve tried 4 times in the past couple of months and there’s a technical glitch that does not allow the system to process. I’ve already emailed regarding this. I got a response but the issue persists. HELP. Thanks.
Rob or anyone that deals with the downloads, I was trying to purchase “The Event” handbook and it was not going through. Seems to be a technical issue. Please look into it and let me know. Thanks! Kat
Try again. If you still have issues, I will contact the person who runs the “Event Chronicle” website on your behalf and see if they have suggestions.
My email is [email protected]…and please type “Event Chronicle” in the subject line so it is easy for me to identify. However, I am very busy so please try again here or got to that website to obtain a download.
FYI for those using Snopes.com as a resource:
A police investigation has led to the arrest of the CEO and other owners of Snopes.com,
Do your own research and stop depending on people with a corrupt agenda!
That piece about Snopes and related arrests was a political satire. Although I don’t put any faith in Snopes whatsoever and do not even consider them credible enough to go to, they were not arrested.
Thank You Cobra,that You are here
Your email about 12 foot tall giant bones being found was labeled as false by Snopes.
Just to let you know that you can see the giant skeletons in Bristol University – they were removed from Lundy Island some years ago. These Giants were well known about in Eire and knowledge re them being buried in Lundy Island.
That is where the stories of giants come from. But seanchai – oral his/her stories live on re the Giants/She ning ones……..aka Sidhe = People of Peace.
Your email about 12 foot tall giant bones being found was labeled as false by Snopes.
Many disconnects in the article.
Rob, this black cube UFO and portal was uploaded on you tube…Can you please ask CORBA about it’s authenticity…Nameste’
Hello! I’ve read your blog and i have a question for you. So, my dream is to meet aliens for 3 years ago. How can i contact with aliens? This is my aim and you’re the only one who can help me. My aim is friendly. I am very interested in their culture or just in them. In their race. Sorry for the bad grammar, i am not English. Thank you if you help me! 🙂 Have a nice day!
Planner that is using CROP CIRCLES ______
Hi Lily, I would like to have contact with our galactic friends too, for many years, even I have a symbol that means welcome here for them, I put those symbols in many part of my place where it can be seen, and I didn.t have any contact with them yet, still I am waitting for that contact. If you know something about it, please let me know. Hopfully Cobra can help us to have some contact with them. For any information you can have I will appreciate it if you contact me at [email protected]. Thank you and God bless you.