Home Authors Posts by Dane Arr

Dane Arr

Dane Arr
Inventor, Designer, Astrologer, Writer, Web Developer, Artist, Entrepreneur, Father, Husband, Grandpa and all around mad creative, born under Pieces at 5:55 degrees in California USA.

Israel Intensifies Crackdown on Media

Israel’s military and domestic intelligence agency wasted no time implementing a decision by the cabinet last Thursday to sharply intensify the crackdown on Palestinian...

Brazil’s CIA-Directed Color Revolution: The Back Story

TMR Editor’s Note: The nation of Brazil has been under a multi-front assault ever since they have shown any independence from their North American overlords...

Leading Senate Dems Compare Boycotts Of Israel With Antisemitism

NOTE: ("mere consumer awareness", is a way of saying that any action to awaken the public about the crimes of the Elite leadership's pet project is...

DRACOREX HOGWARTSIA: Intact Dragon Skull Unearthed in North America

Do you believe in dragons? Because if you don’t, there is a really remarkable discovery of a ‘dragon skull’ that has been unearthed by...

The Global Elite: Just Say NO to Public Health! Provide Genocide...

The Subversion of Medicine and Public Health by International Security Prerogatives NOTE: Many Readers of PFC need serious convincing to fully grasp the depth of the program...

Video Proof: BBC, CNN, and FOX News Staged Attacks To Get...

What follows is shocking evidence that crisis actors, green screens, CGI, and paid propagandists are being used to fake worldwide events in order to...

Organic foods have healthier fats, more nutrients and fewer toxic chemicals...

 We've known for quite some time that there's a huge difference between organic food and conventional products. Organic bashers like Jon Entine might tell...

Scientists Witness Eye-Opening Effects of ‘QI Energy’ on Plant DNA and...

Why does the title of this article emphasize that ‘truly impossible’ results were witnessed? Because providing an explanation for what happened here is literally...

If You Don’t Warn The People, Their Blood Could Be On...

  NOTE: At PFC we are not expecting an apocalyptic  event, but rather an awakening that empowers the millions of  people in the resistance movements to redirect...

The Science Of Pornography Addiction & What It Can Do To...

Did you know that pornography constitutes approximately 25% of all search engine requests? Pornography websites rank among the top in the world, and since...

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