Cobra Questions


You can submit your questions to Cobra here under the comments section for our monthly interviews. 

The email address for the Cobra Questions has been discontinued. Please use this page for that purpose, and review the other questions that have already been asked.

The best questions are the ones everyone can learn from, so attempt to phrase the questions with that in mind. 

Please know that Cobra cannot answer personal questions, or review links that you provide. These links maybe interesting to other readers and you may post them here but know that Cobra cannot possibly review the content of everything on the internet. Remember that Cobra does not review or criticize others so don’t ask for an opinion of another person’s work. Please also know that there is also disinformation posted on the internet so things must go through your own personal filters: discernment, discernment, discernment…..always!

Thank you.


  1. Q: Would you agree the most accurate chronicling of Creation is captured by Jay Essex, in his book entitled, “Creation: Its Beginning and Your Origin” ?

  2. I have a couple creation question about the primary anomaly. 1. I don’t quite understand how the primary anomaly came to be. Can you explain? 2. You stated previously that “The prime creator is the source, it is that field of consciousness from which each has projected parts of itself into the primary anomaly to understand it and to resolve it.”. If The Prime Creator is the Source, the Universal field of consciousness, the One, then who or what is this “each” to which you refer .. .”from which EACH has projected parts of itself into the primary anomaly to understand it and resolve it.” Thank you.

    • I believe he means each part of the source, which is known as a spirit, projects souls into the anomaly, as physical beings to experience and understand it.

      • I think that’s a fairly close interpretation. But for your consideration: based on Cobra’s reading, “The Event”, combined with material from Jay Essex’s first book, “Creation,” it would seem the primary anomaly was actually a byproduct of the Original First Being (Source Spirit). The ‘anomaly’ seems to be a description of the negative frequencies– negative energy– that are inherent to a portion of Source Itself, and thereby inherent part of All That Is. All Creation contains some negative, problem-causing energies. Some sentient beings have more negativity, some have less. But all the issues, conflicts and war we see in the world today, and in the rest of the Universe, is ultimately a direct result of this ‘primary anomaly’.

        …that’s my understanding, anyway. I hope it helps.

  3. Is our sun part of a multiple-star system? Is there another sun, or sister “planet”, coming into, or close to, our solar system in the next years? Will that object displace rocks or other objects toward the Earth? If yes, there might be issues, what can be done about it? Can Cobra explain more about this please. THANK YOU, Cobra!

    • Cobra, in order to give a proper answer to this type of questions, please point on the item if the habitable planets (which belong to multiple star systems) are orbiting around the entire group (of stars) of the multiple star, or are there orbiting around only one star which is part of the multiple star. ?

    • He has addressed niburu and it is not really coming towards Earth. It is a tool of the archons to place fear in us. As far as the multiple sun systems, we are not part of a multiple star solar system. We have one sun and the planets revolve around it. The orion star system is a triple star system. It the belt on Orion’s belt. Peace and love

      • Not to be asked to Cobra, but only an answer to Humanity empowered:

        What do you mean by ‘the Orion star system’? In fact it does not exist so.
        Orion is a constellation with stars at hundreds of LY one from another.
        The Orion’s belt consists of the stars Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka, and are also at hundreds of LY one from another. Google it for more details.
        A triple star system is “alpha” from Centaurus. (the nearest from Sol system). Google it too.

  4. Can you tell us why the RH neg blood type was created, where it came from and what its purpose is, how does it differ from positive types.

  5. Secundary question, I’d prefer (as I’m sure a whole lot of other people would) to have the first one about the laws of manifestation answered.

    He basically said in the last interview that even tho Archons control the mass media and food industry, our free will is always superior. What does he mean by that? How can our free will be used to overcome the obstacles and control presented by the Archons?

    What is free will? Is it the same as will power? What is the relationship between free will and manifestation? including what you can manifest without infringing others’ free will.

    • We create our own reality. No one and no thing can create in our reality without our ATTENTION TO IT. Again, read the book “Ask and it is Given” by Abraham-Hicks. Check out Abraham Hicks materials on youtube.

    • This is a huge question. There’s no way he will answer this in a meaningful way. Its up to you to find this info. The best place i can think of to start is by looking into info by Abraham-Hicks. Esther Hicks (who channels Abraham) EXTENSIVELY discusses this. Check out the book “Ask and It is Given” and you will have your answer.

  6. Omnec onec in her history of our solar system tell us humans came to earth as fully hu-man, black, yellow, white, red it true?
    What about the blue race? Why hue – man?
    Steward Swerdlow true world history humanity saga correct?
    The terra paper by morning sky and Anton parks recount another story which says Adama half anu/beast is a hydrid creation originally to serve the annunaki race?
    How come the earth can be the only planet left being in the darkness? What about the Draco empire? The annunaki? ET have messed up so much with the human race why not divine grace? I don’t believe this is for soul experience we can learn much more being free.

  7. Q: Cobra, what can you tell us about the alien lady Asket, her race ‘the Timars’ and their movement from our particular universe to the DAL universe, about 50000 years ago.

    Q: Are somehow this aliens, the Timars, another race that are as close looking with us as the Pleiadians are? Are therefore Pleiadians and Timars looking very similar?

    Q: What can you tell us about the planet Koldas? Where is it? And, how similar or different is it with Earth?

  8. Cobra can you confirm that the DALs (beings from DAL universe) discovered the Pleiadians before Earth and learned to get along with them, who were already freely traveling in space?

    Did the DALs shared their technology with the Pleiadians which then allowed creatures of our universe to visit the DAL Universe in Pleiadian ships?

    Do you also confirm that he DALs had an active Earth project around 1975? What was the result or what should be accomplished?

    Note – details about the question:

  9. Q: Cobra, what is the difference between the portals and black holes which links distant places in the same universe and that ones which links places in different universes?

    Q: Is it true that different universes in the Multiverse share a same (a common) part of the space-time continuum while others have not a common part of space-time continuum. In the last case is it possible the travel between that universes?

  10. 1. What is the permanent atom in our spiritual body?
    2. Where does it come from?
    3. How to increase its frequency of vibration?

  11. 1. Whether only divine spark and primary anomaly participate in the process of creation?
    2. Is the primary anomaly generated by the source?
    3. In the universe, whether the total number of divine sparks and primary anomaly is the same?

  12. Question. What exactly happens to us when we die.. Can you describe the process. In relation to what we feel and or experience.. where we initially go and what choices are to be made if any on where to go next

  13. Is This the Platform to ask the questions?

    So what is the purpose of creation? What is the pleroma? What are stars?- manifestations of pleroma? Is there a kenoma ? What are the histories of other star nations?

    I heard that starsystems can be understood as soulgroups, who share similar experiences as well as destiney. Can you give some examples of other cultures and how society work on other star civilizations?

    The NHC does not suggest an ending to the enslavement of humanity. What will happen after the event?

  14. My question is:
    on some level do twin souls effect each others consciousness or emotions? Or are they completely separate mentally?

  15. As working as a helaer for over twenty years now, withoutusing symbols or other religious stuff, only with the soulpower within me, I dicoverered that there is no necessity for soulgrowtz through pain.
    Soul is
    Thats all.
    Am I right?

  16. at which phase of the actual EVENT are we going to be able to invite our space families to our local space and/or meet with the ascended masters?

  17. Through various forums, it is understood the pivotal earthly event, which is prelude to ascension, will mark the beginning of humanity’s (quote) finest hour (unquote). Additionally, it is further understood the clandestine groups — of both positive and negative factions — have collectively decided the most economical approach for achieving goals will come by way of a false-flag alien invasion, via Programmed Life Forms (aka PLF’s). Are you able to verify the extent of these truths, and if we can expect the event to take place prior to the 2016 spring equinox?

  18. Corey Goode claims about the existence of a parallel Earth existing in a parallel Universe.
    Cobra, in which universe does it exist, and how many other parallel earths (in parallel universes) do you or RM know about? Are there without darkness, elliberation, human exploitation, so on?
    Are there other version of ourselves abroad these parallel earths in parallel universes, and are they in touch with each others at a certain higher level?

    Corey Goode’s claims about a parallel earth in a parallel universe?
    “Sept 22, 2015 – Cosmic Disclosure (Ep. 14): Portals: Parallel Earth”

  19. In regards to the creation, here in 3D we create life or incarnate life using sexual means. Is sex still a part of creation after ascension or in 4D and beyond? Yes, sex is for creation but there is much pleasure in sex here in 3D. We use sex as a way of expressing love or feelings toward our mate. What role does sex play or is it a part of other life forms in the galaxy?

  20. What languages do we speak after the Event? Now: Plenty of information about spiritual growth is in English. But, for example, a lot of Slavonic people do not speak English. Some words about communication after the Event, please.

    • Am I allowed to ask you, stanislava burdova, to begin an English course and broaden your world and those of your fellow Slavonic people that way?

  21. Cobra, what do you believe about the fact that “Scientists at Large Hadron Collider hope to make contact with PARALLEL UNIVERSE in days”. May this be possible beside the Event (before of after, no matter?) and other developments? Is the RM aware about it, as case may be?

    Note: details on website

  22. Cobra, what do you know about the ‘Dal Universe’? Is it another particular universe as ours? is it one among the Multiverse? or is it another concept of parallel universe?
    Does it contain primare or other anomalies, strangelets, tunnels of set and so on?

    Dal universe on google:

    • John John, I would also like this answered myself. I have had a recent Air Force Master Sergeant talk to me about this. What I was told was something of the Dal Universe that is exponentially speeding up towards our nearest milky way galaxy, but in galactic terms of time, not human time.

  23. What are your thoughts on the significance of Ethiopia, as it is mentioned to have been in the biblical genesis and scientifically shown to have the oldest human bones: Dinkanesh or “lucy” as she is known. Ethiopia claims to have the Ark of the covenant, does that stem from extra terrestrial contact from the time of creation?

  24. Weren’t the dualities and opposition “necessary” to overcome and produce the “higher” evolutionary synthesis?

  25. 1.The force of gravity has a positive, negative or neutral nature?

    2. The Bible also mentions that the Tower of Babel and the appearance of the languages for the purpose of the people to spread the Earth, implying that there was only one language before. What is the real purpose of the different languages? That was a negative invention?

    3. There are two nights past, when i was beginning to sleep, I saw some crawlies such as large size black snakes, who walked on foot, jumping, with a lot of negative energy, and I knew they were not physical, were on another plane. The Bible mentions the snakes began to crawl, then the story of Adam and Eve. That was real? If so, whether they started to crawl before, walked standing, presenting a major risk to other animals?

  26. Gratitude to COBRA. I am fascinated by the story of the Ancient Arrow site/Wingmakers. It states in the glossary obtained from the optical disc that the only way to connect to Prime Creator is “Only the core expression of the individual’s tone-vibration of equality will be successful in contacting Prime Creator in a meaningful way”. Can you please explain this in more detail? Thank you.

    • Hello, he actually answered this question on the last show. We all connect in your own way. Connect to your spirit and you will connect to the source. He says a bit more. It sounds like that what the definition is saying but much clearer. Peace and love

  27. 1. What is the correct / natural food for Humans? (for example -koalas food is eucalyptus leaves, birds food is seeds and so on)
    2. Will we end starvation of animals after the Event? (those animals that are killed every day for meat)
    3. Is there any way to connect to ETs through meditation? If yes then what a kind of meditation should it be?
    4. When I’am awakened in a dream… where am I? In the world modulated by my brain or I’am somewhere in other dimensions? astral plane?

  28. Can you tell us more about the sphinx? Also, there has been a new discovery made off the Giza Plateau near or on military zone. This was discovered by Carmen Boulter and her team (creator of the Pyramid Code). There are apparently three levels of costco size chambers- can you tell us more about this?

  29. Can dark entities be expelled from one universe into another? I heard that the Dracos were kicked of their previous universe and sent through a portal into ours is this true? or are the dark Dracos native to our universe?.

    • In this case how can we escape or leave this particular universe to another similar? What if an entity do no longer wish to return in the universe in which is the Central Sun from which he was emerged?

      • The purpose of question is for everyone to learn about what possibilities, and restriction as well, are after liberation in order for everyone to have possibility of long term prognose his evolution.

  30. Cintamani is a clear sanskrit word. “Cinta” is a brain and the “mani” is called stone or crystal. COBRA do you clarify that what is mentioned here is the illuminated brain (Pineal gland).

    The other stone to infuse Cintamani, Is it a “Shyamanthaka Mani” (a blue color stone / crystal) which KRISHNA possessed in his life time?

  31. Q: How do you understand ‘the Creation’? Is it those who created only this particular Universe in which we are (with Pleiades, Andromeda. Big dipper and Polaris), or you consider it related to the Multiverse (other parallel universes beside of ours)?

    Note: By multiverse I mean in the way in which scientific claims are about: (Alfred Webre’s work)

      • i consider this explanation to be incorrect. from my perspective the ego appears to be an overlay of the self. we call it personality. it is as a reaction to the primary anomaly like a sense of incompleteness so we consciously choose to do “more” in order to compensate for that perception.

  32. Q: ‘ The purpose of the soul evolution is to return the soul back to the source.
    The purpose of life is to find a way back into the One.’

    It always is on my mind as the end of the journey. Is it? What for? And what comes next?

    • If this might be the end, in this case are we able to cease at a certain point our spiritual evolution, or to benefit of ‘spiritual stagnation’? in case we have already the wisdom for this kind of decision. Or are we forced to go forward with our ‘spiritual evolution’ in the way in which the archons are forcing souls to come back on earth?

    • We’re now living in July 2016, still evolving towards our destination, which is in fact, our choice of who, where, why and how we want to be, in my view. Of course that’s to vague to leave it at that. I believe, Maria, that the source is the same as the One. I see endless cycles of existences, exploring life in infinite ways. There’s no end to this sort of journeys, as I perceive it. Even now, alive on planet Earth, things that had their meaning 10 years ago are looked at by me in totally different ways. That’s what the journey is about too, see what I mean?
      It’s not about the end, it’s about the journey itself. Reaching for the end result is part of the 3D world based on duality and linear time.Like comforting the mind by telling yourself “If I’m going to eat carrots all day tomorrow, I’m allowed to eat this box of chocolates now” 🙂


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