You can submit your questions to Cobra here under the comments section for our monthly interviews.
The email address for the Cobra Questions has been discontinued. Please use this page for that purpose, and review the other questions that have already been asked.
The best questions are the ones everyone can learn from, so attempt to phrase the questions with that in mind.
Please know that Cobra cannot answer personal questions, or review links that you provide. These links maybe interesting to other readers and you may post them here but know that Cobra cannot possibly review the content of everything on the internet. Remember that Cobra does not review or criticize others so don’t ask for an opinion of another person’s work. Please also know that there is also disinformation posted on the internet so things must go through your own personal filters: discernment, discernment, discernment…..always!
Thank you.
Need help with 2 events that happened. Cobra only.
I was shown 9-11 by an alien entity in about 1998/9. This entity was a elder with a white gown, stepped out of a silver disc, on top of a small flat top pyramid. We travelled through a blue and white swirling tunnel and stopped at a specific area, then the entity pointed down to some clouds and the 9-11 scenario was happening. (i didn’t realize it was 9-11 until it happened, and what i have decoded is 9-11 was an integration of another world into this world). Do you know who this entity is?
One evening, i had a visit by 2 dark beings (as in their construct). Figure they were archons. one of them started raising its arm slowly and looked like it was holding something, suddenly the room filled with blue and white shimmering colours and the 2 dark beings vanished, but a 3rd being was in the vicinity (a female). I know they manifested because i decoded a symbol on an ancient timeline which was a Black Circle which means “A time when the earth will be entombed in darkness” So, who would that female be, kicking archon ass so easily?
The interview is a space for us to ask questions, not get told things we already know. It is not fair to the hardworking light workers who have been with this since the beginning to come on to the interview and notice that the only time to ask cobra questions is being wasted on things everyone else already knows. Not a SINGLE question I submitted was answered and that is so disappointing because if you look at the list of questions I pasted below that cobra lost patience with, that cobra even himself expressed were obvious and repetitive the list is the same length as the questions I submitted the only difference is that my questions have never been asked before, tthey are follow up to topics he only briefly touched on because the questions weren’t explicit enough. The questions I submitted were thought out, provoking and opened up brand new topics of discussion and answered questions that would be very valuable for us to know. All of the questions from new Wes should be answered by us or be found on the blog, therefore why are those questions being asked and questions for dedicated lightworkers are being ignored?! We would have gotten answers to questions which we cannot find and isn’t that the point of these interviews? To expand our mind, motivate us and ask cobra questions that we can’t find?! Questions like the ones I have pasted below are from this interview and it’s obvious what the answer is and questions like this take time away from more important questions which are not obvious and have not been answered before…Cobra even points it out. I included my original questions at the bottom of this comment.
Lynn – We’re going to go with some questions to start off Cobra that are things that everybody wants to know about. The first question I have, this person asks; will The Event change the other negative races that eat humans or are very hostile towards humans?
COBRA – Yes, of course The Event is the final beginning of the end of darkness. At the moment of The Event, all negative beings that don’t want to change into positive will be taken to the central sun. So it will be the final filtering of negativity in this universe, so this is the game over. (yeah).
Richard – Cobra, can you clarify the difference between the Andromeda galaxy and Andromeda constellation?
COBRA – Andromeda galaxy is a spiral galaxy which is the twin galaxy to our own galaxy. The Andromeda constellation is one of many constellations that we can see from our sky as seen from earth. And most stars, the vast majority of stars in the Andromeda constellation belong to our galaxy and Andromeda galaxy is beyond all those stars in the same line of sight. (Oh, got it, thank you)
Lynn – Are we getting help from the positive Andromedans?
COBRA – Yes of course, quite much. (thank you)
When Cobra was asked about the elections this was his answer yet there were 4 more questions pertaining to this until he finally repeated himself saying IT DOEST MATTER… These questions are wasting time and space for questions that DO matter, that you can’t find on the Internet so easily.
Richard – What do you see happening?
COBRA – I see a lot of chaos, unpredictability and I think the whole thing is a big distraction. (got cha. thank you very much)….COBRA – I’ll say, as I’ve said before, it does not matter who gets elected because this is just the public puppet for the Cabal. What is important is the whole situation needs to be . . . there needs to be a breakthrough in the form of The Event then it doesn’t matter who is president. Before The Event whoever is president will be the puppet of the Cabal. Obama now, Bush before or the new one that is coming in November. It does not matter.
Yet another freaking question about the election was asked…Richard – Cobra, it is said that if the US military stops the November Presidential election because of a lack of “suited and competent candidates”, one of the ideas they are contemplating as an alternative is placing Canadian President as the Leader of the “North American Union”. Do you see this as a possibility?
COBRA – No I do not. This is not going to happen. (great, thank you)
And then three more questions, his answers being the same and repeating himself saying its a distraction. Lynn – The polls in anticipation of the U.S. election show Trump and Hillary running very even. Do you think this true?
COBRA – Yes it is true, but again I would say do not put too much attention and energy into this election. It is a distraction. (OK, thank you)
And another…
said that all power has been taken away from Obama by the military and that he does not have any more to say or power in the White House as President of the USA. It is said that he is only there for show and others within the military are calling all the shots, is this true?
COBRA – As I’ve said the current president is always just a puppet since the time of JFK. The president does not have any real power and the ones who are having the real power is the Cabal and the Military Industrial Complex. (OK)
And more obvious questions, literally nearly all of this interview has been the same…
Richard – Cobra, is the U.S. Federal Reserve Collection agency also known as the “Internal Revenue Services” or IRS still actively stealing money from the people of the United States?
COBRA – Yes, of course, isn’t this obvious? (yes)
This next statement by cobra should really put an end to all of these obvious already answered questions
COBRA – People need to realize that before The Event the whole circus will go as usual. There will not be drastic changes before The Event.
Yet more obvious questions are being asked
Lynn – Is it true that the organization known as the Republic of the United States is now in power in the U.S. instead of the old United States Inc.?
Cobra, can you tell us a little bit more about this?
COBRA – OK. The answer is no, and I think this is obvious. When the real Republic and I’m not speaking about that particular abbreviation, I’m speaking about the REAL republic will be in place it will be very, very much evident. And there will be no doubt about it.
The protocol for this hasn’t changed therefor the answer will be he same..Cobra, what do you honestly foresee as the future of the Rockefeller’s, Bush and Clinton crime families known for their unique cruel, ruthlessness and violent behavior against humanity?
COBRA – They will see the inside of the galactic central sun. (wow, nice, thank you)
Another topic that has been touched on over and over by cobra, the answers are obvious and his answer to the question says it all.
Lynn – Our next subject is September 11th, 2001 has been proven by so many, that it was an “inside job”. More than a thousand engineers have demonstrated that it was demolition, proving that it was a mini nuke, all together how can you evaporate a million tons or more of concrete and steel, and make WTC7 collapse without any reason. I think personally that more evidence is not needed to understand that the criminals behind the attacks are still walking free and laughing at the brainwashed masses. Cobra, what really happened on 9-11, 2001?
COBRA – You have just already answered this question what already happened.
And now after more question like this Cobra starts to put his foot down…
said “The Republic and the currency re-set will happen at the moment of The Event and not before.” Do we assume that the “mass arrests” will happen then also?
COBRA – Yes. (thank you). I have described the plan so many times already so I don’t think it necessary to repeat it again. (thank you)
Cobra has detailed the plan many times, anyone who has read it would know that the LF are filtering the pulse to us. Anyone who does not know this should be informed with links in private.
Lynn – Are the light forces “taking advantage” of the energy of the big sneeze to help liberate the planet?
COBRA – Yes, of course. (thank you)
Cobras article on the cintamani explains all of this in greater detail. Instead of Using special time on air we should be answering these types of questions on our own. Why waste time with cobra asking questions we already have the answer to?
Richard – Cobra, when I have a Cintamani stone nearby, my life becomes more challenging. How does the Cintamani Stone affect things?
COBRA – It can trigger everything that has been suppressed in your subconsciousness for it to be transformed.
Below of I have pasted all of the questions which I submitted…
Please describe the different facets of reality and space in order; for instance we have asteroids, planets the sun then the galactic sun then the universe then what’s next beyond the universe? What is the order which life is manifested on this dimension including what I didn’t mention?
Are there other Sources of creation if so do these sources interact with each other like we can interact with one another?
(What is outside of the source?)
If we could see a picture of the universe and what’s outside of the universes and then the source what would it look like on the physical plane?
What does the soul look like on the physical plane or is it only 6th dimensional? If so what does it look like on the 6th dimension?
What happens after we return to Source? Do we go on to perceive and interact with life from that perspective?
Describe the physics and characteristics of a Sun and the Earth’s core being a stargate
Describe the physics and characteristics of the galactic central sun.
Describe the physics and characteristics of black holes and white holes
Describe the physics and characteristics of tachyons and how we harness them for travel.
Describe the consciousness of cosmic bodies.
Do planets decide what they produce?
In the July interview lynn asked a question about giant animals and us knowing their origin, Cobra answered yes to knowing the planet, please give more information such as the name of this planet and its precise location.
Is there a telescope that can see the surface of other planets in our solar system which have life actively interacting in the skies and surface of that planet? If so what telescope and which planets?
If teleportation exists why is there spaceships?
What causes the increase in size of humans or other 3D beings? Is it true that the more wise the taller you are?
What can we do to heal that aspect of our biology which makes us short? (Is it directly associated with our pituitary gland which secretes growth hormones?)
How do advanced civilizations perform biokinesis or communication with their genes to change characteristics of their bodily vessel such as height or color of eyes, bone structure or complications?
You defined vibrational frequencies as ” the amount of the interaction between spirit and matter in any particular area or whatever we are measuring.”, what tools and technology are used by those who have access to such technology to measure vibrational frequencies?
Does this spirit to matter connection result in telekenis?
To what measurable degree do we need to raise our vibrational frequency to develop those abilities?
What resources are available to learn the Pleiadians language?
How will language adapt after the event and how soon will we use that new language ?
Are there any resources to learn that language now?
What resources are there to learn how to perform telepathic communication on demand?
In the July interview it is mentioned that technologies are used during the sleeping state to inhibit the transition of dreaming to a higher vibration which we can then learn and recieve training, what methods or pattern of commencement can an individual take to insure that they reach this state?
Which surface city or town is most populated and regularly visited by Underground Civilizations and our Space Family?
Previously you have released Intel which states the Resistance Movement is under bora bora island. Please provide more detail in regards to their presence there.
How active are they there?
Is their location accessed in the ocean, in the mountain if so which one?
What is their purpose there?
How active is the RM in Ljubljana, Slovenia? What is their purpose there?
When the RM come to the surface what are they usually doing and how often do they come up in places like Bora Bora, Ljubjana, Salt Lake City ect?
Which city is the most active with RM personnel and what is their purpose in that city?
How often do you meet with the RM and Pleiadians and where do you meet?
You’ve mentioned before that the RM is infiltrated in the show Mr Robot, can you give us more detail on their presence there?
(with who involved with that show is apart of the RM?)
What other films shows and music is the RM infiltrated in?
Will there be a mainstream movie that shows the history right before the last pulse 25000 years ago up until now from the perspective of the Light Forces above and below the surface?
Corey Goode has made the effort to give photos of those he is interacting who are of other origin, will you take photos of the light forces anonymously?
Does the Space family use technology like cameras and videos?
(Are any of the light forces on social media? If so what are they doing there and are they disguised as someone else or are they anonymous? How common is that?)
The photo you posted of the woman with light around her, was she emitting that light or was that lift coming from an external source?
(What does it mean when someone emits light like that? How does this happen and what are the steps one takes to have this happen to them?)
What are the ingredients to the Pleiadian elixir of life and what is the daily recommended dosage?
How do the Pleiadians make this elixir such high vibrational?
(Does it have to do with how the food is grown? If so what are the specific techniques which they use?)
How will the soil be regenerated after the event? If technology is used please describe in detail this technology.
How can we develop the technology now to regenerate the soil?
What can humans do now to regenerate the soil on a physical and spiritual level?
What is it about the soil or garden process underground or outer space civilizations use that makes crops go so large and nutrient dense?
What form of water is the safest and most healing?
Describe the characteristics and physics of the replication devices.
You said in your last interview that one recommendation for homeless or poor light workers is to move to Asia, but how will we make money in those countries? Which country or city in Asia to you feel has the most to offer?
What projects or field do you think light workers or warriors with no money should focus on in order to speed up the liberation process?
What projects of field do you recommend light workers or warriors focus on in order to be in physical contact with ETs?
What are your thoughts ground crew? ??✨
Miranda, this is the last time I will comment on the September Cobra interview. You have clearly made your point. I cannot ask questions that I never received. I’m just not that psychic. Now it is time to move forward. If you truly want the Cobra interviews improved, then a better use of your time is to work on the questions that have been submitted. I don’t like repeat questions either but these are the questions that are being asked in cyber land.
There are new people waking up every day. It is not fair to them to ignore their questions just because you know the answer. A better approach would be to provide the answers to those questions that you already know the answer or to provide where to find the answer. It is not always that people are just lazy; maybe they don’t know where to look, maybe they are that new to these concepts. Remember, we are in the very infinitesimally small minority here. You walk up to anyone on the street and ask them if they even know that there exists extraterrestrial life and you will probably get a strange look in return. And that isn’t even the tip of the iceberg. It’s time to show how your ability and knowledge can be used to better the interview and not neglect those that are just waking up. ~**~
Who is XiWangMu?What is her role and What is her oringin?
Cobra mentions about XiWangMu on this article.
Elon Musk of Tesla Car Fame and SpaceX seems to be playing both sides of the light/dark issue. What side is he really on?
What are real identities of Confucius and Laozi?
> U : Ok. Will the physical aspect of the galactic pulse reach us at a set date or can it be delayed ?
C : It is being DELAYED ALREADY because the galaxy is a living organism and the galactic pulse is timed according to the level of consciousness on this planet so it can be DELAYED a little bit.
Once upon a time there live two brothers: Fat Cat and Rat. The cat was so lazy and fat that caught one rat within 26000 years. Now everybody can understand why there are so rats around us.
Yes, I understand that Cobra is too serious man and it never read fairy tails.
Excuse me for my bad English.
Just to understand. Many times I think ‘fuck off I can do it myself’, or ‘mind your own business’, in particular on computer. But I notice that people are lazy and find it handy when I ask them, like f.e. with self reacting cars.
What is it that makes people gave it away? Mind control? Full faith/trust?
Why are there so much people that are not knowing about these news and are still watching the Tv news and when someone says that Tv news is not accurate they still think that TV is informing them?
Any update on the geo-political situation on our planet? So much is happening it is hard to discern what is going to be allowed to happen and what is not. Staying informed creates fear (which i know is not healthy). But so much suffering is going on–how far will they be allowed to go?
Is the Book of the Secrets a useful tool for reading?
Are there certain patterns in our lives that the Universe send for us as fear, rejection, abandonment, loss and some things positive also as positive life, tenderness, care, friendship, discovery? Are we all have to pass from all these phases or not?
What would happen to those who don’t ascend?
Is hilary clinton dead or was that a rumor?
Q: Is true original thought possible for a human being or is there always some programming/conditioning involved?
Q: What is your opinion about the Penrose model of creation and is this the correct model in your opinion?
Q: Who “invented” the original template of the human instrument/form and was it programmed to persist across densities? Is this prime template the same across the universe? How much of this template has been distorted through genetic experimentation etc.?
Q: Is the ultimate meaning of life to be a vessel of exploration for godmind or is the meaning of life to be an individual expression of Self, or both?
Q: Is the concept/existence of Self a mystery even to the most advanced beings in the cosmos?
Q: Did there once exist a defense grid throughout the solar system and beyond?
Q: What percentage of similar thought in the population is needed for an idea to gain a foothold in the collective mind. Has the cabal used our collective consciousness to manifest reality and in what way have these ideas been seeded into the collective? Has the Veil been a significant part of this process?
What will happen to the people who will not ascend? Will they reincarnate in other places?
Cobra, Is it safe to travel out of the country (October) without family(children)? I have a trip planned but Simon Parks seems to think October is not safe for travel.Do you agree with him?
I think that nothing is fixed as if there’s a script/scenario for October, amy, for it depends on how the population reacts to an unexpected event, pun intended. I truly think that you’re the one having to decide for safety or not. Use your own discernment and…. remember this one? “when in doubt, don’t cross the street”
No, Cobra is not a member of the Cabal and he suffered an attempt of assasSINATION I think it was before the arCHON INVASION AND HE TELLS IT ON AN INTERVIEW. i DO NOT KNOW why HE DOES NOT TALK THIS OFTEN FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE STILL I DOUBT IF HE IS A CABAL MEMBER.
After implants are dissolved, how are people going to deal with having been completely wrong about the nature of reality for so long? Will it lead to suicides, angry outbursts and violence or will the energies be so overwhelmingly positive that bad vibes will be mitigated?
I suggest you read the handbook The Event, available here, Roger. It’s written by Cobra, offering a perspective on how The Event might affect the human population. Nothing is fixed nor forced on any member of humanity. It all depends on how well prepared one is and how one’s attitude is towards change. When human unconsciousness determines the conditions of life, other forces easily step in, causing much confusion and suffering. We’re all in it together, good and evil. Empty seats in a theatre are greedily sought after by those who arrive late but intend to sit on the front row.
Why do satan devotees cover one eye? Does that point to the eye in the pyramid?
Hi Cobra,
I read your blog and the information just blows my mind of the water, figuratively speaking.
I embrace the change and can’t wait to live in a new paradigm where the current reality is no more. However, I did notice that you use Google to communicate.
Why use Google which is controlled by the cabal? Obviously there are security issues with using Google.
Apologies for being frank. Are you cabal? How are you protecting your identity? Do you need to protect your identity?
One Love
Does the CINTAMANI stone ever get bigger or grow with use?
Thank you.
Are the Deros still on Earth on underground caverns?
Are the new “earbud-less” iphones with bluetooth/wifi earphones meant to control people via messages sent through the earbuds?
I can’t tell where to leave a question. This looks like a “comments” section to me, but here goes:
Thank you SO much for everything you do. We all really appreciate it. I can’t wait to see who you really are after this is all over.
1. We live in CA and my kids start 7th grade next year. With the mandatory vaccinations, I want to move out of state into OR that does not yet have mandatory vaccinations. But my kids want to stay at their school with their friends. Is there a way to de-tox from the vacs? I’ve heard MMS will work. I’ve also heard that there are ID chips in the vacs, i.e. the “mark of the beast.” Is this true?
Thank you
cmwkrn, although it’s tough to find a way in this issue, I can imagine that your responsibility for your children’s health and future are so valuable that this could easily override their preference to stay with their friends. Talk to them about the possible destructive effect in the vaccinations, include them in creating a solution. They will understand. And if not, you’re the boss. This is an ex-childminder speaking, don’t give away your power as an adult and parent. Making new friends is easier than having to live with a debilitating condition or, rather a grim sarcasm, a resurrection from death.
Oh, I meant the impossibility of a resurrestion from death. But it’s my silly sense of humour really overdoing it. Forgive me, that wasn’t very hope giving, was it? Be assured that there’s a way to detox your kids from the effects of the vaccinations. Or even finding a way to not expose your kids to them.
Here’s a valuable documentary about the consequences and benefits of vaccines, if you think you need to learn more about the subject:
And here’s a link with suggestions how to detox from vaccines:
Keep an eye on for updates and suggestions for health improvement too,
for a strong immune system is sustained by physical, emotional and spiritual health. Mike Adams is one of the explorers and wholistic health advisors who are aware of this.
Hi, this is a two part question.
Where the Archons an accidental manifestation by Enki after he traveled into a forbidden/dangerous part of the universe? And is Enki’s son Ra the same being from the Law of One texts?
Thank you,
Love and Light, Chris.
Does Japanese former prime minister Yukio Hatoyama have any relationship between Eastern Alliance?
Is NESARA real and if so why has it been delayed and when will it come into effect. Also why is there no up to date information on this.
Is the black nobility the British monarchy. And if so do Harry and William condone it?
Is the Asperger a disease of the astral, etheric and plasma bodies? Or is it just a “wrong” perception of life and the world? How these people are going to be treated after the Event?
Is it a guarantee that we are going to be released from the dark forces? Is it 100 per cent true? Because some people say that this war is not won yet and we can have some surprises. Is it absolutely confirmed that the Light will be poured down on humanity?
What is the difference between a stargate and a jumproom?
With the few humans who will actually survive the Ascension process on 5D Earth. After we are living, breathing, 5D beings with peace and love. Would we be defenseless against alien warmongers from the cosmos???
To happen EVENT it is necessary to cleanup Earth astral?
How many embodied and disembodied souls still live on Earth?
You know how many souls will be sent to other planets due to their low vibrations?
Thank you
Will the full disclosure be gradual or a ‘shock’ to most people?
Will the Event take place as soon as the Galactic Wars are over?
Why so many are reporting they are seeing strange things happening in the skies as angels or even plasmatic forms appearing in the skies? Is this the results of some cracks on the Veil?
I try to be optimistic, but this is taking too long, no financial collapse, no end of powerty, more wars, more people sick, more illness, RM failed in 2013 to “create” THE EVENT.
I was expecting (yeah, realy naive) that THE EVENT will happen in december 2015, nothing happend things are worst than before, i think THE EVENT will not happen in 2016/2017/2018 MAYBE in 2020 if we are lucky
I think the NWO will be implemented,with digital cash and microchips controlled by the CABAL, they will launch a NUCLEAR device, COBRA said will not happen, okay meanwhile looks the RM and lightforces are kicking the can every month
No intel at all, no information, nothing and you expect that people will start to meditate? you kidding, people want FACTS NOW, not meditations, we want to see some real bankrupt or some important jailed
But as i said i think this will not happen this year, looks a wasted of time
Sorry but a lot of people have the same sensation as me “nothing will happen” i’m done, i have enough of this stupid “kicking the can” and false hope
With all respect, jhony, you may not feel or see it, but you’re living up to all the mindcontrol and veil waving in front of your eyes, created by the powers holding control over you that way. They want you to feel this way, for it’s your fear and desperation, your anxiety, that is the best dinner on their table.
Cobra could you tell us about Area51? What is the purpose of it? Do they know something they are hidding from us?
Why did the German government recently advise people to stockpile food and water for 10 days?
Here’s an explanation, it might be the answer to your question, Alina:
In the August interview it was said that the leader of the Archons was arrested, turned to light, then volunteered to be disintegrated in the galactic central sun; and his wish was granted. Can any entity ‘apply’ if you will to be disintegrated in the galactic central sun and choose out of free will not to exist any longer and; who decides to grant the entity’s’ wish and based on what? Free will?
I don’t think that a non-existence is at key, Dewald. A soul can’t cease to exist, a way of life can. Life goes on eternally and the meaning of going back to source is, that the soul is free to experience and create a new cycle of becoming more and more conscious of itself, be it in love or hate. Free will? Oh yes, always, for there’s no development and growth in spirit when that’s taken away from us, from all living beings with a consciousness and a sense of choice.
Is adolescence a natural transition phase or it was created or corrupted by the Archons? Why is it such a hard and destructive period for most of the people? Does it have any divine purpose?
I believe it’s a healthy rubbing of shoulders, a learning curve offered to discern what’s serving your or not and to learn to deal with our human condition and those of others. It’s similar to the ascension process, compared often with going through the birth channel. We need to look our imperfections in the face and begin to love them for what they are. How you feel about them is your choice, in a sense that your judgments can be debilitating your joy in life and your joy in life can be empowering in finding the courage to face your incarnation and accompanying truth. Pain is the result of the former and freedom is the result of the latter.
During the summer months of 1987, every evening, I would see 15 brilliant, white light, pulsating pyramid shaped crafts in the sky. They would perform a show for me. Their crafts were alive! Those inside the crafts told me that when they come back, I would be working for them. I would like to know who they are and where they come from. Only 2 other people that I know of have seen these crafts.
During the summer of 1987, on each evening of June, July and August, I saw 15 brilliant, white light, pulsating pyramid shaped star crafts. They would put on a show for me in the night sky. I also sensed that the crafts are alive. Telepathically, I was told that when they return I will be working with them. Only 2 other people that I know have seen these crafts. Who are they and where do they come from?
Who are the people that are claiming for justice because of murders and assassinations on the Revelation? Are they us on the soul levels?
Dear Cobra,
can you tell us something about Russian dr. Grigorij Grabovoi. He claims that we can heal and manifest everything, materialize negative into positive, by vizualization, using specific numeric series, which include a light/information to manifest desired. People witnes defeated cancer (in last stage), growing of 3rd tooth, women materialize the womb, which they have lost. He says everything is possible because in our beeing we are perfect, healthy, with all organs, and eternal! He also works/ed in building a spaceship and in fights against threats for the planet Earth. Would you say, creation and healing with usage of specific numbers/numeric series, is true? Would you like to add something about “his” methods of healing and creating?
If Bernie Sanders gets again on the run for presidential election, is this a significant victory of the Light or he will be brainwashed and manipulated?
Can you explain how The Event and removal of the veil technologies is going to affect those who seem to be victims of electronic harassment, who seem to be tuned into some sort of radio field?
Three questions:
*You stated in the last interview that you do not completely agree with the theories given for the ‘Mandela Effect’. Could you please elaborate on this and explain why so many of us remember things differently (BerenstAin Bears vs BerenstEin Bears for instance)?
*At houses of worship, there is a lot of praise energy generated. Where does this energy go? If it depends on the religion, could you please elaborate on the Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Islam, and Judaism) specifically?
*There are claims out there that people can remove their chakras. Is this even possible, and if so what would happen to a person who did this?
Steve, it’s impossible to remove one’s chakras, for they’re essential to keep your life force energy flowing, maintaining your physical body. Chakras are as natural and essential as all the organs in our body, only they’re energy knots, windows to the other side of the veil when in the most high location of the energy field.
Imagine a human embryo developing in its mother’s womb, all cosmic vibrations of planets, stars, the sun, Alcyone, planet Earth herself, stream in that tiny body and show their entry points by means of spirals.
The whole body of the child is covered in hair and these form spirals on specific locations of the body, in sync with the creation of the energy system of the body, the chakra system. Remember that place on your head, where your crown shows the spot where hairs grow in a spiraling formation? If you’ve still got hair?
About diatomaceous earth
Cobra will the event change the other negative races that eat humans or are very hostile towards humans? Are the council of 5 still warching this earth ?
Cobra, are you able to offer any insight into what has been happening with US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in recent months? What started as uncontrollable coughing fits and apparent seizures has escalated to whatever it was we saw at the 9/11 memorial in which she apparently lost the ability to move and had to be literally dragged into a van by her handlers. You have already made it clear that no clones are involved, but are “body doubles” being used? There was a well known Hillary Clinton impersonator confirmed to be in NYC on the same day of that incident. Is any of this recent bizarre behaviour related to the bounty placed on her by the White Dragon Society?