Cobra Questions


You can submit your questions to Cobra here under the comments section for our monthly interviews. 

The email address for the Cobra Questions has been discontinued. Please use this page for that purpose, and review the other questions that have already been asked.

The best questions are the ones everyone can learn from, so attempt to phrase the questions with that in mind. 

Please know that Cobra cannot answer personal questions, or review links that you provide. These links maybe interesting to other readers and you may post them here but know that Cobra cannot possibly review the content of everything on the internet. Remember that Cobra does not review or criticize others so don’t ask for an opinion of another person’s work. Please also know that there is also disinformation posted on the internet so things must go through your own personal filters: discernment, discernment, discernment…..always!

Thank you.



    Been Listening to Cobra since he laughed his site. Never asked a question (until now). There’s some good ones in here. Hopefully we can get these answered. Thanks! Keep up the amazing work!

    *Can you give us a brief timeline when the significant wars in space occurred for the battle over earth and who won?

    What is the Best book to read on the true Galactic History/wars of our Planet and Solar System?

    If you look at the symmetry of our face. Why does one eye look different from other? Is a different aspect of our being? Ego maybe?

    *It’s clear that the powers that be have been trying to suppress the African American race since breaking the noses off Egyptian statues. slavery, segregation, and now mass incarceration. What is it about the african america race that would make these powers that be want to suppress them so diligently?

    *You say there are no ascended masters on this planet right now. Why is this exactly? I mean, in the most important time of the planets history where there’s been more darkness than ever why would we pull out our starting line up in the Super Bowl of cosmic events?

    You say it’s still not safe “out there” in higher earth planes? Is it safer in the surface of the planet right now?

    Do phychadics help dissolve the veil?

    What are natural non-spiritual ways for people to get rid of entity attachments by themselves without meditation, prayer, or shamanic work? And how do we know if we have them?

    Since earth is quarantined with a veil, are all the millions of ships who are viewing this cosmic Super Bowl event stuck here until the event? Or Can ships come and go?

    Are the beings of inner earth stuck here bc of the veil or bc they choose to stay?

    *How many veils are there and who put them there? (I heard there were some by the dark and some by the light to trap the dark as well so they cant escape)

    Did Jesus really ascend or is he still here on earth just reincarnated?

    *We heard you say “we don’t have an ego”. Can you explain the shadow the aspects of us that act out in anger, jealousy, fear, etc. the parts of us we are trying to transmute. What would you call that?

    *Previously you said that the time has come for king of the world to emerge. Can you elaborate on this? Which being/ascended master is the king of the world? Where’s he emerging from? Is he incarnated in a human body? What will his emergence look like? What’s his mission? etc.

    Is this the being they refer to as the Kalki avatar? Which is said to be the reincarnation of Krishna?

    Cobra Said previously that Krishna and Jesus are the same entity. So is this Kalki avatar the second coming that many religions are waiting for? Can you tell us more about this Kalki being?

    *Are there any specific reasons why someone would choose not to have contact or utilize their gifts of telepathy and cleavoyance etc.?

    Why/how was Buddha the only ascended master to ascend since a certain time period?

    The name Maitreya is a code name for what or whom?

    If all there really is is love then why is there hate and war in the higher dimensions as well? People make it seem like earth is the hell hole yet we hear these crazy stories about galactic wars, plaedies invasion, octopus entires and set tunnels and plasma bombs out there. Yet there are wars going on in space and in our other indigenous planets.

    Why is there so much evidence right now that is supporting flat earth theory and what is the main piece of evidence that earth is round to debunk this? And why is this coming out now?

    Which controls or holds dominion over the other Soul, body, mind, heart?

    What is the spiritual importance and consciousness of the fascia muscles?

    Can you explain the Mendalla effect?

  2. questions for this month:
    1 – Recently the jesuits have elected a new general (black pope) – is that a good sign, have they have become weaker, or it doesn’t make a difference and why?
    2 – The cabal is desperate and pushing really hard to start a WW3 – are we in a dangerous situation or they don’t have any chance at all and are only trying to instill fear?
    3 – Is wikileaks a tool for white hats to dump data or is it controlled oposition?

  3. 1.) Does it matter if the cintamani stone is contacting the skin or can it be just held in a pouch or pocket to be most effective on the individual’s energetic field and body?

    2.) What is the 2nd aspect of the Cintamani stone? What is the significance of this 2nd aspect?

    3.) Does it matter if doing the weekly meditation is just a few minutes or hours off the designated time? Does it diminish the effect if its not right that designated time?

  4. Hi Cobra,
    You had mentioned before about using something that could damage the pineal gland connection or something along those lines. I can’t remember the exact details. So I was wondering, is Ayahuasca useful and all? Thanks again!

  5. NOTE: Damanhur in Italy is a cult that is run by Archons, I would suggest you be very careful with this group it is a set up to catch light workers who are lost and looking for answers and hold them trapped so they do not connect to the light.
    I visited this place and had confirmation of this group not being part of the light network at present, the technology they use called selfica is implant technology. This is a very seductive cult as you are enticed through planetary healing and environmental living and communal living.
    I witnessed an inside a range of angry people, an alcoholic, multiple partners in relationships due to lack of male counterparts, broken families due to some being in the cult and others leaving after seeing the truth, high living costs while higher members live luxury lives and others scrap by, free labour that is guised as weekly meditation, these entities they connect with (Archons) connect to ley lines in earth to manipulate global thinking, they use hypnosis brainwashing against those who will not accept the Damanhur programming that destruction will come to their lives
    A lot of the idea is based on light and post event living but this is a cult that is run by a very small handful of people who make decide for all and much of the information is not transparent you have to join certain groups to get some info and even those who have been there 20 years still are not sure of many of the setup of the commune, the response to most questions I was given is “it’s very complicated” and no clear information is ever given. The scared forest is a portal to the etheric Archon plains it is very disturbing to stay in overnight, the head of alchemy admitted to me that they are in contact with entities and when I asked what is given in return for technology and information exchange from these beings (Archons) I was told they feed off of the energy and emotions of the person, she admitted to one nearly being killed by her entity as it nearly sucked all her energy out of her when she approached it in a non-submissive way.
    I WOULD AVOID USING OR BUYING SELFICAS, you will be implanted with Archon technology! I was attacked on every level for exposing this information about this group, . BEWARE!
    I am more than happy to help you with more info if you wish to know about this place before you decide on going or joining, I was very desperate for truth when I went to this place as most light helpers are, but lucky I am not one to just adopt anything without full research and when I was there I was shown the truth about this place, you as like many are very vulnerable and looking for answers, my advice is ask lots of questions challenge everything, anything you are met with resistance on and not given transparency you need to question.

  6. Cobra

    You have sent a letter to Kerry Cassidy, Drake, David Wilcock,Benjamin Fulford, Bill Brockbrader. This letter had approached you from these people or not?

  7. Why do many male twin flames choose to run away from the connection? Is there any way we can do to speed up the process of a twin flame unison?

  8. Who actually wrote The Protocols of the Elders of Zion? Is not really clear, but the book in which they are embodied was published by Sergyei Nilus in Russia in 1905.

  9. About the future…. It is said that this all happens for the first time and nobody knows how it will be. Then where do all the fortunetellers have their intel from? (not meant denigrated). From the future? Where do you, Cobra, have your intel from?
    Thank you.

  10. All the links to the article the The Red Pill posted Jul 22, 2012, now redirect to one site . Does Cobra have any idea what has happened to the website that was the source for the article? Who actually wrote The Protocols of the Elders of Zion?

    • You can always locate an archived copy over at the Internet Archive. Nearly every web page which has been taken down for some reason or the other finds a place there.

  11. Is it normal that all the channeled messages talk just about the interior world and nothing about our status on planet Earth and the process of liberation? If we want to know real intel, what should we do?

  12. The Rama Empire of India

    1. Did the Rama Empire of India become a BREAKAWAY CIVILIZATION as a result of the worldwide cataclysm that occurred 10,000 years ago ?

    2. Where did the Rama Empire re-establish itself after the cataclysm ?
    Supplementary : How did they get there ?

    3. Did they stay on in their new home or did they migrate again elsewhere ?
    Supplementary : If they migrated again, where did they go and how did they get there ?

    4. Who constructed the ancient bridge linking South India and Sri Lanka ?
    Supplementary : Why was the bridge built ? What technology was used in the construction of this bridge ?

    • Did the Rama Empire ultimately undergo a collective ascension process ?

      Supplementary : (a) If so, when and where did this occur ?

      (b) What protocols were followed to get themselves ready for the ascension process ?

      (c) How did the ascension process occur for them ?

      (d) And which dimension/ planet/ galaxy did they land up in immediately after the ascension process?

  13. About sexuality.
    I remember you once said that people in the 5th dimension a.o. make love during the day.
    Sananda says in a channeling of may 2013 that love between twin souls is beyond human sexuality.
    Making love is of course not automaticcaly sex. But how does it happen? Can you tell a bit about that?
    Thank you.

  14. Cobra, the 2009 Norway Spiral incident remains very much unexplained. The official statement, that a Bulava missile test had failed, seems unlikely to cause such aerial phenomenon. Who caused this incident, which happened one day before President Obama arrived to give his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech in Oslo, and what was the intended purpose? What was seen in the sky that night?

  15. Hi Cobra

    What are the origins of the ancient piece of aluminum found in Romania during the 1970s? Tests have revealed that the fragment of metal is made up of 90% aluminum and is 250,000 years old.

    Scientists believe that a ‘ninth planet’ might be causing the solar system to tilt?

    Are hexagonal clouds in the Bermuda Triangle caused by 170mph ‘air bombs’ be behind the disappearances of ships and airplanes?

    Why was there a massive East Coast USA internet outage on October 21st? Who was behind the DDos attacks?

    Is Hillary Clinton relying on a false flag/fake alien invasion to save her campaign?
    Key words: Benenson Strategy group, salvage program

  16. Hi Cobra, I saw someone wrote about having access to the cabal navy camera live ISS feed and mentioned that the Earth is surrounded by the colour Indigo. Is it true?

  17. Namaste, I am seeing many reports on the eye of Africa (located in north Africa/ Atlantic region) there are claims that it is Atlantis. I have searched in cobra FAQ and havnt found anything. As far as I can tell what was Atlantis is under the ocean that went down with the land mass, and is not the eye of Africa. Can you tell us what the eye of Africa actually is? Thank you.

  18. If the darkness will be removed forever of this Universe, from this point we should or could see all our lives in the darkness as totally ” wrong” and we should just see now the light that is ahead? How can we perceive the most spiritual teachings that is still sayinh we are going to live darness and light one way or another for our benefit?

  19. Hi Cobra. Is it true that human race has something unique thats called sense of humor ? And power of it is used by other beings to rejuvenate after some heavy mind activity ?

  20. 1) Cobra, you have said many times that without the intervention of the Light forces humanity would be extinct. When you say that do you mean that we would have died simply or that the archons would have destroyed our souls too? Do the Archons have the power to destroy our soul?

    2) Is adolescence a natural shift/phase or it’s an archon creation? Why is it such a difficult phase?

  21. Hello Cobra, it’s a pleasure to have this opportunity. Much like his wife (which you have already confirmed), Bill Clinton’s health appears to have declined. Is this an accurate assessment, and if so are you able to elaborate on the subject?

  22. During the summer of 1987, I saw 15, pulsating white light crafts, each in the shape of a pyramid. Their crafts were alive. They showed themselves to me every night in June, July and August. The beings inside told me that when they return, I will be helping/working with them. Only 2 other people have seen these crafts. We have not seen them since 1987. Can you tell me who they are and where they are from?

  23. Is it true that Georges Soros many years ago was against the Cabal and he was going to reveal about the Cabal bankers and he was bought with power and wealthy?

  24. Hi,
    I read AA (Alcohlolics Anonymous) is an extension of the cabal.
    Its a solution to the problem they helped to create which is the epidemic problem in this world with addiction. The program is intended to mind control its members to live in fear and dependent to AA in order to live sober. Is this true?
    Radiant Rose Academy is Akasha and Asun ascended masters dispensation. Is this dispensation of the light or a cabal experiment?
    I ask because a member of these organizations and something does not feel right?

  25. You have said that duality will “end” after the event. But duality is just a product of the mind, it is not real, it is simply a way of viewing the world. It is our attachment to duality and the belief that it is real that is the source of our problems and of our ‘un-enlightenment’. If we are going to keep our minds, how exactly would duality be eliminated and why would such a thing be necessary?

  26. Who are the physical Chimera? Would we recognize them? I would like to envision them being arrested.

    Once Aleppo is free of the terrorists, will the toplet bombs and physical implants be easier to remove?

    Thank you Cobra, RM and prepare for change!

    • Hey Sonja,
      I will provide a link providing some info about one of your question.
      Who are the physical Chimera?
      Hope this helps.

  27. Sekhmet maintains her formness of lioness or she is depicted just on Earth as half woman and half cat? Is she helping on Earth Ascension directly or indirectly?

  28. Are we just a source of energy for the Archons? Do they see us just like a soda can that can be used, thrown away and a “person” goes and recycle the soda can?

  29. Hi Cobra

    Is Tabby’s star/KIC 8462852 surrounded by an alien megastructure. It’s experiencing dramatic and rapid changes in brightness. What can you tell us about this star?

    What can you tell us about the Porthologos library under the aegean sea?

    Was October a better month for the Light Forces? What is the situation with the ongoing war of taking down the Chimera? Any recent escalation by the Chimera? What is the situation with the ‘cracks in the veil’? More openings or the same?

    What do you think about the ongoing John Podesta email dumps by Wikileaks? What are they going to reveal?

    Is the tv show mr robot preparing the public for a financial reset? There are clear messages about mass arrests, wealth redistribution, revolution, deleting debts. Does the resistance movement have a role in mr robot?

    Did you hear about the numerous reports of sirens sounding and fighter jets seen in San Diego on October 15th?

  30. According to latest research, scientists predict a mini Ice age in around 15 years time which would lead to the solar activity dropping by 60 %. Is that so or will the RM be able to prevent these temperature imbalances and extremes from happening?

  31. Is Assange a limited hangout/Cabal agent? The Podesta e-mails are somewhat damaging but nothing earthshattering. After all, he once said he was irritated by “false conspiracies” like 9/11.

  32. 1. Because of the migration caused by the war, a lot of children have gone missing. Did the Lightforces take these children into their custody? Is the Cabal responsible for every child that goes missing?
    2. Are there entities that can show you who you were, are and will be? Is it good to know these things or this changes your relations with your family and friends so much that maybe you’ll leave them. What is the right choice in this matter?
    3.Will the Sun change at the time of the Event?

  33. Cobra

    We have been talked by many sources on Ufology and Non Ufology that the Ets are helping humanity with their full force, that there are billions or even trillions of civilizations helping humanity, but they are not going to interfere, so there will not be the Event as we know it. Is this part of our mass programming? Should we see this statement as totally not true?

  34. Hi Cobra, will the Russians ever get out of Donbas, Ukraine and will Crimea & Donbas be given back to Ukraine after the Event/Disclosure?

  35. Hi Cobra, can you please tell me the real reason that Putin took Ukraine’s Crimea? Was it because of the underground pyramids discovered there? And why is Putin’s forces still in the Eastern Ukraine of Donbas?

  36. If reptilians are 4th dimensional beings then why do the need to create negative events (like the genocide in Rwanda) to massively LOWER vibration in order to open portals to interact on the current human earth plane? Are they also being held below the 5th dimension by the archons in order to carry out their negative agenda?

  37. Can thought transform plasma into physical matter? Can thought determine how atomic sub-particles combine thus creating chemical compounds from “nothing”?

  38. Cobra

    Russia is spreading rumours that the Third World War has begun. This statement is some kind of disclosure for people at the world?


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