Cobra Questions


You can submit your questions to Cobra here under the comments section for our monthly interviews. 

The email address for the Cobra Questions has been discontinued. Please use this page for that purpose, and review the other questions that have already been asked.

The best questions are the ones everyone can learn from, so attempt to phrase the questions with that in mind. 

Please know that Cobra cannot answer personal questions, or review links that you provide. These links maybe interesting to other readers and you may post them here but know that Cobra cannot possibly review the content of everything on the internet. Remember that Cobra does not review or criticize others so don’t ask for an opinion of another person’s work. Please also know that there is also disinformation posted on the internet so things must go through your own personal filters: discernment, discernment, discernment…..always!

Thank you.


  1. Cobra, i have 3 questions,
    1.Who authored the Vedas (the Vedic Scriptures)?
    2. Who or what send us our languages and when?
    3. Who or what gave us the numerologie?

    Thanks very much indeed

  2. There is a very famous Chinese secret society called HongMen ,its original name is Society of the Heaven and the Earth. Throughout the years there are many research of this group but it is still mysterious as the Freemason in the west. Cobra must be familiar with this group so I have 3 questions: (the host please ask one by one)
    1. I saw some symbols of Hongmen is quite similar to the ones of Freemason, for example the square and compasses. Is there any relationships between Hongmen and Freemason in the history? If yes please elaborate.
    2. Is Hongmen related to any ancient Chinese Dragon family ? According to some research, some concepts or ideas of Hongmen are from Gnosticism, does Cobra know any information about it?
    3. It seems Hongmen is not a united but a loose organization, it contains different factions around the world just like the situations of Agartha Network underground. Nowadays, Hongmen is working for the light force or for the Cabal ?

  3. Cobra,

    You have said things in your interviews which I feel are subtly homophobic. I will no longer overlook this. Also, on the “Event is Coming Soon” youtube channel one of the videos specifically states that homosexuality is proof that society has gone towards the dark side. This is totally offensive and FALSE. I do believe you are in danger of losing gay followers (including myself) and rightly so. No one needs anyone’s interpretation of what is right or wrong with respect to sexual preferance. With that said, what exactly are you stating is the nature of homosexuality and it’s role in the evolution of humanity?

    • Cobra does not choose which articles are recorded by the group behind the videos ‘The Event is coming soon’. Cobra has not ever spoken in a derogatory manner regarding the homosexual community. He has agreed in an interview with the suggestion that there can be equally truly loving spiritual relationships between homosexuals as between heterosexuals. There is no judgement where love is concerned. This article that you are referring to is very one-sided and does not take into consideration that humans are controlled by technology that they have no awareness of. Whether people are homosexual or heterosexual we are all aware that there can be great misuse and abuse of sexual energy. I hope that the PFC team can manage to find time to ask Cobra to say somthing about this in the next interview. Therese Z

      • I wish you wouldn’t use such a divisive tone and language. Political agendas have no place here. I have never heard Cobra make derogatory comments about homosexuals. It sounds like someone else’s youtube channel you have a complaint with. I believe that the use of trigger words such as “homophobic” is unproductive and should be avoided. Channeled material from Ra has said that homosexuality is typically the result of “confusion”:

        “Entities of this condition experience a great deal of distortion due to the fact that they have experienced many incarnations as biological male and as biological female. This would not suggest what you call homosexuality in an active phase were it not for the difficult vibratory condition of your planetary sphere. There is what you may call great aura infringement among your crowded urban areas in your more populous countries, as you call portions of your planetary surface. Under these conditions the confusions will occur.”

        “If an entity has had roughly 65% of its incarnations in the sexual/biological body complex, the opposite polarity to its present body complex, this entity is vulnerable to the aura infringement of your urban areas and may perhaps become of what you call an homosexual nature.

        It is to be noted at this juncture that although it is much more difficult, it is possible in this type of association for an entity to be of great service to another in fidelity and sincere green-ray love of a nonsexual nature thus adjusting or lessening the distortions of its sexual impairment.”

      • Yea, it’s unfortunate. Some people (like whoever wrote/posted that article on Event is Coming Soon youtube channel) are twisting things to advance negative hateful agendas. Its sad but true. But I agree with you. Thanks.

  4. After liberation from the Draco/reptilian agenda, will humanity still be interested in media (film, music etc.) that referenced violence and the way that life was while we were under quarantine?

  5. Can and will light forces block NSA and other dark forces from spying on our internet and phone communications if we invoke them and ask them to intervene and do so?

  6. Cobra, you have said that the positive extra-terrestrials will not allow full scale nuclear war, nor will they allow a global World War Three. Reading between the lines, does this mean some type of small scale or limited nuclear conflict may be permitted to occur?

    My understanding is that those killed in a nuclear blast, not by the radiation but by the trauma of the explosion’s energy release, don’t merely have their physical bodies destroyed but also have their spirit complex completely disarranged without possibility of re-integration. This results in the loss to the Infinite Creator of a part of itself, meaning that the loss of even one individual in this manner can have seriously negative effects for the entire universe. Those lost in the Hiroshima blast 70 years ago, for instance, endured such trauma that the light forces have not even been able to begin healing them yet, so we can see why the light forces would have a strong desire to prevent this type of thing from ever happening on Earth again. I think this is an extremely important point, because these entities lost at Hiroshima will require healing before they can ascend, and in fact the entire planet must undergo healing for such an action, no distinction being made between victim and aggressor. This has serious repercussions for us all.

    Do the light forces have plans in place to prevent any and all types of nuclear conflict, and if not, to ensure the survival of any disembodied mind/body/spirit complexes that might result from a limited or small scale nuclear conflict?

  7. In order to ascend, I was told that I must balance and clear my chakras and have my third eye open. Is there an easy way or what way can we go about accomplishing this task? Also, will the incoming energy wave that occurs during The Event help us balance and clear our chakras and open up our third eye?

  8. A statement as been issued recently by one of the main top spiritual ascension websites this statement seems to have be issued by the Prime Creator .
    Stating that all Arc Angels are Aspects of Lucifer and should not be contacted for any form of help or protection is this correct?
    If so does this also include our GUARDIAN Angels ?

    • A main top spiritual website would never issue such a statement which is absolutly and completly false. Pure so called ‘channelled’ rubbish! TZ

      • The website:is click on this see and hear for yourself
        That why i have asked Cobra to answer this question

  9. Question 1: Where exactly is the location of the nearby major natural Cosmic Web portal outside the solar system? Distance from earth?

    Question 2: Is there a “spiritual” part of DNA that is transferred between incarnations?

    Question 3: What spiritual writings contain the most truth in your opinion?

    Question 4: What are superstrings really? Do they have any significance regarding the creation of reality and timelines?

    Question 5: Has space-time projects like the Montauk project had a negative effect on the earth timeline? Who were really behind this project?

    Question 6: In the Cosmic Disclosure show it was said that timelines tend to re-arrange or fix themselves when tampered with. Are advanced cosmic beings involved in the fixing part?

    Question 7: What is the most advanced type of space craft that you have knowledge of?

    Question 8: Is space travel between galaxies common in the universe? How is travel across millions even billions of light years possible to accomplish?

    • Hey Øystein Rogstad,
      I am unsure if it has been clarified to everyone yet, but as stipulated by the interviewer through the steamline team, we will be passing the 2 best or nondiscussed questions to the interviewer. So it would be best to pick you preferred 2 questions and mark them somehow so that we do not omit them when editing the documents for the interviewer.

      Love and Light to All

  10. James Chen

    When people say there will be no Christmas they are not saying that the Event will happen in Christmas and it will be cancelled( yet may happen in Christmas this year or the years ahead), is that people are getting without money and wish to celebrate Christmas. All the major parties are decreasing for many years and I believe that there will be a time when no one will celebrate Christmas, New Year, Easter and all the national holidays.

  11. Questions for Cobra:
    1. You have stated that the cabal has a very strong presence in South Africa. We do have a lot of gold, platinum and chrome mines all over this country. Does the cabal use the old mining shafts as shelters or do they have some other use for it? It seems like an ideal place for them to take advantage of.
    2. Is there any underground shelters for the cabal in South Africa and if any, where are they situated?
    3. After the Event has happened and the earth changes start taking place, will the mine shafts collapse, or will it be left in tack, as is?
    4. How long after the Event has happened will the people be ready to ascend?

    • Hey Lightworker,
      I am unsure if it has been clarified to everyone yet, but as stipulated by the interviewer through the steamline team, we will be passing the 2 best or nondescussed questions to the interviewer. So it would be best to pick you preferred 2 questions and mark them somehow so that we do not omit them when editing the documents for the interviewer.

      Thanks Love and Light to All

  12. Will there be movies, theater, and other type of entertainment houses after the Event? I am thinking that the money is going to end and theses houses survive of the people`s money, will they still exist without people using money at society?

    • A lot of “entertainment” in our recent society serves just as a distraction, it makes us deaf and dense and cannot exist outside a money-based consumer society. Another kind of “entertainment” is art of higer value, expression of alignment to the source, creativity and non-rational insights. I’m convinced, the second kind of entertainment/art will be an important part of our future society. Real art and real science will replace the laws of economics and money. People want to be artists and want to enjoy art and so they will want to care for theaters, museums etc. 😉

  13. Is the financial system about to collapse anytime soon? I can see that the difference between the western gold price and the eastern gold price is increasing. Is this a hint?

  14. If Yaldaboath is a fallen angel why aren’t angels helping to whip his butt, rather than a bunch of skinny-assed humanoids? It’s like bringing a knife to a gunfight!

    And why is it that you usually only mention Pleiadians working (and occasionally a couple of other races). Where are the rest of the Galactic Crew, are you implying that they a bunch of wimps?

    • Hey Rollo,
      I will provide you with some links to your questions.
      Hope these help. Stay posted here and at for up to date info from Cobra.

  15. Dear PFC Team, and Dear Cobra, thank you for your work, and your pacience toward us….I’m a vaisnava yoga teacher, and I was taught that Krishna is the God. When I was a Krishna temple once, I came into contact a personality through higher sension, who took huge care of his Bhaktas, and I felt him souch as Krishna, but I didn’t feel that he would be the ALL. And I embarrassed, who Krisna really is. Could you share your thoughts about Krishna? My 2nd question is: How many densities exist and which one are the closest to the Source / God (I read somewhere that 100)? And one more. When we have reached the level of a peaceful planet and later when we will help the ascension other planets and galaxies, what will be the next spiritual task?
    I’m very grateful about your services to us and God. Namaste.

  16. Questions abour Art

    1) Why are there so much discussion in the world about how art is made?

    2) We know for sure that modern art and post modern art is the art that the Cabal is being supporting to low our creative and perceptive vibration, but do they still do that with the classic and romantic art?

    3 In the Pleiades are there collections of art?

    4- How will we perceive art after the Event?

    5-After World War II there have been an increasing on pop art, is this good or bad?

    6- Why most writers can not channel or even write about spiritual subjects?

    7- Frow now on people that like art or make it should focus on creating spiritual, love, harmonious art even if we did not experience the transformation that will make us live fully in Love?

  17. Recently the establishment has opened a new offensive against what they refer to as “fake news”. This seems to me like a first pre-emptive step in convincing people not to believe the things they are about to hear. Is this new war on “fake news” just an effort to convince the masses that upcoming disclosures are not true?

  18. Cobra, recently you stated that humanity has made some progress towards ascension, but it is not enough. My understanding is that the very few among the surface population who are ready for ascension could have done so by now, but there are extra terrestrial or higher dimensional light forces holding up the process in order to give all humanity the opportunity to “catch up” and advance towards ascension as much as possible, in order to have a larger “graduating class”.

    So, do these light forces intend to hold up this process for as long as it takes, or at some point will a decision be made to allow the process to continue naturally and cease waiting for billions of people who may not be ready for a very very long time? Is the grand purpose of The Event to prepare a much larger percentage of the surface population for ascension?

    Forgive my pessimism but I just don’t see much potential among the surface population right now for mass awakening. At some point will the light forces accept a minimal “harvest” and allow the majority who are NOT ready to move elsewhere to repeat the 26,000 cycle again? Many of us who chose to come here to be of service have suffered tremendously, much more than we expected, and we are anxious to complete the mission. We were duped into difficult incarnations and want to know how much more is expected of us.

  19. Dear Cobra,
    Thank you so much for all you do. Please, if possible, tell us something about Spain. I feel there is being done work by the light movement, but in the outside I can not see anything. It seems very much the same in politic and the situation for the people is hard.
    Thanks a lot!

  20. Q: What is the most powerful name for the the galactic central sun we can use to invoke its power for clearing and light grid purposes?

  21. Hello cobra I have the internet knowledge of a site named SCP foundation and therefore I am me think on the subject and this “foundation” protects the earth from different threats for the humanity of objects, people of shapes of Extradimensional lives and even non – living forms you knew the existence of this secretive organization?

    Was this same organization from the beginning serving the cabal or the forces of light?

  22. After the Event we will have masterpieces of our own time on Earth ? Will the masters of the past will bring here new pieces or we are going to creat new pieces of art for this Golden Age?

  23. Hi Cobra, For years off and on I will on occasion seen a round blue light flash come into my vision, of various sizes and for various time durations. It can even occur when my eyes are closed. I know it is of a spiritual nature and I know of other people who see this “blue light orb” as well. Do you happen to know who or what energy it’s from?

  24. Do people on the Event will get attached to Tv during the two weeks watching all the Disclosure or they will get satisfied in the first moments of Disclosure on media? There have been so much on this planet that we do not even can imagine in our wildest dreams, people will have thirst for knowledge that have been hidden for them during millenia?

    Will we have psychic powers on the moment of the Flash? Will we levitate, have telepathy, telekinesis, body transformation when the Flash hit us?

  25. Hi Cobra.

    You said recently that the Chimera cannot read private thoughts. Does this also include non-physical Archons? What about the Light forces, can they read private thoughts? Do angels or Ascended Masters know what we are thinking? Can the Galactics read our thoughts? Can non-incarnated humans?
    If our thoughts cannot be read, do we need to expressly vocalize our communications with the angels or higher dimensions when we call in protection, guidance or healing?

    Can the Source read our thoughts?

    Thank you

  26. Cobra

    It has been said many times that there is a dichotomy in this world in almost evertyhing: We have the Sons of God and the Sons of Belial, we have the introversion and the extroversion, we have the path of the right hand and the path of the left hand, we have the creatures that are living with oxygen and those that are living with the hydrogen, we have the dionisiac and we have the apolinean way, we have many more comparisons that put all the lines marked that there is in the inner of the man just matter or spirit, in our times, how can we see this division? Or we are advancing that these divisions do not exist anymore?

  27. As far as i know duality (light/dark) only is necessary here on 3D, May i know if duality will dissolve in 5D or even when the event hits us?, if not, is wanting to be only pure light wrong?, kinda like being elitist ?

  28. Elizabeth Trutwin is really channeling good information ofs the Masters? And she says that Lady Nada and a being called KOS is really in the control of the United States government. How much is she truly channeling real intel?

  29. cOBRA

    I am feeling ultimately some discomfort on the the heart area? Why this? And I am feeling some despair and hopelessness and seeing that people are getting worse, is this good or bad?

    China has a positive agenda for planet Earth liberation? In all aspects?

  30. Hi Cobra. Do the “Banished” from the inner earth (because they were interfering in human affairs in a way that was not customary or considered acceptable for the other groups), mentioned by Corey in his latest update, have anything to do with the Chimera group?

    I found it particularly interesting also because supposedly those banished groups live in specific enclaves and have interbedded with members of the cabal’s families producing offspring, chasing positions of power within our societies.

    Thank you

  31. Human being is evolving towards higher levels and has a soul. When we, humans, will transform into the enlightened state of being and will have bodies of light, will we still have a soul, or will the soul be returned to the Source at some point?

  32. Hi Cobra,

    Are Pleiadians future versions of humanity based on a positive angelic timeline? Are Greys future versions of humanity based on a negative luciferian timeline?

  33. Cobra, in October of 2016 you provided some information about the physical biochips which are attached to the optical nerve of both eyes and connected to the auditory cortex of the brain. This provides the Chimera with a record of everything each of us has ever seen, heard, and said (assuming an individual had the ability to hear what they said). The implication is that an individual’s thoughts are truly the only thing that cannot be monitored. You confirmed this in November when you stated that “they cannot read your private thoughts” in response to an inquiry about how to secure our privacy from the Chimera.

    Knowing this, it seems logical to posit that if they cannot monitor out thoughts, they would have a strong interest in managing our thoughts and manipulating our opinions. Having some measure of control over what we think would be the next best thing to them if they cannot otherwise know what we’re thinking. Is that a fair statement? For this reason, would we be wise to adopt a strategy of “watching what we say” to keep the Cabal from learning what we’re doing? And is this why control of the mass media is so important to them?

  34. Mind control question. Can a child’s consciousness be shatter on the astral plane and then manifest on the physical plane? Example: Night terrors (potential shattered consciousness) often occur to young children. Does this expose these children to mind control on physical plane?

  35. Here are my questions that are maybe of a much broader interest:
    – What is cancer now really and how can it be cured already before the event to a 100%?
    – What is the frequency of the universe exactly?
    – Can we go back in time OR ONLY forward?
    – Will we be able to see the Antimatter-Universe and their inhabitants AFTER the Event?
    – How many different particles do exist in the universe?
    – Will we humans be able to resonate with some types of neutrinos/tachyons after the event?
    – Does technology already exist that resonates with neutrinos?
    – How big is the black sun/neutron star in the middle of earth?
    – Is there a hole in the north pole and in the south pole?
    – How long will earth keep growing?
    – Has the aerth the same fate than Mars one day?
    – Is Orgon the same as Neutrinos?
    – What is the manifestation process exactly? Must we humans be able to resonate/control the frequency of the universe in order to manifest matter?

  36. What can be done during sleeping state?
    Can Archons influence the content of our dreams? The more I integrate positive thinking and the understanding of I am God the more nightmare I have. Can you explain? Thank you

    • Don’t forget to ask for support and teaching by others who have understood that they’re God, Fanke.
      Before you go to sleep, pray to a being that appeals to you and ask for guidance. Besides, we’ve got to integrate our shadow side as much as our light, by clearing our issues. Feeling love in bliss isn’t enough,
      it’s the love for your pain that’s helping you through the nightmares, finding a way to end them, possibly.
      You might find keys and clues in them.

  37. Cobra, on April 6, 2016 you talked about The Syria Pentagram. It’s 5 points being Aleppo, Homs, Palmyra, Raqqa and Manbij. At the time only Manbij and Raqqa remained to be liberated. But there was no update to state the progress of this mission.
    Today I found this :
    A link that states the horrible disatsers that Aleppo is going through. What is the state of The Syria Pentagram at the moment? Shouldn’t we restart visualising the piece of ancient Halafian pottery rotating over the whole Syria pentagram?

  38. What can be done, how can we help during our sleeping state?
    Do archons influence the content of our dreams? The more I pray and integrate the understanding of l am God within and the more nightmare I have. Can you explain? Thank you

  39. Hi Cobra. I must correct you on a prime issue, you refereed to Krishna as an avatar on one of the interviews. He is the creator, supreme personality of godhead. He is the prime creator as stated in the authoritative spiritual literature of bhagavad-gita and srimad bhagavatam. Krishna is a name of the original, unique Supreme Person, the source of all that exists. I’m mind boggled how the Pleiadians are so advanced in knowledge and transformation of consciousness and the most fundamental understating of who is God is not mentioned. Is this information withheld on purpose? is it actually true that the identity of God is unknown by these advanced civilization, I find it hard to believe.

    There is a talk of service to advance in consciousness, but if the service is not directed to God, it’s simply Karma-Yoga and not Bhakti-Yoga and the problem of birth ,old age and disease or the cycle of reincarnation is not solved and soul does not attain it’s natural eternal existence in the spiritual world

  40. Dear Cobra,

    For some time now I occasionally can observe, especially with a light background, tiny bright lights swirling around together randomly at first sight, like a field. Could you tell me what am I seeing? Thank you.

  41. Is the Saturn moon matrix ,as described by David Icke,beside it´s function as emitter for our fake reality,the energy source of Jaldabaoth?

  42. Q: If Jesus understood universal law and the laws of attraction why did he allow an outcome in which he would be murdered? Was this necessary?


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