Cobra Questions


You can submit your questions to Cobra here under the comments section for our monthly interviews. 

The email address for the Cobra Questions has been discontinued. Please use this page for that purpose, and review the other questions that have already been asked.

The best questions are the ones everyone can learn from, so attempt to phrase the questions with that in mind. 

Please know that Cobra cannot answer personal questions, or review links that you provide. These links maybe interesting to other readers and you may post them here but know that Cobra cannot possibly review the content of everything on the internet. Remember that Cobra does not review or criticize others so don’t ask for an opinion of another person’s work. Please also know that there is also disinformation posted on the internet so things must go through your own personal filters: discernment, discernment, discernment…..always!

Thank you.


  1. Why has the Catholic Church altered the history of Poland? Almost every polish believer of this religion says that before ~1000 a.d. there were only primitive pagans, but the reality is so much different.

  2. The chemtrails is still continuing in upstate Newyork and at times they spray is now black in color…this spraying really bothers me….why the light forces with their technology can take those place out of the sky’s thanks


    I know that the bible has been distorted and that it is far from the truth. I also know that the Christians will have a very hard time when the truth is going to be revealed. Where can the truth about the being Jesus be found? Is there a specific reason why Cobra does not answer questions regarding this being, or is it simply a Pandora box too big to open?

    • Lightworker, Cobra did answer questions about Jesus. Once in another context he recommended this book: The authors are mainly channeling Heru/Horus but also some other entities including Yeshua/Jesus/Sananda. This being answers some questions about his former life here, his origin, his role now and so on. Maybe you’ll find some answers there.

    • and look under the religion/spirituality section. There are numerous, numerous questions and answers from Cobra about Jesus etc.

  4. COBRA, about Brazil, there is any news? It seems that everyday our government tries to take some more and more rights of the people, and the things look very dark in every institutions of the Republic.

    Second, i wish to know, in a more pragmatic way, what will happen before the event. Corey Goode said that we will pass for dark times, without tecnology and things basic for survival. In the last interview, you said that the Event will not consist in EPM rays. That implies that we will stay or not stay completely out of tecnology?

    Thanks and greetings for Brazil

  5. “Solo” la paz y el amor? le parece poco? Jaja… los recuerdos de la oscuridad se convertirán en luz, ese es el objetivo de la oscuridad, nos hace entender que hace falta iluminar es parte. Cuando entremos en esos tiempos estaremos en una eterna expansión… namaste. Victoria de la Luz.

  6. Cobra you mentioned that when we have mastered lucid dreaming we can reach the light forces on another plane to offer our help if we know how ,but I don’t know how— where can we find that process?

  7. Cobra, if someone were to create levitating technology, utilising atmospheric energy, and were to give this technology to 1000 other members of the public (in secrecy) ; therefore creating a veil breaking consciousness, would they be stopped? Is it possible for someone with the highest purpose in mind to be stopped by the dark forces? Will the light forces protect against such surface activity?

  8. If Cobra post in his blog a date for the Event, let’s say January 30, 2017, of course this gonna spread in every alternative media in 1-2 days. So, that’s don’t gonna make the Cabal to start to collapse trying to save themselves, collapsing from inside, speeding up the event? Since they can’t be sure of the date of the Event, and fear gonna make they do stupid things and betrayal each other to save themselves.

  9. Cobra, could you tell us if you’re post from January 31st 2014 Eostres Gift is referencing the wave of energy we are currently getting? Thank You

  10. My daughter recently bought her first home through a mortgage loan company not a bank. Will her mortgage loan be forgiven after the Event?

  11. 1) Cobra, could you share anything about the Bitcoin? Is it wise to invest in it?
    2) Is Google more evil than Apple? In other words, can I trust Apple more that Google, or all the big tech companies compromised to the same degree?

  12. Can you please ask if Cobra can give us an update on the state of the slave colonies that we did a meditation for a while back? Thank you and victory of the light.

  13. Some very brief questions:
    • Is Bill Clinton the biologic son of a Rockefeller?
    • Is Chelsea Clinton the biologic child of Bill Clinton, or of Webster Hubbell?
    • Is Angela Merkel the child of Adolf Hitler?


  14. Origin of the Chinese People: I had read somewhere that beings from Deneb,a star in the Cygnus constellation came to Earth and settled in China.
    In light of the Chinese New Year, what is the origin of the Chinese people?

  15. Question for Cobra:

    If someone is identified as important to the light are they contacted by the resistance? and are there some who are identified but not contacted for specific reasons? and can you give an example of why they wouldn’t be contacted?
    Are there people who are important to this entire accession event but have yet to be identified?

  16. Hello and thank you for these updates!

    I have a suggestion for one of the Cobra interviews. Why not ask him what he would like to tell us as part of the interview. So instead of asking a question, ask him to tell us what new news he would like to share at the time. I feel like this might be a good way for him to say some other things that we might not think of during the session. As of now, all he does is answer questions. This doesn’t have to be the entire session of course, just maybe part.

    Love these sessions and the information. Thanks!

    • We have tried this many times. It does have something to do with free will. He can’t ‘volunteer’ too much info – we have to ask the questions and he will give us a response, even if it’s to tell us he can’t respond to that question. It has been tricky, so the more though-out questions you send in, the deeper (though always brief) response we may get back.

  17. Is the current obsession with romantic relationships due to mind control/programming of Archons? All the songs, films and books are about romantic involvements. Not even healthy ones, petty individuals in awful (abusive) relationships. Society and media see this as normal, and impose it on us. I continuosly feel left alone in social gatherings, because I don’t share this obsession with people around me (nothing to talk about). It’s like a mutual ground of unhealthy bonding for everyone else but me. It’s exhausting for me, and I really want to live in isolation (if only I could afford it) in a remote part of the world. I have an utter love for animals and want to be around them all the time, on the other hand. What might be going on here? Do you have any advice?

    (If anyone wants to chime in, they are welcome to do so. I hope I’m not alone in my feelings.)

    Thank you

  18. Dear PFC team!

    First I would like to thank you for choosing my question for the latest December interview. For the next (January) interview, I would like to ask:

    Dear Cobra, do you perhaps know, if 26.000 years ago there was a certain angel being trapped in one of the Yaldabaoth’s tentacles and was forced to hold the frequency of an outer layer of the Veil, but was later freed (and now only 7 layers of the Veil remain instead of eight?)

    Happy holidays and a magnificent new year to RM, entire PFC team and all other lightworkers/warriors who fight for our liberation 🙂 May the year of 2017 brings us the Event!

  19. Hi Cobra
    Resently a gold mine in a small Australian town . Is now being used for ” dark matter ” research. Is there something else going on there.?

  20. Okay Ludwig, please limit your questions to only 2 per week. Ask questions that matter and have importance in our lives. Questions that only pose opinions will not be considered here. Thank you. ~**~

  21. Life after the Darkness

    1)- What will we do after the Darkness is removed of this Universe? Are we just going to explore this Universe and others?

    2) After the Darkness is removed, how will we be living with each other? Just peace and love?

    3) All our memories of the darkness will still remain with us? Or are they going to be deleted?

  22. Was the human body developed in a lab by higher density “extra terrestrials” to accommodate the discarnate souls resulting from the catastrophe that rendered Mars uninhabitable? Did any of Mars’ inhabitants physically survive that catastrophe?

  23. Hi Cobra,

    does energies from pyramids & ley lines changing & loosing power when the planet rise up in a higher vibration?

    When the suppressing matrix from cabals are gone does tachyon energy chambers still have any effect? I mean everything would be surrounded from tachyons after the event.

    Are there any other tools to create a strong power for healing, energizing rooms et al to have a stronger energy in my eg flat?

    I don’t mean my own soul power for creating. This would take time (to come in my full potential) till I don’t need tools from outside anymore. At the moment I am building pyramids and using crystals for creating harmony & rising energy in my flat.

  24. Cobra

    Could you tell us how it is a day of a member of the cabal? Do they meet every day? They practice sports? They travel a lot? What do they do?

    • and look under the first section: Control tacts. There is quite a bit of Cobra explanation on how we are controlled.

  25. Channeling 1

    1)-Cobra, you said that channeling is not reliable mainly because the Archons intercept the message with their techonologies and they twist the message and when they can not do this, they use old recycled phrases, well, mostly channelings is about Love. Is this the primary cosmic feeling that Archons are using to distort the spiritual messages that are being sent for humanity?

    2) When the Event will be near and almost person can feel that something is going to happen, the channelings are going to get quality and deepness?

    3)- Could the self help books that are sold for millions of copies worldwide be considered channeling?

    • I do not have the expertise to answer this question from a higher-dimensional perspective. However, I personally hope that is the case since I am a LGBT-friendly lightwoker & lightwarrior.

      In all seriousness – even if homosexuality is considered a violation of natural law among beings of higher dimensions – I will argue NONSTOP WITH ANY BEINGS that people who have truly ‘fallen in love’ with someone of the same sex be respected for their heart’s desires and wishes.

      Love is love… if you are someone who has been capable and giving of yourself – even to someone of the same sex – you deserve to be respected for that on all levels of existence.

      This is one area where I back down from NO ONE – ascended master or otherwise. They have not lived in our circumstances… so critiicism of someone with a pure heart is unjustified.

      This is one area where those of “3D Earth” will change the Cosmos and not the other way around. Acceptance of those who love regardless of creed, skin color or gender will be respected after the EVENT.

      Earth will change the universe to become more loving… as long as the intentions are pure and not tainted by Primary Anomaly, then one will be able to plead their case and make the appropriate changes galactically and universally. Rest assured in that. Namaste.

      • I feel its definitely the case (I also feel that is obvious), but I just want to hear what Cobra has to say about it. His response will not change my understanding in any way as all knowledge can be accessed from within.

        • Also,
          It’s very offensive double standard to suggest that one has the “really be in love” with someone of the same sex in order for it to not be a “violation”. This is ridiculous. Its not a “violation” in any way. The only violation here is people attempting to push their service to self agenda on others. That is in full violation of universal law and will not be tolerated.

  26. Hi Cobra,
    You have mentioned that there will be a delay between the Event and the First Contact because humanity will need to be prepared for First Contact before it happens. I find this a bit confusing as you have also mentioned, or at least it has been mentioned in many other sources that I’ve listened to, that as a part of the Event many ET crafts will appear in the sky over cities all around the world as the cabal are being arrested. Also, full disclosure will be fully televised in the mainstream. So, people will already be fully aware of the ET presence. What exactly will humanity need to be preparing for before the First Contact in light of this and wont it be a bit anti-climactic for ET crafts to appear in the skies one minute and then people have to wait for contact in the next?

  27. Cobra

    There is a spiritualist on the net saying that the climax of the Planetary Transition will be in 2036. Could we really expect for so long? Or this is when a full 5D civilization will inhabit this planet? This date is real?

  28. Hi, I’m concerned about a thing that COBRA and everything about Light forces is just a very cleverly made Russian propaganda (in really negative sense of meaning) which only goal is to disturb western people in order to prepare the ground for the future takeover of the territory of western Europe states as we saw recently in Crimea (very simply said).

    So the quetion is: could COBRA please give VERY clear and LOGIC (without suspicious YouTube videos and blog articles and calling our media manipulative) explanation of how someone as Putin (and therefore Russia that supports dictator like Bashar al-Assad and overtaking Crimea with military forces) can be on the so-called Light side? And if he relly is, than explain why standard of living is in the states that are under deep influence of Russia is so low? To show us (in a way we can confirm by ourself) that everything about Light Forces is not propaganda of any state?

    Thanks a lot.

  29. Hi Cobra,
    If we are 4th dimensional beings being held in the 3rd dimension by the veil technology distortion grid, when the event happens and the grid is taken down will we then be four dimensional? If so, how will that be experienced?

  30. What was the purpose for the Communist government replaced many Chinese characters into ‘Simplified Chinese characters’ in the 1960s ? Is Changjie, the man who created traditional Chinese characters after inspired by bird’s flying tracks according to traditional legends, a creature come from a star out of the Earth?

  31. Corey Goode said that we will have to wait one or two generations to have full disclosure, if that is the case, what will we see from now on about disclosure?

  32. Cobra

    We do not want to accuse Corey Goode and his mission of revelation about the SSP, but on the last episode of Cosmic Disclosure he really is supporting the agenda of the partial disclosure. Why?

  33. Cobra,

    Just as it is possible to channel light energy through the body to heal oneself and others, as is done in Reiki for example, is it also possible to directly channel tachyon energy through ones body to heal oneself and others?

  34. Hi Cobra,

    When two spheres of consciousness intersect to form a vesica picis is one sphere male and the other female or do both spheres contain both energies? Why is the vesica pisis so important in sacred geometry?

  35. Is the alchemical conversion of carbon (or coal) to diamond a corollary to that of the conversion of the 3 dimensional carbon based human body the that of the 5th dimensional crystalline body?

  36. What will happen to all our medical files, recorded conversations on the net and phone and cell phone and all kind of recorded files after the Event? Could we destroy it?

  37. Cobra

    Why so many people who consider themselves awakened are so… boring and they try to push what is happening in the world with full strength and they say they know everything about the world situation? Why? People who do this have awakened too early and they are still with their same emotional issues and they just mislead these problems emotional issues they NEED to solve with other things?

  38. After the Reset, will everyone get the same amount from the Collateral Accounts, or will they be different based on nationality, or age? will it be distrubuted directly from the AIIB?

    What really happened to the Sewol ferry that sank in 2014?

  39. Is it possible that all the whistleblowers we are seeing talking about the politics, financial, social, cultural and spiritual worlds are not just spreading misinformation or being mind controlled, but we are seeing just old ways of saying the same things to keep us in this frequency prison? How much of the whistbleblowers is accurate and they are being part of the surface resistance?

  40. Cobra, this is of a text of a site called The lady of Sirius, do you agree with all these afirmations? I think some are just old ways of thinking about our situation.

    Personal view …

    In all the prophecies, of all the sacred books of all time, are prophesied the events that will profoundly mark the global change for the new earthly time: the Third Millennium. The complex history of men and their evolutionary involvements delineate their future, their tortuous and uncertain steps on the road to happiness, so longed for and so little understood. The human being knows nothing about himself and sleeps in the ignorance of his past, without knowing, or rather, not remembering that it is Light, that of the Light has come and for the Light will return one day, that is Wisdom and that is Love. However, he has forgotten even what these sublime feelings mean. In today’s times, in all parts of the planet more and more warnings, warnings and warnings are conveyed: to all those who have ears to hear. All these messages seek to make humanity aware that those prophesied times are already arriving and that it is no use bury the head in the sand, made ostrich, or cover their ears, not wanting to hear, because increasingly “the voices will sound like trumpets and even The stones will cry out the truth, “which can not be corrupted or misrepresented by human misunderstandings. The earth will be transformed because it will have to be, even if it takes much longer than is preached there, and will be thus, slowly, slowly, as man ascends in consciousness; With every passing day it has its vibratory potential increased even a little bit each time and it is necessary for all human beings to follow this evolution integrally, here is the difficulty, there is no equality in absolutely nothing, nor beliefs, nor Thoughts, nor awareness of Oneness. The powerful energies of the fourth dimension (because the fifth dimension is still very far apart) are already felt in the four corners of the planet, activating all transformations and transmutations. But terrestrial humanity continues to vibrate in the same mistakes of millennia ago, continues to choose wrong, continue to allow their mind and even their will to be subdued by darkness, which spread their tentacles from all forms of illusions every time More modern and implanting their terrible dominion on all sides, trying to prevent the clearing of the Light that, softly, begins to be reborn in the hearts of those who truly learn to love. It is written that no new house is built upon an old house, so this planetary abode, like so many other abodes of the universe, will have to be cleansed, sanitized, to be inhabited by the new man being built for it . The sea will change completely, many islands and continents will change places and many others will sink. Many cities will disappear. The New Earth will have a different geographical configuration, adapted according to the needs of the new time and the new man … which takes … but does not fail.


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