Cobra Questions


You can submit your questions to Cobra here under the comments section for our monthly interviews. 

The email address for the Cobra Questions has been discontinued. Please use this page for that purpose, and review the other questions that have already been asked.

The best questions are the ones everyone can learn from, so attempt to phrase the questions with that in mind. 

Please know that Cobra cannot answer personal questions, or review links that you provide. These links maybe interesting to other readers and you may post them here but know that Cobra cannot possibly review the content of everything on the internet. Remember that Cobra does not review or criticize others so don’t ask for an opinion of another person’s work. Please also know that there is also disinformation posted on the internet so things must go through your own personal filters: discernment, discernment, discernment…..always!

Thank you.


  1. My Question: I would love to know what talking in tongues as practiced in our local churches is all about, is this what some have termed light language; and can these individuals understand each other? Thank you dearly for all you do to keep us informed/updated. divsy


    Rob – Okay. So the split occurred and obviously the Pleiadians and the superluminals life from the higher dimensions probably observed that and knew that many of Corey’s contemporaries were kept in the dark, compartmentalized and they were reached out to and contacted, and would you say it’s possible, would you agree or do you know if the Solar Warden for the most part now converted and working with the light forces?

    COBRA – A few things here. First, it was very hard for the Pleiadians and any other positive races to make contact with people within those space programs, because it’s a fact, all individuals in those space programs were heavily monitored and controlled. So there was not much contact made. There were some negotiations on the top level, but those negotiations were not successful. And then after, I would say, 1999, when the Resistance Movement came to this planet, the RM had a quite strong force inside of the solar system, especially the asteroid belt, and they were beginning a house clearing operation.

    They were clearing all those Illuminati structures throughout the solar system. In the year 2012, the vast majority of this was cleared. The so-called Solar Warden program as we know it, did not cease to exist in 2012, and whatever was remaining on the dark side was just small factions and fractures connected directly to the Chimera group. All the rest of the personnel and people infrastructure crossed over to the light forces and the SSP aligned that is now inside the solar system is mostly working for the light. It’s a positive alliance.

    Rob – That’s good. That kind of confirms what Corey said. And if we follow Corey, the 20-and-back they spent 20 years out in space and there was no chance of contact on the Earth. They were always under heavy monitoring, so that makes sense. It is really is going to be quite a tale for the world to swallow when the Earth mainstream populace gets a handle on what’s been happening, in regards to our spiritual natures, our luminous body, how these technologies are possible and the on-going battle that’s been going on here for so long. Thank you so much for the information Cobra. (You welcome).

    —ref: rp1015

  3. what is the status on the Montauk facility, Long Island collider, and the triangular ships of the chimera? are they still operating?

  4. I have been hearing a lot of polarizing info about Dr. Steven Greer and would like to know if he is working for the light forces.

  5. My question: Does David Wynn Miller works for the light and is he in contact with the resistance?
    Thank you dear Cobra and all resistance members!

  6. What would be your “advice” for people who want to search about extraterrestrials but not becoming too much gullible of all the ufological information?Are there 100 per cent reliable books out there?

  7. Hello, I have a little bit curious question for Cobra relating to homosexuality or bisexuality. What is the cause of these deviations? Is that some kind of dark forces’ technology or some kind of implant implemented to several people at birth? To be better understood, I do not approve of homosexualism propagation (e. g. LGBT pride parades). But is anything wrong being truly in love with a person of the same sex? Thank you!


      U : Ok. For example they(See tandra teachings) say sometimes that men shouldn’t ejaculate, where is that coming from, is it a distortion ?
      C : Yes it is a distortion and I would say that you need to use your own inner guidance about that, about your body and your sexuality.

      U : Yes. Is there sexuality after the ascension ?

      C : Not in the way that people understand it but there is a state of consciousness which could be described as the cosmic orgasm, which is one aspect of divine consciousness, and after ascension you’re always connected with that vibration of the cosmic orgasm, which is one aspect of bliss actually.

      U : Ok. And is there still exchanges of this energy between different beings ?

      C : Yes but not in a physical way, it’s actually more of an energy exchange.

      U : Ok. So can you explain basically the original purpose of sexuality ?

      C : The original purpose of sexuality is to merge polarities into Oneness.
      —ref ut1114

      U : The cabal has always repressed sexuality, but since a few decades they are using it in public, broadcasting a lot of it, can you talk a bit about the dynamics and their purpose with that ?

      C : Actually there are two main factions within the cabal. The jesuit faction who wants to suppress sexuality. And the illuminati factions, especially the rothshild faction, who want to openly express it in a distorted way and manipulate it in a way that further enslaves people. Because the jesuits lost a lot of power in the last few centuries, this is the reason why there was more freedom, actually one of the reasons, the other reason was of course all the liberation progress of the light forces. But as human sexuality became more liberated, the rothshild faction began to misuse that factor and manipulate the energy in a way that would further enslave humanity through their financial system and through the mass media.

      U : Ok, so how does it enslave people, is it the separation from Love ?

      C : Actuality it enhances the separation between Love and Sexuality, and also through the mass media people have ideas, certain cliches, how they should look like, what they should wear and how they should behave.

      U : And so it disconnects them from their true self.

      C : Yes exactly.

      —ref ut0914

      Lynn – On another subject, one of our readers is asking about men and women staying as virgins and if there is any spiritual value for this.

      COBRA – If somebody is guided in that direction of course it has a spiritual significance for that particular person. But I would say, I would not support any ideology that would put this as a condition to achieve a certain spiritual state. (OK that you)
      —ref pc0416


      Rob – OK. Thank you. I had another gentlemen who called me and I gave him some information that Fred Bell told me about this and people worry about judgment and things like this. I want to read this one question from this one individual who follows you and is. . was feeling confused and stuff. I’ll just read the whole question here and let you handle it. “I was reading Cobra’s interview on your page and came across a question you asked about homosexuality.

      Cobra’s quote: in most cases manipulated sexual energy by the Archons because when the sexual energy has been traumatized and can not express in men and women relationships it can be expressed as this but it is not always like that. Is it possible that there’s a soul connection with two beings of the same sex which can express in a sexual relationship as well.” And then the person says “as being homosexual himself the only thing that upsets me is that he implies that heterosexual are healthy like homosexual relationships are unhealthy and unnatural. Although he did say In most cases it’s not manipulated. I can’t get over the fact that after finally loving myself I have to hear that I might be unhealthy manipulated because I’m not attracted to women. Our souls have no gender and some ET there. I don’t know, I’m confused right now. It’s bringing me to tears. Can you please clear this up and ask Cobra to have a bigger discussion about this.” I’d like to preface this Cobra with saying, people need to love themselves and there’s no judgment and you know a lot of compassion and understanding needed and people need to stop judging others. Can you respond to this gentleman?

      COBRA – Yes, of course. I am not putting any judgment upon him. It is his personal choice from his personal decision. I’m not saying which relationship exactly is healthy or unhealthy about his relationships. It’s his own personal thing and I’m not going into that. But I’m saying that the vast majority of cases you have a male and female polarity of cosmic architect. This is why possible to have healthy male to female relationships. I also said that it’s possible for two souls of the same polarity, for example 2 men to have healthy relationships if there is a connection on the soul level.

      Rob – Very good. Thank you for clearing that up. I appreciate that. There’s a lot of other programs out there that people are into; anger, violence, rage and hate which will need to address without judgment. People need to be cleared of some of these things.
      —ref rp0116

      Rob – Please explain what causes homosexual behavior. Is this behavior of the dark or the light energy?

      Cobra – In most cases this is manipulated sexual energy by the Archons because when the sexual energy has been traumatized or when it can not express in healthy man/woman relationships, it can be expressed as this, but it’s not always like that. It is also possible that there is a soul connection with 2 beings of the same sex, which can express in a sexual relationship as well. We have a combination of many factors here.

      Rob – OK. And it’s not necessarily dark or light and it is what it is and there is not judgment there. (Yes, exactly), OK. Good.
      —ref rp1214
      Rob – OK. Here’s a hot potato. What do you think about long standing homosexual relationships based on true love and w/o perversion? Do you think homosexuality is a perverted energy in general and projected by Archons.

      COBRA – There are may different causes for this. Yes it is possible that some people have a loving soul based homosexual relationship and there’s nothing wrong with that – It’s also true that for many human beings this was artificially conditioned by the Archons because they wanted to prevent healthy male to female polarity. Especially among cabal members there is a lot of homosexual behavior which has been mind programmed into them to prevent healthy relationships between male/female partners. Because for example, if a cabal member had a healthy relationship with a female, he would no longer be a cabal member because he would not want to be.

      Rob – Right. That may stir up some people, but to be clear, I spoke to J J Hurtak and he also indicated people have to make their own choice and just because there’s a program and there’s many other positive people that can have good loving homosexual relationships. This is correct

      COBRA – Yes, both things exist as I’ve said before.

      —ref rp0614


      Rob – OK. Thank you. The next question is, some person would like to know what he thinks is the explanation for asexuality. And they say, according to them there’s 1-2% of the population who think of themselves as asexual. Is there an energetic explanation?

      COBRA – I would say in the majority of cases it is suppressed sexual energy. I would say complete denial. Some people do not feel any emotions. Some people do not feel sexual energy. Not all cases, but I would say a majority of the cases, yes.
      —ref rp0216



      Rob – What is transsexualism? How will it look like possibilities of body corrections after the event? What’s going to happen with some people who have done sex changes?
      COBRA – OK. At a certain phase after the event, and closer to the first contact, people will be able to experience transmigration from their current body into a body of the opposite polarity. So if somebody is a man and would like to experience life from the perspective as a woman, he will be able to be teleported into a female body at that time. Through some of those experiences, some people will be clear their sexual identities and heal some of their traumas from the past.
      —ref rp0415 (See Technology – Healing: New Body )

    • I thoroughly DISAGREE with Cobra’s “assessment” about homosexuality. It represents an unfortunate service to SELF agenda being fraudulently represented as “truth”.

    • What makes you think anyone cares if you “approve” of homosexualism propogation? What makes you think that what you approve of is of any importance to anyone outside yourself? What makes you think that anyone cares about your double standard that homosexual relationships should be of a more “virtuous” nature in order for you to “approve” LOL. What makes you think that your opinion on what others do sexually is any of your business? Those are the questions that you should ask/answer. When you realize that it is none of your business you can then mind your business.

  8. Hi, everyone! Probably most of the people who visit and read this website know that every 2 000 years a higher dimensional being is incarnated on / comes to Earth to guide the human population and direct it towards the path of light – a reminder of who we really are as souls. Jesus Christ said that after he left this planet, another Celestial Guide would come to Earth, one who would be the “Consoler of humanity” (sorry if my English is not very accurate, using my own words here, not a native English speaker) .
    So on 11 July 1864 Master Peter Deunov (Beinsa Douno) was born in Bulgaria. What web sources say about him: “He was a spiritual master and founder of a School of Esoteric Christianity called “School of the Universal White Brotherhood”.The various components in the Teaching of Master Beinsa Douno are set out and designed in about 7000 lectures of his, provided in the interval of 1900-1944. They were released in several series: lectures before the General Class, lectures before the Special Class, Sunday lectures, Annual Meeting lectures, Morning lectures etc. ”
    In one of his lectures Peter Deunov states: ” I was the Master in Egypt as well ” ( again my own translation here) – which alludes to the personality of Hermes Trismegistus. He also said that he came from the Sirius star system.
    My question is : Cobra, are you acquainted with this personality? Can you confirm any of the non-factual information stated above? Can you elaborate a little bit more on the role of this higher dimensional being in the fate of the human race?
    I still wonder why so very few people worldwide have heard of Master Beinsa Douno. I’m from Bulgaria, by the way.
    Sending my sincere gratitude and warmest regards to this website, Cobra and everyone who reads this website and tries to sperad this essential information.Thank you all for our cause here on Earth – the rescue of not only humanity, but the whole planet and everything that lives on it !

  9. Cobra, would you be so kind as to confirm or deny the existence of the so called ‘Sphere Being Alliance’ those members of the light forces for which Corey Goode is in contact with? Also, how accurate is the ‘Law of One’ Material that was channeled back in the 1980s and is this truly from one of the members of the aforementioned group? Thank you.

  10. Hi, Is there is purpose of virus, like the flue virus in creation ? Was is just “man” made thing to control the surface population number and mood? ( feeling low etc.)


      Rob – And this is another mother here, same person. She was wondering, “Were the diseases like peritonitis, mumps, rubella and measles . . . Were they made in a lab or were these natural occurring diseases?

      COBRA – They were made in a lab. Some of them recently, some of them a long time ago.

      –ref rp0815


      Rob – Okay. Another question that I think we’ve already answered before. Are vaccines the cause of autism?
      COBRA – In some cases, yes.

      Rob – There are other cases? What are the other possible causes?
      COBRA – Autism can be caused by deep trauma, either prenatal or after the birth.

      —ref rp0515

      U : Ok. What is the origin of autism ?
      C : It is a dissociation of personality because of trauma.
      —ref ut0115

      See Tag: Control Tactics – Vaccination: Autism

      See South America Brasil: Zeeka


      Rob -…”Another thing that has been really hot on people’s minds. I’ve been getting a lot of e-mails from folks lately . . . if I don’t answer those the exact way you wrote it. I remind you all that Cobra does not comment on things that you ask for homework. Like if you say: What does he think about this book or this thing. We’re not going to watch 1 1/2 hr youtube and give a comment on it. Just don’t be offended if we didn’t answer your question, or if you had a question or comment on someone or another channel or another person. He doesn’t comment about other people too much and that’s a good thing. One of the questions I’ve been getting a lot of in various terms of course, is about this big Ebola scare that we’ve talked about before. I’ve worked with Len Horowitz who wrote the book: Nature: accident or intention, AIDS & Ebola. and he clearly proves that it’s pretty much intentional. So many people, of course, are running in the fear. If you could please comment on the Ebola situation. People think, that are speculating that it’s a plan to force vaccinations, which of course it may be. Can you a-lay people’s fears once again. It’s really big in people’s minds.
      COBRA – Yes, basically what is happening is the Cabal wanted to engineer another pandemic and they have created this virus in the laboratory but then when the light forces managed to annihilate most of this and destroy most of this, they have inflated the whole situation by actually creating mass pandemic false flag, with stage actors, with hyped media campaign and the reaction to the situation is that Ebola is actually decreasing. There are countries that have been infected that are clear now already and also the possibility of getting Ebola is extremely small. It’s almost impossible for the average human being to catch that disease. Yes, there are plans that the Cabal wants to use that as an excuse for mass vaccinations. Those plans can be successful in limited isolated cases but not globally.

      Rob – Right. I felt the same way that it’s been extremely hyped up. The good news is that the light forces when this plan was coming up, they basically . . . wherever it was stored, Africa or Fort Detrick, MD, they put a laser beam on that or magically to kill all the viruses. What have they done. Can you explain that.

      COBRA – They have technologies that can . . . I will not go into details of their technology. They have certain technologies that can now counteract most of what they are doing.

      Rob – So to be clear, this is absolutely . . . of course we know Ebola and the whole thing is manufactured as an end-game type fear thing. They basically don’t even have the virus to infect. They have small amounts, is that correct. (Yes, yes) and so they’re using these very small amounts and using all staged actors and players for that. (Yes, yes) Ladies and Gentlemen, listen to that. You heard it here first. It’s not that Ebola is not deadly, it is very deadly. It’s a dangerous disease. The light forces are here and we’re getting a lot of help from them. Even though you’re seeing on TV, don’t believe this type of stuff, it’s fear. I’ve seen a lot of light people and a lot of comments on various blogs and posts. People just kind of parroting Fox news. We have to realize . . . we have to move beyond this.
      —ref rp1014
      Rob – I want to go into several of the many others. My dear friend Len Horowitz who wrote Reverse Pirates of the DNA spiral, Death in the Air and of course his first book: AIDS and Ebola, nature, accident or intentional. In this book he clearly reveals to people that this is an American biological weapon created by the CDC and the US. When they first released Ebola they wanted to see how far and fast it would spread. They went into the center of Africa and the people died too quickly for it to spread. It seems like they attempting another aspect of their wet dream with this new strain of Ebola which they hope will intentionally spread world wide. Are the death numbers they are revealing real or is this more fear propaganda, not that AIDS and Ebola isn’t absolutely a deadly virus and most likely been received through vaccinations. Would you agree and can you comment on the current Ebola scare, hype, horror story?

      COBRA – Basically this virus was developed in some of those bioweapon laboratories in Africa. The purpose of this virus is to create enough fear to install Marshall law in the US. Of course this will not happen. That is the plan of the Cabal, this is the reason why they are doing this.

      —ref rp0714

      See Control Tactics: Vaccination – Ebola

  11. Question for Cobra. Is the event associated with the galactic super wave that some predict will hit earth in the spring of this year? 2017

    • Aaron – Cobra, recently In regards to The Event, Obama recently signed an executive order ordering the US Government to prepare our infrastructure for “upcoming disruptive solar flares”, which we are assuming he is referring to the “Event”. Does this mean that our iPhones & electronic gadgets most likely won’t work after the solar pulse or Event? What can you say and recommend to us to be prepared for this situation Cobra?

      COBRA – The Event is not the same as the solar Pulse or shall I specify the EMP pulse. The light forces are not expecting The Event to include EMP pulse. The Electro magnetic devices are expected to be working normally at the moment of The Event. (OK)

      Aaron – Will The Event effect all beings and life-forms in this solar system? If so how? How will the races living beneath the surface experience the Event?

      COBRA – Yes, of course The Event will. . . will affect all beings throughout the solar system. The beings that are living below the surface of the planet will have a big celebration. (alright, sounds great, thank you)

  12. Last week you mentioned the Chimera’s veiled technology infra and ultra sound technology that controls the surface population. Is there any way those of us who constantly hear this high pitched sound can turn it off or lessen it? And are there efforts underway to defeat this disturbing technology? Thank You!

  13. Lately, I’ve been seeing a ufo on a nightly basis. The craft sparkles like a crystal in the night sky. Do you know who the occupants of the craft might be?

  14. For the last two months, I have witnessed many pets falling ill and/or dying. Is this due to new energies coming to this planet or the wrath of the Archons? In my experience, many of the illnesses these animals suffered were latent before, but came out to the surface around the same time. Do you have any suggestions to alleviate the pain the animals are going through and aid them in their healing?

    Thank you

  15. Can we expect in the nearest future increasing of life-span to 120 years and more? Can we also expect rejuvenation of existing physical bodies with positive effects, such as growing new teeth, sharpening of eyesight and so on?


      Lynn – My question for Cobra is about general health and fitness tips he might have for the surface population. Other than the common knowledge of “eat well and get regular exercise”. Does Cobra know of any specific or special health regimens, supplements, herbs, foods, diets, fluids, fitness regimes, air purification, and other technologies that would create optimum physical and mental health in the average surface human, even in the current culture and environment?

      COBRA – OK. The key here is balance. It’s very simple. Balance between various elements you have just stated can create harmony for the surface population. And one more thing is drink a lot of pure water, as pure as you can find. (thank you)
      —ref pc0416 See Also Artifacts: Metals

      Alexandra: Which leads me to the healing modalities that are existent on the planet right now. Do you see the majority of them being completely outdated? I am not talking about within the western medical scheme of things. I am talking about the actual energetic healings. Do you see these totally outdated once the galactic forces land? And if so would we need to all go into these so-called healing chambers?

      C: Oh yeah, because the Galactic Beings of Light have much more advanced technology and much more advanced healing techniques. So I would say this will be greatly expanded. And I would say no one needs to be afraid of the healing chambers or ascension chambers. This technology is organic and positive. It just helps us to reach deeper into our own inner self, which can heal anything. It just strengthens our connection with our own inner self and our own higher inner self makes the healing possible.
      —ref am0712

  16. Is this the space for questions? If so…..

    There are lots of separate groups (and individual) trying to create positive change with mediation but they are separate and happen at different times. We know they would have a larger effect if they were combined somehow. In the absence of joined up meditating, (why are the cabal better at working together than we are) is there a way of linking or combining the efforts of each group meditating at different times to increase the Field Effect or Maharishi Effect? Is it as simple as having the intent to join in unity and the focus being the same? Even if meditation is being done at different times? Or do efforts need to be coordinated?

  17. Dearest Cobra,

    Thank you for reading. One question that comes up again and again is about the relation between orgasms and love.
    I understood that orgasms increase our love.
    Then how about the orgasms in peadophile connection? Or maybe also in other situations where it is combined with pain or oppressed beings, human or animal?

  18. Cobra,
    Would it be accurate to say that Angelic Humans evolved in the opposite way of true earth humans in that they were created in the angelic realms, with access to all the knowledge that those realms entail, and then descended (going from the top down) in to lower realms, such as 3rd dimensional Earth, while true earth humans began their souls evolution in the most dense vibrations of earth and are in process of ascending towards the angelic realms (going from the bottom up)?
    Thank you!

  19. I would like the COBRA to inform the Brazilians about the situation of the current government regarding the Cabala, and the great manipulation that was carried out in the media here, to condemn some and absolve others. What can we expect from this installed government ?. Is Lula the Light? Is Sergio Moro from the light? Thank you!

    • Lynn – Do you have some information about the current situation in Brazil? This person is very concerned because the majority of people in Brazil think the elected president must be removed from power. You said the Cabal wants to weaken the BRICS by destabilizing Brazil. Could this destabilization come with the removal of the current elected president Dilma from power?

      COBRA – Actually this destabilization process has begun some time ago and is now continuing. And the removal of the current president is just one step in that process. One part of this process is that the Cabal has misused existing corruption in the Brazilian government. Of course corruption exists everywhere. This is the first aspect. The second aspect is the Cabal always misuses the mistakes of local governments to destabilize those governments. What the cabal does is they introduce greater corruption and greater distortion. And this is what is happening now in Brazil and the light forces are taking certain steps to stabilize Brazil again.
      —ref pc0416

  20. I’ve been hearing that the U.S. is going to have mandatory flu shots. Do you think this is just rumor or should I be prepared to protest?

  21. Cobra I have 50 years to a certain age I would say about thirty had many problems with dreams I received some unwanted visits of that type that the creature is and you look lying down and you do not wake up, I also went through a panic disorder that I managed to get rid of by my own means I did not want to take the “medicines” so I do not remember where I read about blocking dreams and I managed to never dreamed anymore only when I have a slight reminder of something else and as only a flash my question will be that this today could disturb me in future contacts of the Which I am committed to carrying out, or if there is any problem.

    • SLEEP


      Rob – We know the astral plane is the general answer here, but people want to know where do we go when we sleep.

      Cobra – The physical body stays in it’s obvious position but you exit with your etheric body, from the physical body and sometimes you also explore your surroundings in the astral body, so it depends on your level of consciousness and the depth of your sleep. Your focus of your consciousness shifts from physical body to your higher non-physical bodies and of course then it returns when you wake up again.

      Rob – So your awareness could actually extend beyond the planet in your local environment there are various possibilities there. There are Lots of different places.

      Cobra – It is possible if you’re consciousness is high enough and if you’re able to penetrate the veil and exit from the programming.
      —ref rp1214

  22. With all of the mining of crystals going on worldwide, I am wondering if this is causing pain to them since they are living beings. There is so much of it and they are being cut into pieces and shaped. Is this healthy for them and for our planet?

  23. Cobra I heard and read about the bombs on the pentagon (or White House) and about New York that were disarmed I always thought about it in the past that there would be such bombs and now as this story of Kabbalah appears in Brazil I wonder if it would have such Pumps also in Brazil?

  24. Hi Lynn, I would like to ask Cobra the following question:

    Would the infrastructure such as electricity power station still be working immediately after the event? Are we going to experience a period of power outage?

    • Aaron – Cobra, recently In regards to The Event, Obama recently signed an executive order ordering the US Government to prepare our infrastructure for “upcoming disruptive solar flares”, which we are assuming he is referring to the “Event”. Does this mean that our iPhones & electronic gadgets most likely won’t work after the solar pulse or Event? What can you say and recommend to us to be prepared for this situation Cobra?

      COBRA – The Event is not the same as the solar Pulse or shall I specify the EMP pulse. The light forces are not expecting The Event to include EMP pulse. The Electro magnetic devices are expected to be working normally at the moment of The Event. (OK)

      Aaron – Will The Event effect all beings and life-forms in this solar system? If so how? How will the races living beneath the surface experience the Event?

      COBRA – Yes, of course The Event will. . . will affect all beings throughout the solar system. The beings that are living below the surface of the planet will have a big celebration. (alright, sounds great, thank you)

  25. Cobra, If we call upon the eye of Horus, can our requests be manipulated by the dark. It is my understanding that Horus is good and that his symbolism has been hijacked by the dark forces and want to insure that we are not actually inviting darkness or darkness’ influence by doing so. Namaste.

  26. Pierce, we are not Pleiadians. We are humans with different needs. Cobra doesn’t like to answer quantitative questions as it only serves our 3D minds.

  27. Andre – We have an immune system that serves as our protection. No, there have never been “safe” vaccinations. You may want to view the movie: Vaxxed.

  28. Nicolas, Cobra is not responsible for Earth’s problems. Cobra came here to help us. Just accept that and do what you can in your area of the world as that is all any of us can do. Cobra does not do self talk. There is no justification needed in this case.

  29. Hey Cobra

    I would like you to deliver a message:
    “There are still humans who want to fight, yet they cannot and they are waiting patiently while others come to save them and they cannot do anything to help at least, for some, watching themselves being saved and not being able to help is not a pleasant feeling, there are humans who would understand, yet still they are forced to live into this “world” , to suffer and see their intelligence being mocked and neglected not only by their fellow humans, you have seen that and yet you appear to some, some who may be energetically different. Is that not similar to discrimination? We have to start from complete zero where you on the other hand have memories of what happened before. It sounds like I am blaming you for everything but if you were in my position would you not do the same? I hear all the time that you are going to appear to us and surely you have your reasons not to, but you made a choice, the choice to help us, so you should have foreseen this. Thank you for everything so far and I as well as others are looking forward to better understanding.´´

    I would be really glad if you could deliver my message Cobra and thank you.

  30. Thank you Cobra,
    How are we to deal with people with entrenched belief systems when any kind of disclosure is made. I work for the Catholic Church and most of these folks are very ridged and dogmatic. I just don’t see how they will easily accept any changes.

    • Change starts with the most open, critical or discontented people, then slowly others will follow. I sometimes talk to catholics about different topics, to open their perspectives: how this religion was designed, e. g. by Constantine, to serve his political purposes,.. about rites and myths that came from other ancient religions (the virgin mother and child archetype, the ritual meal, using incense, all the clerical clothes,…),… about how the Bible was composed, gnostic texts were banned, about who wrote the texts,… about how this church created a weird suffering-cult by combining sacrifice and suffering with redemption and god’s love, etc. Such reflections about the cult and the puspose of this institution must nevertheless be separated from many good people and priests who mange to practise love and helping others despite all this. The people mostly are very interested and open to some degree, nearly everybody has doubted in some way and they often do not educate themselves at all about the history of their own religion. I think most catholics at least in Europe are more than able to acccept changes. But dicussing with the most dogmatic ones actually is wasted time.

      • I would guess that no matter how entrenched one’s belief system may be, that belief system will disintegrate quickly and painlessly once the evidence becomes too overwhelming. For example, when 10-mile-wide craft begin to reveal themselves in the sky and their presence can no longer be denied, belief systems will be reformed no matter how dogmatic and rigid they may be. I was raised in the Catholic church and the process of waking up and having my belief system torn apart was not painful or difficult to accept in the least. Quite the opposite, it was liberating! I felt incredibly free to finally realize that “God” wasn’t harshly judging every single action, and that I didn’t need to fear “Hell”. Catholics are brainwashed into feeling guilty 24/7 about every little thing, so who wouldn’t feel liberated by moving beyond that? I think people, Catholics and otherwise, will simply be grateful to learn the truth just like I was.

  31. very important question(s): Can safe vaccines be developed? and has any safe vaccine ever been developed(and then suppressed)?

    Please ask this question!

  32. my question is this…what about the fukushima radiation that has hit the west coast of unites states? or the cracking of the ice in anartica?

  33. I recently bought a 6′ 0″ copper meditation pyramid. Can you tell me the benefits? Will I be able to assist humanity with this pyramid? If yes please tell me how. Thank you

  34. Dear Cobra,

    Will humanity start drinking the Pleiadian elixir after the Event? If so approximately how long after the Event and if one needs to consume about 2,000 calories per day right now how many cups of the elixir would one need to consume each day? Thanks.

  35. Cobra talks many times a bigger country leaders. Who is the Draconian-Reptilian sympathizer or agent. But what about a smaller country….

    Cobra please tell me:
    The Hungarian Prime Minister (Viktor Orban) and his cabinet “work” for Draconians or other bad guys?


      Rob – Okay. Someone wanted to know, ‘Can you talk about . . . Are there any special messages for people from Hungary that you could give for them if you know everything about their country, of what they’re going through? The people from Hungary . . . We would like some help.’

      COBRA – Yes. There is a certain secret positive group in Hungary which has strong Templar connections, and that group is working for the new financial system and you can see some effect. Hungary has resisted central banking Rothschild influence quite effectively lately. And this group is still keeping a low-profile, so they can not be contacted directly. But they can research their history. There are certain very strong esoteric positive symbols in Hungary. I’ll just mention the crown of __?_ and that at some other ones. There are some vortexes, some ancient goddess vortexes, in Hungary also. And some of them will have a quite important role at the time of the Event.

      —ref rp0515

      Raissa – Question from Maria: It’s a compound question. Why have Hungarians been majorly persecuted. They have been on the planet for thousands of years. Hungarian runes have been discovered all over the world, in Bosnian pyramids, Easter Island, Egypt etc. Are they coming from the Orion star system.

      COBRA – Several of them are coming from the Orion system. The Hungarians, I would say, I’ll put it this way: There is a certain ____ very important positive secret group in Hungary which is working towards the planetary liberation. That group has been in Hungary and that part of the world for many hundreds of years. Those people are working for the new financial system and for the justice for humanity.

      —ref pc0215
      Alexandra: So sad. What did you think – did you hear about Orbon? Prime minister of Hungary. He told the IMF they no longer need their assistance. (Yes I heard about it) How will that affect other countries. Will other countries follow suit. Will it set a president for other countries to do the same thing.

      COBRA: It’s not just about him, but certain key individuals in Hungary who have enough courage and enough soul connection to say NO to IMF. Most politicians in most countries are being bribed by the Cabal, the Fed Reserve, IMF and other financial institutions. Because most politicians are bought they (Cabal) decided that they would. If the country has a critical mass of thinking an Iceland or Hungary can happen. It’s just not about a prime minister. It’s not just a positive politician but critical mass in a country.

      Alexandra: The biggest part is. This isn’t something anyone has attempted since 1930. I thought that was a really big shift. Even in a politicians consciousness. (Yes, it’s true)
      —ref am0813

      • Dear Danell,

        Thank you, I appreciate your reply, but this not answer my question. 🙁 i have good reason why i asked this.

  36. Kerry Cassidy said in an interview a while back that the Chimera’s scalar/exotic weaponry technology has the ability to lock onto our DNA via our implants, and this is how they are able to target lightworkers no matter where they go. She said that carrying magnets on your body, in your pockets for example, is quite effective at “throwing off” these exotic weapons and thus the effects of the scalar attacks are much less unpleasant. I’ve tried this personally when I feel I’m being targeted and it does seem to significantly reduce the unpleasantness of the attacks quite a lot. Can you offer any comment on this self-defence technique?

  37. Salutations Cobra…always enjoy your updates regarding the liberation of mankind and that of the planet…they are truly inspirational for those struggling to awaken in these difficult times…my question is after the Dark Cabal have been defeated and the Earth liberated what role will the “Wanderers/Starseeds” who have incarnated here have around the world post-Disclosure process. Thank you for addressing this issue. Many blessings!

  38. Chemtrails & Mt. Shasta

    1 – The chemtrail program seems to be continuing to intensify unabated- can you tell us when and if this activity will be exposed and stopped? Is there anyone or group currently working on stopping the chemtrail program? A part 2 of this question is can you shed any light on why so many lightworkers, environmentalists, and otherwise aware people seem to have such a harsh resistance to this issue – so many resist even accepting what they see in the sky overhead and the loss of sunlight, the death of trees and crops and animals?

    2. Over the past 3 decades I’ve spent considerable time on Mt Shasta. I felt familiar withe the energies there and with some of the beings and deities that abide in and around the mountain. Around 2006 I noticed a distinct change – it felt like an evacuation had happened. A few positive energies remained but the abundant “magical” qualities that had been inherent to Mt Shasta seemed to be gone. Every time I’ve been there since I’ve had the same experience. Did something happen or change there or is this just my own personal experience?

    Thank you!

  39. Cobra talks many times a bigger country leaders. Who is the Draconian-Reptilian sympathizer or agent. But what about a smaller country….

    Cobra please tell me:
    The Hungarian Prime Minister (Viktor Orban) and his cabinet “work” for Draconians or other bad guys?

    Why i ask:

    The poverty bigger and bigger the last eight years in Hungary. Viktor Orban and his family and his friends steal all EU money, and devoted his own benefit…Cheating the last few election and referendum, like a dictators. Many hungarian lightworkers trust him….But I not….

    I hope you give me an answer. It’s important piece of the puzzle… For me.

    Thank you.

  40. Cobra

    When we are bringing up our service to others percentage with selfless acts. Are we not indirectly contributing to service to self aswell?(the selfless act is helping the self). Please explain.

    • Don’t think of service-to-self as being always a negative thing. An individual striving to perform “selfless acts” will be incapable of doing anyone any good if he neglects his/her own needs. We all need to take care of ourselves, because failing to do so decreases our potential of fulfilling our service-to-others work. So service-to-self is not inherently negative. Performing selfless acts does indeed benefit the individual performing the acts because it contributes to raising their vibration, but there’s nothing negative about that. If you raise your own vibration, does that not give you greater potential to be of service to others?

      Here’s another way to look at service-to self vs service-to-others, and I believe this is how “negative” individuals view it from an esoteric point of view: think of humanity as a body, and of each individual human as a cell in that body. Whether a cell does something to benefit itself or to benefit another cell, it’s actions still benefit the body as a whole.

    • This service-to-others and service-to self distinction may not be the best for your question. For me the metaphor of cells, that are part of a living body, is much more illuminative. So a better distinction would be “consciousness of connectivity” versus “consciousness of separation”. Acting with a true consciousness of connectivity would always serve all, because there is no separation between others and self. The service-to-others practise, I would say, just can help to develop this connectivity feeling/perspective/consciousness.

  41. is the LSD a part of dark technology who capture higher self (bad trips of so many people), is a chemical spirituality who set free of your mind (good trip and relaxation) or it is neutral, like alcohol and depend of user?
    Also it is an extraterrestrial people responsible for sending commands to drink and take drugs? And who are they! Or it is just a cultural habit and influenced by dark forces through ages?


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