Cobra Questions


You can submit your questions to Cobra here under the comments section for our monthly interviews. 

The email address for the Cobra Questions has been discontinued. Please use this page for that purpose, and review the other questions that have already been asked.

The best questions are the ones everyone can learn from, so attempt to phrase the questions with that in mind. 

Please know that Cobra cannot answer personal questions, or review links that you provide. These links maybe interesting to other readers and you may post them here but know that Cobra cannot possibly review the content of everything on the internet. Remember that Cobra does not review or criticize others so don’t ask for an opinion of another person’s work. Please also know that there is also disinformation posted on the internet so things must go through your own personal filters: discernment, discernment, discernment…..always!

Thank you.


  1. * IMPORTANT * P.F.C team : I’m sorry to submit this question so late haha ! If you could nonetheless take it in consideration, that would be really kind from you. It will be helpful to many listeners.

    ” Cobra, could you share your insights about the Agarthan World Symposium organized by TAMARINDA MAASSEN in may 2017 ? Is she a genuine Agarthan Ambassador, and does this event have a significant importance in the Agarthan First Contact protocol ? ” ( please feel free to correct any grammatical error ) Thank you PFC team ♥

  2. Could you talk about the Big Bang, and this universe was created? Is it true that initially God (or whatever it is) was a perfect being of light, but then he thought “What if I expand myself?” and this thought was manifested (because that’s how it is in higher dimentions, immediate manifestation)?

  3. This entity wishes to help me with evolving consciousness for the past 2 yrs telepathically. He is 10000 Years + and wishes to stay anonymous which is vital at this point he stresses

  4. Cobra said earlier that we can hardly choose our lives because of the Archon invasion. This does resonate with me, because I know I wouldn’t choose this life unless it was imposed on me and I had to.

    Then, what kind of an importance our natal (astrological) charts bear? Should I take my North Node (which is said to indicate the Life Purpose) seriously? I had a vision about my Chiron (in 9th house, Cancer) that simply said “There are no real wounds.” Is this a personal message, or a general one that says Chrion doesn’t really exists (I have felt Chiron deeply as Pluto transit opposed it though)? Where do we draw the line when we try to follow our *own* life path (not the ones the archons imposed on us)?

  5. Would Cobra suggest not making children? It seems, we won’t have evolved souls as children if we can provide well for them. Am I getting it wrong? I don’t think the Archons would let good souls to good homes. Isn’t it more sensible to not have them in the first place? What about adoptions?

  6. Hello. Since childhood I’ve been able to hear high-frequence ringing in my ears (especially in silence) and see huge amount of miniature glimmers everywhere I look. It is most easy to see them in the dark or when I look at an unicolour area (e. g. wall or sky). Could Cobra please explain the nature of these sensory perceptions? Thank you.

    • Hi,
      Cobra has explained many times that the high pitched ringing is ultra sound. They are high pitched frequencies (just above typical human hearing spectrum) emitted by the cabal (through the veil technology) to attempt to lock humanity into lower vibrations. They also use infra sound (sound frequencies just below typical human hearing spectrum) for the same reason.

  7. Why all our birth astrological charts are different life after life? Is it because of our past lives? How much does it have significance for us our birth chart?

  8. Hi there. In many preview interviews the COBRA member told us about the no love, or less light or cabal people that not cooperate or not surrender would be taken to the central sun and would be completele descriated. I would like to know if a regular person can be taken to the central sun by choice.

    • Now, someone correct me or amend my description if necessary as I had a difficult time locating specifically where Cobra discussed this and I am going off what I can recall. An individual can choose to return to the central sun to restart progress in a new incarnation. This does not reset your spiritual progress/lives, but does initiate a new incarnation in the vibration necessary to fulfill the progress you set out to fulfill.

    • As far as this question regarding the dark forces here is the reference I attempted to locate for you.
      Hope this helps.

  9. Ok,2nd try,my 1st message didnt appear.
    I wanted to ask Cobra if someone dies before the event,if this person can be forced or pressed to make another incarnation under actual conditions.I ask because my mother makes 80 this year and she woke up much in the last few years as I guess many others also.
    The same question I ask for the now middle aged persons like me,between 30 and 60.Can we incarnate or go directly into the golden age or what we believe in it is for each one of us?
    You said there is also in the hereafter a kind of quarantine.If we die before the event we have to wait in the hereafter til the real light comes or what?I guess thats intresting for so many because we wait…and wait…and wait…doing our best but still wait…wait…

  10. Are Cabal basically concentrated in G5(or G7)? What’s about Asian governments? What is the position of BRICS alliance relative to Cabal? Are they enemies or colluded bunch?
    With rising soft disclosure in alternative media, what is holding back from full disclosure or complete break from Cabal control? Is it our collective consciousness? Or is it due to the plasma toplets in the etheric space?

  11. Cobra, one of the biggest topics in alternative news of late is the alleged discovery of an ancient, highly advanced civilization beneath the ice of Antarctica. Do you have any intel on this you can share? Is the story perhaps just meant to distract us, or is there some truth to it?

  12. Question:
    Cobra we are 3rd dimension beings and everything around us is 3rd dimensional and we can not see the 4-5-6-7 dimension. So does that mean that every planet and star I can see in the universe is in the 3rd dimension ?

    • You are seeing it’s third dimensional form but it also has corresponding forms in higher dimensions which are very different (and are inhabited by higher dimensional life/beings).

  13. Cobra,

    After the event, will 1) full lists of victims of MK Ultra, NSA stalking/harassment, alien abduction and other secret Black Ops. projects be released? 2) Will the details of exactly what was done to each victim be released so that victims can know for sure and prove to their friends and family that their experiences were real and actual begin healing?

  14. Hi Cobra,

    Why are Hollywood, mainstream media and other mainstream cabal agents participating in such an aggressive smear campaign against Donald Trump? Do the really consider him a threat to the cabal in some way or is this just another part of their plan B mind control script (plan A being the installation of Hillary Clinton which failed).

  15. About the Chintamani stone. Chintamani is a material object, and therefore it can be materialized. This is necessary to remove the structure of the finished stone and enter it into the computer. Then the information is loaded into materializator and it creates any number of Chintamani stones.
    Any good magician (not a Mason Roerich) can do the same with his mind and his two hands 🙂
    Chintamani is not “sacred”, it is just a product of the technology of crystals, the mental amplifier. Much better to have a crystal (not stone!) that amplifies the desired form of energy.
    And even better to spend any energy through itself without any stones and crystals. I hope you understand me. Now I can’t understand this. You yourself wrote that you can materialize anything, apple, gold etc. And you have materializator. Why you need your StratoProbe III to carry a bunch of stones?
    Explain me, please, it’s very interesting for me!

    Regards, Tewuwi

    Excuse me for my bad english.

  16. Question
    Cobra in the United kingdom there has been a dramatic increase in Chem Trails since we had the Brexit which is dramatically devastating all insect life, would you say that when the Chem Trails stop this will be our visual indication that its over ? because this is one thing they cannot hide from us and do you expect Donald Trump to stop Chem Trails in the United states when he gets sworn in ?

  17. Is Marina Abramovic working for dark forces? If so, why did she make the movie “Space in Between”, in which she searches for sacred places and rituals in Brazil, and why Brazil?

  18. Cobra,

    If it only would take 144,000 people meditating at once to trigger The Event, why would this not be the main focus of the light forces? This is not a major task in my mind (especially considering what’s at stake). There are so many cabal celebrities with little or no talent who are known to the public simply because the cabal has put money behind advertising them. As such, the cabal uses them as tools to further their agenda. Why are the light forces not doing this to reach the 144,000 meditators? Can they not just find someone or someones of integrity, assist their visibility through advertising, and then use them as messengers to get the 144,000???

    Thank you

  19. Is it true that ultimately only those who are meek and humble can remain on the 5th Dimensional earth which will not support a consciousness of racial prejudice or superiority? If so, how much time will be allotted to adjust the consciousness of those who through no fault of their own have been trained and educated to feel racially superior to others, before the separation occurs?

    • Racial distinctions are clearly a creation of the cabal. They don’t play a significant role in the ascension and will likely drop away quickly as the a result of the Event, dlsclosure, and the revealing of true human history.

  20. HI cobra, are people coming from a mix of different races (european and asian in my case) have a different spiritual path with the ancestors memories?

    big up for your work 😉

  21. I have heard: Conditioned Souls evolve through the tenets of destiny interlaced by free will, but those that have chosen the Light see their free will choices confiscated by Karmic Restrictions as they journey close to the finish line – we made a pledge that when the time came for us to step onto the path of ascension, we would allow the Higher-ups to set aside our free will so that we could take whatever measures were deemed necessary to awaken us – the roles we now play must take place within the general guidelines of our Script.

  22. cobra, could you comment on the concepts of “harvest” as presented in the Ra Material and “The Event”? are we speaking of the same transcendental phenomenon here?

    Ra often states that “many will repeat the third-density cycle.”

    whereas, The Event is often viewed as a “no human left behind” type situation. from this view, all will ascend at this time.

    what could explain this discrepancy?


    from the law of one:

    13.23 Questioner: How does a third-density planet become a fourth-density?

    Ra: I am Ra. This will be the last full question.

    The fourth density is, as we have said, as regularized in its approach as the striking of a clock upon the hour. The space/time of your solar system has enabled this planetary sphere to spiral into space/time of a different vibrational configuration. This causes the planetary sphere to be able to be molded by these new distortions. However, the thought-forms of your people during this transition period are such that the mind/body/spirit complexes of both individual and societies are scattered throughout the spectrum instead of becoming able to grasp the needle, shall we say, and point the compass in one direction.

    Thus, the entry into the vibration of love, sometimes called by your people the vibration of understanding, is not effective with the present societal complex. Thus, the harvest shall be such that many will repeat the third-density cycle. The energies of your Wanderers, your teachers, and your adepts at this time are all bent upon increasing the harvest. However, there are few to harvest.

  23. Could Cobra talk more about free-will? I feel many so-called spiritual people do a lot of victim blaming here and there. The fact is, the more I try to manifest my will, the worse things go in my life. I guess, the Archons are to blame. But, do they really pick on people?

    For example, do they leave that superfical ‘spiritual’ person alone, who seems to be born lucky, into a rich family, and sell over-priced psychic readings, being very happy all the time (keeping their good vibrations??) While I am here, not really into money, despite being born to a poor family, and face obstructions continuously in life, even though I know in my mind, I would never be able imagine such stuff. And, I can’t help noticing, all of those rich people are very poor in their mentality, and all those ‘happy’, free-spirited people were just born very lucky and are extremely shallow, to the point of being useless for the greater good of humanity.

    So my point is, how much is an average person capable of attracting good, despite their circumstances? It would take years to master our minds and emotions, and we would still need a considerable amount of subconscious cleaning for a clear manifestation. Am I right? Is there a short-cut? Because I am absolutely sure I do NOT want to go on living like this. Is my fury of any help?

    • They DEFINITELY single out the more advanced light workers. That is for sure. The more advanced and more integrity you have the more you are a threat to the fraudulent matrix. Still, we have free will and can overcome all of this. The problem is that many of us don’t even know for sure that we are being attacked. By the time we find out its been going on for decades in many cases.

  24. Did sacred sexuality rituals happened in groups in the secret societies of the light? Or is this only something that the dark ones created to harvest sexual energy? Will the twin flame reunions happen at the time of The Event and will they perform sacred sex in specific places of the earth grid?

  25. Hi Cobra? I would like to ask two questions;
    1/ What is going with the animals who died now, are they forced to incarnate again, like us..before the Event?
    2/ I obtained the very strange stone.It is very blue and has got detectable strong energy,can be felt by anyone? What can it be? Is that any use of it?

  26. Will house prices half in Sydney and other over inflated areas during the financial crisis?
    What can we expect for the property market after the reset?

    • Cobra said this recently in regards to the question:

      “Carry 1 to 2 stones with you as your personal anchor for the energies of the Compression Breakthrough. Then you can bury as many additional stones as you feel guided into the earth, or put them in lakes etc. at the locations you feel guided.”

      “At the Event, the Galactic pulse will flow through Cintamani stones. Each holder of a Cintamani stone will serve as an energy conduit, transmitting energies of the compression breakthrough into the planetary energy grid.”

      So if you have only one, it seems recommended that you keep it with you rather than bury it.

  27. Few months ago, one night an angel woke me up so that I may see him and told me that he was protecting me.
    A month later, one day I was taking shower, I felt as if I was going to faint when suddenly I heard a sound of a strong explosion.
    This explosion was inside my head in front of my view field and there were many sparks in all directions and in the same time I heard a strong noise that scared me a lot.

    Is this event in relationship with the removal of strangelet or toplet bombs in plasma level?
    Cobra, thanks for the answer.
    Light Victory ?

  28. Dear Cobra,

    You said in an interview that after the Event humanity will not have to put as much effort and energy into maintaining our physical body. With that said does that mean among other things that we will not have to eat several times a day. Thanks.

  29. Former US Senator and Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Paul Craig Roberts is one of the most outspoken anti-cabal voices on the internet today. Is Mr. Roberts working with the light forces in any capacity?

  30. I was just wondering what exactly Atlantis and Lemuria are/were? Continents or Eras or both? Cause if they were ‘just’ a continent during a certain moment in space/time, there were probably other continents around – that we just never heard of? Or were they whole eras encompassing the whole planet? And if so, did they just take place on Earth or did Sirius for example also have an Atlantian/Lemurian time period? And if they were also eras, why would one speak of the continent of Atlantis and its colonies? Thx & Cheers Maren

  31. Why did it take so long to disclose this information on Archon invasion? I’ve been extremely disturbed by the truth that bad people always seem to be very lucky and winning in this world, and it wouldn’t be a lie if I said this has obstructed my spiritual path. I still see channelings that won’t admit to this truth. Why are they doing this? I am absolutely sure I wouldn’t choose this life if I had the chance. Why are they still lying to us? Not everyone is an unquestioning lightworker. I need answers, and I need to know the truth, the more detailed, the better.

    • The term “Archon” and the knowledge about these beings actually is quite old. It can be found in gnostic teachings. Of course, these teachings have been massively supressed too, when Christianity was designed. The New Age scene, including channelers, is manipulated. The more public spiritual teachings and movements become in this world, the more they manipulate and distort them. So we absolutely need the ability to discern on our own, I would say.

  32. Cobra, will people know within themselves when the biochips/implants are removed? is there a change in the individual’s perception?

  33. ask cobra about how fractional reserve works. can banks really create more money than the amount that is deposited in demand accounts?

  34. It seems that a range of mind control deceptive programming has attacked the three aspects of human consciousness of True Knowledge (mind), True Love (heart), and the Will. Is it more likely that for those following these interviews that one or more aspects, such as the Will, is more unactivated at this time? What specific negative impacts do you think result from the programmed concepts of: Ignore the negative, Resist Nothing, It’s ALL Good, Evil is necessary, A Saviour will rescue us, Chaos (or lack or an external controlling body such as government) should be feared, and Never exercise judgement or assign blame…….and what suggestions would you provide as solutions?

  35. Thank U Cobra & All & a Good day to All Beloved Friends & Cocreators. Hope U had a Good Start of the New Year in Universal Love, Compassion, Joy & Peace of this New Year of Truth & Understanding what is behind all of the atrocities that we have seen taken place in the last years, decades & ages of the enslavement of the Human Race. When U are on Spotify, may I Invite U to follow this Playlist on my Spotify called “Love Light Darpa” , Go to my favorite song, “Metamorphoses”
    So Much Love & Light to All of U. Be Awake. We Are the Rainbowwarriors , the Lightworkers, the Wayshowers, the Pioneers of a New Age, the Age of Aquarius. A New Earth will be born from Our Loving Cocreation in Equality, Freedom as ONE Brother/SistArhood of Men. We Are The Ones We Have Been Waiting For. Never ever give up. In Lak`ech Ala K`in. I Am another U. We Are ONE Humanity Living on ONE Beautifull Planet & Here to Bring Paradise back to this Planet. I Am. AUM.
    I have been offered a Fund from the World Vision Foundation that I d like to share with Lightworkers once it arrivés. For that Fund to be put on my bankaccount in the Netherlands but I do need some guidance/assistance from one or two of my fellow Lightworkerfriends. Anyone here ? Then pls write me at [email protected]

  36. With the Event and evolution of humanity being delayed due to the lack of cooperation of the surface population from very very deep brainwashing, can you discuss how this condition can be counteracted using any/all of the following terms: becoming a Free Will Sovereign Being, avoidance of personal Responsibility through denial or it’s opposite of “freaking out” to avoid facing reality and subsequently our own fears, Belief in all forms of illusion, and the choice of Right Actions or those that do not cause harm to others?

  37. Hello Cobra, i work with a merkaba device with christals on it for all kind of healt issues and also for connections in other realms…the question is…Can i use these divice after the event as usual or is it useless on that time…i did ask this question in December…and for me there is some kind of importancy in it for the future to know how i can manage this in the future…hopefully you can give me an answer on it…also because i help people with it in their conciousness process

  38. It has been said, and just to verify, that upwards of 50% of the people in body suits, have no soull or spirits. They have been put here by the Archons to keep us “in line” so to speak. I wouldn’t call them zombies, but like drones or clones with brain implants directed by the Chimera/Dracos? reptilians/ what can you share, and wll they be sent to the Central sun at the time of the Event?

  39. Thank you so much Cobra, you have truly been the light on this tumultuous path we walk. I am wondering if we, lightworkers are able to manifest or create our financial freedom in this new energy of 2017? All the channeled messages I read are saying try to create thing now, the energy is different, or are we stuck in the quarantined prison til after the event? My body has weakened tremendously working on bringing healing to the earth and her people, I am trying to manifest a stream of money so I don’t have to work at a job and come home beat Up? Any help on helping the lightworkers be financially sovereign?

    • I wonder this too. Is there anything we can do to quicken our manifestations? An open heart chakra, is that enough?

      Sorry for chiming in. I hope you start feeling better soon, Chris. Focus on healing yourself. Abundance to all of us!

  40. For Cobra:
    There´s a youtuber called Crrow777 that shows what he calls “Lunar Waves.”
    The footage shows the moon having sorts of waves that travels perfectly through the moon and not through space, only the moon.
    What are these?

  41. I have a question concerning the situation in Brazil. After impeachment of the elected president, it seems there is a (non-elected) government much more focused on the interests of big international corporations than on its people. It is causing a considerable increase in unemployment, sale of national wealth to multinationals (as in the case of oil) and a pension reform that will force people to work for 49 years before retiring. This entire situation is taking place with the help of the mainstream media and supported by a controversial and arbitrary legal process.
    My question is: Is Brazil, at this moment, in the hands of the light forces or the dark cabal?

    • Fabiano, Cobra answered about Brazil on September’s interview, saying that the (illegitimate) president Temer is a puppet of the Cabal, that things are not easy but there’s a good plan for Brazil ahead. We should ask about the previews governments – were them working for light or dark forces (former presidents Dilma and Lula)?


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