Cobra Questions


You can submit your questions to Cobra here under the comments section for our monthly interviews. 

The email address for the Cobra Questions has been discontinued. Please use this page for that purpose, and review the other questions that have already been asked.

The best questions are the ones everyone can learn from, so attempt to phrase the questions with that in mind. 

Please know that Cobra cannot answer personal questions, or review links that you provide. These links maybe interesting to other readers and you may post them here but know that Cobra cannot possibly review the content of everything on the internet. Remember that Cobra does not review or criticize others so don’t ask for an opinion of another person’s work. Please also know that there is also disinformation posted on the internet so things must go through your own personal filters: discernment, discernment, discernment…..always!

Thank you.


  1. What is the cause number one of all the “evil” and mdness we all( here on Earth and in our galaxy) are living for so much time?

    • In this Universe: delayed karma by Free will, masculine energy for fast spiritual growth(evolution). In other feminine Universes free will is restricted – less evil, much slower evolution.

      • there is only one universe + free will is not evil + this universe contains both male and female energies not just one or the other

        • Lets continue. Earth is only planet in Universe.. Free will leads to relative evil because some people kill, violate, abuse only by free will from all the hierarchy from above(God) to below(us). Study polarities. Galaxy Andromeda is the male partner of female Milky Way. Moreover now some male are as female and vice versa..

  2. People who come here of other star systems after the Fall of Atlantis( 5 thousand or 6 thousand years ago) and have not signed a contract with the dark forces could be “free of charges” of the current situation we are facing on Earth?

  3. I asked a question to Cobra, and I receive an answer by someone called “viva”. Is this normal? If so, viva, thank you. But could you please give me more information about yourself, your sources, etc., so I have a better understanding of who you are, and what is your link to Cobra?

    • ))) Yes, I’m famous )) I’m very advanced in esoterics so I can’t sleep free )) I’m not channeler, but like to read Cobra, Corey Goode, Wilcock, Operation Disclosure,, Intel Dinar for a currency RV. After a few months people would ask me who is Cobra )) I don’t want a fame but its my hobby. Please search here.

  4. Cobra, you’ve share the technique of the law of manifestation in the Ascension conference and I’ve this confusion in mind regarding the 3 steps –> Step number one is decision. Step number two is invocation and step number three is action.

    What action I may need to take in order to manifest? I mean is there any instruction to tell us what action we may need to take in order to manifest in a fastest way?

    For example, I’d like to manifest 1 million dollars, then there are many way to manifest it.

    eg. Win a lottery (when will I will?), work under the system or companys that are controlled by the cabal for a few decades, run a business (I don’t have Capital to run?)

  5. Two good questions:

    The first is that there are a lot of videos of reptilians shapeshifting on the net. If we use the intuition we will see that almost or all are fake. Is there a reptilian shapeshifting on Earth? They can change?

    The second question is Are there “normal’ people that are reptilian or other non human species on Earth and they are shapeshifting?

    • Shapeshifting as wolf is IMO impossible. Queen scared the Putin with her shapeshifting fingers… Are the cabal & celebrities normal when their pupils are shapeshifting? No so much. Such people have not only the +-draconian soul but also great % of their DNA. Every man has mix of DNA from all the Galaxy.

  6. I keep wondering about the way people are caught into satanism. To me it seems that many of them are not aware of their choice, trapped with lies. But than they start telling lies as if it was the truth and they serve humanity, like politicians down here. How is that possible? If it’s not your true conscious choice, how can it work?

  7. What´s going on in Venezuela? These last weeks things got very ugly. Lots of violence. Is President Maduro part of the Cabal, was Hugo Chavez part of it?
    Thank you

  8. Question for monthly interview:
    I know this question maybe quite sensitive so Cobra can choose not to answer but I just curious to ask: To become a Resistance Movement agent , it must be a very dangerous career. I can image that Cobra must have received all kinds of trainings from RM but did Cobra receive any physical training? Such as Close Quarters Combat, Dagger or handgun using, anti-tracking, field survival training as so on.

  9. The twin souls meeting in advance of Event while the two do not recognize or distinguish the other and cannot utilize the full power but had already met. Is it likely?

    • Who knows how much are them. If your twin flame is desintegrated in the Central Sun you must wait his evolution to your level up to the millions of years. Twin souls are their temporary replacement.

  10. Cobra, could you tell us if it were removed all our many etheric implants, astral implants, mental implants, biophysical implants, if our DNA were healed and restored, and our social programming collapsed, would be another type of being? Would be enlightened without all these craps on us?

  11. Lots of channelers say that the light beings they are in contact told them to share their channels, and that those light beings are actively seeking for more channelers. Considering that most of the channelings are intercepted by the dark ones, why would any light being want to send channeling messages? My question is: Do the light beings really want to convey their messages by channeling? Doesn’t it do more harm than good? Do they really do preparations for contacting us through channels? Or, is the channeling simply about being in tune with the light and the conveying of the messages occur naturally when one is in tune? What exactly is happening when somebody is channeling?

  12. Cobra, your weekly Sunday ascension meditation and its two pillars of light visualization is a helpful tool to many thousands of people who participate. Would you be willing to declare the ascension meditation scheduled for Sunday May 14th 2017 to be themed for the express purpose of sending love, appreciation and support to mother Gaia, and to suggest an appropriate guided meditation best suited to this purpose? Since this date is Mother’s Day in many countries, would this concentrated effort of purpose assist Mother Gaia in her healing process, dropping the Veil, and loosening herself from the grip of dark forces i.e. Yaldeboath, Chimera, toqlet bombs?

  13. How do you evaluate the Silver Legion and its representative Tanaath? Do you regard them as positive or negative?

  14. As the hacker group “shadow brokers” released data dump revealing NSA compromising SWIFT system, the question goes to you, COBRA, as follows: “Regarding your announcement that Pleiadians worked underneath to stabilize the North Korea[n] situation, the whole North Korean crisis, including this one, is all staged?” Let me then clarify the question. Some bloggers guess that “shadow brokers” cooperate with North Korea judging from the timing of data dump release and the crisis situation which is almost simultaneous. To put it in another way, is the North Korea[n] crisis situation a “spin” from the data dump or not? The data dump by “shadow brokers” reveals that, if it’s legitimate, NSA is highly involved with SWIFT’s security system. To hide and stop spreading this news, the whole North Korea[n] situation was set up again as business as usual. That’s my view. I want you, COBRA, to clear this up. I want to check if my “guess” is correct or not. Thanks a lot.

    • China replaced the Cabal’s SWIFT with a new CIPS satellite quantum system, utterly encrypted and fast. Cabal is dying financially. SWIFT is dying too. Golden Age – all paper will be based on gold, diamonds, minerals, not by oil or zeroes. We have a plenty of gold in Chinese bunkers and Antarctica, Venus, moreover there is a transmutation of elements.

  15. I live in the Netherlands, with minimum income and I have seen and lived the economic decline and power & money grab. But so few people are aware. I notice & work with the enormous influx of light and my hope and trust lies within that.
    I worry about the situation in Europe. Our ‘leaders’ have made such a mess and I am worried how Europe and we as the peoples will go on.
    Can you tell us about the situation in Europe. And the chances that we as a people have to get out of this mess.

    • I live in Ukrane, so I envy to you. Such leaders are not good, and for a better life EU must divide to overturn Cabal. So Brexit is against the dark nobility. I hope when Ukraine will be in EU, there will be only Ukraine and Turkey. But Event will be sooner..

    • Cobra doesn’t speak about clones. If Gaddafi resurrected he is clone. Rest in peace. In 48 hours man is cloning with full memory.

  16. My question is: Is it true that Donald Trump has in his possession the papers of Nikola Tesla describing how to tap into free energy? If so, for how long? If not, what exactly does Donald Trump have that comes from Nikola Tesla?

    • Moreover, Trump will reveal 6000 hidden by Cabal patents. First 1000 patents in this 2 years: free energy, rejuvenation(DNA healing), new spaceships and engines…

      • That would be the most desirable outcome, but by revealing all that information and technology, what would be in there for him? Why wouldn’t he sell it for profit if he has the chance? And why would he be pushing oil and coal? Something just doesn’t add up.

        • Trump plays a hard nut but short role prescripted by the Chinese Elders for his amnesty and $$. Dakota pipeline stopped to avoid harm to Native Americans sacred lands, oil has another goals, as a Syrian airstrikes vs ISIL & giants. Quadrillions $ for infrastructure to clear US land from cabal’s tunnels I suppose. Short term leads to the Golden Age(GCR/RV), 6000 patents & Ryan. Trump attracts all the blame on himself.

  17. Can Cobra talk about mirrors? What happens when we stare at (or meditate in front of) a mirror for a period of time?

    BY THE WAY, I think the Weekly Meditation countdown is wrong?

  18. If a solar wave will dissipate all darkness and anomaly in the universe anyway, why are we still trying to dissolve the matrix with labor (meditations, arresting the cabal and so on)? I don’t think I understand the logic here. Why don’t we just wait for the wave that comes from the Galactic Central Sun every 26k years to abolish it all? What are we trying to achieve here exactly?

  19. Cobra please direct me to learning authentic yoga online or some place. I don’t want to do studio yoga and cause harm to my body.

  20. I find peace whenever I say a prayer (the hail Mary or our Father) which are the ones i’ve been taught being raised as a catholic. I know the implications of religion on this physical plane, so my question is, is there any complications or saying those prayers on a everyday basis? Am I in danger on evoking those frequencies?

    • Jesus is a Lord of this Universe, Mother Mary is a Goddess. I’m still catholic )) There are many of prayers, invocations, and decrees that I’ve used before my first meditation. Religion must bring a love, good and wisdom. Not Vatican but reformed new church, true Christianity, without any god-like popes and Jesuit liars.

  21. Are we all going to comeback to Source? It it 100 per cent certain that the path of all souls is to come back to Source? A being can choose other paths and still exist in the Universe?

    • All people are returning to soil, all beings are returning to the Source. But there are a shortcuts -Ascension and a long ways – desintegration in the Cental Sun (the second death)

    • Correct. The path toward soul or Source is the ultimate holy grail seeking. The “holy grail” is your soul… And we all return to the soul, the Source, in the end. “A being can choose other paths and still exist in the Universe?” — Personally, yeah I think it’s correct. As COBRA described, if I remember it correctly, that all souls on this surface Earth are volunteers from all over the Universe. Wanderers or Star Seeds we all are and we’ve forgotten it. Our spiritual journey continues until we gain absolute knowledge/full consciousness/holy grail and become literally God[s]. To fill this [3D] Universe with Gods is I think the “only” or “supreme” purpose of the Source [of this Universe]. Thanks.

  22. Can you please ask COBRA why i am loosing weight? All blod results are good and i dont have any diseases. I eat 4-5 times per day. Everything that i eat just passes trough me. Its like my body dont wont to absorb any food. IS this some part of ascension? I dont consider my self as enlightened but i am more aware of planetary situation than most people. Please ask this question COBRA cause i am desparate. Currently i have 49 kg and 170 cm height 🙁

  23. Please, don’t be afraid of my question, even though it may appears as a challenge to our belief system, but I think it’s a fair question to any open mind.

    We live in a world engineered by dark forces to control us. If I was part of the “control elite” I would create a “trap” for those escaping my control (those that realized they are controlled) to create another kind of control over these “escapees”. I would tell them a nice story where they would believe they are becoming free, a story where:
    – they should expect help from the outside (like some churches in the past used “prayer” to control a whole passive population waiting for the “God above” to help them instead of helping themselves, let’s say we now “meditate” to trigger the help from some “space friends above us” that are going to help us)
    – they can always turn to their insights to have the “truth” revealed (which basically tells someone to believe what … they already believe! In other words, you can believe anything you like, even the story that are implanted in your mind by someone else, as long that “you feel good with it”)
    – they can’t have hard evidence of my story until a major event (ever to come, constantly pushed back in time) happens (so that people should keep going on faith, a faith I’ve built, without any proper means to make up their own mind beside my story line)
    – they can find multiple sources of information that corroborate one another (just like most of the controlled media who are all owned by a few controlling members, they can be all written by a group of “controlled” writers, distributing my story on different angles)

    So here is my question: Since, to my knowledge, there is absolutely no hard evidence for the general public that what Cobra/RM reported so far is true (every story or pictures so far can find tenth of other non-Event related explanations than the one provided), how can anyone be sure that the whole Event/RM/Financial Reset/Compression Breakthrough is not another control system put on us (escapees) to trap us back into the Cabal controlled system?

    If I was part of the control system, I would answer to “wait” for the Event for hard proofs, and turn to inner guidance to “know”. I hope Cobra would have a better answer.

    Let us be responsible for our actions and our thoughts. Let us be free.
    Victory to the light

    • If you are sheep, you are very advanced and lucky sheep when you play so. Another sheeps are doomed but not you )) Cobra tells the sweetened truth, for example I belive that Queen is not only dead but also cloned. People dont need to ascend and become the gods in 1 day, just enjoy the game and wait for Event

    • Dude, if you don’t resonate, then don’t force yourself. People are here because they resonated with the information. And, everyone is aware the situation is far away from being perfect, but still it is better than the status-quo. If you don’t have your inner guidance, sole intellectual logic will not get you very far. What you wrote isn’t news to anyone here (I don’t think so). Everyone has some level of thinking abilities and you’re not being stating something we didn’t or couldn’t think.

  24. Cobra, thank you for everything you do! In the tachyon chamber I got an inspiration to go and spill the tachyon water in different rivers in central Europe, going to different seas and thus, within two years´cycle of water, according to meteorologists, have tachyon rain on our fields and gardens. Which I did. Question: do the tachyons multiply themselves in the water or do they attract other tachyons from the space or do they influence the other molecules of water while they interact with them, please? Thank you for your kind answer.

  25. I heard that in underground installations in Czech and Slovak Republic is large number of “super soldiers”. Have you any knowledge about it? What is purpose of their presence there? What is their origin? Thank you.

  26. I recently read that that reptilian hybrids must each humans in order to maintain human form. As such, they genetically altered the wild boar by adding human dna in order to create a temporary food source for themselves in between eating humans. Is this true?

  27. Cobra,

    Pigs eyes are the closest to human in the animal kingdom and their skin and other organs are used in transplants. Is it true that pigs were genetically altered, by the reptilians, to contain human DNA and used as a temporary food source between meals of eating humans?

  28. Cobra,
    Pigs eyes are the most similar in the animal kingdom to that of humans and their skin, and other organs, have been used in grafts and transplants. Is it true that pigs are actually wild boars that were genetically altered, by reptilians, to contain human DNA so that they could be used by the reptilians as a temporary food source between meals of eating humans?

  29. Yoga has become a widespread practice in the western society, helping many people regain and increase their physical wellness. However, there are claims stating that yoga is a negative practice opening up the practitioner to negative hindu spirits. And clearly, some of the handsigns used in some yoga genres are similar to satanic handsigns. So, my question is: Is yoga in any way satanic or negatively influenced by the cabal? And if so, is it still possible to practice yoga and only be positively affected, by choosing not to allow negative influence?

  30. Dear Cobra,
    I’ve got a problem. In couple weeks, I will have graduated from college and I have absolutely no idea what to do next. I’m totally scared of the word ‘job‘. I don’t feel like having a job, working for 8 hours every day and earning money like a slave to survive. This is absolutely soul-destroying to me, because I don’t believe I could find my place in this corrupt framework. I really do want to help with liberation of this planet actively. I really do want to co-operate with The Light forces on this planet.

    MY QUESTION IS: Are there some organizations or secret societies (working for The Light) which people could join and live their lives this way? Or, at least, could you please give us, beings who are not able to become integrated into this stupid MATRIX, advice on other options or alternatives?

    Thank you very much.
    Greetings from CZ!

  31. Hello Cobra.

    Could you tell us about the political regime in Portugal, before the ‘Carnation Revolution’ in 1974, including Salazar, and the political regime after the revolution for the “democratic” regime?

    Salazar’s refusal to participate in the Marshall Plan had anything to do with the “fascist” regime he implemented in Portugal after World War II?

    Is there any negative basis, above or below Portugal, influencing Portuguese citizens?

  32. I have two questions: The first is: Why in this Universe there are so many races that are egotistical, greed and they think that the Universe is just a playground for their acts? Why so many races in this Universe are so service to self and they do not care of destroying planets, people, and they are so much like pirates that like to ravage everything in the grasp of their hands? The second is: Why is not there a so much more strong and divine help in this galaxy to stop all this madness? Are we really going to destroy ourselves in this galaxy?

  33. A self-proclaimed member of the Illuminati, an Insider appeared in the “Above Top Secret” forum in October 2008, offering and providing information on the ILLUMINATI Global Agenda and its overall goals. How much of that information that was provided is truth or dissimulation?

    • He is Hidden Hand, he told he is a host of Rockfeller and other cabal. He is regional-level dark(Service to Self) 4D negative being. He blames Jehovah as a primitive 5D God of a old 3D Earth. And promotes a luciferian agenda. So he wants to finish his “hard negative work” and be replaced by cabal, that are moving in negative 4D.

      • Okay, but what he said in every chat, is it true or false? Does he lie at some point? I would like to know if the “realities” that are said by him really proceed?
        He refers to a possible “convulsion” of planet Earth in 2018 as a “harvest”, and that on that date, the earth would suffer several earthquakes and storms that would somehow sweep the northern hemisphere of the planet, and that Cabala “Needs” a negative “harvest”, to the end of his work.

  34. Hi Cobra,

    Will there be a pole shift in 2018 or in the near future? If so, can we positively affect/avert any possible geologic disturbance that would result in the pole shift thru group meditation similar to what we did for Kenya?

    Also, will humans be taken off the planet during the shift and taken to the motherships or we will be granted temporary residence within inner earth until the surface settles down?

    Thank you.

    • Hi Cobra,

      1- What is the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly? Why its effect is stronger during the solstice? It is moving and covering all parts of Brazil right now , is it a shield manipulated by the dark forces?
      2- Is It possible for a soul to be/live in too different places at the same time ( for example: in Brazil and in Swirtzland) ?

      Thank You


  35. Cobra, I just want to verify that I have the correct grasp on the situation. The dark forces are currently confined to the area from low earth orbit, down to a subterranean area not far below the Earth’s surface. And as the light forces continue to make gains on them from above and below, this area they are still able to work in becomes smaller and smaller, until the light forces are able to constrict their “territory” to the point that the compression breakthrough occurs. Am I interpreting the situation correctly?

  36. What can you say about Operation Talpiot, the supposed Israel-run “kill switches” on our power grid, 911 police phone system, ATMs, train lines, payment systems and even our entire internet

  37. Hi Cobra, thank you for all the work you have done and for sharing your information to the world. My quotations is about Colombia, what is the relation or connection it has with the cabal. Also, was Pablo Escobar and/or the Guerrila working for the cabal?

    Thank you

  38. Were Neanderthals the result of reptilian genetic engineering to create a ground force on Earth? If not, why do they protect that bloodline?

  39. Hey cobra,there is talking in my country(Israel) about ground assault in Syria.Following the ‘chemical attack’ in Syria.I don’t believe Assad use chemical weapon,I believe that somehow my country is involved in this as a false flag.and that pushing it all over the media as an attempt to change public opinion in favor of attack.
    So my question is is greater Israel project is entering it’s second phase?
    what the RM is gonna do about it?
    What is the plan for Israel?
    Is there any Light worker in Israel,is there positive military/Faction in Israel?
    Thanks you.

  40. How can we remove/reverse effect of a chip (biochip), without having to pay loads of money for very advanced technologies?

  41. What is the cryogenic body? Some people say that many of us have cryogenic bodies in ships waiting to be reactivated after we get out from Earth’s quarantine.

    • These are cryogenic frozen pre-adamites in Antarctica in 3 giant motherships up to few km (not 50 km). They are fallen from Moon 50 000 yers ago. People deciding whether do unfroze them.


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