You can submit your questions to Cobra here under the comments section for our monthly interviews.
The email address for the Cobra Questions has been discontinued. Please use this page for that purpose, and review the other questions that have already been asked.
The best questions are the ones everyone can learn from, so attempt to phrase the questions with that in mind.
Please know that Cobra cannot answer personal questions, or review links that you provide. These links maybe interesting to other readers and you may post them here but know that Cobra cannot possibly review the content of everything on the internet. Remember that Cobra does not review or criticize others so don’t ask for an opinion of another person’s work. Please also know that there is also disinformation posted on the internet so things must go through your own personal filters: discernment, discernment, discernment…..always!
Thank you.
Hi Cobra, what other means can we effectively increase the Angelic/Goddess presence on the surface other than the Cintamani Stones?
Are the Spirit Beings present on the surface more positive now? How can they help increase the Goddess presence on the surface?
What is the purpose of telling us about hell in all religions apart the psychological operation? Is there something more deep in informing people about hell? Are they our own many vices on our souls?
Two questions
1 If Kalki still exists on this timeline( I believe he does), but Earth will not be saved by just one man and yet by many, his role has changed? For which role?
2- Will we see all the saints, prophets and even our Oversoul and Higher Selves after the Event?
Does the game “Go” have any spiritual meaning?
If we are in a positive timeline, first why the Matrix is still working perfectly with media, politics, and the usual and dull life? And second why are there still people saying that the Event is going to be a catastrophic event or an event that just some blessed souls will live while the rest will continue their suffering and miserable lives?
The Russian military has recently been very active in the Arctic, creating new bases and airfields, modernizing old bases, inventing new equipment for the Arctic. And it began to bother Washington, in the US they do not understand what is happening. Cobra, why are the Russians now so active in the Arctic, what is being prepared there? Are there bases of aliens bases there? Have we become closer to hearing from Russian politicians and the military the disclosure of information about contacts with the alien intellect?
Much more activity is in Antarctic. On one Arctic island is Russian base with Nibiru observatory. Protected with electronic jammers against NORAD of US Air Forces, caused electronic failure on USAF planes. Better read excavating of Antarctica, secret meetings of cabal, Nazi gold, fountains of youth, Atlantean outposts, entrances to Hollow Earth on both poles. Trump and Putin cant speak free about Nibiru but we can.
Are the crypto currencies part of the new financial system?
I dont like such rainbow people, it must not be as subreligion. But rainbow people should make fun of people’s flaws in such cruel world (including blackmails), then eventually create non-perverted open groups.
Dear Cobra,
In an interview you said Pleiadians do not have sex like humans do. Among possible other things does this mean Pleiadians have valley orgasmic sex rather then peak orgasmic sex? Thanks.
This area is already becomming a mess due to some people asking questions that are directed to Cobra. Despite the fact that this is disorganizing the area, it’s also very dangerous, because cabal agents could easely be one of the people that are asking the questions.
Pleaidians have astral telepathic sex, so be alarmed ))
The entire purpose of this webpage is for people to ask questions directed at to Cobra. Everyone if free to ask any question they’d like. Try not posting so many responses if you feel it’s becoming too cluttered.
I’m having hard time to understand how Corey Goode interacts with other beings, and cannot find an answer in his videos or his website. I’ve read and heard that Blue Sphere Alliance are 6D to 9D beings, Blue Avians are one of 5 groups in this alliance, and they can manifest their body in our 3D plane, communicate telepathically, and then either return to their plane or remain cloaked and observe what’s happening here. Understood.
But what about Inner Earth civilizations and others? Corey mentioned than Anshar is 4D beings, and he also mentioned that he was there physically and didn’t have a “vision”, but seen with his own eyes (talking about obelisk with a plasma ball above it). So how can 4D beings interact with 3D Corey? Did they manifest them and their whole city on 3D for him to see? I suppose no. Did they raise his vibration level so that they become visible and “physical” for him?
So to summarize, is Inner Earth inhabited in 3D or 4D? And 4D is astral plane, isn’t it?
If we, surface humans – 3D beings, dig down deep enough, will we see them eventually, or we need to be able to see in 4D to see them?
And also, is everybody out there (SSP, people on LOC, Inner Earth, Gonzalez, etc) who don’t communicate telepathically, communicate to Corey simply in English or what?
I would appreciate a reply from anybody who has this piece of puzzle 🙂
This is a very good question. I remember Corey saying that, in fact, 4D and other dimensions are all physical dimensions (and so, visible too) and it’s not the same as astral plane. It’s to say, the planes (astral, etheric etc) are not the same as dimensions; dimensions are more related to the degree of the consciousness’ vibration of the beings, and so their correlated matter will just be softer, but still visible.
By the way, I’d love to understand if it’s correct, as it’s always been a doubt for me as well.
I just watched Corey’s presentation at CLE 2017 where he answered a question about densities and dimensions, and he cleared this up a bit saying that its not the case that when a 4D being is in the room, you would wave your hand through it and ask “where is it”, and that they are physical, and 4D is the dimension/density of their consciousness. But I’m still confused: we are already used to refer to our physical plane as 3D, etheric/astral as 4D (plane of lucid dreaming and astral projection), mental as 5D, etc. And astral/4D beings are not physical, you can’t see them in the room. But when it comes to Blue Avians, they are said to be somewhere from 6-9D so again you won’t see them as they are not from our plane of existence, and they manifest their body into our physical plane by “thinking it so”. So my confusion is why Inner Earth dwellers called 4D while they are physical and thus 3D?…
Corey Goode worked as psychic in Solar Warden, interrogated aliens entering the Solar System. 4D beings know all languages(holographic pendants help), also chatted on preAccadian on the SSP Alliance meeting in the Hollow Earth with venusians, saturnians, also there was an “encrypted” telepathy, Gonzalez translated a small part because he had access to that. They used English a little to honor Corey )) Goode was teleported there by Blue Avians sphere. Agarthian cities are cloaked under the protective energy shield from human and reptilians. 4.5D beings are visible for all 3.0D beings. Anybody can see physically in 1.5 dimensions range from himself and is blind to all beyond that. I suppose I’m in 4+D vibration. If you are in 5D vibration, evil creatures from 3.5D cant see you )) Please read top article Meeting with SSP Alliance 2015, where also depicted Hollow Earth city and vivid telepathic contact with top priestess.
IMHO LOC and Solar Warden people use English and Chinese ))
Sphere Being Alliance IMO = invisible Andromeda Council Biospheres 12 planets-ships to carry us from Ascended 5D Earth to another planets with adequate treating (medical, psychical), entertainment and uniting with ours star families.
If you want to stay on 5D Earth you must ascend to 5D not 4D. On the Earth already are tiny percent of 4.5D people. 4D will be abolished here in 2030-2050.
use your own intuition. Cobra is unable to verify everything Corey is saying.
Depicted 12 planet-ships of Sphere Being Alliance (search Andromeda Council – Biospheres)
Giant spheres of Sphere Being Alliance charging from the Sun: youtube/Jlo_7iPGDYQ?t=9m40s also on 6:10.
If you know Russian read that, to attune to Operation Disclosure exopolitics & Golden Age GCR, Cobra, Corey Goode, Antarctica, space, crystals… (Highly recomended even for non-Russian speaking)
Read my comments there!
Dear Cobra.
Could you please explain what is occurring when one sees a green spiral whirling when relaxed, also i would appreciate if you could help us to understand what is the metallic humming (whoom…whoom…)
in the hearing while connected.
I would also like to know in which galactic group does a white triangular shape spaceship belong to and if there are specific plan to carry out in United Arab Emirates.
Thank you!
~we are known from the light we carry~
Sorry, but triangular ship is most likely our ship or even Solar Warden, if it was black I’d suppose it was a Dark Fleet, but its white ))
Knowing rules out speculations
In the perfect world Cobra is answering all our questions
Triangular UFO “TR-3B” Patent is Now in Public Domain
Who is possessing the Ark of the Covenant now? USA? Russia? China? Or the Ark of the Covenant is off world now?
Ark of Archangel Gabriel was carried by US&Russian fleet from Mecca to Antarctica, then given to Antarctic Keepers race. Its extremely powerful scalar weapon, so in the “neutral” hands.
Please, let Cobra answer these questions. We’re all happy to hear others’ opinions but you are presenting information as if it’s absolute truth rather than your opinion. How could you possibly know where the Ark of the Covenant is?
Don’t believe everything you hear out there Rachel.
Of Course not, that is why is called disinformation.
after the event, how much money will banks be allowed to charge for loans(through fees), if interest(usury) will be abolished?
if interest is abolished, wont banks lose incentive to make loans to people?
how will the reformed banking system work?
Would be the Flat Rate, few %. But inflation will not be existed in the Golden Age, gold backed. Eventually money will not longer exist.
It’s hard to imagine how everything can work on barter only (as Corey Goode describes happens outside Earth). If somebody has something I need, and he doesn’t need anything I have, how can I “buy” his items? Money were invented for a purpose, as a universal barter means. I understand they should not be paper (fiat money), but something like precious metal coins (not very handy to carry much of them though, and easier to be robbed by Robin Hoods and like) 🙂
Money is Orion Jesuits enslavement program, some of 4D people even dont know what is money. Pleyades 4D dont have money too. Soon will be trillions of digital non-inflated currency, then Ubuntu without money(call it barter system if you like), just hardcore paradise. How can you starve under the open sky with thousands of benevolent richest creatures with replicators?
Cobra, thank you for all that you do………..Cobra, I have not heard you speak of the Everlasting Agreement with the Eternal One. Are you aware of this agreement, and if so, are you aware of the necessity of humanity to also become aware of it and follow it in order to exit the “matrix” ? And if you are aware of this, can you advise what is the best way that I and anyone else can teach others in a meaningful way?
Could you comment about karmic relationships? Are they real? Are we all having karmic relationships on our lives?
In the Ascension Plan, cobra described the ascension window remains open until 7th July 2025. The ascension process will begin at the moment of the Event and the length of the complete Ascension process is a few years or more.
What does ascension window mean? Does it mean the Event (the beginning of the ascension process) will happen in this window; Or most of the people will complete their ascension process within this window?
Is it because of this ascension window that the dark force is trying to delay everything?
Cobra mentioned etheric liberation meditation has cut the reaming waiting time towards the Event by half. If the Event would happen before 2025, and the waiting time was cut by half, so the Event could happen before 2021? Does this speculation make sense?
Cobra mentioned “some groups are working on bringing about disclosure officially in the first quarter of 2017.” Is there any update on this? Does cobra or Resistance would like to comment on this?
You are so harry to Ascend and moreover if you read Cobra or Corey Goode you will be intime. Light is incoming by waves from 2012 each 5 years. 2017 and 2022 are so important. By 2030 3D negative will be expelled. By 2050 4D negative also. Corey Goode works on video Endgame 3 – its a best dislosure, E.T. and ours ships in Antarctica, Agartha of Hollow Earth, end of cabal, Sphere Being Alliance planet-sized ships to help us..
How do ET societies create and keep moral values without having any religious and belief systems in place, since “right” and “wrong” are only relative constructs that can be changed at any moment?
E.T. positive societies keep moral values with a deep spirituality, faith in God, Universal Law of One. Wrong 4D beings will incarnate on such planets as our, then returning. In 6D all is love, I’d like to say all our “wrong” has excuses from the higher levels.
What star system did the Arabs ultimately come from? I don’t really remember at the moment, even if the origin of the Arabs got mentioned in one of the interviews with Cobra.
What star systems did the following come from?
* Turkic language ethnic groups (Azeri, Kazakh, Turkmen, etc.)
* Tai-Kadai language ethnic groups (Such as Thai, Lao, Shan, etc.)
* Danes, Finns, Germans and Poles
This area is already becomming a mess due to some people answering questions that are directed to Cobra. Despite the fact that this is disorganizing the area, it’s also very dangerous, because cabal agents could easely be one of the people that are answering the questions.
I request the moderators to reject all direct answers, because we don’t know if they are a reliable source, like cobra himself.
Please find here any cabal agent beside you. Or any lie in my answers
You should be careful to accuse me without any proof, do you have any proof? No, you don’t, so shut up! I won’t find lies in your “answers” because i don’t read them. I don’t trust you.
I trully think you are a cabal agent, but as I have no proof, i won’t accuse you of being one. And by the way, don’t be ridiculous, if you are a cabal agent, obviously you won’t say the truth.
Very well )) 1 VERY simple question for such smart guy/girl who cant read with discernment even 1 minute, not matter Light Being, Mossad being so on.. Question: Who stands beyond the 911? Or who stands beyond the ISIS?
Maybe you should stop answering everyone;s questions, viva. They are directed at someone else (Cobra) after all.
Will all toplet bombs have been removed by the time the Yaldabaoth entity is dissolved?
Sorry)) I’m not Cobra that’s why I’ll repeat the OWK that all strangelet then toplet bombs were turn off in 80s. Dark forces wait for their pitiful end. Meditation of 144000+ people is the best weapon against the toplet bombs if they are still here. We must clear the 5D astral parasite Yaldabaoth before the Event. Raio Lunar told it is cleared 50%, up to 1.5% per day. So before the June 21st Solstice we will have not only trillions $ but even by 04 June (Holy Trinity, orthodox) will be Event or lets say preEvent. Wilcock & Corey Goode are filming very vivid Endgame 3 about RA Sphere Beings Alliance planets-ships, Hollow Earth Agarthians 4D that are misleading us that they are 4D Pleyadians )), portals to Agartha in Tibet caves from Chinese Dragons’ taoist monasteries with luminous plants.
I had not sleep all the night after a vivid insight:
EVENT 2017 with RESURRECTIONS worldwide 324000 saint people from UFO TEMPLES FROM SUN-RA (UkRAinian battle mage Dovbush prophecy, many pictures):
Prophecy of UkRAinian white “druid)” battle mage Dovbush that levitated a famous 5m stone in Carpatians mountains and forecasted his death in 1745. Stone will be golden/diamond and soon will be “resurrection” from UFOs temples: blond blue-eyed REAL JESUS, next UkRAine president Taras Shevchenko – greatest “saint” poet as Shakespeare, dont mix with greatest footballer:) and 200 000 UkRAine heroes (saints, indigos, cultural, warriors) and 324000=108*3*1000 PEOPLE worldwide.
CobRA’s PHOTOS OF THE OPERATION PEACH BLOSSOM & Chinese legend: the fisherman walked along the river in the forest from only blooming peaches, reached a waterfall with cave, where lived a utopian society hidden from the time of the Qin dynasty. He told everyone about this paradise, but forgot the way. Vivid secret photos: view from 8-corner window to waterfall, waterfall all in the trees, a picture – people flying on magical Birds cRAnes & Blue Avians/RA, nectar and Divine Buddha wisdom is available to humanity. vivid by Arcturian lady Arbre Solaire: cRAne, Chinese Dragons base near waterfall(as on Cobra’s photos). Red Dragons in war with negative dragons from Orion (Jesuits and Rockefellers). Blue Dragons guard entrances from the Taoist monasteries to Shambhala, the cities of the Agarthian network. The goddess Dou-Mu arrived from 7 stars of Ursa Major to Earth in 2015, her sole presence is enough for the EVENT. Opening of the Agarthian portals worldwide.
Peach Blossom by Italian Raio Lunar:
In continuation to my previous questions…
13. In the channeling with Lucifer I mentioned in my question 12, he gives the information that at some point in time, not so long ago, there was an accident when the ray of attention, or spotlight, from the Source has disappeared for a moment, like a blink, and this lead to different worlds or planes that were near to each other before, to become far; just like a thread with beads has torn and all beads (worlds) were then combined in a different order. He said this is the reason why different time epochs and eras have mixed (like ancient Rome being close to us instead of 2000 years, scientists puzzled by strange results of radiocarbon analysis, etc), and thus there is no point in trying to combine the actual linear history of mankind on Earth. He also said this has led to the fact that we can no longer see various creatures from those worlds (elves, dwarfs, nixes, mermaids, etc) that sometimes were close to us and it was possible to go from one plane to another. Is this information true in some way? And can you tell about the mentioned creatures, were they real, where did they go, and why we have them all in the myths of various nations?
14. Nicolay Levashov has given his information about the purpose of creation of humanity on this planet. So there was a large galactic confederation of white nations, altogether known as the RACE (named after Ra, god of light or the primordial light itself). They evolved and investigated the Universe, on spaceships built of DNA-like metal (i.e. huge molecules with metals instead of carbon and oxygen and hydrogen, which bent the space/time by their enormous molecule weight), that were controlled by operators. They have reached the mental limits of operators and decided an experiment to create a new breed of white human by putting their representatives on the same planet. So they either created this solar system or used an existing one and heavily adjusted it (astronomers say our solar system is unlike any other: round planet orbits instead of ellipses, planets are not place by their size, etc). So they started to inhabit this Earth like 1 million years ago, artificially created the biosphere (so the evolution was controlled “from above”), and then settled about 600 thousand years ago. All went well until dark forces knew about it (100 thousand years ago or so) and decided to seize the planet. So they made wars here and there in various galaxies, so that white race was forced to put three other kinds of people here, refugees from other star systems: black, red, and yellow, about 40 thousand years ago. At first they were not mixing, but dark forces initiated people movement either by throwing meteorites to certain areas, or by organizing wars, etc. Mixing of nations led to decreasing of evolution level of white race, which was their goal. Then there was Atlantis, where whites were treated as gods by reds, and that fed their pride, leading to bad concequences we all know. And that the Antlantis was actually a colony of the main empire on territory of Russia (which before that was residing on the sunk continent in the Artic Ocean). So because of infiltration of dark forces there was a war between Atlantis and the main empire, which lead to fall of one of the moons, which sunk Atlantis. And it was second of three moons: the first was destroyed earlier because there were bases of dark forces ready to invade the Earth, so it was destroyed to prevent it, and falling of its pieces lead to rotation of Earth axis from vertical to what it is now, and sunking of the northern continent, and climate change. And the third moon is still rotating above our heads. Is there any truth behind this information? Can you please elaborate on the history before Atlantis?
15. Also Nicolay Levashov has mentioned that the physical dragons (fire-throwing flying beings as depicted in our movies) really existed on Earth just 400 or 500 years ago. Is it true? Where did they go?
13. Simply a papallel worlds)) Time machine is a big fake. You cant travel to the past to change it. Only watch the past as hologram or change the parallel worlds stories. Earth is mixed with parallel worlds/Universes stories so we constanly download and upload all experiences to interchange with them.
Elves, dwarfs, nixes, mermaids are so real as you for me, but on another frequencies. So much stories/videos about mermaids. They all will return in the Aquarius Age. Also a unicorns.. All that we want.
14. Yes, I’ve elaborated that. All fine. But I suppose Arian race is not mother for Atlantis. Atlantis was 200 000 years old. From Golden Age to Dark Atlantis. 1st Moon IMHO is that large ship fallen 500 000 years ago. Races always were mixed, destroyed in cataclysms, the best priests were hiding in the Hollow Earth. RA on invisible Sphere Being Alliance planets-ships are charging from the Sun on many videos youtu*be/Jlo_7iPGDYQ?t=9m40s. RA are 6D-9D central races (Corey Goode).
15. Dragons were existing as fairies, elves, mermaids, even in medieval times they were shown to people, mermaids were on the festivals and even married with men or praying to God “asking for soul”. They were gone before we catch them on our cameras )) but we have 5 youtube videos with them. Dragons are often positive(dont mix with Draco-Reptilian empire) as Chinese Elders Dragons up to 160 years old men that are financing the Golden Age by all the gold in their bunkers and Hollow earth. In Tibet would open many portals to Hollow Earth Agartha, we will meet our friends from 4D. Event will be before the Summer Solstice.
Greetings from the Ukraine )) Sorry for translation, I dont believe you’ll read that or anybody else. Better to type in Russian )) Please answer, if you read that
Hi viva,
Greetings, I’m from Ukraine as well.
I’ve read your replies, thanks, I appreciate your input. I’m not sure that all my questions reach Cobra, so it’s interesting to have someone other’s point of view.
Let’s respect others and continue in English so anybody could understand 🙂
I know these are many questions, but I have not found answers on them in Cobra’s interviews or blog, and I hope they will be interesting for many people.
1. Is it true that ancient India people received their Vedas from white people from North (todays Russia)? And that later those Vedas were distorted to a certain degree into what we know today as India vedas and vedic culture? If not, who gave Indians the vedas?
2. In one of the interviews you’ve mentioned that Alexander the Great (of Macedonia) was on the Light side. I have met information that he was a dark warrior and an apprentice of dark mage Aristotle, and that the purpose of Alexander’s conquest of India was to destroy the vedas written on 12000 cowhides. Is this information correct or not, and what’s the true story behind Alexander?
3. There is some information that real Jesus Christ was named Radomir, was Slavic, and has incarnated in the 10-11th century, and was crucified in Instanbul (then Konstantinopol), because Jerusalem was not the name of the city, but the nickname of the city where the spiritual leader of the nation was located (and there is proof of the exact place by the calculated date of sun eclipse and earthquake, and also on ancient pictures of crucification there is water behind). And that this particular event has coincided with Kiev Rus christianization and then led to crusades from Europe to Middle East, etc. It really seems strange that there was a 1000 year gap between Jesus and 11th century events. And there really was a prophet named Joshua 2000 years ago, who served as basis for Jesus described in the current version of Bible. And that the whole christianity as we know it is the new form of the Osiris/Dionisis cult, that the Jesus teaching was modified and hijacked by Khazarian rulers of the world. Can you please comment on this information?
4. Do you know about Slavic-Aryan Vedas? What is their origin? Is the information in them true (regarding white gods like Perun, his visit to Earth 13000 years ego in physical ship, etc)?
5. Is the information in Slavic-Aryan Vedas about the structure of the Universe is correct? For example, they depict such levels or planes: human world – 4 dimensions, leg’s world – 16 dimensions (angels), arleg’s world – 256 dimensions (archangels), then 65536 dimensions, etc. They also mention intermediate 5, 7, 9, 12 and other number of dimension worlds. How does it correspond to 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D, etc that we already know, or is it nonsense?
6. Are there dimensions above 7th from your chart? If the 7 planes depicted there are cosmic physical plane, does it mean there are cosmic emotional/astral plane, cosmic mental plane, etc? That is, 6 more hyperplanes above, with 7 planes and 49 subplanes each, totalling to 7*7*7 subplanes? And as an example, what plane such beings as Michael, Metatron, Lucifer are at?
7. Is it true that there was a nuclear war in 19th century in Russia (1812 war), that led to the nuclear winter of 1816 “eighteen hundred and frozen to death”. And also to the fact that the trees older than 200 years are extremely rare in Eurasia. Also there are many exactly round lakes in Russia. This includes other strange things like many buildings in Russian cities have their first floor half or completely underground (either giant flood or dirt rains?). If nuclear war is not true, what actually happened?
8. This may be related to the previous question. There are many evidences that Ancient Rome was not 2000 years ago, but much closer to us. There are many strange things like thin armor that could not protect men from anything except ray energy weapon. This includes Saint-Petersburg palaces build in a way they are located in some banana republic (i.e. designed for hot climate), and nonpublic historical evidences that Russian empire was a major exporter of pineapples. Also building technology that is not achievable now and seems lost (marble statues of tremendous complexity, like they were cast and not picked, same with huge granite colums that could not be made by rotation/grinding or required ET technology for that, OR granite/marble concrete technology). Is the official history of 18-19th century at all true, or should we look into alternative history for truth (like Fomenko research that shows that many historical events are repeating with just another names and places)?
9. There are so called conspiracy theories that the flora and fauna on Earth was long ago silicon-based, and not carbon-based, all stones are remnants of that era, and table mountains are actuall stumps of huge silicon trees, and remnants of insects and animals in stone are actually stone just because of their silicon base. It’s being told that it was all destroyed and wiped by ET’s that captured our planet. Is anything of this has any real basis?
10. You’ve already debunked the flat Earth concept, but there is also concave Earth theory, are you familiar with it? Their proof based on seismology, optics and other common physics seems almost correct. They say it’s silly to live on surface, while organism cells have everything inside and protected, and grape and all berries the same, and our brains are inside the head and not outside, and there is a similarity in macro and micro cosmos, thus adding to their proof. Is it also a hoax to lure people away?
11. I know you’re generally not commenting on other people, but there are some exceptions, I would like to ask about Nicolay Levashov. Are you aware of this person and his work? Was he on the Light side? He was a radiophysicist by education, and the things he wrote about cosmos structure, creation of physical matter, they are a bit different from what we know from vedas, or from various channelings, is there any truth there? And also is there any truth in his autobiography, especially regarding the period when he was living in USA (things he described like tornado blocking by US government request, soil detoxication, ozone layer restoration, etc, and especially his “astral projection while being in conscious state” technique) are these things true or not? And also who killed him if you know?
12. On one of Russian lightworkers site there is a huge multisession transcript of channeling with Lucifer, or as he told the channeler, his Light side. You may not be acquainted with it, but he is giving much similar information to what I found of PFC and your blog, just may be worded differently (because channeling is always personal perception). He talks about sparks of consiousness that descended from the Source, and the more they descended, the more they forgot the Source, and thus became dark beings. He talks about this Universe of free will as an experiment, and he states that he was one of the creators, or curators of this universe and this experiment. Also he talks about Light beings having magnetic nature, and Dark beings having electric nature. He states that there is a hierarchy of dense planes, more dense than this 3D, similarly like there are less dense planes, there are more dense (4D, 5D, etc with minus sign or what – it’s not explained in detail there). And also that there is a way back to the Source trough maximum descend into the darkness and density, then it twists like a Moebius tape. But after all he confirms that currently he is for the Light and cooperates to fix everything dark forces have done in this Universe. Can you please comment on this information?
Sorry, I’m not the Cobra but I have all the answers..
1. Aryan island of Atlantis with a dark race – cloning, military use of benevolent Crystal Satellite – Second Moon to conquer the Europe/Asia that led to sunk of Atlantis. Maybe vedas is from the ancient “gods” from sky(Moon) in Ramayana epos.
2. Alexander the Great had a cintamani stone as the Vril ladyies that created a first UFO, Hitler hadn’t have a cintamani. Aristotle is a dark mage? Really? He is a great tutor. Don’t read the fake news. Such great war maybe for conquering of all the world and gathering the artifacts, not destroying. Alexander, Tamerlan, Hitler were led by Aldebaran race that wants to genes improvements and 1 “higher” race.
3. RAdomir is a powerful and maybe ressurected mage, bur Radomir-Christ is a big Russian Slavic fake. Please read christianity from Christ sites ( Osiris and others could mimic the Christ, God has many hands, parallel realities and future scenarios. So much ancient messiah’s but only Christ is real Lord of this Universe Nebadon, became after his miraculous life and sufferings.
4. 13000 years ego was time when so much Lunar ships(preAdamites) and Atlanteans lived. I suppose vedas is a job of Aryans, maybe dark, I don’t read that, lets cabal overwrite that as you spoke))). So much new interesting, positive information from Akashic Records, Cobra, Corey Goode, Sirius, Pleyades.
5. So much dimensions 65536, maybe you meant subplanes. Only God-Absolute has <100 dimensions.
6. IMHO 24 dimensions is pretty enough for our Universe )) Please read the Ascended Masters, not count the subplanes ))
In 13D experiment Esek Lucifer tried to mix our harmonic Universe Nebadon with the chaotic negative Universe Ragnarok. Failed – Ragnarok was consuming the Nebadon. Michael was warring with Lucifer "angels" 500 000 years ago, great ~50km ship fell to Antarctica with fallen angels. Michael is associated with Christ as Lord of the Nebadon Universe. Metatron archangel is ascended Enoch, takes care of indigo's.
7. Nuclear war in 1812 is so interesting to be not a fake. Such technologies were sleeping many thousands of years. Mahabharata war is the last before IMHO. The round lakes, maybe from nuclear ))
8. Light Rome armor was protecting from light weapon of some tribes (not mix with rays). Rome was not protected from UFOs )) But if you mean Archimede's solar lenses or druid's magic rays.. ))
Saint-Petersburg is located on sacred Giza meridian. He is build by ancient Hyperboreans and fakedly rebuild by masons-stonemasters in Peter I times.
9. I believe in Silicon Age. All OK. Magic times, thinking crystals, trees. Crystals are of 5D-12D nature. Our magnetic duality is up to 4D, not higher. Crystal – crystal children(as indigo) – Christ. People would crystallise partially till 2022, don't mix with chips.
10. So much videos from Corey Goode about 4D races of Hollow Earth. There are oceans, forests, cities with UFOs. Crystals, flora and fauna, telepaty, holographic computers. He was teleported there! Richard Bird also was there trought portals in the South Pole.
11. I believe Nicolay Levashov is a great scientist as Tesla with link to Hollow Earth channeling 4D tutors.
12. Lucifer is a great bad god(experiment Esek). He failed and fails to correct it. If all light beings(we) want – he will be desintegrated. Yes, you can descend from 3D negative to 5D negative, but in 6D there aren't a negative or illusion of separation – only Love. If 6D and above beings are making evil – thats is not evil but Gods experiment with love and higher purposes. Dont try to get to Source in descention path – you will be so evil and sad or even desintegrated. Lucifer's "truth" is for enthusiasts only, not leads to God.
Marian Beghor
I have asked what is the objetive of Tavistock Institute, maybe I should have been more specific.
How can the light force remove the toplet / strangelet bombs? Wouldn’t the dark force prevent it happening?
Dark forces wait for their pitiful end. Meditation of 144000+ people is the best weapon against the toplet bombs if they are still here. We must clear the 5D astral parasite Yaldabaoth before the Event.
are there some organizations or secret societies (working for The Light) which people could join and live their lives this way instead of having a job, working for 8 hours every day and earning money like a slave to survive? Or, at least, could you please give us, beings who are not able to find their place in this stupid MATRIX, advice on other options or alternatives?
Matrix 80 zeroes of funds of RV – Golden Age, answered to YOU below… Wake up, Neo
What the real story of Moses?
If NiBIRU is a hoax of doctor Sitchin to disinformate….what about merkabah,sphinx,thoth,chakras.What was exactly the role of the Sirians,Orion belt warriors, that is, I think that behind a RFID chip there is a long history,isn’t it? I wanna make things clear definitely, if NIBIRU is a hoax what about the Anunnaki?
Nibiru with such tremendous delays would not be intime before the Ascension)) By 2022 or 2030 best people will arrive to the New Earth, worst will be carried to another planets by Andromeda Council planet-sized ships(Sphere Being Alliance). Nibiru does magnetic harm to Solar System.
Cobra states that Nibiru is fake and Planet X is small icy planet, and a base of the Resistance Movement. Planet X was cleansed from “cabal” by RM in 90s.
RM 300 people teleported to the Earth underground cities with futuristic landscape and buildings, they infiltrate the cabal undetected and controlling all the Earth Internet to catch them. Teleporting of Agartha works against cabal, so they are caught, kept under arrest or disintegrated along with the archons. Soon there will be mass arrests on TV, and ships landings. RM is 4D race as the Agarthians of Hollow Earth. All the gold reserves are not in banks but in RM.
Vivid Arbre Solaire videos of RM: (youtube)/xVkuTBTz0Fc
RM 2nd video: youtube/I2MGtHH6LKE
Giant spheres of Sphere Being Alliance charging from the Sun: youtube/Jlo_7iPGDYQ?t=9m40s also on 6:10.
Can COBRA please give his opinion & any information on the man known as Leo Zagami?
I recently came across videos on YouTube, specifically one on InfoWars & the Project Camelot videos where Leo Zagami is interviewed & now Benjamine Fulford has mentioned Leo Zagami in his latest weekly post. This seem like synchronicity!
I got the sense he has been touched by the light thats why he was speaking out & trying to bring truth to the people about what he knew & experienced but now Benjamine Fulford paints him in a very negative light, I know Leo Zagami was a satanist so he still might be, but I doubt it since he has been speaking out against the evils of the Catholic church, secret societies & governments.
What are Cobras thoughts?
Cobra What is your knowledge of the Department of Convolution and the Sodalitas Vulturis Volantis as they seem to be at the heart or close to the 3301 movement and project mayhem 2012. The svv refers to 144,000 Seedbearers this is strikingly similar to the 144 000 lightworkers however their language is almost eugenics in nature and I fear they are a false path managed by the cabal. I am looking to make contact with the Brotherhood Of The Star what would be the best way for me to make myself available. Thank you if you get the chance to answer my questions.
My question for COBRA:
I wonder if the money or fortune that one has before the event will be preserved or not? What would be the most rational means of conserving one’s wealth through the reset of the financial system: Is investing in gold/silver or investing in Bitcoin a good way to conserve (at least some) of the money? Related quetion: Will all the debts of a person be erased after the event?
Better to invest your money in gold/silver. Bitcoin(darknet coin) will be hacked by Light Forces or by quantum computer. Or buy actives/minerals/ZIM trillions )) By NESARA law 100 000 $ debt, espesially of illegal banking would be forgiven. 2017 is 5777 of Jew calendar, golden jubilee, once at 400 years, all debts are forgiven, as every 50 years )) All debts are forgiven when you are trillionaire.
Cobra, many sources including you are talking about the mass arrests and the Judgment of the Cabal. This is precisely The Ultimate or Final Judge described on the book of Revelation. I would like to know if the Cabal will be account held by every war they have commited, every civilization that they have destroyed, every country that they bring down or elevated to use against other nations, every lie that they have told us in politics, economy, history, ETs, technology, etc or there will be a short judgment based on the most horrible crimes as the First World War, Second World War, the Stalin purges and the 9-11?
Cabal, reptilians and archonts would decide to move to caves of Antarctica then to deeper negative dimensions(broad way for cabal), pay their debts in 3D(hard), desintegrate(quick) or amnesty to home Draconis system. Many options
Hi. Please omit my previous question on Silver Legion posted on 17th of April. It was already answered by COBRA before. I searched it. This time around, a new question. [Special note for Interviewers: please refer to this question only when or after turning out that COBRA is well-versed in the entity I mention in the following. ] In celestial context, who is/are Abraxas? Is he/Are they “Sirian”? As for this entity being either Sirian or not comes along after my inference on it. I won’t go into details but again getting the question in one sentence, “Who is Abraxas?” Hereby, I don’t need a dictionary-like definition. I need more esoteric aspects of this entity. For instance, the figure image of Abraxas regularly represents itself by that of a cock-head, two legs consisted of serpent[s], leading/whipping 4 horses with sun and moon above it. What does this image represent? And is he an ET, after all? In the life-long search of holy grail, I must solve this conundrum, or at least get a clue on it.
I suppose Abraxas is a top archont of gnostics. Name sums to 365, maybe leader of all astrological signs and subsignts of Earth archonts.
Event: Energy flash from the Central Sun – Holy Grail of moldavite meteorite gem – Cintamani Stones of 144 000 (Cobra video)
In higher dimensions and society, it is mentioned that collective consciousness is more prevalent in contrast to our individual identity. Will our individual values be upheld as we move into those realms? Also in relation to the above question, what happens to a soul when it reaches source, will its individual personality remain or will it be lost similar to the galactic center recycling process?
You could opt to lost a part or all your precious experience. In a source you are not 3D being but 8D Higher Self or monade. You could store your experience to download later, but Akashic records were also once destroyed.
Can Cobra give a brief history of both Galatic Federation and Ashtar’s Command that was mentioned in one his updates? Was is their purpose and what are the requirements for a civilization to become a member of this confederation ?
Was the pentagram symbol (like the one in Syria) always used for evil or is it a symbol that was corrupted by negative forces?
Search Kabballah. Then you’ll figure out the occult[=hidden] meaning of pentagram. Also, searching Pythagorean numerology might benefit you.
I dont know a positive meaning of 5 in sacred geometry. Pentagonal formations a used by dark forces to conquer a lower astral of Earth, they all must be dissolved. Universe numbers are common so 5 isn’t good. 5-star is meant protective but reversed pentagram is destructive. Stalin ang Hitler spoiled the meaning of pentagram and swastika(symbols of 2 Saturnian 4D races (Corey Goode)).
According to research by neuroscientists, aprox. 4% of people are psychopaths. The parts of the brain where empathy and conscience reside are atrophied in psychopaths.
Did the Chimera or Draco genetically engineer the psychopathic brain in humans?
Hey, WAIT!!!!!!
WHO is this “viva”? Why is he or she answering the questions directed to Cobra???????
Be carefull, you guys!!! The darks are clever in creating traps!!!!!!!!
I don’t know who “viva” is, and apparently, he/she won’t tell me! His answers are everywhere. Some are clear and seem sensible, others, well… who are we to judge!
I thought “viva” could have been on Cobra’s team, so before drawing any conclusion, I wanted more information. It seems my initial intuition is getting confirmed.
I’ll wait a while for an answer from his/her part.
Sorry, I am optimistic man far from Cobra. With deep knowing of top interesting esoterics, news and profound spiritual path. I used to sort out all standpoints to win all esoteric and exopolitical disputes. Currently I have 400 opened tabs in my browser, thousands of answers in politics and esoterics. I’ll join to RV in Ukraine the first. So I’ll buy up all the Cintamani Stones from Cobra and will usurp all the Sirius powers. You will be my spiritual slaves )) Bible-ReVelation-Prophecies-Pleyades-Mike Quince-Kim Michaels(path of Jesus, invocations)-Corey Goode-Operation Diclosure(also Italian by Raio Lunar)-Cobra. Sleep free I am not the dark force.
Below, because I can and I may. Its hobby, not dark working!
What is the source of ‘fast radio bursts’ ?
Thank you.
Cobra, what is the source and the accuracy of this website which monitors the dissolution of Yaldabaoth? Thank you.
Answered below (searh Raio Lunar)
Why Archons can not get higher consciousness? Did they choose that? Or they are trapped in their own actions?
Archons have options: descending from -4D to -5D negative or so on, desintegration, also a chance to return to 3D then to the evolution(hard).
Is “dark matter” related in some way to the elemental kingdom? If so, how?
Was Michelle Obama born male?
Yes, he can. Cloning isn’t needed for this guy.
What light workers can do if they receive electro-magnetic attacks? How to protect themselves? Who can help us?
This is what Cobra suggests as the best method of protection in general for all of us right now. This is such a wonderful meditation to work with even though it takes a little practise to perfect it and will benefit people in so many ways! Good Luck with this TZ
Are the Archons still controlling the reincarnation process? Cobra said in the last interview that we can escape The Matrix now. Could he expand on the situation of the Astral Plane? Are we fine if we passed through the scalar-etheric-lower astral planes now?
Is there a Plan B for liberating this planet? Let’s say, Putin and the key people in the Positive Millitary didn’t act according to the plan of The Light Forces, what then? They know surface population is unreliable, how will LF act if there’s a situation like that?
Over the weekend on the 22nd April, roughly 1.7 million people gathered in the City of Bloemfontein (pronounced Bloom-fon-tane) to pray for the entire country of South Africa, because of the state that it is in at the moment with all the very blatant corruption from President Zuma & his cronies.
Can Cobra comment on this if he has any inside information or even his own personal feelings & wisdom.
Has the huge number of people gathering together to pray made any impact on the country and the people and will this then manifest slowly onto the physical plane and into the rest of the collective consciences of the people?
Also if there is anything more Cobra wants to say about this please do, especially since there seems to be a split occurring & a possible removal of the current President in the near future & if he is removed will another puppet step in or is the country being guided by the light?
Is Yaldabaoth Entity removal chart in true? Is it approved by Cobra himself ?
I believe. Raio Lunar is a smart Pleyades-1 contactee, I’ve read him 2 months. Current Yaldabaoth removal – 40%. Progress is 6% per week. Sometimes is faster. So Event would be at ~1-2 months. Summer solstice?? or sooner as we saw previously in the Yaldabaoth tentacles removal was a quick jump 75%–>100% at once. His daily Pleiades 1 Messages are the best inspiring: clearing of the dark astral (%), triangulation of 3 motherships(%), much another Universe’s or Sirius beings, Keepers,Goddesses, Isis, Masters, Silver (surfers) Army of magnetic nature, Dolphins, Cetaceans, fairys, Flower of time, are helping us (%) And much more articles from exopolitics, Cobra, Lisa Rene, Pleyades… Very cool!!
Would Cobra be able to provide a translation [list] of the heiroglyphics found in crop circles? Perhaps some crop circles could be provided and Cobra could translate or provide the meaning?
Thank you.