Cobra Questions


You can submit your questions to Cobra here under the comments section for our monthly interviews. 

The email address for the Cobra Questions has been discontinued. Please use this page for that purpose, and review the other questions that have already been asked.

The best questions are the ones everyone can learn from, so attempt to phrase the questions with that in mind. 

Please know that Cobra cannot answer personal questions, or review links that you provide. These links maybe interesting to other readers and you may post them here but know that Cobra cannot possibly review the content of everything on the internet. Remember that Cobra does not review or criticize others so don’t ask for an opinion of another person’s work. Please also know that there is also disinformation posted on the internet so things must go through your own personal filters: discernment, discernment, discernment…..always!

Thank you.


  1. I have 3 questions, in order of personal importance:

    1) I apologize this is vague, but in my mind I see these aquatic creatures, possibly squid-like, from the stars. And I see a group of beings standing in a circle holding hands on top of a blinding light that’s about to explode. There’s this deep sadness, and a bittersweetness of the love we feel for each other and a wishing we had realized the truth before it had become too late. Do you know of anything like this that happened?

    2) Could you tell us about Procyon’s stars, its people and culture? I keep seeing blue/white aquatic humanoids with a deep affinity for water and sunlight.

    3) Is there a spiritual reason behind addiction, and how can we overcome it?

    Thank you.

  2. Hi, could you ask Cobra what does he thinks about the so called magic mushrooms? it has been used by shamans for healing and is said to be medicinal. Some use it for spiritual purpose and is said to have some benefits, but also let you have deep feeling of connection with the universe and being One. But it can also cause great anxiety and bad experiences. if used correctly, does it serve any higher purpose, healing or spiritually? Or should it be avoided and lower your vibration? What does Cobra think about this? Should people into spirituality and lightworkers avoid it at all cost? or could it be beneficials in raising vibration and healing if used correctly?

  3. There are many secrets in the Vatican, would you like to know when we will know the contents of the Vatican’s secret library? Are there any relevant things hidden there?

  4. Please ask Cobra why Mr. Putin is building an oil pipeline all the way to southern Europe if he knows that ‘very soon’ the ETs will appear to Terrans introducing us to their free energy technology. It will not be completed till end of 2019 & he deemed it so important that he boarded the vessel that is working on this project to give it a boost & start. So if we are truly on a path to clean NRG & new technologies, & Mr. Putin is working with the ETs , why so much energy into new projects using the old fuels?

    An answer came to me as I was writing this ‘As long as the Cabal keeps fighting in the present system, he will keep fighting .’

    But then Why doesn’t he simply distribute these new technologies throughout Russia or at least use them on some level (other than defense weapons)? Surely he would win hands down then?

    • Your question is valid. I’m Rob, one of the many volunteer question moderators. Your question would not necessarily come up until the next Cobra pfc question/answer edition in late July or so, yet, until then, I have some background in this field having long ago produced the first documentary on solar energy aired on PBS and kept up with this subject since then. I have a very interesting short article on alternative energy development in Russia which included a wintertime photo taken by an aerial reconnaissance drone of a large Tesla based electrical production facility built outside Moscow which, the caption claimed, was capable of producing much of Russia’s entire electrical needs, yet, it is not being fired up and put to use yet. We can only imagine the threats put on Putin to dissuade use of this power plant. I was originally going to tell you that the transition to the alternatives will take awhile, much the same as it has here in the US as the solar energy industry evolved [and compromised with the utilities] to begin decentralized use of solar cells on homes and businesses. That may be true in the switch from petroleum based machinery to pure electric devices as well. The transition will take a little while. I would personally call for the immediate shut down of all uranium based nuclear systems in favor of replacing their fuel rods with Thorium fuel, however.

  5. ****Can you take liquid crystals in liquid form as this website offers?

  6. ****What are liquid crystals?

    This is Crystal Healing the Atlantian Way, A way of Love, Power and Wisdom combined in balance as a glorious White Rose, within whose crystalline petals lies a new world, Man, Angel and Deva as one.

  7. ****Are the Order of the Star 144,000 the in any way similar or related to Allister Crowleys “The Mystical & Magical System of the AA (Astron Argon)? (which the gematria of Aster Argos is 489, also the value of Sothis, the Greek name for the star Sirius… “Sirius commonly is held to be the physical expression of that “Silver Star” after which the Order is named.)

    ****Are the 144,000 that can help reach “critical mass” with the group meditations DIFFERENT than the 144,000 order of the star that came here with Sanat Kumara?

    ****Where does O Negative blood come from? …and is it the blood of the 144,000?

    ****Are the 144,000 order of the star The “Oraphim”?

    ****Are twin flames polar opposite of each other? On the zodiac wheel >> (example = virgo vs pisces) (i.e. “opposites attract”) ?

    ****Do the 144,000 order of the star stay “left behind” (as in the book revelation) AFTER the great multitude is called away to become the warrior angels we really are to do battle with the negative beings?
    Because it says they become sealed that nothing can hurt them *(the seventh seal)*… so why would they be sealed and not the general population some of who are god fearing Christians. My intuition is saying they are called away before that, as the “great multitude” (general spiritual population) ???

    ****Are twin flames supposed to *UNITE & MINISTER THE WORD* before the event or with the *two whiteness*?

    ****Do ONLY the 144,000 order of the star have their twin flames here incarnated with them on the earth or does everyone have one? (I read it is rare for both of them to be incarnated at once except of major importance like what our planet is going through.)

    ****Is the kundalini awakening for twin flames only who experience a sacred sexual union (stargate opening) or a term used when anyone’s chakras become aliened?

    -Meriah Oraphim

    *Second time posting this, somehow it got removed…….

    • 144000+ people in meditations are quickening the Event so much. Maybe 144000 people will be a bridge for 144000 of the Order of the star. I suppose twin flames are not opposite on zodiac wheel, nice question, but I dont want a opposite of me )) Everybody needs his reflection. Its impossible to match a completely opposite to himself considering all the planets, fixed stars and so on ))) Very simply to match 2 people born in 1 hour or 1 second. Negative blood begun of “fallen angels” from Maldek-Mars-Moon. 144000 will create a sacred couples on the New Earth. Another people will better fly away from such “hostile” 5D Earth. General population does not want to be sealed, they want a money, happiness and life on the heaven, their heaven is not our heaven. We need the spiritual work, not be afraid of God, eating the meat and drink simultaneously )) I suppose a mixture of cintamani stone and moldavite cross coupled with me will attract to me a nice twin flame, maybe not on Earth but flown from sky if she isn’t from 3D, maybe a few millions years older than me.. So good to not divorce before that )))

      • Viva, my name is Shawn, I lead the team that assists in rephrasing and editing questions for coherency posted here and addressed to Cobra prior to interviews. We appreciate your enthusiasm to assist others, but we follow a specific procedure when acquiring answers and information to provide to people and their pursuits of a higher level of awareness. I am going to ask that unless you reach out to the PFC site admins, volunteers, or team members to gain proper direction and resources when assisting others in providing answers, that you refrain from treating this site like a personal blog and dissemination site. We use certain credible sources to provide answers and we are going to ask that you respect that and abstain from providing information we do not or cannot back as credible. We appreciate your understanding in this matter. Please do not hesitate to post any inquiries you may have to the PFC site admins, volunteers, team members here, or Cobra if you have questions you would like to ask yourself. Thank you.

  8. ****Are the Order of the Star 144,000 the in any way similar or related to Allister Crowleys “The Mystical & Magical System of the AA (Astron Argon)? (which the gematria of Aster Argos is 489, also the value of Sothis, the Greek name for the star Sirius… “Sirius commonly is held to be the physical expression of that “Silver Star” after which the Order is named.)

    ****Are the 144,000 that can help reach “critical mass” with the group meditations DIFFERENT than the 144,000 order of the star that came here with Sanat Kumara?

    ****Where does O Negative blood come from? …and is it the blood of the 144,000?

    ****Are the 144,000 order of the star The “Oraphim”?

    ****Are twin flames polar opposite of each other? On the zodiac wheel >> (example = virgo vs pisces) (i.e. “opposites attract”) ?

    ****Do the 144,000 order of the star stay “left behind” (as in the book revelation) AFTER the great multitude is called away to become the warrior angels we really are to do battle with the negative beings?
    Because it says they become sealed that nothing can hurt them *(the seventh seal)*… so why would they be sealed and not the general population some of who are god fearing Christians. My intuition is saying they are called away before that, as the “great multitude” (general spiritual population) ???

    ****Are twin flames supposed to *UNITE & MINISTER THE WORD* before the event or with the *two whiteness*?

    ****Do ONLY the 144,000 order of the star have their twin flames here incarnated with them on the earth or does everyone have one? (I read it is rare for both of them to be incarnated at once except of major importance like what our planet is going through.)

    ****Is the kundalini awakening for twin flames only who experience a sacred sexual union (stargate opening) or a term used when anyone’s chakras become aliened?

    -Meriah Oraphim

  9. Cobra, are we now entitled to consider that the Light Forces have taken control of the plasma plane around Earth, on dissolving the head of octopod, and of accelerating the dismantling of all toplets and of the black stone as well?…

  10. May I ask a science question. Are all subatomic particles simply waves of electromagnetic radiation at different energy levels? Is the energy level responsible for binding baryonic matter together in the infrared range?

  11. Hi Cobra,
    Did benevolent ET’s create the neanderthal human species originally as a vehicle to reform formerly fallen ET’s who were attempting to turn towards that light? Was the neanderthal race then hijacked by the dark forces to act as vehicles for themselves and their minions to incarnate in 3 dimensional form on earth?

  12. What is the type of nutrition of high-evolved humans on other planets and in the Inner Earth? As far as I understand, it does not include meat at all, but what about eggs and milk (or various milk products) and honey? Does it included heat-processed food or is it raw? So is it vegetarian, vegan, raw food or something in between? What is the best for earth humans in our current environment situation and in various climate zones?

  13. COBRA, I do not know if you are familiar with one of the discoveries which freaked out the elite, the discoveries from the ROMANIAN mountains, BUCEGI, from underneath the SPHINX? Considering also many predictions regarding that “Romania will be the new spiritual pole of the WORLD”, do you know if Romania will be involved at a higher level in the LIBERATION (RESISTANCE MOVEMENT)and the EVENT? If yes, what can you suggest? Let me know please.

    • if you look under “Region” then Europe you will find a little more of what Cobra has said about Romania.

      ET BASE (Suppressed-Disclosure)

      Rob- …Who was the civilization living under the surface of Bucegi mountain Romania, in the Carpathian mountain area?

      COBRA – This is a very old, I would say, base of a certain extraterrestrial race that have created it.  And it includes a time capsule and this has been discovered by the Romanian Secret Service and then taken over by the, I would say, U.S. Cabal and has been suppressed.  Thankfully, part of this intel has been released through some of the books you can read. The Transylvania Sunrise is the first one and there are many more books written about this subject.  This is just the tip of the iceberg.  There are many more places like this throughout the planet.

      Rob – OK.  So the Cabal is in control of it. However, much like the Dead Sea scrolls with the Confederation watching, it will not be destroyed. It will eventually be given to humanity, correct?
      COBRA – Yes, correct.–ref: rp1115b

      Rob – We have here now questions about Romania.  This isn’t quite political.  In 2003, allegedly the Americans – I guess I would have to say the Cabal and their control – they didn’t allow the Romania government to release information about a large discovery and, excuse my pronunciation, in the Usagi mountains.  It has a lot of information.  It  may change a lot of things.  It has allegedly an ET base with holographic messages about our planet, our history.  Very large shares and things, kind of like David Wilcox said was found and supposedly there was some monatomic gold powder.  Would you comment on that?  Is it a real find?

       COBRA – Yes, yes, that was a real discovery which was made in 2003 by the Romanian, I would say, secret service.  And, of course, the Jesuits have been informed about the discovery immediately and the Black Nobility families have, of course, news has gotten to the Cabal faction almost immediately after that and they have put the Romanian government under great pressure financially and otherwise and, of course, the Romanian secret service had to release all their findings to the Cabal faction of the US.  Since then the Cabal has been taking control of that discovery, which is actually subterranean complex which has tunnels leading to Quebec, to Egypt and to some other locations.  It is part of a very complex underground system.  Part of this discovery has been released to the public through certain channels, through certain books which have already been translated also into English.

      Rob – Thank you, Cobra.  Seems like the same old, same old story.  We people down here need to get organized as the Cabal.  That was the plan of the new society conference when Cobra and I first talked. He revealed the idea the RM told him.  They’re (Cabal) organized, they respond, they put the lid down, they rape, pillage and murder.  We have to use our armory and weapons of Truth and the virtues of Honesty, Integrity and other powerful things together.  Would you agree Cobra?  We really need to organize without threatening them and yet hold our ground

      COBRA – Yes, the most important thing, the most important weapon we have is the truth, to spread intel, to spread it everywhere you can.  To inform people, to educate people and to coordinate because together we are stronger.  I have seen many times that the Archons manage to divide people because of the things that are not so important.  What is more important is that we are all aware of the most, the core beliefs that people have, the core orientation we all have.  We all want freedom for this planet and this is the basic orientation that every light warrior and every light worker should have and not to focus so much on those little differences which are not important in the long run.—ref rp0715

  14. Cobra are you aware of Wayne Herschel’s work at He has made many discoveries that ancient megalithic sites are star maps of the Pleiades. Is this so and especially could you comment if Cydonia on Mars, the pyramids at Abusir, Tikal, etc. are star maps of the Pleiades? Also do you know if the leg of the bull symbol of Egypt and other societies is a symbol of the Pleiades and if the center symbol of the dendera zodiac is indeed the Pleaides.

  15. Hello everyone. I’m aware of the Mandela Effect and Dolores Cannon’s interpretation of two worlds(the one we have moved to, I presume).

    My question is: Why have trees appeared in my neighborhood lately that weren’t there before, about a month ago, what stands behind it?


  16. Is the reason the Yahldaboth entity will not leave because a group on the surface or below the surface has its baby in a tank surrounded by guards or is this being in the tank not related to the Yaldaboth being?

  17. Corey Goode was recently exposed as a fraud. i believe he is a lair. Cobra, you had a interview w/Goode not too long ago and you recently said some things in support of him, which makes you suspicious in my eyes. can you explain yourself again? your stance w/Corey Goode. i want an explanation or i won’t take you seriously anymore either.

    • Many light workers are being targeted by the media in a very organized manner – including Corey Goode, Cobra and many others. Just remain neutral. If you could re-phrase your question that would be helpful. And remember, Cobra does not make any comments on other people or their work, unless the question is very specific.

      [PFC 0317] Lynn – Is part of the Dark Fleet that Corey Goode mentioned that was left trapped inside our solar system when the so-called outer barrier (that protects this solar system from anyone coming in or getting out) still roaming in Antarctica, their bases on our moon and orbiting our solar system?
      COBRA – Basically what Corey terms “Dark Fleet” is still active to a certain degree in Antarctica, and this will be changed very soon. [PFC 0317]

      Lynn – Cobra is there such a thing as the Sphere Being Alliance?
      COBRA – OK. This is a certain term used by certain people that describes one aspect of the Alliance, I would say the Central race, but I would not go deeper into this. I see this alliance not in exactly in the same way. I see this as part of the greater Galactic Confederation, I would say, Galactic forces of light that want to liberate this planet. I don’t see it the way exactly in the same as it is explained in some sources. (thank you Cobra).
      –ref: pfc0217

      GF 1116 Steve: David Wilcock talks about a solar event that will make a big change to the DNA of humanity and consciousness to humans. Is this the same event that you are talking about?
      Cobra: Yes, exactly. What he talks about, the solar event or what Corey Goode talks about, is actually the galactic pulse triggering the sun. Every twenty-six thousand years there is a galactic pulse which triggers all the stars in the galaxy in a certain way, also of course when this galactic super wave reaches our solar system it will trigger our physical sun, in a way that Corey Goode and other are talking about. It’s part of the Event that I am describing. It is not only the activity of our physical sun but is connected to the activity to the galactic central sun and on the drastic changes on this planet and on the removal of the cabal, reset of the financial system, and the process of full disclosure and everything that is connected with that.

  18. Cobra, it seems like a lot of the asperger children are very high frequency beings that don’t fit this matrix. Are they actually damaged, or will they fit and function (come online) in the world after the event? Many of them are just waiting because they see nothing currently of interest to them.

  19. Cobra- The word “Event” is disconcerting to me. It reminds me of a nuclear event or something spontaneous that removes us from the planet. My feeling is that we are here to clear the negative and be solidly physical incorporating all of our aspects energetic, consciousness, etc., then rejuvenate the planet, are able to travel into space, and when we cross the milestone, things will be much more free. We will be able to be equal with Beings from Other Star Systems. Can you explain why that word rather than milestone or some other word?

  20. Before i get to know cobra I found out about pleiadans by billy meier case,also About extraterrestrial 9th planet named:thiaoouba by Michel Desmarquet,Artur Berlet: Ufo from planet Akart,Stefan Danaerde Ufo from planet iarga and Hejal bobik uta hano (planet Saleinji) wszystko jest wibracją eng:(everything is vibrations.)Can you say something about that?Is there relations about what you’re saying?What do you tell about that,something more? Thiaoouba extraterrestrial are wingmakers?Did other civilsations which i described help us in compression breakthrough? What’s up with Semjase?

    • has most of the Cobra interviews by subjects. I would recommend you start with the Star Races category. Much of the E.T. books are dis-info – Cobra has said that several times. Get some of Cobra’s understanding and then ask 1 more detailed question. Also – under the Disclosure section > whistleblowers we find these comments about Samjase:

      GF 1116 Louisa: Ok, The next question is for both Cobra and A’drieiuous. We have heard the name Semjase when referring to Pleiadians. We are familiar with this name mainly through Billy Meier who claims Semjase was a primary Pleiadian contact throughout his life. Can either of you or both of you comment on what that name represents?
      Cobra: Semjase is one of the famous Pleiadians who has been deeply involved in the planetary liberation process for many milliena. She was very active in ancient Egypt, and the last few decades she has contacted a few of the contactees, one was Billy Meier and also Fred Bell. And she is one of the key Pleiadian contact persons for this planet.

      Rob – Okay.  Someone wants to know.  Do you still have contact with Samjese?
      COBRA – I choose not to answer this question.—ref rp0515

  21. why do light workers have a harder time manifesting what they want, yet karma is almost instantaneous for them if they do or think something negative? Why doesn’t this happen to normal people?

    • Life unfolds endlessly in divine will, order and timing; I have heard: Conditioned Souls evolve through the tenets of destiny interlaced aka modulated by free will, but those that have chosen the Light see their free will choices confiscated by Karmic Restrictions as they journey close to the finish line – we made a pledge that when the time came for us to step onto the path of ascension, we would allow the Higher-ups to set aside a good chunk of our free will so that we could take whatever measures were deemed necessary to awaken us – the roles we now play must take place within the general guidelines of our Script.

  22. Cobra,

    1. Some people questioning about the Cintamani stone. Are there any human scientific methods or instruments to confirm the effect of the Cintamani stone?

    2. You said that we better wait a few days before burning the dead body. What is the main reason? How about those people died in a fire disaster?

  23. There is talk of a “sun simulator”, a fake sun. Although I haven’t seen anomalies in the sun in my part of the world – the far east – it is a thing in the US, Australia, etc. Is there really a sun simulator? If yes: What is the purpose? Since when is this in place? Is it a bad guys cabal / Chimera thing? Why haven’t I seen anomalies yet? Is the sky also fake? (because in the June interview you answered “It is I would say quasi crystal grid that is a reflection of The ONE.”)

  24. Cobra,
    you have said that since 1996, all channelers were implanted and most their channeling connections were severely disrupted.

    Some people said that you belittle the vlaue of those channeling message in order to increase the value of your message. What do you comment on this? Is all channeling message are unreliable or still having some of them can be trusted?

    • May 2017 Cobra gave this message to PFC: “I would prefer no channeled material is posted, as more than 90% of that is compromised.

      If you are strongly guided you can post with a caveat.”

    • I would add a question about channeling. Is it true that right now on Earth there is a channel that channels right from Source and beings from the highest realms of Love and Light and from the Pleiadians? Is it true that this channel purpose is building the Light Grid for the New Earth?

    • if you search under the Region tab / South America – you will find quite a bit about Brazil (As well as many other countries and regions of the world) Enjoy your search – then come back and ask specific questions to Cobra. He likes specific questions.

  25. There was a violent thunderstorm that hit Moscow at the end of May 2017, that destroyed 3500 trees, killed 16 people, hospitalized 108 people, took down part of the electrical grid, and destroyed the healing pyramid of Alexander Golod.

    Was this a cleansing by natural forces or was it man made as a warning to Russia because they will not cooperate with the cabal?

  26. Cobra,
    Do you feel irritated when people ask trivial, repetitive and shallow questions? Is there a better format for your intelligence to reach the public besides trying to answer questions that come from a perspective of personal desires, self centered interests and shallow speculations?

    Also, if we can speak in very broad terms about our situation as humans-isn’t it wrong to suggest that the bad ones should be eliminated, arrested, and so on…. because in reality, they exist because of our ignorance of our personal state of consciousness on the individual level and as a collective. Do you feel it would be more effective for you to teach people about their state of consciousness instead of taking about chimera, Jesuits, yaldobaoth, reptilians, and other bad guys…when people focus on bad guys, they don’t look at their self nor take responsibility for their own state of consciousness? The bad guys actually serve us by causing us to take a closer look at ourselves.

    • One great way to study Cobra interviews by subject is: I promise if you just pick one subject a day or week and look through that you will learn so much – then you can write an article for besides raising your own consciousness.
      Cobra does talk quite a bit about soul evolution, religion, and other spiritual subjects. Look under the Soul Evolution tab at the above link or
      review the latest article on Soul Evolution from last week:

      • and no, “the bad guys do not serve us by causing us to take a closer look at ourselves” as Cobra said in and The Galactic Codex:

  27. Do you know or know of Thoth the Atlantean and what are your thoughts on his indestructible Emerald tablets found in the land of Khem (ancient Egypt) in a secret compartment in the great pyramid. What do you know about their authenticity and the info found in them?

    • under star races > reptilians
      Rob – Now the emerald tablets actually had a way to determine a clone and the word was they were testing their leaders if they could say the word ‘Klininginginging smith’.  Allegedly a reptilian tongue couldn’t say that.  Are there any other ways for us to tell if there is a clone of a human?
      COBRA – I would not agree with that Intel that you have just released. (Okay.) I would say you can detect the reptilian by the energy field.—ref rp0315 under Religion > Emerald tablets Someone has asked about the emerald tablets of Thoth and the emerald tablets of Hermes. Those are the same being correct? (Yes). Do you believe the translation by Doreal is the most accurate of those tablets?
      Cobra – Yes, I would say that representation is quite good. I think it’s the best we have at the moment.
      —ref rp1214

      This is not to answer your question, but to list what Cobra has already said – maybe you could phrase your question in more detail. He likes detail.

  28. In view of the fact that the so-called “Secret Space Program” as it is being called, does it working for mankind’s best interest? The very word “Secret” implies something “Dark”…Can we assume this means it IS?
    Is David Wilcock being manipulated by the so-called “Insiders” he seems to rely on?
    At a recent venue (Contact in the Desert) he implied info seemingly suggesting a form of the old “Project Blue Beam” or “Perpetual warfare” in space via space based warships…in our future???

  29. Cobra, been following you for years and first I read where after the Event, we would have spring and summer only and now I have read where we are going to have a mini ice age. What changed this course of weather?

    Also, I have always wondered if Prime Creater, GOD, is the only one who knows when The Event will happen, How do you know that we are closer or not?

    • I’m Rob, one of the many volunteer question moderators for this website. I’m writing to try to address at least one of your inquiries about anticipated weather changes. While I am not fully qualified to know all about Cobra’s past subject topics, and specifically what he may have said regarding weather changes following the Event, I can tell you that it has been established that our sun is getting warmer due to changes in the physics that drive the workings of the sun. These changes are so much pronounced over the past decade or so that the more honest scientists out there, along with other citizen researchers who have studied this phenomena are claiming that the sun is about to enter a new phaze in its life. The more startling result of this phase change will be what some are referring to a ‘solar sneeze’ in which it will blackout for awhile, long enough to cause a mini-ice age. One of the better sources of information about this possibility is a Boston University geologist, Dr Robert M. Schoch who has written a book on this potential problem. Naturally, no government agency I’m aware of is broadcasting any information about this possibility. Schoch claims that there is plenty of evidence that such a short term blackout of the sun occurred in the past and lasted only a few years, long enough to create an ice age that affected life on Earth during that time.
      Also, it’s only my opinion, however, even the Divine Creator may not be able to predict the outcome of events anywhere in creation which are influenced by so many different factors. On a sadly deranged human scale, this is what is practiced as ‘War Games’ by Pentagon as a form of artificial intelligence which more often than not does little to predict the outcome of events in real life.

  30. Q: Cobra, would you go on George Noory’s Coast to Coast radio program as it is syndicated to over 600 radio stations to get your message out to the broadest audience possible if you were invited?

    • Cobra was on Coast to Coast briefly in 2013. I’ll see about getting the transcript up on the web-site. Jimmy Church has quite a bit of interest in having Cobra on Coast to Coast soon. We talked with Jimmy at Contact in the Desert. Let’s hope so.

  31. Is there any particular question or area of importance that you wish we would focus on? People get so caught up in the intel that they forget it isn’t necessarily the most important thing, and you should have a chance to address that if this is so.

  32. Professional sports are heavily manipulated at best, and downright rigged at worst. Cobra, would you concur with this statement? Would you say it is beneficial for people to avoid investing so much of their passion in something so heavily manipulated like professional sports events?

    • I have my own theory on the Mandela Effect. According to “The New Order of Barbarians” which you can hear for yourself on YouTube, the cabal had a plan in the 1960s (or earlier) to gradually alter history to suit their agenda. They knew they could not make radical changes to books and whatnot because it would be too obvious and people would notice. So they decided to make very minor changes over long periods of time to avoid detection. Change a word here, a name there, very gradually. I believe this may explain the Mandela Effect so many are noticing lately. They’ve been making little changes over the years and that’s why we seem to be remembering things differently.

  33. Q 1of2: Cobra says that the DNA is a bubble torodial structure which is a portal to higher dimensions, it is possible to access them but he can only show how with a physical demonstration*****is it possible for someone to be taught this information and make a detailed video about it on Cobra’s behalf?*****

    Q 2: Cobra says certain individuals that came from certain star systems can have very specific markings on their skin*****What do the markings for certain systems looks like, and where are they located? Also what are the characteristics of someone to have these markings?*****
    ————————–Follow up:are there any sources that have legit photographs?

    • I’m Rob, one of the question moderators. Your suggestion that the DNA configuration be visualized is certainly appreciated and stands as a challenge to any other reader who has a background in creating the software architecture required to fashion such a DNA image and who might take you up on the idea. It is not a question however.
      As for your second challenge regarding identifying any markings on humans which would betray their ET background, it is not, at least in my humble opinion, a question we would press Cobra any further on as it might in some way reveal more about his identity. But thanks for following up on this point. Who knows what identifying features we Earth-based humans might have that are of interest to other distant cultures.

  34. In the last May Interview: …
    Aaron – It is said that the Archons are at the top of the food chain on earth, that they feed from human emotions, is this accurate.

    COBRA – They are close to the top of the food chain. The Chimera group is at the top of the food-chain.

    My question is now: What about the emotions generated by an orgasme or by mastrubating? Are that positive or negative emotions? and is that also feeding the Archons???? please ask COBRA!

  35. If we consider the grand scheme of life, the archons that Cobra speaks of, play an important role in the spiritual evolution of human soul. They suppress humanity spirituality and we as souls must do eveything to overcome these archons and with this battle we grow up spiritually. It is the duty of the archons to do this and it is our duty to grow beyond them. we must remember that this is a grand plan of God. These Archons control us using the passions of the mind like vanity, greed, lust, attachment and anger. The destiny of Souls is to go beyond these Lords of karma. Would like to know what Cobra thinks of this? Thanks.

    • I want you to read this article from a few days ago. 95% is Cobra’s words: He makes it very clear that your comment is NOT ACCURATE. Not my words, his. He states very clearly about that very comment.

  36. I would like to know what is the main reason that causes for some delays of the “event”, that was likely to happen around the year 2015 ? It’s been about 2 years since then. Or it could be said that actually there was never delay instead ongoing progress ?

    • especially the “Liberation of Earth” section and he explains things quit clearly on what is causing the delays. Or perhaps read the section “Dark Forces”, “Wars” etc which might also teach you about the many delays – and the bottom line is maybe you can give us your report about what you are doing to assist in the liberation of this planet. “IF everyone would do their mission, The Event would happen” Cobra

  37. Hi, Cobra. Are you familiar with Anastasia from the series the Ringing Cedars of Russia by Vladimir Megre? She is changing the people in Russia fast making them come closer to nature and God. Over 15.000 families moved from the cities in an attempt to create their own heaven. There is a law from 2017 giving people free land also to help that. The current is spreading to other countries too. Can you tell us more about her?

  38. My question is about The Origin (the Creator of ALL Creators, even our God). We all know that there is a force beyond our Source. And that force is called The Origin (by Guy Steven Needler). It has created all Sources that have created all Universes. So, my question is: Is there anything / does anything exist outside of The Origin? Where does The Origin come from? Is it made of the same thing as us (pure energy)?

    • Dear Mr/Ms Waler:

      Cobra has answered this question a number of times already and clearly stated that there is no redeeming purpose intended by the challenges posed to humanity by the oppression either the Archons or Chimera Group are engaged in. Once again, any notion that the Archon and Chimera are possibly capable of promoting positive spiritual growth is a misconception. Please see additional information below posted by another pfc moderator who has responded to another person’s similar question.

      Danell Glade
      June 6, 2017 at 10:38 AM | Reply
      I want you to read this article from a few days ago. 95% is Cobra’s words: He makes it very clear that your comment is NOT ACCURATE. Not my words, his. He states very clearly about that very comment.

  39. THIS IS NOT A REPLY…(there is just no place to submit a comment–not sure what I’m missing?)

    Q 1of2: Cobra says that the DNA is a bubble torodial structure which is a portal to higher dimensions, it is possible to access them but he can only show how with a physical demonstration….is it possible for someone to be taught this information and make a detailed video about it on Cobra’s behalf?

    Q 2: Cobra says certain individuals that came from certain star systems can have very specific markings on their skin…What do the markings for certain systems looks like, and where are they located? Also what are the characteristics of someone to have these markings?

    Follow up:are there any sources that have legit photographs?

  40. Something very significant has happened in India in lat 24 hours. India’s biggest media house “NDTV” has been targeted by the Indian Government and investigated for corruption. “NDTV” came out with following statement that can be read here “”
    NDTV has been know to uncover and run genuine stories on what actually goes on in India. This attack essentially came in light of NDTV not following state order to keep mum. One of the major reporters on NDTV did a special report and uncovered ALL THE MEDIA LIES. He basically said that All MEDIA IN INDIA IS SOLD & AFRAID to speak up. Although his report is in Hindi it can be easily translated (

    For the First Time Ever Someone So Big Is Blowing The Lid On Government Control. Just Few Weeks Ago, one honest political Party in India uncovered HOW ALL ELECTIONS IN INDIA ARE RIGGED and there is actually NO ELECTED leader. They did a demonstration of hacking of voting machines in the Parliament.

    Cobra, can you please comment on these developments?

  41. What is your opinion on the following? Do you agree with it?
    All people are divided into Three unique and clearly distinct Personality Types depending on which area of the brain is overactive.(entorhinal cortex – amygdala – hippocampus) The Three Human Types are hereditary and derive predominantly from differentiations in the activation, volume and brain structure of the limbic system and its surrounding or associated systems. From the three types arise differences in the physical and energy bodies. Each Type possesses specific personality traits, learning and cognitive abilities and emotional response to stress. Also there are different nutritional needs, weaknesses and occurrence of illnesses solely based on the type.

    • I want to know if this is true and how we can make use of it. My sources tell me that the people who work at the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center are trained according to this model of human typology.

  42. What will happen to the LGBT community after the Event? Also will people who have remained in the closet due to external pressures, will they be liberated and won’t have to hide anymore?

    • Go to the search section of Cobras blog for this question.. I would refer to his blog for many questions on topics in the interviews or missing information..advanced or new intel questions are adequate here.

    • Dou Mu

      PFCC:Where do most Chinese souls come from? Is it true that these souls come from Do Mou’s hometown, Big Dipper? And when did these souls began to get controlled under Dragon? Did genes of Chinese people have been modified by Dragon?
      COBRA:Thuban Draconians used genetic engineering to insert part of their genome into the native Han population. Most Chinese souls come from Earth. Extraterrestrial Chinese souls come from many star systems, including Big Dipper. pfcc0117

      [pfc0616] Lynn – Cobra, you have written on the blog about these Asian goddesses, Xi Wangmu and Dou Mu. You have said Dou Mu is here on earth now, somewhere in Asia. You had written she is in her light body, but is this a physical form?
      COBRA – Yes.
      Lynn – Can we talk or telepathically connect with these goddesses or communicate with them in any way?
      COBRA – If you have pure intention you can connect telepathically with them of course.
      Lynn – Are there any goddess vortexes in the United States?
      COBRA – There are quite many but they are not publicly released at this point for certain reasons. (OK thank you). [pfc0616]

      (pfc0516) Richard – Cobra, what is happening with the Goddess Dou Mu who came to earth in January 2015? Can you tell us more about her and why she is involved with the Earth right now?
      COBRA – She came to anchor goddess energy for the planet.  She came from another star system through the Eastern Agarthan Network and is now located somewhere in Asia, I will not tell the exact location.  She is present there and she is holding the energy of the feminine presence for the planet.  She is an actual physical being living in a physical body supported by Eastern Agarthan network, they are supporting her physical body and she is channeling those energies for the planet.
      RICHARD – Is she considered an Ascended Being also ?
      COBRA – She is not a so-called Ascended Being.  She is a living human being that is highly spiritually developed, has not yet ascended and is living in a physical body.  (thank you) (pfc0516)

      also do a search on Cobra’s blog for more details


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