Cobra Questions


You can submit your questions to Cobra here under the comments section for our monthly interviews. 

The email address for the Cobra Questions has been discontinued. Please use this page for that purpose, and review the other questions that have already been asked.

The best questions are the ones everyone can learn from, so attempt to phrase the questions with that in mind. 

Please know that Cobra cannot answer personal questions, or review links that you provide. These links maybe interesting to other readers and you may post them here but know that Cobra cannot possibly review the content of everything on the internet. Remember that Cobra does not review or criticize others so don’t ask for an opinion of another person’s work. Please also know that there is also disinformation posted on the internet so things must go through your own personal filters: discernment, discernment, discernment…..always!

Thank you.


  1. Dear Cobra,
    and dear anyone else who may have thoughts about this question.

    If we are infinite beings living inside a hologram, wouldn’t each and every one of us be powerful enough to set things right, simply with the power of our thoughts? Why would we ever wait for conditions to be right, or for help? Couldn’t any one of us set ourselves, and everyone else, free at any time?

    I am truly curious about this.

    Thanks for listening.

    • Cobra likely has much more to add, but free will comes into play in a big way. Violating another’s free will is a big deal. There are rules and that’s a big one. We don’t have a right to save or set another free if they don’t want it because doing so would violate their free will. Sadly most of the surface population is massively brainwashed and doesn’t want to be saved because they don’t understand the situation they’re really in. It’s the same reason the positive ETs don’t land en masse. We have to collectively summon them, issue a “calling” and if we don’t, the free will of the non-believers is infringed upon. On that note, I have meditated and asked for them to show themselves to me and they obliged the very next day… flew right over my house. They need that request. Try it out, they are listening.

  2. Back in the mid-1990s, prior to the Archon invasion and the Great Forgetting, UFO and extra-terrestrial subject matter was going mainstream. Probably the best example was the “Alien Autopsy” film which aired multiple times on prime-time national television. The consensus today seems to be that the film was a well-made hoax, but it certainly looked real from my point of view. It seems to me that this was precisely the type of disclosure event that convinced the Archons to intervene. So here’s my question: was the Alien Autopsy film real or a hoax? If it was real, what can be told about the origins of the entity and the film itself?

  3. Cobra the USA is about to lose its right to vote. I feel like civil war will destroy plans for the event. I don’t want to fight but when they beat us up and arrest us for peaceful protest and say you can’t vote what else is there to do but fight for our freedom?

  4. Cobra, we remember from your post ‘The Ascension Plan ~ A Cobra Update (07-03-2016)’ that:
    “The majority of 70 billion non-incarnated human souls were mass evacuated on August 14th, 1999 to the motherships of the Ashtar Commnad and then transported to a certain planet on the outskirts of the Pleiades”

    HOW was that POSSIBLE as long as you claimed many times that since 25000 y ago all souls were trapped inside the veil (in higher planes, etheric and lower-astral), and that at any supposed attempt of LIGHT forces to do something, strangelet and toplets could explode??

    Cobra, please give us a clear answer in order to put it together! Thanks!

  5. Hi

    1. Cobra, could you say something about Central Sun and Its beings?
    2. Why God/Light/Source do not stop prime anomaly?


  6. Can Cobra please comment on the fact that “Temples of Baal” are being erected everywhere and certainly in New York and London, in Trafalgar Square. It really makes you feel that the situation is getting a lot worst rather than getting better. What are the Elite up to by doing this?
    Many Thanks.

  7. Q&A: What’s the best thing humans can do when they pass away? (including keeping in mind the intentions of the beings in the afterlife that force us to reincarnate)
    Not going to the light, staying in lymbo seems like it wouldn’t serve much of a purpose for anybody, so I’m thinking making a contract (not sure if before or after entering the light) to reincarnate under the condition of being left with this last life’s memory unerrased (and possibly gaining memories of past lives) would be the best deal in order to come back and be a light worker. If I’m correct, why don’t I hear of people who have already done this? Thanks.

  8. How soon after the event will the non-physical beeings be removed, in other words: when will the attacks on lightworkers stop???

  9. Hi Cobra,

    I went through the page “” & I miss intel about elves, dwarf, devas & fairy.

    Pls could you share all what you know about those creatures?

  10. Does Modern day Feminism have a negative effect on relationships between man and woman? I do believe we can reach true equality without the extreme views of modern day feminism. Is there anymore need for the feminism?s

    • Q: what happens with the 3rd density left behind? Does it crumble, and what does this crumbling consist in? Will it crumble together with all the ‘package of prosperity funds’, ‘free energy devices’ and ‘end poverty’ investments till that time (and tons upon tons of physical gold)?
      Q: what investments are necessary for the Ascension Process only (i.e. ‘ascension chambres, and what more)?

  11. I have a question for Cobra.
    Do the negative E.T.s know about the primary anomaly being transformed at the moment and what do they think about that? Does this process also have an impact on them energetically?

  12. Hello Great work Cobra for all you have done!!! My question is regarding the basket of currencies or future of money, what is the longevity of Bitcoin? Will it be in the RE Basket? If not, do you think Bitcoin will prosper or dwindle in time? Aside from the fact that in 10-20 yrs, all currencies supposedly won’t be needed.

  13. -Can you share your opinion about
    “The law of one” and “hidden hand”content.
    -From the artifacts and paintings, it appear that such being as Buddha, jesus, krishna, the first people of ancient Greece and European were of black origin and appearence.
    Your view please?

  14. “We’ve heard that the Tunguska, Russia, explosion about July 30, 1908 was caused
    by either Nickolas Tesla, a meteorite, or even an assassination of a family that
    escaped from another planet in a spaceship. What was the real cause?”

  15. Greetings.. I would like to ask if Cobra can please speak about Maldek and was this the place of the end of the last cycle? also the law of time and the cosmic history cube? ..also could Cobra discuss the transistioning from biosphere to noosphere?.. is this to occur prior, during, after the event or is this the event? Thank you.. harmony, peace and love to all.

  16. Q: You have recently commented on the concept of “infinite parallel earths” coexisting simultaneously in the infinite Now of creation.. being NOT accurate, mechanically speaking.

    This is information often heard reflected to us by Bashar of the Sassani civilization. What is your take on their origins, their agenda (positives and negatives) and perspective, then?

    And how would you reconcile their claim about this subject (I.e. that we are shifting billions of times per second through parallel realities like still frames… With the illusion of continuity making it seem like “The one earth”).


    • The question posted “John John October 24, 2015 at 12:17 AM” was incomplete forwarded to Cobra, concerning about the existence of parallel realities, so the answer was the same.

      It must be pointed in the question so:
      Q1: are there parallel Earths or alternative realities, similar to ours, IN PARALLEL UNIVERSES, (NOT IN OUR particular UNIVERSE)??

      Q2: What are (and how are constituted) ALTERNATE UNIVERSES and alternate timelines (in this ones) where everything is like here, but with a little (or huge) difference here and there”.
      How do you call this? Is it a so named ‘potential space’? Where does this ‘potential space’ belong?

      Note: Any question concerning ‘parallel’ (Earth, timelines, so on) must be considered in PARALLEL UNIVERSES! Otherways the answer (from Cobra or anyone else who knows) will be NO!

  17. Cobra, you are like an older friend for many of us, so we feel need to know more about yourself, but not about what you need to hide now, so don’t worry please.

    Q: we remember from your first interview that you are a pleiadian soul in a human earthly body.
    OK, because as we know there may be many like you, starseeds, light workers, so on.
    But are you, (at your pleiadian soul level) a higher density spirit incarnated in a 3rd dimension earthly body, or you are rather a 3rd dimensional at the soul level too?

    Q: If you are in the first case, then are you already ascended, and your mission is only to assist us in ascension? Or, if the case is the second, then you will ascend together with us, maybe in the first wave?

  18. Cobra, you gave us many answers about souls of their higher level. But, we are already very curious, if you allow us.
    Q: do you know about your case, what are you and your wife at a soul level? Are you members of same soul family, soul mates, twin-souls? If yes, can you tell us?
    Q: and, if this is the case have you chosen one another having these acknowledgment, or you learned it later about what you are?

  19. Hi Cobra, we are now seeing things heat up in the exposure of the Panama papers and now the3rd worlds largest law firm is squealing about the exposure of top officials, top government officials current and past, etc
    Whoever exposed it has implicated China, Iceland and Russian governments. I have a feeling it maybe an attack on the BRICS alliance or would it be the exposure of those working for the cabal who are being exposed? ? Are you able to shed some light on it at all?

  20. Fluid group Masterplan management. Will information and Intel pertaining to this plan be given to the average person? What are the requirements to be chosen for such an honorable task?

  21. Hi team,

    Cobra mentioned concerning black magic. I you have a special mission und you are confronted with back magic you have to take care of the protection protocolls, Where do I find information about the protection protocolls?


  22. Cobra have some questions, I hope you can answer some:

    4- you know if there are beings who are called “Pathal” and could talk about it?
    5- The darkness is part of a plan or higher pact to increase the evolution in the universe?
    6- Innana was called Khrishna and Emmanuel was called Christ, these presences were received by Vihnu and Jheshua, this information is correct or know anything about it?

  23. What will happens to germany in future and what role does it play?
    Will there be a civil war along europe, because of the inner conflicts in the countries with the migrants?

    Creetings from Germany

  24. Hy Cobra!

    Legends of the Hopi Indians say there was a war between Atlantis and Kasskara also named Mu.
    Atlantis was ruled by a beautiful woman with bad charakter, who was responsible for this conflict.
    Is this story true?
    If it is true when was it?
    In the late atlantian era?

  25. I want to ask about a specific program in the black-ops and abductions from the past, from recent past to 30 yrs or so ago. Some of the abductions included experiments on messing with human attraction and love relationships. Eve Lorgen calls it the Alien Love Bite. The ETs (apparently Greys /Reptilians of some kind, in partnership with US military) were able to select soul mates and give them “twin flame symptoms.” Were they trying to fake/manufacture twin flames? Or to interfere with actual twin flames, to sabotage them, connect them with a proxy who was not a true twin flame? Did they mess with some ‘real’ twin flames or intense soul mates just so their hyperdimensional beings (who need to live thru humans) could feed off the spiritual energy? What were the main objectives, what are they still doing, are military experiments stopped but hyperdimensional/demonic activities with regard to twin flames/soul mates continuing? If you could answer one or more of these questions it’s greatly appreciated!

  26. 144k individuals meditating at the weekly meditation would speed up the EVERNT. Approximately how many people are joining in that meditation now?
    I am confused as I thought things had reached a point where there is no way the cabal would be successful against us. With this question and comment, I am not clear on what you meant: Q. So has the collective shifted enough to turn the tide with what is going on on the Planet?


    Not yet, but we’re getting closer.

    I am so broke, but would like to work with people with the Tachyons and other technology. Is there any way I could get on a waiting list so when the RV happens, I could order it right away?

  27. A question I’d like to ask Cobra: What is the purpose of Twinsouls who are both incarnated on earth right now? In which way do they contribute tot the shift into higher vibratons?

  28. I remember cobra’s description saying he had a great connection with his soul or higher self or wateva its called. How can someone conect better and what are some techiniques that can be used to get awnsers. I follow the law of one channeling that ra did so i was wondering what techiniques cobra would suggest on how we could connect to our higher self as close as he did or as much as he did. I would also like to to ask how to unprogram ourselfs like cobra. I heard that he’s not as programed as much as a lot of humanity is so how can we start to deprogram ourself and what are some of the programing out there that we can notice and transmute. Thank you.

  29. What information, if any, does cobra have on DMT? Can this compound connect us with our higher selves and other dimensions. What is Cobras understanding of DMT?

  30. Dear RoB / Cobra

    Is our planets really of sync? Is there really chance of the planet colliding?

    Why does Source not put a end to the crap carrying on here, eg Like babies being used for sacrifices and blood being used for demonic rituals?

    Who are the Hindu gods really? are they multi dimensional beings like some say they are? are they keeping this world in darkness as well?

  31. Cobra can you please tell us about the significance of Lake Louise/Banff/Emerald Lake in Alberta Canada? Thank-you! Victory To The Light!!!

  32. Do you have some information about the current situation in Brazil?
    I’m very concerned about this issue because the majority of people in Brazil think the elected president must be removed from power.
    You said the Cabal wants to weaken the BRICS by destabilizing Brazil.
    This destabilization could come with the removal of the current elected president Dilma from power?

  33. Greetings from the Ancient Lands from the Maya, Guatemala! I have some questions regarding actual Mayan Spirituality practices and the Pleiadians. In the Popol Vuh is said clearly that 4 “wizards” came from the Pleiades (The B’alameb’, where B’alam means jaguar, magician / translation is very difficult since Mayan culture and consequently mayan language is way too different to western civilization) and they did ceremonies, the same as are practiced nowadays here in Guatemala, to bring the New Sun. They left the Mayan wisdom and tought the actual Mayan Calendar. My questions are these:

    – Is there still communication between Ajqij (the profesional of the days, actually known as mayan spiritual guides) and Pleiadians? If not, howcome? Can it be restablished?

    – How much and in what ways does this wisdom has changed since brought?

    – There are a fair amount of different time countings (calendars) using the Maya Calendar. Most “years” are governed by specific, and changing, days from the energetic calendar “Cholqij / Tzolkin” (not all communities call this calendar like this). In the year 2012 was debated in some circles of Ajqijab (ajqij in plural) the need of changing “Year Bearers” and a lot of analysis was made. Actually, I’ve seen that some famous channelers use mayan dates to date when they wrote the message but the date is absolutely out of sinchronicity with the counting used in Guatemala. Do you have any information directly from the Pleiadians about this problematic?

    – Unfortunately, since the maya elders agreed to make public the mayan wisdom, some people claims to be Ajqij when they have been in Guatemala, known an indigenous Ajqij, learn some of the calendar and practices in a tourism trip, or spending few months, when there is a traditional preparation to become an Ajqij. This has created misinformation and mishandling of delicate energies and knowledge, as well as profitting and discredit of this awesome and necessary wisdom, making people despise this. Knowing oneself is critical in order to stablish love and peace on earth, and the Maya Wisdom is a great tool to reach this self awareness. Are the Pleaidians handling these things or are they planning to return the knowledge lost through millennia back to its origin as was given by them before the Event?

    Cobra and PFC staff, I send you blessings form these formidable lands and may the Heart of the Sky and Heart of the Earth protect you and open white roads in your life! Thank you for your most appreciated work!

  34. Cobra can you please tell us something about Master El Morya and the Great White Brotherhood?
    Thank-you! Victory To The Light!!!!

  35. Here are my questions for Cobra:

    1. What has happened to the souls of human beings who died after the mass evacuation of non-incarnated souls on August 14th 1999?

    2. Is DNA manipulation a common practice in advanced species capable of it?

    3. Can you estimate the percentage of planets that hold a physical presence host dense physical (3D) life forms?

    4. Is it common for 3rd density physical beings to have no memory of their life prior to physical incarnation?

    5. Is the 3rd density always a lower level of consciousness?

    6. You have said that The Event will clear the primary anomaly from the Earth/Universe completely, resulting in an immediate state shift for all incarnated beings and the Earth herself and initiating an Ascension Process. You have also said that until the network that supports them is completely disabled, our implants reset daily. So, is any primary anomaly being cleared when we experience darkness and consciously choose to forgive and love it into the light intentionally?

    7. Is it true that underground civilizations came up to the surface populations periodically and presented themselves as gods or aliens? Is it true that some also joined surface dwelling seekers’ meditations and falsely represented themselves as Ascended Masters?

    8. After The Event, will the Ascension process always result in a physical density shift for the individual? Can you describe how the transition we currently call death will change after The Event?

    9. How long ago did primary anomaly begin to be accumulated around the Earth? Originally, didn’t we all come here to assist with the task of its transmutation?

    10. Will the Earth still hold a 3rd density presence after The Event?

    11. Can you describe if or how time is experienced on higher dimensional levels?

    12. Does primary anomaly have anything to do with the 3rd density experience of time?

    13. Recently you said that all the other Universes had been integrated into this one. Has the primary anomaly made the 3rd density possible? Were all the dimensional levels always present in creation?

    14. Would you comment on the accuracy or usefulness of the Wingmakers materials by “James Mahu”? Is this the Central Race that you referenced in a recent interview?

    15. Is there a “secondary anomaly”?

    16. A Soul Group implies that individuated Souls exist that make up the group. You have said that our human personality is a reaction to the primary anomaly, and a secondary, not a primary function. Would it be accurate to say that individuated Souls each have a unique Presence? And that perhaps, Presence is to Soul as personality is to human? (If all this is so) Does the Soul Presence influence the human personality?

    17. After The Event, will there still be alien races at odds with one another?

    18. Can you offer any practical advice for the development of discernment?

    19. Do you know how many people are participating in the weekly liberation meditation on Sundays?

    20. Is it true that after The Event, 3rd density human vehicles will not age and die as they do now, and that Soul Group members can come and go from them, rather like time-share condos? Manifesting as an infant and experiencing physical maturation will be an alternative choice…

    Thank you for putting as many of these as you deem useful before Cobra.
    Victory of the Light!

  36. Will the current mainstream media transform and spread light information packets when Reset transpire, or the main disclosing news field in new media, like the growing alternative media?
    Will there be found completely new disclosure websites and TV channels ?

  37. Thank you Cobra and Rob for all the work you are doing. Rob Kosulandich and Tolec are two guys who claim they are from the andromeda council. They say ships will be coming around September to take people off planet. But Alex Collier and a few others have said do not ever accept any offer to get on any ships ever, stay on this planet! Could Rob and Tolec be right and there are good ET’s coming to take some of us off planet? Or do you think we should never ever take an offer to go on board a ship and be taken off world? Thank you so much! ?

  38. Cobra
    have 3 questions:

    1- exists or existed some kind of base or bases where physical bodies without a soul ready to be used in one or several Himalayan mountains

    2- satan and lucifer are archons?

    3- there some kind of physical probes that monitor camouflaged states of consciousness of people and are similar to what we know as orbs?

    Thank you

  39. How will Mother Earth change/heal in response to and after the Event; specifically her weather patterns, her soil from poisonous chemicals and underground nuclear detonations, her polluted oceans? For example, will devastating tornados and hurricanes cease to exist? Will there be summers and winters with adequate rainfall and comfortable temperatures anywhere on the globe? How will we as stewards of the planet need to aid in her recovery?

  40. Who was/is VIRACOCHA? Ancient Andean deity, described as a tall blonde male, where did he come from? Chimera? Pleiadian? What was his intention & was it positive for humanity?


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