Cobra Questions


You can submit your questions to Cobra here under the comments section for our monthly interviews. 

The email address for the Cobra Questions has been discontinued. Please use this page for that purpose, and review the other questions that have already been asked.

The best questions are the ones everyone can learn from, so attempt to phrase the questions with that in mind. 

Please know that Cobra cannot answer personal questions, or review links that you provide. These links maybe interesting to other readers and you may post them here but know that Cobra cannot possibly review the content of everything on the internet. Remember that Cobra does not review or criticize others so don’t ask for an opinion of another person’s work. Please also know that there is also disinformation posted on the internet so things must go through your own personal filters: discernment, discernment, discernment…..always!

Thank you.


  1. Could you please ask Cobra to give any details he has on what the truth is behind the “mothman” sightings in Point Pleasant in 1966?

    Also, could Cobra please give any details on the large blue sphere that was seen in Siberia recently?

    Thank you Victory of the Light

  2. Hello I have e mailed cobra a few years ago to know if I was with the order of the star because I was shown signs from the ships that I see. He said it could be. I was wondering will these star seeds be activated soon before the event with operation dreamland. also is there anything those beings can do to accelerate their activation.
    Thank You for your time

  3. Do more advanced hardy Souls in the present time take on more suffering and distortion in their own beings in order to help balance the Duality on Earth?

  4. Greetings,

    Question #1: It was reported by Corey Goode that at a meeting between Resistance representatives and the Blue Avians and a Golden Triangle Head Being (Central Race) a question was asked by the Resistance regarding an after death Soul Trap. The Blue Avians responded that this matter of a Soul Trap was a Dark Psyop, thus not true, and to focus on such a thing could potentially attract this scenario to a person. If this is the case, why is Cobra continuing with this “Soul Trap” narrative?

    Question #2: If Karma is merely a Dark construct ,as Cobra has stated, why have so many Enlightened Beings including numerous Indian Masters spoken of Karma to the contrary as a cumulative record of a Soul’s actions in previous incarnations, written in the Akasic records, and the determinate for future incarnations? A deep look into one’s Sidereal/Vedic Birth Chart can show quite clearly a person’s Karmic blueprint and personality. Is Astrology then also a Dark construct?

    Question #2: Have the majority of Starseed Souls presently incarnated on Earth experienced an Ascension process from the lower densities previously?


  5. Cobra, I am reading “Our Universal Journey” by George Kavassilas. He says the following: “through the cosmic software program of the Kundalini, The Chakra system and the pineal gland, the Archons influence us, they control us, they lure and steer people into their domains and realities and they have us producing spheres of energy so they may feed off us, all at the same time”.
    My question is: Is the reiki movement with their methods of healing, either directly or from a distance, invented by the archons?
    Are the ascended masters masters in the domain of the archons?
    Is George Kavassilas a light worker?
    Thank you for everything you do.

  6. I have 2 questions!

    1) I have been wondering for quite some time: are the negative races on this planet (the Chimera, Archons, whatnot) capable of any positive emotions (in between being ruled by darkness). They don’t particularly care about humans, but do they feel love or warmth for their own kin, family, offspring? Are they purely STS even towards their own, or would they make sacrifices for e.g. their own near of kin? Just wondering.

    2) I don’t believe Belgium has ever been mentioned yet in Cobra’s interviews. Can Cobra comment on 1) the history of how Belgium came to be and the weird way it is structured (The Flemish and the Walloons, what are their ties on a deeper level, if any)? And 2) What is the significance of Brussels that it was chosen as the capital of Europe? Is there a spiritual, energetic reason? Or anything else that we aren’t aware of? I am very curious to find out more about this little nation (that is mine).

  7. Where do we go when our bodies die? If two souls loved each other in the physical realm, do they have the option of reuniting after departing here?

    • Your question brings a smile on my face, David. I visualize two souls going on a blind date and than, oh surprise… find that they already know each other, while chilling on a cloud with an Ambrosia ice-cream lol.

  8. Cobra, i have several questions.

    1. There are several ways to create a plesant home environement. Aside from crystals you have pyramid’s(energy), orgone(& orgonite devices), and tachyonised objects(
    How do they relate to eachother? do they enhance or negate the other. Side question: are tachyonised objects possible already?

    2. the telecom and IT world are working at breakneck speeds to implement an AI-internet of things-5G smart-city infrastructure. In our country they are even running tests with actual radar & wireless electrocardiogram inside your house. Especially 5G cannot be pushed fast enough. Are there plans from the RM to counter& deconstruct this? There are many citizen groups in europe extremely concerned and try to resist in any way. What can we do to counter the 5G agenda?

    • Steven, may I offer two suggestions as a response to your 2 questions?
      1. The only way to find out is practically trying out all of these devices with energetic impact and see what happens. Find people who know and use them, explore internet and find info or reports about them.
      Also the material of a home determines a domestic atmosphere and harmony. Strawbale, cob, wood, cloth, stone…. square corners or a circular home or living room. Natural dwellings exist in many different ways, in alternative and sustainable communities or in individual dwellings in the wilderness, I guess that’s allowed in remote parts of the US and Russia.

      2. What can we do to counter the 5G agenda? Stop using devices that are ruled by the 5G agenda on a large scale and end dependency on it. That will make a difference…I’m sure. Humanity has lived without internet for 95 % of its existence, why shouldn’t we be able now? What a relief to stick one’s nose into the neighbor’s affairs…. ehhh… I mean the neighbor’s prize winning red dahlias, instead of being hypnotized by a small square bluish enlightened screen!

  9. what do you think about george green theses statements? are they true? a “group of separatists” who hope to use “a chain reaction” that will allow “for chaos to such a degree that their focus can reorganize this chaos into their own matrix.”

    • Could you give a few more details please. George Green a ______who specializes in_____-or writes books _______- has said “A group of separatists who hope to use a chain reaction that will allow for chaos to such degree that their focus can reorganize this chaos into their own matrix”. (who are separatists? the cabal? Then what is the question? Can you expound on this concept please?

      • Aahh yes, George Green. To me, he’s a genuine, mature person and since I’ve noticed that most commenters seldom return to the crime-scene…. ahem, just kidding, I’ve taken the time to look it up for you, Danell Glade. This is the Handbook for a New Paradigm, written by George Green:

        And here’s where you’ll find the line Slyferia1 refers to in his/her comment:

        “A New Paradigm

        In his last appearance on C2C, George Green explained that he receives telepathic information from Pleiadian beings, which he has compiled into three handbooks.

        Volume One is a somewhat philosophical treatise, which posits that negative forces are conspiring to cut short the existence of mankind.
        “It is with careful and focused intent that the reality of this earthly experience is being engineered into a pattern of downward movement into the darker and heavier energies that are at the lower end of the scale in which the human body can exist,” he writes.
        Because of this, the contact between the spirit of the body and its connection to a larger Soul is breaking down, he continues.

        This disruption is being taken advantage of by,
        a “group of separatists” who hope to use “a chain reaction” that will allow “for chaos to such a degree that their focus can reorganize this chaos into their own matrix.”

        “The plan behind this destruction is ambitious beyond your imagination. It involves the creation of a negative polarity universe/galaxy,” Green goes on.
        Yet, all is not yet lost for humanity if they can start to take personal responsibility for their thought processes, he argues.
        “Then, despite the continued push of deceptive encroachment into your awareness, you must begin to discern what is truth. You must hold to your resolve to move through this to a new and greater understanding,” he counsels”


        Here’s George Green’s Handbook for a New Paradigm in Spanish:


  10. Complementando meu questionamento anterior acerca da situação no Brasil, pergunto:
    Será pela via de uma Intervenção Militar que haveremos de ter ordem, justiça segurança e progresso em nosso país?

    Complementing my previous question about the situation in Brazil, I ask:
    Will it be through a military intervention that we will have order, justice, safety and progress in our country?

  11. Apreciaria que dissesse a nós do Brasil, se haverá alguma forma de ficarmos livres dessa quadrilha de políticos que tomaram o poder em nosso país e estão causando um caos tremendo, com suas medidas arbitrárias e contrária ao desejo da população.

    I would appreciate if you told us in Brazil if there is any way to get rid of this gang of politicians who have taken power in our country and are causing tremendous chaos, with their arbitrary measures and contrary to the desire of the population.

  12. Cobra, I found that it is enormously grounding and helps me to return to the here and now, and helps me connect with my Higher Self if I look deeply into a mandala’s center while taking deep breaths for a few minutes.
    Could you comment on this?

  13. Cobra, here on Earth it might seem that technology is something extra, not a natural phenomena of the human beings but an artificial addition that humans invented to make life easier, but it’s not natural. This is how sometimes it seems here on Earth.
    The question: Could you explain what is the exact purpose and essence of the technology in the liberated Universe? What is the primordial cause of technology? Is it considered completely a natural thing in the liberated Universe?

  14. Could you give us an update Cobra about the REAL situation on Iemen about its politics?

    What is Russia doing to disclose about the existence of the Cabal on the mainstream and alternative media?

  15. Greetings from the Netherlands,

    My question is, IS THE EARTH FLAT?
    And how will we know for sure . Because on pictures things can become round depending of the lens they / we use.

    Are there satelites in space? Or is that also a lie.

    And did human go/ walk on the moon in1969? Or is that a lie to.

    Is there a glass dome over the earth is that what the quarantaine is?

    Are the so called aliens coming from behind the icewall ?, Admiral Byrd spoke about a unexplored land as big as Amerika…?

    Is there water above the firmament? Was a crack (milkyway) what caused the great flood?
    Do you know something about all that i asked?

    Thank you.

  16. Hi all, wanted to ask to Cobra, if he is aware or if true that beyond even Source, only exist nothingness, just nothing at some point not even light nor consciousness or awareness, seems that at certain point consciousnesses gets thinner and thinner until you get to the nothingness, I experienced this, and many Yogis or enlightened beings confirms this as well as Mooji, nisargadatta maharaj, etc, etc…

    Also i would like you to ask the authenticity of this expansion of water test, or multiplication of water using a Tesla coil, and a metal called Tellurium, seems there is a resonance or frequency effect on the water. Here is the video.

    Thank you all for your time

  17. Dear Cobra.

    Thank you for being the important bridge for humanity and for all that you and every one included in your mission do for us all!

    Will there be a Cobra Seminar, Conference, Workshop and Initiation of healing techniques and the 7 rays in 2017 or 2018, when will this happen, where and how can I sign up to participate?

    Here to serve!

    In Gratitude!!!



  18. Hi Cobra, what really happened in Santa Rosa, California on 10/9/2017? Was it really just a wildfire or any kind of advanced weapon? Hence all the buildings leveled to the ground, seems suspicious to me

  19. Hello, I have some doubts about the information we have here in Brazil, we have a brother Mr. Ibiatan, who has been saying things contrary to what the brother Cobra has been divulging, he says that the Ets will never go down on earth, he says that Nesara / Cesara, is a fraud, he also says that the people who meditate are being chipped, He says that he works with the Plaiadians. !
    I wonder if the Pleiadians speak one thing to the Amerians and another to the Brazilians, until we can believe this Brother?
    Fico muito agradecido em saber a verdade e em quem podemos confiar, pois as desenformações estao chegando em enchorradas, MUITA LUZ ,PAZ E AMOR

    I am very grateful to know the truth and whom we can trust, since the deformations are arriving in buffets, VERY LIGHT, PEACE AND LOVE

  20. Hi Cobra, thank you for everything you do. My question is could you briefly explain the differences or interactions between ones personal genetic backround i.e. Bloodline and their soul i.e. Past lives? Does our soul on this timeline utilize the same bloodline or how does that work? Thank you so much.

  21. My question to Cobra is, with all the work St Germain came to do to assist humanity in our day, are those monies also released at the time of the Event? And also NESARA and GESARA? How can we prepare in the right way to fund projects?

    • under the financial tab there is extensive information about all those subjects. Please take a long look and then formulate your question more specifically. Thanks

  22. I gathered these questions over time. Because I rarely post questions, I would really love it if you could ask them to Cobra.

    1. What is actually „falling in love“ and why do we so often realize afterwards that the person does not really match us on the long run or is not as great as we thought?
    2. What are MotherGod and FatherGod and can they actually be incarnated as human beings?
    3. Is there a method to make suppressed emotions come to the surface so they can be healed and transformed?
    4. Is it possible that some of us lightworkers also transform primary anomaly through our bodies by doing inner work and healing our bodies?
    5. Are there animals on this planet that were created by dark creator Gods, like spiders or mosquitoes? Would an enlightened creator God actually create those kind of beings that most people are afraid of or consider to be ugly?
    6. There are books about Gardening by the Phases of the Moon. Also there is a right moment to do other activities like washing, building, preserving. Do you think this is a useful guide or are we better off following our internal clock and our mood?
    7. In the book “The Return of Light” the atomic correction is being mentioned. Does this happen right now? How is it being done?
    8. Can we expect gay/lesbian people to change their sexual orientation after the event?
    9. Why do transgender people have the feeling they are in the wrong body, where does this come from?
    10. There are obviously people on this planet being born both male and female. Doctors want to operate them already as little children. Why is this being suppressed so much and what is the mission of those beings here on planet earth?

    Thank you!

    • For question 1 – please refer to life tab or soul evolution and study those areas then ask this question – because it is a good question – with more specifics. 2 – review soul evolution and ask more specifically. 3 – inner work – many modalities available – but it needs to be more specific. 4 – good 5 – good 6 – good 7 – please give your definition of atomic correction and be more specific. 9 – look under human and life subjects in the above link, then be more specific 10 – good. Thanks

      • I made some corrections. I hope you agree. What about question 8?

        1. What is actually “falling in love”? It seems to be a strange state, where we tend to think about one person all of the time, and we want to spend a lot of time with them, and get closer on a physical level. I am wondering, is this all due to hormones? We also call this “wearing rose colored glasses”. So, when this state declines, we tend to see more clearly. And oftentimes, we realize that the person does not match us on the long run or is not as great as we thought. So what exactly happened to us, being so blinded by love?

        2. There are people calling themselves MotherGod and FatherGod. I would like to know, would it really be possible to have the divine feminine and the divine masculine being incarnated into single human bodies?

        3. Many people have been traumatized in either previous lives or their current lifetime. Mostly, suppressed emotions are a consequence of this. They are hidden deep down, and they unconsciously limit you in your daily life. I would like to know, is there a way to make those emotions come to the surface, so they can be healed and transformed?

        7. In the book “The Return of Light” the atomic correction is being mentioned. In the book it is explained like this: “The Fallen state of our Universe means that the very atomic structures, the building blocks of matter, have been so distorted that matter itself is corrupted.” The atomic correction is a process where matter is being returned to its original state.
        Is this an accurate description? Does the atomic correction happen right now?

        9. 9. I have a question about transgender people. They obviously have the feeling their body should be of the opposite sex. So a woman thinks she should have the body of a man, and the other way around. Where does this come from? Do these people identify too much with their bodies, or does this have other reasons?

    • Please give a short definition of SRS in your question. Thanks look under Universe/solar system/earth

  23. Hello Cobra,
    In one of your answers, you say that people have to understand that depression is created artificially.
    My du’divda is: understanding this people get rid of the state? How to understand faster? How to deal with it?
    I found it pertinent to ask, since many people have suffered from this malady lately.

  24. Much is said about the 144,000 volunteer beings who came to Earth. They were the pioneers and came at what time? Indigo beings, crystals, etc. that are being born at that time are part of these 144,000, or are they new volunteers?

      • Sorry I see this now the coment secsion I have make an new on.The King of Manna have an funds for humanety 144 country,s have sighn this the claim.The are on an smal island above Australia.The King have an crown It was a wile ago in the news paper of Australia.The women of the intervieuw wil not say her name for security reasen.All is so secret I don’t trust this not.Cobra have never mented this,the King of Manna.Sdorry for my Englich.

  25. Spreading the English language and making it the international language of this planet was the work of the Lightforces to unite the people or the dark forces? Why was specifically English chosen for this purpose?

  26. You may get a lot more meditations at the same time if the countdown time for meditations coinsided with the time converter. If I go to the time converter I should meditate at (9AM) If I look at the countdown I should meditate at (10 AM)

    • In 2 weeks most change their clocks off daylight savings – so we will verify time zones very carefully. Thanks for this reminder.

    • I was traveling in A8 that day at night. I counted 5 fires between Torres Vedras and Marinha Grande. I thought I was dreaming. Never did I saw that much fire in my life.

  27. In the Pleiades, girls and boys of chronological or biological ages say Nubiles, because they have more activated DNA And an awakened Consciousness, enjoy sex freely, without the absurd norms nor restrictions here on earth, in addition to being able to live up to 20,000 years.

  28. Is pornography free online because it is a deliberate ploy to undermine natural and good relationships and to reduce the population? Is it also to manifest dark energy? Alternatively is it a valid form of entertainment especially for those people who are sexually lonely?

  29. Is the Ashtar Galactic Command from the Pleiades?

    Was the Vrillon message in 1977 an example of the Pleiadians ability to contact the surface population prior to the archon invasion of 1996?

    Is there any connection between the underground lunar bases and Japans recent discovery of a large tunnel on the moon?

    The truth of sexual abuse in Hollywood is shining the light on a dark part of this story on Earth. Were these revelations released as part of a plan by the Light Forces?

    How will replicators and free energy generators be distributed to Humanity after the Event? Will they be delivered to the millions of homes around the world?

    How are cintamani stones mined from the earth? What properties would be found in a cintamani stone if it were tested by geologists? Would a stone that is not tachyonized have the same type of positive energies?

    Thank you for everything you all do ✨

  30. How will the relatives of the Cabal members that do not know almost nothing about their actions( Now almost impossible because of internet) will be seen by people after the Event? Will they be healed too? Will they be judged by negligence and indifference to know what was happening? What will be their fate?

  31. hallo,
    möchte schon lange wissen ob die leute die formenwandler sind ihr wahres gesicht einmal zeigen
    werden. z.b. die queen oder adelsfamilienmitglieder ???
    danke für eine antwort demnächst.
    lg käfer

    google t – Hello,
    would like to know for a long time whether the people the shapeshipers are their true face once show
    become. for example the queen or noble family members ???
    thanks for a reply soon.
    lg beetle

  32. Was a sun blinking on 13.10.2017. in Nigeria a real happening or was it a false story? If it was real, what caused such a phenomenon? Hers a link to video –

  33. Raquib

    It is not He, it is He-She. And Source does not do anything on the rush. It is not the way of the man, it is the the way of the ALL. It is much different, can you understand that?

  34. We know of a Prime Creator being Omnipotent, Omnipresent, All-knowledgeable and All loving. But under the circumstances, we hear of situations being handled by intermediaries , dependent on time, knowledge, and time to manifest and wars are to resolve issues. Why doesn’t He clear it all up with a flick of a Wish? I understand we are in a lower dimension and so much energy could burn it up, but he could resolve that too, i assume?

  35. I heard that senior Bush, Seros, Cheney, and others were killed in an underground base. Is this true? If not, who have been eliminated?

  36. Dear brother,

    Three short questions please:
    1) The solar flash will take place before or after the “Event” (full disclosure).
    2) Will solar flash affect our physical health (cancer, burns, blind eyes, etc.) if we are outside at this time?
    3) What is the most important attitude or initiative to prepare adequately to “ensure” as much as possible our ability to fully experience the “ascension” ?

    Merci beaucoup,

  37. COBRA,
    Is the financial system going to be 100% decentralized as it is speculated at Bitcoin or the new system will be kind of hybrid?

  38. Cobra, Do you agree that the earth is entering a mini ice age which would be catastrophic for all northern regions above the 45 latitude?

  39. Question for COBRA,
    In Ancient Chinese History, Yellow Emperor fight against Chiyou(the fiercest of all), and i believe Chiyou is not one entities but a kind of group. Most of the ancient Chinese record state that Chiyou had a metal body and weird look such as copper head, six arms and eight legs. And the victory of Yellow Emperor is because the help of Jiutian Xuannü(a described women with human head and bird-like body), given the holy weapon to him and defeated Chiyou. Was this part of Chinese history describing an ancient extraterrestrial group entities fight against an AI or Robotic entities? And can you tell us who is Jiutian Xuannü and Chiyou?
    Thank you!

  40. Hi All, Hi Cobra.
    My question concerns Rome, Italy. I would ask what is happening here and what can we (who live in this city) do for the RM?

  41. There is currently a video going around of a possible dragon skeleton found in China. The narrator of the video I watched claimed that it’s possible that as we rise in frequency we will be able to see more of these mythical creatures and their remains. Firstly, is the dragon authentic and, if so, will we indeed be seeing more cryptids and mythical creatures as our frequencies rise?

  42. Question for Cobra: Lately more and more is published about crypto-currencies (such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc) as a replacement for the present fiat money system and to start the new financial system open to everybody.
    I feel that this is just another manipulation by the Cabal and others, and that crypto-currencies are just as invalid as the fiat system for the following reasons: 1. they are not asset backed; 2. they are not available to every one on the planet; 3 they are very speculative and erratic, taking away any consistence needed for a reliable financial system.
    I would like Cobra’s comment on this. Thanks
    Robert Keulers


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