Cobra Questions


You can submit your questions to Cobra here under the comments section for our monthly interviews. 

The email address for the Cobra Questions has been discontinued. Please use this page for that purpose, and review the other questions that have already been asked.

The best questions are the ones everyone can learn from, so attempt to phrase the questions with that in mind. 

Please know that Cobra cannot answer personal questions, or review links that you provide. These links maybe interesting to other readers and you may post them here but know that Cobra cannot possibly review the content of everything on the internet. Remember that Cobra does not review or criticize others so don’t ask for an opinion of another person’s work. Please also know that there is also disinformation posted on the internet so things must go through your own personal filters: discernment, discernment, discernment…..always!

Thank you.


  1. On May 25, 2016, US Special Ops forces performed a surprise “raid” in downtown Tampa, Florida, in which Navy SEALS, Marine Raiders, and Army Green Berets fired shots while jumping from Black Hawk helicopters to the surprise of city residents. The explanation given was that the effort was to test readiness in a crisis situation by carrying out a 30-minute drill exercise in which the soldiers “searched for pirates” which had “captured the mayor”. Is this something the American people should be gravely concerned about, or like Jade Helm, is there a positive aspect to this?

  2. Greetings, this may seem odd to some but i am wondering with Cobras vast knowledge if he would know if the cannabis (or marijuana) plant is native to earth, or was it introduced here from another planet? ..I’ve seen many suggestions of the later and am rather curious if it is and perhaps other plants are introduced also like perhaps aloe vera as it also has great medicinal value.. thanks and love to all.

  3. I have a question on Planet x. I have been following this site since 2000
    and wonder if this is true what the zetas are saying of this planet x coming soon (but I ‘ve been waiting 16 years) and cause a pole shift. Is this true please advise if I have wasted 16 years on this thank you.

  4. Hi COBRA, thank you for all you do! My question is, why is it so many of us feel sick all the time. I will feel sick for a few days get better and a week later the same thing will come back again. This has been going on for a couple of years. I’ve been to doctors, and been on many rounds of antibiotics and never get better. I exercise and eat healthy. The freeky thing is lots of people are saying the same thing is happening to them too. Nobody feels good anymore. Is this from chem trails or could it be from the energies coming into earth? I’ve even heard it could be from dna activation. If it is dna activation what are the symtoms someone would have? Thank you! ?

  5. How does the archaeology mean at the world of 5th dimension? I’ve heard that for the future,turning into 5th dimension,the archaeology become the main part of academy,but many of knowledge in books published at past dimension were not available at the 5th because many of them will be useless in particular the history of political power, religion or eles. How are these knowledge utilized after we ascended?

  6. Can Cobra offer any comments regarding orgonite? Many of us create and “gift” orgonite in the form of tower busters in order to protect our communities from EMF attack. Aside from cell towers, can Cobra advise where our orgonite will be most effective? Any other thoughts regarding orgonite are appreciated.

  7. Question for Cobra. We came from one.. We are one.. Everyone is loved.. It’s never to late to turn to the light right ? So isn’t it that the Dark Ones need are love the most right now ? To show and share our love with them ? So they can feel it, turn to the light and with there power and knowledge be a great asset to us all ? I think so..

  8. Question about this site. One of the featured healers – found when hitting the “you are loved” link here – passed away last year. She is known here as Devi Cholet. You can find the record of her death by searching for Deborah Cholet. It is the first link that appears on a google search. She passed on October 15, 2015. Those seeking healing from her will not receive a response.

  9. The first thing that lead me to this point was the book Out Of Body Experiance by Robert Alan Monroe aka. Ashaneen – . Is he one of the lightworkers ? Is he helping us ?

  10. Question. About 2 months ago I had a very powerful vision. The Event had happened. The earth was moving up, first into the 4th, then the 5th, then the 6th dimension. While this was happening, I saw Jesus and Mary Magdalene walking down a set of stairs. The LIGHT kept rising and getting brighter. The earth was healed and beautiful! Jesus and Mary were pure, unconditional love. And behind them were the spirit halves of the male and female of Source! I was shown what heaven looks like, but what took me by surprise was that we, the earth, could go up to the 7th dimension. And the shock of what I sensed is that there is something above Source as we know it! And whatever this intelligence is, it is in the 7th dimension. I was not ready to find out what is above Source, because I was totally unprepared to even receive that knowledge. My question is, is what I saw going to happen and is there an intelligence above Source?

  11. Question 1:
    where did the human beings take the rise? Did they originate from Apes? What differences are there between the human beings and the other animals? Are only their souls different?

    Question 2:
    What will happen actually in the fall of 2016 ?

    Question 3:
    How much time could be left us to increase the frequency after the Great Disclosure?

    Question 4:
    Is it occasional for Man to come into the world? Does everything happen synchronically ? Is Everything a subject of life ? What differences are there between the human civilization and extraterrestrial civilization ? Is the Earth a prison or the challenging space to learn ?

    Question 5:
    Could you give us a comment on the asceticism ?

    Question 6:
    Could you tell me what’s the rate of ascension ? and how many people can’t ascend into the 4th Density approximately ?

    Question 7:
    What about the other side of the black hole ?

    Question 8:
    Does the Feline belong to the Central Race ?

    Question 9:
    I wonder which race created the Sirians.Could you talk about it,please?

    Question 10:
    How soon can the Chinese people transform their current living environment, and what’s more,when will the shift of the traditional system of education happen?

    Question 11:
    Since the Ascended Masters or angels are gods,why can’t they help to remove the negative aliens? and why don’t they make a public appearance to tell us the truth and the ways out of the difficulty?

    Question 12:
    Excuse me,could you please introduce some ways to raise frequency rapidly to us?

    Question 13:
    I have personally seen someone twitch at a funeral.He forgot what he had said completely after waking up.The locals have been used to such phenomena. Is this related to his soul? I’d like to get a general idea. Could you do me a favor? Many thanks!

    Question 14:
    Excuse me,where are the important energy vortexes in China?

    Question 15:
    Where did the starseeds originate prior to their incarnating upon the Earth ? Did they come from the Pleiades?

    Question 16:
    Are there any new jobs to work on after the Event?

    Question 17:
    Which density does the soul exist in? Is it a sort of eternal life? and what’s the basic form made of?

  12. Are the Light Forces involved in the growing ‘Nuit Debout’ (‘rise up at night’) movement started in Paris or is it a spontaneous manifestation of the mass awakening?
    The same goes for the recent TTIP leaks.

    Thank you,
    Victory of the Light!

  13. Hey my name is Thomas Cortez Lee…From Memphis TN…Do the galactic federation know who i am? if not..Can you tell them im ready to be an intergalactic peacekeeper

  14. If Cobra canot answer all these questions (i am well aware Cobra is very busy and respect that) can we have some other enlightened person answer or attempt to answer these questions or perhaps someone to point the asker in the right direction to find the answers? Thanks and blessing to all.

    • Questions about the Galactic Codex

      To Cobra (Khajiit7), Veronica and all involved in putting together the Galactic Codex.

      First of all I want to make clear to endorse the importance of the several rights mentioned for each sentient being, and I acknowledge that we live under the programming of the Dark Forces.

      But I have a number of questions, whereupon I look for an answer before signing the codex.

      1) Who of what exactly contains the Galactic Confederation?
      2) More than once we have been explained the importance of meditation as for a Full Disclosure and the dismantle of plasma strangelet and toplet bombs. Therein lies the suggestion that the power of Love and Light is bigger than the power of the Dark – and bigger than the power of those horrible weapons? Is that a misbelief, because the Light-forces now claim the right for armed intervention?
      3) Frequently we have been told that because of the respect for the free will of human beings only help will be given after it is being asked (“Ask and you shall be given”), while now all of a sudden this is called “nonsense”. This confuses me. Did anything change?
      4) The new time will also bring a recovery of the female values on Earth (which have been heavily suppressed during the last 6000 years), according to what I’ve been reading from several sources. What can I already find back of that in the (formulation of the) Galactic Codex?

      As an active thinking-along member of humanity, I will appreciate if you will take my remarks seriously. I’m looking forward towards your answers. Thank you in advance.

  15. Questions about the Galactic Codex

    To Cobra, Veronica and all involved at the make of the Galactic Codex

    First of all I want to make clear to endorse the importance of the several rights mentioned for each sentient being, and I acknowledge that we live under the programming of the Dark Forces.

    But I have a number of questions, whereupon I look for an answer before signing the codex.

    1) Who of what exactly contains the Galactic Confederation?
    2) More then ones we have been explained the importance of meditation as for a Full Disclosure and the dismantle of plasma strange let and toilet bombs. Therein lies the suggestion that the power of Love and Light is bigger than the power of the Dark, and bigger than the power of that horrible weapons? Is that a misbelief, because the Light-forces now claim the right for armed intervention?
    3) Frequently we have been said that because of the respect for the so called Free Will of human beings only help will be given after it is being asked (“Aks and you wil be given”), while now all of a sudden it is called “nonsense”. This is confusing me. Did anything change?
    4) The new time will also bring a recovery of the female values on Earth (which have been heavily suppressed during the last 6000 years), according to what I red from several sources. What can I already find back of that in the (formulation of the) Galactic Codex?

    As an active thinking-along member of the humanity, I will appreciate if you will take serious my remarks and answer them. Thank you in advance.

  16. Is a big moldavite equal as a little cintamani? Has a moldavite influence on plasmatic level? Would you say something about moldavites? What are the moldavite messages? What is origin of Russian stones sungite and charoite? Would you say something about charoites? What is the best centre for a crystal grid? Clear crystal or which stone? Which crystal is eligible to wear in this time? Thank you, Cobra.

  17. When the Galactic Codex refers to “sentient beings” is it referring not only to humans and other humanoids, but also animals – like cats, birds, cows, foxes, etc – or trees and plants, rocks, streams and rivers, etc? Who or what is considered a sentient being?

  18. What is the archetype of Goddess Seshat and what is the seven pointed symbol that seems to always be depicted above her head in pictures of her?

  19. Cobra, would you like to give more details about THE ASCENSION CONFERENCE, at least concerning the main items in discussion:

    *Galactic Alignment and Galactic Superwave
    *The Octopus, Veils and Secret Space Programs
    *Galactic Light Forces Inside our Solar System
    *The Ascension Plan

    *Chalice of Divine Feminine / Divine Masculine
    *Law of Choice
    *The Power of Positive Decree and I AM Presence

    *Transmutation Process
    *First Contact Zones
    *Areas of Light
    *Ascension Vortex Technologies

    *Goddess Spiral as Transmuting Power
    *Goddess Presence
    *Holy Grail Activation

    *Other new information never before presented and about the energetic work.

  20. Cobra, we hear the Event is imminent, is it so? But don’t worry, we are NOT asking when?
    The problem is that in pages upon pages of preparing for the EVENT an item seem to be not covered at all. Here it is.

    Q. You claim that close before and after THE EVENT will start many persons from the surface population will receive a call to answer from RM if they get involved in this early phase. Isn’t it?
    But who are these? Only high rank officials, or common people, supposedly light workers, or else?

    The question is: HOW do they/us know that this calling comes from RM, or if it is a trap?
    Today or tomorrow any of us may receive a call, IN FACT a trap, to do something, allegedly for the EVENT? How will look like the very calling from RM??
    But, Cobra give please an ANSWER. Not only to use our discernment.

  21. Namaste all of the light. Dearest one Cobra could you please speak about Gaia’s ascension… and how we all must leave planet surface during the transformation? (Total restructure eg. raising of two lost continents and equaling of watet to land) Is it true those who do not ascend will become refugees in crystal subterranean earth or aboard light forces mother ships?.. is Maldek also going to be reborn out of the asteroid belt (what was originalinally Maldek before the destruction of that planet) to give another destination for Earth refugees?.. also can you speak about all other life forms during this event.. as plant life and most animals are of Gaia’s consciousness will they remain with Gaia or be evacuated also and what of fourth dimensionals like dragons and fairies or gnomes etc?.. and how much longer can Gaia really hang on before our mother earth must undergo her changes?.. after all is it not her right and just reward for all our mother earth has done since her journey began from the central sun?.. personally i can’t help feel selfish and feel it wrong to ask her to wait until we can sort ourselves out first.. she has given us all so much already. Thank you and Victory of the Light.

  22. Hi Cobra. As much as it pains me to say this, there does certainly appear to be a war against the white European race being waged on the surface. Frederick Lindemann, a Zionist and close advisor to Winston Churchill during WW2, is quoted in his biography as saying that the goal is “the abdication of the White man”. Is it true that one of the Cabal’s primary objectives is to have the Earth ultimately controlled by a small circle of Zionist “supermen” served by a new humanity consisting of mixed-race slaves with “the mentality of the worker bee”? Is this why we’ve seen such a massive push for multiculturalism in white nations over the past few decades? And does this have any bearing on the migrant crisis in Europe today? Is the Cabal trying to breed out the white European race and replace it with mixed race “worker bees” who will work for them without question?

  23. COBRA, James Casbolt mentions “Platinum Blues” or “Digital Children” in his project mannequin papers. Have you heard of this? or any info/Intel you might have is appreciated?


  24. I have a question? I have a strong feeling that Barbara Marciniak, who claims to channel the Pleadians is a FAKE! Can you ask Cobra if this is true. P.S. I see all the questions on here but rarely see answers, I’m not sure i know how this works.

    • Allison K, I tend to agree with you regarding Barbara Marciniak. When I hear her voice, during channeling, I hear a man’s voice and I doubt if Barbara has made a choice in freedom to channel this entity/being or whatever it is that comes through. I’m getting cold chills when I hear that voice. And for the answers to our questions here, I think these are asked during an audio interview later, with Cobra. Maybe not all questions, I’m still a bit of a newbee myself here.

  25. Cobra, look it us, long awaiting for who knows what, a new subject comes out!
    It is the ‘giants in stasis chambers’!

    But the item of interest are not as much the giants. But rather the stasis chambers. Or the fact itself: giants in stasis chambers.

    The question is: To whom belong these stasis chambers, who is maintaining them in stasis, who calls the giants to wake up now, and who allows all of this?

    How were the giants not trapped inside the veil in order to be forced to reincarnate to generate ‘the loosh’ for the darks?
    Why only giants, and why not humans as well? Which is the stage of spiritual evolution of the giants during this stasis time? Is it a spiritual stagnation, a cessation of their evolution, or what?

    • Cobra, but as long as you claim the giants were already raptured (maybe in milab bases), then was their awakening not premature? What was calling them to wake up now, and why no after the Event? What was wrong with their awakening?

  26. Q1 What is MERKABA?

    Q2 What is Mandala?

    Q3 What is Galactic Tantra?

    Q4 What is “Flower of Life”

    Q5 What is The Book ” Aurora 2012″ 

  27. Will our stance of lightness of heart, joy and grace be most challenged once we’re in the eye of the storm, with numerous fellow beings around us, entering a state of fear and chaos? I feel this future scenario is calling forth our present vigilance and connectedness with life coming from compassion, to a much larger degree than we’ve ever may have experienced. Except past existences in perilous circumstances. Is this the unique humour of the Universe, to bring us an ultimate test that may turn out to be our most welcomed blessing, at the same time? “School is out”, so to speak?

  28. My questions for Cobra:

    What creates addiction? Why is it worse in others? How can one overcome it?

    I’d like to hear Cobra’s perspective because I feel the mainstream view is missing something. Thank you.

  29. Cobra, we remember from your March interview an answer which prevails among many others:
    “We are not forced to go forward… You have a natural tendency and desire to want to feel more happy”.
    Beside of the common sense of this answer we ask allowance for some more questions.

    WE are RESPECTFULLY submitting to you to acknowledge that many of those who fight alongside with you for Planetary LIBERATION fight for what they understand the meaning of ‘to want to feel more happy’. In fact it is the right to ‘not do’. To chose ‘not to do’ and ‘no longer to experience anything’. No better, no worse. To remain in a spiritual stagnation.

    Q: How may these come true for those who chose it? How will Light forces come in help for those who ask for it?

    • Cobra, to help you a bit to give a proper answer, and more specific:
      You claimed many times there will be ‘much healing’ in post Event era, OK?

      But do accept that after 25000 Y of being forced to do and to experience something in all planes, physical, etherical, astral, so on, and forced to come again and repeat, are we not legitimate now to ask for our right (as a natural one) to say: ‘NO! I DO NOT want to do and to experience anything anymore! Notning in no planes! Nor in physical, etherical, astral, and so on!”

      May this be also part of the ‘much healing’ you speak about?
      How may this come true? Stasis chambers or what else? How do you consider it?

  30. What are the energies of each of the seven color rays of a rainbow?

    Is it true that in ancient times in Egypt and Greece, color temples were built into seven compartments, each one containing one of the seven rays? If so, what was the purpose of these temples?

    Is all physical life throughout existence dependent on water for their survival?

    Is distilled water the best water to drink?

    Why are Isis Quartz named after Isis?

    Are Owls a symbol for Goddess Isis?

    Thank you

  31. Can Cobra comment on the authenticity of this document and/or it’s contents?

  32. Cobra, we remember from Untwine’s interview with you (on March 15, 2015) so:
    “Cobra : Valiant Thor was a representative of the Galactic Confederation, he came to this solar system through a portal on planet Venus, and then on planet Earth …”

    Q: We understood that Valiant Thor had a human earthly body during his mission on Earth. Yes?
    How did he get this human body and how did he left it on ending the mission? Was this body already grown up when he took it? Was it an ‘walk-in’ transfer, a clone or what?

    What kind of body has he in the Galactic Confederation and what was the status of this body during this earthly mission, while having the earthly body?

    Q: If you can not give specific detail about this case, please give us an answer over all, as long as the question is not necessary concerning him but rather similar types of cases.

    • But, Cobra, no matter how do you answer these questions, beside of all, we need one answer more:
      Q: How did he not been trapped inside the veil once entered here, and how was he in fact able to escape?, … and if it was an attempt from the Galactic Confederation to extract him from here then strangelets could explode?

  33. Why isn’t China helping with the situation in Syria?
    What about the fighting that is going on in Aleppo? Is the RM losing control of that area?

  34. Mr. Cobra
    Thank you for your time in reading this email and possibly a reply.

    Can you help me discern which scenario would be the correct path of coming events?

    Nancy Lieder from Zeta Talk describes a world of destruction and chaos with near human distinction. Before things on earth get better.

    I have read other older materials that describe the same Phoenix Raising written by Mary Summer Rain, The Green Emerald tablets just for example.

    Then I listen to your interviews with Rob Potter and Others and read messages from your website and you describe a gentler scenario from what I get from your site.
    Unless there is more to your Event than my understanding.

    So I left to ponder what may be the truth that one should seek or gain more knowledge of.

    I truly would look forward a reply and again thank you.

    Rocco L. Busco

  35. Hi, I have 3 short questions for CoBra

    -Is his/her voice’s deformatter put only in an anonimity purpose or also to transmit certain kinds of vibrations to the listeners ?
    -I see in the air – especially in a bright environment (natural light)-, moving points of light. Is this what CoBra calls “tachyons”, or is it “prana” ? Maybe prana is an other word for tachyons ?
    -As the global situation is improving on the planet (even if it seems to be slow), do we really need an “Event” in order to continue to improve the situation like it is already happening since the last years ? Couldn’t we continue on the same positive momentum with or without an “Event” happens ?

    I wish you courage and good fortune

  36. Cobra, give us please an update concerning:

    Q: the scalar plasma grid, at what extent is it dismantled now?

    Q: which is the stage of improvement of the implants that are just naked singularity portals eventually containing strangeness producing quark-gluon plasma inside implants’ singularity well?

    Q: which is the consequence of today’s stage of these?

  37. Cobra how “SAFE enough” is the planetary situation now, and what can do and not do the common person without any risk?

    How may we be intercepted now by ‘black boxes’ (or who the hell knows what other colour boxes) if we try to go in touch with aliens, nonphysical or even more, how are channelers intercepted or not anymore, and so on?

    In what stage are we now comparing the situation to the recent past? What can we do now, which was not safe enough to be done in the recent past?

  38. There has been a series of significant earthquakes in Japan as well as other countries in the world since April 14 and are still continuing in pretty large scale. Are those artificial earthquakes? If so, what would be their purpose and who were behind them? People here in Japan are curious and worried.

  39. Cobra, many states around the world seem to see the writing on the wall and are stocking up on as much gold as they can get their hands on in order to back the new currencies. Yet, here in Canada where I live, the newly elected government recently did the exact opposite and sold off its entire gold reserves. The Canadian government now has literally no gold left, which I find concerning. What can be said about this move by the Canadian government?

  40. Cobra, may you put together for our better understanding:
    how does fit the moving of humanity toward ASCENSION (which involves a higher density than the 3rd) with the fact by which many sources (as are Ben Fulford, Dave Schmidt, the Ambassador), including the assians are preparing the new financial system, who claim that they will use the gold and financial resources for a plan of 20 to 100 years, consisting in educating humanity, stop environmental construction, new technologies, so on, all of these seeming to enforce the 3rd density of humanity.

    In other words, the new financial system seems to be intented for an usage which will enforce a 3rd density (even if a much better) world, but in no way to action which will push humanity to a higher density world.

    Cobra, the single fact that the Asian alliance seems to have a vision of a 3rd density of humankind after a period of 20 to 100 y DO NOT feel good for many of your followers.
    Please may you put it together. Thanks!

    • Cobra, it may seem quite horror that all the resources of humanity are planned to be spent for only allegedly end poverty, stop environmental destruction, and eventually travelling the space (all in a 3rd density mode), but nothing for the ascension process.
      May you give us a promise that the priority is the ascension process and that RM will supervise the spending of all resources in this way.

      On other hand, in case of the 3rd density will crumble in a way or other during or after the ascension process, all the investments spent for only improvement of 3rd density living may seem vainly.
      Can you confirm it Cobra?


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