Cobra Questions


You can submit your questions to Cobra here under the comments section for our monthly interviews. 

The email address for the Cobra Questions has been discontinued. Please use this page for that purpose, and review the other questions that have already been asked.

The best questions are the ones everyone can learn from, so attempt to phrase the questions with that in mind. 

Please know that Cobra cannot answer personal questions, or review links that you provide. These links maybe interesting to other readers and you may post them here but know that Cobra cannot possibly review the content of everything on the internet. Remember that Cobra does not review or criticize others so don’t ask for an opinion of another person’s work. Please also know that there is also disinformation posted on the internet so things must go through your own personal filters: discernment, discernment, discernment…..always!

Thank you.


  1. two questions for Cobra:
    1,Is Barbara Bush actually the daughter of Aleister Crowley?
    2,Is Alexander the Great actually buried in the Siwa Oasis of Egypt?

  2. Cobra, I have two quick questions which I hope you have knowledge of. Does Jeff Rense have any connection to the Jesuits, and is it true that the Vatican is in possession of the actual physical body of Jesus and has had it for 2,000 years?

  3. Would like to ask Cobra what his view is on the Mandela Effect which seems to have gone viral, with many people reporting examples they are experiencing on a daily basis?
    There are even FB groups that have been set up specifically to discuss the ME. If people are seeing changes in hard copy such as in their Bibles does this indicate evidence of timelines merging, parallel realities, or ???

    • Ha ha ha…. I really have to laugh about this video. Honestly, it’s an example of gullability in people who think they perceive a different timeline, expecting maybe to see it happen and looking for evidence of it. We all memorize things differently, we always, in all circumstances, remember things differently.
      Now, we may be in a different timeline when you disagree with my view on this video. Consider your view as equally valuable as mine and we’re closer to the point where Cobra talks about. Maybe those gullible dreamers are heading in the opposite direction of it, in their imagination.

  4. Olá Cobra gostaria de uma explicação acerca do DMT, o que ele é na verdade, pessoas que usam etc… Gratidão

    Hello Cobra would like an explanation of DMT, which he is in fact, people who use etc … Gratitude

    • Did some homerwork for you:
      DMT = Dimethyltryptamine,N-Dimethyltryptamine
      If I may?
      Saves time to address other questions 😉

  5. Cobra, since compression breakthrough is the compression of Light coming from above and below, on a personal level, when the kundalini rises is it met with Light coming from above as well? Like meeting half way in the middle – the heart chakra?
    On chosing the name Cobra, it reminds us of the kundalini sepent rising, but for some it could have a reptilian conotation – what would you reply for people that associate you with reptilians?

  6. Cobra, it has been alleged that many well known musical performers have been secretly “replaced” at some point in their careers. The most well know examples of this are Paul McCartney allegedly being replaced by an imposter in the Beatles in the late sixties, and Bob Dylan, who is said to have been “portrayed” by several different people over the decades. Another more recent example is rock musician Dave Grohl, who neither looks, sounds, or behaves like he did 20 years ago. Are we talking about clones here, and how common is this phenomenon in the entertainment world?

  7. 1) Why is it that if we are to clean up the Earth, are we then supposed to evacuate the planet as Sheldan Nidle has suggested?
    2) Who, according to your sources is responsible for the writing of the book “The Bible”? Is it completely fabricated by man & for the control of our spiritual power, or is there any truth to what some people claim, that it was inspired by God, the father of Christ, his only begotten son.
    3) Why would this octopus plasma shield entrapping humanity have SBs & TBs attached to it? If the Cabal knows they are going to go anyhow, why don’t they just activate them anyway?

  8. How do you define the Pythagorean Illuminati, the ancient secret society that has been on the side of “light”, against the Old World Order? They have elusively coordinated the 3 world historic revolutions: American, French, Russian – all failed in the end result, because of infiltration by the Old World Order(OWO), or in your terminology Cabal. For your information, it is not associated with Alexander Romanov, who had been labelled as “charlatan” by the very same society of Pythagorean Illuminati at their official website, which has revived recently:
    They claim that the society was founded by Pythagoras, the very first person who called himself a Philosopher. I’ve been digging this kind of esoteric yet liberating movement for a while now. They call themselves “Hyperboreans”, which means that nobody can find any of them on this planet. Also important to point out is their series of eBooks. You can find out them by amazon searching “Mike Hockney God Series”.

    So, what do you think?

  9. 1) If we are to clean the planet, how come we then have to evacuate (according to Sheldan Nidle).
    2) How much time from “The Event” to “Ascension Chambers”
    3) Who is actually behind the book, The Bible?

    • I’m out on a limb now, yes I know. But I have to laugh, really. Steven, for I think we’re possibly 98% starseeds on this planet, sorting out what works or doesn’t work in relationships. It doesn’t take a starseed to have a complicated relationship, the present day condition on planet Earth is offering numerous mirrors and triggers, to sort out our priorities or issues and to count our blessings, as human beings.

      I truly feel that this sort of questions are best asked after looking within ourselves, finding where we are in relationship with our Self. When that’s hunkydory, we will begin to attract a partner, in a healthy + and – polarisation. Not the other way around and presumably without having much to do with being a starseed, or not. Don’t reach for the fruit, look at the roots and do your home-work, pun intended.
      The fruit will take care of itself that way,it’s what your efforts bring forth, maybe with an element of surprise. The tendency to put our attention to otherworldly affairs carries the risk of becoming otherworldly somewhat, possibly also ungrounded, on planet Earth.

  10. Hello,COBRA!
    I’ve heard that separated seven universes are integrated these days but is the multiverse theory still exist in the outer space?

  11. Basically, I’d like to know the detail of what COBRA says, which is that when 144,000 people mediate, then the Event can take place.
    Having said that, my questions consist of 6 of them in total. As follows:

    As for the progress, how much percent is achieved according to the monitoring by light forces, now?

    As for the timing of global event meditation, is it necessary to be “simultaneous” concerning the timing of meditation? And otherwise is it not counted into the 144,000?

    As for the condition to make the Event happen, what COBRA wants to say is that the balance in (collective) consciousness would be achieved globally due to what’s called “phase transition” made ubiquitous thanks to 144,000 event meditation, so that no panic and confusion globally is expected. Is it correct?

    Is the following anticipation correct?
    Event can be executed when one of the followings meets required condition:
    1. By the light forces, when they finish all the necessary works such as dismantling Strangelet bomb, removing chimera group etc. They will execute the Event plan as their part.
    2. By the light workers, when the number of Event meditation reaches 144,000, the event will be executed.

    As for the treatment of dark forces, they will be arrested through the smooth procedure of chain of command, originating from RM ->> Positive military ->> police ->> actual arrestment on global scale publicly available on “TV”. Is this correct?

    After/During the Event, how will Chimera and Archons be treated? Is there any pre-decided plan on the side of light forces, or not?

    The allocation of Saint Germain Prosperity Fund to light workers. This is explained in the article “Operation Dreamland,” how will be light workers be assessed and identified and qualified? Also, are the participants to COBRA’s conference have priority in receiving a tip of the Fund?

    • Regarding your point 7, KIN117 (@KIN117 the compensation with financial means, to whomever it’s planned to be offered, I don’t see paying participants of Cobra’s conference as the best road to follow. That’s highly sensitive to suspicions and rubbing of shoulders, as I perceive it. This comment also may be sensitive in that way, to moderators here, but I’m going to present it anyway, censored or non-censored. We’re free to speak our mind and have an opinion on whatever topic or people’s words, be it in positions of authority, either given or chosen, or in positions like members here in general.

  12. Hello, Cobra,

    Swiss guaranteed basic income vote
    I just read the results of the Swiss guaranteed basic income vote. The Swiss rejected guaranteed basic income. Where are we on this issue right now ? You stated previously that there would be guaranteed basic income for all after the event. Appearently, we are not close on this issue yet as compared where we should be.

    1. Was the vote rigged?
    2. Where are we on this issue right now ?

    Thank you.

    • Jerry, as far as my understanding goes, there’s never a fixed outcome of procedures involving money. Look at the process of a banking crisis, for example. It builds up through the years and those who are awake can see it coming. Although strategies are planned and events foreseen, it’s the free will element in all human beings, that determines how things work out, even predictions. In Holland, there’s much discussion about a basic income, recently supported by a minister who clearly points out the benefits of it, in an economic sense. The costs of keeping people from the streets, feed and shelter them, prevention of criminilaty like stealing, are higher now, compared to the total sum of a basic income for all jobless citizens in Holland. That’s a strong argument for pro of course. Maybe this will cause a speeding up of a positive decision in the governmnet, possibly without voting by citizens, for pro or contra. There are other nations who provide for a basic income with good results and also a local currency circulation is introduced, like in Totnes and Bristol, both in the UK. Supporting the local economy. Some changes need gradual unfolding and implementing.

  13. There is a lot of artists interpretations of light skinned caucasian ET (like some Pleiadians or Arcturians). This seems a bit ethnocentric. Are there ET humanoid races that look like Africans or Asians of this world?

    • Based on whistleblower testimony, there are ET races resembling what we know as “Asians”, as well as every skin color imaginable. There are even humanoids with vegetable-like physiology. Brown-skinned humanoids are apparently very rare. What we refer to as the African race may be the only racial group on Earth to be 100% native to this planet.

  14. I have been using the Cobra Protection protocol (Mirror Shield & Soul Star Chakra Vortex) daily for several months now. I described it to a shaman that I trust who said mirror shields are great, but they require a lot of energy to maintain. Is this true that it does take a lot of energy?

  15. Cobra, please speak about the current politic scenario in Brazil, the coup of the darkness that taken the country, all the corruption. What are the light forces doing to help us reverse that situation?

  16. Dear Cobra, you have mentioned in article from Thursday, May 10, 2012 in article Clarification about Archons that “Leader of the Archons on the physical plane has been arrested on May 5th by the Resistance forces and taken off-planet. He has crossed over to the Light ad is now free-willingly assisting with the planetary liberation process.”

    On Sunday, July 15, 2012 in Layers of Conspiracy article you said about Archons that: “Their leader was arrested in Rome on May 5th, removed from this planet and taken to the Galactic Central Sun immediately. He was the one that many members of the Cabal were worshipping in their distorted rituals, so now they are worshipping something that does not exist any longer.”

    So my question: is this being assisting with the planetary liberation process or this being doesnt exist anymore?

    and second question on Sunday, January 12, 2014 in Fall of the Archons Update you said that: “On the physical plane, the current Archon leader is now living in a small provincial city not too far from Rome. He came to Earth in 1995 through a portal in a deep underground military base near Verona to prevent the Ascension and planetary liberation process which was in full force then, and to prepare and organize the Congo Archon invasion in 1996. Obviously he does not belong to old Italian black nobility.”

    Could you elaborate on this, please as well?

    Thank you


  17. I am an Egyptian and I have been hearing that Egypt in next few months will have lots of downfalls and I would I like to know who controls Egypt and Also I hear rumors about the current president was killed and the government is hiding it is that true?

  18. Dear Cobra!
    Do you know if new Hollywood movies and tv-shows contain infrasound in the soundtrack?
    Kind regards,

  19. A highly publicized shooting took place in Ottawa, Canada, on October 22, 2014, in which a Canadian man with ties to the government and who had recently converted to Islam, is said to have shot and killed a Canadian soldier before attacking the Canadian Parliament, where he was subsequently shot to death by police. It has been alleged by credible sources that a high ranking member of the Stephen Harper government named Denis Lebel was about to be exposed for attending a child sacrifice event at the Vatican, and this incident was staged as a smokescreen designed to divert attention away from this. My questions for Cobra: 1) Was any soldier actually gunned down that day, and 2) is the story about Denis Lebel true? If not, then what was the reason for this obvious false flag event?

  20. Cobra, it has widely been reported that the Cabal plans to reduce the Earth’s population by 90%. With the world’s current population estimated to be 7.4 billion, using that 90% figure gives us a total of 6,660,000,000 (six billion, six hundred and sixty million) murdered. Can you offer any comment on this figure? Certainly such a Satanic number is not a coincidence.

  21. Q: can you say more about the energies of the simplex geometries? and the presence of the golden ratio in the pentagon (Pentatope) and its peculiarity ?

    Pentagon 4Dimensions, Hexagon 5Dimensions, Heptagon 6Dimensions, Octagon 7Dimensions, Nonagon 8Dimensions, Decagon 9Dimensions….

  22. Is negativity necessary for our collective spiritual evolution? I think so.

    This is a question and answer from Corey Goode’s website The Sphere Being Alliance.

    Q: The Sphere Beings are buffering the Ascension process, have quarantined the Draco and those aligned with them, yet now they say it is all up to us and they can’t intervene even though they have intervened already.

    “The Sphere Being Alliance is not interfering by holding back the culmination or heaviest point of these galactic waves. (Which David Wilcock refers to as “spontaneous ascension”)
    It is our group consciousness that is making the decision. The Sphere Being Alliance (SBA) are humble servants of cosmic law and our collective free will Choices. Again, it is difficult to try to overlap our 3/4D way of thinking onto other beings in our own Density let alone those of others. All that has been done by the SBA has been authorized by cosmic law on behalf of our mass consciousness which is sort of a higher thought-complex of us beings which makes up the social memory complex we share.”

    The Sphere Being Alliance consists of 5 races ranging from the 6th density through the 9th. If they wanted to come in right now and clean everything up they could. Strangelet bombs, toplet bombs, none of it matters, they are WAY above any of that.

    And this is a question and answer from an interview this year in may between Cobra and Richard and Lynn from Prepare for Change.

    Richard – A lot of people say that it’s necessary for evolution to experience negativity, would you agree with that?

    COBRA – I would absolutely not agree. That was a teaching that was disseminated by the Archons to keep people enslaved. It is absolutely not necessary and it is harmful for the development.

    If what Cobra said was true than The Sphere Being Alliance would have already fully intervened a LONG LONG TIME AGO. Things like the “Cosmic Law” and our “Free Will” would not matter as stated in the Galactic Codex something Cobra fully believes in as well as nearly every other positive being in this galaxy according to Cobra.

    Here are a few quotes taken straight from the Galactic Codex:

    Section I: The Law of Divine Grace
    Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to positive life experience

    Section II: The Law of Dividing the Conflicting Parties
    Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to be divided and protected from the negative actions of other sentient beings

    Section IV: The Law of Intervention
    The Galactic Confederation has an unalienable and unconditional right to the intervention in all situations where the Galactic Codex is violated, regardless of the local laws

    Now let’s just remember this is called the GALACTIC codex as in our galaxy, not the entire universe. Now lets also remember that the Sphere Being Alliance consists of 5 races ranging from the 6th density through the 9th.

    It seems to me that negativity existing for our collective spiritual growth is a 6th-9th density ideal/concept.

    Now my question for Cobra is what is his response to this? What is the highest density being Cobra has ever interacted with and what is the highest density being/beings that are a part of the Resistance Movement/Galactic Confederation? Also has Cobra ever studied “The Law of One”?? This is material that the Blue Avian “Raw-Tear-Eir” recommended Corey and rest of humanity to study. Thank you. Namaste.

    • Actually I was wrong about this codex only governing our galaxy.

      “This codex is called the Galactic Codex and represents the legal basis for all actions of the Confederation in this and other galaxies.”

      Also I’d like to point out that I am in no way talking down to Cobra. I’m just trying to put the pieces together. I appreciate everything Cobra has done for us, Cobra has always been my number one source for information, without him I wouldn’t be this awake and aware. So thank you Cobra for everything that you do.

  23. In the alternative news the pineal gland is much discussed. For the present human on the surface is it safe to activate the third eye within their archon’s matrix (technology?)?When the pulsations are intense I start to fear the unknown and pray for my life not knowing what I am exposing to..

  24. Greetings. Please ask Cobra in the next interview “Who is Enki, and what is his relationship with Earth at this time?” Thank you. 😉

  25. Cobra,

    Can you please shed some light on who Neil Keenan is, who Thomas Williams is (on DRAKE radio show), there role if any, and the tremendous amount of internet info regarding General Dunford and the supposed

    new republic.

    If there has been a new Republic established in the US it certainly doesn’t show itself with any visible changes.



  26. How close are we to The Event? Several interviews ago you gave a percentage of preparedness.

    After The Event, how quickly will medical technologies or healing chambers be available to the general population? Can we expect some spontaneous healings during/after The Event?

    Also, some channels out there are stating that after the 3rd wave on June 20 those who are non prepared will not ascend but will be moved to another similar (but less dark) 3d planet to complete their preparations for personal ascension, is that true? Will the population be conscious of such a move? How will it effect families?

  27. Question: what type of devices that the American political candidates wear that keeps them looking like humans, and not like shape shifting lizards ???

  28. After reading Neil Keenan’s latest…how important of a roll does he play in this or is he for a lack of better words…a paid shill? I hear that Drake had a falling out with Neil and Thomas.

  29. My question has a few sub-questions within:

    Cobra has said before that the Universe is not a computer program but there is an organic technology created by the Archons put around the Earth. (Is this the Matrix which scientists have found has a 10101 type code & is why they say everything is a hologram or somputer code?)
    My real question is, if a human had to leave the Earth an travel past the program would he/she suddenly feel completely different then when they are on Earth or in the program? And what would our reality look like & feel like if this program was not around the Earth or does this program not effect the way we experience physical reality?

    Also can Cobra please explain, what exactly is Dark matter & why it is referred to as Dark?

  30. A question for Cobra: I always run into an ” invisible wall” that stops me from doing/being/ having all that I feel I am meant to accomplish. I cannot see this wall. But I know it is there. I have talked to others who have experienced the same. What is this “invisible wall” that sabotages all of my efforts?

  31. A question for Cobra:

    Should we be sending love to Yaldabaoth or simply visualizing it gone? Which is more effective?

  32. What could be the prophecy or future of each of the four peoples (Black, white, red and yellow according to the Hopi) plus the rainbow/mixed-race peoples? Can you specify on each of them?

    Are you aware of the Nordic alien scheme and practice of harvesting humans for various uses (extracting hormones, muscles for food, bones for different uses, products for life extension, etc.)?

    Are the Three Days of Darkness and the Magnetic Pole Reversal related or different?

  33. I read some posts about how Obama will disclose information on Extra-Terrestrials just before his presidency ends. This should be around the time of the US election. Is this part of the official full disclosure process by the light forces (and hence the start of some mass change visible to everyone) or is it just another sham? Thank you!

  34. Thank you so much. I live in Turkey and four nights when I looked out the window I see a red cloud.
    Then comes the blue lightning and no rain. You know you can’t see the color of the clouds at night. This is a very specific form of the cloud. Is there any information about this topic? I wonder if there is anything I can do.

  35. My family is psychopathy.
    I am very suffering.
    Please tell us about a psychopathy.
    Do they have a reptilian soul ?
    I don’t think it’s they are same human race.

  36. How are people going to know which questions may have already been answered or their answers. I know this is probably a work in progress but if we look ahead for a minute this section is going to grow by quite a bit and it will be somewhat of a difficult task to use by management or reader. I may be wrong…

    • The answer to your first question is, listen to the Q and A interviews with Cobra, published here.
      It will be clear which answers are given to which questions. Some won’t be asked, of course.
      Maybe one of the moderators can remove those that aren’t relevant anymore. Or it may be that they’re left in here, so that questioners can check if their question is asked already. Not that it
      helps much, when they’ve not listened to the interviews.

  37. Several years ago an amateur astronomer named John Lenard Walson released photos of several unknown craft he photographed in Earth orbit. Some were correctly identified as the ISS and the space shuttle, but many of these craft were not so easy to identify. Some of the photos can be found here, for the benefit of the readers:

    Can Cobra offer any comment on the craft photographed by Walson? Thank you.

  38. What causes the Mandela Effect? There are so many of us who remember things differently (BerenstAin Bears vs BerenstEin Bears for example).

    • re: “so many of us who remember things differently” … I too would like to know what this is about because I’m experiencing it too. I believe it has something to do with alternate timelines but I don’t know for sure.

      • I kind of remember Cobra saying we were set for the Event to happen in 2012, but something happened to change that. I’ve wondered if CERN changed things and we experience that as the Mandela Effect. But, like the guy who was supposed to die in Lost, things that are supposed to happen will happen, maybe just a little later and slightly in a different way.


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