Cobra Questions


You can submit your questions to Cobra here under the comments section for our monthly interviews. 

The email address for the Cobra Questions has been discontinued. Please use this page for that purpose, and review the other questions that have already been asked.

The best questions are the ones everyone can learn from, so attempt to phrase the questions with that in mind. 

Please know that Cobra cannot answer personal questions, or review links that you provide. These links maybe interesting to other readers and you may post them here but know that Cobra cannot possibly review the content of everything on the internet. Remember that Cobra does not review or criticize others so don’t ask for an opinion of another person’s work. Please also know that there is also disinformation posted on the internet so things must go through your own personal filters: discernment, discernment, discernment…..always!

Thank you.


  1. i have question for cobra dont put this on the air just email me the answer

    i have had contact with a three small grey alilens . they took me to a place where it looked like space ended it was some kind of city what was this. and they showed me a smaller ship it was a square and big .every time they come they show me stuff the last time they did something to my head and it sweled prity bad i had to go to the hospital.they took pics and i saw every doc in the building that day. what i would like to know is can i trust them and why do they call me pigera adamas i looked this up and i dont think any man can be called this. they never give me answers they just do thing to me and say we are your guides. can you help ? our gov wont help.

  2. You have said that “Sedona is one of the most important energy vortexes on the planet right now.” Why is Sedona so important?

    Sedona has 4 main vortexes: Airport Mesa, Bell Rock, Cathedral Rock and Boynton Canyon. Are they all equally important?

  3. Q: Cobra, in a previous interview you had mentioned the importance of drinking the purest water one can find for health and balance. Can you elaborate and give us your definition of “pure water”? Is that in terms of chemical free, or abundance in minerals etc.? Also, is there any way for surface humans to get/buy the elixir/beverage the Pleaidians drink each day?

  4. Q: James of the Wingmakers once said in an interview that a planetary dimensional shift like the one we are currently in, requires, in most cases, a parallel planet to be engineered. To your know knowledge is this the case with planet earth?

  5. I read that the “144,000” is actually a frequency and not 144,000 awakened people. Please clarify the meaning behind this. Thank you.

  6. 1 – How many embodied and disembodied souls still live on Earth?
    2 – You know how many souls will be sent to other planets due to their low vibrations?

  7. Q1: In the Wingmakers material it is said that the Central race created angels. Is this true?

    Q2: Do you know if the Wingmakers material ever was compromised by the government?

    Q3: Is there a central universe as depicted in the urantia book and the Wingmakers material?

    Q4: Will the story of the actions and inner workings of the RM be told after the Event?

    Q5: Are density levels determined by frequenzies or do more parameters come into the picture?

    Q6: Do you know if the more advanced extraterrestrial races have found scientific proof of the the essence that animates the body, i.e. the soul?

    Q7: Does DNA also have encoded instructions for the functions of energy bodies, like the etheric, astral and mental bodies?

  8. Can you comment about sites that are located in Carpathian Mountains at Sarmizegetusa? It is a site of similar function as the Stonehenge?
    Some suggest that energy vortex that is in the south-east Europe (Carpathian Vortex) is waking up and this will cause a number of implications and transformations. This vortex will have the same function as the vortex from Glastonbury-Stonehenge?

  9. You mentioned how the Event will start immediately after the toplet bombs and anything else that can destroy us is removed. If you can put it into a percentage, how many of the total has the light forces cleared so far? This would give us a better understanding of how close we truly are to the Event. Thank you!

  10. the recent Cobra interview mentioned the Rife frequency machine. I also do frequency-based energy work as a trained, experienced Radionics practitioner, and offer my services to this community. White Light Radionics is a superior form of Radionics I studied while living in the UK. It works energetically to re-balance Consciousness. Think of yourself as a giant radio containing thousands of stations (cells, organs, systems, chakras, auric fields, etc). Radionics is a way to tune into these stations and measure how much energy they’re putting out – normal, low or too high. Treatment can focus on physical, emotional, mental or spiritual concerns – a sore back, allergies, stress, fatigue, relationship or family drama, emotional blocks, mental patterns, karmic ruts, negative entities, spiritual growth, etc. A treatment is devised from the readings & analysis, to boost what is weak, and detox what is stressed, encouraging the body-mind back to its natural state – Health! I’m happy to barter & work with a sliding scale. Please email me for my brochure & further info. [email protected]

  11. Cobra, on your recent comment:

    “Lynn – When, and how was the mixing of the languages done, and by whom?

    COBRA – The mixing of the languages was done basically after the fall of Atlantis with the purpose of creating more division on the surface of the planet and this was done by the Archons.

    Richard – Same purpose religions and cultures and all that stuff was created? (yes). Got cha. thank you”.

    MY QUESTION: So should we understand that we should not protect languages and cultures? Is it not the same as what globalization pretends? Thank you.

  12. Question to Cobra: can you give examples/links of really effective energy healing/diagnostics devices that can be purchased?


  13. * Angels. why are they always depicted with wings? are all angels really angels, or some other entity, e.g. ET’s that arrive & leave on ships? if so, why didn’t they draw what they actually saw?

    * What happens to incarnated dark souls (black pope, kissinger, bush, etc) who die now? Can they remain outside the jurisdiction of the Light, or are they all held accountable?

    * I had an ET contact on Tenerife years ago. They lived under Mt. Tiede and said they were kind of hiding, on the run. were they Zeta Reticuli beings? are they still there?

    * current International Treasury Controller, Dr. Ray C. Dam. does he have legitimate authority over the world’s gold? what role will he play in the financial reset? Who really controls the gold? the M1? White Dragons? Light Forces?

    * in a post (Aug 20, 2015), Cobra said the mineral version of the ‘elixir of life’ was more powerful than the herbal one. Can he say what elixir he was referring to?

  14. How can us children (mainly teenagers) assist as lightworkers when our families don’t believe in what we can do and are doing right now? What actions can we take?

  15. I have recently learned of the Mandela Effect. Please give your insights to this phenomenon and explain if you can how this has happened and why. Thank you.

  16. Dear Cobra: How is it that the Kaaree-type deep Earth beings claim themselves to be spiritual yet helped the Nazis in SSPs?

  17. Having researched the flat earth theory, I find the evidence compelling. Why hasn’t anyone from the science community come forth to answer the legitimate questions from these folks? Huge red flag for me, and points to the real possibility that we never went to the moon, NASA is complete BS, and the Earth may very well be flat!

    • For an earthworm the Earth is flat, for Columbus the Earth is round. Ever tried falling off the edge?
      It’s that simple.

    • To the best of my knowledge, the “flat-earth theory” might be just a disinfo and distraction. Conemplate also that if we would actually living on flat-earth, would all other planets be also flat? The idea might be also a symbol of the power of our beliefs; when we truly believe something we will always find evidence to support our beliefs, no matter what they are. From a universal standpoint. the flat earth does exist as a potential, but it is only in our imagination, not a crystallized experience of our actual planet. Bashar (who in my feeling provides high-vibratory and accurate info) did not agreed to this theory and the evidence might be that when you spill out the water into the space (without gravity) it will always shape itself into a sphere / a ball. So it appears it is a natural thing in the Universe. We do live on a giant blue ball floating around the cosmos and I think it’s cool 🙂

    • My take is this, and this is just my opinion: The idea that the Earth is flat is preposterous. “Flat earth theory” was rolled out to discredit our group and its aims. They even came up with decent evidence to back it up, just to reel in a few people. Anyone pushing this theory might as well be telling people that the tooth fairy is real or that dinosaur fossils were put there by Satan to trick us. The flat earth theory makes us look like kooks and once they’ve made us look like kooks they can discredit everything we say. I see it as no different than the “no planes” theory of 9/11, that no airplanes struck the WTC. It’s just something someone came up with to make us look like idiots, because then everything we say can be written off as insanity. I advise anyone to be careful of what ideas you buy into. There are many groups out there trying to manipulate what you think and believe. And belief is more important than many realize.

      • I think flat earth is bs. However, I don’t think a plane hit the south tower. Have no opinion on the north tower, could have been a plane but probably not the passenger jet they purported it to be. Thus I can understand your analogy – used to believe it myself – but check out some “no plane” videos on YouTube – you might come to a different conclusion.

        • Enough people in NYC that day saw the planes hit the towers, and video “evidence” can easily be manipulated. Not buying it. Now, Shanksville and the Pentagon are a different story, DEFINITELY no planes there.

  18. First :We hear for a so lang time soon, soon, even trough channels, but what is soon in the perspective of beings , which live so much longer then us.?
    For exampe a mid fifty has not muich time left other than a youngster in the mid twenties
    Second As we have no real data when the event occurs , isn t it better just to live a sturctured life instead of just wait passive for the event , because it is presumably in next week, month , year ect. ?
    With great love and respect

    • Please, Ruediger, don’t project your sovereignty onto an outside authority deciding your life for you.
      Passively waiting in frustration because so and so…. said so, is the worst case scenario to follow, when you want to be enlightened. You are the Event, we all are creating the Event, a New Earth,
      creating an existence where we canand will be who we truly are. Start chopping wood, strip the wallpaper from your walls, start bungy jumping, walk on a tight rope, invite a refugee at your table… but do something.

      • You just misunderstood me a bit. I do not fold arms and wait, i medidate and are worging on myself every day. But my question is still there. I do not talk about personal event which can be sooner in some cases like a uplifting or a samadhi, or a melting in the christ conciousness. I mean the general event to be felt for every one felt on earth, the peak wich also involves the open contact to aour space brothers and sisters . so here is my question again Some people say it is so near we just can not plan any future like building houses or start a business , we must start hiding water and food.
        others say it will last to maybe 2050 . And between a lots of believers of the event it is so when the next peak wave comes they cry this ist the event i can feel it it will be soon. Some even do refuse to work and earn their living . telling all is bad why work for the cabal system, event comes soon , everyone will get money , we must not work ect ect..
        . So i hear Cobra soon what is soon . When the whole thing starteds lets say 1986 was a date it was alterd to the beginning date 2000 was alterd to 2012 where the beginnig at least happily started. No the big event date totally unknown
        I do not talk of these waves we all can feel now. I not deaf and blind . I can feel a change in my meditations i did since 1980 . So im not without practice. But i get a bit impatient.
        Not to attack you. But for me im ready just to go on with my meditation and forget all about event and do not pull any energy in it anymore . Like a wife getting pregnant it is nine month
        when the child comes usually and only in seldom circumstances chilsd is born earlier.
        There must a absolute deadline for the event too.
        I know things can change due to the effort of the cabale but the RM is also making their effort

        • I agree that planning for the future and acting on personal goals may be difficult when so much is promised at the event and after the event. It’s also hard to tell if the changes we see are due to the actions of the cabal or the actions of the good guys. I guess its because most of the things are happening behind the scenes and only later, its released to the public. Also Cobra has said what is soon for Cobra isnt the same for other people. Plus most of the light forces’ progress on neutralizing the strangelet bombs or dealing with the chimera bases up in space isnt easily verifiable by most folks.
          Thats why I focus on whats going on the economy as one of the visible markers for the event. Like the banking systems collapsing, followed money being taken from peoples accounts, which will be required to wake the ordinary people from their distractions and busy lives and let them question their realities for the first time.
          there are other markers as well. Cobra said Turkey may be the trigger for short, intense military escalation just before the planetary breakthrough.
          I also follow Drake in his shows. Drake has also said that the understanding is that this is their and our final year because of the galactic realignments, portals. That may be why the queen and the pope are so scared.

  19. In your June interview you spoke about how all the Universes were absorbed into this one around about 1999 of our time and you said it was quite quick and intense when the other universes came through a worm hole into this one, Was there any thing that was seen or observed from Earth? Does NASA or any website have any articles about seeing something in space? Is this maybe the Great Attractor that the scientific world speaks about?

  20. I am from Portugal, and from ages we heard that we have Michael energies anchored here in the capital and Sintra and strong feminine energies in Fatima, is this true? Is there any vortex we can connect on those regions of the country

  21. Hi Cobra,
    When it is said that we will all return to become one again or return to source,
    does it mean we will loose our identity, personality and form?
    Will this happens somewhere in the future is this Ultimate goal of the Universe? to return to source and loosing our identity

    • It’s best to have a sense of humour, reading some of the questions here. I’m in tears….:)
      Yes we all dissolve and form one undulating blob morphing into a big smiley, when all is well that ends well. Is it something you look forward to, Pedro Matsu? I certainly not! Please think for yourself and choose how you want to arrive at the end of the road, or at the start of a new one?

  22. Cobra, Is it important for twin flames who have found each other, to interact face-to-face or can their work in assisting the anchoring of the balanced Divine Feminine/ Masculine energies be accomplished just as well over distance? Thank you.

    • Twin flames and teamwork? Oh la la, this may be explosive, you know? It depends on how much karma you’ve got to work through, created together, before beginning the work face to face. I expect you know the answer already, deep down. Otherwise, I suggest better work together but keep a distance 😉

  23. Cobra… As more information comes out on the damage vaccines do to our bodies,
    is there any type of energy work healers can do to assist others in eradicating the effects of these? thank you

  24. Cobra is there simple cure for most of dieseses thank we can make urselfs ? Is SODIUM CHLORITE

    The Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) ?

  25. Does Cobra have any information about a mysterious object that is said to have exited out of a black hole in our galaxy? I believe this was first reported this past fall, and just recently circulated on blogs. The object has to have been huge to be picked-up by earth-based instruments. And once it emerged it was followed by a massive pulse of x-ray energy. Scientists are perplexed because not even light is supposed to be able to escape a black hole. It would be interesting to know what it is and it’s reason for popping in.

    Thanks for considering including this on the list of interview questions. Much appreciated.

  26. Will the land masses on all coast lines be under water. Specifically the east coast? I have siblings that live in those areas.

    • If I may advise you for a moment, Alverta, it’s recommended by numerous messengers in the scientific world and the alternative media, that it’s wise to leave coastal areas and move inland.
      But always see for yourself how the actual condition is and how you feel about being at risk or not. This advise to the world is given for the risk of a geo-engineered tsunami aka seafloor earthquake, or Earth changes in tectonic plate motion in general, plus the risk of flooding too, I guess? Which east coast by the way? There are many on the globe 😉

    • It’s looking more conclusive that no they are not infiltrated because they are the main/top illuminati. Their disclosure seems to be finger pointing and calls for anti=semitism so others will look the other way. Don’t expect any truth from them. We are not singling them out – it’s most governments.

  27. i read in michael newton books that soul chose the parenths and plan life by itself.but you said that archons infiltrated the akasha records and alll the being who came here to help gave most dificuilt life.i have most kindes parents in the world.there whole life drink pure water never use fluor in thot paste only organic food.i have probably the helthiest mom and dad on whole ist possible that the archons dont make intervention in my case?and when we bi in 2020 or 2025?

    • marko, you must be the sweetest boy on planet Earth, hurry now and find some good excersize to grow some muscle and grow up! This is a typical example of mental reasoning: “If I make sure I’m like this, or that, do this, or that, eat this, or that, I’m fine and St. Peter can’t refuse me in entering Heaven”. Not that it truly happened for sure, but it’s a nice allegory, have you ever read about Jeshua’s choice of poor fisherman, guys with street-wisdom, beggars and pickpocketeers, to follow him as disciples? For discernment we need seasoned warriors, it’s the most delicious humour in life.

    • Here we go again…. all that gazing in the crystal ball, dressed in drapes and veils, whispering formulas and gesturing in secret signs, leave that to the Harry Potter movies please?

  28. Where does the Brexit vote fit into the efforts to bring about The Event? Is this the first significant domino to fall in humanity’s struggle for freedom, or is it something that is secretly being manipulated by the elite?

    • A suggestion, DD. Please don’t expect Cobra or the elite to be the Gods ruling our world, by telling us about if and how the strings are pulled. Draw back you attention and find your creation powers and answers inside of you. We all are The Event, creating it together. I’m finding a lot of questions that show a Calimero stance in the questioner. That won’t do the job for you, see what I mean?

      • With all due respect Marian, my question was not addressed to you. Questions are being solicited, so please allow them to be asked.

  29. Cobra, is there anything more we can do, other than doing the event meditation and our inner work, to speed up the compression breakthrough process?

    Thanks again!

  30. Thank you Cobra for your insights on the toplet bombs’ unexpected quantum potential chambers! Just one context seems expressed unclear (maybe not just to me):

    Does the ENTIRE plasma primary anomaly have to be dissolved (slowly step-by-step because of the toplet bombs’ unexpected quantum potential chambers) before the comp. breakthrough can take place, or just what you mention as critical mass of the primary anomaly? The entire anomaly spreads far beyond the solar system from what I remember, so that would mean a HUGE time effort aka delay..

    Regardless of your answer to above, can you share a rough estimate based on how things look right now, how much time the reduction of the anomaly will take the very least before we’re even entering the phase of comp. breakthrough likelihood? Days, weeks, months or even 2017 or later before any chance that “the tickling” can begin?


  31. Dear enlightened brother I want to ask about the dark knight satellite and can you tell us of its real purpose? Also what really is the extremely luminous asas-sn-15lh? I’ve tried to research these things but with so much disinformation and to what I found on these subjects didn’t resonate and i feel it is not truth. so please brother cobra can you shed some light on this. Also if one was to use free will and imagine themselves as bright as this asas-sn-15lh filled with divine light and love then project themselves into the heart of the octopus with intention to change/heal rather than dissolve or recycle this anomaly would this be helpful or should one just concentrate more on healing vortex and anchoring the Devine love and light and feminine energies?.. its just I feel sympathy for the octopus and think it not to be truly evil but driven to be or manipulated in some way to be what it is now.. i guess can octopus be healed so octopus can be good? be brought from the dark to the light? otherwise would it just be best to attack octopus an use free will to see it banished to central sun.. I wish to use my free will to help in what would be most productive to liberating gaia and think if octopus can be brought to our side we could really give the cabal the boot… or would it be futile to even attempt such a thing?

    • “…can octopus be healed so octopus can be good?..” Sounds very sweet, khajiit7, if it would be that simple? Imagine why it is that octopussy has been naughty until this day? Giving it sweets doesn’t help I’m afraid. Love isn’t about a walk with marshmellow bricks underfoot, sometimes it’s as sharp as a brandished sword, cutting through the crap.

  32. 1. How much the Chimera group infiltration has been removed from SSP factions since may 23th?

    2. has it helped Congo portal any significant way? I only trust you Cobra as other sources are not so trustable so this would need confirmation from you if it helped Gongo portal or not?

    3. Can Yaldabaoth / Plasma octopus entity disintegration and removal of anything connected to entity start immediately after all plasma toplet bombs are removed?

    4. Negotiations with Rothschilds are only to get more out of them that will benefit light forces, they will still be arrested at the event of course?

    5.You probably can’t answer to this in details but do you have any rough estimation how fast can remaining plasma toplet bombs be removed? month? two?

    6.You previously some time ago already mentioned Grozny , the capital of Chechnya has a major negative vortex. Is there any plans to meditation or operations to turn this vortex to light or disintegrate it?

    It would be nice to get answers to these questions.

  33. “The gnostic illuminati, for their part, are admitting their ISIS campaign has failed but say the remaining ISIS fighters will struggle to the last. They also say they still might nuke one city but would not say which one. It is likely any such attempt will be neutralized, they were warned.”

    The quote is from Fulford’s weekly report on Monday, June 20 2016.  
    Is gnostic illuminati led by Alexander Romanov a hoax? 

  34. Thanks you very much for all those information.
    thanks again for the revolution to free human beings

    their is a concept of flat earth with firmanent dome over it.their are various article with video proof available for that.

    more about artificial sun and would you mind please bring the exact truth about this concept.

    Victory of light

  35. Is it allowed to explain please how to train oneself in order to have true telepathic communication following the protocols?

  36. Was Lyme Disease developed as a bio-weapon? It is very difficult to treat; can you offer any treatment advice to Lyme sufferers?

    • You can find a lot of suggestions on internet, Dave, plus experiences of people with Lyme. I’ve known several people in my life, suffering from Lyme. One visited lots of alternative healers, taking herbal remedies and the other lived 8 years in a tired condition, physically, losing her job as architect, her spouse and her home. The former found healing, accepting his fate, also the fact that the lyme is always present in his body, slumbering. The latter found physical healing, after a long time, with the help of all chemical drugs she could lay her hands on. She changed her diet of pure clean food to a diet that is chosen by most people, eaten with indifference, satisfying the taste buds only. She grew cynical about cleanliness and purity of one’s body and strengthening of one’s immune system, never accepting her “fate”, As the fighter that she was, she managed to create a workshop/ atelier for clothes, design and handmade creations, in her home, with excellent taste. Offering other women a place to make clothes too. I can’t think of anything else that I could offer, Dave, besides what I just described and I wish you a treatment that works for you. And your complete recovery in due time.


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