Dear Writers for Prepare for Change,
We are proud to have you post your ideas and articles on this site. Please follow the website protocols.
- No articles that contain foul, language.
- No articles that promote fear, prejudice, intolerance or hate.
- No articles or posts will be allowed that encourage violence against any person or desturction of anything.
- Articles that personally attack or defame this site, our members or Cobra will not be posted.
- Choose only four categories for your post.
We are honored to be able to provide a platform for the world’s people to share their voice and opinions on our New Society or on “The Event” itself. We will also be happy if you have any information or articles that you think the leaders of the various groups should be aware of. For instance if you know of any working viable free energy devices or new technologies they should be submitted to the technology group. If you have any suggestions to be implemented on the group pages themselves you may also submit them to the group leaders.
Please notice that we have categories for articles. We ask that you choose four categories for your post, so that the intent of the categories is honored. When multiple categories are chosen it undermines the entire concept of allowing readers to choose what they want to read in our database. So Please do not select multiple categories.