Click Here to See the Prepare for Change Communications Tools and Techniques Page where all the useful tools and techniques are gathered for PFC members.
This page is dedicated to information related to the Event Support Group. The Event Support group evolved from the first communications that went out when PFC formed. The members of the New Society groups were asked to meet locally and prepare for the Event. Thus ESGs were born.
At first we made lists of new groups and published them on this site, but as they grew it became more and more difficult to maintain and keep current, so we now have managing the local groups of which there are two, the Event Support Groups (masculine) and the Sisterhood of the Rose Groups (feminine). COEO is a major tool for PFC and it should be a major resource for every member. Please visit is everyday after you visit, and check your messages and look at the Events calendar for information about scheduled activities in your area and worldwide, such as Global Synchronized Meditations.
When we adopted the platform to run the local groups we archived the existing member data here (ESGs), and here (SotR).
Facebook Pages for Prepare for Change
PFC has over 170 groups on Facebook and more organizing all of the time.
Save this info to a Flash Drive

All the information on these pages and site should be archived on a Flash drive or your personal computer if possible in case the Internet is down when you are communicating with people. It may be a good idea to buy a keychain flash drive to have with you at all times. Today flash drives are about the cost of dinner, and most of us can afford to have one, and keep it with us at all times.
Note: The unit on the right is a mid-range performance version and the faster versions are about three times as much to buy, but are three times as fast uploading and downloading than the Flash 2.0 standard. Choose the one that meets your cost performance needs
The content from the Community Leaders Brief should be downloaded, along with the pages and content listed below.
This is a special site designed to be seen by middle managers when the Event is in process. It has a downloadable version of the Community Leaders Brief in thirty-three languages and there are thirty-three translated websites to host the related information as well.
Website Information describes the pages and posts on the PFC website (this site)related to Event Support, which includes most of the site.
- Viral Project for the Event This page has a special flyer with information about the Reset telling people what to do in the simplest terms. It is in 14 languages and designed to shared on social media. We are working to create a page with the same information meant to be printed with a computer printer- in black and white of course.
- Media Action Plan for the Event All main stream media will be cut off from control structures and they will be immediatly used by the Light forces to communicate clear information about what is truly going on. Use this page to understand what you can do (translations available in multiple languages if you follow the link above).
- A Post-Event Action Plan This plan provides additional information for Event Support Groups to act proactively immediately after the Event within their communities acting as stabilizing force in the context of the transition triggered by the Event (translations available in multiple languages if you follow the link above).
- Documents to Prepare This article has the pamphlet intended to go viral at the time of the Event with the key ideas about this transition period which should be communicated to the general population. Along with the image some ideas about who to call in your community are presented. Useful contacts and other documents to have at hand are also suggested (translations available in multiple languages if you follow the link above).
- The Solutions Page This is a list showing how we clearly already have all the solutions to heal this world, humans, animals, plants, ecosystems, and it’s up to us that they are implemented. This can inspire good ideas for PFC groups to work on locally. This list is non-exhaustive and to be updated regularly.
- Event Support Group Meeting Guidelines This page has a sequence of steps to set up an ESG meeting.
- Basic Practical Steps to Prepare for the Event This page has a list of good things to do before the Event in order to assure yours and your loved ones safety and stability during the transition period (translations available in multiple languages if you follow the link above).
- A Plan to Maintain Safety During the Event The primary goal of this document is try and work within the existing corporate power structures to create a way to quickly network across cities, states, regions, and even countries such that we can deal promptly and ethically with the most pressing issues (translations available in multiple languages if you follow the link above).
- Create or Join a Local Group This page answers all the questions a new member may have about joining a group or starting one if they cannot find one already formed in their area.
Local Discussion Lists can organize around the COEO Circles or you can simply ask to have a new group created for your area by writing an email to [email protected] If you are creating a new discussion list for your area and the main language is not English, please furnish a title for the discussion list in the language to be used.