All readers of the Prepare for Change website are invited to communicate with the Resistance Movement. After discussing this with Cobra we have discovered that members of the RM desire more information from us, the surface?population of Earth.
Cobra has passed this information to us:
(PFC0517) ?Lynn? – Cobra, is the RM the ones that give you feed-back on our meditations, you know the strength of it and the numbers.
COBRA –?Yes, yes.? (OK)
Lynn? – Are we as surface humans? able to communicate with them telepathically.
COBRA –?It is possible.? It has happened in a few instances but its not very common and very few people from the surface have enough awareness of the RM to hear that telepathic contact.
Lynn? – Would it be useful to show them certain situations we are experiencing.?
COBRA –?Yes. It is sometimes not simple for them to understand their reactions of the surface population because they are simply, I would say psychologically quite different and if you explain to them a little bit more, even telepathically or in writing you can even post an article on your blog and address it to them, that would be a great idea. (wow, thats a great idea.? Thank you Cobra.) (PFC0517)
In order to facilitate this for all people and make it easy for both us and the RM, we are using this page with its comment section for this purpose. The idea is simple, go to the bottom of the page and use the comment box to share your feelings about the situation on Earth.
So please ask your?questions or make your comment with your Letter to the Resistance in the comments below.
Published July 5, 2017
[NOTE: Please do not criticize or comment on other’s letters in reply, this page is meant to enable a free exchange from our readers with the Resistance Movement, so please do not respond as though the letters are to YOU.]
by Hilarion
Lovely God Presence, I AM in me,
Hear me now I do decree:
Bring to pass each blessing for which I call
Upon the Holy Christ Self of each and all.
Let Violet Fire of Freedom roll
Round the world to make all whole;
Saturate the earth and its people, too,
With increasing Christ-radiance shining through.
I AM this action from God above,
Sustained by the hand of heaven’s Love,
Transmuting the causes of discord here,
Removing the cores so that none do fear.
The full power of Freedom’s Love
Raising all earth to heaven above.
Violet Fire now blazing bright,
In living beauty is God’s own Light
Which right now and forever
Sets the world, myself, and all life
Eternally free in Ascended Master Perfection.
Almighty I AM! Almighty I AM! Almighty I AM!
please unite please do the necessary to get through all seperation,and please consider the negative influcence divides . the most people are not aware what is going on they lost contact to source or knowlege, they are slaves of electronic warfare, and negative emotions which are triggered by the evil earth people need a big deprogramming ,and earth needs cleaning, water , air , soil.average people can not resist the bad and are sucked in by the negative .treat them as mental, emotional and pyhsical ill people who need a healing in every way. the lightworers are not enough . I want the humankind to survive in good condition peace and love and light
Hallo, ich grüße euch,
Ich möchte gerne zwei Perspektiven teilen: Meine eigene und die von mir auf mein Umfeld.
Zu meiner Perspektive:
Es war schon immer und ist auch weiterhin für Menschen wie mich schwierig zu entscheiden, was authentisch, also echt oder wirklich ist, und was nicht. In der Welt gibt es so viele Verzerrungen der Wahrheit und einen so ausgeprägten Grad an Desinformation, dass es schwer fällt, irgendwem vertrauen zu können. Man lässt sich folglich vom inneren Gefühl leiten, und doch muss man sich stets die Frage stellen, ob das eigene, innere Gefühl nicht selbst schon korrumpiert ist. Daher stellt sich die Frage: Wem kann man trauen, und wem nicht? Was passiert wirklich gerade, und was nicht? Dinge die greifbar sind, die wirklich passieren und man sie sehr realistisch erleben kann, haben den wohl größten Eindruck und Einfluss auf unsere Wahrnehmung. Und hier ist das Problem: Wir können unterirdische Tunnelsysteme nicht selbst erkunden gehen, wir können getarnte Schiffe des SSP nicht sehen, wir können nicht mit Reptiloiden kommunizieren ohne gleich von der Bildfläche zu verschwinden… und wir können mit niemandem vom RM direkt in Kontakt treten und ihn bei seiner täglichen Arbeit begleiten! Und hier stellen sich die Fragen: Gibt es ein RM, oder ist es vielleicht die CIA? Existiert Cobra wirklich, oder ist er angestellter Geschichtenerfinder der dunklen Kräfte? Ist die Flotte der galaktischen Föderation da draußen, oder ist sie nur ein Hirngespinnst? Channeln wir wirklich Kontaktleute der Föderation, oder sind es als solche getarnte Dunkelkräfte? Fragen über Fragen und es gibt keine endgültige, schlagende, greifbare Dinge, wie die Wirklichkeit eines Baumes im eigneen Garten zu erleben. Er lässt sich sehen, riechen, wahrnehmen, berühren und so als real empfinden. Mit all den anderen Dingen geht das nicht. Bitte nicht falsch verstehen, ich habe viel von Cobra gelesen und bin der Transinformations-Homepage zutiefst dankbar für deren Übersetzungen, aber weder Cobra noch irgendwen sonst habe ich jemals auf Bildern oder Videos live gesehen. Und wenn Cobra wirklich so viel weiß wie es scheint, wie kommt es dann, dass er unbehelligt seinen Tätigkeiten nachgehen kann? Oder ist er im Untergrund und lebt beim RM? Er hat “angeblich” viele Konferenzen abgehalten und ist regelmäßig in Interviews… warum gibt es davon keine Videos, um sich zu überzeugen, dass es da jemanden wirklich gibt…. auch wenn man dann noch immer nicht weiß, ob er nicht doch insgeheim ein Mitarbeiter der CIA ist. Versteht mich bitte richtg: Wenn ihr vom RM seid und es euch wirklich gibt, dann ist dies keine Kritik, sondern unsere Möglichkeit die Welt um uns herum wahrzunehmen. Nicht jeder hat die Möglichkeit zur Transkommunikation oder zur Wahrnehmung energetischer ebenen, um so seine Sicherheit zu erhalten. Sicher sind wir alle entsprechend veranlagt all das zu können, nur unterschiedlich weit entwickelt. Hinzu kommt unser tägliches Leben. Die Zeit in unserem Alltag ist durch die Dinge geprägt, die wir tun müssen, um unseren Alltag zu bewältigen – Essen, Schlafen, Arbeiten, Einkäufe und dergleichen. Zum Schluss bleibt für uns selbst kaum noch Zeit, in der wir daran arbeiten könnten zu uns selbst zurück zu finden. Wenn ihr wirklich echt seid und wirklich das RM seid, dann hilft euch dies vielleicht besser zu verstehen, in welcher Lage wir sind. Ich muss dazu sagen, dass ich keinerlei Probleme damit hätte, wenn ihr plötzlich am Himmel oder in den Straßen auftauchen würdet. Im Gegenteil sogar: Für ein Treffen hätte ich sicher, wie viele andere auch, nichts dagegen. Da ist noch etwas sehr persönliches: Ich weiß schon mein ganzes Leben lang, dass ich hier nicht „zu Hause“ bin. Ich vermisse euch alle so sehr und schaue immer wieder in die Sterne und hoffe, nicht mehr so einsam sein zu müssen. Das tue ich schon mein ganzes Leben lang. Es wird Zeit, dass ihr euch meldet – es wird wirklich höchste Zeit.
Zur Perspektive meines Umfeldes:
Nun, die Menschen sind größtenteils tatsächlich nicht erwacht, um es mal mit diesem Wort zu beschreiben. Sie leben in ihrer eigenen Umfeldwahrnehmung, sehen sich selbst, ihre Familie und Freunde und versuchen sich durch ihr Leben zu bringen. Sie sind sehr tief in die Realität der physischen Welt eingetaucht und darin so stark verflochten, dass sie Raumschiffe zwar wahrnehmen und auch in Ruhe betrachten könnten, ohne in Panik zu geraten. Aber es wäre für sie sehr seltsam und neuartig (ich selbst hingegen würde eher Erleichterung und Dankbarkeit verspüren). Sofern diese Verwunderung nicht durch Antworten auf die Frage „was ist da los“ gestillt wird, könnte daraus eine Verwirrung entstehen, die dann in einem Chaos im Kopf endet. Dieses Chaos, dass die Leute im Kopf hätten, würde dann die Konsequenz auch äußerlichen Ausdrucks mit sich bringen, oder anders gesagt: Die Leute werden nervös und aggressiv. Auch die Aufmerksamkeitsspanne würde sich drastisch verkürzen und es würde zunehmend schwieriger werden mit den Leuten vernünftig zu sprechen. Daher ist es sehr wichtig, nicht nur einfach am Himmel zu erscheinen, sondern durch unmittelbare Informationen die Leute zu beruhigen, zu informieren und ihnen die Situation zu erklären. Dann denke ich, bekommen wir die Angelegenheit schnell und gut in den Griff. Davon abgesehen bin ich überzeugt, dass die Menschen bereit sind, sich auf die galaktischen Sternengeschwister einzulassen, denn ihre Versunkenheit in der physischen Welt bedeutet nicht, dass sie nicht offen wären für neues. Wenn die Dinge geschehen würden, dann könnten die Menschen sich auch darauf einlassen – und ich denke, das ist ein wichtiges Zeichen.
Ich hoffe, durch meine Zeilen wird es euch leichter zu verstehen, wie ich aus meiner einzelnen Sicht die Welt sehe und wie ich mein Umfeld als Ganzes wahrnehme.
Mein Appell an euch: Helft Menschen wie mir die Realität eurer Existenz zu erkennen, indem ihr uns nicht nur anonyme Texte hinter Pseudonymen hinterlasst, sondern tatsächliche Fakten Präsentiert. Zum Beispiel detaillierte Baupläne von Raumschiffen, echte Fotos von Untergrundbasen oder Reptiloiden, Ceta-Retikuli, etc. etc. – Zeigt uns die Realität so auf, wie ihr sie seht. Dann fällt es uns leichter, uns auf das einzulassen, was ihr sagt. Auch Fotos von Cobra, auch auf den Veranstaltungen. Ich habe z.B. nie gesehen, wie man an einer solchen Konferenz teilnehmen kann, nie ein Video davon gesehen… „Cobra“ kann wer weiß was sein. Arbeitet mit der Realität, weniger mit Joda, und wir können wieder ein Stück einander näher kommen. Letztendlich weiß ich, dass es meine Entscheidung ist, was ich glaube oder nicht – es liegt an mir in mich zu gehen und die Antwort zu finden. Aber das Beschriebene wäre ein guter Weg den auch ihr gehen könntet, damit wir uns einander annähern können.
Lasst uns mit einander in Kontakt treten. Die Zeit ist da.
Love more
google t – Hello to all of you,
I would like to share two perspectives: My own and those of me to my environment.
To my perspective:
It has always been and continues to be difficult for people like me to decide what is authentic, so real or real, and what is not. In the world there are so many distortions of truth and such a pronounced degree of disinformation that it is difficult to trust anyone. One can, therefore, be guided by the inner feeling, and yet the question must always be asked whether one’s own inner feeling is not itself corrupted. Therefore the question arises: Who can be trusted, and to whom? What is happening right now and what is not? Things that are tangible, which really happen and you can experience them very realistic, have the greatest impression and influence on our perception. And here is the problem: we can not explore underground tunnel systems ourselves, we can not see camouflaged ships of the SSP, we can not communicate with reptiloids without disappearing immediately from the screen … and we can not contact anybody directly from RM and Accompany him in his daily work! And here are the questions: Is there a RM, or is it perhaps the CIA? Does Cobra really exist, or is he an employee of the Dark Forces? Is the fleet of the galactic federation out there, or is it just a brain spinning? Are we really channeling contacts of the Federation, or are they camouflaged dark forces? Questions about questions and there are no definitive, striking, tangible things to experience like the reality of a tree in your own garden. It lets you see, smell, perceive, touch and feel as real. With all the other things is not. Please do not misunderstand, I have read a lot of Cobra and am deeply grateful to the transinformation homepage for their translations, but neither Cobra nor anyone else I’ve ever seen live on pictures or videos. And if Cobra really knows as much as it seems, how does it happen that he can go about his activities undisturbed? Or is he in the underground and lives at RM? He has “held” many conferences and is regularly in interviews … why there are no videos to convince himself that there really is someone …. Even if you still do not know whether he is secretly an employee of the CIA. Please understand me correctly: If you are of the RM and you really exist, then this is not criticism, but our ability to perceive the world around us. Not everyone has the possibility of transci- pation or the perception of energetic levels, in order to preserve their security. Certainly we are all able to do all this, only differently developed. Add to this our daily life. Time in our everyday life is characterized by the things we have to do to cope with everyday life – eating, sleeping, working, shopping and the like. In the end, there is hardly any time for ourselves to be able to return to ourselves. If you are really real and really are the RM, then this may help you better understand the situation in which we are. I have to say that I would not have any problems with it if you suddenly appeared in the sky or in the streets. On the contrary: for a meeting I would certainly, like many others, do not mind. There is something very personal about it: I have known all my life that I am not “at home” here. I miss you all so much and always look back at the stars and hope not to be so lonely anymore. I’ve been doing this all my life. It is time that you report – it is really high time.
To the perspective of my environment:
Well, the majority of people are actually not awakened to describe it with this word. They live in their own environment, see themselves, their family and friends and try to get through their lives. They are very deeply immersed in the reality of the physical world, and are so closely intertwined that they can perceive spaceships and can also look at them calmly, without panicking. But it would be very strange and novel to them (I myself would rather feel relief and gratitude). If this amazement is not satisfied by answers to the question “what is going on there”, a confusion could arise, which then ends in a chaos in the head. This chaos that people would have in their minds would have the consequence of external expression. In other words, people become nervous and aggressive. Also, the attention span would drastically shorten and it would become increasingly difficult with the LeuTo speak rationally. Therefore, it is very important not only to appear in the sky, but to inform, inform and explain the situation by direct information. Then I think we get the matter quickly and well into the handle. Apart from that, I am convinced that people are ready to embrace the galactic stars, because their immersion in the physical world does not mean that they are not open to new things. If things were to happen, people could get involved – and I think this is an important sign. I hope my lines will make it easier for you to understand how I see the world from my perspective and how I perceive my environment as a whole. My appeal to you: Helps people like me to recognize the reality of your existence by not only leaving anonymous texts behind pseudonyms, but presenting actual facts. For example, detailed blueprints of space ships, real photos of subsoils or reptiles, Ceta-reticulas, etc. – Show us the reality as you see it. Then it is easier for us to admit what you say. Also pictures of Cobra, also at the events. For example, Never seen how to participate in such a conference, never seen a video of it … “Cobra” who knows what can be. Work with reality, less with Joda, and we can get closer together. Ultimately, I know that it is my decision, what I believe or not – it is up to me to go and find the answer. But what is described would be a good way that you could go, so that we can approach each other. Let us get in contact with each other. The time has come. Love more Christian
You must understand that as soon as a head goes beyond the group of sheep, it is systematically cut. There is all the external folklore, destined for Merinos, and then reality, which is still unknown to the public. So you can not ask Cobra or the RM to say hello to you. It is important to find your own group or to constitute it. The hour is no longer to be sought for a chief or a savior, and the general evacuation is no longer even on the agenda in the plans of the confederation. The human must do his part of the work, and his share of the work is of karmic, genetic, parental, educational, professional deprogramming. That neither the Pleiadians nor the RM can do it for you
Danke, das ihr da seit.
Und Danke an die vielen Menschen, die Erwachten und Erwachenden.
Die Menschheit braucht noch ein paar Schritte, um wieder auf den rechten Weg zu kommen.
Mit der Hilfe des Himmels werden wir es schaffen.
Meine Sichtungen waren keine Haluzinationen.
Vieleicht sogar gewollt.
Und denen, die sie geschickt haben, danke ich.
Meine Kindheitsträume werden sich verwirklichen.
Heute weiß ich, das der Geist mehr ist, als uns immer gelehrt wurde.
Unsere vergangene Geschichte wurde manipuliert.
Unsere Gegenwart wird immer noch getäuscht. Aber jetzt vergebens.
Die Zukunft von Mama Bacha und den Menschen wird paradiesisch.
Ich freu mich über jeden Kontakt.
Denn nur das Licht kann siegen.
translate. pons
Thanks, you there since.
And thanks to many people, the awoken and awaking.
The humanity needs a few more steps to get away again on the right one.
With the help of the sky we will create it.
My sightings were no Haluzinationen.
Vieleicht even artificial.
And I thank those which they have sent.
My childhood dreams will be realised.
Today know I which is the mind more than to us was always taught.
Our past history was manipulated.
Our present is still deceived. But now in vain.
The future of mummy Bacha and the people becomes heavenly.
I please me about every contact.
Since only the light can win.
In Love engelseher…Agnes Klare Deymann
An die Widerstandsbewegung
Ich danke euch für eure Präsenz und eure Bereitschaft, der Menschheit zu helfen.
Ich bin sehr glücklich darüber, dass ihr uns Menschen bei der Befreiung aus dieser Misere beisteht!
Ich bin derzeit 28 Jahre alt und habe schon als kleines Kind meine Aufgabe gekannt, mit meiner Liebe und Magie der Menschheit einen Weg zurück zur Einheit des Universums zu weisen. Es war jedoch wichtig für meine Entwicklung, dies bis 2008 nach hinten zu stellen und vollkommen die Dualität zu erleben. Meine Wahl, nach 2008 gleichzeitig ein “normales” Leben zu führen (also nicht abgeschieden von der Zivilisation), energetisch für die Erde da zu sein und seit 2014 zusätzlich die 6-Seen-Platte im Ruhrgebiet als möglichst hoch schwingenden Kraftpunkt zu betreuen, bringt mich täglich an den Rand der Erschöpfung. Ich vermisse meine Sternenfamilie so sehr! Umso schwieriger, dass meine Mitmenschen die Dimensionen in denen ich meine Energiearbeit verrichte nicht sehen können. Ich kann Ihnen weder die Existenz helfender Sternennationen noch die Wichtigkeit des meschlichen “Erwachens” noch das Vertrauen in ihre eigene natürliche telepathisch herzbasierte Kommunikation zu Tieren deutlich machen, ohne als vollkommen verrückt angesehen zu werden. So traue ich mich kaum, meine Erfahrungen weiterzugeben oder auch nur die Menschen um mich herum in ihren Ängsten und Befürchtungen des dualen Wahnsinns trösten zu können, dass alles nur eine Illusion ist und sich bald zum Besseren wandelt. Ich bin ja selbst unsicher, wann endlich der Moment da ist, der alles neu ordnet.
Es wäre so hilfreich, wenn endlich auch über die großen Medien von offizieller Seite verkündet würde, dass eine neue Zeit anbricht und endlich der (auch physische) Kontakt zu euch galaktischen Helfern zur Normalität wird! Ich werde ungeduldig, die Dringlichkeit von großen Veränderungen wächst täglich.
Ich freue mich darauf, mit den galaktischen Helfern bald näher zusammenarbeiten zu können.
ich zitiere einen passenden Part aus einem anderen Kommentar:
“Die Zeit ist reif für einen Wandel. Friede, Freiheit und Liebe, für alle Wesen auf und in der Erde.”
Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirianisch: Seid ,Eins! Freut Euch!)
google t – To the resistance movement
I thank you for your presence and your willingness to help humanity.
I am very happy that you help us liberate us from this misery!
I am currently 28 years old and as a young child I have already known my job of showing my love and magic of mankind a way back to the unity of the universe. However, it was important for my development to put this back in 2008 and to fully experience the duality. My choice to lead a “normal” life at the same time (not separated from civilization), to be there for the earth energetically and since 2014 additionally to take care of the 6-lake plate in the Ruhr area as the highest possible force Me daily to the brink of exhaustion. I miss my star family so much! This makes it all the more difficult for my fellow men to see the dimensions in which I can not do my energy work. I can not tell you the existence of helping starnations, the importance of the awkward “awakening,” or the confidence in their own natural telepathic heart-based communication with animals without being viewed as completely crazy. So I hardly dare to pass on my experiences or even to comfort the people around me in their fears and fears of the dual madness that everything is only an illusion and soon changes for the better. I am uncertain, of course, when the moment is at hand which reorganizes everything.
It would be so helpful if, finally, the big media from the official side announced that a new era was coming, and that the (physical) contact with you of the galactic helpers became normality! I become impatient, the urgency of big changes is growing daily.
I am looking forward to working closer with the galactic helpers soon.
I quote a suitable part from another comment:
“The time is ripe for change. Peace, freedom and love, for all beings on and in the earth. ”
Selamat Gajun! Selamat Yes! (Sirian: Be, One, Rejoice)
Dear Resistance,
I really appreciate your help in freeing us humans on Earth.
Since almost 10 years now I’ve been following the alternat Media and every little message that tells of some success makes me feel good. Even when I just read in between the lines.
Since my divorce in 2006 my life has changed drastically.
I now live from my savings, don’t have any medical insurance anymore and don’t know how long I can still hang in there.
So many good things that we are told are our birth right haven’t come to fruitition yet.
I am exhausted and tired. My constant migraine attacks are wearing me down and that constant
pulsating rhythm in my head and lower chacra keep me from sleeping.
Im carrying on for my son who is actually an adult but I still feel he needs a mother in his life.
Whenever I can I try to cheer other people up. And I so much could use some cheering and help
Im 60 now and ask myself, what am I working/fighting for. My whole life on earth i felt like I’m not part of this family. The loved and lucky ones are always the others.
And still I love this Mother Earth so much and would love to see all her beauty.
I still live for that day when we don’t have to worry about how to pay for our life.
Dear Brigitte greetings from Holland(Netherlands),
you are a strong person remember that ,nothing is coincidence, all you expieriënce now is to learn what it feels like to be in such a position, to make you a much more understandeble human for the task(s) that is in the future for you , yes i also had my difficulties, terrible migraine to for many years and family en relations and money troubles .Ones i understood that i was focussing to much on the difficulties ,my migraine vanished within a few weeks ,no need for strong medications anymore , i’d learnt to relax and see the world as place where we are visitors for a while.That everything is only for a short time even difficult things, IF we want to see.
Try to see the beauty ,yes i know its difficult because there is much sorrow in the world ,but still there is enough beauty to see .
That day you live for, not to worry anymore ,WILL COME maybe sooner than you think
the darkest hour is just before dawn…remember that .
Hello Dear Brothers and Sisters from everywhere. I mean no disrespect, just today I Am a bit tired and desire to be very honest and say what I Am feeling at this moment.
I wanna say that I Am Human and I AM THE MOST GENUINE RESISTANCE THAT IS. Although we are a team of many races and working from many sides. No one else out there has the finest experience of what it is to fight and survive the descent to the dark realms. WE DO. And if the RM members do not understand why we still hurt and bump in each other down here, it is in parts because we have been abused for everyone else, including our brothers and sisters from inner earth. We Humans have been thru a lot for very long, and now the infusion of the LIGHT is steering things even more, attacks and suppression from old rulers is still rampant, the daily surviving pressure is heavy, etc..
Then dear RM brows and sis, you can’t understand why we still can’t have quality meditation enough to manifest abundance? or to stop picking at each other? Well, as it was mention by Cobra, your understand of our world is very little.
I want to ask, without being too much in disrespect, but if you could get out of your hidden places a bit more, release some of your technology a bit more, earn back our trust and give us the opportunity of show you that we aren’t beasts, but baits, to the big plan of ending the era of the primary anomaly. VICTORY OF THE LIGHT INDEED!
Resistance Movement,
This is a difficult letter to write. On the one hand, a large part of me desperately wants to believe there is someone out there in the Universe that has not forgotten us, that is fighting for us, that will not allow us to be utterly forsaken and written off as an instructive loss. That is how the Universe should be. We should care for our loved ones, we should leave no one behind. No one can be cut off from the whole, from the One. How can the hand be separate from the body? How can the cell be separate from the organ?
And yet we are. The message “YOU ARE ALONE” is screamed at us from all sides. Part of me snickers at the half that is typing, deriding it for falling for yet another hope-inducing trick of the Dark, yet another CIA psyop mind fuck. The problem, you see, is that we’ve been completely warped at the very first stage of human growth and development (according to Erickson) at the level of the group organism: Trust versus Mistrust. In our artificially perpetuated state of infancy we have been taught to mistrust so deeply at the cellular level of our collective psyche that it is what we revert to every time, even when confronted with something other than what we have known. We have been taught not to trust each other, we have been taught not to trust ourselves. We react as an animal bent only on its own survival. Even those of us who are marginally more aware of our situation cannot help but fall back into the old pattern because it has been ingrained over lives upon lives upon lives. It takes a very long to regain the trust of a dog that has been beaten from birth, even if it is never given a reason to mistrust a new individual, one whom only offers kindness and love. We judge each other as the world we have been confined to has taught us to judge everything: Unkind. Untruthful. Unfair.
We have no memories of anything else. Our memories have been kept from us. We have been held hostage in the dark so long that we have become blind, and we find it difficult to imagine seeing, or painful to remember. We have adapted to live in a cruel world. We understand abandonment and loss as “just the way things are.” It is the only way our minds have been able to function. We shut ourselves off. It is not Me that suffers, it is Them, and we are Separate, so I remain unaffected. And so we go on in our delusion as a protective mechanism.
At times I read the news headlines about murder or slavery or one of the many, many horrid abuses that happen here. Or I experience a loss, personally or through a loved one. And then my awareness becomes attuned to the fact that this occurs thousands of time each day, each minute, each MOMENT, all across my planet. For one instant I tap into the collective suffering of my brothers and sisters and it is mind numbing. And then the realization that follows in the next moment is that I am powerless to help them all, and it threatens to crush my soul. I cannot bear it. The mind programming sets in: “YOU ARE HELPLESS. YOU WILL NOT MAKE A DIFFERENCE. YOU ARE A MOTE AMIDST THE SEA.” For the sake of my sanity I accept this at its face and retreat into myself, but my core refuses to submit. I help where I can, I love as much as I can, I give as often as I can, but all against a background of despair that we will never be able to all cooperate as one and do it together en masse.
Division is the strength of our captors. We have been conditioned to believe we are divided from Divine Source, that we are apart from the Earth who sustains us, that we are segregated from all the flora and fauna that support us, that we are different and separate from one another. We divide ourselves upon the basis of appearance, ancestry, belief, nationality, gender, and a thousand other qualities. We are raised to believe that different is DANGEROUS and sameness is SAFE, even when the different offers us hope and the sameness offers us desolation. It is easier to accept that this is all there is or will ever be for us rather than to extend the traumatized hands of our soul in hope for positive change.
Humans accept division well because we have been conditioned to it for eons. I would say to the Resistance to use this to their advantage. Compartmentalize the surface population involvement of the liberation effort into very specific, task-oriented subgroups, even more so than you have already done. We are also very accepting of authoritative direction, so give us protocols and guidelines. While we need to mature into our adulthood as a group organism, we have never been prepared. We have never learned personal responsibility. To expect us to learn it now, in the midst of the greatest transformation this Universal cycle has ever known, is simply too great a request. It is to expect running from a blind child that he been restrained from learning to crawl. We must unlearn the savior expectations that have been beaten into us, we must unlearn the abdication of personal responsibility, but it must be done in a gradual way that introduces us to these concepts slowly. You simply must hold our hands as we walk for the first time blindly across a freeway in rush hour traffic.
But please, whatever you do, don’t give up on us.
Love and Light to you all, and prayers for your and our success in this great feat of all our souls,
Dear Resistance Movement,
Thank you for everything that you have done and continue to do for all of humanity. My deepest thanks and gratitude.
It is often stated that we have free will and thus the majority of things are up to us, both individually and collectively. However, how can we have free will when we are not truly free? We live in an enslaved environment, we are implanted and unable to remember our mission, we are controlled, lied to, attacked, manipulated, poisoned…… and the list goes on. We need to be free, know the truth, live as Source/we intended, then we can make true and correct choices of our own. As the saying goes “the truth shall set you free”.
We are often told to follow our life path. I am sure that I am not alone when I say that every time I do, there are large obstacles and blocks placed on my path. Yet we continue and the same thing repeats itself. This becomes very difficult, exhausting and exasperating. Some people give up, others continue. In extreme cases (again I am speaking personally although I am not the only one) there have been several instances of “close accidents” throughout my life where, if I was not so protected, things may have ended tragically. I am one of the fortunate ones, others have not been so lucky. This is not how life on Gaia should be.
There is so much pain and suffering on this planet, the sooner it ends the better for all. We that are communicating with you are the minority, it is the majority that require the most assistance. If you are able to assist further with the liberation of this planet, humanity will be grateful. I know I definitely will be.
There are a number of us that would like to assist the Resistance Movement further. If we can be of service perhaps a way could be made for these individuals to be identified. I leave this to your discretion.
Again, my heartfelt thanks for everything ♡
Beloved Brothers and Sisters of Advanced Essence and RM;
I feel you. I sense you. I see your Love.
Duo Mu you are sublime and I support you; Sister of the Divine Mother Creatrix Essence.
~ We Are Here ~
Speaks to my soul and Essence. Of this, do you take part and own participation?
I communicate in 3 dimensional form in this blogsite, aside from Heart Intelligence Communication
(I-com) to share these images, vibration, inspiration, that compels me to reach inward even further than I Imagined.
I share this frequency with you as a small child shares a newly found flower with a Wise Grandparent.
In all innocence, sincerity, and humbleness permit me to express that I reach IN for guidance to move forth to Source.
That is my responsibility. I own it.
Today there are powerful alignments and convergences
that our Beloved Mother Giaia/Terra feels.
The Sun/Helios is ablaze as a portal. It is a propitious moment to connect with you, in my humble opinion.
It empowers the Source spark within me to re-establish the connection once lost or stolen. I choose not to be victim of the robbery of this however taken in No Time/Space, as we agreed at some stage to all play the part of making known an unknown.
I therefore, reach down with all LOVE that I can muster in this stage, and ask that may pull up from the depths of hell in forgiveness that is more awareness than forgiveness, to say to them
WE ARE THE LIGHT- Welcome Home. Good job.
Go forth and do no harm. In Peace.
With Thanks
Om Mani Padme Hung
I honor You
So Be it
few questions: if the toplet bombs went off could it be contained? would it kill our souls? if yes and no, then would we be free to choose our reincarnation parameters? i guess those are hypothetical questions as probably no one knows the answers, and i’m assuming it would be quite dangerous to find out. however, there has to be a way to get off this merry go round.
i do appreciate the efforts being put forth to change things, but let’s keep in mind there is a point where it’s not worth it any longer.
Exactly, there is a stage where it is no longer worth it, and this stage will be reached in December 2022. So, all mankind can still ask some questions, but, once this period has passed, and if it Is at the same point as now, she will no longer even have the capacity to believe in deliverance, because everything outside will show her that it is “out of the country.”
Use discernment especially around dates and times. Thanks
Please, please, PLEASE! Come and help us get through this struggle! It’s difficult to even want to be here with all the negativity and all that is stacked against us. We sincerely want your intervention! We need something to hold on to so we don’t sink. We’re still too far from the shore to stop paddling, but too exhausted to make it ourselves.
Thank you for the words of encouragement through the channels. But, we really need to see more concrete proof that changes are happening. If there is anything more you can do for us, from your perspective, we appreciate it so very much.
Love and Light to you.
Dear MamaB,
When huge explosions are heard and the buildings collapse like cards castles, you will ask the sky to stop the dance. Do not be too hasty that this happens, because it happens.The release is like an omelette, it can not be done without breaking eggs
Hallo meine freunde des lichtes ich habe nur eine bitte nur ein wunsch mehr nicht,bitte befreit mich ich möchte hier weg und es tut sehr weh,in meinem ganzen sein .der schmerz ist zu gross,ich bin bereit mich euch anzuschliesen so das kein lebewesen das durchmachen muss,was ich erlebt hat ich schäme mich nicht um hilfe zu erbitten,es gehört mut zu haben für demut.ich will hier nur weg.ich bitte darum schon um 40jahre in diesem leben,was muss ich tun das ihr mir hier mich zu den sternenschiffen bringt.ich bitte jeden tag unserem schöpfer darum das ich gehn darf.vom herzen ich sage im immer ich liebe dich,so sage ich euch,bitte befreit mich ich bin müde habe kaum mehr kraft. bitte helft mir.mein name ist Taner ich glaube ihr findet mich wenn ihr könnt,bitte hilft mir.ich liebe euch.RM.
google t – Hello my friends of the light I have only one please only one desire more, please liberate me I would like to go away here and it hurts very much in all my pain is too big, I am ready to attach myself to you so that no living thing I have to go through what I have experienced I am not ashamed to ask for help, it belongs to have courage for demut.ich wants only here weg.ich I ask for it already 40 years in this life, what must I do that you me me here To the sternenschiffen. I ask every day our creator for the reason that I may go.vom heart I say im always I love you, so I tell you, please liberate me I’m tired has little more power. Please help me.my name is Taner I believe you will find me if you can, please help me.I love you.RM.
Hello sternstaub,
There is only one kind of suicide which is authorized by the Supreme Creator is to let oneself die of starvation, and it takes about four months to detach the soul most attached to the body, drinking Water, so as not to suffer unnecessarily. One fine morning, one does not wake up any more, because one has remained in the astral plane. On the other hand if you still have a little patience, you will see incredible things happen, and you will have the opportunity to give your life for something useful.
Keep courage, we are in the last straight, the one that signals the end of the race
The reason is that we have been taught self-righteousness. The cabal has worked very hard at transforming in our mind any debate into a 2 sided war. They have insiduously destroyed the real nature and understanding of what an actual debate is. I am over 50 and can remember how debates sounded, up to the early 80s on TV. but that is pretty much gone now. and new generation often think the pretend version are normal and healthy. They are not.
This is a major reason why there is division among us. The programmed ‘them-versus-us’ is activated every time we face some one who disagrees. We need to stop doing that, and I see it has already started.
Thank you for reminding us how important it is to change this. Thank you again for your great assistance.
constant wars.
i am one with source, i am separate from source.
thank you resistance for helping us.
Dear RM,
Thank you for all your work and the opportunity to express our views here.
Based on my limited understanding of the current situation, I would like to share my opinions on the issues, which I categorized as follows:
RM/LIGHT FORCES & their REPRESENTATIVES – I love you all and I am grateful for everything you do but, sometimes, it seems you are too busy and/or detached from our reality to fully understand our issues.
SLEEPERS – those who due to heavy and prolonged programming in various forms: religion, society, media, school, food, vaccines, chemtrails, etc. – are still unaware of what is happening. I find dealing with them extremely frustrating, sometimes unbearable. However, I do not think that blaming them for not remembering or fulfilling their missions is fair. Isn’t our number one mission to bring LOVE and LIGHT to this planet? I know many sleepers who are loving and caring individuals and I think I know what they would do if they had a chance to learn the Truth.
Those people must be woken up. Can a person under medically induced coma perform their duties? The Light Forces UNDERESTIMATED the level of darkness on this planet…the RM UNDERESTIMATED the level of suffering on this planet. Why is it not possible for the incarnated Souls to UNDERESTIMATE the conditions on this planet, the extend of the trap/veil before incarnating?
CAUGHT IN THE MIDDLE – that would be those who are awake or in a process of awakening. Those who must rely on their beliefs, feelings, and that unexplained internal knowing. Hungry for reliable information but bombarded with disinformation or contradicting views. Many with traumas, many in financial difficulties. Ridiculed by the sleepers and not fully understood by the RM and Light Forces. Your help with providing meditation techniques that we can use individually and collectively in a group setting would be much appreciated.
LIGHTWORKERS/LIGHTWARRIORS CONFLICTS – Apart from deliberately orchestrated attacks by the cabal agents…Is it possible that the information the Lightworkers receive come from different factions/sources? Is it possible that the sources provide different interpretation for the same event/s? Is it possible that the Lightworkers interpret the same/similar information differently? Is it possible that the ego, emotions or ambitions still play a big role in the Lightworker’s life?
DISCLOSURE – We have the right to know the Truth! Not through soft, partial or gradual disclosure that only buys the cabal more time. NO MORE SACRIFICES! NO MORE DECIDING for us and on our behalf. We need FULL DISCLOSURE on the secret accounts apparently held in our names (that would wake up the masses), the ‘elite’ and their practices, ETs, our history and heritage.
After reading some of the comments I would like to add the following to my own post (#comment-68465):
I have to agree that more unison shown between the different resistance movements (RMs) and disclosure groups and advocates would be beneficial to more agreement within the lightworker communities as well. Like said a few posts below, less conflicting information and a confirmation of the general cause and major pieces of information could significantly reduce possibly trigger reasons for people to get into fighting. Not saying this leaves the lightworkers out of responsibility, of course it doesnt. But it would help, also in light that we are living in a constant reality perception that is based on separation. Additionally, a showing of collaboration in general (while remaining own viewpoints) among the groups would bolster and boost the process of more people warming up to this information and considering it, given that it would have a wider reference base than individual groups or people would have.
Some have brought up the topic of money-making in relation to whistleblowers and channelers etc.
and how this can lead some to believe certain people are a scam and only in to make a profit. For this I would like to suggest that the RMs provide financial support to prominent lightworkers and whistleblowers if it helps them to worry less about making a living and be less dependent on income connected to their spiritual work.
Another point mentioned in one of the comments that I have a similar feeling about is that we might not be fully able for true unity until after the Event and after the anomaly and primary illusion of separation has been removed. In my original comment I elaborate a bit more on how difficult I find it even after 20 years on the spiritual path to stay connected to the within and connected to source, a constant struggle that requires permanent effort and work and even then just doesnt always work, partially because of what I perceive is the power of the influence of the state of consciousness of most of the people around us. What I would like to add to this is that after all this time observing myself, the way my mind works and how I struggle for more peace and love within, I have the feeling that there is sort of a virus within me, placed inside of the mind space I assume, that constantly draws me back into the veil of unconsciousness and with that separation. Maybe this is the implant Cobra is talking about? I have had my moments of spiritual frustration where I asked out loud Why does it have to be so difficult to stay connected? From my analytical observation of this experience of life there seems to be something really off. And maybe this can only be resolved with the Event.
To understand better how most humans perceive their lives mostly through mental forms and mind-identification and with that through spiritual unconsciousness (which equals separation) I recommend the work of Eckhart Tolle, in particular his book The Power of Now. It explains the whole situation clearly and to the point.
Finally, I would also like to call out for active engagement with the surface population, or at least offer the opportunity to light workers or other open souls around the planet. If the situation cant be resolved by our governments, maybe working through and with the population more directly will work better. Start contacting us more directly, invite us to your healing chambers so our lights are shining stronger while here on the surface. Engage with open minds and reveal your benevolent presence. When people start to talk about their experiences this could lead to a revolution from within the system. I know this is a complicated subject for security and other reasons, still I would like to ask you to reconsider this as this is my wish and I know of many others too. Also, for the record, I would like the agreements of non-interference be reevaluated. I, as a human citizen, invite all benevolent space family members to our planet and to meet us. Please also ask mother Gaia for her opinion on this matter.
I’d like to start off by saying thank you to everyone involved with the RM and for their efforts to assist us in liberating our planet. Perspective is so very important in most things and this is no exception. I appreciate you all reaching out to try and understand our perspective better. It can only help. Your question regarding the in-fighting amongst the Light Community is a difficult and multi-layered issue and even I don’t have all the answers. I can only share what I feel and know from my personal experiences.
In the recent past, traveling circuses used Elephants in their acts. The Elephants would be held simply with a thin piece of twine tied to one of their legs, usually one of the hind legs. As an outsider with a broader perspective of the situation, you’d think to yourself, “Those poor elephants, why do they allow themselves to remain captive when they could very easily snap that twine and overpower their handlers?” From your perspective as the outside observer, what you see is a big, strong being who is more than capable of easily freeing themselves and escaping their handlers. It would take only the slightest effort on their part if they would only try.
However, for the outside observer, what is easily overlooked is the broken spirit of the Elephant. You see, the Elephants were captured as young as possible or even born into the circus life and they were beaten and abused and they had the thickest, strongest iron chains linked to their legs. No matter how they struggled or fought to escape and free themselves, they could never overpower the shackles that bound them. Once the young Elephant’s spirit was significantly broken, the handlers switched to twine because it was lighter and easier to maneuver between towns. By the time twine was employed, just the feeling of having something wrapped around the leg of the Elephant made them believe that they could not escape. They didn’t have the ability to turn and look at their hind leg and even if they could see it, there was no guarantee that they would even know the difference between twine and shackles. They would only know that they were bound and their memories of the iron chains were enough to keep them from trying to escape. With all of this in mind, in-fighting becomes more understandable, especially among those who can see the exit but don’t think they can or will reach it. When you are trapped – even when it’s by your own mind – lashing out becomes almost a habit…particularly among those you are closest to.
So I now ask you, the RM, as the outside observer, how do you convince the Elephant that freedom is just a slight tug away? How do you convince them that there is kindness? How do you convince the Elephant that there is hope? How do you convince them that their efforts will result in anything more than the usual disappointment? Communication is obviously a hindrance as is establishing trust. But if you can overcome those obstacles and offer solid reasons to have hope, you might just be able to help them free themselves.
Thank you for your time and your efforts. They are very, truly appreciated…more than you know.
Dear Resistance,
Thank you for all of your efforts to help us. You have given us hope that there will be an end to our enslavement and that we will be able to create a peaceful human future for our people.
The answer to your question about all of the conflict among those who should seem like allies, has two sides, in my humble opinion. All of us have been trained to be competitive and combative, and intensely so. Life in this environment creates deep paranoia. When we become aware that everything we have ever been taught has been a lie meant to harm us, the paranoia becomes even worse. Those individuals who choose to stand and fight back against our oppressors or try to inform others are often attacked themselves. Truth tellers, workers for change and whistle blowers are treated badly and are often murdered. So, if someone presents themselves as a good guy and they are seeing another person presenting a conflicting “truth”, they are immediately suspect. The question becomes, are these people really telling their truth or are they one of the vast number of disinformation trolls who are paid to mislead the populace and harm those of us who are trying to make a positive difference? As a truth teller, are you going to befriend a person whom you believe is preaching lies to the population? Or, will you become louder in your own message and try to warn others about the liar? Many of us suspect that the paid trolls and evil doers will never be brought to justice. The type of people who stand up to this tyranny are not the type of people who just swallow their pain and resentment and accept that the evil ones will get away with their crimes. However, please know that human beings are basically good and well meaning. I know that is hard to believe when you look at our behavior, but after what we have experienced here on Earth, we will work so hard to clean up our society……I think you will be surprised. Just give us a chance. We will build on our strengths. And, one thing a slave knows is hard work.
Leslie Parsons
Eigentlich müssten diejenigen, die andere attackieren am besten erklären können, warum sie es tun. Sie scheinen es aber oft selbst nicht erklären zu können.
Oft verstehe ich auch nicht, warum sie es tun. Mein Eindruck ist, dass jemand meint, dass der andere durch sein Verhalten, dass er leicht ändern könnte, große Nachteile bei demjenigen selbst, oder an der Gemeinschaft bewirkt. Durch die Attacke soll er dazu bewegt werden, sein Verhalten zu ändern, oder gleich ganz ausgeschaltet werden.
Google translation:
Actually, those who attack others should be able to explain why they do it. But they often do not seem able to explain it themselves.
Often I do not understand why they do it. My impression is that someone thinks that the other is causing great disadvantages to the person himself, or to the community, by his behavior that he could easily change. The attack is intended to be used to change its behavior or to be switched off completely.
Dear RM thank you for this opportunity to tell our stories . Many of the letters ,including mine, seem to share the same themes. At the grassroots level , in general, I find people are altruistic , kindhearted and compassionate. Considering what humanity is up against, it is our greatest asset.
People in general are frustrated with disinformation campaigns making our discernment meters go into overdrive. Constantly seeing above the law, corrupt individuals in the news living an rich life while we, keep records of whistleblower body counts, pedophilia satanic activity, unchecked banker corruption, corporate greed at our expense to us, and our beautiful planet. We watch our friends and family die early unnatural deaths while we ourselves have health battles, while Soros, Kissinger , Bush , Cheney , Rockefeller ( deceased at 101) and others seems to stroll through life , unscathed . Our lives have been ravished with cancers and autoimmune diseases while cures are enjoyed by the wealthy. We live in a debt based system designed to keep us that way. We start off with college debt , mortgage, car loans , and health bills. Then at the ending of life , they swallow what we have left in memory care and funeral costs . Our natural birthright to life ,liberty , abundance and happiness has been hijacked by those acting in power.
Fortunately many are realizing this ..People are definitely learning how we have been lied to . How the system is stacked against us . I hear it in conversations at parties, at work and on (Spacebook).
We go through life helping each other the best we can. How well we all remember how the Japanese people all worked together when disaster came to them on 3/11. Even with their insurmountable sorrow and loss they banded together and worked together. After 9/11 people talked to strangers , housed strangers fed strangers for free. The human race is a strong , caring dynamic race. We have wonderful attributes.
But many feel helpless and lack hope.
We need to know the truth of our existence. Full disclosure, public arrests , new technologies in healthcare will bring our Hope to many . Thank you , bonnie
Spot on, Bonnie! To this I would add that we are all incredibly creative, and we must remember that underneath all the lies and psychological beatdowns we’ve endured that we’re also powerful, more than the pawns we’re always supposed to be according to the official narrative.
I think it’s our duty to step up and be amazing for each other. This will get us focusing on what we love as well as making the world better.
Thank you D13 …and I too, totally agree . I see smiles all around me. You made me smile today ….
An die Widerstandsbewegung
Ich nehme sehr gern diesen Hinweis von Cobra auf und wende mich mit meinem Brief direkt an die Widerstandsbewegung. Gerade habe ich mir das Video von arbresolaire angesehen. Ich bin wirklich beeindruckt.
Liebe Mitglieder der Widerstandsbewegung, ich bin sehr glücklich, dass ihr hier seid und in die Geschehnisse eingreift. Wie mutig ihr dabei vorgeht, kann ich vielleicht kaum erahnen.
Irgendwann in den letzten vielleicht zehn Jahren bin ich schrittweise erwacht. Ich erwachte aus dem Albtraum der Getrenntheit, des Minderwertes, der Lieblosigkeit, des Mangels und des Leidens,
um mich fast noch tiefer darin verstrickt zu fühlen. Zumindest bekam ich eine sehr grobe Ahnung davon, dass hier etwas ganz und gar nicht stimmt. Die scheinbar ausgefallenen Ereignisse vom 21.12.2012 hatten mich dann emotional sehr stark abstürzen lassen. Damals wusste ich noch nichts von der massiven Gehirnwäsche mit der wir zu Marionetten wurden. Also hatte ich schwindende Hoffnung und dennoch keine andere Wahl, als optimistisch zu bleiben und mich auf die Suche zu begeben. Von da an lebte ich mit einem Fuß in der mir bekannten bittersüßen Matrix und mit dem anderen in einer Zukunftsvision, die ich mit nur wenigen Menschen besprechen kann.
Dank einiger Informationsquellen, von denen ich intuitiv überzeugt bin und meiner individuellen Abwägung bin ich inzwischen umso mehr auf dem Kurs in Richtung des dimensionalem Aufstiegs.
Ich weiß so wenig über eure Aktivitäten und respektiere zugleich das wichtige Geheimhaltungsgebot.
Für uns geistig eingekerkerte und in so vielen Lebensbereichen äußerst eingeschränkte Menschen ist die Übermacht der Kabale so erdrückend. Sie sind uns immer viele Schritte voraus und lassen uns keine Möglichkeit zur fairen Auseinandersetzung. So obsiegt nie das Bessere, sondern nur das Bösere. Um nicht völlig daran zu verzweifeln lebe ich in meiner privaten Käseglocke. Ich weiß, dass ich mich mit Lichtarbeitern vernetzen sollte. Vielleicht ist es für mich noch nicht an der Zeit oder ich bin nicht progressiv genug. Vielleicht aber fürchte ich mich auch vor Auseinandersetzungen und dem Umgang mit verwirrten, manipulierten und auch eingeschleusten dunklen Kräften. Ich möchte mich an so einer Front nicht aufreiben und desillusionieren lassen. Dummerweise hat damit wieder die Kabale gewonnen. Es muss einen besseren Weg geben, Kräfte zu bündeln und effektiv zu wirken.
Mein Thema ist die Wahrhaftigkeit. Ehrlichkeit mit mir selbst und meiner Umwelt, Ehrlichkeit in der Betrachtung der Dinge, Suche nach Wahrheiten und Kampf gegen die Lüge in meinem Einflussbereich. So beuge ich mich auch nicht dem Medizinapparat, dem ich schon immer skeptisch gegenüber stand. In dieser vergifteten Welt, in der man uns leere Lebensmittel oder einfach Schrott als Nahrung anbietet, versuche ich durch das Dickicht der vielen Informationen meinen eigenen Pfad zu einer möglichst wenig belasteten Ernährung zu finden. Im Unterschied erkenne ich dann die massive Fernsteuerung, mit der meine Mitmenschen auf Fleischkonsum gedrillt werden. Sie glauben wirklich umkommen zu müssen, wenn sie kein Fleisch zu essen bekämen. Ich erfreue mich daran, mit Genuss und ohne Reue möglichst geeignete Pflanzen in vielen verschiedenen Formen zu mir zu nehmen. Auf längere Sicht möchte ich so auch eine Anregung mitliefern, indem andere einfach sehen können, wie viel besser es mir geht, während sie mich leider zugleich bedauern, dass ich nach ihrer Auffassung so unvernünftig esse. Manch einer wird vielleicht doch kurz innehalten und den Zusammenhang erkennen. Ich weiß auch, dass es dann noch ein längerer Weg sein kann, eigene Entscheidungen abzuleiten und die Ernährung umzustellen. Aber das ist ja nur einer von sehr vielen Schritten hin zum Ausstieg aus der Matrix. Der Verzicht auf die üblichen sozialen Netzwerke und ein Smartphone (ein simples Handy habe ich noch) machen mich auch nicht kompatibler für meine Mitmenschen. Damit kann ich gut umgehen, zugleich aber leide ich daran, wie die Dinge hier immer noch stehen und dass in der alltäglichen Wahrnehmung scheinbar alles stagniert und einem Abgrund zutreibt. Wenn ich nicht fest davon überzeugt wäre, dass unsere Zukunft dem Licht und der Liebe gehören wird, würde ich an meiner Wahrnehmung dieser Welt zerbrechen wie viele andere auch.
Ich ertappe mich oft bei abwertenden, zynischen und fast schon verbitterten Kommentaren zu Äußerungen der Medien. Die Hilflosigkeit steckt mir da tief in den Knochen und meine Wut auf die Rücksichtslosigkeit der dunklen Mächte ist sehr groß. Ich wünsche mir so sehr, dass sie abtreten, dass ihnen ihr überlegenes Grinsen vergeht und sie selbst zu spüren bekommen, was sie erzeugt haben. Sehr schlimm ist für mich auch diese Blockadehaltung der Medien. Könnt ihr es nicht einrichten, eigene Beiträge in unsere TV Kanäle einzuschleusen? Natürlich habt ihr mit Sicherheit bereits sehr viel unternommen um die Dinge in die richtige Richtung zu befördern, nur wissen wir davon fast nichts. Die derzeitige Anspannung ist hier sehr hoch und da ist es eine anspruchsvolle Aufgabe, sich selbst immer wieder aus der Angst herauszunehmen. Ich sollte aber deutlich mehr meditieren und ich sollte viel mehr im Kontakt mit meinem Hören Selbst und mein Geistführen sein. Ich suche gerade nach Ausreden, kann aber keine glaubhaft machen. Ich wünsche mir so sehr, dass es einfach scheppert und wir das Event erleben. Ich bin so sehr bereit für die Zukunft. Zugleich klebe ich irgendwie an meinen Gewohnheiten, die mir Sicherheit geben und einen Plan B für den Fall der weiteren zeitlichen Verschleppung des Aufstiegs ermöglichen. Aber wenn es an der Zeit ist zu springen, werde ich dies tun, ohne mich umzusehen. Ich hoffe so sehr, dass eure großartigen Bemühungen, gepaart mit wahrscheinlich gleichfalls grandiosen Leistungen anderer bald zum Ziel führen. Da gibt es so viel, was ich kennen lernen, erfahren, erleben und bewundern möchte. Wie gerne wäre ich frei von diesen wirtschaftlichen Zwängen, von dieser Steuerung und von der Realität des geistigen und körperlichen Siechtums um mich herum. Es ist schrecklich mit anzusehen, wie die Menschen leiden, verfallen und in so vieler Hinsicht verkommen. Meine kleinen privaten Antworten darauf treffen vielleicht auch nicht immer ins Schwarze, sind anderen schwer zu vermitteln und bewirken außer für mich ganz privat viel zu wenig. Heilung, Wohlbefinden und Optimismus sind doch Lebensgrundlagen für Faszination, Begeisterung und Liebe. Da will ich hin und ich hoffe, dass wir sehr viele sein werden.
Von ganzem Herzen danke ich euch für alles was ihr für uns tut und ich wünsche mir, euch bald kennen lernen zu können. Ich bin eure Schwester im Geist. Elke. 24.07.2017
google-t – To the resistance movement
I like to take this note from Cobra and turn to the resistance movement with my letter. I just watched the video of arbresolaire. I am really impressed.
Dear members of the resistance movement, I am very happy that you are here and are intervening in the events. How bravely you do it, I can hardly guess.
In the last ten years or so I have gradually awakened. I awoke from the nightmare of separateness, of inferior value, of lovelessness, of want and suffering,
To feel me almost deeper in it. At least I got a very rough idea that something is wrong here. The seemingly failed events of December 21, 2012 had left me emotionally very much crash. At that time, I did not know about the massive brainwashing we used to be a marionette. So I had dwindling hope and still no choice but to remain optimistic and go to the search. From then on, I lived with one foot in the bittersweet matrix known to me and the other in a future vision, which I can discuss with only a few people.
Thanks to some information sources, which I am intuitively convinced of and my individual balancing, I am all the more on the course towards the dimensional advancement.
I know so little about your activities and at the same time respect the important secrecy.
For us spiritually imprisoned and extremely limited in so many spheres of life, the supremacy of the cabal is so oppressive. They are always a lot of steps ahead of us and do not leave us an opportunity for fair debate. Thus never the better, but only the worse. In order not to despair completely, I live in my private cheese bell. I know I should be networking with lightworkers. Maybe it is not for me yet or I am not progressive enough. But perhaps I am also afraid of clashes and dealing with confused, manipulated and also dark forces. I do not want to be rubbed on such a front and disillusioned. Unfortunately, the cabal won again. There must be a better way to concentrate forces and work effectively.
My theme is truthfulness. Honesty with myself and my environment, honesty in the consideration of things, search for truths and fight against the lie in my sphere of influence. So I do not bend to the medical device to which I have always been skeptical. In this poisoned world, where we are offered empty food or simply scrap as food, I try to find through the thicket of the many information my own path to a diet as little as possible. In difference, I recognize the massive remote control, with which my fellow humans on meat consumption are drilled. They really think they must get killed if they do not eat meat. I am delighted to receive plants as many plants as possible in many different forms with pleasure and without remorse. In the long run, I would like to give a stimulus by letting others see how much better I am, while at the same time regretting that I am so irrational in their opinion. Some people will perhaps stop briefly and recognize the context. I also know that it can be a longer way to derive your own decisions and to convert your diet. But this is just one of many steps to get out of the Matrix. The renouncement of the usual social networks and a smartphone (a simple phone I have yet) also make me not more compatible for my fellow men. I can handle it well, but at the same time I suffer from the fact that things are still standing here, and that in everyday perception everything seems to stagnate and drive an abyss. If I were not firmly convinced that our future will belong to light and love, I would break my perception of this world like many others.
I often find myself in devaluation, cynical, and almost embittered commentaries on the media. The helplessness is deep in my bones and my anger at the recklessness of the dark powers is very great. I want so much that they give up, that their superior grin goes away and they feel themselves to feel what they have produced. This blockade of the media is very bad for me. Can not you set up your own contributions to our TV channels? Of course, you have certainly done a great deal to promote things in the right direction, but we know almost of them
Geehrte Widerstandsbewegung,
zunächst möchte ich meinen tiefen Dank für Eure unermüdliche Hingabe und Tatkraft im planetaren Befreiungsprozess zum Ausdruck bringen.
Herzlichen und tiefen Dank dafür!
Ich bin ein Lichtarbeiter, so glaube ich zumindest. An dieser Formulierung erkennt Ihr schon die Existenz eines Zweifels. Ich bin ein 52 Jahre alter Mann und hier und da frage ich mich selbst, ob ich geisteskrank bin. Ich hoffe, dass Cobras Informationen wahr sind und unser Planet und die gesamte Oberflächenpopulation „bald“ befreit sein werden. Ich glaube an die Existenz der wohlwollenden Sternengeschwister, die sich in einer großen Konföderation zur Befreiung der Erde verbunden haben und in Kooperation mit anderen „positiven“ Fraktionen an der Beendigung der zur Zeit auf unserem Planeten herrschenden
Machtverhältnisse zum Wohle des Planeten und zum Wohle der gesamten Wesen auf der Oberfläche und unterhalb davon arbeiten.
Ich hätte schon längst meinen Glauben verloren, wenn wir nicht seit gut 4 Jahren einen persönlichen und regelmäßigen Kontakt zu „Verwandten von den Sternen“ hätten. Sie zeigen sich regelmäßig durch Vorbeiflüge an unserem Wohnort oder auch an anderen Aufenthaltsorten.
Wir fühlen uns beobachtet und unter ihrem Schutz stehend. Dies bedeutet uns (mir und meiner Frau) sehr viel und „hält uns bei der Stange“.
Ich bin nicht in vollem Umfang in meine Lichtarbeiterrolle erwacht. Zweifel plagen mich zeitweise und lähmen mich. Ich stufe meinen persönlichen Beitrag zu den Befreiungsschritten als nicht erwähnenswert ein. Ich habe Angst offensiver zu agieren. Zum Beispiel durch einen eigenen Blog, oder durch Vorträge. Mein Wissen zu den Geschehnissen ist mangelhaft. Mein gesamtes „Wissen“ habe ich nur aus zweiter Hand, dem Internet. Dies lässt mich hier und da an meinem Geisteszustand zweifeln und ich frage mich selbst, ob ich lediglich einer Gruppe von fehlgeleiteten Idioten angehöre. Und wären da nicht unsere regelmäßigen Besuche unserer Verwandten von den Sternen, hätte
ich mich schon längst komplett, aus Selbstschutzgründen, von meinem Glauben an den laufenden Befreiungsprozess abgewandt.
Doch unsere Freunde im Lichtschiff sind da, seit mehreren Jahren, und das ist gut und wir sind hierfür äußerst dankbar.
Ich verstehe, das die Widerstandsbewegung und alle Alliierten sehr vorsichtig vorgehen müssen, da die Gefahr der totalen Vernichtung noch als Damoklesschwert über unseren Köpfen hängt.
Ich verstehe auch, dass wir „Lichtarbeiter“ nicht an direkten Aktionen beteiligt werden, beziehungsweise noch nicht einmal in direkter Weise in Kenntnis gesetzt werden. Wir sind
aus mehreren Gründen tatsächlich ungeeignet dafür.
Doch genau hier liegt eines der Probleme.
Wären wir in den gesamten Befreiungsprozess tiefer integriert, durch direkte Interaktion, durch direkte Briefings, durch direkte Zusammenarbeit, wären viele Lichtarbeiter vielleicht mit mehr Hingabe am Werk und wären eine größere Hilfe?
Doch wahrscheinlich geht dies nicht aufgrund des Damoklesschwertes?
Nun, meine Frau und ich halten weiterhin unsere Vision der Zukunft, so wie wir uns diese nach der Befreiung vorstellen.
Wir hoffen auf die zügige und gefahrlose Neutralisation der noch vorhandenen planetenzerstörenden Waffen und dem dann stattfindenden sogenannten Event mit der dann wahrscheinlich einsetzenden Bewusstseinserweiterung und Freischaltung alten Wissens, welches uns dann unmittelbar klar macht, wer wir sind und warum wir hier sind.
Mein Name ist Jörg und ich lebe im südlichen Deutschland.
google t – Dear Resistance Movement,
First, I would like to express my deep thanks for your tireless dedication and energy in the planetary liberation process.
A heartfelt thanks for this!
I am a light worker, so I believe at least. In this formulation you recognize the existence of a doubt. I am a 52 year old man and here and there I ask myself whether I am mentally sick. I hope Cobra’s information is true and our planet and the entire surface population will be “soon” liberated. I believe in the existence of the benevolent stars who have joined in a large confederation to the liberation of the earth and in cooperation with other “positive” factions at the end of the current on our planet
Power relations for the benefit of the planet and for the benefit of all beings on the surface and working below them.
I would have lost my faith long ago if we had not had a personal and regular contact with “relatives of the stars” for more than 4 years. They show themselves regularly by pre-empties at our place of residence or at other places of residence.
We feel observed and standing under their shelter. This means to us (me and my wife) very much and “holds us at the bar”.
I have not fully awakened in my lightworker’s role. Doubts plague me temporarily and paralyze me. I regard my personal contribution to the steps of the exemption as not worth mentioning. I’m afraid to act more offensively. For example, through their own blog, or through lectures. My knowledge of the events is deficient. My entire “knowledge” I only second-hand, the Internet. This makes me doubt my state of mind here and there, and I ask myself whether I belong only to a group of misguided idiots. And if there were not our regular visits of our relatives from the stars
I have long ago completely, for self-protection reasons, turned away from my belief in the ongoing liberation process.
But our friends in the light ship have been there for several years and that is good and we are extremely grateful for this.
I understand that the resistance movement and all the Allies must proceed very carefully, since the danger of total destruction still hangs as a Damocles sword over our heads.
I also understand that we “light workers” are not involved in direct actions, or are not even directly informed. We are
For several reasons actually unsuitable for it.
But this is one of the problems.
If we were more integrated in the entire process of liberation, through direct interaction, through direct briefings, through direct cooperation, many light workers would perhaps be more devoted to the work and would be a greater aid?
But probably this is not due to Damocles sword?
Well, my wife and I continue to keep our vision of the future, as we imagine it after liberation.
We hope for the speedy and safe neutralization of the weapons which still exist, and the so-called event, which then takes place, and then the conscious expansion and dissemination of old knowledge, which makes us immediately clear who we are and why we are here.
My name is Jörg and I live in southern Germany.
Lieber Himmelhupf, deine Name ist genau passend fur dich, weil ich deiner Brief lese an RM gerichtet.
Ich bin Hollandisch und Deutsch ist nicht sehr schwierig, doch nicht so ertraut wie English. Ich wohne in Engeland – United Kingdom. Ich kann deines Argument folgen, uber die zweispalt mit Lichtarbeiter an eine seite gehullt im Tuche und Lappen (the veil) unmachtig klahrheit zu finden und stufe zum erleuchtung, weil die andere Seite voll ist mit Fakte rundum “Wie, warum, wann, wieso, wo und wer soll?”
Manchmal, in meiner klare Momente, sehe ich die Zweispalt wie eines Instrument zum Transformation des Unvereinigbarkeit, mit dem Potenz zu erwachen in unserem inneren Welt, vergleichbar mit Lebensumstandigkeiten im Natur, die organisch bewegen nach Losungen (solutions) immer im Bewegung und Anpassung (adjustment), mit Schopfung-energie wie einen Kompaan (buddy).
In andere Worte, wie Buddha es sagt “Es ist der Weg, nicht das Ende der Weg, wo das Ziel ist”
Weil es nicht einfach ist Worte zu finden auf Deutsch, lass ich diese Worte sprechen zu dir, fur dich. Wohlan, halt Mut.
Gedicht von Hermann Hesse
“Wie jede Blüte welkt und jede Jugend
Dem Alter weicht, blüht jede Lebenstufe
Blüht jede Weisheit auch und jede Tugend
Zu ihrer Zeit und darf nicht ewig dauern
Es muss das Herz bei jedem Lebenstufe
Bereit zum Abschied sein und Neubeginne
Um sich in Tapferkeit und ohne Trauern
In andre, neue Bindungen zu begeben
Und jedem Anfang wohn ein Zauber inne
Der uns beschützt und der uns hilft, zu leben
Wir sollen heiter Raum um Raum durchschreiten
An keinem wie an einer Heimat hängen
Der Weltgeist will nich fesseln und uns engen
Er will uns Stuf um Stufe heben, weiten
Kaum sind wir heimisch einem Lebenskreise
Und traulich eingewohnt, so droht Erschlaffen
Nur wer bereit zu Aufbruch ist und Reise
Mag lähme der Gewöhnung sich entraffen
Es wird vielleicht auch noch die Todesstunde
Uns neuen Räume jung entgegen senden
Des Lebens Ruf an uns wird niemals enden
Wohlan denn, Herz, nimm Abschied und gesunde!”
Poem by Hermann Hesse
As every flower fades and as all youth
Retract from old age, each life phase flourishes
Blooms every wisdom and virtue
In their own time and may not last forever
It must be the heart at each life stage
Be ready for parting and start anew
To enroll in bravery and without remorse
To enter into other new bonds
And every beginning holds a charm
Which protects us and helps us to live
We will walk cheerful from room to room
Unattached to none as if it’s a Home.
The cosmic spirit won’t bind us or keep us small
He wants to lift us step by step, expanding
As soon as we are indigenous to a life-circle
And have grown homely, weakness will threaten us
Only those who are willing to pack and travel
Like the crippling addiction to desire
It may be that even the hour of death
Will send us new rooms in youthful engagement
The call of life to us will never end
Well, my heart, bid farewell and become whole!
Frieden sei mit Ihr und mit Planet Erde. Blessed be, Marian Baghor.
I love you all! Thank you for your dedication and Service to enslaved humanity on our imprisoned planet, earth.
I dream of meeting myriad star beings. I dream of being freed from my ego-self. I dream of my DNA strands being re-activated, and feeling the results. I dream of remembering my star name & meeting my star family. I dream of feeling like I belong. I dream of true independence & living in a world free from duality. I dream of communicating telepathically. I dream of learning about my full potential. I dream of possibilities. I dream of possibilities. I dream of a world of peace, love & harmony. I D r e a m.
I Dream. I DREAM………..
Cobra has brought to our attention the genuine confusion the RM has towards not understanding why Lightworkers / healers / positive contributors of all types fight with each other rather than supporting each other. This is the result of two sets of circumstances.
First, lightworkers / healers / positive contributors of all types have to, within their current lifespan, break free (or overcome to some degree the influence of) amnesia, the veil, media/advertising programming, society/cultural stifling expectations. This means there is, at a minimum, 10-15 years of languishing under these roadblocks before they recall or become motivated by their true calling/purpose. 10-15 years is minimum, in many cases there are several decades of overcoming the said roadblocks.
Second, due to the amnesia/memory wiping, one of the most heinous crimes that it is possible to inflict on us is the installment of the idea that there is no life after death and “this one is it”. Thus you have people, with a long distant recollection of blissful connection to source, trying to achieve that state of happiness using only what’s immediately available in this 3rd density and level of consciousness. Aside from being a large factor in the rampancy of hierarchical mentality and overindulgent materialism, the belief that “this one life is it” leads us to try to achieve the sought state of happiness as fast as possible. If you believe a handful of decades is all you have, then you are going to be very focused, close minded and not wanting to fall prey to distraction; much information gets labeled as extraneous, and you feel justified in clearing dissenting voices/opinions out of the way.
So, even though lightworkers / healers / positive contributors of all types want to help, they were at one point within their current lifespan stuck “in the matrix” and still have functioning in the background of their thinking this idea of “shoot down the dissenting opinion/ideology that doesn’t align to mine” because there’s only a handful of years available here to complete the mission/ reach my desired goal.
Surface populations are already familiar with the notion of life containing phases and steps that go into preparing for an upcoming phase. (Getting driver’s license, graduation from school, job promotion, moving to a new house) If more information can be given surrounding how multiple lifespans are daisy-chain linked, separated by review & transmutation, and that the end of one’s current lifespan is not a hard stop, I think more of the surface population would be less inclined to cling to materialistic & ideological comfort-zone artifices.
Dearest Resistance Movement thank you for you have done, are doing and will do to help bring about the freedom of humanity. I appreciate being able to communicate this way and hope it helps you to understand a bit better the ways of this crazy world behind the veil. Cobra has stated that you really need help understanding why we attack each other instead of coming together as a unified force. Here is my perspective.
Humans have been taught, ingrained and probably programmed since entering this realm that we are separate. Yes, separate from Source, but that also mean separate from each other. Competition, feelings of better than, less than, us against them, me against you, you against me. Over and over and over again. Even when we are in teams it is us against them. It comes at us from all directions. It is pervasive. And it is easier for the dark to control us this way.
We also lose our willingness to trust that anyone else would really truly want what is best for us as individuals. Parents, teachers, religious leaders, governments, etc. that should be looking out for us and protecting us, abuse us on all levels. Do understand I am not saying all and everyone, but we have had enough wrong done in our lives to us that trust is not a good survival tool. So even when we start to “awaken” it is hard to changes all these ways of believing and behaving to go to a place where “we are all One”. Yes, we talk about it, but deep within we are still afraid of being hurt, used, tricked, etc. I believe that as we begin to awaken more to our True Selves we are also being attacked even more mentally and emotionally by those who do not want our Light to shine brighter. When one is still being attacked is seems impossible to to make that shift to Unity consciousness completely 24/7.
It seems to always come down to fear or love. We have been separated from the Love and are living in the world of fear. Learning about the RM, the Event, what it might be like on the other side of the veil gives me hope. I try to bless all, to forgive all, to ask for the highest good for all. But even I know that I am not consistent in that. It is interesting to know that we can hold multiple beliefs that contradict each other. Maybe that is not something that happens on the other side. What helps me is shifting to a bigger view that can include all. We could use help with this.
I hope that this will help in some small way. This next heartfelt statement shows clearly how I am not yet there (all are One) but it also points to the differences of our perspectives. I thank you for helping us when you admit that you really don’t understand us. That is so unlike our world.
From one of my Sufi prayers (Hazrat Inayat Khan) – Raise us above the distinctions and differences that divide. And unite us all in Thy Perfect Being. Amen
Liebe Freunde, ihr habt gefragt, warum wir unter uns Lichtarbeiter nicht einig sind. Ein großes Problem ist unsere Sprache, denn auch diese ist 3 D. Wir sprechen nicht von Kopf zu Kopf und Herz zu Herz. Auch wenn wir die gleichen Worte benutzen, ist es nicht unbedingt unsere individuelle Sprache des Herzens, die so unterschiedlich wie wir Menschen sein kann. So kommen Mißverständnisse zustande. Es ist eine Kunst, die Sprache des Herzens in einem anderen zu entdecken und noch eine größere, sie auch noch zu verstehen. Selbst wenn wir über die gleichen Dinge sprechen, heißt das nicht dass wir auch verstehen, was der andere meint. Wir fühlen uns nicht nur von der Quelle getrennt, sondern auch von Mensch zu Mensch. So kommt es, dass wir uns auch unter vielen Menschen sehr alleine fühlen können und auch, wenn wir über die gleichen Dinge reden, aneinander vorbeireden können. Das macht die Dinge so schwer und kompliziert. Die heiligen Dinge möchte man schützen. Es ist nicht einfach über den Aufstieg zu sprechen. Noch ist man relativ alleine damit und versucht seine Überzeugung wie ein kostbares Gut zu schützen, damit es nicht zerredet wird von Leuten, die es noch nicht ernst nehmen können. Wir erleben diese Zeit alle ganz individuell mit der eigenen inneren Führung auf unterschiedlichen Entwicklungswegen. Aber ich habe auch gesehen, dass der Moment kommen wird, dass wir wieder eine Sprache des Herzens teilen werden. So wie es früher einmal war. Die Ur Aborigenes nennen uns Menschen der industriealisierten Welt, die Veränderten. Die Sprache des Herzens wird keine Sprache mit Worten sein. Sie wird von Herz zu Herz von ganzer Seele erfasst werden unabhängig von der Herkunft. Niemand wird dem anderen etwas vorspielen, was nicht ist, weil jeder erfasst wird wie er ist, was er fühlt, wie er denkt. Und bei allem, was durch das Herz fließt, wird die Liebe mitschwingen, so wie der Wind ein Weizenfeld bewegt. So sei es!
google t – Dear friends, you asked why we do not agree among us workers. A big problem is our language, because this is also 3 D. We do not talk from head to head and heart to heart. Even if we use the same words, it is not necessarily our individual language of the heart that can be as different as we humans. Thus misunderstandings arise. It is an art to discover the language of the heart in another and even a greater one to understand it as well. Even if we talk about the same things, it does not mean that we understand what others mean. We feel separated not only from the source but also from person to person. So it is that we can also feel very lonely among many people, and also when we are talking about the same things, can pretend to each other. This makes things so difficult and complicated. The sacred things should be protected. It is not easy to talk about the rise. You are still relatively alone with it, trying to protect your conviction as a precious asset, so that it is not discredited by people who can not take it seriously yet. We all experience this time individually with our own inner guidance on different developmental paths. But I also saw that the moment will come that we will again share a language of the heart. Just as it once was. The Ur Aborigenes call us humans of the industrialized world, the altered. The language of the heart will not be a language with words. It will be captured from heart to heart by all the soul regardless of the origin. No one will play the other for what is not, because everyone is grasped as he is, what he feels as he thinks. And with all that flows through the heart, love will resonate as the wind moves a wheat field. So be it!
Réponse à la Résistance Mondiale
Puisque vous nous demandez pourquoi les travailleurs de lumière s’attaquent mutuellement, voici un point de vue, subjectif.
Depuis l’enfance nous vivons tous dans le mensonge permanent et omniprésent. Il a fallu l’avènement d’internet (et pour ma part le 11 septembre 2001) pour commencer à se débrancher de l’information délivrée par la TV. Avant internet, il n’y avait pas d’autre vérité que celle diffusée par la TV : elle était simple, courte et monolithique. Et même si quelques fois, certaines infos pouvaient susciter quelques doutes, on restait totalement ignorant de ce qui pouvait réellement se passer.
L’arrivée d’internet a fait naitre non pas une, mais des “vérités” alternatives. Internet, ce sont des milliers de sites, de blogs, de chaines Youtube… des millions d’informations qui partent dans tous les sens, jusqu’au n’importe quoi. Combien prennent la parole, même quand ils ne savent rien ? Combien veulent expliquer aux autres ce qu’ils ne comprennent pas eux-même ? Combien rajoutent leurs propres interprétations erronées à des informations reprises à d’autres ? Combien canalise leur propre ego en prétendant (peut-être de bonne foi) qu’il communique avec un maitre de sagesse ? Internet est le reflet du chaos mental généralisé, c’est une zone de guerre, une guerre des infos. Une guerre qui contraint chacun à cultiver discernement et détachement, à trouver la juste distance avec chaque article, avec chaque source… Mais cela consomme du temps et beaucoup d’énergie.
Nous sommes passé de l’ère du mensonge officiel diffusé par la TV, qui induisait de notre part une passivité confortable, à la recherche individuelle de vérités, qui implique une démarche active reflétant notre compréhension plus ou moins avancée de la situation. C’est comme si nous avions grandi dans une cave obscure avant de devoir monter un escalier pour aller chercher la lumière au grenier. Et chaque individu monte son propre escalier à sa propre vitesse. Et chaque étage comporte son lot d’infos, d’interprétations, d’erreurs, d’intox,… bref, de confusion. Certains s’arrêtent au premier étage, l’argent-dette. D’autres acceptent de monter au deuxième, les sociétés secrètes et le satanisme. D’autres encore arrivent au troisième, le réalité ET. Il y en a même qui sont arrivés à l’étage de la spiritualité sans rien savoir ou comprendre des étages du dessous. Certains deviennent spécialistes d’un seul étage et restent parfaitement ignorants de celui du dessous ou du dessus. Ce qui crée encore plus d’incompréhension entre nous… et de divisions. Mais la résistance ici est faite de tout ça, et nombre d’entre nous ne sont pas nécessairement des travailleurs (conscients) de lumière.
Et puis il y a la lassitude, l’impatience, le doute, la fatigue de ne pas voir les choses émerger, la tristesse de voir nos proches s’accrocher à ce monde de mensonge (par peur de l’inconnu ?), l’agacement de constater l’incroyable efficacité du système de contrôle mental, l’impression de tourner en rond dans un bocal, l’impuissance… le FRUSTRATION. Alors les vieux schémas mentaux ressortent à notre insu : on nous a appris à aimer la dualité, à fonctionner avec les querelles. C’est inscrit dans notre cerveau reptilien, au plus profond de notre psychisme. Le mental lui-même est largement occupé par la querelle conscience vs ego. Les travailleurs de lumière n’y échappent pas !
Néanmoins, il me semble que vous ne devriez pas trop accorder d’importance à ces querelles, elles ne sont que transitoires. Ce sont les vieux fonds de poubelle inconscients de nos psychismes encore très embrouillés. Les travailleurs de lumière sont comme des chats, avec l’avancée du nettoyage et les ajustements nécessaires, tout le monde finira par retomber sur ses pattes. Qu’aucun travailleur de lumière “attaqué” ne prenne ces attaques personnellement, elles ne sont que l’expression de notre immaturité individuelle et collective amplifiée par les différentes frustrations du jour.
Le principal problème vient de l’attente. L’attente est bien trop longue sans avancée décisive visible…
“La révolution est comme une bicyclette, quand elle n’avance pas elle tombe” Ché Guevara. Nous avons besoin de VOIR que les choses avancent… Il faut sortir du flou des témoignages et passer au choc des images et des films ! L’arrivée d’images et de films de votre réalité changerait la donne (bases souterraines, trains magnétiques, vaisseaux ennemis, voyages spatiaux…) Une immense controverse sans doute au début (Fake News), mais un flot toujours plus grand d’images forcera la population à s’interroger sur ces images !
google t – Response to the World Resistance
Since you ask us why the light workers are attacking each other, here is a subjective point of view.
Since childhood we all live in permanent and omnipresent lies. It took the advent of the Internet (and for my part on September 11, 2001) to start disconnecting from the information delivered by the TV. Before the Internet, there was no other truth than that broadcast by TV: it was simple, short and monolithic. And even if a few times, some information could raise doubts, we were totally unaware of what could really happen.
The arrival of the Internet has given rise not to one but to alternative “truths”. Internet, these are thousands of sites, blogs, Youtube channels … millions of information that goes in every direction, up to anything. How many speak, even when they know nothing? How many want to explain to others what they do not understand themselves? How many add their own erroneous interpretations to information taken from others? How many channels their own ego by pretending (perhaps in good faith) that it communicates with a master of wisdom? Internet is the reflection of generalized chaos mental, it is a zone of war, a war of the infos. A war that compels everyone to cultivate discernment and detachment, to find the right distance with each article, with each source … But it consumes time and a lot of energy.
We have gone from the era of official lie spread by TV, which induced a comfortable passivity on our part, to the individual search for truths, which involves an active approach reflecting our more or less advanced understanding of the situation. It is as if we had grown up in a dark cellar before having to climb a staircase to get the light to the attic. And each individual climbs his own stairs at his own speed. And each floor has its share of information, interpretations, errors, poisoning … in short, confusion. Some stop on the first floor, the money-debt. Others agree to go up to the second, the secret societies and Satanism. Still others arrive at the third, reality AND. There are even those who have reached the floor of spirituality without knowing anything or understanding the floors below. Some become specialists of a single floor and remain perfectly ignorant of that of the bottom or the top. This creates even more incomprehension between us … and divisions. But the resistance here is made of all this, and many of us are not necessarily (conscious) workers of light.
And then there is weariness, impatience, doubt, the fatigue of not seeing things emerge, the sadness of seeing our loved ones clinging to this world of lies (for fear of the unknown), l The annoyance of seeing the incredible effectiveness of the system of mental control, the impression of turning round in a jar, impotence … FRUSTRATION. Then the old mental schemas emerge without our knowledge: we have been taught to love duality, to work with quarrels. It is inscribed in our reptilian brain, deep within our psyche. The mind itself is largely occupied by the quarrel consciousness vs. ego. The workers of light do not escape!
Nevertheless, it seems to me that you should not give too much importance to these quarrels, they are only transitory. These are the old unconscious trash bottoms of our still very confused psyches. The light workers are like cats, with the advanced cleaning and the necessary adjustments, everyone will eventually fall back on his paws. That no light worker “attacked” takes these attacks personally, they are only the expression of our individual and collective immaturity amplified by the different frustrations of the day.
The main problem is waiting. The wait is far too long without visible decisive progress …
“The revolution is like a bicycle, when it does not advance it falls” Che Guevara. We need to SEE that things are progressing … We must get out of the blur of testimonies and shift images and movies! The arrival of images and movies of your reality would change the situation (underground bases, magnetic trains, enemy ships, space travel …) An immense controversy at the beginning (Fake News), but an ever-increasing flow of images Will force the population to wonder about these images!
Another answer to your question why we are attacking each other has popped up:
It’s similar to the enneagramm answer I had yesterday, but also a different point of view:
As we all know, we are hardly ever our true selves – even if we are mentally aware of the spiritual dimensions and who we really are and that all is one.
We also know that we are all mind controlled to ever increasing extents.
The mind control makes sure we are all divided about issues like global warming, who is the best president, right or left, flat earth, conspiracy theories and lots of other issues …
even those of us who basically know we are mind controlled cannot always help to take stands and think the other side is wrong and be frustrated
The mind-controlling force(s) know how we function extremely well – they have all the psychological and sociological research at their hands and they are aware of everything in our subconscious and which points to trigger to achieve this and that …
Even those among us who are researchers in these fields themselves to not have the whole knowledge, because the expert fields have all been separated and divided and no-one has the broad view. The mind-controlling entity has the broad view as well as the detailed view when it comes to how we are controlled on the basis of our subconscious wirings.
The enneagramm is one system explaining how we are wired – but our wiring can also be rendered without the enneagramm if one has all the „charts“ – which the mind-controlling force(s) have
Cathy O’Brien says the key to programming and deprogramming us lies in NLP
So even if we are really spiritual people, and even if we have had our peak experiences – as long as we are not constantly or more or less constantly living in this awareness from our hearts and experience (as contrasted to only knowing about it) of being one
We are completely subject to mind control and puppets of the controlling forces pulling our strings and triggering us – with words and pictures and sounds and subliminal messages
The first thing mind control does is putting us to sleep and lull us into consuming drugs etc. – because we are completely frustrated and hypnotized.
And the hypnotized can be hypnotized in such a way that they only received instructions from the hypnotiseur … who is the mind-controller …
The other thing is, that our bodies and organs are completely deteriorated by chemtrails, mobile phones, vaccines and radiation – mens sana in corpore sanus – a healthy spirit lives in a healthy body – but it’s hard to maintain healthy bodies even if we eat health food, because we are exposed to haarp and mobile phones nevertheless and the chemtrails and genetically tampered stuff make sure that even health foods are no longer that healthy
Our nerves lay bare because heavy metals (quecksilber) have destroyed their protective coatings …
Nature who has always been a great resource to help us come to ourselves again is deteriorated
So even if we are no longer asleep and see to quite a large extent, what is going on, it take a lot of emotional and mental discipline to really understand how the mind control works and which are the triggers in us (NLP) in order to be able to de-control us, to get immune against mind control
In the spiritual circles it is said we have to resist all the negative forces within us – as if they were our own – while it is really basically mind control – so we are fighting, we think, ourselves, while the source of our destructive behavior is something else – the mind control – of course this fight against seemingly ourselves only exhausts us but gives no beneficial results
Its like fighting the fixation (from the enneagramm point of view) instead of leaving it behind
We do not have the full manual according to which we are made puppets reacting on certain words, pictures, sounds – so we do not know how we are being turned to puppets from minute to minute and, above all, not knowing what exactly is programming us into puppets we cannot de-programm ourselves (most of us cannot, and even if we know it is challenging because the fresh programming is omnipresent) even if we yearn to be free and ourselves (all the spiritual people)
It is the insane programming in conjunction with the daily frustration of our physical emotional and mental and immune systems, which makes us fight against each other much more than we ever would without the programming – and we have to deprogramm us first instead of fighting against our „shadows“
According to Cathy, NLP is such a manual – NLP is used to programm us
If we know NLP, we are able to de-programm ourselves
The enneagramm is another such manual, slightly different
If we know the enneagramm, we also have a manual how to deprogramm ourselves
Pontokba szedve a következő dolgok miatt van ellenségeskedés a fényharcosok között.
1. Hüllőagy, arra van programozva hogy elhitesse a személlyel hogy az irányítása a dolgoknak az ő területéhez tartozik. (területvédő ösztönből támadja meg társát)
2. Az ego vagy a gondolkodási képesség, az archon manipulációktól tévedhetetlennek képzeli magát ezért fényharcos társát félre akarja állítani (tudatlan és meggondolatlan tetteket feltételezve)
3. A fényharcosok között is kialakul a dualizmus rákfenéje a hierarchia szükségessége. (ebből az következik hogy maga alá próbálja társát elhelyezni a hierarchiában, ekkor a szokásos energia áramlás van a hierarchia csúcsa felé)
4 Az archonok manipulációi minden emberi gyengeséget maximálisan kihasználnak a megosztás érdekében.
Szóval nagy vonalakban ezek az okai amiket korlátozott tudatunkkal már felismerhetünk páran.
A fény győzedelmeskedik !
Pointing to the following things, there is enmity between the Light Fighters.
1. Reptile is programmed to persuade the person that his control belongs to his area. (Invasion from a territorial instinct)
2. The ego or the ability to think, the archon manipulates itself as untruthful, so he wants to put a light-hearted partner aside (assuming ignorant and thoughtless deeds)
3. The role of the hierarchy also develops among the light warriors. (It follows that he tries to put his companion in the hierarchy, then the usual energy flow is towards the top of the hierarchy)
4 The manipulation of the archons maximizes all human weaknesses in sharing.
So these are the reasons why we are already familiar with our limited consciousness.
Light is victorious!
I write to you today to offer my help at understanding the surface human population.
It’s an interesting task. You can read our thoughts, see all of our media, and watch our every action, but you are still puzzled by us. I, on the other hand, know almost nothing about you, yet I propose to help you, who I do not understand, to understand my species, who I barely understand.
I love a good challenge.
Let’s go with something fundamental to ourselves, our character, and our families: Fatherhood.
In our religions, mythologies, and ancient stories, we find our race and culture’s history and values. They tell us about ourselves as individuals and as a culture. They provide a framework to make sense of life. They teach us wisdom and inspire us to greatness. And they inform us of “the way life is.”
Here’s the bad news on surface human fathers: No where in our religions, our mythologies, or our ancient stories is there any mention of a good father. Not one.
That’s not to say we don’t want to be good fathers, or that we don’t try. We do want to be better fathers than our fathers were. We give fatherhood our best, knowing how important that role is in the lives of our children. But we fail, we all fail, we frequently fail to bring good and keep harm from our children.
A moment of adult selfishness can wound a child’s psyche in terrible ways. And we know these wounds because we bear those scars ourselves. Yet in a moment of weakness, we can’t help but wound our children the same way we were wounded ourselves. It’s all we know to do, because it’s all we’ve been shown to do.
Sometimes we fall into the trap of thinking we need to work long, hard hours to provide things for our children that we wished we had in our childhood. So we abandon our children in the effort to make money to buy things. Even when we know our children want and need our presence in their lives, we work hard at our jobs because, hey, at least we know how to do that. No one taught us how to raise children. We’re flying blind.
Some see the responsibility of fatherhood, and know they can’t fulfill it. So they run. It’s easier to run and hide from their children than to face the pain of not knowing what to do or how to do it. Yet, the hole in their hearts is not silent, and cries out to love and be loved by their child. So they do their best to numb themselves to that pain, leaving both father and child wounded in the process.
And some, even when they are home with their family, are “emotionally unavailable” because we are exhausted, or drained, or are afraid we don’t have enough to give to actually help.
We lack even basic telepathy, so there are times when we have no idea what our child needs from us. We often don’t know why our child is crying. And even when they grow up, the child is not self-aware enough to know the real problem, and so can’t communicate the real problem to us. And we have no ability to understand what we must do to help our child.
I understand that your lifespans are different from ours. You live hundreds, if not thousands of years. You probably don’t have children until you are at least one or two hundred years old. We die as spiritual children. Few of us reach 90 years of age. Most of us have our children before we turn 30. And we usually lose our fathers to death half-way through our short lives.
We are lost children having children, doing our best to be good fathers, but lacking the tools, wisdom, and maturity to raise them. I think this is why the Bible says the sins of the father is visited on the third and fourth generation. When we make a mistake, our sons remember that mistake and do it to their children, who do it to their children. It takes generations for us to repair the errors of our ways.
Speaking of the Bible, we are taught that God is our Father. But we are also separated from God our Father. We are separated from the One Creator and the Source. We are a wounded race, abandoned by our Good Father, with no real idea how to be adequate fathers to our children.
If the negative races could only choose one way to make our race generate loosh, there are few better ways than to keep us ignorant of how to be good fathers.
I hope this helps you understand us.
This is not to say that our fathers do not have good traits, or that they do not do good things for us and with us. Most of us have good stories of our fathers that inspire us to grow and to be better humans. I know I have some great stories about my dad.
I look forward to the day we can meet, face to face, and share stories of the fathers we love.
– Roy
Greetings from Holland, maybe i’m imagining it,but something strange is happening to me ,my hair is growing back brown again ,my skin om my arms en hands beginning to appear less wrinkled,it looks more like a skin of a 35 year old rather than a 66 year old as iam, i did always look younger but this with my hair is strange, also a few hours sleep is enough. this is going on for at least a year maybe more.Is this all coincidence or are we changing already? I hope so..
Liebes RM,
lieber Cobra,
das Grundproblem der Menschen scheint mir, dass wir mit vielerlei Programmen, Implantaten
und Gehirnwäsche daran gehindert werden, aus der Kraft unserer Herzen zu leben.
wer es dennoch schafft, erlebt es als sehr mühsam…
das geht seid Generationen so und wird damit automatisch an die Kinder und Jugendlichen
weitergegeben. hier scheint mir ein zentraler Ansatzpunkt zu sein! neben der Widerherstellung von Recht und Gerechtigkeit sind dies die Dinge, die die Menschen hoffnungslos machen und in ihrem “ganz persönlichem Hamsterrad” laufen lassen. Die Kinder und vorallem die Heranwachsenden sind länderübergreifend überwiegend perspektivlos, leben eine Maske, dröhnen sich mit Filmen, Alkohol und Drogen zu! es kann Ihnen niemand wirklich eine Antwort auf die Frage geben: wozu bin ich hier auf der Erde, was ist meine Aufgabe? Allein diese Frage beantworten zu können, wird sehr viel bewegen! viele werden nach diesem Strohhalm greifen, es ist ja sonsts nichts da. Am Zufluss der internationalen Jugend beim IS sieht man das Negativbeispiel und wie leicht die Masse zu motivieren ist…!
wie genial ist da das Beispiel vorallem der Jugend das Gefühl von Freude und geliebt sein wieder im Kollektiv zurück zu geben? Wer wieder Freude und Liebe spüren kann ( für viele wohl das erste mal in diesem Leben), der bündelt auch seine Kräfte und ist motiviert an der Neugestaltung der Erde mit zu wirken.
IndigioKinder haben ein gewaltiges Potential, das es zu erwecken und lenken gilt – zum Wohle aller!
Derzeit werden sie in den Schulen nur klein und dumm gehalten, verbogen und gedemütigt. sie stumpfen ab und versuchen so gut es geht zu funktionieren – leben und lieben ist etwas anderes!!!
an den Eltern geht das nicht spurlos vorbei, sie werden darüber krank, haben keine Zeit mehr für sich, da sich die Schulthemen über allem ausbreiten. nicht mal in den Ferien ist Ruhe, da wird gepaukt, eine neue Schule gesucht etc. wer die Schetinin Schulen kennt, wünscht sich das sehnlichst auch nach
lieber Cobra, seit der letzten Konferenz in der Schweiz ist einige Zeit vergangen. Du hast uns damals viel Mut gemacht, auch Hoffnung auf baldige Änderung. Die Menschen sind müde geworden. das war schon mit 2012 so. ein Dank an Dich für Deine immerwährenden Bemühungen zu erklären weshalb etwas doch nicht so schnell geht, wie gewünscht.
für mich liegt der Ansatzpunkt vorallem im Informationsfeld unserer Länder. es gibt kleine etwas abseits
gelegene Länder, die auch für die große Manipulation uninteressant sind. dort ist das Informationsfeld
völlig offen und es sind die planetaren Kräfte von Venus, AlphaCentauri, Pleyaden etc deutlich zu spüren. da ist 1 Woche wesentlich erholsamer als 3 Wochen anderswo, durchaus auch in der Natur!
kehrt man von so einem freien Informationsfeld zurück, sind mindestens 3 Tage Eingewöhnung nötig um mit der hiesigen Realität wieder zurecht zu kommen.
durch die Cintamani-Setzungen habe ich da auch einen anderen Bezug und spüre die jeweilige
planetare Kraft sehr gut. wenn es den Lichtkräften gelingt, diese völlig überlagernden, krankmachenden Informationsfelder zu entwirren und zu durchlichten ist m.E. schon sehr viel gewonnen auf dem Weg zum Erwachen aus eigener Kraft. Viele Menschen, egal welchen Alters sind kurz vor dem Erwachen, es fehlt nur der berühmte Strohhalm, ein globaler Fingerzeig genügt schon…
ich freue mich ganz besonders, dass es jetzt über Sprachbarrieren hinweg die Möglichkeit gibt direkten
Kontakt aufzunehmen. Der Planet X hat mich schon immer fasziniert und ich hatte auf dem Weg nach
München ja schon öfters Gäste im Auto, die sich über dieses Steinzeitgefährt lustig gemacht haben.
das waren immer sehr erheiternde Besuche…
ich freue mich darauf Euch X`ler und andere persönlich kennen zu lernen
alles Liebe und gebt bitte Gas…
google t – Love RM,
Dear Cobra,
The basic problem of people seems to me is that we are using many different programs, implants
And brainwashing are prevented from living out of the power of our hearts.
Whoever creates it nevertheless, experiences it as very laborious …
This is the way generations will be and will automatically be sent to children and adolescents
passed. Here seems to me a central starting point! In addition to the repression of justice and justice, these are the things that make people hopeless and run in their “very personal hamster wheel”. The children and, above all, the newcomers are transnationally predominantly perspectiveless, live a mask, drone with films, alcohol and drugs! No one can really give you an answer to the question: why am I here on earth, what is my job? Just answering this question will move a lot! Many will reach for this straw, there is nothing else. At the inflow of the international youth to the IS one sees the negative example and how easily the mass is motivated …!
How brilliant is the example, especially the youth, the feeling of joy and loved being back in the collective back? Those who can feel joy and love again (for many, perhaps, the first time in this life) also bundles their forces and is motivated to contribute to the new design of the earth.
Indigio children have a huge potential that must be awakened and directed – for the sake of all!
At the present time, they are only small, stupid, bent, and humiliated. They dull off and try to function as best as they can – living and loving is something different !!!
This is not without a trace to the parents, they become sick about it, they have no time for themselves, as the burial sciences spread over everything. Not even in the holidays is peace, there is policed, a new school searched etc. who knows the Schetininschulen, wishes the longingly also after
Dear Cobra, since the last conference in Switzerland some time has passed. You gave us a lot of courage at the time, and hope for an early change. People have become tired. That was already with 2012 so. A thanks to you for your everlasting efforts to explain why something is not as fast as desired.
For me, the starting point is above all in the information field of our countries. There is little off the beaten track
Countries, which are also uninteresting for the great manipulation. There is the information field
Completely open and the planetary forces of Venus, AlphaCentauri, Pleyaden etc are clearly felt. Since 1 week is much more relaxing than 3 weeks elsewhere, and also in nature!
If you return from such a free information field, at least 3 days of habitation are necessary to get on with the local reality.
Because of the Cintamani settlements I have a different reference and feel the respective
Planetary power very good. When the powers of light are able to unravel and to translate these completely superimposing, anemic information fields. Already gained a great deal on the way to awakening from his own strength. Many people, no matter what age, are just before the awakening, only the famous straw is missing, a global fingerprint already suffices …
I am particularly pleased that there is now over language barriers the possibility directly
Get in touch with. The Planet X has always fascinated me and I had on the way
Munich yes already guests in the car, who have made fun of this Steinzeitgefährt.
These were always very amusing visits …
I am looking forward to meeting you personally
All love and please gas …
Les temps actuels sont extrêmement difficiles. Une sorte de croisement qui se rétricis en tête d’épingles. Nous essayons de rester connectés au centre et au sceau qui nous protège … mais les attaques sont de plus en plus violentes. Pourquoi ne pas ouvrir des portails de sécurités, des sortes de SAS intermédiaires où nous pourrions nous reposer et où vous ne seriez pas mis en danger … Les enfants sont en grand danger aussi. Leurs énergies se “fânnent” plus rapidement … Accéleration qui demande des pauses mais beaucoup sont coincés dans des engrenages … Nous sommes coincés comme sur une autoroute en spirale dont nous louperions toutes les sorties. Au passage et message personnel à celui qui peut comprendre : Cartes intérieures de Amadéo toujours valables sur demande à qui cela interresse. Merci de votre expansion. Naebre, Nina.
The present times are extremely difficult. A kind of crossover which is retracted at the head of pins. We try to stay connected to the center and to the seal that protects us … but the attacks are increasingly violent. Why not open security portals, intermediate SAS kinds where we could rest and where you would not be endangered … The children are in great danger too. Their energies “fade” faster … Acceleration that demands breaks but many are stuck in gears … We are stuck like on a spiral highway from which we would miss all the exits. In passing and personal message to the one who can understand: Interior maps of Amadéo always valid on request to which it interferes. Thank you for your expansion. Naebre, Nina.
Liebende Widerstandsbewegung
Seit Kindheit an habe ich das Gefühl hier auf Erden stimmt etwas Grundsätzliches nicht
Lange habe ich geforscht und schon früh von den Sternenbrüdern vernommen
Oft wähnte ich nur ich sei krank alle anderen Menschen finden alles ganz normal und seien gesund
Heute sehe ich das Implantat der Angst mit allen Facetten und Folgen als das zu heilende
größte Um- und Innenweltgift
Ich bin Sprach- und Kommunikationforscher weil ich das Gesprochene körperlich fühle
und bin meinen Mitmenschen ein Wahrheitsspiegel soweit ich selbst klar und wahr bin
Das Schuld Erbsünde und Strafimplantat zu heilen ist mir Aufgabe
Den Menschen die Freiheit der Wahl zwischen Angst oder Lieben in jedem heiligen Augenblick
zu erinnern mein tägliches Brot
Als Lyriker darf ich einen Blog hier unterhalten den derzeit etwa 128 Seelen lesen
Angst in das Licht des Liebens zu überführen ist meine Berufung
Im Bayerischen Rundfunk bin ich jahrelang in der Anrufersendung “Tagesgespräch” regelmäßig
in die Sendung genommen worden
Seit ich zu dem Ukrainememorandum umfassend heilsam sprach bin ich gesperrt bis auf zwei Beiträge
Im Deutschland Radio Kultur “Im Gespräch” darf ich weiter anrufen jedoch auf einmal im Monat begrenzt
Ständig allüberall dunkle Gedanken und finstere Emotionen zu transzendieren ist meine Arbeit
Ich liebe die Kornkreise und die Fluchtiere Pferd sind meine jüngeren Brüder mir helfend ihre und
meine Angst in Vertrauen und Hingabe zu verwandeln
Abends verehre ich die untergehende Sonne und in der Nacht sehe ich bei freiem Himmel die Sterne an und bin staunend ergriffen
Zweimal sah ich dabei eines Euerer Flugobjekte…
Ich danke Euch und segne Euere Arbeit
Joachim von Herzen
google t – Loving Resistance Movement
Since childhood I have the feeling here on earth is not something fundamental
For a long time I researched and heard early about the star brothers
Often I thought I was sick all other people find everything normal and healthy
Today I see the implant of fear with all facets and consequences as the healing
Largest indoor and outdoor poison
I am a language and communication researcher because I feel the spoken physically
And I am a mirror of truth to my fellow human beings as far as I am clear and true
It is my task to heal the sin of sin and the punishment
Give people the freedom to choose between fear or love at any sacred moment
To remember my daily bread
As a lyricist, I am allowed to have a blog here, which currently reads about 128 souls
Putting fear into the light of loving is my calling
In the Bavarian Radio, I have been regularly in the call sending “Tagesgespräch” regularly
Has been taken to the consignment
Since I spoke to the Ukraemememandum comprehensive salutary I am locked up on two contributions
In the German radio culture “In the conversation” I may continue to call however limited once a month
Constantly transcending all dark thoughts and dark emotions is my work
I love the crop circles and the escape horse are my younger brothers helping me and theirs
To transform my fear into trust and devotion
In the evening I adore the setting sun and at night I see the stars in the open sky and am amazed
Twice I saw one of your flying objects …
I thank you and bless your work
Joachim from the heart
Dear Resistance Movement,
The skeptic is a part of me. It keeps me from behaving in cult-like behavior toward any group or entity. If you are indeed doing all the activities that are chronicled in Cobra’s writings then I thank you, for this world is truly at a turning point in its evolution. My sense is that Earth’s evolution WILL occur no matter what we do or don’t do and we, the inhabitants, are just along for the ride. My sense is that we cannot stop evolution but we can influence if we have a rough or smooth ride. So you, the Resistance Movement, ask why the Lightworkers/Lightwarriors attack each other and do not work together? Well, here is my question to you: There appears to be many different kinds of RM’s on this Earth facilitated by many people and groups. Why are those people not working together???? Why does Cobra not work with the Sphere Being Alliance, or any other benevolent off world or inner world groups? Why do I not see collaborations among Cobra, David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford, Alex Jones, the SSP Alliance, etc. It would seem that you would all be better protected if you worked together. And it would instill more trust in the information. There seems to be a lot of disagreement among them and different intel. So please don’t put a guilt trip on us about why can’t we get along and work together when it appears that those of a supposed higher dimensional consciousness have their flaws, too. As always, I use my higher discernment when coming into contact with any so-called healer/lightworker, whistleblower, blogger of higher consciousness info and will associate and work with only those who pass my inner litmus test of being of the Very Highest of Love, Light and Divinity, even you.
Open letter to all light workers.
Dear Resistance Movement,
I am writing to you to inform you about the information war that is taking place on planet Earth(Gaia/Terra). In the past year millions of people are being awoken to many of the terrible and horrifying hidden truths that the cabal has been behind for decades maybe even centuries. Awareness about big issues such as false flags(9/11)ect, the massive paedophile accultist rings that include human sacrifice and human organ trafficking, and the awareness that all our governments across the globe are controlled by the 1% global elite no matter who the people vote for and the false wars of profit and mass destabilisation(Syria)+ the mass forced migration of Arabic people into Europe is making waves across the internet and alternative media.
But in spite of this the cabal is now being even more aggressive and getting away with anything they want, murder, blackmail, human trafficking, fake news propaganda, mind control the list goes on and on. The oppression by those who want to keep humanity enslaved is getting so intense that its causing mass distress and confusion to those who are awake to the truth and those getting to that point. I also think this is one of the primary reasons that light workers are also fighting amongst each other because the disinformation and mental abuse that the cabal inflict on us is so overwhelming that people get caught up in their own fear and hatred of this “hidden” abuse.
In informing you of this information I am trying to get the message out to all those being of the light that are trying to help save this planet and the beings living on it, that humanity is now at a huge tipping point from the information that was revealed last year through Wikileaks Clinton and Podesta emails and countless other leaks that took place. The United States FBI and NYPD still has access to the thousands of emails from Anthony Weiner’s laptop that allegedly contains so much information on the hidden truths I have described that if it was released to the public, all the people fighting for humanity in the authorities and governments would have to act and arrest these dark people that have committed the worst crimes against humanity imaginable.
It is of the up most importance that information like this and many other suppressed knowledge need to be disclosed now before it is to late. With each passing week more and more people that are trying to disclose the truth are being murdered one by one with no consequence what so ever. I have very good reason to believe that someone very dear to my heart personally was murdered Chester Bennington the lead singer of Linkin Park because he had to much knowledge of the human trafficking that has been going on linked to Haiti and his close friend Chris Cornell which evidence suggests he was going to disclose information about this atrocity. I would be forever grateful if people in the resistance could disclose accurate information on all the recent celebrity deaths that have been occurring and if they are in fact connected directly to the cabal.
I am personally quite shaken about these current events and I am opening all my being and soul to try and receive some guidance and help from those in the resistance. I pray that the evil that is taking place all over the planet will start receding over the rest of the year because I do not know how much more we can take at this point. I am also writing this knowing full well that there are people far worst off then me, but I can no longer sit by and watch these heinous crimes take place and not feel helpless and that I can almost do nothing about it.
Love and light to all those fighting for the light and fighting for peace prosperity and freedom to all beings throughout the cosmos.
David W
They walk among us and don´t see all the suffering? Makes them look incompetent…
Dear members of the Resistance Movement.
First, I want to express my GIANT gratitude to everyone who is working to help us. I look forward to the Event coming soon. I want to live to see a Planet free from wars, from hunger, from diseases, animals being slaughtered, from rivers and seas being polluted, from forests being destroyed, I want to live long enough to cry with joy and not with sadness to see my Planet Earth , So beautiful, being annihilated day by day, as it has been billions of years. I am in great need of help since, a year and two months ago, since I awoke to what has been happening with our Home, when I began to receive revelations about the existence of all this, I began to have many health problems, such as high blood pressure , Too much trouble breathing and headache every night and this is getting worse. I went to the doctor, but no health problems were found. I feel that the more I dig into the information, the more it increases my breathing difficulty, it’s like I’m always drowning, a sense of death sometimes. Talking to others, no one reports feeling the same symptoms. Thank you in advance for listening. It’s wonderful to know that I was wrong, that there is yes who cares about us. Light and peace.
So the LF/RM want to understand why there is infighting among us Lightworker/warriors …
Wellsir …. there are a lot of reasons many I’m sure you are aware of. Many before me have posted good info about why this is happening … on this site and the official RM/LF site so please look at the comments there are well it will help you greatly in understanding.
I’m sure you are aware of the many obstacles we on the surface face. The veil … the implants … the feeling of disconnect with the Source. You know about the programing through the media and in the education system. You know about the financial system we have to deal with. Force to focus on putting a roof over our heads … and those of us with family having to face the problems or raising one. Many of us have to deal with illness as well as poverty which makes it ten time harder to cope.
The fear and uncertainty plays a big part too. If you check the official site you will find some posters telling us we are fools to believe this “nonsense”, it is so easy to create doubt due to all the programing and conditioning from the time we were born. For many of us your official site is the LAST HOPE and there would be no point in living if it were not true about The Event coming.
Other have mentioned about the lack of tangible evidence of your existence, and lack of contact that would not set off any bombs. We would like to see as many visible signs that you are with us as you possibly can without causing any violations to the treaty you have. I’m sure you could think of some clever way of accomplishing this.
Seeing the suffering of not only the innocent people around the world but some of our animals friends are in very bad situations as well. That has an enormous impact on us.
It is extremely difficult to break the programing. I will follow the instructions Cobra put out and do the writing exercise that was described. I will do everything in my power to honor my contract with you when given the opportunity to do so.
I hope this information will help you to better understand us. Thank you for reading my letter.
Victory of the Light!
Deborah Dickson
22Aug55 03:38 Cleveland Ohio
41*55’35.2″N 80*37’11.4″W Stop by and say hello 🙂
The “Us vs Them” programming is strong, but I think can be quickly dissipated with the right event(s). One of my major frustrations is seeing my most intelligent and alert friends who eat up corporate news without question. The long-time traps of left vs right, black vs white, and religion vs religion, for example, are so ingrained that the “most educated” never even consider the thought that there is a third-party stoking the conflict for their own gain.
We need at least one event that reveals the third party/false flagger pattern, beyond any doubt, and in a way that mainstream media have no choice but to report it honestly. Or, at least, their methods of obfuscation are become obvious enough for the headstrong to start questioning what they’ve been told for years.
Dear members of the Resistance Movement,
you asked, why we can’t just unite our forces. My thoughts are: We are trained to live on our own and very limited in our ressources (even if we have some ressources like money or just some free time, we are trained to waste it).
It all starts with parents, who are not aware of the true needs of their children, not able to give unconditional love (because they never learned it). This continues at school, a system of competition, survival of the fittest. And because nobody knows better, we think, this is normality. Anyone with different thoughts is considered crazy. I think, the truth was held back for so long, we cannot remember it and therefore live in a nightmare – and think, it is the only truth existing.
Without you we are not able to break free. We need you and I thank you for trying to save us. I really wish, we could do more, but all we can do, is to inform people – and this is not enough. In order to change their lifes, people need to experience some eye-opener, and because mass-landings are not an option, I think about “mass-dreaming”. I feel: People are so embedded in a conservative system, they cannot cause major changes (even if we start a protest movement, it will be stopped by the police and either ignored or discredited by the mass media). So what people like most is to talk about nonsense – like strange dreams. So what if we suddenly all have the same dream? Could this change some lifes to the better?
Namaste, dear friends!
Thank you to all those that have played a part in creating the RESISTANCE movement to our Systemic Corruption that is currently being seen on vast levels in our modern day infrastructures.
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
I am here to serve –
in strength
in the love of CREATION and CREATOR
in the knowing we are ALL ONE
in grounding and re-enforcing the MISSION.
A? loving doe ? a graceful fawn, a gentle deer!
Dear RM.
This is a reply from me on the subject of why the surface Lightworkers and Lightwariors tend to attack each other, instead of uniting against the common enemy.
From my perspective the main reason is doubt… The cabal are especially good at disseminating dissinfo and FUD(Fear Uncertainty and Doubt). So when a prominent public figure shares some information from their own perspective, every attempt is made (and often successfully) to spin that information as complete dissinformation, that supposedly serves the cabal themselves.
Lightworkers and warriors are divided by the constant doubt that every other supposedly awakened being they meet or have contact with or even just consume information from, might actually be a dark agent in disguise trying to steer them in the wrong direction.
That is how good the cabal is at seeding doubt. Every little wrinkle of the information that online truth websites and blogs provide is closely scrutinized and examined and everything that does not fully align with one’s own perspective on things is cause for more doubt…
Cobra has said many times to use discernment and how to do that but my observation is that too many of the supposedly awakened individuals that attack each other simply try to rationalize the information they receive with their conscious mind and don’t actually go within to try and receive the higher perspective their own Higher self can provide…
Basically what I’m trying to say is that a big part of the surface “awakened” people are not as awakened as they should or want to be… They do not truly have a good connection with their Higher selves and don’t use that as often as they should. They try to only use their rational mind on information that is simply beyond that. This in turn creates the FUD I spoke of…
I hope I was able to communicate my perspective on this subject in a good way.
Over the last couple of days I’ve been realizing what has been done to me with the forced reincarnation process. The agreements I’ve made that shouldn’t have happen, the suffering that’s been forced on me and the suffering I’ve forced on others because of this bullshit process. Lies that continue now because of lack of contact with my true self. Today’s meditation was impossible. I’ll get through this but still feel how unfair and physically and emotionally painful this is getting. When is this going to let up?
Hello RM first off I’m so grateful for all you are doing, many of us may not be awake yet to understand this but the ones of us that are know the love, time and resources you are putting in to helping us and our planet I am beyond grateful for the help you are sending us. This place has never made sense to me even when I was a little boy. Going through my life I’ve endured soul crushing depression, drug abuse, victim of criminal acts, poverty, half my family who I grew up with got rich and suddenly we weren’t good enough anymore I was destroyed by that as well. But instead of falling victim to this, I let it put steel in my blood. I’ve let all these things strengthen my resolve, I have grown so much down here and made a great life for my wife, myself, my parents and I run a business as well. Also I have found great passions in this life snowboarding, camping, dirt biking and nature hikes among others, this planet is astonishingly beautiful. Now if I came here for a challenge and growth then this life has provided a ton of it. I feel something now everyday not just an awakening but I have gained a inner strength from these experiences, control over myself, my emotions, my thoughts I have gained focus and perspective. It makes me curious about something, is the cosmic creator allowing this evil to exist (cabal, lack etc) in order to teach us lessons/fast track our evolution? Is evil simply a tool that allows us to shine brighter? I feel like a candle in a dark room. I can’t wait to meet you star sisters and brothers and share with you some genuine ground crew tales from being on the front lines. I feel I have overcome the “dark night of the soul” time in my life and as strange as this sounds, I’m grateful to have gone through all this, how else would I have grown so much? Though if we ascend and this changes I am ready for anything. Much love to you all and can’t wait to meet you.
Kedves Ellenállási Mozgalom!
Magyarországról ìrom a levelem.
Nem olyan règen akadtam rá Cobra blogjára, mondhatnám,hogy véletlenül, de nem hiszek a vèletlenekben. Tavaly ősszel kezdődött el az èletemben az ébredés. Nem akkor szólìtottak meg először plejádi testvèreim,de akkor voltam hajlandó először válaszolni a megkeresèsükre és nem bántam meg, mert megváltozott az életem, sokat tanultam és fejlődtem azóta ( persze ez még csekély tudás) .
Sok mindenben hittem már azelőtt, csatlakoztam csoportokhoz, de nem találtam meg akit kerestem: Istent. Viszont elhitetèst és elmeprogramozást láttam eleget. Hamis isteni csodákat karizmatikus keresztény gyülekezetekben, agymosott tömegeket, akik prèdikátorokat imádnak. A lényeg mindig az volt: ne légy kíváncsi, ne kérdezz, ne hagyatkozz a belső hangodra és persze fizess. A belső hangomat sosem tudtam és nem is akartam elfolytani, mert mindig rávilágított arra,hogy mi is lakozik az emberekben. Sokan lemondanak róla és bábokká válnak. A vallások ebben partnerei a sötét oldalnak.
Itt,ahol élek,az emberekben rengeteg a bizalmatlanság, csalódottság, előítélet. Félnek bízni, félnek hinni. Rengeteg az alkohol függő, menekülő ember. Nagy a szakadék a szegények és a gazdagok között. Ha megkérdezel az utcán egy ismerőst: hogy vagy? Panaszkodni fog az anyagi helyzetére, családi életére, munkahelyi problémáira. Annyi gyönyörű dolog van ezen a világon, itt ebben az országban is, de valahogy az emberek többsége nem veszi ezt észre. Sokuknak van munkájuk, fizetèsük, otthonuk, családjuk, a lelkük mégis romokban van és az egészségük is kárát látja ennek. Az embereket félelemben ès depresszióban tartják, hogy ne remènykedjenek, ne higyjenek, és ne tudjanak pozitív életet teremteni maguk körül. A mèdia sok hazugsága, rèmhíre pedig “segít”nekik abban, hogy ez az állapot elmèlyülhessen. A vallásokkal bekódolt bűnössèg tudatról már nem is beszélve.
Nincs egyensúlyban a női és férfi energia. A női energia túlságosan is le van folytva, a férfi energia pedig túlzottan erőszakos és agresszív a női energia nélkül. Szomorúan látom, amikor a férfiak félnek férfiként viselkedni, a nők pedig a közönségessèg oldalára átlendülve átveszik a kezdeményező szerepet.
Amikor ez a sok torzítás megszűnik végre az egy igazán gyönyörű vilagkorszak kezdete lesz majd. Gyönyörű új Atlantisz. Bármennyi rosszat is látunk most, az el fog múlni.
Fel kell ébredniük végre az embereknek, hogy tudják kik is ők valójában, miért is vannak itt ezen a bolygón, és hogy meg tudják védeni magukat a sötét oldal támadásaival szemben. Fel kell ismerni az ellenséget, hogy le lehessen győzni. Tudom, hogy nem szabad félni és tudom, bizonyosság van bennem afelől, hogy a lèlek halhatatlan és a fizikai halál csak egy állapot, nem a vèg. Kicsi gyermek korom óta érnek támadások,fenyegetèsek lelki és szellemi síkon, álomban és ébren is, ennek ellenére biztos vagyok benne, hogy védelem alatt állok, ahogy abban is, hogy segítő feladattal érkeztem a Földre,ahogy sokan mások is. Szeretnék segíteni az embereknek, abban, hogy felébredjenek és kezükbe vegyèk a sorsuk irányítását, hogy sokan együtt összefogva lerombolhassuk a fennálló rendszert a Fèny erejèvel. Ehhez szükség van arra is, hogy a Fény oldalán állók ne viszálykodjanak, ne bizalmatlankodjanak egymással, hogy ne legyen irigység és versengés egymás között. Minèl inkább levetkőzzük a félelmet, előítèleteket, annál inkább kiszorítja a Fény a sötétséget.
Nagyon sok èrtèkes ember èl ezen a bolygón, akiknek szükségük van a segítségre és itt van ez a csodálatosan sokszínű élővilág, amely annyit szenved a gonoszság ámokfutása miatt és rajta keresztül a Föld bolygó maga is szenved. Hiányzik a Fèny mindennek ami él!
A Forrást nem kívül kell keresni, hanem magunkban, mert egyek vagyunk vele. A szeretet pedig a kulcs,ami kinyitja azt a bizonyos portált a lélekben, ami megmutatja Őt. Aztán csak sugározni kell kifelé…
Örülök, hogy velünk vagytok!
Remélem hamarosan személyesen is találkozhatunk majd!
Dear Resistance Movement!
I have my letter from Hungary.
I did not catch it on Cobra’s blog, I could say that by accident, but I do not believe in the uninitiated. Last night, my awakening started in the fall. It was not the first time I pleaded with my bodyguard, but then I was willing to respond to their inquiries for the first time and I did not regret it because my life changed, I have learned and developed a lot since then (this is still a bit of knowledge).
I’ve believed in many things before I joined groups, but I did not find anyone I was looking for: God. However, I have seen eloquence and sympathy. False divine miracles in charismatic Christian churches, brain-massed masses, who worship pre-dictators. The point was always: do not be curious, do not ask, do not rely on your inner voice and of course pay. I never knew my inner voice, and I did not even want to run it because it always made it clear what people were doing. Many will renounce it and become puppets. Religions are partners to the dark side.
Here, where I live, people have a lot of mistrust, frustration, and prejudice. They fear to trust, they fear to believe. There are plenty of alcohol-dependent, fleeting people. There is a great gap between the poor and the rich. If you ask a friend on the street, how are you? He will complain about his financial situation, his family life, his workplace problems. There are so many beautiful things in this world, here also in this country, but somehow most people will not notice it. Many have their jobs, their pay, their homes, their families, their souls still in ruins, and their health is damaging to that. People are kept in fear and depression so as not to stray, to believe and to create a positive life around them. The many lies of mèdia and rèmhíre “help” them to make this state obsolete. Not to mention the guilty conscience blended with religions.
There is no balance between female and male energy. Women’s energy is too much, and man’s energy is excessively violent and aggressive without women’s energy. I see sadly when men are afraid of behaving like a man, and women turn to the audience as they take over the initiating role.
When this many distortions cease to exist, it will be the beginning of a truly beautiful world. Beautiful New Atlantis. No matter how bad we see it now, it will pass.
People have to wake up to know who they really are, why they are here on this planet and to defend themselves against the attacks of the dark side. You need to recognize the enemy to be defeated. I know I should not be afraid and I know, I have the assurance that lèlek are immortal and physical death is just a state, not a vèg. Since my childhood I have been subjected to attacks and threats on the spiritual and spiritual plane, dreams and wonders, I am sure I am protected, as well as helping others with the help of Earth. I would like to help people to wake up and take control of their destiny so that many can join together to destroy the existing system with Fèny’s strength. To do so, there is a need for those on the side of the Light not to quarrel, not to distrust one another, so that there is no envy or rivalry between them. Instead, we tend to undo the fear and the prejudices, the more the Light expels the darkness.
There are many criminals on this planet who need help and here is this wonderfully diverse wildlife that suffers from the outbreak of wickedness, and through it the Planet Earth itself suffers. The Fèny misses everything that lives!
The Source should not look outside, but in ourselves because we are one with her. Love is the key that opens that particular portal in the soul that shows Him. Then it just needs to be broadcast out …
I’m glad you’re with us!
I hope we will meet you personally soon.
It goes without saying that we the people are restless. Many of us intuitively know that something is just not quite right here, but we do not know what to do about it. We know our governments corrupt beyond repair. We know that our planet is being irreparably destroyed by those who rule over us. We know our food is poisoned, our air is poisoned, and our bodies are over weakened with medication meant to hold us back from our potential.
We know all this and try to tell our friends, families, and peers, but our words fall on deaf ears. The majority of people we tell know something is wrong but are complacent and jaded due to years of lies from leaders who promise hope and change but never deliver. Many others are skeptical of what we say because of the repetitive programming telling them everything is fine and not to listen to “conspiracy theories” and don’t dare look into something for yourself because on crazy conspiracy theorists do that. Others hold onto religious beliefs that have been used to divide us for centuries and dare not believe that their holy books have been altered and to suggest otherwise is blasphemy. Those who are interested in what we are saying are scared that they are falling for the great deception warned of in the Bible.
What can we do to help the people we love break out of this false paradigm if they don’t believe us or think we need medication?
Dear RM,
My best greetings.
My awakening process has been amazing and not ease by all means. I am just one out of so many that decided to leave their country seeking for better opportunities and somehow were never able to come back. to the family. It has passed seventeen years that I’ve been separated from my mommy, brothers and sisters.
But ironically, I feel that the love and respect just grew among each one of us.That is a reward!
The internet in that case has worked like a glue as I talk to them twice on a weekly base. I have made sure that I am always there to help and our God Creator has blessing me amazingly.
For quite awhile, or I may say since childhood, I carry this deep desire to serve people and specially children.
I am constantly asking myself, searching for ways to make this wish come true, than I will know I found my happiness. Even though it all has taking too long, I choose to believe that a solution is near and soon I will be serving my purpose here on our Loving Mother Earth.
Thank you for listening.
Love and Light to all.
Dearest Family of Light,
Please protect us from the evil bombardments we endure each day. Please help to steady Earth as Nibiru makes it’s closest pass. Please help the many who are dying and afraid. Please send positive energies more frequently. And most of all, Please, please help us trigger the EVENT. So Be It. Much LOVE! Thank You.