All readers of the Prepare for Change website are invited to communicate with the Resistance Movement. After discussing this with Cobra we have discovered that members of the RM desire more information from us, the surface?population of Earth.
Cobra has passed this information to us:
(PFC0517) ?Lynn? – Cobra, is the RM the ones that give you feed-back on our meditations, you know the strength of it and the numbers.
COBRA –?Yes, yes.? (OK)
Lynn? – Are we as surface humans? able to communicate with them telepathically.
COBRA –?It is possible.? It has happened in a few instances but its not very common and very few people from the surface have enough awareness of the RM to hear that telepathic contact.
Lynn? – Would it be useful to show them certain situations we are experiencing.?
COBRA –?Yes. It is sometimes not simple for them to understand their reactions of the surface population because they are simply, I would say psychologically quite different and if you explain to them a little bit more, even telepathically or in writing you can even post an article on your blog and address it to them, that would be a great idea. (wow, thats a great idea.? Thank you Cobra.) (PFC0517)
In order to facilitate this for all people and make it easy for both us and the RM, we are using this page with its comment section for this purpose. The idea is simple, go to the bottom of the page and use the comment box to share your feelings about the situation on Earth.
So please ask your?questions or make your comment with your Letter to the Resistance in the comments below.
Published July 5, 2017
[NOTE: Please do not criticize or comment on other’s letters in reply, this page is meant to enable a free exchange from our readers with the Resistance Movement, so please do not respond as though the letters are to YOU.]
I DO NOT WANT TO BE CHIPPED. We humans want freedom. Once chipped we will loose free will and our humanity.
I would like to address how it is possible for us light worker to ‘attack’ each other. I am struggling with this myself to a great degree. I have been dealing with an illness which has sapped my energy and created an incentive to contract around negative thoughts. That may be one contributor. But broadly speaking, in some ways I am as confused about this as you all might be. I find myself attacking my lovely wife, for example, in a way that is very dark and confusing. I often start with a thought that she (or others) is the cause of my pain and suffering. That idea seems to be very deeply entrenched, that ‘me’ centric view that the world is not adhering to the way I want it to be. Even on the tiniest scale. I am finding myself constantly annoyed at the behavior of others, and I get very contracted into a state of frustration and anger. In that way, it is almost a visceral response to feeling pain from an unidentified source. Perhaps that source is simply the idea that I am separate, and the world is out there, and it is not safe.
Again, I suppose this attacking of each other stems from a preprogramed thought of ‘me’, and of course that ‘me’ doesn’t really exist, it is also a function of mind and programming. And the ‘me’ is in a constant state of insecurity since it isn’t really there! Look at Trump – I think he is just a mirror, showing us the worst of our nature when it becomes saturated with ego and drowns out everything else. He is not terribly far from the rest of humanity. We may need to see how bad things can get when the ego runs the show, before we make the leap to a better more enlightened way of being as a species.
I am happy to have a conversation about this, whether in dreams or (hopefully!) in person outside of dreaming. Feel free to contact me.
I have been following everything regarding the freedom and liberation movement for a couple of years now. I wrote in once and never heard back from anyone, at that time. I was just coming into this information and never considered myself to be a light worker or anything of that nature. In desperation I continued to follow and practice as much as I could get my hands on from your web page and all other light worker/spiritual communities. I learned as much as I could understand about meditation. I have been recovering from a life in constant attack. I used to say my life was like a haunted house, I never knew what scary awful thing was going to be waiting around the corner! That is the most clear way to put it. The clarity I seem to lack is the how and the why??? I have been told that I was the cause because I manifested this life, yet I can’t imagine that I would want to do this to myself. A little over a year ago I began to find my way out of the constant attacks on my energy, my mind and my body. I don’t want to sound as though I am dwelling or trying to give negative events of the past any more energy but, I could not paint a picture like this without the details. The very first years of my life was spent in the mountains in Arizona, I had a very abusive alcoholic father, to be fair though (still love my dad and forgave all the harm that was done.) There is so much missing time as a child growing up. Literally living in the wilderness, we had no electricity or indoor plumbing, My dad mined gold. we moved away when I was 8, My dad continued to abuse me until I left home at 15…Beginning at the age of 12 until 47, I have lost my best friend, my father, my first love whom I consider to be my twin flame, I cried so hard right after we met. My soul recognized his and it almost leaped out of my body I told him we were going to marry each other one day! I knew I was his wife- yet I grieved for days after we met without a clue as to why, I lost my appetite and everything. when I was 21 he passed away and I knew why I grieved so much for him then. to say I saw the end at the beginning was an understatement. When he died I stopped caring about my future because to me there wasn’t a future anymore. When I started having children that completely changed and I got better, I then went on to lose my fiancé to suicide, My 10 year old son passed away on the way to church, we were to be baptized that day, it happened rite in front of the church. I saw him after he passed away- it was so mind blowing I get chills every time I remember, my daughter was asleep next to me and I was sound asleep yet somehow I knew that I had just taken her hand and when I did that, I immediately opened my eyes and there directly in front of my face was an orb the size of my head it was amber in color and I could feel the love and unspeakable joy coming from it. then suddenly I saw eyes and a nose and a mouth take form, then a huge smile and he said I love you mom!!!..a string of light was what i saw as he dashed away! it was 4:44 a.m. and that number became a daily thing to this day. Most recently-my husband and I were in an automobile accident. We spent 5 days in ICU before he passed away. I was in 2 automobile accidents with fatalities and a high speed motorcycle accident. My body was riddled in injuries and I lost my left shoulder and full use of my left arm, suffered a broken neck with multiple breaks some very serious, a broken back also with multiple breaks and many other horrible injuries as there is too many to list. I was put on heavy narcotics for pain and drank and used other substances to numb myself silly every day! I wanted to forget it all. I squandered the money my husband left me and lost our home. I just want to know why so much trauma? Does this disqualify me to ascend? When I hit bottom I found you guys! I have spent almost a year and a half in my bedroom learning all I could about healing and asking for healing and meditation, visualization, and I have even encountered beings twice that showed themselves both within and out during meditation. I experienced a vision that involved a being with head of a falcon and the body of a man that took my up through a pyramid and out to what looked like the milky way and was allowed to see my loved ones. I have never experienced this a second time, but I can tell you once changed my life. I also saw a tetrahedron in a sketch format of the color red spinning above my head in a meditation. and met these beings that kept saying, we are infinity. They told me they were going to help repair a part of my brain and I could hear and feel intense vibration as they helped me. I began to recover following this experience yet I have no clue to this day if I have a mission and if so what mission? Was it simply to survive all of this?. All I can tell you is I took myself off of all those meds, alcohol, drugs ect. I am a vegetarian for a year now, I cant eat meat although I am still doing eggs and cheese but one grossed out moment away from going vegan. I meditate for pain relief and spiritual healing. I have just started utilizing crystals and have a cintamani stone. I need to know if I should bury it? My best friend is starting to try to meditate, we are also roommates, she is going through a divorce, so she has a lot to deal with. I try so hard every day! I want to ascend and be a part of this future- I have really worked hard and fast to catch up, sometimes I’m not sure if I’m where I need to be and have a lot of questions that I simply am unclear on. I have read the law of one several times and The Emerald tablets of Thoth more times than that, as well as other books on this subject. My attitude has always been positive until my son died and then after that I started to give up. I really need some help as far as community goes, I honestly don’t mind the alone part because I just imagine I’m with everyone on Sunday, and I try to see the benevolent galactic beings. I do feel as though it would be healthy to find positive natured people that believe as I do. It does get lonely at times but I had to become healthy enough to feel safe and strong again. I have dedicated myself to this liberation and this journey of awakening to becoming a higher conscious being. I want to thank you all for the love you carry and the light that you hold because that beacon saved me from a very sad dark ending! I would really like to know if I did cause this though??? If I chose this? I also would like to know how I can get stronger and better at this? Also am I meant to be alone? I don’t want to see anyone else die and if I caused it, I would like to avoid it again. Am I a light worker? is that even possible? I sometimes just feel as though I am tagging along and trying to help as well as helping me… Why don’t I know what I am? any answers would help so much… Thank you for allowing me to share my life story and to ask my questions, sorry it was so long…
In the love and light of the one infinite creator! E.
Dear Esther!
your story is very touching!
Just want to tell you: you are not guilty for anyone going to the other side!
You are a very strong and shiny soul and I wish you all the best on your way!
Me personal have got much support and protection through Masters like Ishwar Puri, Lady Ching Hai, listening to Matt Khan,… Maybe something like can help you.
…. whatever, it will not be long until freedom and light reigns again!
Love fear love fear… ou just think good and go to higher frequency thats all. it does not work like that. The more you speak about word fear the more you are causing it dear light worker. False evidence appearing real.Want everyone to create a world of abundance . then it means that there is no good or bad .. love or evil.It is the emotions trough your life what are causing that.Want to go higher start to listen your fear. you dont need to release it or do some other things . you just need to get frends with fear . you cant get a world of pure love if you are still this is good and this is bad . at the same time causing it. if you fear then you low … if you love then you high .. you see whaere i am going with it or not.Start explaining there is no difference.And maby through your subconcius you can actually get friends with it.Fear is just a thing what creates movement and it is like a thing running around why dont you understand me.Every conversation or teaching you start ..with this new love and fear frequency… you better explain what fear actually is and what causes it.When that is understood it is much easyer to face it without fear.We cant just like shut down half our body and say we are higher beings without using our full potential.Like when you grow up experiences and emotion make you a future person.more you teach that fear and love difference the more we stay in the same spot.Like when you get hurt as being a kid you start to cry and it hurts.if you can quickly and conciously take that cry out then there was just a little bit hurt.so when you grow up then you know that just made little bit of hurt.There is no more that emotion what resonates with it.so you dont think it was a bad thing to do you just know that it hurt you when you were a kid and now it dosent anymore because you are grown up.so there is no good or bad in it anymore.when you are 40 years old you dont need to search some old old memories or blockages what are holding you back from things you want to achive.As time goes by it dissapear and no one will ever see good and bad.Then you are naturally.Not everyone can have a teacher in there home time to time and work with these things.This understanding does it faster and more collective scale.We older people have to watch that youngers dont go so reckless because we have felt all these hurts and emotions and everything we carry but others dont need to move trough it anymore.And trough it you can loose the social levels.I am in abundance and youre not. do that then youre here. we loose ego everything.these things dont matter anymore and then we can actually start creating something that works for good of everyone.I can actually feel the crativness and spirituality and everything what comes with it.naturally born caring people.people are not bad but these emotions make us do things we do.I think as spiritul beings if we can manage that then we will show all those other races how badass we are.
Vou escrever em minha linguá o português para que não haja erro de tradução, acredito que o grande problema com os trabalhadores da luz seja o fato que não somos religiosos, ou pelo menos a grande maioria, somos pessoas logicas, então tu se prepara encontra pessoas e nada mais nada mesmo acontece o que acontece desmotivação! então alguém sempre tem ideias diferentes de como deve ser tratado o assunto e outro vem com outras ideias não a uma posição um mestre para dizer é assim! ponto. E a aqueles que tratam tudo isto como uma religião da nova era, e não queremos isto! queremos ver ação, pois acredito que seja da nossa programação querermos isto, prefiro uma guerra para por tudo a pratos limpos do que ficar nesta situação que nunca se resolve, e como os pretensos fins do mundo onde todo ano tem um mas cá estamos nós, desculpe parecer grosso saiba que não é minha intenção, é apenas desespero de uma situação que parece não ter fim, pois desde que tive idade suficiente me vejo pensando porque tudo isto é assim? e la no intimo sabendo que a algo errado mas a resposta não vem eu fui contatado quando mais jovem sei que não gostava do que via ficou por muito tempo como sonhos lúcidos mas hoje sei que era algo mais se querem mesmo nos ajudar que seja na marra, pois mesmo que doa e melhor do que ver meus filhos crescendo nesta situação. Não vim aqui para falar palavrinhas bonitas pois o que vivemos não é bonito, muitos se acomodam mas eu não consigo eu quero lutar, me contatem… Por favor!
google t – I am going to write in my Portuguese language so that there is no translation error, I believe that the big problem with lightworkers is the fact that we are not religious, or at least the great majority, we are logical people, so you prepare to meet people And nothing more nothing happens what happens demotivation! Then someone always has different ideas of how the subject should be treated and another comes with other ideas not to a position a master to say is like that! Score. And to those who treat all this as a religion of the new age, and we do not want this! We want to see action, because I believe that it is from our programming that we want this, I prefer a war to clean things for everything, than to stay in this situation that is never resolved, and like the purported ends of the world where every year there is one, I’m sorry to appear to be thick knowing that it’s not my intention, it’s just the desperation of a situation that seems to have no end, since I’ve been old enough to see myself thinking because all this is so? And in the intimate knowing that something wrong but the answer does not come I was contacted when I was younger I know I did not like what I saw It stayed for a long time like lucid dreams but today I know it was something more if they even want to help us, , Because even though it hurts and better than seeing my children growing up in this situation. I did not come here to speak beautiful words because what we live is not beautiful, many settle but I can not I want to fight, contact me … Please!
Or KONA: [email protected]
We offer our good services to all nations and peoples, national and supranational organizations and treaty states in order to establish and preserve peace on earth.
Contact: [email protected]
Or KONA: [email protected]
Web pages:
Http://www.ichr.de/home.html http://www.ichr.de/rechtabteilung.html
Support for
International Center for Human Rights and People’s Compulsory court – mandatoryCourt of Justice
Our official language is the German language, which is the language of the people.
I’ll give you only one Google translation:
The Court of Human Rights [GdM] is intended to protect, implement, promote and protect the people of Genesis in compulsory humanitarian law.
The GdM offers autonomous and autonomous as a permanent court of mandatory international humanitarian law its duty to denounce and compensate for violations, since national, international and supranational courts can not. The court’s court is a permanent preventive judgment according to the commandments of Genesis from exodus.
The GdM is a global court of justice, and the duty arises from the transcendence of the preamble, Genesis.
The GdM has its permanent seat as a prevention court in Switzerland in accordance with international law. The Court of Justice does not negotiate the inviolable and inalienable right as a court of fact finding, for facts which are manifest need no proof.
There are therefore no lawyers at the GdM because the right of man is not negotiable or justifiable. The Court of Justice is global and will be involved in infringements.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Resolution 217 A (III) of 10.12.1948
We must undoubtedly assume with absolute force that all legal persons, states, and organizations must be acquainted with international law according to the obligation to contract for the contractual and non-contractual obligations.
Art. 1 of the treaty IV. – Treaty 0.518.51 requires the Contracting Parties of Art. 73 UN Charter to comply with the Agreement in all circumstances and to enforce its compliance!
The necessary human rights organizations, as an armed aid organization, are a pre-governmental and global non-governmental organization and are open to all governmental organizations. This is the treaty to be complied with by the Treaty of the Vienna Convention, p.118, according to pacta sunt servanda.
Not wanting, not being able, not having to be ignorant
Can not be effectively organized within the authorities in the danger area of the burden of proof, but requires the enforcement of the obligation.
The center of the Human Rights Network (IZMR and ZEB) as well as all affiliated organizations have elected the Global Court of Trial of People [GdM] as their voluntary compulsory court for their protection.
The People’s Court of Justice is a global court of justice and amnesty for the amnesty in the human rights network, since the other courts of jurisprudence are not justifiable and not constitutionally authorized courts, since state courts exist in the commercial Federal Republic of Germany in Article 133 Basic Law § 15 GVG not. The juridical courts are free of fundamental rights, are not entitled to a fundamental right and are not entitled to a fundamental right. They act as pure voluntary courts under duress, and human rights violations and obligations arise.
People can turn to the People’s Court of Justice (GdM) with the right to enforce justice, to enforce human rights violations, and to enforce and violate international treaties of international law in international humanitarian law.
The GdM is in the neutral country, because the premises are inviolable under international law. The GdM is a court for obvious and obvious findings and not a pure trade or dispute resolution.
The GdM is a permanent preventive and criminal court, a compulsory court for the protection of super-positive law based on the earth, to introduce courts as an expression of the legal principle in Genesis. The official language at the GdM is German.
The activity of the GdM is not based on economic success, but on prevention and restitution for amnesty through obligation in emergency, emergency, self-defense and self-help.
The court of justice of the people fulfills the prerequisites in the transcendence of the preamble to the protection of the basic right of every person, the global court in Article 24 (3), 25 of the Basic Law and Article 1-2 of the Transitional Treaty and Article 73 of the UN Charter in conjunction with Art. 142-149 of the Geneva treaty IV – SR 0.518.51 for the full implementation of international law for the protection of people against persons in times of war, ie in the event of a collision (KRG No. 35).
The aim of the restitution is to amnesty for the prevention. The courts of the people are the courts for the prevention of the privileged international law
1. punish those responsible for their conduct (repression),
(2) to prevent him from continuing this unlawful conduct (special prevention) and
3. to prevent others (General Prevention).
We offer our good services to all nations and peoples, national and supranational organizations and treaty states in order to establish and preserve peace on earth.
Contact: [email protected]
Or KONA: [email protected]
Web pages:
Http://www.ichr.de/home.html http://www.ichr.de/rechtabteilung.html
Victim’s help person, Bielfeldtweg 26 in [D-21682] STADE, Tel: 0049-4141-6593100
Contraception: Victims’ help person
Bank: PostFinance Switzerland
IBAN (For electrical detection): CH9409000000915493378
IBAN (when printing on paper): CH94 0900 0000 9154 9337 8
We would like to thank PostFinance Switzerland for the provision of your services and a future trustworthy cooperation with the victims.
The Noachid commandments apply to all people.
According to Rabbinic conception, all the Torah regulations apply exclusively to members of the Jewish people – in this context the “yoke of the Torah” is also mentioned. All other people would have to adhere to a small number of basic rules that allow human coexistence. According to the Talmud, the Noachid commandments are a universal religious and ethical right for all people, regardless of religion or state order.
A list of the seven Noachid commandments can be found in the Talmud Tractate of Sanhedrin 13, but also in the Torah they are partly mentioned and partly indicated (Gen 9: 1-13 EU).
In the Talmud tract Sanhedrin 56a / b, the following seven Noachidic commands are defined: [3]
• Prohibition of murder
• Prohibition of theft
• Prohibition of idol worship
• Prohibition of adultery
• Prohibition of brutality against animals (prohibiting meat consumption and animal products to consume or produce)
• Prohibition of blasphemy
• Introduction of courts as an expression of the respect of the legal principle
In Judaism, anyone who accepts and adheres to these seven Noachidic commandments is regarded as Zaddik (righteous / righteous) – there is no need for a special ritual. The organization of people who have deliberately chosen this path describes themselves as B’nei Noach “Children Noachs”. Local associations of this organization exist in many countries.
The Covenant of God with Noah [Edit | Edit Source Code]
In the biblical tide of the flood for the first time, a covenant is pronounced, which God promises Noah before the flood (Gen 6,18 EU) and after the flood fulfilled (Gen 9,9 EU). This covenant takes the seven “noachidic commandments” of God into the framework of a legal relationship [4] between God and man. The rabbinic tradition assumes that the seven commandments of the covenant were also valid for the children of Noah, and thus for the whole of humanity (Gen 9:19 EU). Within this contractually “cut” covenant can now only be spoken of commandments. Therefore the seven commandments were called the “Noachidic commandments,” although six of them had been known since Adam, before the tide of the flood.
Source: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noachidische_Gebote
Internationales Zentrum für Menschenrecht – Gerichthof der Menschen
Unsere Amtsprache ist die deutsche Sprache, den dies ist die Sprache der Menschen.
Ich gebe dir hier nur eine Google Übersetzung:
Der Gerichthof der Menschen [GdM] ist zur Wahrung, Umsetzung, Förderung und zum Schutz der Menschen in der Genesis im zwingend-humanitärem Völkerrecht bestimmt.
Der GdM bietet autak und autonom als ständiger Gerichthof des zwingend-humanitärem Völkerrecht seinen Dienst zur Beedndigung und Entschädigung von Rechtverletzungen an, da nationale, internationale und supranationale Gerichte dieses nicht können. Der Gerichthof der Menschen ist ein ständiges Präventivgericht nach den Geboten der Genesis aus dem Exodus.
Der GdM ist ein globaler Gerichthof, und die Pflicht entspringt aus dem Transzendenzbezug der Präambel, der Genesis.
Der GdM hat seinen ständigen Sitz als Präventionsgericht in der Schweiz gemäß dem Völkerrecht. Der Gerichthof verhandelt nicht über das unverletzliche und unveräußerliche Recht als Gericht der Tatsachenfeststellung, denn Tatsachen, die offenkundig sind, bedürfen keines Beweises.
Es gibt beim GdM deswegen auch keine Juristen, denn das Recht des Menschen ist nicht verhandelbar oder justiziabel. Der Gerichthof ist global und wird bei Rechtverletzungen tätig.
Die Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte
Resolution 217 A (III) vom 10.12.1948
Wir müssen unzweifelhaft mit absoluter Beweiskraft annehmen, daß allen juristischen Personen, Staaten und Organisationen das Völkerrecht nach dem Kontrahierungszwang für das vertragliche und außervertragliche Schuldverhältnis bekannt sein muß.
Art. 1 genfer Abkommen IV. – Vertrag 0.518.51 verpflichtet die Vertragsparteien des Art. 73 UN-Charta, das Abkommen unter allen Umständen einzuhalten und seine Einhaltung durchzusetzen!
Die notwendigen Menschenrechtorganisationen sind als eine Rechthilfe bringende Organisation eine vorstaatliche und globale Nichtregierung-Organisation und gehen allen Regierungsorganisationen vor. Das ist der Vertrag, der durch den Vertrag der Verträge des wiener Übereinkommens 0.111 unbedingt nach pacta sunt servanda einzuhalten ist.
Nichtwollen, Nichtkönnen, Nichtmüssen zum Nichtwissen
kann im Gefahrenbereich der Beweislast nicht wirksam in den Behörden organisiert werden, sondern bedarf der Vollstreckung der Obligation zur Erkenntnis.
Das Zentrum des Netzwerk Menschenrecht (IZMR und ZEB) sowie alle angeschlossenen Organisationen haben den globalen Gerichthof der Menschen [GdM] als ihren freiwilligen Pflichtgerichthof zu ihrem Schutz gewählt.
Der Gerichthof der Menschen ist ein globaler Gerichthof für Prävention und Rechtitution zur Amnestie im Netzwerk Menschenrecht, da die sonstigen Gerichte der Jurisfiktion keine Grundrecht berechtigten und keine Grundrecht befugten Gerichte sind, denn staatliche Gerichte gibt es in der gewerblichen Bundesreublik Deutschland in Art. 133 GG gemäß § 15 GVG nicht. Die juristischen Gerichte sind Grundrecht los, nicht Grundrecht berechtigt und nicht Grundrecht befugt. Sie handeln als reine freiwillige Gerichte unter Zwang und da entstehen die Menschenrechtverletzungen sowie die Obligation.
Die Menschen können sich sich an den Gerichthof der Menschen (GdM) mit dem Anspruch auf Rechtdurchsetzung wenden, um Feststellung von Menschenrechtverletzungen sowie die Einhaltung und Verletzung internationaler Verträge des Völkerrechtes im humanitärem Völkerrecht zu erzwingen.
Der GdM befindet sich im neutralen Land, denn die Räumlichkeiten sind unter dem Völkerrecht unverletzlich. Der GdM ist ein Gericht für offenkundige und offensichtliche Feststellungen und kein reines Handels- oder Streitgericht.
Der GdM ist ein ständiges Präventiv- und Strafgericht, ein Pflichtgericht zum Schutz des überpositiven Rechts mit Sitz auf Erden, zur Einführung von Gerichten als Ausdruck der Wahrung des Rechtprinzip in der Genesis. Die Amtssprache am GdM ist deutsch.
Die Tätigkeit des GdM ist nicht auf wirtschaftlichen Erfolg, sondern auf Prävention und Restitution zur Amnestie durch Obligation in Not, Notstand, Notwehr und Selbsthilfe gerichtet.
Der Gerichthof der Menschen erfüllt die Voraussetzungen im Transzendenzbezug der Präambel zum Schutz des Grundrecht jeden Menschen, des globalen Gericht in Art. 24 (3), 25 GG sowie Art. 1-2 Überleitungsvertrag sowie Art. 73 UN-Charta in Verbindung mit Art. 142-149 genfer Abkommen IV – SR 0.518.51 für den Vollzuz des Völkerrecht zum Schutz der Menschen vor den Personen in Kriegszeiten, also im Kollisionsfall (KRG Nr. 35).
Es gilt das Ziel der Restitution zur Amnestie für die Prävention. Es handelt sich beim Gerichthof der Menschen um ein Präventionsgericht des bevorrechtigtem Völkerrecht, um
1. den Verantwortlichen für sein Verhalten zu bestrafen (Repression),
2. ihn davon abzuhalten, erneut dieses rechtswidrige Verhalten fort zu setzen (Spezialprävention) und
3. auch andere davon abzuhalten (Generalprävention).
Wir bieten allen Nationen und Völkern, Nationalen und Supranationalen Organistationen und Vertrag-staaten unseren Guten Dienste an um den Frieden auf Erden herzustellen und zu bewahren.
Kontakt: [email protected]
Oder KONA: [email protected]
http://www.ichr.de/home.html http://www.ichr.de/rechtabteilung.html
Opferhilfe Mensch, Bielfeldtweg 26 in [D-21682] STADE, Tel: 0049-4141-6593100
Kontobezeichnung: Opferhilfe Mensch
Bank: PostFinance Schweiz
IBAN (Bei elektr. Erfassung): CH9409000000915493378
IBAN (Bei Druck auf Papier): CH94 0900 0000 9154 9337 8
Wir danken der PostFinance Schweiz für die Bereitstellung Ihrer Dienste und einer zukünftigen Vertrauensvollen Zusammenarbeit mit der Opferhilfe.
Die Noachidischen Gebote gelten für alle Menschen.
Nach rabbinischer Auffassung gelten alle Bestimmungen der Tora ausschließlich für Angehörige des jüdischen Volkes – in diesem Zusammenhang wird auch vom „Joch der Tora“ gesprochen. Alle anderen Menschen hätten nur eine geringe Anzahl grundsätzlicher Regeln zu befolgen, die menschliches Zusammenleben ermöglichen. Gemäß dem Talmud gelten die Noachidischen Gebote als allgemeines religiöses und ethisches Recht für alle Menschen, unabhängig von jeder Religion oder staatlichen Ordnung.
Eine Liste der sieben Noachidischen Gebote findet sich im Talmudtraktat Sanhedrin 13, aber auch in der Tora werden sie teils genannt und teils angedeutet (Gen 9,1–13 EU).
Im Talmudtraktat Sanhedrin 56a/b werden die folgenden sieben noachidischen Gebote definiert:[3]
• Verbot von Mord
• Verbot von Diebstahl
• Verbot von Götzenanbetung
• Verbot von Ehebruch
• Verbot der Brutalität gegen Tiere ( Verbot Fleischverzehr und tierische Produkte zu konsumieren oder herzustellen)
• Verbot von Gotteslästerung
• Einführung von Gerichten als Ausdruck der Wahrung des Rechtsprinzips
Im Judentum wird jeder, der diese sieben Noachidischen Gebote akzeptiert und sich an sie hält, als Zaddik (Gerechter/Rechtschaffener) angesehen – es bedarf dazu keines besonderen Rituals. Die Organisation von Menschen, die diesen Weg bewusst gewählt haben, bezeichnet sich selbst als B’nei Noach „Kinder Noachs“. Lokale Verbände dieser Organisation gibt es in vielen Ländern.
Der Bund Gottes mit Noach
In der biblischen Flutgeschichte wird erstmals von einem Bund gesprochen, den Gott Noach vor der Flut verheißt (Gen 6,18 EU) und nach der Flut erfüllt (Gen 9,9 EU). Dieser Bund fasst die sieben „noachidischen Gebote“ Gottes in den Rahmen einer rechtlichen Beziehung[4] zwischen Gott und den Menschen. Die rabbinische Tradition geht davon aus, dass die sieben Gebote des Bundes auch für die Kinder Noachs galten und damit für die ganze Menschheit (Gen 9,19 EU). Innerhalb dieses vertraglich „geschnittenen“ Bundes kann nun erst von Geboten gesprochen werden. Deshalb wurden die sieben Gebote die „noachidischen Gebote“ genannt, obwohl sechs davon schon seit Adam, vor der Flutgeschichte, bekannt waren.
Quelle: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noachidische_Gebote
If you do not understand how the Andromedans program humans, you have no chance of participating in the very problematic liberation of this humanity, whose DNA has been copiously modified, into a breed of servile servants. Moreover, the unavoidable human losses are currently evaluated between 1/3 and 1/2 of the population, during the 3 galactic flashes that will sweep the planet, probably in the 2017/2022 slot, because, after this interval, the games will be done, and each one, will go to his destiny.
First experience of Pavlov:
A rat is enclosed in a cage, regularly sending electric shocks. The rat first tries to escape, then snuggles into a corner of the cage. After a few days of this torture, the rat eats less, moves almost more, and begins to get accustomed to discharges, at the cost of an internal neurosis. This neurosis is essential to the survival of the rat, and its brain is gradually disconnected from the messages of its nervous system. At some point in this regime, the experimenters continue to send dumps, but OPEN THE CAGE. They find that the rat does not rush to the outside, and remains prostrate in a corner of the cage. This is exactly what the controllers who are in control of humanity want, that you live the “metro-bodot-dodo” which is essential to them, in order to milk you and to mow. To kill and consume you en masse is not their priority, although they do not deprive themselves of it occasionally, but it is not the fate reserved for the “labor”
Second Pavlov experiment.
In this variant of the first experiment, at the same time, two rats are introduced into a single cage, the animals are initially completely pacific. They feed, explore the cage or sleep quietly. They are then subjected to the same regime of electric shocks as the previous rat, which was isolated. Like their fellow, the rats try to escape from the cage and find no way out.
Then the time passes, and the electric shocks are repeated at regular intervals, and at a precise moment of a new electrical discharge, the two rats throw themselves against each other and fight fiercely.
As soon as the discharges are stopped, the rats stop fighting and go to “normal” occupations. The fighting resumes regularly, with each new discharge, and then at a certain moment, the experimenters open the cage, and find that the two rats rush to the outside of the cage, because the fact of having attacked each other Avoided sinking into the neurosis of the isolated rat.
Unfortunately, the rats are covered with wounds, and if the game continues for too long before the cage opens, it is very likely that both rats will eventually succumb to multiple aggressions
If there is a victor, and if the treatment continues, then he will end up, like the first isolated rat, will neurosis, and will no longer leave the cage if it is opened again.
Well, dear friends of the Resistance, you must understand that the Jesuits and their masters, AND know perfectly well these two experiments, and apply to the earthlings all the psychological laws which result from them for thousands of years
Dear RM,
I wish to affirm much of what is said above and below
and forgive the rest. To the eloquence I give respect.
I would also like to offer my chosen perspective for your
We sometimes find ourselves incapacitated by suffering.
As soon as I am able, I choose otherwise, again, and again,
and again . . .
To do so affords me delight. To a predator delight glints
like the edge of a sword. It gives me room to move.
In summary, I would like to express appreciation, conviction,
and determination.
The intelligence and advice provided by Cobra has afforded
me valued glimpses.
It seems that a choice was made long ago and it has been
compounded and multiplied ever since and we are pressed in a
thicket of interwoven consequences.
My operational hypothesis is that the remedy is being
infused subtly and requires only willingness, readiness, and
steadfastness to come into full effect.
I seek to serve in this process and to be more conscious of
the nature of my service.
It further seems that we have precipitated a predator that
preys on our expression and our consciousness. It consists of,
and operates by, confusion of identity. It poses in our
thought and feelings and invites us to misidentify our self.
My chosen activity is to hunt the predator, at all times,
and in all situations, by all available methods, apparently,
largely unnoticed by my fellow humans.
I strive to discern the nature of the prompts that come to
me from within and without. Sometimes it is clear that the
propagation of a choice is being guided into raw hatred. I let
it dissolve.
I am intending clarity of discernment.
My human mother taught me with tenderness and dedication.
I would like to see the end of my mother’s suffering and
rejoice with her in the liberation of her children.
I send this flash toward the commencement of the event.
I trust you are smiling.
I am ready; I am active; I am listening.
FOb, Earth
Dear RM, all Lightworkers and Lightwarriors: i appreciate all the help we are getting to free this planet, may Godspeed.
Why is there infighting? I would suggest it is mostly caused by ignorance and confusion. Although light warriors are probably well versed in the woes of the world, generally speaking I am not sure they fully grasp and understand how exactly to resolve these issues. So, without a clearly defined and well understood goal, there is a natural tendency to become side-tracked with fickle attacks and distractions.
At this stage, the light community and general populace would be greatly aided with a clear understanding of the root cause of the problems of the world. The root cause is not ego, or greed or even hate – it is authoritarianism or rulership (archons). Without the power of monarchs and governments throughout history (and the belief that they should have power over others) we would undoubtedly be living in a remarkably better world. A world probably beyond our imagination.
Authoritarianism by definition must use violence to enforce its rules – if it was without violence then its edicts could not be enforced and would really only be suggestions or requests. Consider that for a moment, that the rulership of the day could only ASK that you fight in a war – it could not force you to do so (with threats of imprisonment or fines). Or that it only ASKed that you pay taxes (legalised theft), rather than threaten you if you did not. Or that it only ASKed that you do not consume illicit drugs rather than fining you if you did. If this was the case, then they would actually have no power and authority at all. With the removal of authority, so goes the removal of a system of violence. And without violence there must be peace.
So, the only true answer is love, anarchy (no-ruler), freedom and economic liberty. When this is fully understood and grasped, I believe the means for removing the system of violence will become clear. And with the means available, we will be only a step away from living in a new, immeasurably better world.
Some excellent anarchist content:
Freedom: http://thefreedomline.com/freedom/
Mark Passio: https://www.youtube.com/user/WhatOnEarth93
Market for Liberty. https://mises.org/library/market-liberty-1
Dear Resistance Movement
Thank you so much for helping us in Liberation of our beloved planet.
I feel deep gratitude and respect for the work you do.
From my position i organize facebook meditations
directly following Cobra’s blog
and it is an honour to do that.
If it is possible i would like to be contacted by you
telepathically or physically.
Heartfelt greetings.
Thank you so much for requesting our input. This, in and of itself, will facilitate some healing for many. I struggle with being retraumatized everyday now that the internet is so easy to access and gain information from. Though it has also been the vehicle for my awakening and my hope in what is to come, I also find it difficult to hear about how we continue to traumatize each other as well as other living things. I believe lightworkers attack each other because they believe their way to the truth MUST be the correct one because it has worked for them. They are tremendously fearful that people will be lead down the wrong path and therefore want others to follow what the “know” works. All fear-based stuff that is very difficult to break free from. Speaking for myself, I’m just tired. Trying hard to stay loving and compassionate but am really worn down. Want to do the best for all concerned. Just not sure how much Ionger I can do so without an energy infusion. Thank you for listening.
I have been thinking deeply about the issue of the Resistance Group finding it difficult to understand why Lightworkers/warriors are sometimes attacking each other rather than uniting and supporting each other against our common enemy.
It’s not understandable logically but it is a very real demonstration of the depth of the cruel, screwed-up, insidious impact of the negative mind/emotional programming that the surface humanity has been subjected to for so very long.
We forget at our peril that the cabal are very ingenious, insightful, inventive and clever in the most diabolical of ways. Also they have had hundreds of years to perfect their efforts and the negative results go very deep into the fabric of our societies. For centuries in Europe they have used war or the threat of war to create the very real experiences of loss, lack and a general sense dis-empowerment for generation after generation. At the cellular level most of the surface humanity is infected or affected in one way or another.
We also know that for hundreds if not thousands of years the cabal have used their esoteric knowledge together with sexually perverted black magic to pollute the telluric energy systems of Mother Earth. They also currently control of the media etc. in ways which are actively designed to infiltrate the collective consciousness with profound negativity.
Much of the Earth energy distortions at sacred sites has been cleared now and the new 5D crystalline grids are activated. It is the personal legacy of the cruel ramifications of cabal black magic that we must all individually wake up to and then conquer in our own lives.
My research has shown that cabal understand exactly how to influence and negatively invade the subtle spiritual dynamics of the human mind/body/emotion/spirit energy system. They understand the Astrology of personality types and how to seduce someone by appealing to an individual’s negative character traits. In addition, they understand how to use celestial cycles to time their atrocities for maximum effect in collective events.
This is why the ancient wisdom such as ‘Know Thyself’ is still so important. Through cultivating the self-witnessing or spiritual observer capacity of our mind we can learn how to see, that is, become conscious, of the unconscious negative behavioural effects of the evil that bad guys have been secretly doing against us.
We need to learn how to observe or witness these effects playing out at the personal level and then we have the capacity to consciously choose to not play their games any more. We can then also choose to re-programme our own thought processes ans belief systems consciously with positive thoughts. We can learn how to accept more love into our body/emotion/spirit light-energy template. We can put our Free Will Choice capacity into real-time effect and to discover how to become free.
More specifically, why the recent very public attacks on Light-warriors? I think that the answer could be just plain old jealousy on the part of the attackers. The attackers are acting out cabal-programmed negative mind-sets. They may be in deep emotional pain, acting out their guilt and shame by hurtfully attacking others.
It’s like school-time, cabal-style bullying on the public arena. Nasty and cruel but this is the way that cabal instigated negative mind-programming works in ordinary day to day events until we make the personal choice, deciding as individuals to clean up our acts and stop playing it all out on each other.
On the other hand, Light-warriors are demonstrating, real-time, the art and practice of being heroic.
Not in the cabal-invented, self-delusional, Hollywood-land, escape-fantasy type of ways though. In standing up against the cabal Light-warriors are showing real strength of character. They overcoming their fear. They are being courageous. They are ‘fighting the good fight’ against evil in real-time with the very possible threat of negative consequences to both themselves and their loved ones.
They are risking ridicule by putting themselves on the line publicly. They are risking their lives but still they do it. That is what it means to be real-time heroic rather than to play at it, sitting on your couch playing at being fantasy, cabal-style, game-boy, pretend heroic.
These beautiful Light-warrior Souls are following their spiritual mission. They are being accountable. In sharing what they know and have personally experienced they helping us all see past the cabal veil of lies. They are demonstrating the courage needed to seek the truth. They are standing up to be counted. They are responding to their spiritual information. They are publicly saying that they have spiritual guidance from the highest of most helpful sources.
Not only do they have the courage to share this information but they are also showing that they are following it themselves as best they can. They are making their spiritual guidance real in their own lives. They are demonstrating how to be an ordinary person whilst also putting divine inspiration into real-time, again, practice.
I would bet that those who are doing the attacking will not (yet) be demonstrating the courage needed for these kinds of heroic qualities in their own lives so it is likely that they will be envious of those who do. It is easy to be critical in the pseudo-safety and anonymity of spiritual apathy while hiding behind a computer screen. It is easy to attack another with a mouse than do your bit to claim back your divine authority to be in charge of your own life.
With a BIG THANK YOU to the Resistance Group and all courageous Boots on the Ground. May the Blessing of the Light rain down gently on all of us.
P.S. My guidance is strongly suggesting that the coming August Eclipse is a perfect time to use the Leo-sun energy to take back the inventive creativity of our personal spiritual power. This can be done by affirming that we can personally and collectively drop out of and delete the old cabal-written scripts we have been unwittingly playing out for their benefit. We will then be able to step fully into our own spiritually creative and sovereign freedom while claiming the intent to lead our own lives for the highest and common good.
Hi RM, and amazing people of an amazing Planet Earth.
Thank you so much to All of us in desire to reach True Self, Be Love and spread Love to whole Planet.
The question of why Lightworkers and Lightwarriors keep attacking each other instead of uniting forces against the Cabal is important in order to understand, feel and reprogram the pattern which is barrier for realization of the “ Who I am and Why I am here”.
To be honest with myself, I have to say I feel frustration each time I communicate with people within work, or common events. And there is some interesting moment. When I communicate with somebody who is youngest, my mind says:
“ This person has less knowledge and experiences than you. You know better than he/she. In case, when this is somebody with more experiences and better informed my mind says: “ Don’t talk a lot, don’t ask, be invisible”. It puts border between me and other people, separate me and I am not able to feel myself as one with this somebody, and not able to open my heart. I feel the energy of fear. This energy paralyzes, create aggression, and block you and the other people. It is a good question for me how to work with this energy of fear on the spot to transform it to the positive one.
In my culture, I am living in Azerbaijan, it happens each time when I am among the people. This separation is barrier to me to be one with people from my culture and make amazing things together with them. It seems to me that this separation program has been engaged in to the people in my culture on a more deep level. I guess, they feel the same thing and just not aware about that. I want to say, I feel like we speak on different languages, and we are at the same culture. It seems like we lost some common language to understand each other and be at the same pages. We are not resonates on the same frequencies to unite forces against the Cabal within culture.
Another interesting moment is that there are the groups of people who are on their way of Ascension and went a huge amount of the way, have an amazing transformational experiences, informed a lot, and during communication with them my mind and my heart works as one. These are real people from the Planet
who have changed their mind, see positive things in even teeny moments and belief to themselves and have high vibrations in any situation they have included. They are Real and they are here to support, share Love and realize the Ascension.
As I understand, and feel, and aware of the question RM put here, we are Lightworkers and Lightwarriors, and surface population are (I wanted to say “on the different levels” and I realized this is also separation, so I say) on our personal way of ASCENSION. I would like to thank RM for their dedication and an amazing idea to write letter to the Resistance Movement. Thank you again for LOVE, and again for LOVE.
I have a dream, I am an active member of an amazing platform for People who resonates on the same frequencies, for the Pleiadians, Arcturians and Light beings all over the World, and all over the Universe, who united and All are in one places, All are in one platform, not at different websites to unite force to meditate together, to realize common tasks, projects and realize Ascension of Planet Earth.
Love to All
Victory of the Light.
Liebe Brüder und Schwestern der Widerstandsbewegung,
wir, die Menschen, dieses wundervollen Planeten Gaia, haben zum größten Teil viel viel Leid erdulden und erleben müssen. Viel zu wenige erkennen allerdings das Hamsterrad, in die sie/wir gesteckt wurden und aus dem sich immer mehr Menschen versuchen zu befreien. Ich bitte Euch daher, liebe Brüder und Schwestern der Widerstandsbewegung, sich mit uns in Verbindung zu setzen und uns alle zu unterstützen auf dem Weg in unsere Freiheit. Die Zeit ist da.
google t – Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Resistance Movement,
We, the people, this wonderful planet Gaia, have for the most part suffered and suffered much suffering. Far too few recognize, however, the hamster wheel into which they / they were put and from which more and more people are trying to free themselves. I therefore ask you, dear brothers and sisters of the resistance movement, to get in touch with us and to support us all on the way to our freedom. The time has come.
Thank you!
grüße euch, ich schreibe jetz auf kroatisch,
ljudi zive u strahu sto se dogadja na Zemlji, sve vise izgazuje se bjes sa oruzjem i ubijanjen na prolaznike , proslo je godinu dana kako je u Minhenu ubieno nekoliko mladi ljudi koji su imali cijeli zivot pred sobom. svaki dan prolazim tim putem gdje se to desilo. sada mi idu suze radi toga kako sprijeciti tako sto da se vise nigdje nedesi na Zemlji bez ratova i bilo kakvog ubijanja.
molim vas sto trebamo uciniti da se to promjeni , kako da zasljepljeni progledaju ili spavaoci da se probude
pomozitenam da se oslobodi Zemlj a svi stanovnici na njoj.
u ljubavi i svijetlosti
google t – Grüße euch, ich schreibe jetz auf kroatisch,
People live in fear of what is happening on Earth, more and more rage with weapons and killed on passersby, it’s been a year since several young people who had had their whole life in front of themselves were killed in Munich. Every day I go through that path where it happened. Now they are tearing me down to prevent them from slaughtering anywhere on Earth without wars and any killing.
Please, what should we do to change that, how to blind people or spaspers to wake up
I am helping to liberate the Earth and all the inhabitants on it.
In love and in light
Dear RM! At first, please, let me express my gratitude to you!
I hesitated a bit to write down this letter, but then I decided to do it.
My name is Anton, I live in Minsk, Belarus and I want to begin my message with story that I always remembered myslef as a cosmic being. And I knew perfectly this is my first incarnation in human body. And before that I used to live in magnificent huge Space as a free and happy explorer of the life in all her beauty!
I would like to show (hope, that won’t be immodest) some photos of mine as a child, I think you can see clearly The Space in those eyes… http://i.imgur.com/CrGxb54.jpg http://i.imgur.com/2aHwmqT.jpg
From the very childhood many-many things and moments in earth life (both in socium and body) seemed to me absolutely unnatural and horrible, e.g. violent people and children, necessity to pay for everything, experiencing the pain, aging, visiting the toilet, etc…
I also would like to tell you that I knew from childhood my goal of life on this planet:
1. I wanted to transform my body back to the cosmic one and I wanted to do it in 2001 (maybe, the Event was appointed at that time). And besides I imagined it in such way: luminous ball (which I prepared for myself before the incarnation) flies into the back of my head and.. my body becomes cosmic, like it was in Space for many thousands of years.
2. After that, I planned to teleport to my real friends (I was sure I would remember after the transformation who and where they were ), to show them by my example that everything is real, to help them to transform too.
3. And the final goal for me was to fly away with my friends (6 men & 6 women in total) in an infinite journey through the Universes!
Dear RM, I would like to ask you: do you know something about my method of transforming the body?
But… in 2001 nothing has happened (I was 12 years old at that time) and I got very upset…
I remember vaguely that at that time I’ve been talking very much, almost swearing to someone in Earth orbit.
I felt myself very uncomfortable in the society during the school period with the exception of the group of people training taoist kung fu with whom I went together to a wonderful place on this planet – The Crimea (South Coast).
And later I left the university and concentrated deeply into self learning.
By the way, it’s funny that for the last 6 years I’ve been following exactly your advices about spending time in nature, listening to beautiful music ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtbYlVNOwxg ) , etc.
Starting from the 2012 I began to little by little return to myself, to my true goals. And since then I have a huge desire to my twinsoul, for my sweet heart darling part.
Also in 2012 I went to the Crimea again for 1 month, and I was alone. This helped me a lot. I had various visions of communion with Angelic Beings from the Sun and someone who looked like very similar to Ashtar. It was very deep and profound experience. It was very pleasant to find myself in energy body aboard a large spaceship and to communicate with smile and Love as with a best friend!
This person smiled and showed me slightly above his solar plexus, thereby hinted to me that I should open my heart and by that unite our “auras”. After that I saw a lot of information, which my brain couldn’t comprehend and remember completely.
All that I remembered are images of the cosmos, different planets, some near the center of the Galaxy, beautiful people and architecture … It only lasted a few seconds, but it helped me to realize myself even more as a cosmic being.
And so in 2013 I was about to leave the planet Earth, to go to Altai in order to left planet there at any cost. But I met (on the internet) a beautiful gentle Girl, who shared my thoughts and who supported me and, unfortunately, who suffered greatly as well(
And I decided to stay on the planet for a while, as long as we could be financially free here (She is from Tyumen, Russia, but we, fortunately, just a week ago began to live together in Minsk!) and later went away in Space in joy and happiness together!
But my Dear Beloved Girl has health problems, which can not be solved simply with help of money 🙁
And for now I have nothing to do on this planet, actually…
I’m just trying to earn money (I started working as Software Testing Engineer recently, learn programming in free time) in order to make life of my Sweetheart and some of best friends easier so they could not work for food.
Dear RM, I would like to ask you to write me at [email protected] (I hope, bombs wouldn’t detonate because of the e-mail) and I would like to ask you some questions:
1. Do you know something about my method of transforming the body?
2. Could you help me improve (maybe with just an advice) my financial situation?
3. What should be done to improve the health of my Darling Girlfriend? I’m sure that standart Tachyon chamber won’t be enough in this case. (but of course it would be better than nothing)
4. Can you contact me? Perhaps, we could cooperate, because I really have nothing to do here and somehow or other I’ll go into space, it’s only a matter of time ..
And once again I express my gratitude for your work! With love!
[email protected] Currently, named as Anton 🙂
Dear RM, this is my answer to the question why some Lightworkers and Lightwarriors keep fighting with each other.
My take on this as a psychotherapist and spirtual healer is this:
It probably has to do with:
– Low self -esteem, low confidence, low self-love, which some of us were taught to compensate by fighting others who are similar to us, to belittle them si we could feel like we are better, smarter etc
– Implants, dark entities, and demons designed to turn us against each other
– Trauma from present life and past lives could be involved too
– Soul contracts or provisions accepted before incarnation that they may not be aware of
– Mental/cognitive confusion about terms, principles of how the world work, how society and people work, how God works, and other subtilities of human psychology. Thing is, when it comes to changing the world, in our minds this kind of work goes into the “Politics” category. We know that nowadays politics is about fighting, arguing, and standing against the “opposing” group(s). So this is where this tendency of fighting with each other may be coming from, assuming that changing the world is about changing the politics, which in turn is associated with fighting, conflicts, proving that “my solution” is “better” than “your solution”, missing the point that we can pull this off by working together through collaboration. I would dear to say that conflict represents the fundamental fabric of the current human society, which is standing at the very core of our beliefs about how society should be constructed and how it should work. Almost all politicians (with a few very furtunate exceptions, like Ron Paul and Rand Paul in the US, Dacian Ciolos in Romania, Orban Viktor in Hungary etc) are totally oblivious to the fact that a humane society has to be founded on being in peace with itself, just like the different organs in a healthy body; whereas the current political system, which leads society, is in constant conflict with itself through the different political parties. The old stratagem “Divide e impera” since Roman times is still alive and working in almost all parts of the society.
– Some lightworkers might believe that they need to get to power in order to make the changes they came here for, so they believe that they need to fight the others in order to get on top and excert their will and vision. Whereas the real solution in collaboration and concerted and harmonious co-operation, being clear about the fact that each of us are the most important in the place of the new system that we had been assigned to by God.
– I do believe that it the very core each Lightworker and Lightwarrior has good will at their hearts. Bud some believe that they are doing a great job by proving and pointing out all the bads and mistakes others are doing, to show by contrast how well and good their visions and plans are. Again, I think they are missing the point that conflicts, even when with good intentions at heart, are leading to no good in the end.
– Many times, conflicts do lead to evolution. But when it comes to building a new planetary system, there needs to be a new general agreement between people, which means harmony, equilibrium, and cooperating = peace on all levels of society. If the old paradigm was built on war/conflicts, the new paradigm needs to be built on the opporite of war, which us peace and harmony.
Conflict has so permeated society today, that most people assume that solving political and social problems can be done only through conflict. So when some Lightworkers commence with their missions, they might assume that they need to fight everybody around them in order to impose their personal truths.
Thank you to P for C and Cobra also for making this blog possible. Reading these letters has made me realize I’m not alone in my experience, but hundreds of others are having very similar experiences BUT none of my previous posts have appeared, they seem to go off somewhere into the ethers. So I’m trying again.
Letter from Pamela (email: [email protected] )
不過若是嚴格說起,我覺得可能跟我們從小就一直被灌輸「看看別人家小孩,你怎麼這麼不乖不聽話?」有關。從小,家人就很愛拿我們跟別人,例如鄰居或親戚家的小孩比較,我們的優點,爸媽卻從來都不誇獎或是很少誇獎,惟獨缺點就一直盯得很嚴 (無奈)…… 於是從小,大部分的人就已經被灌輸自己不夠好,以至於從小學、國中到高中,甚至大學等畢業後進職場,我們都想要「贏過別人」,因為這是父母、親戚、朋友在意的。尤其是在東方國家升學制度盛行,成績至上,家長等旁人都只注重學業成績,很少人會去在意孩子的品格發展(如培養孩子多尊重別人,而不是漫罵他人)此外,因為周遭旁人就愛比較的因素,導致我們從小就不重視團隊合作,因為彼此都深怕被對方超越,怕別人知名度比你高,這種社會上愛比較的風氣,似乎已無形中變成了團隊合作的枷鎖。拿高中組讀書會當例子,大家可能目標都是某所頂尖名校,有些人會無私奉獻所學,但有些人卻會保留一手,不想把他擅長科目的讀書秘訣分享出來,我不是說世上沒有人都無私奉獻,而是說這種無私的人很少,而且只要發現對方私自藏一手,我們就會比較傾向於也保留一手,於是,又再度陷入比較輪迴,因為幹掉一個少一個,「你不讓我上某間名校,我也偏不讓你上」團隊中似乎只要有一人有私心,其他人似乎就會對那個人產生嫌隙,於是,讀書會中可能就會有小團體。
從小我們就被灌輸「要贏在起跑點上」,所以我們比較重視名與利,把對方看作是對手,即使我們可能有共同的敵人。但也真的有人是很真誠的啦,但團隊若出現一種這樣私心比較多的人,難免大家心情都會受影響…… 再加上我們從小就沒有什麼重視團隊合作,團隊難免會不協調,如此時又遇到生活各種壓力,根本是不可能的事,因為畢竟難免會被激到,大家也想快快樂樂過一天,誰想要受對方的氣啊。再說陰謀集團本來不就是享有生活上的各種優渥,本來就比較容易團結……如果今天光工都有錢不用煩惱工作,沒有啥身體病痛,沒有那麼多的壓力,大家應該就比較容易團結了吧……陰謀集團已經贏在各種起跑點上了,編程我們的思想,灌輸我們很弱小的理念,在社會上也用各種思想編程灌輸給長輩,然後來一代限制一代,食物來毒害,DNA又被他們篡改,他們不爽就用scalar weapons來對我們發洩,然後又安排人在團隊內搗亂,更別提他們錢比老百姓多,他們在各種面向起跑點都超越我們了,我們還在工作崗位上而沒有離去,有時想想都該偷笑了,還談什麼維持團隊和協,只能盡力和諧吧……
請別在說什麼我們為何不能像陰謀集團一樣團結,論起跑點,我們真的是被打趴了…但沒有放棄自己的信念,撐到解放那天就真的盡所能了……我們從小就沒有被灌輸「團結力量大」的理念,況且自從團隊成立到現在也才幾年,是需要磨合期的,而且最近大家才真正意識到事情的嚴重性(例如scalar weapons, 還有是否團隊內真的有infiltration),起初都是半信半疑,真的需要點時間消化……
這只是我從旁人的角度來看,可能有點偏頗,畢竟我沒加入事件團隊,只是從事件粉專上看到或從旁人聽到的猜測,所以只能從自己以前各種團隊經驗中來分析……我覺得要我學會尊重別人其實不難做到,只是萬一有人在鬧,自己也會非常氣,也會暴怒,但當下究竟會不會跟人發生爭吵,也只有當下才知道,但真的很多時候真的會被激到罵回去吧…… 因為第一個想法真的就是「我又不是欠你的,憑啥罵我!」仔細想想,好像很多人也是從小就有回罵的習慣……有時我也好想就這樣大聲嘶喊,像潑婦一樣,畢竟有些事我看了也很不爽,只能自己找其他宣洩出口……但有時,對於某些事(例如,為何每個時代都要由starseed來承擔責任)感到極度不悅,每個cycle不都這樣嗎…會付出的人就永遠都是那麼少,顧自己的人永遠那麼多,為啥要拿自己的熱臉去貼人家冷屁股?別人只要賺錢、結婚、生小孩、還冷嘲熱諷說你不懂賺錢、當媽媽的辛苦,如果今天我不知道這麼多真相我也很容易說這種鬼話啊,當個井底之蛙多好,每天只要單純過生活多好,覺得這世界美好多好,但他們根本就是被蒙在鼓裡不知真相。為了解放都幾年了…說不氣那是騙人的,大家也都想過快樂的生活啊,誰想做這種吃力不討好的工作,要等到解放才可以把所有煩惱拋諸腦後,才有繁榮基金,都這麼久了,大家也都筋疲力盡了,如果大家今天也像RM或其他Light Forces一樣享有富足,或可以常常到大自然中做療癒或有很多healing的科技,有同伴或家人的支持,那我相信大家打持久戰都一定沒問題! 重點是大家財務都吃緊了,還得不到自己家人或朋友支持,而且又不是每個地方離大自然很近,有些景色真的也看膩了或根本就沒啥景色可看,沒啥新鮮感…此外,有些人都是孤軍奮戰,一個人能為自己做的事真的很有極限……日積月累,大家也就身心疲憊,更容易被挑釁吧…… 生活各種壓力跟社會成長環境環環相扣啊……無奈
English translation:
I think why we will always attack to attack, has been bad words, in addition to part of the pressure because of life, whether it is family or financial work on the pressure, and sometimes because of the uneven distribution of team work (who do more Who do less, who is more active) and other issues over time, and then when the mood suddenly broke out, shouted abuse, because it may usually be some unpleasant. This is just what I observed, of course, there are very happy examples of cooperation.
But if strictly speaking, I think it may be with us since childhood has been instilled “to see other people’s children, how do you do not obedient?” Since childhood, the family love to take us with others, such as neighbors or relatives of children compared to our advantages, parents never praise or rarely praise, but the shortcomings have been stare very strict (helpless) … … So that most people have been instilled in their own is not good enough, so that from primary school, country to high school, and even college graduates after graduation, we all want to “win someone else”, because this is the parents, relatives, friends care of. Especially in the East countries, the prevalence of school system, the results of the supremacy, parents and other people are only focus on academic performance, few people will care about the child’s character development (such as training children to respect others, rather than scold others) In addition, Love more factors, resulting in our childhood do not attach importance to teamwork, because each other are afraid of being crossed by each other, afraid of others known higher than you, this society love more atmosphere, seems to have virtually become a shackles of teamwork. If you are going to be a top school, some people will be selfless dedication to learn, but some people will keep a hand, do not want to be good at the subject of reading the secret to share, I am not saying that no one in the world Are selfless dedication, but that this selfless people rarely, and as long as the other side found that private possession of a hand, we will tend to also keep a hand, so, again into the more cyclical, because kill one less one, “you do not Let me go to a famous school, I will not let you on the team seems to have as long as one person has selfishness, others seem to have that person had a rift, so there may be small groups in the book.
Speaking of small groups, as if from childhood are so grown up, we all like to like people with like-minded together, and then together with other small groups. I think that in such a social environment grew up, never said to have to do other people are self-deception, everyone more or less have this idea, but some people prefer not to care about, even if the heart is very dry, but also choose Put down, but the focus is if the other side has been sustained to shock you, the mood will be outbreak of the day, serious to even turn the other account with each other. Friends will be in the group activities will be quarreled, let alone perhaps only in the event team for several years to know the team members, plus life for all kinds of pressure, the liberation progress and so slow, we are tired, emotional words will inevitably come one after another … … plus we grew up with the preferences of people who like together, after the formation of small groups, it seems that inevitably some prejudice against each other … … really inevitable, because the child is so grown up … … even with friends do not know together When the talk, it will talk to each other gossip. Few people will talk about the merits of others, unless the other is your sweetheart, anyway, as long as boring, gossip topic open, then the box constantly, even if we know that should not be behind the bad words, Ah… can only say that used to …
We all love gossip, neighbors, relatives are also, elders love to ask, “Which school do you read? You homework is good? Where are you working now? You pay less? When married?” Social atmosphere is love to ask this surface things , Few people will ask you recently had a good job …
This also led most people to feel that “no one really understand their own”, and no one will often chat with others, so the more the heart of the pagoda, to express the way invisible into the same people together, began to talk to each other Gossip, yes, not and friends often talk about things, but often do not talk to others.
Since then we have been instilled “to win at the starting point”, so we pay more attention to the name and benefit, the other as opponents, even if we may have a common enemy. But it is really someone is very sincere friends, but the team if there is such a selfish mind more people, it is inevitable that everyone will be affected mood … … plus we grew up there is no attention to teamwork, the team will inevitably uncoordinated, so When they encounter a variety of life pressure, is simply impossible, because after all, will inevitably be excited, we also want to happy day, who wants to be the other side of the gas ah. Moreover, conspiracy group is not to enjoy the life of the various strangers, it is easier to unite … … If today’s light workers have money do not worry about work, there is no physical pain, not so much pressure, we should be easier to unite it … … conspiracy group has won a variety of starting point, the programming of our ideas, instill our very weak concept, in the community with a variety of ideological programming instilled to the elders, and then to generation to limit generation, food poisoning, DNA was They tamper with them, they use the scalar weapons to us to vent, and then arranged for people to make trouble in the team, not to mention their money than the people more, they are starting in a variety of starting point for us, we are still in the job without Leave, and sometimes think about the laughter, and talk about what to maintain the team and association, can only try to harmony it … …
Please do not say why we can not be like a conspiracy group as united, starting point of action, we are really being beaten … but did not give up their beliefs, support the liberation day really do everything … … we grew up It is not necessary to instill the idea of ”solidarity”, and it is only a few years since the establishment of the team, and it is necessary to run the period, and recently we really realize the seriousness of the matter (such as scalar weapons, Of infiltration), at first are dubious, really need some time to digest … …
It is only from the perspective of others, may be a bit biased, after all, I did not join the event team, just from the event powder to see or hear from others speculation, so only from their previous team experience to analyze … … I think I want to learn to respect others is not difficult to do, but if someone in trouble, he will be very angry, will be rage, but the moment will not quarrel with people, only the moment to know, but really Many times really will be excited to curse back to it … … because the first idea is really “I am not owe you, thanks to scold me!” Think about it, as if many people are from time to have the habit of cursed … … sometimes I would like to so loudly screaming, like a bitch, after all, some things I looked very uncomfortable, only to find other vent their exports … … but sometimes, for some things (for example, why every All the times to be borne by the starseed responsibility) feel extremely unhappy, each cycle are not so … will pay the people will always be so little, care for their own people so long, why should take their own hot face go with People cold ass? Others as long as make money, get married, have children, but also cynical that you do not know how to make money, when the mother’s hard, if today I do not know so many truths I can easily say this kind of ghosts ah, when the bottom of the frog how good, How good life, that the world is so good, but they are simply kept in the drums do not know the truth. In order to liberate all years … it is not a lie that is, we all want to live a happy life, ah, who want to do this thankless job, to wait until the liberation can put all the troubles behind, Only prosperity fund, so long, we are exhausted, if everyone today, like RM or other Light Forces enjoy the same wealth, or can often be done to the healing or a lot of healing technology, a companion or Family support, then I believe we have to fight a long war must be no problem! The focus is that we are tight financial, but also not their own family or friends support, and not every place from the nature of the very close, some of the scenery really Also look tired or simply nothing to see the scenery, nothing fresh … In addition, some people are alone, a person can do for their own really very limited … … over time, everyone But also physically and mentally exhausted, more easily be provoked it … … a variety of pressure with the social growth environment interlocking ah … … helpless
Hello amazing brothers and sisters :),
this time on Earth is very crucial for us :). And I hope that I will be on this Earth, when the Event comes.
I’m feeling a little alone, because there is not much people, who understand, what is coming. In fact a lot of people are very unconscious of what is coming. And if they knew true, probably they would not be very satisfied, because they deeply forgot.
Sometimes is very shocking what is happening here. You know – black markets with people are for me the scariest thing. And only love and light can save us all. 🙂
I’m still try to just be (happy), but I just don’t get use to it.The reason is that, I don’t believe it’s possible and I still fear it. But I know, that with Love I will accept my fears and start really live. 🙂 And I can see that, for almost everyone it’s hard too – (be really happy). We think, that we are happy, but only few lives and the others just survives.
I’m really excited for the Event and I know that, our work here is to give Love and Light the others. And what I’m really excited about is to meet with You, after The Event, my light Family :).
I’m really looking forward to meeting with You 🙂
(Give humanity more Faith in Love and acceptance of big fears – thus they will let go of the Old energy 🙂
I love You so much like I love Source :), Thank You for everything what you have done or what will be done, because of You. 🙂
Adonai, Petr Kokoška (Píta)
RG Handschuh explained explained the situation on earth 100% correct. That is why earth becomes more worse every day. Because of the implants, People do not know about the implants. Religions are keeping people in a herd of cattle mode. Are they not saying we are their goyem?
People believe the way they were brought up. And the rulers of this earth knows everything and they feel nothing for us. That is why it is very easy to create a war. In South Africa alone there is 2000 kinds of religions. Not talking about culture or ethnic groups. So the rulers of planet earth knows everything about us, humans. I believe they do not have souls, because why are they acting this way.
They have divided us to use us for their own purposes. So if we are born this rulers are also on the other side as well. When, who and where was this implants done?
Now what I cannot understand, “WHERE IS SOURCE” in this whole process? Where was this “DIVINE LIGHT” while we were suffering on planet earth. We were put in loopies like mice, running in circles to please the rulers.
Maybe Resistance movement will understand now.
This is earth, a terrible place to live on, we are not sitting in a place where DIVINE LOVE rules.
This is real earth, killing, raping, stealing because of greed.
Stay blessed.y
Blessings to All, and especially to Cobra and the RM ~
My sense is that people are so anxious to be right about what they sense is real that they get threatened by opposing viewpoints or viewpoints that don’t exactly mesh with their own beliefs, wants, or desires. I think it comes down to attachment. We get attached to what we want and then we feel threatened and fearful about narratives that don’t align with those attachments. I see it happen every day in different ways and to different degrees, and not only about the Resistance but about other things, too.
Yesterday, I was spending time with friends in nature and one friend was trying to convince another to seek help for the pain in his shoulder and neck. The friend with the pain in his neck became perturbed that his friend was being so insistent that he get it checked out by someone who can help. I couldn’t exactly understand why this became a point of contention because the one friend was really looking out for his other friend’s best interests. They had different ideas of how to help the situation and one was certain that an energy worker would be able to help him release stress from the region. The friend with the pain became agitated because he wanted something more tangible than “energy work”. He wasn’t comfortable spending time, money, or energy on an unproven treatment modality and the fact that his friend kept imploring him to seek that type of help created quite a bit of hostility in him.
So this isn’t that unusual (the fact that we’re noticing attacks within the Lightworker community), especially when we’re not conscious of what we’re not conscious of. If this primary anomaly is exerting its influence over us, and it has been since we’ve been alive on this planet, we don’t necessarily think to separate ourselves from the hostility or frustration, we take it on as if it’s part of who we are naturally. We fight to the death for our limited sense of self because we would rather be obstinate than perceived as either wrong or weak. And we identify with these dark feelings because they’ve been with us for so long. Our lives tend to be ruled by the dark feelings as much as by the light. And having this kind of conversation with someone who isn’t involved in the Lightworker community or the Resistance is practically a fool’s game. They won’t hear it and they honestly think this type of dialogue is too new age for them to give it any credence. Instead of internalizing their fear and tracing it back to its source, they externalize their emotion and direct it toward the source of their angst.
Wishing everyone a bountiful and joyous journey because we are all in this together.
Light and Love,
This dog was discovered in the woods near Fort Worth, Texas in terrible shape. His jaw had been completely torn apart and it is believed it was all on purpose: someone put a firecracker into his mouth and set it off….
IREDELL COUNTY, NC (WBTV) – An Iredell County man is accused of sexually assaulting a 7-year-old girl over the weekend.
Deputies say the sexual assault was reported Saturday at a home on Olin Loop Road.
Brentley Jason Byers, 28, had been left alone with the 7-year-old and three other children, and a family member came to pick up two of the other children Friday evening, deputies say.
The mother of the 7-year-old girl said she left for work at 7 a.m. Friday and returned around 1 p.m. Saturday to find her daughter sitting in the chair with blood on her. That’s when the girl said she had been sexually assaulted.
Shooting a horse’s eye(s) out or shooting or slicing their leg open so they are in too much pain to cause trouble during the ride to slaughter:
And there are zoo that remove the paws of the bears and the tigers to make them easier to handle.
Just a few of the atrocities that need to end.
hi everyone.
This is very tough time on Earth. I want to be helpful But first I want this implant off /out from me and all Light workers .
Looking forward with hope and love
Thank you Cobra
Dear RM
I might just talking to the air, but if RM is real, I want to say thank you, and I really hope The Event come.
Hello Brothers of Light,
I long to know who I am and exactly what my purpose is here on earth.
I know I want to help the animal, because they suffer too, but I can barely help myself. I have been in pain for many years; either torn shoulder muscles of foot problems, or Lyme disease. It is very difficult for me physically and financial. And I know there are many more like me.
I would like to be able to grow food, raise bees, and care for animals, etc… but I also want to help people; I am not sure what my calling is, and I don’t know where to begin healing myself. Thoughts of how to help myself come and then are forgotten. They edd and flow but never really take hold in my life. I have felt as if I am block for many years now. I am so stuck in the money trap that I can not pay anyone to help me; since everyone wants money. And when I find time for myself I seem to have no motivation to do meditation work, or I get distracted by difficult life events just when things start to go well.
I see so many people and animal hurt and suffering and I try to tell myself it is part of the lessons, everyone is here to learn something different, be at peace with it, but the torture and the brutality is so bad. The things people do to animals and to other people are so horrible. It must end. And I can do nothing even for myself; I struggle to find work that I can do.
Feeling very stuck, for a very long time now.
Thank you for listening,
Maria Christina
Dear Maria please read my reply to Brigitte .
Don’t feel beaten ,because for you also you came here because you are a strong light that’s very needed in these last days of darkness, the fact alone that you are in the flesh is important and a privilege because we are needed to withstand the darkness to help and support other people, the dark will torture everyone who is in their way ,don’t think as a victim but as somebody who is on the right side ,and shines brightly, yes so you and many others will be attacked by them but stand your ground the end for the dark is (very)near!
Everyone will get what they sow also the dark ones .All this suffering will end, humanity will be free again and happy and most important live a very long live in complete health .
RM please activate the ENERGY OF LOVE, NOW!! WE had enough, even you wonder what’s is going here, 99% of the population are suffering
I will write this in spanish.
Los gobiernos están creados por psicópatas, “gente” sin corazón que solo buscan el poder mediante la sangre, mentiras, esclavitud y robos.
Mi “despertar” en 2011 fué tan brusco que mi cuerpo no lo pudo soportar y a los pocos años me tuvieron de operar, con lo que ello me llevó a un depresión que después de 4 años ya comienza a desvanecerse (con mucho esfuerzo), en este periodo de tiempo descubrí el blog de COBRA, las meditaciones, las terapias de Dolores Cannon, los protocolos de Visión Remota, etc…
Veo mi alrededor como una broma de mal gusto, no puedes hablar de esto con los médicos porque directamente te encierran “¿meditar? -contesta el médico- si hombre, venga tómate la pastilla y cuando te recuperes a trabajar en una oficina para ser alguien de provecho”
La tierra es una factoria de carne humana, somos robots biológicos, nuestros hijos son violados, torturados y asesinados por los gobernantes, banqueros y religiosos, es un tema tabú no se peude mencionar, como intentes denunciar a algún abusador el que irá a prisió eres tú.
Sres de la RM, pregunto ¿que harian si uno de sus hijos fuese violado o torturado y no pudiesen defenderlo? ¿que harian si alguien de su grupo enferma y no puede curarse porque su jefe no quiere? ¿que harian si vuestros superiores se dedicasen a hacer torturas y esclavizaros? ¿habeis pasado por alguna de esas preguntas? en caso de que sea si ¿que hicisteis?
Estoy de acuerdo que las cosas toman su tiempo y el timing es importante, ahora…si estamos aprendiendo a manifestar algo de manera física creo que la meditación del 21 de Agosto de 2017 seria un buen ejemplo practico de como manifestar fisicamente “LA OLA DEL AMOR” para comenzar el EVENT ese mismo día
NOTA:Estamos ¡¡HARTOS!! Cansados, agotados y j***did*s
google t – Governments are created by psychopaths, heartless “people” who only seek power through blood, lies, slavery and robberies.
My “awakening” in 2011 was so abrupt that my body could not bear it and after a few years I had to operate, which led me to a depression that after 4 years already begins to fade (with a lot of effort), in This period of time I discovered the COBRA blog, meditations, Dolores Cannon therapies, Remote Vision protocols, etc …
I see around me as a joke in bad taste, you can not talk about this with doctors because they directly imprison you “meditate? – the doctor answers – if man, come take the pill and when you recover to work in an office to be someone of benefit ”
The earth is a factor of human flesh, we are biological robots, our children are raped, tortured and murdered by the rulers, bankers and religious, is a taboo subject can not be mentioned, as you try to report some abuser who will go to prison you.
MRS, I ask what would they do if one of their children was raped or tortured and could not defend it? What would you do if someone in your group is sick and can not be cured because your boss does not want to? What would they do if your superiors were to torture and enslave you? Have you been through any of those questions? If so, what did you do?
I agree that things take time and timing is important, now … if we are learning to manifest something physically I believe that the meditation of August 21, 2017 would be a good practical example of how to manifest physically “THE WAVE OF LOVE “To start EVENT on the same day
NOTE: WE ARE HARDS !! Tired, exhausted and j *** did * s
-.– — ..- / – .-. .- -. … ..-. — .-. —
Ich grüße Euch, ihr lieben RM
und danke Euch von ganzen Herzen für Euren Willen der Mithilfe unsere liebe „Gaya“ und uns wieder in eine lichtvolle in Liebe getragene Schwingung zu führen, die uns befähigt, in Frieden, in Harmonie und mit hohen technischen Fortschritt zu leben.
Das mal vorweg.
Gerne teile ich mit Euch meine Gedanken:
Viele von uns Menschen vertrauen ausschließlich auf Eure Hilfe und warten auf das Event (welches Cobra immer wieder in seinen Berichten erwähnt), damit sich auf unserer Erde etwas zum Guten verändert; doch vergessen sie dabei, dass jeder einzelne von uns, die Möglichkeit hat, an der Veränderung mitzuhelfen – jeder von uns kann etwas Entscheidendes dazu beitragen!
Wir alle sind befähigt, durch positive Gedanken und in Liebe lebend, gute Schwingungen in den Kosmos zu schicken. Allein durch die Kraft der Gedanken, die Vorstellung einer in Liebe getragenen Welt, kann die Schwingung erhöhen und dadurch helfen, dass sich unsere Welt zum Guten verändert.
Die Gedanken haben gerade in der Jetzt-Zeit eine enorme Kraft! Wir können durch Gedanken manifestieren…….
Auch ich wünsche mir nichts sehnlicher, als das der Wandel vollendet wird und die Menschen, die sich für das „Dunkle“ entschieden haben, in die Umkehr gehen oder verschwinden und damit ihren Seelenvertrag einhalten. Auch ich möchte am Liebsten, dass der Frieden und die Liebe in allen Welten einkehrt und dass wir in Ehrlichkeit, in Wahrheit und in Freude gemeinschaftlich leben und das nach Möglichkeit jetzt!
Doch sich ausschließlich auf das Event und auf Eure Mithilfe zu verlassen, halte ich nicht unbedingt für förderlich. Dadurch kann es passieren, dass wir selber nicht mehr aktiv mithelfen!
Bitte versteht mich nicht falsch: Ich bin froh über jegliche Hilfe – auch von Euch, aber auch ganz besonders die Hilfe, die von den sehr hoch entwickelten Lichtkräften, Lichtenergien (Engel, usw.) kommt; denn wir alle sind ein kollektives Ganzes – wir sind EINS!
Und wenn wir gemeinsam mithelfen, unsere Welt zu verändern, werden wir Erfolg haben.
Viele Menschen sind verunsichert – durch viele Desinformationen, die die „Dunklen“ verbreiten – und können die Wahrheit nicht mehr erkennen…… Sie sehen nur das Chaos in unserer Welt und achten nicht mehr auf ihre eigene innere Stimme, die ihnen die Wahrheit vermitteln möchte. Sie sind gefangen im Stress, im Profitdenken und im Machtgedanken. Sie haben es verlernt, in die Ruhe zu gehen und den Weg des Herzens zu folgen.
Cobra bittet um Zusammenarbeit der Lichtarbeiter – ja, das wäre wirklich erstrebenswert, um die lichtvolle Energie zu bündeln; doch jeder Lichtarbeiter ist ganz individuell auf seiner spirituellen Reise unterwegs und befindet sich auf einen unterschiedlich hohen Schwingungsniveau – Seelenreife, so dass auch dort verschiedene Blickwinkel zum Wandel aufeinandertreffen. Diese nun in die Einheit zu bringen, ist natürlich wünschenswert.
Wäre es nicht sinnvoll, wenn wir uns alle Entscheiden würden, als Vorbilder den Menschen dienlich zu sein, in dem wir in Liebe, in Frieden, in Dankbarkeit, Hilfsbereit allen gegenüber und in Ehrlichkeit leben? Unabhängig davon, wie jeder Einzelne den Wandel aus seinem Blickwinkel betrachtet? Denn das ist doch die Basis eines in Liebe getragenen Lebens – das ist vorbildlich und durch diese Ausstrahlung beeinflussen wir die Menschen um uns herum. Dadurch kann jeder von uns mithelfen, den Wandel zu beschleunigen.
Seinen Blickwinkel nach Innen zu richten, ist aus meiner Sicht viel wichtiger, als sich ständig mit den Äußerlichkeiten zu beschäftigen! Wir alle sind göttliche Geschöpfe und haben die Möglichkeit, dieses zu tun – dort finden wir Antworten auf unsere Fragen und finden die Wahrheit!
Natürlich ist es einfacher, die Hände in den Schoß zu legen und auf das Event zu hoffen! Doch ist das göttlich so gewollt? Wurde uns nicht von Jeshua (Jesus) vermittelt, dass wir die eigene innere Göttlichkeit in uns selbst wahrnehmen und uns als wertvolle Individuen betrachten sollten, die alle Fähigkeiten inne haben, um Gedanke, Wort und Tat in Einklang zu bringen – um geistig wie auch physisch spirituell zu wirken?
Wir selber sind die „Macher“!
Wenn wir uns wieder auf uns selbst besinnen und uns nicht mehr auf andere ausrichten, werden wir erkennen können, wie der Frieden und die Liebe in uns einkehrt und wir können mutig voranschreiten. Die Liebe ist der Schlüssel zum Weltfrieden – die göttliche bedingungslose Liebe ist der Garant für den Wandel. Diese zu leben bringt uns alle wieder in die Einheit mit Allem – in die Gemeinsamkeit – in die Einswerdung mit dem göttlichen Selbst.
Nun, das sind meine persönlichen Gedanken zu diesem Thema und jeder kann für sich selbst nachfühlen, was für ihn stimmig ist und was nicht; denn jeder von uns hat seinen freien Willen……
Danke an Cobra, an die RM und dank an alle Lichtarbeiter, Lichtwesen, Lichtenergien, dank an alle Menschen und auch an die Tiere, die mithelfen, dass unser Planet wieder in ein paradiesischen Zustand der Liebe und der Reinheit kommt.
Ich liebe euch alle und freue mich auf die Zeit, in dem wir alle gemeinsam in Liebe leben und wirken. Ich freue mich auch auf die lichtvollen in Liebe handelnden galaktischen Brüder und Schwestern – unsere galaktische Familie – und auch auf alle nichtmenschlichen Wesen, die sich der Liebe und dem Licht zugewandt haben.
Ohm Sai Ram
google t – I greet you, you dear RM
And thank you wholeheartedly for your will of assisting our dear “Gaya” and guiding us back into a light-hearted love-born vibration that enables us to live in peace, harmony and with high technical progress.
The time before.
I would like to share my thoughts with you:
Many people rely exclusively on your help and are waiting for the event (which Cobra mentions repeatedly in his reports), so that something good changes on our earth; But they forget that each one of us has the opportunity to help with the change – each of us can contribute something decisive!
We are all able to send good vibrations into the cosmos through positive thoughts and in love. Through the power of thought alone, the idea of a world born in love, can increase the vibration and help to change our world for the better.
Thoughts have an enormous force right now! We can manifest by thoughts …….
I too do not wish for anything more than the change is accomplished and the people who have opted for the “dark” will either go back into disorder or disappear and thus comply with their souls’ contract. I also want to love peace and love in all worlds, and that we live together in honesty, in truth and in joy, and if possible now!
But to rely exclusively on the event and on your assistance, I do not necessarily consider it conducive. This may mean that we do not actively help ourselves!
Please do not misunderstand me: I am glad of any help from you, but also especially the help that comes from the very highly developed light powers, light energies (angels, etc.); Because we are all a collective whole – we are ONE!
And when we help together to change our world, we will be successful.
Many people are insecure – through many disinformations that the “dark” spread – and can not recognize the truth …… They just see the chaos in our world and no longer pay attention to their own inner voice, which wants to convey the truth to them. They are caught in stress, in the thinking of ideas and in the thought of power. They have forgotten how to go to rest and follow the path of the heart.
Cobra asks for co-operation between the light workers – yes, that would be really desirable to bundle the bright energy; But every workman is individually on his spiritual journey and is at a different level of vibration – soul so much, so that also different angles of view meet the change. It is, of course, desirable to bring these into unity.
Would it not make sense if we all decided to serve as role models for the people in whom we live in love, in peace, in gratitude, help in all our lives and in honesty? Regardless of how each individual views the change from his perspective? Because that is the basis of a life born in love – that is exemplary and through this radiance we influence the people around us. This allows each of us to help speed up change.
It is much more important from my point of view to focus on the outward aspects of your viewpoint. We are all divine creatures and have the opportunity to do so – there we find answers to our questions and find the truth!
Of course it is easier to put your hands in your lap and hope for the event! But is that so divinely desired? Was not Jeshua (Jesus) taught us to perceive our own inner divinity within ourselves and to regard ourselves as valuable individuals who possess all abilities to reconcile thought, word, and deed – both spiritually and physically To work spiritually?
We ourselves are the “makers”!
When we think of ourselves again and no longer focus on others, we will be able to see how peace and love are coming in, and we can move forward boldly. Love is the key to world peace – the divine unconditional love is the guarantor of change. This life brings us all back into the unity with everything – into the commonness – into the unification with the divine self.
Well, these are my personal thoughts on this subject and everyone can feel for themselves what is right for him and what is not; Because each one of us has his free will ……
Thanks to Cobra, to the RM and thanks to all the light workers, light beings, light energies, thanks to all humans and also to the animals that help to make our planet back into a paradise state of the L
As far as light-workers attaching each other. I believe the primary reason is that many of us still haven’t learned that when we are triggered we are delusional. Light-workers are powerful people and if they believe the projections that happen when they are triggered then they can be a powerful force to create conflict. I know how difficult it is to disassociate from the thoughts/emotions of the pain body.
Also, when a light-worker has a mission he or she may still hold some ego ambitions in the fulfillment of that mission. If they perceive someone else as not allowing the mission to be fulfilled in it’s highest form then that ego investment could cause them to feel threatened and therefore possibly attack that other light-worker.
I post this stuff based on my own observation of myself and those I encounter. I know very conscious people who can’t keep from believing their own delusions when they are triggered. That ability is still a rarity IMO within the surface population of light-workers. We are sensitive people and the threat can feel even more intense because of this…how are we to know it is a lie 😉
Most have a deep and abiding, subconscious sense of shame and unworthiness… We lost our connection with Source!… When we find something that promises relief, such as belonging to a Special Group with Insider Status and access to Special Information, we tend to defend that space vigorously and oppose anything that does not conform exactly to it.
Another way to illustrate how Trauma -Based Mind Control works:
You start with a cage containing four monkeys, and inside the cage you hang a banana on a string, and then you place a set of stairs under the banana.
Before long a monkey will go to the stairs and climb toward the banana.
You then spray ALL the monkeys with cold water. After a while, another monkey makes an attempt. As soon as he touches the stairs, you spray ALL the monkeys with cold water.
Pretty soon, when another monkey tries to climb the stairs, the other monkeys will try to prevent it. Now, put away the cold water. Remove one monkey from the cage and replace it with a new monkey. The new monkey sees the banana and attempts to climb the stairs. To his shock, ALL of the other monkeys beat the crap out of him. After another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs he will be assaulted.
Next, remove another of the original four monkeys, replacing it with a new monkey. The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomer takes part in the punishment – with enthusiasm – because he is now part of the “team.”
Then, replace a third original monkey with a new monkey, followed by the fourth. Every time the newest monkey takes to the stairs, he is attacked.
Now, the monkeys that are beating him up have no idea why they were not permitted to climb the stairs. Neither do they know why they are participating in the beating of the newest monkey. Having replaced all of the original monkeys, none of the remaining monkeys will have ever been sprayed with cold water.
Nevertheless, not one of the monkeys will try to climb the stairway for the Banana. They also react badly to ANYONE doing so.
Why, you ask? Because in their minds, that is the way it has always been, and the way it MUST continue, for us to remain safe.
You have perfectly illustrated how psychological programming works. Read my comment, the experiments of Pavlov, with the rats, are even more convincing than those which you quote with the monkeys. If you could tell me your source, it would be cool, thanks
Amour et Gratitude 🙂
Replying to your comment on why lightworkers/lightwarrios attack each other.
Personally, I have never attacked an individual on the etheric plane (or whatever name you give it) without fully being aware of their intentions to harm me. I do not come into contact with many positive beings their. So I believe that I have not attacked a lightbeing in that way.
When it comes to the area of spreading wisdom teachings however I am very defensive. While I believe that the intention of the writer, speaker may be good, the information itself is flawed by means of unsound perception. I mean that a channeler may be recieving good information, but what is copied down is not the whole truth. Also, I Know that even the highest density/demension of beings can have defects and make mistakes. So in relying completely on their “word” to be truth is irresponsible.
I don’t look at what I do to be attacking the person, but attacking their message. I, as an awake being, should not let misinformation be left undebated. If you can hold your own in a debate with me then I respect that and we can agree to disagree. If you cannot, and can show no evidence of your claims then I will expose you. Simple as that.
well, this is amazing-Cobra said i should blog about my situation because putting it out in public is the best protection. I am afraid that made no sense to me because he does not put his own name out there-and must know that there is no such thing as privacy to the deep state-they read this–too. It is not an ego statement-i have my whole life wondered why they have gone to such lengths to try to seduce, coerce, program, control, and murder me. I AM NO ONE. There is something odd about me-i have always, it seems in retrospect, been a witness and sometimes participant in earth changing world wide events-but never understood why. I have come to think that maybe it had nothing to do with me and was somehow just genetic-until it dawned on me that there is very little chance i am even the person whose name is on my birth certificate. Examples of being near world events. My mother met jfk the night before he was murdered, and a classmate of mine had dinner with him the night before. My mother even flirted with him. I myself met Roosevelt Greer at lax airport the day Bobby was murdered-and supposedly it was Greer that wrestled Sirhan to the ground-though that was staged-and Sirhan could not have been the shooter-he was the patsy like Oswald. Speaking of Oswald, my best friend around that time-her “nana” was the owner of the boarding house in New Orleans where Oswald lived–she told my friend that when she was forced to testify before the Warren Commission, nothing she said made it into the transcripts-and everything that WAS in the transcripts was totally made up-she never said any of it-Oh and my dad was friends with Jack Ruby in Dallas and we lived on Commerce street just a couple blocks away from Dealy Plaza. My dad knew Ruby was mafia-no big deal. Back up on Dad-i saw my first flying saucer sitting in a hanger at Kelly airforcebase in san antonio back when i was in grade school though i don’t recall the exact year-i was not even impressed-i was scared because my dad drove our car out to the base with us family in the car because he forgot to sign out-i saw all these scary signs saying “authorized personnel only” and “trespassers will be shot”–like that–and my brothers went nuts when they saw it-wanting to go for a ride. I was more scared and angryabout the signs than impressed with the saucer..looking at it from 20 feet away at most. So much for all that alien stuff being a “theory”. Later, when i worked at NASA i knew because of my work about the Challenger disaster months in advance–tried but could not stop it-was right in the middle and did not understand-only in retrospect did I understand that probably no one died-just sent into witness protection. I also knew about 9/11 before it happened and who did it and why–but it was years before i could wrap my head around the truth-and still can’t talk about it because the ones who did it are still running loose and still trying to kill–ME and everyone i love. That is the bottom line-you talk-not only do you get targeted and killed but so does everyone you love. Not only that but the mind can only manage so much at a time. I could not comprehend the evil that is this world–nor what was done to me-nor that i actually agreed to go thru it all. Just does not make sense-especially having to be utterly alone and silent thru it all. I am not by nature a secretive person but it is so easy to trigger someone getting harmed. For example, in 1902-1903 there was something even bigger than 9/11 planned by the same people who did 9/11—i did not have a clue what was going on still and just stumbled thru and managed to prevent it happening-it was YEARS before it dawned on me what i had done. If i had known what i was in the middle of I probably would have run for the hills. Instead, i am still fighting this lot of aliens and nazis and their archon and chimera masters. That stuff Cobra talks about is real and so is the Resistance. They came to my rescue when i specifically asked for help–that night. I saw the three ships–hovering over the confrontation site-cloaked to look like three airliners-but what airplanes can be almost still in the sky and so low that they could not have not crashed and the FAA would never let any object fly that low…oh and afterwards they followed me home and did not leave until i was inside my house. And speaking of my house-someone kept blowing up my neighborhood-underground-maybe a hundred yards or so from my house (which sits right on top of NASA-the electric and gas companies are owned by the same people that did 9/11-they were so scared, they responded by putting a big bomb right in my front yard so if anyone like the RM tries to blow up their hidey hole underground again,they take me out with it. Now they are trying to steal my house–illegally mind you but that has never stopped them before. Well, i tried to find the guy-a Pleiadian i am sure who showed up to help me that night…but he has disappeared. His internet presence erased, his job at NASA disappeared and his house sold and him disappeared and i am left wondering if i messed up and leaked his presence and screwed things up because i did not understand what what going on-only that that night was straight out of the Matrix movies. To the Resistance–it is hard to do the right thing when you don’t have awareness of what the right thing to do is each moment. This is especially true if you have been part of MKUltra-as a child, i never know when i am being played or by whom unless it gets physical and then i don’t know when my responses are being manipulated. I have compassion for all like Corey and Thompkins and all the rest–how do THEY know they are not being manipulated say,by the Chimera-and how does anyone know what is really going on. I have more awareness than most because i was RAISED in the deep state and probably that was part of some plan too. I recall Cobra saying most of his mates bailed because they could not remember-well, even if i could remember, how do i know if i am still on someones string or not-and how do I keep going-i was saved that night but now i am even more alone and these bad guys are even more scared and scary and pissed and out to get me. Every year on Hitler’s birthday they celebrate here by trying to kill me in some way. That year RM saved me it seems but then they sent a djinn to kill me in my home at 3 am a few months later -i was able to dispatch the djinn but i still ended up with a broken hand that even now makes typing painful. I have not even scratched the surface and i sure don’t feel any safer nor am i safer-the good news is things are so awful, death does not look so bad at this point except for the intellectual hubris of assuming maybe things are better on the other side of the veil–i DO NOT KNOW THAT EITHER. The implants in my head are not etheric-anyone can feel the big one just inside my hairline(-who put that there adn why?)–or the one wrapped around my pineal glad-that hurts to even lightly touch. and the RM does not understand?????????????????????????? HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just want to apologize for the typos—i meant to say 2002 and 2003 about the false flag that i was able to stop—by the way—when you are targeted—one of the first things they do is farg with your computer-my mouse has a deep state mind of its own—i start typing and it just picks an odd place on the page before during and after my typing so there is constant typos-on top of my broken hand and fatigue. sorry. ALSO, my computer just shuts down when whoever is monitering gets tired or annoyed-it just suddenly starts slowing down, buffering, and shut suddenly turning off. annoying!
25 million people are facing starvation and also a cholera epidemic in Yemen. In the past 1,081 days, 89,144 bombs and missiles have been dropped on Iraq, Libya, and Syria. How can this all be stopped? www.yourabilities.org (donate for food)
Liebes Team vom RM!
Dank Transinformation.net und Dank Cobra und Co. bin ich auf diese Seite gelangt und möchte gleich beginnen:
Meine Familie und ich haben das Glück, ein Haus mit Garten zu haben, wo wir eigenes Gemüse und Obst anbauen können. Wir haben das Haus mit viel Fleiß und Schweiß und größten Teils mit unseren Händen gebaut, weil das Geld sehr, sehr gut eingeteilt werden musste. Nebenbei gingen wir arbeiten – ein Los, das wir mit vielen anderen Menschen teilten – rund um die Uhr schuften und Geld blieb IMMER KNAPP. Natürlich sind wir heute glücklich, es schuldenfrei geschafft zu haben und keine extrem hohe Miete zahlen zu müssen, die einem das ganze Geld am Monatsende verschlingt und somit das Leben nicht mehr wirklich lebenswert macht.
Rundherum und auch in Teilen unseres Alltags geht es NUR UMS GELD und überall wird man abgezockt – ich frage mich, wann wir denn noch fürs Atmen zahlen müssen. Woher bitte sollen wir das Geld denn nehmen? Arbeit kriegt man kaum noch, jeder nimmt, was er bekommt und hat gar KEINE CHANCE zu hinterfragen, ob er denn mit seiner Arbeit glücklich ist, abends kommt er dann frustriert nach Hause, hat vielleicht noch Kinder, die ihre Aufmerksamkeit fordern usw. Dieser Kreislauf lässt sich endlos fortsetzen mit Spiralendrehung nach UNTEN immer weiter. Echt schlimm!
Ich leide sehr darunter, dass die Menschen immer aggressiver und oberflächlicher werden. Ich habe es mir zu meinem eigenen Schutz angeeignet nur noch mit Menschen zu reden, DIE HÖREN WOLLEN, die auch nachdenken und ausbrechen wollen aus ihrem Schlaf, etwas zum Guten verändern wollen.
Doch die Angriffe kommen ja auch innerhalb der Familie – wir haben einander sehr gerne – und dennoch wird immer öfter ‘gebissen’, nervös und angriffslustig geantwortet, so, dass es den anderen verletzt – aber nicht, weil sie verletzen wollen, sondern, weil sie so eine Anspannung und Nervosität in sich haben, ja fast schon Chaos… jeder hat scheinbar NUR PROBLEME UND KLAGT.
Diese Situation ist sehr schwer auszuhalten für mich. Mein Mann sieht abends sehr gerne Fern – bei mir brennen schon die Sicherungen durch, wenn er diesen Fernseher nur einschaltet. So gehe ich dann halt meditieren, oder mich anderwertig kreativ beschäftigen, er isst mit Genuss Fleisch, mir dreht es den Magen um dabei – wie kann man eine TIERSEELE ESSEN???
Ich liebe Tiere über alles, Pflanzen, Wasser und Gestein…. herrlich! Wenn unsere Äcker umgegraben werden inhaliere ich den Duft der Erde bis ich fast umfalle – einzigartiger Geruch.
Abends bete ich immer um den göttlichen Traum und Schlafschutz für mich, meine Familie, sowie allesn Menschen dieser Erde – ebenso bitte ich jeden Abend den Ursprung allen Seins um die Gnade, den Segen und die Heilung für ALLES LEBEN auf dieser Erde, UNTER der Erde und ÜBER der Erde, sowie für die Erde selbst und ebenso für alle Planeten, Universen und Galaxien.
Seit ich über Cobras Interview erfahren habe, dass ihr, RM, bei uns seit, bin ich irgendwie ruhiger. Lese sehr viel über die Pleijaden, den Arcturianern und den Hathoren, allgemeine friedliche Lichtkräfte – vor allem zu den Pleijadier zieht mich irgendetwas in meinem Inneren hin, kann es aber nicht erklären, da ich ja noch nicht so erfahren bin.
WAs mir bleibt ist eine sehr große Sehnsucht nach FREIHEIT für uns ALLE und das tägliche lernen, mich nicht in die äußere Problematik zu weit hineinziehen zu lassen. Ich habe oft das Gefühl zu spüren, wann mich die finsteren Energien Triggern! Ich gehe sofort in die Anklage (an mich oder andere) und will Unfrieden provozieren – aber GOTTSEIDANK ist mein Bewusstsein mittlerweile soweit geöffnet, dass ich DIESEN UMBRUCH SOFORT MERKE UND IHN DANN STOPPE! Danach ist immer alles vorbei, als ob nichts gewesen wäre – SEHR INTERESSANT!
Ja, ich lerne gut, so scheint es mir, aber es ist sehr, sehr schwer!!!
Danke an euch, dass ihr da seid, Danke an Cobra und allen lichtvollen Informanten – hier fühle ich mich wenigstens nicht so alleine. Ich verbreite so viel ich kann im Alltag an interessierte Menschen, aber leider gibt es nicht so viele noch davon und alles geht sehr zaghaft voran. Für mich ZU zaghaft und langatmig. Die Zeiten, wo ich mit ständig töten wollte und Hass spürte, weil ich in diesem Dilemma hier leben muss, sind schon lange vorbei, ich habe gelernt MICH SELBST ZU SPÜREN UND ZU LIEBEN – so gut ich kann, vertiefe ich das täglich, bzw. in JEDEM MOMENT – obwohl mich viel Zorn noch zu schaffen macht.
Da ich das RIESEN GLÜCK hatte, einen Chintamanistein geschenkt zu bekommen, trage ich ihn bei mir oder lege ihn unter meinen Polster, bis ich einen inneren Impuls bekomme, wo ich ihn begraben kann. Darauf freue ich mich schon.
Ich möchte somit viel Liebe in die Welt schicken und ALLEN LICHTKRÄFTEN, ob inkarniert oder nicht, für ihr WIRKEN danken. Liebe für ALLE
Love Team from RM!
Thanks to Transinformation.net and thanks to Cobra and co. I came to this page and would like to start immediately:
My family and I are fortunate to have a house with a garden where we can grow our own vegetables and fruit. We built the house with much diligence and sweat and most of it with our hands, because the money had to be very, very well divided. Besides, we went to work-a lot that we shared with many other people-around the clock and money always remained scarce. Of course, today we are happy to have made it debt-free and not to have to pay an extremely high rent, which devours all the money at the end of the month and thus makes life no longer really worth living.
All around and even in parts of our everyday life it is only about money and everywhere you get off-I wonder when we have to pay for breathing. How are we supposed to take the money? You barely get to work, everyone takes what he gets and has no chance to question whether he is happy with his work, in the evening he comes home frustrated, maybe still has children who demand their attention etc. This cycle can be continued endlessly with Spiralendrehung downwards. Really bad!
I suffer very much from the fact that people are becoming more and more aggressive and superficial. I have adapted it to my own protection only to talk to people who want to hear, who also want to think and break out of their sleep, to change something for good.
But the attacks also occur within the family-we like each other very much-and yet more and more often ‘ bitten ‘, nervously and aggressively replied, so that it hurts the others-but not because they want to injure, but because they have such a tension and nervousness in themselves, yes almost chaos… everyone seems to have only problems and complains.
This situation is very difficult to withstand for me. My husband enjoys watching TV in the evening-with me the fuses are already burning, if he only turns on this TV. So I’m going to stop meditating, or duplicated me creatively, he eats with pleasure meat, I turn the stomach around-how can you eat a soul???
I love animals about everything, plants, water and rocks…. glorious! When our fields are dug, I inhale the scent of the earth until I almost fall over-unique smell.
In the evening I always pray for the divine Dream and sleep protection for me, my family, as well as all the people of this earth, I also ask every evening the origin of all being for the grace, the blessing and the healing for all life on this earth, under the Earth and above the Earth, as well as for the Earth itself and also for all planets, universes and galaxies.
Since I’ve learned about Cobra’s interview that you, RM, have been with us since, I’m kinda quieter. Read very much about the Pleijaden, the Arcturianern and the Hathors, general peaceful light forces-especially to the Pleijadier draws me something in my interior, but cannot explain it, since I am not so experienced yet.
What remains to me is a very great yearning for freedom for all of us and daily learning not to be dragged too far into the external problem. I often feel when the dark energies trigger me! I immediately go into charge (to me or others) and want to provoke strife-but thank my consciousness is now open so that I immediately notice this upheaval and then stop it! After that, everything is always over, as if nothing had been-very interesting!
Yes, I learn well, it seems to me, but it is very, very difficult!!!
Thank you for being there, thanks to Cobra and all the light-informant informants-at least I don’t feel so lonely here. I spread as much as I can in everyday life to interested people, but unfortunately there are not so many yet and everything goes very timidly forward. For me to be timid and lengthy. The times when I wanted to kill with all the time and I felt hatred, because I have to live in this dilemma, have been around for a long time, I have learned to feel and love myself-as best I can, I deepen this daily, or at any moment-though I still have a lot of anger to create.
Since I was lucky enough to get a Chintamanistein gift, I carry it with me or put it under my upholstery until I get an inner impulse where I can bury it. That’s what I’m looking forward to.
I would therefore like to send a lot of love to the world and thank all the light forces, whether incarnated or not, for their work. Love for All
Dearest Family,
We act the way we do because for the most part we are lost and lonely little girls and boys.
We are that way because our parents were and their parents were and….
We have had no one to model to us the Source within and until the implants are dissolved we are like the blind looking at a mirror.
For us just a little farther along the path it is sometimes just enough to get out of bed and try to smile.
But as we awake we find the love and light within all.
If we strike out in anger or pain we are really just afraid. Mostly of ourselves and our unrealized gifts.
Yin and Yang. Fear and LOVE. And in our hearts of hearts we know there is only LOVE.
Thank you all for all your love and support….we all await when we will be reunited.
Fierce Unquenchable Joy
Queridos RM y Confederación galáctica. ¨Antes que nada, quiero darles mi agradecimiento desde mi corazón, por todo el apoyo que nos brindan para poder finalmente ser lograr quuie nuestro amado planeta sea libre y feliz.
Quiero expresarles el profundo dolor que siento por mi planeta y tambien por nosotros los seres humanos.
Siento mucha impotencia cuando se que que hay seres que están muriendo de hambre, Que la Cabala envenena nuestra comida y el agua. Ver tanta pobreza, enfermedades, sufriemieynto. La crueldad de la Cabala es infinita, No sienten ni el más mínimo remordimiento por todos los asesinatos que han cometido ni tampoco sienten la más mínima compasión por nada ni nadie.
Mi mayor deseo es que esto ya termine y que podamos aprender otra forma de vida basada en el amor, la compasion y la alegria.
Merecemos vivir en un planeta feliz fuera de la esclavitud en que nos encontramos ahora y que nuestros niños puedan disfrutar su vida plenamente.
Nuevamente les agradezco infinitamente por su apoyo. Con todo mi amor para ustedes, mi planeta y la humandad.
google t – Dear RM and Galactic Confederation. ¨Before nothing, I want to thank you from my heart, for all the support they give us so that we can finally be able to achieve what our beloved planet is free and happy.
I want to express to you the profound pain I feel for my planet and also for us human beings.
I feel a lot of impotence when I know that there are beings that are dying of hunger, That the Cabala poisons our food and water. See so much poverty, disease, suffering. The cruelty of the Kabbalah is infinite. They feel not the slightest remorse for all the murders they have committed, nor do they feel the least sympathy for anything or anyone.
My biggest wish is that this is over and we can learn another way of life based on love, compassion and joy.
We deserve to live on a happy planet outside the bondage we are in now and that our children can fully enjoy their life.
Again, I thank you infinitely for your support. With all my love for you, my planet and the humandad.
Seit ich nicht mehr das Schaf bin, das blind der Menge hinterher trottet und weiß, dass vieles nicht das ist, was es zu sein scheint, sehe ich, dass wir von Grund auf manipuliert und konditioniert worden sind und dass wir das noch immer werden. Fakt ist, dass uns das Böse als „Gut“ schmackhaft gemacht wird und dass das, was wirklich gut, richtig, liebevoll ist, unterdrückt, verfolgt, und ausgemerzt wird – auch heute noch. Sämtliche Medien sind in Händen des weltgrößten Verbrechersyndikats, ebenso die wichtigsten Kontrollorgane und alle offiziellen Religionen. Das ist der Grund, warum es mir äußerst schwer fiel, eine „andere“ Wahrheit als die offiziell gelebte, wirklich glauben zu können.
Irgendwann während meines konditionierten erwachsenen Lebens, empfing ich so dermaßen viel kosmische Liebe von zwei Mitgliedern meiner kosmischen Familie, dass sich die Einstellung zu dem, was um mich herum geschah, in mir zu ändern begann und ich anfing hinter die aufgebauten Kulissen zu sehen. Und ich erkannte in mir, dass ich wieder mehr machen wollte, als ein passiver Energiekörper zu sein.
Unsere schöne Welt ist völlig aus dem Ruder gelaufen – und zwar so sehr, dass einige von uns zurückkamen, um die Menschheit und den besetzten Planeten Erde aus den Fängen der Nicht-berechtigten lieblosen, emotionslosen und Energie-raubenden Geschöpfe zu befreien, die eigene Interessen verfolgten, das Spiel an sich gerissen und untergraben haben. Die Menschen sind Geisel geworden – ihre Anbindung an Gott ist denen ein Dorn im Auge, die selbst eine solche nicht besitzen und die sich aus den Energien von Angst, Horror und Sorge der Menschen laben. Ich widerstehe der Versuchung, den Planeten Erde mit seinen liebevollen echten Bewohnern im Stich zu lassen. Ich nehme meine Aufgabe ernst und weiß nun um die Wichtigkeit des Widerstandes, der von allen Seiten gleichermaßen immer größer wird, damit das wirklich Gute auf der Erde als solches wieder erkennbar ist und endlich wieder gelebt werden darf.
Ich danke euch von Herzen, für euren Mut und euren unermüdlichen Einsatz, liebes Team vom Widerstand und werde das meinige dazu beitragen für eure Unterstützung <3
In Liebe
google t – Since I am no longer the sheep that blindly follows the crowd and knows that much is not what it seems to be, I see that we have been manipulated and conditioned from the ground up and that we are still going to be. The fact is that evil is made to us as “good” and that what is really good, right, loving is suppressed, persecuted, and eradicated – even today. All media are in the hands of the world’s largest crime syndicate, as are the most important control bodies and all official religions. This is the reason why it was extremely difficult for me to really believe a “different” truth than the officially lived.
Eventually, during my conditioned adult life, I received so much cosmic love from two members of my cosmic family that the attitude to what was happening around me began to change in me and I began to look behind the built-up scenery. And I realized in me that I wanted to do more than to be a passive energy body.
Our beautiful world has been completely out of control – so much so that some of us came back to free mankind and occupied Planet Earth from the clutches of the non-legitimate loveless, emotionless and energy-robbing creatures, their own interests Persecuted, torn and undermined the game. Humans have become hostages – their attachment to God is a thorn in their eyes, which themselves do not possess such a thing, and which are energized by the energies of fear, horror, and care of the people. I resist the temptation to leave Planet Earth with its loving real inhabitants. I take my task seriously and I now know the importance of the resistance, which is growing on all sides equally, so that the real good on the earth as such is recognizable and can be lived again.
I thank you from the heart, for your courage and your tireless commitment, dear team of resistance, and will help mine for your support
In love
To the Resistance Movement COBRA-23 July 2017-Traduction du Français
Greetings to all of you and thank you for your presence and your respective implications. I think a small presentation is necessary.
You invite us to contact you, to make a first contact and I thank you. Personally, I had 3 experiments with groups of “Lightworkers” who all ended in the same way. And it’s always the same problem.
A few months ago, I contacted the representative of C.O.B.R.A by Skype, sending him some messages, which remained unanswered. I was offering my services for distribution via my site.
The subject was about the Cintamani stone which was suddenly offered for free, when I paid $ 85.00. I would have been very happy to participate in the distribution, that finally did not take place, because there was not any left for Canada and even less for the Quebec province.
I do not know what this amount may represent for you, but if I have understood your mode well, you are not subject to the obligation to earn money, to do a work, often not paid enough, but here, on the surface of the Earth, that is the case. Life comes at a cost, and it is exorbitant.
I am also a Lightworker who has been very involved in all kinds of spiritual activity and I have always walked on a spiritual path and awareness, opening to my skill level, which are Rooting, Meditation and all that can relate to it.
I also carried out Energy and Vibratory Care which consisted of ridding people of sarcophagi, taking them out of their chrysalis, removing implants of all kinds and even extirpating evil beings from their energetic bodies.
I also participated, in teamwork, with my former colleagues in Atlantis, of which I remember in part. I was a distributor of Energies and Vibrations during this incarnation, among others. Anyway, that’s the memory I have. These reunions ended like other colleagues’s contacts, with frustrations and unnecessary injuries because the emotions were still too palpable and hurtful.
I recognize myself as one of these ” Skinned Alive ” people, because I suffered a lot psychologically as physically, and with my 70 years now, I lack breath to keep my rhythm.
So, even with this small vibratory capacities, I must have disturbed the vibrations of the shadow, because I am attacked in my physical body on a regular basis, despite my precautions / protections on the energy level.
I know that I am a being of Light who works for ” The Source ” but I do not know what my mission would be. However, if the situation persists, I will no longer have the strength to accomplish it and this seriously worries me.
So I ask you for help, as quickly as possible, a kind of “Mentor” that can help me better protect myself from these vicious attacks. I have some telepathic ability.
In conclusion, I would like to point out that I manage a few sites, including this one
Https://coachdeveilvibratoire.blogspot.ca/ and I try to publish the most important messages coming from the “Resistance Movement” that I support in my own way.
From the bottom of my heart, I thank you in advance for any help you may wish to give me.
With all my heart, in these times of transition.
Françoise De Guire
Laquebecoise08 on Skype
And I’m also on Facebook
Ma chère Françoise,
je vous envoie mes respectueuses salutations; Cela fait plaisir de retrouver une compatriote sur ce site anglo saxon, un peu “fourre-tout”. Je vous répond, pour vous dire que j’ai 61 ans et que je travaille depuis plus de vingt ans (et même trente) sur le karma engrangé dans les mémoires cellulaire. Une méthode que je suis allé expérimenter en 1996, avec l’extraordinaire Christina Griscom, à Galistéo, près de Santa Fé, au Nouveau Mexique. Comme vous j’ai déchanté, à de nombreuses reprises sur la mentalité globale de nos concitoyens, et je peux dire de concert avec vous, que les attaques archontiques n’ont pas manqué, au cours de nombreuses séances de régressions thérapeutiques, pratiquées gratuitement, à temps perdu, sur environ une centaine de personnes volontaires, qui traînaient des casseroles très anciennes parfois.
Aussi, je ne comprends pas qu’avec votre pratique et vos connaissances, vous vous sentiez, à ce point, assaillie par l’Obscur. Les Archontes ne peuvent agir que par le biais des humains, parfois des proches, suffisamment “contaminés” pour se retourner, contre vous, sans réel motif. Je connait parfaitement le côté insidieux de ces attaques. Mais elles sont toutes prévisibles, et se produisent dès que vous faites une “erreur” sur un plan relationnel, la plus grande partie du temps .
Il y a des gens tout autour de nous, qui m^me s’ils ont des liens familiaux ou amicaux, de longue date, peuvent être facilement “contrôlés” à cause de ces casseroles, dont je viens de parler, et qui finissent par déséquilibrer leur champ vital, au point de l’inverser, complètement.
Je considère, qu’à partir du moment, où le spectre aurique d’une personne franchit la barre des 90° d’inclinaison, vers la gauche, ou vers la droite selon qu’il s’agit de forces Lucifériennes, ou Ahrimaniennes, cette personne n’est plus “fiable” quel que soit son lien de parenté, avec vous, et donc si vous ne tenez pas compte de cela, (et même de grand clairvoyants s’obstinent à ne pas en tenir compte), il est quasiment logique de finir par “dérouiller” un peu trop fort, et un peu trop souvent.
Ensuite, en ce qui concerne le levier financier, c’est sûr, que c’est une arme terrible entre les mains de l’oppresseur, et c’est bien avec ça que nos contrôleurs maintiennent ce monde, dans l’isolement et la dissension permanente, et je ne vois guère de solution globale, à ce faux dieu qui a remplacé le vrai, dans ce système solaire. Ils ne faut pas oublier que les élites de la Cabale font marcher la planche à billets, tout au long de l’année, et créent de l’argent de rien, simplement en faisant croire aux Mérinos, qu’il doivent mériter leur crouton quotidien.
Cela fonctionne, parce que le système de croyance du citoyen Lambda inclut la supposition que le circuit des banques est relié au monde économique, mais il ne l’est absolument pas, c’est un circuit complètement parallèle, qui a pris le pouvoir, en s’abrogeant le droit de délivrer des autorisations de crédit et de débit, même maintenant, à tous nos gouvernements, qui sont tous phagocytés par des agents du GM. Ils se sont donc emparés de vrais richesses, immobilières, minières, etc, avec du vent comme monnaie d’échange, et maintenant, après quelques siècles de ce régime, sont devenus réellement puissants, parce que tous ces biens économiques, volés à la population, comme l’a été l’or chinois, et celui dérobé dans les sous sols du WTC, le 11/09/2001, leur sert de garantie et de MISE substantielle, pour toute opération hasardeuse. C’est comme cela qu’ils ont réussi à établir une “confiance populaire”.
Quand vous savez tout cela, sur le bout des doigts, comme nous sommes maintenant des millions à le savoir, il n’y a plus guère de place pour les exclamations, les surprises ou les atermoiements . N’êtes vous pas de cet avis, chère Madame. Des gens meurent, tous les jours, pour quelques euros de plus ou de moins, dans l’indifférence générale, et malheureusement, comme la Terre est une prison de haute sécurité, comme le dit Cobra, quand on est à l’intérieur d ela prison, il faut bien composer avec les autres détenus et avec les matons (les gardiens)
Salutations amicales et respectueuses
google t – My dear Françoise,
I send you my respectful greetings; It’s a pleasure to meet a compatriot on this site Anglo-Saxon, a little “catch-all”. I reply to you that I am 61 years old and that I have been working for more than twenty years (and even thirty) on the karma accumulated in cellular memories. One method I went to experiment in 1996, with the extraordinary Christina Griscom, in Galisteo, near Santa Fe, New Mexico. As I have repeatedly disillusioned with the global mentality of our fellow citizens, and I can say with you that archontic attacks have not been lacking, during numerous therapeutic regressions sessions, performed free of charge, In time lost, about a hundred volunteers, who dragged old cooking pots sometimes.
So I do not understand that with your practice and your knowledge, you feel, at this point, assailed by the Obscure. The Archons can only act through humans, sometimes relatives, sufficiently “contaminated” to turn against you, without real motive. I know perfectly well the insidious side of these attacks. But they are all predictable, and occur as soon as you make a “mistake” on a relational level, most of the time.
There are people all around us who, even if they have long-standing family or friendship ties, can be easily “controlled” because of the pots, which I have just mentioned, Unbalance their vital field, to the point of reversing it, completely.
I consider that from the moment when the auric spectrum of a person crosses the bar of 90 ° of inclination, left, or right, depending on whether it is Luciferian or Ahrimanian forces, This person is no longer “reliable” whatever his relationship, with you, and therefore if you do not take this into account, (and even great clairvoyants persist in disregarding it), it is Almost logical to end up “raking” a little too loud, and a little too often.
Then, as far as financial leverage is concerned, it is certain that it is a terrible weapon in the hands of the oppressor, and this is what our inspectors maintain in this world, in isolation and And I can scarcely see a global solution to this false god which has replaced the true in this solar system. It must not be forgotten that the elites of the Cabala run the money board throughout the year and create money from nothing, simply by making the Merinos believe that they must deserve their daily crouton .
It works, because the belief system of citizen Lambda includes the assumption that the circuit of the banks is connected to the economic world, but it is absolutely not, it is a circuit completely parallel, which took the power, in Abrogating the right to issue credit and debit authorizations even now to all our governments, all of which are phagocytosed by GM agents. So they took real wealth, real estate, mining, etc., with wind as a currency of exchange, and now, after a few centuries of this regime, have become really powerful, because all these economic goods, stolen from the population , As was Chinese gold, and that stolen in the basement of the WTC, on 11/09/2001, serves as a guarantee and substantial MISE for any hazardous operation. That is how they managed to establish a “popular trust”.
When you know all this, at the fingertips, as we are now millions to know, there is little room for exclamations, surprises or procrastination. Do not you think so, dear Madame. People die every day, for a few euros more or less, in the general indifference, and unfortunately, as the Earth is a high security prison, as Cobra says, when one is inside the ela Prison, it is necessary to deal well with the other prisoners and with the masters (the guards)
Greetings friendly and respectful
Liebe Mitkämper und Unterstützer,
ich danke euch für eure Hilfe die Ihr hier für uns leistet. Der Mensch ist leider noch nicht zu einer Sichtweise gelangt, aus der er erkennt was wirklich vorgeht und wie wichtig dies für uns ist.
Ich sehe bereits viele Zusammenhänge und kann vieles verstehen was vor sich geht, um so mehr schmerzt es mich, mit anzusehen wie die Menschen an der Wahrheit vorbei gehen als wäre es ein stinkender Mülleimer. Lieber vergnügen sie sich und spielen ihre Rollenspiele, wie auch ich das früher tat und bis zu einem kleinen Teil auch jetzt noch. Ich wünschte mir dass es einen offenen Kontakt gibt zwischen euch und den Menschen, die bereit und offen dazu sind. Die Vorstellung an einen Kontakt mit euch ist für mich immer wieder faszinierend und ich fühle, dass ich mich danach sehne. Menschen die bereit sind für einen Kontakt könnten doch von euch lernen und das was sie gelernt haben den offenen Menschen hier weitergeben. Wir Menschen sind in unseren Empfindungen, Gefühlen und Gedanken so sehr vielschichtig und auch widersprüchlich, dass es für euch sicher sehr schwer sein muss uns zu erfassen und zu verstehen. Die ganzen Einflüsse der Machtelite, der Prägungen und der gemachten Erfahrungen müssen in eine Auswertung mit einbezogen werden. Falls es für meine Entwicklung zweckdienlich ist und für die Ganzheit, würde ich gerne näheren Kontakt mich euch pflegen, durch das Lesen der Kontaktberichte zwischen Billy Eduard Albert Meier und den Plejaden habe ich vor allem zu ihnen besondere Sympathien.
Ich hoffe mit diesem Schreiben konnte ich euch einen nützlichen Einblick gewähren, und ich bin gerne bereit mehr mit euch zu kommunizieren.
Liebe Grüsse und in grossem Dank.
google t – Dear Mitkämper and supporters,
Thank you for your help here. Unfortunately, the human being has not yet come to a point of view from which he realizes what is really going on and how important this is for us.
I already see many connections and can understand a lot of what is going on, the more it hurts me to see how people pass the truth as if it were a stinking trash can. They prefer to play and play their roles, as I did before and to a small extent even now. I wish that there is an open contact between you and the people who are ready and open to it. The idea of a contact with you is always fascinating for me and I feel that I long for it. People who are ready for a contact can still learn from you and what they have learned to pass the open people here. We humans are so complex and contradictory in our feelings, feelings and thoughts that it must be very hard for you to grasp and understand. All the influences of the Machtelite, the imprints and the experience gained must be included in an evaluation. If it is appropriate for my development and for the whole, I would like to get closer contact with you, by reading the contact reports between Billy Edward Albert Meier and the Pleiades, I especially have special sympathies with them.
I hope with this letter I could give you a useful insight, and I am glad to communicate more with you.
Kind regards and in big thanks.
Der RM!
Just open the Eyes and Ears of all people on this planet to see, who has the evil inside.
After done this we all can stay up and peace will come over the world.
Every War is build on Lies to cheat the “normal” people.
Human want to trust.
So we trust U!
Thank U, and give anybody a sign, U are real!!!
Liebe Brüder u Schwestern der RM…
wie meine anderen deutschen Vorredner,schließe ich mich dem endlosen dank eurer hilfe an…
In meinem Herzen möchte ich so ziemlich ähnliches sagen..
es ist so unendlich schwer für uns,mehr oder weniger erwachte-auch ich hoffe mich lichtarbeiter nennen zu dürfen- dieses ganze chaos auszuhalten.
da lastet viel auf dem herzen und auf den schultern,da bleibt es schwer aufrech zu gehen.
Irgendeinen positiven grund findet man immer irgendwie..denn da ist hoffnung.
ich schwanke oft auch zwischen-bin ich geisteskrank,ist alles nur erfunden- und -wann ist es denn endlich soweit..
man gibt sich immer der hoffnungsvollen seite hin, das dort schon jemand sein wird, der über einem wacht. so viele beweise,für dieses ganze falsche spiel hier,und doch noch so viele schlafende.
man hat schon manchmal probleme ein normales gespräch mit leuten zu führen, weil man jedesmal-so geht es mir- denkt,herrje,gibts denn nichts wichtigeres?!
man hängt sich an den hoffnungsvollen gedanken,das da etwas im hintergrund läuft,das positiv an den fäden zieht..man möchte doch so gern mehr infos haben.
klar versteht man die geheimhaltung..aber hier und da mal ein kleines “bonbon” das einem zeigt,für sich beweist,DA IST etwas.du bist auf dem richtigen weg..mach weiter,sei stark! das wäre hilfreich..
Ich wünsche mir wirklich nichts sehnlicher,als das endlich alle auf dem selben level des spiels sind- event-ja das wäre toll..auch ich bin hin und hergerissen zwischen dem alten,was man kennt,und dem neuen,das man eigl möchte,weil das alte doch mehr und mehr unangenehmer,und nicht mehr kompatibel scheint..
ich möchte alle,die mir wichtig sind mit auf die reise nehmen..sie teilhaben lassen..sie alle sollen es doch erleben,sie haben es verdient!
man führt doch irgendwie ein doppelleben..ein fuss im “ich muss ein normaler mensch sein, arbeiten gehen,geld verdienen,meine nervenden rechnungen bezahlen”
und den anderen fuss in ” wir brauchen dieses alles nicht mehr,das alte. wir sind energetisch so hoch und so vernetzt, alles ist möglich..unendliche liebe..schöpfer sein-wollen.
da sind auf der einen seite die harten fakten und beweise, die geliefert werden was wirklich vor sich geht,andererseits, die realität des augenblicks die einem oft knallhart ins gesicht schlägt mit dingen wie” geh arbeiten, geh dich quälen, dein auto ist kaputt, rechnungen warten, akzeptiert werden, all diese irdischen probleme halt..
es ist erdrückend..und man mag gern in filmen der zukunft versinken,wo dies alles schon funktioniert..und man träumt sich dann in seine perfekte welt.
ach wäre es doch hier nur schon so weit..
man möchte etwas tun,helfen.es beschleunigen..
man verirrt sich auf seinem weg..
liebes RM, ich danke euch das ihr eure kräfte der befreiung für uns einsetzt!
wir haben keine ahnung welche gefahren wohl lauern mögen..
ich hoffe so sehr,das alles bald für alle reibungslos vonstatten geht.
Ich selbst habe mir ein mantra,ein leitsatz zu eigen gemacht, der mir hilft,positiv zu bleiben;
vielen dank <3 bitte helft schnell
google t – Dear brothers u sisters of the r …
Like my other German speakers, I join the endless thanks to your help …
In my heart I would say pretty much the same thing ..
It is so infinitely difficult for us, more or less awakened – I also hope to call myself light workers – to endure this whole chaos.
Because there is a lot of stress on the heart and on the shoulders, it is difficult to get up.
Any positive reason you always find somewhere..denn there is hope.
I often sway between-I am mental-sick, everything is only invented-and when is it finally so far ..
You always give yourself to the hopeful side, that there will already be someone who watches over you. So many proofs, for this whole false game here, and yet so many sleeping.
One has sometimes problems to lead a normal conversation with people, because every time – so it goes to me thinks, boss, is there nothing more important?
You hang on to the hopeful thoughts, which runs something in the background, which pulls positively on the threads .. man would like so much more information.
Clearly one understands the secrecy..aber here and there times a small “bonbon” that shows to one, proves for itself, DA is something. You are on the right weg..mach weiter, be strong! that would be helpful..
I really do not want anything more than to finally be on the same level of the game- event-yes that would be great .. also I’m torn between the old one knows and the new one you want eigl, Because the old but more and more unpleasant, and no longer seems compatible ..
I would like to take all those who are important to me with me on the trip..make partake .. they all should experience it, they deserve it!
You lead somehow a double. A foot in the “I have to be a normal man, work to go, make money, pay my annoying bills”
And the other foot in “we do not need all this anymore, the old one. We are energetically so high and so interconnected, everything is possible … endless love .. creators.
There are on the one hand the hard facts and proofs that are delivered what is really going on, on the other hand, the reality of the moment, which often hits a bang in the face with things like “go work, go agonize, your car is broken, Bills wait, be accepted, all these earthly problems stop ..
It is overwhelming .. and you like to sink into the future of movies, where this all works already … and you dream then in its perfect world.
Oh, it would only be so far here.
You want to do something to help it.
One gets lost on his way ..
Dear RM, thank you for your efforts of liberation for us!
We have no idea which drives probably lurk ..
I hope so much, that everything goes smoothly for all soon.
I myself have adopted a mantra, a guiding principle that helps me to remain positive;
Thank you <3 please help quickly
Use your discretion in this heavy metal video, but the message is there. S.O.S. help me
Ihr Geliebten im RM,
dies ist ein großer und glücklicher Moment für mich euch schreiben zu dürfen.Ich bedanke mich für all euer Tun und Wirken auf diesem Planeten. Ich bin eine Lichtkriegerin.Und habe meine Gruppe noch nicht gefunden in der ich mitwirken kann. Befinde mich im Heilungsprozess.Ich wurde von meinen eigenen Mitmenschen und der Dunkelheit zerbrochen.Kämpfe mit Selbstzweifeln. Die ganze Haarptechnologie und das Müllessen und vergiftete Umwelt (Chemtrails) und diese ganze vorgegebene falsche entmenschlichte Lebensweise unterdrückt die Herzensenergie und lichtvolle Weiterwentwicklung auf diesem Planeten. Vor allem habe ich die ständigen Dunkelangriffe im mentalen. emotionalen, psychischen, ätherischen und plasmischen Bereichen! Sobald ich meine Schwingung erhöhe, werd ich um so tiefer nach unten gerissen. Dadurch hab ich wenig Hoffnung (aber sie ist noch da, weil ihr sie am Leben haltet!!!!), das hier alles lichtvoll wird und wir frei werden. In einer lichtvollen Gemeinschaft in der ich Teil sein kann, würde ich aus meiner Isolation und spirituellen Verarmung raus kommen.Meine Seele hat mich ab Februar 2016 angefangen zu erwecken und mich ab Mai 2017 durch die Dunkle Nacht der Seele geschickt. Das war ein heftiger Prozess und ich mußte “allein” damit klar kommen mit der geistigen Welt an meiner Seite.Unterstützt haben mich auch die Arkturianer und die Hathoren. Dies tun sie noch immer.Ich fühle mich dadurch sehr gesegnet. Ich hab mich von den Menschen sehr zurück gezogen. Da sie so dämonisiert sind und sich selbst und andere zerstören (die Tiere und die Umwelt u.a.). Wie Lemminge die auf einen Abgrund zusteuern. So entfernt von ihrer inneren Göttlichkeit.Das tut weh das zu sehen.So können sie nicht glücklich sein. Jeden Tag bin ich mir bewußt das der Tod kommen kann. Er hat hier viele Gesichter. Also ist mein Schwert scharf und mein Herz weint.Ich gehe jeden Tag weiter.Und wenn ich an euch denke hält mein Herz inne in seiner Trauer und singt. Ich danke euch dafür. Ich folge meiner Bestimmung weiterhin und wenn ich soweit bin wäre ich gern an eurer Seite, wenn das im Göttlichen Plan so vorgesehen ist.(Jetzt kommen mir wieder Gedanken wie: Ich steh euch nur im Weg rum.Ich hab keine Ahnung. Ich bin nur ein kleines Menschlein, unterentwickelte Spezies.u.a.) Da hab ich noch was zu tun bei mir. Was mich sehr geschockt und verletzt hat,,war das man mir sagte ich hätte keinen “Aufstiegslift”. Und ohne den ist doch kein Aufstieg möglich! Oder doch? Da Mutter Erde ihre Schwingung stetig erhöht und dann aufsteigt, mache ich mir Sorgen dann deswegen nicht mit aufsteigen zu können und dann in einer schwarzen Hölle zu bleiben. Dann hoffe ich das ich das nicht erleben muss. Das Licht ist mein Sein.Ich liebe euch alle. Danke das es euch gibt! Macht bitte weiter! Sieg dem Licht!
google t – Her lover in the RM,
This is a great and happy moment for me to write to you. I thank you for all your actions and activities on this planet. I am a light warrior.Und have not found my group in which I can participate. Find me in the healing process. I was shattered by my own fellow human beings and the darkness. Fight with self-doubt. The whole hair technology and the garbage and poisoned environment (chemtrails) and this whole predetermined false dehumanised way of life suppresses the heart energy and bright further development on this planet. Above all, I have the constant darkness in the mental. Emotional, psychological, ethereal and plasmic areas! As soon as I raise my vibration, I will be pulled down all the more deeply. So I have little hope (but she is still there, because you keep her alive !!!!), which here everything becomes lightful and we become free. In a bright community where I can be part, I would emerge from my isolation and spiritual impoverishment. My soul started to rouse me from February 2016 and sent me through the dark night of the soul from May 2017 onwards. This was a violent process and I had to “alone” deal with the spiritual world at my side. The Arcturians and the Hathors also supported me. They are still doing this. I feel very blessed. I have been very withdrawn from the people. Since they are so demonized and destroy themselves and others (the animals and the environment, among others). Like lemmings that head to a precipice. So away from their inner divinity. That hurts to see. So they can not be happy. Every day I am conscious that death can come. He has many faces here. So my sword is sharp and my heart cries. I go every day. And when I think of you, my heart stops in his grief and sings. I thank you for that. I’m still following my destiny, and if I’m ready, I’d like to be on your side, if that’s what the Divine Plan is for. (Now I’ve got thoughts like: I just stand in your way.) I have no idea A small human being, underdeveloped species.) I have something to do with me. What shocked me and hurt me, was that I was told I did not have a “climb”. And without this, no ascent is possible! Or is it? As Mother Earth steadily increases its vibration and then rises, I do not worry then to be able to ascend and then stay in a black hell. Then I hope I do not have to experience this. The light is my being. I love you all. Thank you! Please continue! Win the light!
Dear RM,
The reason for lightworkers turning against each other that dark forces influence them exploit their weakness, thus projecting their own problems and shadows to others. Many people do not realize that these thoughts are not theirs in fact. Or read about this, but concider themselves exception. On the other hand, there are lightworkers who can not face their own weaknesses and only create false solutions and no real living, they only play a role, so instead of taking their feelings, themselves, they think they do not see their weaknesses, and they can still mask it…. not everyone is equally strong inside…
Dear RM,
Thank you for your efforts to liberate the Earth. I’ve been under a scalar attack day and night for weeks, I can not have rest, but I’m persistent. Jesus is with me. The victory of Light! Let there be light!