All readers of the Prepare for Change website are invited to communicate with the Resistance Movement. After discussing this with Cobra we have discovered that members of the RM desire more information from us, the surface?population of Earth.
Cobra has passed this information to us:
(PFC0517) ?Lynn? – Cobra, is the RM the ones that give you feed-back on our meditations, you know the strength of it and the numbers.
COBRA –?Yes, yes.? (OK)
Lynn? – Are we as surface humans? able to communicate with them telepathically.
COBRA –?It is possible.? It has happened in a few instances but its not very common and very few people from the surface have enough awareness of the RM to hear that telepathic contact.
Lynn? – Would it be useful to show them certain situations we are experiencing.?
COBRA –?Yes. It is sometimes not simple for them to understand their reactions of the surface population because they are simply, I would say psychologically quite different and if you explain to them a little bit more, even telepathically or in writing you can even post an article on your blog and address it to them, that would be a great idea. (wow, thats a great idea.? Thank you Cobra.) (PFC0517)
In order to facilitate this for all people and make it easy for both us and the RM, we are using this page with its comment section for this purpose. The idea is simple, go to the bottom of the page and use the comment box to share your feelings about the situation on Earth.
So please ask your?questions or make your comment with your Letter to the Resistance in the comments below.
Published July 5, 2017
[NOTE: Please do not criticize or comment on other’s letters in reply, this page is meant to enable a free exchange from our readers with the Resistance Movement, so please do not respond as though the letters are to YOU.]
Alright RM … it’s not that I am not grateful for what you are doing I am. But you have GOT to STOP telling us “SOON” … and “ENOUGH” because they don’t mean the same for you and us. For us “soon” means in a SHORT period of time … like a WEEK … a DAY … or a FEW HOURS. Your “soon” obviously means months and years! Same with “enough” … when we say we have had “enough” that mean right NOW … not next week … not next month … not next year … we mean NOW. So please stop using those terms.
Also why do you allow the US to get away with murder? Why are they allowed to kill people in Syria … Afghanistan … Yemen … Gaza … all over the ME and parts of Europe with impunity? Why are they allow to remain in these countries illegally while NOTHING is being done to get rid of them? Why do you keep making Russia talk with the US when you know they can not be trusted? The US always goes back on their word and nothing ever happens when they do. They bomb and use chemical weapons with impunity. It’s like a little merry go round, while thousand of innocent people died because of it. I simply do not understand this.
Can’t you cut the people suffering a break without causing a toplet bomb going off? Can’t you figure out a way to get them clean water, food, some kind of shelter with sanitary equipment and medical attention?
Back in April you stated the war mongering was “enough” … there is that word again … Yet the war mongering continues, which mean to us on the surface you really haven’t had “enough” …. because if you did you would have done something by now. It’s extremely frustrating to many of us that you haven’t done anything to stop this. Where is the exposure, disclosure and removal you promise?
We need to see more tangible evidence that things are being taken care of … I will always do what I can to help … regards … Deborah Dickson 22Aug55 03:38 Cleveland Ohio.
Hay páginas en español?
Y en qué puedo participar.
(google) Are there pages in Spanish?
And in what I can participate.
Greetings, On Earth we probably experience time differently than you. For humans when we hear that something will happen soon, we understand that to be a few months or up to one Earth year. One to three Earth years could be understood to be awhile and three to five years is a long time. Anything that will occur more than 5 Earth years appears to us as too much time to comprehend at this time. Due to the suffering on Earth to help us stay hopeful we need tangible evidence and clear directions on what to do soon. We are struggling day to day and have all of our lives. We don’t feel like we can endure more than a year without significant changes for the better. For you a day probaby feels like a second. I am saying this to impart one reason humans might appear impatient or ungrateful or why we say we are just trying to survive. One way to help us is to communicate more frequently or speak to what is possible within one Earth year. Our minds need a time boundary to work within otherwise we feel more desperate, lost and other lower vibrations if we are not seeing or hearing about positve and tangible improvements. This keeps our vibrations lower which makes it more challenging for us to stay hopeful and connected to our higher selves. Thank you for reaching out to try to understand us more. This is the type of tangible action we needed.
Love and Light to the Resistance movement and anyone reading
Thank you all for your enduring support and efforts to bring an end to this nightmare. It has not been easy and there was so much more pain than anyone imagined when we signed on to this. We believe in Creation and will always do everything possible to ensure it continues to expand.
I always knew there was something wrong here. I tried telling my mom when I was little that I didn’t need to go to school, that I already knew everything and that I had to learn to remember how to remember. School was definitely not the place for that. And this is how society conditions people, at least from my experience.
When I did finally wake up and have something tangible to hold on to (sacred geometry pyramids, orgone) no one else cared. The hardest part of this last 7 or 8 years has been the ridicule and isolation that is imposed by society upon the awakened. But because I had something tangible to believe in, and I was doing impossible things with my orgonite, I knew I was right. So I kept going – the deception was tricky to navigate.
It was really hard to stay focused – you wake up but you are also in the middle of living a life. Uprooting that life draws a lot of negative attention from peers – I sold my investments, took cash out of the banks, moved out to the sticks, quit school…..Then in July 2016 I found what I needed. A woman named Tanaath of the Silver Legion wrote some essays that explained EXACTLY what is wrong here (fractal virus) and finally I had the understanding as to why society cannot break free. The assault from the invisible negative world is unrelenting. Try and explain to unaware people that invisible negative entities are causing them problems – I have been referred to psychiatric help more than once.
Getting over the anger of the situation was the last and most difficult part – for a while all I wanted to do was go to other universes affected by Alternate and just beat the bleeping bleep out of them – but that’s not how Warriors of Love fight.
Clearly we are on the road to finally getting it right here – although there is still work do be done. It is safe to say WE GOT THIS.
Prepare for Change has been an important part of evolving the planetary situation and this opportunity to communicate is very meaningful to me.
Thanks for reaching out and having an interest. Obviously these experiences are from this incarnation, I am sure I’ve been here a while though!
Cannot wait to be re-united.
Mike T.
Many of us, when we are children, understand that things are strange. We look around as little children and we can see that “People have to pay to have a roof over their heads! Why is this the situation?”
We look around as little children and see that people have to pay to have food. In the past 20 years or so, public drinking fountains have been removed and people now have to pay to have (bottled) water when out in parks or city square or public areas.
People have to pay to buy clothes to stay warm! Pay to have heat in the house! People have to pay to be healthy and happy. This puts all of us in a treacherous situation. Because our whole life has to revolve around money, or else we can literally die. And so we accept our situations as slaves — but this acceptance is not fully in our waking consciousness.
Most of us accept our situations in our subconscious.
Some of us understand as adults this is a terrible situation, but most people are very programmed.
Most people simply try to find a job to work very hard to have a decent life. And so we work very hard, to make money, so that we can have a “good roof” over our heads. If our roofs leak, we must get them repaired, which of course, costs money.
We work hard so we can buy healthier food and water. We think “Well, if I really work hard and do what the boss says, I will afford a warmer coat or a better vacation or maybe I can go visit my family members who live far away.”
And so we end up with a generally sad and exhausted mental and physical state, most of the time, with occasional joy when we have some free time, or can take a trip to see people we love, or feel warm from a new warm coat.
Some of us are “awake” and we see what has been done to us.
But we can’t say much, because our friends, around us, are very programmed to accept all this Our friends are very programmed and they act threatened and get angry when we explain things to them, such as how our money system actually operates.
In the USA, around the big cities, many people want status symbols. So they buy a better car, with a certain label on it, made by a certain manufacturer, which costs more. They think the car will make them look better, or somehow make it appear they are superior to others. Deep inside, people hope that the nicer car will confirm that they are smart and wise and are good people and are “all the good things.”
But many people who drive very nice cars or live in very large, comfortable houses are crooks, and they simply were better manipulators of other, unsuspecting people who are the kind and love-centered ones.
So our situation is quite backwards — the nicest, noblest, wisest people who are trying to help others are some of the poorest and desperate people on the planet. The meanest, most negative people have the most comfortable lives.
There are many exceptions, of course. Sometimes very kind, nice people are lucky enough to have very comfortable lives. And sometimes quite negative, nasty people are in poverty.
Many of us who are awake enough to be talking to you simply hope that you hear us and know that we are trying to be loving and caring in a world that is often not loving and caring….
And this is a hard road, where we get very little support, except from a small group of others, who are like us, who understand.
In the smallest, most poverty stricken, war-torn places, there is so often, enormous amounts of love. And this is what keeps us going.
Thank you for being there and listening.
Many of us, when we are children,
Resistant Movement, I am an older adult who is extremely grateful for all you have done for us on earth. I am and will always be appreciative for the help I needed to get through a very difficult situation. I am working on trying to heal people with devastating illnesses through Reiki. This is my one wish: to get medical care and support for those who suffer so much especially the children and young adults.
I am looking forward to the victory of light. This is a very exciting time in our history. I am very aware of what is happening. I thank you from my heart. I will continue to do what I can to help and please feel free to communicate if there is more I can do.
This is my letter to the Resistance Movement and I welcome a response too!
In whatever form, with much appreciation and gratitude. Thank you!
Date : July 8th 2017 Saturday
Location: Planet Earth – Terra Firma – The Blue Planet – 3rd rock from the Sun
Dear members of the Resistance Movement.
My letter is mainly a report of feelings and thoughts about what this invitation triggers in me:
“Gosh… good heavens…. have we been introduced?” Mother Superior speaking. (alter ego)
“Come in boys and girls, sit down and have a pint of my Middle Earth Brew in my Middle Earth pub”
Brewster Baghor speaking through her silver-dreadlocks, with a booming voice. (alter ego)
Lots of reactions pop up, when I think of writing to the RM. I see myself in the picture on my toilet wall:
the boy in a princely party-costume, with a jester cap with bells on his head and a scepter of cardboard in his hand, wide-eyed, saying “I’m told that when I grow up I’ll understand it all, but I’m not sure if I want to”
Here are some of my thoughts and questions for you:
Hmm, is this wise and safe to do? There are as much realities as there are human beings, each with a slightly different interpretation of the reality they experience. If that doesn’t go for you in your world, you must be aware of the fact that one size doesn’t fit all, on planet Earth right now, regarding consciousness and levels of it. I should think? How could the RM assist in planet Earth’s liberation when the members aren’t aware of how human consciousness works, wrapped in a veil?
Or is the RM dealing with forces other than human, in that freedom fight? With us in the line of arrows? Am I naive? Too cautious? If I am, it’s for a good reason that I feel this way. Who/what are/ is the RM?
If the bridge isn’t built, in understanding the shaping of our reality as humans, I can’t see a way of interpretation or the presence of references, for the RM. As much as the RM isn’t capable of communication directly, to introduce itself and help us to become familiar with “its” world, we are as humans in the same condition. Doesn’t it work both ways? What is needed to open communication channels, pun intended? Are we humans surrounded by energetic “flies” such as the flies around the eyes of horses and cows, causing the RM to recoil?
I am referring to Cobra’s answer: “It is sometimes not simple for them to understand the reactions of the surface population because they are simply, I would say psychologically quite different…”
Are we building bridges to your world by showing how we feel as human beings? Through this medium? Virtually? How can the RM grasp the nature of human experiences in telepathic, mental or even… emotional ways when we communicate with them in this page? Can’t you, with telepathic abilities and remote viewing or other abilities that aren’t restricted to space-time, simply watch us and be witness to our antics, learning the ropes of human life in the phase of preparation before “Contact”?
Can we humans practice telepathic attempts of communication with the RM? Do we need a reference or code, to be able to reach the RM in this way? Or is it by singing and not speaking, by sounds and no words? I’ve got my own language of sounds, often spoken on my bike, I do this when I’m alone, on the road between school and home, during my childhood years. And now I’ve picked up this practice again, when taking a bath or shower, or on Dartmoor, walking in solitude.
Is this writing of letters to the RM like starting a “sweet shoppe” placing jars with old fashioned and modern sweets on the shelves, representing our sweet and sour heart- and mind-pourings, offering a taste of many human flavours to the RM? Maybe experienced with a sense unknown to us humans?
At least, it shouldn’t cause nausea or sugar-addiction, or purple and green dots on your skin. This isn’t really Harry Potter’s world, is it? Is there an equivalent of Dumbledore in your world or group?
Is this invitation to write letters to the RM simply an exploring in the unknown and a work in progress?
With all my pondering and wondering about the value and “how to?” of writing letters to you, I’m almost begging you to make your entrance and meet up with us, move through dimensions and the awkwardness and strangeness of it on both sides (only in conditions with respect) and include our physical form, body language, feelings, mind and spirit and what else there is to include that is non-terrestrial from origin. We may find that we’re all in the same boat, feeling “the other” as alien.
Please, let’s get it over with?! Without these flies?
I keep in mind Alex Collier’s words, when he offered a “cosmic code of honour” given to him by his Andromedan guide “It is a matter of custom, when entering my space, that permission be asked.”
It was advised that in meetings with ET-races, this code should be outspoken and (in theory) be obeyed by the intruder, who may deliberately or unknowingly behave in a way that feels rude to us humans.
Like when mentally attacked or influenced, or physically pushed or pulled by surprise and against our will….. Mary Poppins speaking (she’s a fantasy-figure who can fly with her umbrella)
And now I’m greeting you, in much wonder, a goodbye from terra firma.
Peace be with you, with planet Earth and in your world. Blessed be, Marian Baghor.
Hello RM,
For the last 15 years and longer I have longed to meet you….face to face, to sit and have coffee with you. I miss my home planet sooooo much. I have asked but not received. My wish is to be of much greater service, but with my health condition, my service is limited. I cannot afford theproper treatment as health insurance does not pay for it.
I am 68. I am hoping that before I go I can see this beautiful earth lifted to the loving frequency it once was.
I don’t know if there is a specific plan for me be of more service. I know my purpose, which I feel so blessed to have found and to give.
Any assistance you can offer me to lift out of dis ease will be greatly appreciated.
With so much love,
Galactic family, serving the ONE…. From across all the Multiverses WE ask for your continued gatekeeping and divine intervention as we sound our heart tone to you now. Our intention is unification – the Cosmic Christ Principle – as an Energetic Reality, on earth, here and now.
May our alchemical containers be restored, renewed and forever perpetuated as full disclosure and the truth of our DNA creation template become known as the source of our genesis.
May WE ascend into our highest purposes in Service to the Living Light Code of Love…
Our hearts, with the capacity to emote, is a most treasured differentiation that allows this human experience, when heart-centered in love, is the DNA code that will break the darkness that has left this world in peril and restore heaven on earth…
I hold our reunion as my highest mission of service… in love.
Dear Resistance Movement,
Blessings to all of you for your valiant efforts to assist with the Liberation of Gaia. Thank you for allowing to open up communication’s with us, as broken, surpressed and damaged as we all are, all of us are “estatic” an overjoyed to be communicating with you. I tried yesterday to send you a message but the cabal interfered and would not allow the message to be posted, I believe it was crooked Google that stepped in the way.
I am humbled and pour out much gratitude from my heart to finally be able to open a communication dialog with you. Myself and all of us who are awaken will assist with any questions that you may have. Please feel free to post any questions you have to anyone of us, so you can become more familiar with Gaia’s surface population. I welcome open contact with you anytime you are ready.
Not all, but the majority of humanity is a Benevolent species. As your communication dialog opens up some more you will find that the same words have multiple meanings along with multiple intentions, this can be very confusing to anyone who has never experienced this, especially in the English language.
Please help accelerate the liberation of Gaia and the surface population, we are tired of being controlled and surpressed, we want our liberation and freedom.
I am sending you Lots of Love, best wishes and Victory To The Light.
With Eternal Gratitude,
Olá! Gratidão infinita, sinto por todos que conseguem sobrepor-se à esse emaranhado de ilusões artificiais que nos manipulam….. Mesmo quando era criança analisava cada ação e pensamento humano que não condizia com os meus pensamentos….. soavam estranhos para mim e não entendia porque o Criador seria tão fraco e pequeno…. E porque a vida era complicada quando e artificial…. coisas bobas não nos deixam viver…. as folhas das árvores caídas no pátio irritavam constantemente minha mãe e eu as achava lindas! Matar um bicho para comer era traumático para mim….Comer também foi sempre complicado…. Sentia-me perdida!! Até que a minha neta ia nascer e não via
perspectiva de uma vida legal pra ela aqui, que comecei a pedir ajuda de algum ser superior que pudesse me atender ou auxiliar, se houvesse…. Aí, de repente, tudo mudou…. entrei logo em contato com a espiritualidade e desde então, dezembro de 2013, estudo e leio muito…. Amo isso tudo… Tento fazer o que aprendo…. Gosto muito de Ashtar, Jesus ou St Germann, Kryon….São diretos nos seus ensinamentos. Aqui há poucos ruins e nossas vidas seriam melhores sem eles… A maioria não entende que a vida real é muito diferente e infinitamente mais interessante que a que temos agora…. Pensam que temos que seguir regras artificias… não imaginam liberdade…. não conseguem desligar-se das instituiçoes e não entendem por que os negativos continuam com as maldades. Farei tudo para auxiliar o movimento de Resistencia! E assim é….
Hello! Infinite gratitude, I feel for all that can overcome this tangle of artificial illusions that manipulate us … Even as a child I analyzed every action and human thought that did not fit my thoughts … .. sounded strange to me and did not understand Because the Creator would be so weak and small …. And because life was complicated when it is artificial …. Silly things will not let us live …. The leaves of the fallen trees on the patio constantly irritated my mother and I found them beautiful! Killing an animal to eat was traumatic for me …. Eating was also always complicated …. I felt lost !! Until my granddaughter was born and did not see
The prospect of a nice life for her here, that I began to ask for the help of some superior being who could attend or assist me, if there were …. Then, suddenly, everything changed …. I got in touch with spirituality and since then, December 2013, I study and read a lot …. I love it all … I try to do what I learn …. I like Ashtar, Jesus or St Germann, Kryon … They are direct in their teachings. Here there are few bad ones and our lives would be better without them … Most do not understand that real life is very different and infinitely more interesting than the one we have now …. They think that we have to follow artificial rules … they do not imagine freedom …. They can not detach themselves from the institutions and do not understand why the negatives continue with the evils. I will do everything to help the Resistance movement! And so it is ….
To Our Galactic Brothers and Sisters,
Sending love and gratitude from my heart. I am so grateful you are here to help.
I would love to communicate with you consciously. Yes, I am aware and blessed for the synchronicitys
I notice each day. I know I am here to assist in whatever way I can, and I am blessed in my situation.
I feel the chaos has only just begun and it could get worse. I pray for the negative entities every day that they may return to the light.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
M McHugh
Blessings to the RM, Cobra, our Brothers and Sisters on and in Gaia. As I read other wonderful comments on his blog, I am encouraged that we all resonate with the same intensity and passion to GET THIS DONE! Many, many of us are up to this task, it’s been long and arduous, lonely and frustrating. Yet, had we not experienced this, we would not have progressed in our evolution to where we are now.
Do we desire more challenges, probably not. Do we want FULL disclosure, transparency in the dark forces that have controlled us for eons, tolerance, enlightened decisions for the highest good of all, PEACE and LOVE…YES.
I AM, WE ARE open and receptive to communication and of course landings. We know you cannot do for us. We ask for you to teach us, assist us, guide us so we can continue our mission and all work together.
Let’s be here for Gaia the way the Creator intended.
We chose to be here, the time is now.
Peace and Love,
Lee Ann
We can do this!))
Dear RM, we are feeling constant pressure of cabal in our minds. We have to pay money for food , foor electricity , for clothes and everything we must have for living , even our home is not free but we must pay money to just live in our homes. This thing makes us sleep mentally because many have no extra power left when basic needs are the most urgent thing to us have for paying money all things that we must have.Our emotions are strong and can be used also for good and unconditional love . Emotions make us different , not weaker but different. We all are One.
So dear RM it is time to act now. For those who can may show us the path to walk.
Plese taste salmiakki and maybe you´ll understand us a little more.
Greetings deep from my heart, my dear friends.
It is very hard to see how animals are treated in this reality. So much pain, no rights only treated like things. This is one of the most painful parts in this reality. Less empathy in the people all over the world. And I would really wish this would change NOW, to stop all the suffer. Hugs and waves to all of you and thank you for all your help.
My dearest RM. I so look forward to the day when we will be reunited. I strongly feel that I am more a part of your galactic family than the human race. I would love to be able to communicate with you and receive your guidance regarding my role when the Event finally takes place. Thank you for your love and protection from the dark. Thank you.
Dear brothers and sisters from Galactic family, so grateful to you for what you have been doing for humanity and Mother Earth ?. I can’t wait to meet you and welcome you on our beautiful planet. I feel the big Event is coming near and that we very soon gonna celebrate our mutual gathering. Thank you so much for your help and support to humanity and our planet ?. With love and light, Zdenek Maranius Rhys ???❤️️?
Dear Resistance Movement, iur Galactic family, Brothers and Sisters,I would love to thank you for your help and support to us, humanity and Mother Earth. I know that you can not do everything for us, that we have to take over our responsibility for our destination and present future of our Lady Gaia. Anyway, I express my big gratitude to you and hopefully see you soon after the big Event, Breakthrough. Sincerely yours Zdenek Maranius Rhys, in Love and Light ???❤️️?
I am ready for contact .
Thanks very much for all your help! Without it, our planet would have been destroyed long time ago. Victory of the Light!
Thank You all for the guidance, love and messages that I have written now for two years. I guess You already know what I dream about, but especially I really hope that many many people will learn to listen Your wise words telepathically. There is no human words how I can describe the worth of You being everybody’s trustworthy friend so I just whisper: This is a big thing.
i would love to help in any way i can, i have been tracking the cabal activities since childhood, and although it is amazing how much, consciousness is shifting, as a trained and experienced hypnotherapist , trauma therapist, and remote viewer, for the last twenty two years,i have many skills and abilities that i use daily to help people.However, the sheer scale of this mass deception, and the seeming fear control matrix that exists here in the UK, and the rest of the world is so ingrained in the culture that the tipping point needing to be reached needs a great deal more help from the resistance.
When i say more help, i mean that the level of fear and suffering, needs to be almost Shocked out of people, a massive change of emotional frequency is needed, the collective unconscious trauma base is just too stuck.There is too much trance glue still in place to cause the snowball to reach 38 degree tipping point in favour of the light at the moment & sometimes a short sharp shock can work wonders in healing! thankyou for your sacrifice and Cobra for your inspiration!we really need the INSPIRATION!!! VICTORY OF THE LIGHT!
Dear RM ~ Thank you so very much for helping Mother Gaia and Humanity with this massive mission. It is not easy to turnaround something that has been successfully festering for so many thousands of years….thank you for not giving up.
Please do not take this as a complaint, because it it not. You will get very many letters, so I will be as brief as possible, and share my perspective from someone who is on the ground, living in this controlled anti-Life “reality”. Here are the reasons why Humanity finds it near-impossible to become sufficiently awake and shift itself out of the Matrix of control systems and programming.
** We have been brain-washed, conditioned and programmed from birth to believe in this reality
** We are subject to peer pressure and soceital expectations
** We operate mainly on ego, or fear
** We are constantly receiving massive programming from all over ~ the overall level is very much higher than what most do to help themselves (meditate, Nature, diet etc). The net effect is that we are bathed more in lower energies than higher
** Potential Lightworkers are etherically implanted ~ I’ve seen someone having implants almost overnight ~ one day there were no implants, next day implanted
** Lightworkers get attacked in many ways ~ energetically, emotionally, physically, mentally
** Many LWs do not have adequate finances to be able to dedicate themselves more to Lightwork; their focus is on daily survival
** For the LWs who are abundant, they are generally more focused in their practices or businesses
** Little to no emotional or moral support from family, friends or peers
** Those who try to educate themselves find it confusing when confronted with opposing data or conflicting guidance
** Challenges in trying to connect with Higher Guidance
** Many LWs have given up, and returned to “normal” Life
** Competition among LWs
** Infiltration by dark agenda in LW community
** Sometimes major LWs lose their way or get sidetracked or their guidance is hijacked
** Many LWs get “stuck” in a certain mode ~ Love/Light LWs do not acknowledge darkness exist therefore they feel all is perfect; UFO community can’t get past the nuts-and-bolts of, well, UFOs; those who went too deep in the rabbit-hole get trapped
** Too many “factions” and very little Unity
** Everyone has their own belief systems and find it hard to accommodate something different, they try to convert each other, or challenge each other, or divide
** Religion is still a MAJOR belief system is some LWs
** We don’t get to see enough of a Big Picture, we see little bits and draw different conclusions
** Mass media still too strong
** What we depend on for daily “Life” is making us sick ~ computers, electricity, building environment, water, food
** Affordable and true health care is hard to come by
** Too many sick and poor people.
All these factors mean that our level of awakening is still too low to overcome ego and fear.
It’s a Catch-22 situation. Humanity needs to wake up, but in order to wake up, we have to be aware of the deceptions and control systems all around in our daily lives. But Humanity isn’t able to do that because of all these factors keeping us trapped. Humanity has a real problem waking up, and even those who do sometimes feel like they are climbing uphill with one hand tied to their back, with a ball-and-chain on one foot.
Now it’s YOUR turn. Please tell us, RM…..what are YOUR issues when it comes to Humanity? What are the major challenges that you face? What are the things that you don’t understand about Humanity? What are your expectations of Humanity that you feel should be basic and simple, but we just don’t get?
If you’re not able to tell us publicly, then please could you inform the various PFC leaders (or Cobra!) and hope they can find a way to let us know? ~ please tell me, too 🙂 ~
What can we do to assist better? Could you guide a core group of truly dedicated Light Warriors in assisting your efforts? I know many of us try to do whatever we can, in our own way. Sometimes we just don’t know what else to do.
Thank you for offering us this opportunity, I truly appreciate it.
Thank you Cobra and PFC, too!
Much Love and many Blessings to all, Namaste <3
Dear members of the RM,
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to express ourselves.
It has been hard for each of us but as you can read, we are still willing to fight for our freedom for our own good And also for the Highest Good of ALL.
We have come to Earth to help. For our safety we needed to be spread out, blend in and be undetectable. But it had made us feel lonely and vulnerable as well.
However the need has come for us to unite as together we are a force to be reckoned with.
Together we can help each other, but our human nature keeps us divided:
1.We have to deal with innerself and outer insecurities, enlarged and enforced by trickery of the elite
2.We are targeted by the elite with weapons no one has ever heard of yet, sorcery, black magic, ‘bad’ aliens, alien technology and all kinds of other attacks.
3.We are forced to work as slaves and being distracted or live in poverty and be free, but have ample food or necessities to live through these ordeals.
It is a miracle we are still standing. Not only that, apparently we are much much more stronger than each of us realises!
Being able to withstand all this physical and emotional abuse, harrasment and hatred with little what we have but ourselves and still not being dragged down to the low level they need us to be, so they can dominate us, there must be more that we can do.
There have been and there are too many innocent children and persons being targeted, abused, murdered. Enough is enough!
We need to move and act quickly. I have written Cobra many times before.
We need your help in organising ourselves. Our own resilience, free will and understanding of Universal laws should be told and educated amongst us. We need to be able to do that without being targeted by trolls on the internet, or worse weapons of utter mean destruction.
I have had enough of the black magic aimed at me and I have dealt with it. But so many more are being targeted by all kinds of weaponry and don’t know what hit them. If only they knew that you need not much but your own strong convincement and free will.
It takes inner strenght and honest self reflection and leadership.
We need to educate the few of us, we need guidance and we need a way to come together. Our strongest bond was with a global mass meditation. There is more, I am certain.
We can and we will do it but we need guidance, organisation and structure as in how to overcome our ego, insecurities and start trusting each other.
We are many people willing to help, but our human nature might be our ally and our enemy at the same time. Our mind is captured on 3D level. But still it is one of our greatest weapon. We need to expand and Unite our Mind Together. Together as One Mind, One Will: FREEDOM FOR ALL LIVING BEINGS!
dear RM
its very hard to live on this planet.i cant even imagine how is your life in 5 dimension or higher and i realy want to now,i intend to expierience that soon enough.i want direct comunication with RM and galactic federation and blue avians and i want advices how to speed up the proces of ascension for this planet and us humans.people cant live any longer under this torture of the dark.its enough.every living being on this planet deserve happines and please do your part and resolve the problems that are not visible to us.i realy want to help liberation of the planet and entire solar system,i want to now you and you can contact me to give me advices and help.people are living in very hard conditions and its best for you to contact us here that the politicians.thats all from me.thank you and i am happy for your help
I know you are out there I have some of you helping me right now with a problem. That being said I have never communicated with any of you and why is that? How can you read this and understand ? Can you hear what we have to say and understand no matter what the language ? We have been lied to , have mind altering programs used on us , the people that we trust ( our elected officals) are corrupt. We need help and I don’t see how you can help if we can’t communicate or even see you , truth has to be shown to everyone , how do we know if someone is lieing? We can’t do this alone you have to be the spear of knowledge and truth we have so many different beliefs and have a lot of stories about non earthly beings so trust has to be earned.
I love you all and I hope you can help us change this world in my life time.
Dear beloved RM brothers and sisters…thank you for your courageous stalwart efforts and indeed victories now and later! I love honor and respect you. My heart reaches out to you and I’m looking forward to communication with you. Cannot wait to dance in jubilant freedom with you SOON!!!
Victory to the light!!!
Your sister, Rochelle
If yes, until soon, Siriusly… ???????????❤️????❤️??❤️???????????????????????????????✨??⛄️❄️?????????????????☪️✝️☯️✴️?⚜️????
yes, thank you for being willing to listen to us. i feel similar to many others expressions here in that we desire help in so many ways. As a light worker who has been down many spiritual rabbit holes (paths) for some decades, i am still working on myself. Cobra’s latest teachings that he gave at the Taiwan Ascension Conference gave me new methods and meditations for my ascension path and felt like a breath of fresh spiritual air. However, it seems that the fruition of so many things that we as human light workers have been working on are hinging (dependent ) upon the compression breakthrough to clear the Veil…. Cobra has mentioned that our real ascension process will begin after the Event…… and this seems true of so many things including true prosperity and abundance for all through a financial and economic reset, advanced healing technologies, free energy technologies, meetings with our twin flames and soul families of Light, more potent modalities to become more readily available for our spiritual growth and ascension process (activation of pineal chakra, activation of our merkaba light body, true and fundamental connection with our I AM Presence, being able to “see” what is real and not just as a holographic projection, etc etc) Many (although probably not enough of us) have known about all the possibilities that are beyond our reach or grasp even having been working on them for years. One of my deepest yearnings now is to meet my twin flame and join with my family of Light tribe in an Area of Light that Cobra talked about at the conference. When he mentioned the physical location of the first my heart lept for joy. This too he has mentioned will become much more a viable reality after the Event. My other strong yearning is to be more connected to my galactic brothers and sisters. i guess i can feel and understand your reluctance to engage with us, as i have a reluctance to engage with other humans as well…. Each year now since 2015, i thought would be the year for the compression breakthrough and still have very much hope and prayer giving that this year will be the year. my request and prayer now is for you to trust more of us on the surface and connect with us, to guide and help us in our efforts to usher in the Event. thank you
Peace & love from earth angle .
to my much loved and respected brothers and sisters of the resistance movement. First of all I send my love an gratitude for what you are undertaking with the liberation of planet earth and I appreciate the sacrifices that you have been made in this effort. There are seven billion people on this planet and each would have a different opinion as to what is a priority that would improve their lives.
We are indeed divided on this planet and I believe that is because we have been lied to, deceived and programmed our entire lives. We have absolutely no idea who to trust when we are surfing the net for inforamtion.
The ind control that is beamed out through low vibrational frequencies keeps us trapped and prevents us from waking up fully and reaching our potential. We try and try to achieve our freedom of thought, but then never fully trust that our thoughts are our own. For me this is the hardest part of life here, our right have the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth laid out for all to understand without interference and leaving no doubt. this alone would unite the people of this planet and assist in reaching agreement on the way forward.
Is there any way to knock out the technologies used or to change their frequency to our advantage or at least make technology available to us that we can use ourselves (that we can afford) that could influence our neighborhoods in a positive way. this would mean that when we talk to our neighbours and family about what is to come, about your existence etc., there would be less interference and they may be more able to recognize some truth and look into it for themselves. If you are waiting for enough humans to wake up without this kind of assistance, the event and ascension are going to take so much longer than need be. I am giving you permission to intervene in these matters and believe that this is the will of those on the surface who understand the suppression and oppression we experience.
We want to trust, we want to give and receive love, we want to help.
With love, respect, gratitude and appreciation.
Dear RM,
Earth is a difficult place to live a life on. I understand humans must be difficult to relate to. I find it hard to relate to other humans. I have faith that more humans will awaken to this prison matrix. Together we will emancipate this world from those who are not in alignment with our original creator. Integrity and love must prevail.
In gratitude, Richard
Also, I wanted to add…would it be possible if we could have many more mass meditations? The one in Feb was a major turning point for our cause, so why haven’t we continued this push daily, not just a few, I’m talking about daily MASS MEDITATIONS. The dark anomaly wouldn’t stand a chance!!!!
I feel like anyone reading these comments are part of the RM, some more involved than others of course. I appreciate all of the work that all of us do even if it is just holding on to love and light thru all of this chaos we are experiencing on a daily basis. The one topic I would like to discuss is disclosure. I try and talk to the unawakened humanity daily about current events and comparing them to RM info and they just ignore me because the main stream makes us out to be conspiracy buffs. Others have said before that we need to show them some real proof in and over our sky’s, not just distant balls of light. I have an idea that might grab your attention: how about speak to them in their dreams, over and over until they realize their purpose and the real truth of our hostage situation. Look at the story of Scrooge, and how he was visited by his past, present, and future, which changed his life for good. If I was asleep and I kept on having dreams about our true reality it would definitelty wake me up! I don’t know how that plays into intervention, but I think it’s worth a try.
Mis muy respetados y admirados miembros del movimiento de resistencia.
Me alegra saber que a travez de este medio podemos expresar lo que pensamos y sentimos para que entiendan mejor por lo que estamos pasando.
Comento un poco de mi experiencia personal.
Desde que era muy pequeña sentía que no era de aquí, me la pasaba horas mirando al cielo esperando que mi familia estelar viniera a recogerme , me invadía la tristeza por no ver ninguna señal, sentía frustración por saber en mi interior que podía mover cosas con mi mente , poder transportarme de un lugar a otro con el poder de mi mente, muchas cosas que en ese tiempo parecerían de locos pero ahora son muy entendibles, de esto hace cerca de 50 años,
Lo que sentía no lo exprese a nadie por que creia que nadie entendería.
mis sentimientos de no ser de aquí nunca disminuyeron, esto me hizo que me costará trabajo ser sociable durante mi niñez por sentir que no encajaba y hasta cierta forma era muy seria,
Mi familia terrestre la podía considerar de tipo normal en general, pero esto cambió totalmente a finales de mi adolescencia.
Un día un miembro de mi familia empezó a tener contacto con seres estelares, fue una experiencia increíble que duró por año y medio casi a diario. Es muy larga la historia, pero les doy un breve resumen.
Los seres estelares que se contactaron con mi hermana eran de su planeta de origen , además también se tuvo el contacto con otros seres de otro planeta llamado Jest, a travez de ellla haciamos muchas preguntas la cual eran respondidas, otras ocasiones nos visitaban los del planeta Jest, aunque no los veíamos físicamente sentiamos su presencia, pero nuestras mascotas si podían velos a ellos .
A algunos de la familia estelar de mi hermana si los vimos, nos dijeron que ellos habían venido a ayudarla y ayudarnos . Nuestros amigos estelares nos dijeron que convivimos mucho con ellos pero que no lo recordamos. En ese entonces hasta dudamos que eso hubiera sido posible porque en nuestra mente no encontrábamos el tiempo en que esto hubiera pasado, Hasta hace poco entendimos más claramente que las fuerzas obscuras quieren que no recordemos quienes realmente somos para seguir controlandonos.
El tiempo que tuvimos el contacto con ellos fue una de las épocas más emocionantes de mi vida, a todos los miembros de mi familia , que en ese entonces éramos siete, nos cambió la vida por completo.
La mayoría de mi familia recordamos cómo llegamos a este planeta y porque, este planeta ha sido una gran escuela pero muy difícil.
Se que muchos de los que están allá arriba son de nuestras familias ya sea en el movimiento de resistencia o como voluntarios para ayudarnos y que están esperando el momento apropiado para poder reunirnos otra vez, Esperamos con ansia verlos otra vez , abrazarlos y convivir nuevamente con ellos.
Comprendo que muchas cosas no las puedan entender los miembros del movimiento de resistencia y voluntarios estelares, para esto tendrían que haber pasado por lo que hemos vivido para comprender, a todos nosotros que estamos en el proceso de despertar hay el deseo muy grande y la esperanza que este periodo de cuarentena planetario termine pronto, para poderles compartir más ampliamente la riqueza de la sabiduría adquirida aquí en la tierra.
Para esto necesitamos mucho de la ayuda de ustedes, ya sea que se manifiesten físicamente para aquellos que solo creen lo que ven sus ojos, ayudándonos a que se descubran más pruebas físicas de su existencia , que se contacten más con sus familias aquí en la tierra, afortudanamente cada vez hay menos escepticismo, pero aún así la mayoría de las personas reaccionan más cuando tienen las pruebas enfrente de ellos.
Les agradezco de todo corazón el esfuerzo que se está realizando para nuestra liberación .
My very respected and admired members of the resistance movement.
I am happy to know that through this medium we can express what we think and feel so that they better understand what we are going through.
I comment a little on my personal experience.
Since I was very little I felt that I was not from here, I spent hours looking at the sky hoping that my stellar family came to pick me up, I was overcome by sadness for not seeing any signal, I felt frustration to know inside that I could move things with My mind, to be able to transport me from one place to another with the power of my mind, many things that at that time would seem crazy but now are very understandable, about 50 years ago,
What I felt I did not express it to anyone because I thought nobody would understand.
My feelings of not being here never diminished, this made me hard to be sociable during my childhood for feeling that it did not fit and to some extent was very serious,
My earthly family could consider it as a normal type in general, but this changed completely in late adolescence.
One day a member of my family began to have contact with stellar beings, it was an incredible experience that lasted for a year and a half almost every day. The story is very long, but I give you a brief summary.
The stellar beings that were contacted with my sister were from their home planet, in addition also had contact with other beings from another planet called Jest, through the lens we asked many questions which were answered, other times we visited the planet Jest, although we did not see them physically felt their presence, but our pets if they could see them.
Some of my sister’s stellar family, if we saw them, told us that they had come to help and help us. Our stellar friends told us that we live with them a lot but we do not remember. At that time we even doubted that that would have been possible because in our mind we did not find the time in which this would have happened, Until recently we understood more clearly that the dark forces want us not to remember who we really are to continue to control ourselves.
The time we had contact with them was one of the most exciting times of my life, all the members of my family, who were seven at the time, changed our lives completely.
Most of my family remember how we came to this planet and because, this planet has been a great school but very difficult.
I know that many of those up there are from our families either in the resistance movement or as volunteers to help us and who are waiting for the appropriate time to meet again, we look forward to seeing them again, embracing them and living together again they.
I understand that many things can not be understood by members of the resistance movement and stellar volunteers, for this they would have to have gone through what we have lived to understand, to all of us who are in the process of awakening there is very great desire and hope That this period of planetary quarantine will soon be over, so that they may share more fully the wealth of the wisdom acquired here on earth.
For this we need much of your help, whether they manifest physically for those who only believe what their eyes see, helping us to discover more physical evidence of their existence, to get more involved with their families here on earth , There is less and less skepticism, but still most people react more when they have the evidence in front of them.
I thank you with all my heart for the effort that is being made for our liberation.
Sisters and Brothers of the RM, many of us here on Gaia are awakening. We are connecting with each other and all of this beautiful planets living-ness. It is a blessing to wake up, and we thank you all for everything that you are doing, and have done to assist us in this dawning of a new age. I am requesting additional assistance for those that are not yet awakening, those who are experiencing life here through the ‘filter’ of negative programming, violence, suffering, illness, and dying. As One, I ask for Love, Healing, Peace, Full Disclosure, and Ascension.
Dis-information is a BIG problem. Crazy big. Could you please purchase or take over CBS or NBC or Fox – buy them and become the biggest truth machine in the whole world. Get the truth out on main stream media because you own it.
great question Danell
I feel sad knowing that most people on this planet have no idea what is actually going on, they have accepted the extremely difficult life as normal and the never ending war, most feel there is nothing they can do except try hard to make a life for themselves and there kids, I want to talk about the reality on the surface with everyone I meet in a daily basis but feel restricted because of there beliefs?
Good day,
I have had two very vivid dreams where ‘greys’ come into my room. They were not actually grey, they looked like greys but the skin color was actually white. The second time it was in a different place and I was energy observing. But this time a very tall white grey walked in and the most amazing part was a black cape he was wearing. All the little grey’s suit were white even on the 1st time. But this tall one was having all black suit and black cape. Very trippy. I would love to be able to talk to a member of the galactic federation regardless of the specie. I pray on Earth’s liberation to happen this year.
Dear RM/GC,
Here on earth so many of us are asleep due to countless years of manipulation and programming. Their goal of keeping the public misinformed and asleep within their system has been so successful, that the level of control they wield has become what appears to be insurmountable. They’re holding all the cards and all the keys (power, health, money, media) and on the surface there seems to be very little evidence that positive forces are here to counterbalance that.
The ones that awaken to the truth and can see the light, however, are fractured and wounded and still trying to heal themselves. The struggle that we each face trying to re-build our own view of reality in a world full of mis/disinformation is beyond tiring. Every time we come to some conclusion we have to ask ourselves is this not another lie? Coming from a world full of lies, where the truth is like a single fish in an entire ocean full of hostile sharks. Spotting the fish is beyond difficult, sometimes the only way you can see it is by all the attacks on it, but not it! Doing this whilst having everyone around you still plugged in, asleep, means it’s torturous and lonely at best, worst it breaks up friendships, families and even drives people to commit suicide.
We have a saying here on earth “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” it’s a good saying, in that, in the face of something so unbelievable, extraordinary evidence will always win over the denial that precedes belief no matter how impossible it may seem. For the ones starting to awaken or on the sidelines or even yet to awaken this saying is very true!
Personally I’ve had to take over a year from awakening to research thousands of hours of material to come to a conclusion that indeed something remarkable is happening both good and bad. Many of the population simply cannot afford to give the time it takes to find all the evidence and correlate it together into a picture which reveals the truth, the true reality. Why can the dark forces have the trump card of keeping the power of disinformation and the ability to claim denial and conspiracy, to the quite frankly marginal evidence we awakened have to present to the ones asleep?
I personally think it’s time to break the accords once written thousands of years ago, they no longer serve the interests of the greater populous today. It’s simply killing thousands of people each year and destroying families all over the world. It’s time to take first-contact into our own hands and use the power of social media to break the stigma of alien contact as something negative or worse not possible. In large numbers of simultaneous contact, with proof (video/photographic) of the light forces interacting with the public, will the rest of humanity wake up to the reality of their slumber. Yet we hear this is not possible until AFTER the event, personally this should BE the event and it shouldn’t be staged with supposed leaders, it should be the general public doing this.
Time and time again I hear that the RM/Lightforces want humanity to take charge, take responsibility, yet you ask us to do this with very little tools! Evidence is the best tool, truth will always win over lies, yet in a world with a million lies burying the truth, your asking people to awaken on a leap of faith. Much of the world is rejecting religion because faith has no evidence, it’s based on believe + experience.
I thank you for everything you have done so far, for the continued support you give to certain members of the public, the white-hats fighting the battle directly, the light-workers pushing the boundaries fearlessly in spreading the truth. Is it not time to support the masses? So many of us have called out to you with our free will for direct contact. Most of these calls are so we can have our own first hand evidence/experience, hearing aliens exist is one thing, or joe blogs has been a contactee for years another. People simply will question this third hand evidence as potentially more disinformation rather than genuine recounts of the truth. Worse people become dis-empowered when they genuinely plead for contact, free will given and then are ignored, yet all these other people seem to be granted contact? It makes us feel insignificant and unworthy and breaks what little moral we have to remain positive.
Maybe the answer is to start answering some of the genuine calls for help, to the ones truly wanting to have there own experience, their own first hand evidence. Humans are scared at things that seem unknown, I would properly be scared if my contact was granted, but that’s a reactionary instinct, I would over come that instinct when I know the contact is safe and peaceful and it’s something I so desperately want to happen.
The point I am trying to make is that for the ones now awake, we are going on faith that all of this isn’t just another massive disinformation campaign to divide and conquer the masses. It’s quite possible that CIA/Cabal et al have been planting the seeds for a new age of spirituality, Seth Speaks, Law of One and other channeled material could easily have been planted rather than truly given. Wistleblowers might just be plants to continue dividing us up. People need their own first hand evidence, their own tools to say to the rest of the world I know this to be true because it’s happened to me, not I’ve read this or heard that and my discernment believes it’s true.
When I awoke I started to meditate, I didn’t even realize the power of mediation before, from this I’ve managed to heal myself in a way that was impossible and someone else confirmed I had done it (first hand evidence for two people!). Also, I’ve managed to astral plane/project and have seen some rather interesting and unexplained things. It’s always been uncontrolled, but it’s first hand evidence again that I can count on to know that it’s true and there is validity to what others can experience even if I can’t control it. I can also speak from a position of truth with others because I have my own first hand evidence.
Maybe we’re missing the protocols required to bring about our own contact? I know that I’ve been trying for a very long time from a position of curiosity, honesty and love. For me I thought that would of been enough, clearly it’s not.
Thank you and much love and gratitude is given to all LW/RM/GC. Signs are there to see that things are happening it’s just hard to believe it’s all real without ones own experience.
Hello dear people of the RM. What a incredibly luxuary to write you directly. I hope it becomes communicating. Thanks for all you do.
There’s a great… contrast (?) for us to deal with. On the one hand we are encouraged to choose truth and always discern whatever we choose to believe, and beware of the lies. That is a good advice because so much is untrue.
But on the other hand we have our liberators seen and unseen.that also serve themselves by using lies. That is, I suppose, to confuse and disinform earth’s ennemy.
So our individual job first is to see the lies that are all around, then that we live in a mirror reality and are helped by … sometimes lies as well because we have to go inside for the truth.
Thus promises about abundance, event and liberation don’t come into fruition. Maybe we get lost in this lie formed reality. Anyway I do. I raise my shoulders and think ‘fine’.
I used to research my ever lasting question ‘why’ that even sometimes made my mother hopeless. But you cannot ask why while a millions of years other truth starts showing. I am Alice in nightmare land.
Much love, Maria
Dear RM,
Thank you for this opportunity and all your continual work to aid everyone. I hope the small amount of gratitude we share is appreciated, as we’re so exhausted we have little left to give. But we keep fighting too. Every starseed I know is exhausted, suicidal, depressed, and just plain extremely worn out. We keep doing our best to bring the Light to this world, but working 40 hours a week as a slave just to barely survive leaves us with little energy, time, and resources to do much. It feels like a constant triage situation here, with things getting worse and worse.
I for one am up for some temporary chaos and troubles if it brings us liberation faster. There’s such a massive amount of suffering every day that perhaps a few weeks or months of great turmoil in a huge world liberation would still result in much, much less suffering in the long run. Please don’t wait for a perfect opportunity, as that may never come. A bit of a rough fix faster would save billions of animal, plant, and human lives and save a ton of soul trauma.
Maybe there’s nothing more you can do. We don’t know much of what our alien kin are doing, what the angels are doing, etc. since we have little news on the surface here, and the cabal interferes constantly with our attempts to meditate and connect with such beings. We can only hope that progress is being made and this war will end before we’re all completely drained. Even some benevolent energy waves to heal and restore us a bit would be a huge boon. We want to secure victory and the permanent end of all darkness! It just feels like we’ve been hiking a thousand miles without a break. Maybe you all feel the same way too. It’s depressing that Source doesn’t have the power to fix this faster.
Without any other real choice, we’ll all keep doing our best to aid this world as long as we can hold out. We all look forward to hopefully celebrating with you sometime in the next few years. I really really hope it won’t take longer than that.
Dear RM
Awakened surface humans hear repeatedly that we will not be rescued and must be part of the solution OK but that is pretty hard to do when we are kept in the dark about what is going on and our future after the event. Our governments and mass media tell us essentially no truth and are blocking or interfering with alternative sources of information. Implants are still blocking our telepathic abilities. Even Cobra cannot release important Intel that we are begging to know. We are warned repeatedly about WW3, galactic wars, AI cyborgs and so on so the need is real.
We have been told that we will have access to new technologies and end of evil after the Event. Millions of people have been waiting for Jesus to return and that is not going to happen as part of Days of Revelation We are told that Earth will largely be depopulated of humans by time of earth Ascension in 2027 – 2028 Cobra explains that it will take time for new technologies to be made available for all remaining people but it doesn’t sound like much time left to enjoy. End of reincarnations too Lack of clarity is disheartening. We are told over and over the time is near for disclosure and meanwhile the atrocities continue and event is delayed
We have little evidence of RM and other light worker efforts beyond the little bit that cobra is allowed to share In the meantime we are advised to keep meditating without much feedback as to effects and keep loving and believing that someday life will be better. Many of us want to help more but we can’t because we are kept in the dark. This leads to feelings of frustration, doubt, hopelessness, loss of faith and even anger. Talk of love and consciousness is great but how is it any different from what major religions preach? I happen to have these beliefs all my life but how am I any different from a Catholic, Jew or Muslim who thinks theirs is the one true belief just as strongly? They all think theirs is the one true God. Without disclosure religions will remain controlling forces and people will not awaken Of course some people will not believe even if a spaceship lands in front of them.
If RM wants surface humans to do more and wake up, than they need to contact us and keep us more informed. We are motivated to do our share. Rather than give up when enough people don’t join meditations and go to plan B as Cobra said recently, give more feedback! We do need, call for and appreciate help out of this horrible experiment and primary anomaly situation! I check Prepare For Change website several times a day and find it to be a very valuable resource I do trust what Cobra reveals as accurate He is obviously a key player for the light forces
Personally I remain dedicated to victory to the light and it is the reason for my being here. Also I would like more Intel about the black stone recently divulged by Cobra and other important objects that are critical to victory Recall the book Lord of the Rings as disclosure for what must happen
Thank you to RM, PFC, Cobra, light forces, researchers like Kerry Cassidy and Miles Johnston and countless others who are working hard to keep us informed
Dear RM,
We interdimensional beings volunteered to come help and experince life on Gaia but are trapped with anmesia in a mundane bodies.
Please help us open our inner eyes so all can see the truth and not be asleep. I AM awaken to all deception and slavery but I still cannot find out who AM I and what is my purpose here in Gaia? I wish to do my part knowingly and not blindly. I like raise Gaia and Humantiy to a more Compassionate, Understanding, Forgiving, Appreciative and Humility with Great Valor to do the above.
I AM grateful for your Help & Love .So be it. Namaskar. ?????????????????????????????☉
Meus queridos, fiquei muito feliz quando soube da existência de vocês! ! Olhava o mundo a minha volta e ficava triste vendo tanto sofrimento. Via que a situação não apresentava saída. Hoje sei que sua luta não é fácil. Sou grata ao trabalho de vocês. Muito grata. Se houver algum modo de ajudar, estou disponível.
My dear, I was very happy when he learned of the existence of you!! Looking at the world around me and was sad seeing so much suffering. Via the situation did not present exit. Today I know that your struggle is not easy. I am grateful to work for you. Very grateful. If there is some way to help, I’m available.
Dear RM, i think the humanity need more “interventions” in the dreams, as a messages, ideas, suggestions, personally i had a dreams wich i think are real (lucid dreams or who knows what), since 2011 my perception is changing and sometimes i think that my role here is to help to the unawaked, explaining what is all about, but in really slow and gradual way
This is the method i used/learned
1-Believe what is happening
2-Understand what is all about
3-Summarize and collect another “infos”, use high discernment
4-Learned to talk with my higher-self and listen to “him”
5-Understand the timings of this “project”
6-Listen and understand the signals
7-And then choose some unawaked people, now i know when someone is ready to listen and i’m ready for the questions, this is the hard part, not easy, the timing is everything
This is my experience for now, what i request? as i said, if is possible more “interventions” in the dreams, you know how to do and if the higher-self agree to do that, why? according to my experience the people who can remember the dream/message/or part of the dream then will start to join the dots, is like a big puzzle
“When the student is ready the teacher will appear.”
Thanks, i hope see you in some astral plane before THE EVENT and then in the “real” life AFTER THE EVENT
Victory of the light!!!
Welcome. Thank you for coming. Please do not hesitate to ask for my help. I will co-operate with you to the fullest. Nothing is too hard. Everything is possible. You know where I am. Carolyn
Dear RM,
Starting in 2012 until 2015 I had experienced 5 aware abductions and 7 electrical type attacks. The electrical attacks were from some kind of beam weapon. It would wake me up at night, hit me either on my spine, on my face, or the top of my head lasting as far as I could tell about 30 seconds. Can you tell me who did this to me and why? I could feel the ship and its vibration come close to my home attaching this energy to me and there was no getting away from it. From the entry point I would feel electricity thread throughout my nerves paralyzing me.
During one of my abductions, (they) cut my arms just above the elbow with a surgical knife. Now whenever I reach a certain way my arms feel pain and a tightening up of the tendons. Why did they do this to me? And who are “they?”
Telling my family about my experiences, well, they all think I was just dreaming them. They don’t believe me and think I need professional help and don’t want me around them anymore. No more Thanksgiving, Christmas, weddings, it’s like I’m dead to them now. My heart feels so much pain and it’s very difficult to be in a higher vibrational Love frequency after all this. I need to prove to them I’m not crazy.
I had one being in my bedroom one night, he was wearing a white tight suit and white helmet with a light blue V going down from his shoulders to his waist. When he showed up the energy in my room was blowing in a clockwise rotation and there were light blue beams of light around him. Who was, is, this being?
My big wish is for disclosure so I can get my family back. The other thing I wish for is for a benevolent being to beam me up and take me to each of my family’s home and get beamed into their bedrooms so they will believe me. Would this be possible?
I just want the truth to be known so I can get my life back with my family.
Thank you for this opportunity,
Kelly ((HUGGS)))