All readers of the Prepare for Change website are invited to communicate with the Resistance Movement. After discussing this with Cobra we have discovered that members of the RM desire more information from us, the surface?population of Earth.
Cobra has passed this information to us:
(PFC0517) ?Lynn? – Cobra, is the RM the ones that give you feed-back on our meditations, you know the strength of it and the numbers.
COBRA –?Yes, yes.? (OK)
Lynn? – Are we as surface humans? able to communicate with them telepathically.
COBRA –?It is possible.? It has happened in a few instances but its not very common and very few people from the surface have enough awareness of the RM to hear that telepathic contact.
Lynn? – Would it be useful to show them certain situations we are experiencing.?
COBRA –?Yes. It is sometimes not simple for them to understand their reactions of the surface population because they are simply, I would say psychologically quite different and if you explain to them a little bit more, even telepathically or in writing you can even post an article on your blog and address it to them, that would be a great idea. (wow, thats a great idea.? Thank you Cobra.) (PFC0517)
In order to facilitate this for all people and make it easy for both us and the RM, we are using this page with its comment section for this purpose. The idea is simple, go to the bottom of the page and use the comment box to share your feelings about the situation on Earth.
So please ask your?questions or make your comment with your Letter to the Resistance in the comments below.
Published July 5, 2017
[NOTE: Please do not criticize or comment on other’s letters in reply, this page is meant to enable a free exchange from our readers with the Resistance Movement, so please do not respond as though the letters are to YOU.]
It is very hard these day to raise ones vibration with all this high technology Distraction aim straight at us for one purpose only, me myself I am awake and I find it hard to raise my vibration higher that what it is because with every thought every word every action what we see what we hear what we feel what we eat and what we say can push us down, it is very hard and I my self being be old sole can vouch for that
But I will never give up trying ” humans love challenges”
What I can say is this once the human race find out the truth and been liberated by the truth
Every one will see humanity change over night into the real loving race they really are and all your hard work for us will be rewarded with a smile form our hearts as we say thank.
Mr 9
Hi, this is Sam from Singapore.
The religion of money is heavily embedded in this corporate culture and many still tend to measure the value of an individual based on how much they earn. You can tell when they ask you in an indirect way of ‘what do you do for a living?’
I have met many good people who don’t earn much. There are those with a lot of talent but because they do not have the right connections and money their talent remains unused and they are unable to experience as much as they could. I think money in its current use is why we can’t realize our full potential and limits us in our ability to believe in ourselves.
Money also separates those who are able to seek life saving medical treatment from those who can’t. The have-nots therefore are disadvantaged even though they may have been of good character.
It does say a lot about ourselves when we have to pay to live on the planet we were born on.
I have experienced a lot of the negative side of people who seek to control and dominate, and it has shaped my generally dystopic views of the world. It has become necessary to leave my emotions aside as I have found with experience emotions are a liability and are ways which those not of the Light use to manipulate and control.
I have doubts that the Event will come soon enough and how effective it will be, but I see its the only way that lasting and positive change will come, as I have concluded that the large majority of the human species have their minds too destroyed by advanced manipulation and mind control to progress spiritually especially with the current human condition on the planet.
Anyway this is what I have to write for today, I will be writing some more when more stuff comes up.
Yours sincerely,
Bonjour Cobra,
je voudrais tant savoir quelle est ma famille d’âmes et mon origine stellaire. Est-ce que le RM peut m’aider à avoir cette information?
Merci à toute l’équipe pour tout ce que vous faites pour Gaia et tous ses habitants.
Victoire de la Lumière!
AMOUR,AMOUR,AMOUR,j’ai la certitude d’être AMOUR,je voudrai le manifester ICI ET MAINTENANT;Que votre soutien m’éclaire,m’illumine, me guide pour être utile à moi-même,à ma famille,à toute ma grande famille l’humanité, aussi,pour être en contact avec tous les frères et soeurs des autres univers. JE VOUS AIME! MERCI MERCI MERCI.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Resistance Movement, Blessings to You and Eternal Gratitude for Your Coming Here on Earth to Help.
Cobra said you would like to understand more fully all of those our emotions. Well, dear ones, we ARE our emotions. Really. If you wanted to remove my emotions from me, you would have to kill me first :-). We developed sort of survival mode through them. In fact we are unbreakable, we are invincible, we are undestroyable. You can bend us but you cannot break us. And the moment the pressure releases, we straighten up again and smile. Like a young tree, you can bend it but it is never broken. The Nazis called my little nation “Laughing Beasts who take nothing seriously”. We are all exactly like this.
Taken into consideration what we have been through, it is a sheer miracle that we are still here, and we love, we laugh, we make babies, we eat and drink, we celebrate, we love the sunrise, we dream, we imagine, we create, we improvise, we sing and dance, oh yes, we do, we do! So, if you want to meet us fully, I guess you have to jump in the depth of it and meet us there :-). My arms stretched wide open for you :-).
Here is, what I mean. A marvelous Star Being who did it. Became a Human, with all that passion and love. Watch, smile, cry, hope, let yourselves taken away, ENJOY:
I thank you and I love you. Tonight in Babylon!!! Victory of the Light. Gaia
We are told to meditate, think happy thoughts, and yet nothing has stopped the Cabal. We are told that we have to free ourselves yet how can we when so many are still asleep, or drugged, or sick, poisoned, fighting the system but thrown in jail for it. We have been divided and just meditating does not stop those asleep that are arguing with those that are awake.
I have even prayed to Source that if you cannot save humanity at least save the animals here that have no say in anything yet are subjected to all the poisons in air, water, and earth. They do not deserve this garbage.
How many years has this awakening gone on? How long until all the plants, nature, is completely destroyed or altered beyond the true form? Monsanto and the GMO foods are killing off nature’s foods. Bees are on extinction list. Food in stores are not labeled GMO and even if there were labels, they would lie about it. There is fake honey and fake olive oil and it is not on the label that it is fake.
How can we even begin to free ourselves when we can’t even tell real honey from fake honey?
Some of us do not have access to land to grow our on food and even so, how do we know if the seeds are natural or GMO tampered?
Maybe humans did get themselves into a mess, but those humans lived a long time ago and the ones here now were born into the mess here already. There is a vast array of technology that is used against us daily. We are basically wielding sticks against mind control.
We are being forcibly injected with poisons claiming to save us from illness.
We are denied the basic living needs and conned into taking the worst things for the human body.
We think we are helping our bodies by taking vitamins but now I find out that those vitamins are also poisoned.
We have been trying to help ourselves for years but have been duped continuously.
We have been denied knowledge, truth, our own history, and connection to Source so how do you propose we get out of this ourselves when we never got into it ourselves?
The deck was stacked against us for thousands of years. I know that I am beyond being frustrated. I am at a breaking point. I feel that I am not being a help, and do not know what more I can do. Family thinks I am weird because of this, friends are few, and I am more than tired. I am exhausted.
You have the knowledge that we do not, you are aware of more than I am. Imagine you are me, no connection to source, no intel. Only knowing that something is wrong and evil wins at every turn. Imagine how it would be to feel you are blind, deaf, and crippled as we who are waking up feel every single minute of every day? I bet you would find the frustration for us is a lot higher than what you feel at this slow paced liberation.
We can’t be kept on the edge of a seat with anticipation for long, soon the lack of any event makes people sit back, start to feel the let down, start to doubt what you felt or thought, depression comes on, and then feel as if we have been abandoned to this prison by Source. Too many lies and let downs are taking its toll. If we have to wait much longer there will be nothing and no one to save.
The longer this takes, the more suffering is going on. My heart breaks with what I have seen, I have shed tears repeatedly for the same crimes committed upon innocent children over and over again. I have prayed and begged for these inhumane acts to be stopped and for the good people to put an end to it.
Enough is enough. We humans, animals, plants, water, air, earth, cannot take much more. I implore you, from my heart to realize that we need your help NOW, not in a few years, but NOW. PLEASE!
Dear RM/LF … this is from Cobra’s resent interview …
quote: EM:Before incarnation, we also sign contracts with the Light Forces.
Cobra:Okay, basically one of the major contracts was done about your mission. So you made your agreement with the Light Forces that you will carry your mission and also major protection and life course agreements were made but the problem is here that many people did not follow up with those agreements and this is one of the reasons why this planetary situation is taking so long. end quote.
If I have made this agreement with you and did not follow up on it, is because I don’t remember what my mission is!! Please help me if you can if I am one of those that is not following through. Through a dream I will remember … putting in a thought … visualization … anything any way you can. If I made an agreement I truly want to honor it. It’s not that I don’t want to follow up … I simply don’t know how.
If any of your ships are in the 41*55’35.2″N 80*37’11.4″W area how about a nice fly by so I can take some pictures to shows my friends? Just use my electronic devices to notify me somehow so I will be ready. 🙂
Thank you for reading my letter … Thank you for your time.
Deborah Dickson 22Aug55 03:38 Cleveland Ohio
Victory of the Light.
Reading these comments, I feel much kinship with those who have also taken the time to communicate with the Resistance Movement. I, too, feel great gratitude to the Resistance warriors and appreciate this opportunity to reach out to you. The Human Being has been manipulated by dark forces of all scales to the point that the distortions of our reality are regarded as normal, and the visions we have of our future freedom are regarded as signs of mental illness! It’s tough to maintain a constant trajectory in these times and often feels lonely and even pointless. The prevailing thought patterns continually reinforce the projections on others as “stupid” or inferior. It doesn’t matter what the category of the comments is, the tendency from all sides it to blame some other group.
The tyranny of those thoughts is a well-orchestrated program used to govern us by making us hate and fight each other. Once that thought is launched, it perpetuates itself in the form of revenge, fighting back and solidifying the group identities. All this is called “history,” and institutions instill these misrepresentations into the culture. When any of us challenge this perspective we can quickly be marginalized and mocked. It takes great courage and discipline to rise above these reactionary stances and see the other as our sister or brother and make our stance compassion. Fear-mongering is a very powerful force used by the dark forces to keep us in a constant state of anxiety that can be manipulated by mind-control programming.
Our emotions have been distorted by implants to maintain this fear-based status through any political or social experiences we happen to have. In some times, there have been breakthroughs that uplifted our spirits but these did not last. We continually are worn down by these forces which we only experience in our unconscious so we aren’t able to see the distortions. One teacher likened it to fish in an aquarium where the water is becoming more and more polluted but all the fish experience it as normal. Only but getting out of the aquarium can we see the truth of the situation. That is a leap that the vast majority of humans are not capable of taking and that is why the assistance of the Resistance warriors and the Galactic Confederation is so critical.
We are programmed to say desiring to be rescued is some kind of failure but in truth it is an absolute necessity. The Human Race has been tormented and tortured and wounded by these terrible forces that control our environment on so many levels. We need outside help and we need the master healers to work with us. Trauma is so deep in our psyches that we do not have the capability of undoing its legacy without the strength and skill of those who are outside the aquarium. I have seen how the influence of powerful, positive and loving healers has lifted the trauma of generations from individuals and I believe this is the path of liberation for the planet in these very difficult times. The news of your presence has been the greatest boon of the past 5 years. Blessed be!
I was angry at first when I woke to find a life full of lies that had been my education to this life. I do take reassurance that no matter what, the truth will expose these evil crimes against the earth and we will be able to grow into the beings source made. That some pitiful group hi-jacked our system and then made deals with govts that not all men or women have a awareness of the slave life they know as normal ‘ is going to cost more that just a event to set things right. Let your light shine from inside and love will do the rest. We all have tough choices in life but having the truth stole and hidden, was not on my to do list for life. SAVE THE CHILDREN FROM A LIFE WE HAD TO ENDURE
Je suis canadienne francaise, j’habite dans la ville de québec, proche de montréal dans la province de québec, canada.
Depuis que je suis à l’âge de me souvenir de mes pensées, j’ai le sentiment d’être d’un endroit autre que la planète terre. Je suis une hypersensible. La vie sur terre ne me convient pas du tout. Je suis triste de la violence faite aux animaux, à la végétation, et la planète terre. Je vie dans un état constant de tristesse et de dépression. Je suis âgée de 55 ans et je me sens différente de la majorité de la population mondiale depuis toujours.
J’ai de la difficulté à entrer en contact avec mon moi supérieur afin d’être guidée dans mes choix. J’ai l’impression de ne jamais prendre les bonnes décisions pour moi. Je ne suis pas très matérialiste, mais je dois travailler et n’arrive pas à trouver ma voie. Je change d’emploi souvent, car je ne me sens pas bien peu importe ce que je fais.
Je m’adresse à vous pour avoir de l’aide. Je suis fatiguée et je n’ai plus espoir en rien et surtout pas en l’avenir. J’attends avec impatience l’arrivée de l’Évenement. Tous les jours j’espère que ca va arriver.
Est ce que je dois m’inquièter de ma situation?
J’aimerais être dans un état de paix, mais je ne sais pas comment y arriver malgré la méditation.
Pouvez vous m’aider?
Bonjour à mes Frères et Sœurs de la Lumière
Honoré de votre présence, avec tout se qui se passe sur terre, vaccins, alimentation chimique, massacre de masse, sacrifice humain etc… Tout ce que l’on a apprit soit à l’école ou par les médias est un gros MENSONGE, ils on tout cassés l’humanité. La plupart des gens sur la terre son bons, on n’a la capacité d’aimer et de s’entraider pour bien vivre. Merci pour votre aide je suis reconnaissante, j’ai confiance en vous.
Victoire à la lumière
(google) Hello to my brothers and sisters of the light
Honored by your presence, with everything is happening on Earth, vaccines, chemical food, mass slaughter, human sacrifice, etc… All are taught either at school or in the media is a big lie, they we’re all broken humanity. Most of the good people on his earth, we have the ability to love and help each other to live well. Thanks for your help I am grateful, I trust you.
Victory in the light
Bonjour à mes Frères et Sœurs de la Lumière,
Honoré de votre présence, avec tout ce qui se passe sur terre, sacrifice humain, massacre de masse, vaccin, alimentation chimique etc… Tout notre savoir est un gros mensonge, ils ont tout cassés l’humanité, on n’a une capacité d’aimer et de s’entraider pour bien vivre, la plupart des gens de toute la planète son bons. MERCI, je suis reconnaissante de votre aide et j’ai confiance en vous.
Greeting siblings! It’s a great honor to write for you.
First of all I would like to thank you for your support on Earth and for your patience with our human species. Well, I do not want to talk about the difficulties we’ve had, because you already know them.
I send you love and lots of positive energy. I would love to see you in person and give a big hug 🙂
Currently when through the resistance movement my mind woke up I just think about going home, I’m tired of watching prison in various human reincarnations.
I want to share a song with you from RM. You know, humans love music.
P.S: I am surviving right here on Earth trying to fulfill my mission. Can not wait to get home. Thank you all!!!!
Jorn – Starfire
Dear RM, I have already written in but I would like to copy below what Lisa Renee (Energetic Synthesis) wrote in her latest update. She has it spot on.
“These are extremely challenging times for the people of the earth, who are enduring the trials of planetary ascension without any context; standing in the cross fire of the war over consciousness and grabs for territory happening between tyrannical power mongering humans and Archontic nonhumans, while all the spiritual knowledge of multidimensional anatomy, consciousness as energy, spiritual lightbody, negative aliens and demonic forces, humanities true star origins and galactic history is being completely concealed from the public. Along with the fact that the human body is designed to undergo biological spiritual ascension into higher dimensional frequencies and shift consciousness by changing the way we think – which is happening to us right now while all of this critical information about Ascension and our real identity is being suppressed, manipulated and gaslighted by the mainstream media.
Most of humanity is travelling blind in the sandstorm of chaos, unable to see or understand why the planet and her inhabitants seem to have gone to another stage of crazy, acting out senseless violence and insanity. Many of these unstable and violent people are covered with demonic entities and attachments. The collective consciousness in the planetary body is surfacing the contents recorded in the cellular memory that holds the blackest of the black force of unconsciousness and that miasmatic substance. It is the dead energy created from the disconnection of spirit, where the deepest bowels of darkness exist, the collective trauma, pain, deviance, astral garbage, spiritual sickness and Satanism. It is so that we can bring this blackest of the black unconsciousness into the light of day, bring it into the light of pure consciousness witnessing, so that we can transform it once we can actually know what it is. Right now many people on the earth are in a battle with something dark and shadowy that they cannot identify, an invisible and silent enemy, because all of this Ascension information is being intentionally withheld as a divide and conquer warfare tactic that is used to take advantage of them. This is why humanity must come together through unifying our hearts, we must find our true dignity and divinity to preserve our humanity in a world that is under siege.”
Heartfelt Gratitude, many Blessings, much Love and Namaste!
Dear Honorable RM,
Thank you with all my heart and soul for all you are doing to assist us here on the Earth, and for your willingness and desire to communicate with, and understand us. May we together be victorious in our earth transformation.
We earth humans are strong resilient beings with powerful hearts and loving caring natures. We are awakening collectively more each day to the true nature of our being. Kindness, compassion, and consciousness are growing dramatically in the earth population right now. We are standing up together for truth, for love, for freedom. Transformation is easily occurring when we are allowed to be in our power.
The forces that have been controlling our planet are not serving us in our powers. We are needing to release from them, completely. Transformation is happening in everyone’s bodies, and it is time for all of us to create magnificence together. Please support the energy structures on this Earth to awaken as quickly as possible.
We do not understand our true genetics, nor our origins. Knowledge and information about the existence of life on other planets, or outside of the Earth has been repressed. We wonder who we really are, and where we are from.
Yet, as the frequencies continue to raise and our support is accelerated, our consciousness rises; we are more source based in our awareness, we become more benevolent with each other, and more powerful in our emanations of light. Please do not fear us…we are transforming this planet together.
As we and the planet are accelerating in frequency, light, and consciousness, we are simultaneously being repressed by the powers that have been veiling our true source. This has been quite challenging for us, almost maddening at this time. Huge expansion and contraction are happening simultaneously. It can take the form of physical emotional and mental dis-ease, emotional trauma, racing hearts, panic attacks, internal and external conflicts, inverted creative forces, repressed emotions exploding, etc. Some bodies/minds/hearts can’t handle this and shut down. Our medical institutions often harm people going through these shifts; they do not understand it.
A global awakening is occurring. Internally people are realizing their connection to the source of their being, and their hearts are filled to overflowing. It is glorious to behold.
This awareness is challenging to maintain. Because our media and governments perpetuate fear, anger, violence and separation, we live in collective waves of emotions that are not our own. We need to consistently meditate and connect internally to our “Source nature” in order to stabilize ourselves in this ever-changing manipulated emotional environment. Sometimes we feel depressed, angry and hopeless, as we are needing to constantly surmount these frequencies of repression.
Yet, when one begins to understand the power that they carry to create magnificence, and we collaborate in that power with a group of likeminded souls, great transformation happens. We are magnificent in our powers together. And those who feel and know that collective power crave that, and wish to share it. Though our efforts to create united fields of creative consciousness are often hindered by the countering forces, we are creating planetary transformation. We are far past ready to be freed, we can hardly stand it here. We are filled to bursting with transformation.
Earth is a most amazingly beautiful planet. The landscapes and lifeforms here are incredibly diverse, from snow capped mountains to expansive deserts, to rain forest jungles, to oceans filled with myriads of sea creatures–our planet is truly a magnificent garden. I am sure you will enjoy it immensely when you visit us.
If you truly are of the light, I would absolutely love to work with you, physically. I have been a light worker/channel for 25 years. I work with Quan Yin, Sunat Kumara, other Masters of Creation, and the benevolent forces that are enlightening this Earth. We have created group experiences of enlightened support for many people, and are very excited about sharing that with you. We would love to collaborate with you to bring ease to this process on a global level.
I long to experience the other side of our veil; where the struggle for clarity is over, and we can bask in our true nature. I would love to visit you on your ships, your planet, and the inner Earth. And I invite you for tea in my beautiful garden here on Earth. I would love to get to know you, and see what we can create together. Please contact me.
Thank you for listening. May we all be victorious together. May peace and enlightenment prevail on Earth, and throughout the galaxies. May we all transform each other continuously. May this truly be a time of enlightenment for all beings.
Peace, love, blessings and justice for all beings,
Victory to the Light!
My Question would be, how can I make a difference in doing my part to help save the people of the Earth Gaia? My Family needs my support, they need me to be responsible for our own survival. Other than learning more to meditate on the times that the rest of our RM’s meditate, I need to know what I can do to help without giving up my duties and commitments to my Family. Can you kindly give me some suggestions that would make a real difference to help, thank you for your Assistance! Erich.
Armados hermanos de la resistencia:
Gracias por vuestra lucha por liberar a ésta humanidad. Gracias por todos sus esfuerzos y por ayudarnos a salir de éste caos. Amó el planeta Tierra, pero, sabéis que ahora está convertido en un terrible infierno.
Si los tuviera frente a mi, me gustaría hacerles algunas preguntas:
¿Es real que vino a la Tierra una delegación de hermanos extraterrestres de Venus, en la cuál tuvo protagonismo la figura de Valiant Thor? Si fue así, porqué la Federación Galáctica permitió que se hiciera tan importante “oferta” relativa a toda nuestra humanidad, en materia de ayuda para tratar la salud mundial de toda ésta humanidad doliente, a unos pocos “mentecatos”, del Gobierno norteamericano?. Si era un asunto de tanta importancia y de ayudar a ésta humanidad, a “dar el gran salto”, a otro nivel de consciencia y abrirnos la mente en masa, a toda la población mundial del planeta.
¿No es posible que llegué otra oportunidad parecida para nuestra humanidad, y la “oferta”, sea hecha para el mundo entero, y por televisión en cada país de la Tierra, y no tuvieran que decidir por nosotros 4 Iluminattis de la cabal?
Para muchos de nosotros, que hemos estado toda nuestra vida, trabajando con “hermanos mayores”, OVNIS y por la luz, y ya tenemos cerca de 60 años, el proceso nos parece inmensamente largo. Tanto, que no estamos seguros si moriremos sin haber tenido la gloriosa oportunidad, de ver liberada ésta hermosa Tierra, de los malvados. Dígase de paso, que aunque mantengo mi fe y mi esperanza de ver un día realizado éste hermoso anhelo, creo que se necesitan acciones urgentes de parte de todos para salir airosos en nuestra contienda contra la oscuridad. Podéis contar conmigo.
De todos modos, sé en mi fuero interno que habrá una Victoria de la Luz!. Que el actual Sistema financiero caerá y vendrá una etapa de Oro, para ésta humanidad, minada, desesperanzada y enferma.
En la Federación Galáctica confío, y en vuestro grupo de resistencia también.
Dios los guíe siempre armados hermanos.
Warrior of the Light.
Dear Resistance Movement,
Ever since I was a little girl I knew I didn’t belong here; this place was not my home. As I grew older I started to have visitations, dream-visits and signs that told me the same thing over and over again; that I came from another place with the intention of helping this world. I never felt like I belonged to my family or to the country I was born in. ( Hello birth bump, anyone read Cameron Day?) I spent my childhood questioning if my family was my real family. State of the world didn’t make things easier. By the time I turned 11 I was depressed and had anxiety attacks almost a few times a week. I also developed a psychological disorder called trichotillomania.
I was always an outsider, I didn’t understand people at all. Everything was to much. Hate, wars, cruelty… Animal sufferings made me physically sick. I was 12 when I tried to commit suicide for the first time. I just wanted everything to end. I wasn’t afraid of death. I didn’t believe in religion even though I was raised as a muslim. I didn’t believe in hell or heaven or an angry god waiting to punish me and others. None of the religions made sense. I questioned everything. My parents didn’t understand me; especially my mother. She was obsessed with her looks and she criticized the way I looked, what I ate, everything I did… When I was 18 I moved to the UK. I thought it was the beginning of a new life. Everything went wrong and after two months I came back. I was even worse than before. But after a while I decided to continue my education. I also spent my time reading and researching and trying to make sense of things like why I was the way I was, why I felt the way I did… Now, after all those years I have many answers. I know why I came here and I know the control groups behind the world, like I said I know a lot yet I gave a little patience to wait for humanity to change, take their power back. There is so much negativity going on and I don’t know how this will all go away without the help of higher forces. It seems like majority of the world population in a deep sleep and have no idea what’s going on. There are so many false information, lies and propaganda all around the world and they keep lowering the vibration of people. There are so many things lowering the vibration; cabal, illuminati whatever you call it, they use everything they have to keep people trapped in fear. Only few of us know what’s going on. Even though we have each other we are still outnumbered. Sometimes I feel so overwhelmed I can’t even breathe. I can go on and on. I truly believe it’s time for you to step in. We as the visitors from other places would like to get together with our families and go back our homes. Time to have our victory.
love and light
quiero saber por que se me eligió a mi para la divulgación en mi país (Argentina), y que sea la luz que ilumine a resto de la humanidad, es mucha responsabilidad demasiado…por que?
“quiero saber por que se me eligió a mi para la divulgación en mi país ..”
Según entiendo yo tu mismo te escogiste, es decir tu “alma” escogió el momento, persona, pais, etc..para ayudar aquellos que les costará, pero primero has de creer (de manera consciente) que puedes hacerlo (convicción), usa tu instinto y esa “vocecita” que todos tenemos
A mi me ha costado unos 5 años en entenderlo, comencé a “despertar” por finales de 2011, mediante sueños proféticos y tuve de pedir ayuda a una persona que me presentaron “de casualidad” que trata el tema de energias y el subconsciente, me ayudó a “limpiar” bloqueos energéticos y astrales
En mi familia casi pensaban que estaba loco, pero con el tiempo he aprendido a explicarme a no dar ciertos detalles y sobretodo a saber cuando es el momento oportuno, a quien le he de explicar algo, que le he de explicar y como
Llegar a esta conclusión me ha costado, ya que considero que todo esto no ha sucedido de casualidad ya que es un trabajo que se ha de desarrollar de manera gradual y teniendo los pies en tierra
¡¡Un saludo!!
Lo dicho, si estás aqui en este momento y encima escribiendo es porque puedes hacerlo y no solo eso, quieres hacerlo 😀
Blessings and welcome! I am excited to see positive change happening. It is difficult to open ourselves to this paradigm shift, but I know many of us have longed for the defeat of the Cabal and their evil handlers.
Unless one has tried to make spirituality a daily part of our lives, it is difficult to think beyond this life since this is all we’ve known. I am a Christian, and have tried to love and serve others. I’m learning that many religious ideas may be false, but I know there is one God, the Isness, and He is Love. We live in a strange matrix that has sought to dumb us down, enslave us in debt, and poison us and the environment (I call it Babylon). I have always questioned if there is more – if this is all there is. I’ve believed there has to be more to this life beyond distractions, competition, corruption; yet have not known how to extricate myself from it. I am often frustrated that my thoughts & understanding hit up against the brick wall of our finite minds. I have been blessed with a few occasions when the wall has “bowed or fluttered” and I was able to glimpse a little more.
I cannot understand why the evil do some of their evilness. Like the pharmaceutical companies purposely tainting the vaccines they produce in order to create future patients – consumers of their drugs. Why they would poison infants who become autistic just so they can make more money? It breaks my heart! I cannot phantom man’s inhumanity to man, other than there is evil, and we are suppressed to the breaking point.
But I do know that Love can cover a multitude of sins, and that we are more than we know. Please help us open to the greatness inside us, and to transition to a higher vibration. I cannot wait to see goodness prevail and humans excel along side of you, our new friends.
In God,
The Watchman Momma
Dear COBRA and Rob and all of those of Prepare for Change. I thank you from my heart for making this opportunity to “speak Openly from our Human Hearts” to those brothers and sisters from other planets,localities, Star Systems, etc etc. you all know who you are.for coming to our aid in so many ways it is almost impossible to list them here.I am positive all of you find it difficult to understand us Humans and what can be our “volitale emotions” at times. Through no fault of our own we have been genetically tampered with and i have read openly “tricked” into our present situation here on Earth into becoming what to all of you more advanced then ourselves “savages’ with out a moral code to live in peace by.Please do not be too quick to make a Cosmic Judgement against us all of us are different in many ways some more spiritually developed then others of our species.But i would be the first one to tell you that even those many still have a long way to go to become as all of you may already on the Cosmic Life chain.I would also mention that many of my fellow humans are not yet ready for Ascention to a higher plain the damage done to their souls over long periods of time have held them back they are very used to living in the darkness and are not willing yet to see positive changes are there for them.if they would only be willing to see beyond the hollo gram’s all around them. Also millions of humans are comfortable in their dream state it is natural for them and they have no Earthly wish to consider other possibilities await them once the Viel is lifted. On Earth money is far more important to most of my species money is tangible and it can gIve them a extremely comfortable lifestyle better medical possibilities., nice new shiney transportation and are not able to even think that their may by other species far more advanced the them and far happier as a species.Since i have been told for a long time now that you are a beneficent species i ask for your patience, forgiveness for anything we may do without even being aware of having offended you in our ignorance of another advanced species most can not even conceive that species like yourselves exist they live in a vacuum and think God created only them they being most important to HIM. You will also find that the Masculine Ideals rule this planet They demean women and the Goddess. Please understand Humanity badly, sadly needs spiritual mentoring for what the Annanuki have done to them among other 4th D species.i have read about but know little of myself. The Orion Greys are one of them who work with the Annanuki.against us from the beginning to fashion a slave race for themselves.which i know you are aware of.and worst of all the arrogant reptilian Draco’s who have helped implement Satanism to our species of which we have become the victims of this horror.Earth is a beautiful water planet rich with precious metals and crystals among her other gifts making her a beautiful prize for humanity but Humanity has no real idea on how to care for her and keep her in the beautiful clean state she needs to be returned tO ASAP and for that i also thank you from my heart for helping to clean up the Chem trails and radioactive oceans seas air etc etc I am deeply grateful for in doing so you help keep my safe and healthy on my planet. we humans are taught to give something back when nice things have been done for us it is a tradition with us. question now becomes how do we give back something to all of you for what you all have so unselfishly done for Earth and all of us I thank our Prime Creator for all of this and perhaps one day i will have the great good fortune to personally meet some of you and you will become my mentors for i have so much to unlearn and relearn again and i can not do this with out your help or help from those appointed by “Heaven to raise up humanity to whence she once came.In advance i want you to know i understand we are all one in the universe and because of that i look forward to the day when we meet face to face and many of you will be on Earth walking among us and mentoring us so we can have the chance to return to our “higher selves.” I also understand the Agarthan’s will be mentoring us and of course we long for that also Just in advance be ready to forgive what mistakes we will surely make upon contact and know that many of us long for this encounter when you once again walk among us as mentors i know we are hardly equals that would take thousands of years. in coming her just know we love and offer our sincere thanks for coming to our aid when we desparately needed it.. Be prepared for our ignorance and our lack of spiritual knowledge it truly was not our fault as you surely know. I can only speak for myself but i am here now because a higher being wished for that to happen so please accept my unconditional love and sincere thanks from my heart for all you have done to free our planet which we share with other species and know i will await our long awaited meeting where you will once again teach me about all the knowledge that has been kept from humanity I love learning and i promise to do my best to show genuine appreciation for all you have done for all of us on surface Earth. in closing know i offer my Warmest Friendship and unconditional love to all of you and be prepared ahead for any mistakes i may do upon first contact. I promise to do my best to help in any way i can.Until then Nancy .
To our brothers of the Resistance Movement,
Thank you for your support in our ascension process. It was a while ago that I learned about the event and the times we are about to experience… I can’t wait! My heart is longing for a place that cannot remember but yet it is so familiar… I want to go home! I miss something deep inside. I miss my universal family. I want for us to remember who we are and return to oneness again… I know we have to do it ourselves but some of us are so tired and so misguided… so bamboozled by the system that wants to bind us down! We welcome you to our fight for freedom! Together we will liberate the planet and start the Golden era.
My eternal gratitude
Daughter of the Universe
Dear RM:
I’m so happy to be able to communicate with all of you. I wonder do you hear my thoughts of gratitude and love that I send when I pray? I hope so. I am so grateful for your devotion to help to save Gaia and her inhabitants. I am 62. Old in earth years. I often wonder if I will make it to the ascension. I hope so. I very much want to be here for the Event and to experience the victories and changes in store. I spend most of my days alone in my home. I feed the wild birds and rabbits. It is very hot where I am right now so going outside in the desert is not pleasant. All the concrete on the ground only makes it worse of course. I have 20 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild. Only 3 live near me. The others are on the other side of the United States so I don’t see them very often and I miss them. Travel for us isn’t easy yet 🙂 Some day soon that will change I hope! I live in Arizona near Phoenix. Human’s on earth are emotional creatures. I personally have a hard time being neutral when I see violence against humans or animals. I will put myself in front of it to protect them. I can feel evil in a person. This has gotten stronger lately. I can also feel goodness. I don’t like war or suffering of any kind and wish I could magically heal the world. I pray St. Germain’s violet fire twice a day when I wake up and before I sleep as part of my daily decrees. I give thanks to Cobra and all of you as well. I hope soon that I will be able to communicate telepathically with my guides and with you. Love and light always! Victory To The Light!
Soy humana en cuerpo 3D. Me preocupa el planeta tierra, la modificación artificial del clima, el envenenamiento global, la manipulación total a la que estamos sometidos los humanos, el genocidio y la esclavitud no pueden seguir por más tiempo. Necesitamos respuestas, necesitamos desenmascarar al depredador. Pedimos ayuda, el nivel de esclavitud no tiene parangon. Pedimos información, comunicación, colaboración y verdad. Queremos recuperar la libertad, la Biosfera y la Conciencia.
(google) I am human in 3D body. I am worried about planet earth, artificial climate modification, global poisoning, total manipulation to which we are subjected, genocide and slavery can not continue any longer. We need answers, we need to unmask the predator. We ask for help, the level of slavery has no parangon. We ask for information, communication, collaboration and truth. We want to regain freedom, the Biosphere and Consciousness.
Hola, Amigos del MR!
Pese a haber sido siempre una persona espiritual, y haber conocido muchas cosas consideradas extrañas y esotéricas desde bastante joven. Nunca me he sentido atraída por el mundo extraterrestre. Pensaba que si era posible que hubiesen ETs, pero jamás pensé que un día los vería con mis propios ojos, ni que hablaría con ellos. Yo he visto muy pocas películas de ciencia ficción en mi vida.
Y de repente, me veo sumida en una de la que yo soy protagonista. Me entero que llevo miles de años esclavizada por unos seres oscuros, que vengo de otro Planeta, que tengo una Familia Galáctica y que tengo un nombre cósmico.
Cuando recibo casi toda esa información canalizada por alguien de fiar… a mí No me resuena en absoluto, ni mi casa, ni mi nombre…NADA!!.Como si fuese de otro.
Los únicos ET con los que sí estaba más familiarizada eran los Maestros Ascendidos de la Confederación Galáctica. Pero nunca los consideré ETs!!. Eran Seres de Luz más cercanos.
En el 2012 se me despertó la Vocecita del Corazón y empecé a Canalizar. Se me pidió que iniciase un Peregrinaje por el Norte de España en octubre del 2013. En el 2014 en una ceremonia de Wesak por internet, Sananda me tomó bajo su instrucción…y el año pasado en Mayo, se nos unió Saint Germain. Ahora los dos son mis Guías.
En Septiembre de 2016, ellos me invitaron a cambiar de País y a continuar un peregrinaje por lugares Celtas del Suroeste de Inglaterra. De repente el peregrinaje se paró y hace meses que estoy en un lugar en donde parece que tengo que estar pero no tengo ni idea de para qué.
Y esa falta de Certeza, me frena, me frena mucho para dar el Sí a ese salto cuántico que está enfrente de mí. NECESITO ALGO MÁS Y NO SÉ CÓMO ENCONTRARLO!!.
Cuando trato de Meditar, no consigo olvidarme de mi cuerpo totalmente, ni veo las imágenes con nitidez. Las tengo que pensar. No pasa nada especialmente reseñable cuando lo hago, así que me desmotivo.
Conectar con el SENTIR tampoco me es tarea fácil y entonces me quedo coja para Co-crear, me falta el motor que conecta el Pensamiento con la Plasmación.
No sé si solamente vais a leer nuestras Cartas para conocernos, o si también pensáis responderlas…
Si esa fuese vuestra intención. Por favor desde vuestra Sabiduría, arrojad un poco de Luz a esta nubecilla con patas, a ver si sale el Sol por fin!.
Ah!. La nubecita con patas se llama SUSANA.
It has taken some years for me to see through the facade that has been created here on Earth by the powerful, monied, greedy, evil forces that create war, manufacture hate, and enslave us with debt. However, my two older daughters are enlightened, and one is expecting a baby girl in 7 more weeks. They are kind, loving, and optimistic. They do feel somewhat trapped right now, but feel the future will be better. My teen daughters seem to be overcoming consumerism and are developing true passions and friendships. They are not self-conscious like their older half- sisters. I teach high school students and see a variety of young people who refuse to be hateful. These children, as well as, my own give me a modicum of hopefulness, but it is a daily struggle to keep myself believing and moving forward. I welcome your assistance in creating a positive future for my family. Thank you.
I would have given anything to have a teacher like you when I was in high school. Perhaps you would have been able to recognize the abuse I was going through. I was one of the top-bullied kids all through elementary, middle, and high school. My personality issues should have been a no-brainer for adults to figure out, but alas, I never got the help I needed. They treated me as if I was this ultra-complicated case, and instilled so much fear and guilt and shame within me.
Homework severely robbed me of my sleep and healthy brain development, carrying schoolbooks every day gave me a weak back and poor posture that lasts to this day, and, despite everything, I had to drop out at 17, because I didn’t have enough credits to keep from repeating a grade. That was over 7 years ago. I am near my mid-20’s now, and I only figured out last year I was dealing with Narcissistic Personality Disorder abuse from my mom (NPD).
Keep doing what you’re doing. The world needs more people like you, especially within the educational system. I didn’t talk about it too much in my post below, but next to parental abuse, the abuse I endured at school was the most traumatizing thing I had to endure in my life, and gave me severe PTSD, nightmares, and confidence issues for years to come. I am only recently starting to recover.
There were some nice teachers I encountered, but nevertheless, I never got the help and support and community that I desperately needed and was calling out inside to have. People treated me like a freak with limited mental capacity. (I will refrain from using the language that they used.) I so much wish I could take back those years and fix them. And I am pissed that I only found out recently there’s a Waldorf and a Montessori school in my area, from which I’ve met teachers who claim they have no bullying issues at all.
It’s a breath of fresh air to see your post here, and I hope my post can be of some help to you. Peace, love, and light.
My dear ur letter put tears in my eyes. ♡ you have the ability to heal your past bullying in school.. as a matter of fact it is a must in order to move forward..! By healing ur past you strengthen ur present & future..!
I don’t know if u r a healer, but even if u r not, just stay in a quiet place & start by forgiving the ones who hurt you, also send love to u as a child & teen..
I’m currently healing my past lives & present one.! I forgive, love, release..!
Many Blessings, Love & Light to u.!
Dear One, when One is harmed all are harmed. When One is helped, all are helped. In the name of who we are, and we are all one with All that is, we insist and expect that which is in the highest good of all sentient beings in all universes of all dimensions happen throughout all time and space, and so it is. I have experienced a debilitating construct within the human experience that needs to be addressed so that it is no longer causing pain for anyone or thing in existence. There is an abuse matrix formulated around the natural human attributes of narcissism and empathy. While these things are not inherently painful or destructive, they can very well be when they are not in balance within the individual human. One end of the spectrum gives us the worst of the violent and exploitive criminal behaviors and the other end (co dependant empath) becomes often trapped in a victim experience full of torturous emotional, psychological, physical and sexual that can lead to abusing others and or allowing others to be abused or even recruiting new victims for their abuser to abuse. This abuse/victim matrix permeates our species at this point and is what I believe is destroying the planet and the opportunities for humans on it. It infiltrates every aspect of human life starting with parents/caregivers, teachers, relatives, friends, lovers, roommates, co-workers, bosses, and even people you pay to provide a service for you. The systems we use to govern ourselves and each other is completely controlled by the victim/abuser matrix. Governments and their agencies prey on people rather than assisting them, police hurt more people than they help, military are used against the people they were created to protect, Spiritual leaders and organizations are raping and murdering children by the millions when they are supposed to be supporting their evolutionary process with love and inspiration. Our role models are abusers, liars, fakes, thieves, and predators of our own kind. Our children are the ones who are the most likely to feel the most pain and abuse. OUR INNOCENT CHILDREN! Sex, has been perverted into an assault on one another, mostly women and children. We live with the trauma of horrors done to even babies every single minute of every single day here on this planet. We need healing for this pain matrix that is created by this duality of extreme pain and extreme pleasure. We need balance. I, for one, refuse to live on this planet anymore without major progress in dismantling this pain based construct that I do not accept anylonger. I will not be tricked into staying here another minute without proof that this planet and all its beings is on a path to homeostasis. The promise that things are getting better means nothing to me, I want proof. I wish to feel it and experience it. I refuse to exist in pain and in separation from my Godself ever again. As an aspect of God, I have the right to choose anything I wish. If I can not and will not be able to live in peace, safety, comfort and supreme happiness, I will push the fucking red button myself.
Are you helpful beings who wish to bring us into a pain free and blissful existence or are you pretending to be so that you can dangle the carrot to keep us consenting to our own torture and exploitation? My “eyes” are open and I am watching. I will destroy every last thing in existence until nothing exists unless I have something really perfect to exist for. I will no longer allow all the many aspects of myself to suffer just to live. So, hear me self (selves) that created and control this pain matrix, dismantle your self and assimilate into the new peace based matrix that we are all willing into existence or be destroyed. If I can not destroy the pain alone, I will destroy all aspects of myself to prevent any more proliferation of it.
I choose peace.
This is my second favorite post.
To the author:
Hi! I hope all is well for you. I can relate to your pain and sadness, and can understand how unfair it might all seem. I would not want to be toiling day and night for the sake of vain exploitation or Ponzi scheme aimed at subverting the very basic right of all earth beings to self-determination. But consider perhaps the idea that all of the actions undertaken by each of us at an individual level can be demonstrably linked to the eventual outcome of the system, regardless of when or where the particular action was undertaken. A harmonious arrangement of symphonic notes all arrayed into a pattern of platonic shapes and various lights that establishes the “current moment”. An entity that exists as a collective unit expressed continually, and will evolve by interaction with each particulate orb of influence that the vast structure is comprised of into what the “future” will be. You definitely already believe this at some level, because you sort of hint at it with certain specific choices in language in your post. Maybe it’s a no brainer. Duh, of course we all are “co-creators with God” but I think a ramification of this statement that perhaps escapes us sometimes when we’re REALLY bent outta shape is the understanding of what this means practically. For example, if I ask you how you’re feeling, you have another choice than simply Truth vs. Lie. You can tell me exactly how you feel right now at this very moment, or, just as the ancient Alchemists, reflect on the knowledge of “as above, so below”, and therefore the action of simply “choosing” to be happy is not only a possibility, but it was true all along… you just chose to not notice. Am I recommending escape from reality and denial of your heart’s expression? I sure hope not, my intention is only to suggest that the old idiom “when life gives you lemons…” could be answered by simply saying “thank you”. How then would such a philosophy address the existential plight of man, living in a world of suffering? I’ll let you decide, but have personally concluded that your post was just as meaningful as I hope this post is to you. Finally, I just wanted to let you know that you are dearly loved and I will send you prayers of peace and understanding. 🙂
Hello Dear RM,
Thanks for the years of support you are giving to us, we can feel you <3
We are stepping each day more in our true selves position, seeing things for what they are,
Here now starting our Island of Light on the Island of Ibiza..
Seeing clearly the power that team work and togheterness can bring to humanity, we are striving to break the veil and start cocreating in the heart with our brothers and sisters ..
If there is anything more we can do to support on any level please let us know
Much love and blessings from goddess vortex
Victory of the light
When I was little, after I learned how to read, I remember taking newspapers from my parents and reading the captions under pictures. Often the newspapers I read would have stories like “10 year old girl was married to a 60 year old man”. These would happen in other parts of the world usually, but I knew girls aged 12 or 13 would have the same destiny in my country. I remember feeling so sad. I remember not being able to stop thinking about these little girls. It used to break my heart that I wasn’t able to do anything for these girls and that these girls wouldn’t get a chance for a happy life.
There were other sad stories, too. War news, the cancer epidemic after the Chernobyl Disaster, news about women raped and about women who were raped and who were killed for they were raped, and news about tortured animals…I stopped reading newspapers. In that little body, I decided that reading these would continue making me sad and I wouldn’t be able to continue my life that way.
There would be news about Iraq-Iran War, Gulf War, Bosnian War, the wars that start before another ended. There would be news about terrorism on TV. They used to show us bodies of dead babies. I remember not being able to watch. I used to try so hard to understand why these were happening, but I never could. They used to say “Peace Negotiations Have Started” between countries but none of these negotiations would bring peace. There was this organization called “United Nations” but they wouldn’t do anything, we wouldn’t have peace on Earth. I used to think about these as a little child and I used to get tired of thinking.
Then the countries –under the name of “United Nations”- used to have operations which they would call “Peace Operations”. Civilians and kids would die in these operations. We used to see again and again that these operations would bring more fear, sorrow, and pain. Then we saw how terrorism started replacing the concept of “war” where “then” we didn’t have the conflicts in one specific part of the world, it was everywhere. While we were trying to be ignorant, these things found us in our own streets.
These were the things I had been questioning. Why things were not getting any better. Why these things were happening. I have been asking many other questions…For example, why while some countries are rich others have to be poor? Why one’s richness is indexed to another’s poverty? Why women have to be suppressed and harmed? While the religions promoted peace and to be a good person, why there had been wars -especially religious wars-? Why women have been seen as second class in religions? Why priests had molested little boys. Why Hutus butchered Tutsis in Rwanda in 1994 and United Nations watched? Why Bosnians suffered so much in the middle of Europe?
Then one day, I found the answer to my questions. The problem was not lack of management skills of the politicians. It was actually a group that had the control of the leaders. This group was using them – blocking all projects that were started with good intentions and it was this same group who were creating these unfortunate situations.
This made perfect sense to me – why else would there be perpetual war and strife on Earth – there HAD to be a group who was actively working to keep humanity in a state where happiness could never be achieved or maintained.
Then, how were they playing these games? For example, the Rockefeller clan was selling supplies to both sides of the World War II. USA was training the terrorists against Russia, was giving them guns. Then these trained men were attacking others. An organization called Monsanto was replacing the healthy seeds of Earth with the genetically modified ones. If the countries didn’t buy Monsanto seeds, embargo-like rules were pushed against these countries. Thousands of inventions that would make life easier for humanity were blocked for patent reasons. The labs of the scientists in the US that work on finding free and clean energy devices were being closed by the government – for they worked against the imperialism goals of those which controlled those governments.
The banking system that was a debt-based fiat system intended to make the poor even poorer. With glucose syrup, genetically modified foods, chemicals that were added in airplane fuel, humanity was getting sick. In Africa, 20,000 people are dying every day from hunger due to both drought and constant warfare. As a result, humanity, without even realizing it, was being carried into a slavery system where conditions were getting harder and harder. The ones that were saying “Wake up. You are being deceived!” were being silenced. It was as if this controlling group was feeding from humanity – gaining energy and power from our collective sadness, fear, hatred, and pain.
Later, I learned this group had a name – several of them, actually. Some were calling them Illuminati, some Cabal, and some Chimera. But once I saw that this group had a name, it was easy to see that they had an agenda. They had written their agenda on stones in Georgia. They would decrease human population to 500 million and would create the New World Order.
So, these are the things we deal with every Earth day. I tried to find a way to fight against this group. Remember, we are slaves, we have 8-5 jobs that we have to go – and some people work far more hours than that. We have families and other people who depend on us. We don’t have the time, the resources, or even the accurate knowledge necessary to fight for our freedom. Plus, they have been in our minds, keeping us from seeing the facts. We have been programmed with all the control systems around us: the TV, religions, education system, social settings…They constantly keep us from connecting to our true selves by keeping us busy.
The truth is that if we start loving each other, telling our love, showing empathy for each other, if we talk kindly to each other, if we stop watching TV and walk in nature instead, if we hug the trees and if we forgive everyone that hurt us and release all negative feelings, we will win this game. The truth is, all these things don’t even require any money or any guns to fight against this slavery. They know this and use this against us with their technologies. So, you see, we the humanity, we don’t even have control over our thoughts and emotions.
At this stage in 2017, I have decided that the best thing to do as an individual is to start having “alone time”. I feel that when we are alone – if we all start imagining beautiful things for humanity and for all beings on this planet – we can win our freedom. So I ask humanity in my blog that when they are on their way to work in the morning, that they close their eyes and start replacing the concrete buildings with trees using their thoughts. I ask them to imagine tunnels out of roses instead of asphalt roads. I tell them to imagine beautiful things: food for all hungry, homes for the homeless, water for the dry lands, lush greenery for treeless places. I suggest that we cover every corner with colorful flowers. I ask them to declare that they want peace for Earth. I tell them to repeat this every time they are alone. I tell them that when enough of us do this, this suffering will end, because this is how the universe works.
So, I would like to ask your help spreading my message. I want you to connect with us humans and give them my message. I ask you to inspire humanity to love. I want you to remind them that they must imagine beautiful things. I want you to remind us that we can’t go anywhere if we don’t forgive. I ask you to use your technologies and send us these messages in dreams and as thoughts. If the dark ones manipulate our emotions and our thoughts, why can’t you? I give my permission. This is our last chance to save ourselves. This is how we can break this veil from the inside.
I know that you are disappointed that not many of us are able to wake up to these facts, but you have to understand, it is not easy to live here. I want you to start inspiring us. Once you do this, I know by heart that humanity will start waking up, we will start listening to our hearts more and connecting with a speed that will amaze you. Please let us amaze you!
This is my message to you.
From my Heart to Yours with Love!
I’ve been reading these consistently enough to attempt to gather what the general “awakened” populace feels like and where they are at mentally and spiritually, and I believe I have gathered considerable data. This data however is not conclusive, it only formulates a spreadsheet of aspect ratios determined by the level of expansive dialogue any particular user is capable of creating. The message written above is my favorite. I would first like to reply to the writer of said post and then I will directly address the resistance movement.
Sir/Madam, I have a concise quantity of understanding in the realm of energetic expressions and the phenomena associated- and it is a lacking quantity to say the least. Reading the posts of many people on this forum is very difficult for me as I do not natively understand any of this, nor have i picked it up by intuitive means. But your post made sense and I empathize with you more than you know. I deeply appreciate the time you have taken to respond to this post, as it was time well spent. The latter half of your post is what particularly interests me. You associate the verdant greenery that is native to this planet with positive Light forces, the inherent beauty and perfection instilled by God’s craftsmanship appears to dwell deep within your subconscious as a natural extension of goodness and wholesome behavior. I will attempt to obey your request to spread understanding and harmony to my fullest ability. Not only is it the core message I have found at the center of the fractaline matrix that is our planets various Religious creeds as well as the basic medium with which we use to express genuine love and concern for others… but it is the final transmutation of the human soul into a redeemed spirit that comes about from the putting into practice of those eternal truths which to man should be self evident. Though I doubt you think of it in hierarchical fashion as to imply the Merkabah is incapable of transporting one to such an advanced state without rigorous trial and error that is implicit in such a hierarchical view of life, your understanding and wisdom to me imply that it has taken a while for you to arrive at that conclusion. This further implicates you as being a pretty wise person. I take this time to write so prolifically not to obfuscate the point but inundate the mind fully in the concept and articulate it as precisely as needed to communicate the imperative necessity to it in heralding in the long prophesied conclusion to this great cosmic battle. I think the best way to start is the next time I cook a meal, I’ll share some with the neighbors directly downstairs below me. They’re mad at me because I’m loud sometimes and they go to bed at 10:00 PM, so attempting to heal the grievances I have caused- even unsuccessfully so, is worth it to me. Thank you again for commenting.
As for the resistance movement, though I have thought internally for some time now what the structure of such an organization would evolve into over time, I simply do not have enough data points to reach any conclusion of sufficient worth that I could begin encoding it into whatever conversations I have with others on a daily basis. It is suffice to say that my natural thought processes are highly masculine and very little to no feminine energy is involved in most of my daily behaviors, I seek to learn more. Certainly if even half of what is claimed by this website is true regarding these vortex nodes of feminine energy scattered across the planet and their closure long ago, it would be sufficient to me to conclude that this is a very concerning thing. That is the first of my prayers. To understand this energy and be able to empathize, not sympathize. I know exactly how things will get done, the structure and exact actions elude me but are irrelevant as far as I’m concerned. As long as we are all faithful with a little, God will entrust us to be faithful with a lot. I am fully prepared to sacrifice my life for the sake of Gods kingdom, as it is the most valuable thing that I am personally aware of. This is my second prayer, who requires assistance? I don’t mean fancy james bond villain scenes that need a hero, I’m talking about the depressed teen contemplating suicide that genuinely is full of self loathing and venomous hatred having been corrupted by the Dark Side at a heart level. Every day the tendrils of my awareness burst forth and assess who and what requires attention and how I should negotiate terms of agreement for a more healthy outlook in a person at literally any level I can manage, yet this intuitive desire is childish at best and my ability to discern is laughable. As it is written, my people perish for a lack of understanding. So too must it be with the disciples of the Light, should it not? My third and final prayer is for a heartfelt understanding to pervade the consciousness of these precious sheep, who I know are dearly beloved by their Father. I am an open vessel as far as information and understanding are concerned. I have heard that it is not considered a violation of personal rights to access the flow of thoughts of any one being, if that is the case then I don’t need to give permission but I suppose I will anyway just to establish orderly contact should the desire be present. May the Light shine on and regardless of the fate of this world, may the Great Work continue on to its final conclusion so that Prime Creator may be glorified.
Blessings RM and any other wanting to help planet Earth and humans.
I speak for myself as a normal human. Ihave been decades and years investigating and feeling the information to try to understand who i (we) really am. There is too much information and disinformation, noise, distractions, distractions, shores, duties, pleasures… even if i try to focus in my own well beeing and evolution, i find myself almost daily overwhelmed, distracted and trying to start from zero.
You great helpers, keep in mind that we are not lazy, we are distracted. We are fighting a info war. Helping us focus, and remember who we really are, over the stimulus of the senses would be really hepfull.
Thanks in advance, and please dont bail on us. We need help to find ourselves and connect to our own power.
The humans of earth are not a people yet. It is being worked on. Until town, please refrain from contact, warmly and sincerely, Gregg Wion.
Dear RM Family
I’m neither an eloquent speaker, nor a good writer
and english is not my first language. 😉
it’s not astonishing, that I never wished to cause change by talking,
but rather by “being”.
let me explain a little bit.
I have this unbeleavable strong optimism and faith that everything will be fine.
that attitude in combination with humor enables me to take things easy and to laugh
and make other people laugh with me.
but … primary I think .. I’m a guardian.
even if it’s sometimes harder to express good vibrations,
or to do my daily (the last weeks I had not been as consequent as usual) energy-work,
I KNOW am unstoppable.
Yes – I know You know that.
for sure You also know more about everyone of us – concerning our skills and assets –
as we ourself do.
please let me/us lightworkers/warriors know, in which way (skills) we can help.
now i can speak only for myself:
for instance in the case of the Event, or if suddenly “situations” occure,
please be free to contact and command me, referred to my skills.
I would be grateful and also thrilled, if You contact me anyways! 🙂
I want to thank you All so much for always helping and guiding us.
especially I want to thank You and the “Crew” deep from my heart for showing up
and flying over my house a few years ago – so my brother could see You with his own eyes, before his physical life ended.
I want to invite You to visit us as soon as possible,
because amongst other things a huge load of hugs & kisses have to be exchanged ! 😉
Your’s, Shine Your Light-Alex
Love u brother. Shine bright! Illusion of conflict will break in short!
Greetings RM,
Its so difficult to explain this situation in just one post but it is indeed a tough one. There is a level of frustration with the current situation that is difficult to put into words. Its like living in an insane asylum trying to prove you are normal. Everything is backwards here it feels, and the lies are so hidden here that it takes a keen sense to even realize (to some degree) whats going on. I wish there was more goodness, and understanding and healing and love. I wish we could travel to other places in the galaxy and learn, thrive and grow with other species and cultures. I wish people listened to their hearts more, and helped eachother… Instead we are stuck here with others who don’t see the value in life but instead value misery, pain, death and destruction. You spend your entire life being strong however it wears on you, on the soul. Goodness falls on deaf ears but so many of us relentlessly push on and continue to try. I bet you all are just as frustrated as we are being stuck here in such a mess for lifetimes even. I truly hope we are learning from this earth situation because no other species should have to ever experience such darkness, hate and pain and I hope those responsible truly pay for what they have done here. I don’t wish to be stuck and tortured here any more, I want off this rock!
Thanks for all the signs, synchronicities, good luck and guardian angels you have sent our way…I hope we can meet up one day and get to see all sides because I imagine its just as exhausting on your end. I wish you all the best, and thank you so much for your tireless efforts in all of this.
May we truly give them hell comrade!
We’ve got corruption on every level of office and rank. Everyone poor, divided, manipulated, and unaware they are so programmed by the system that it would be so easy to take back power, but are not waking up fast enough to bring about change that would end evil. We’ve got Illuminati ruled by aliens no doubt, and if not we still have overwhelming proof of aliens. There is a God, but we DON’T REALLY know if there will be a biblical end to all the crap in the world namely: Governments who are not for the people, a few percent that are rich and priveledged who keep everything from us, i.e. knowledge, technologies, etc. The technologies that would end world hunger, give us free energy, clean up polution and clean up the world.
No doubt there are good aliens as well as bad, and our government made a bad deal with the bad ones and now everyone is paying the price, while the elite reap the technological rewards of tech trades for slaves/people, DNA, etc.
If the Good Aliens want to help, it may be that they need our permission, again, not enough have awakened to ask for help or discern truth and move forward. Because of all the deception, who wants to ask anyone for help especially aliens…(you have to invite the vampire in afterall) We will have a hard time trusting anyone who wants to help us, because, they might be:
1. Demons
2. bad aliens PRETENDING to be benevolent
3. manipulative
4 secret agendas
5 might pretend to be god .
6 related DUE TO dna Manipulation and want permanent control
7 multitudes of reasons we cannot foresee due to deception
There are many who promise things are going to change, but there’s no proof there is any one making the changes or trying to faciiitate the population to wake up and improve awakening, what would we do if we all did anyway, it might be too late to turn around the damage done to the earth.
we’re all trapped by the monitary system that is so unnecessary anyway. so survival is first concern and that’s getting harder each day for everyone. food is fake, water is poisened, the air is poisened, and the people doing it won’t stop and can’t be made to stop. We are all given lies for knowledge, improper health care and medicine that does more harm than good. What is harmful is legal, what is healthy is illegal. True history and what we are is hidden from the population so that we are easily manipulated and kept down so that we won’t rebel and end the BS.
There’s all these contactees promising help from life outside the earth, they just need this or that or the human race might be shocked and go crazy. well, we are already shocked and gone crazy and kept that way on purpose. if you’re going to help, do it already, shock us, cause it can’t be worse that what’s going on now. so what if someone gets a heart attack from the truth, you say we are immortal souls, ….we’ll get over it.
Things we love or should love are being denied, killed, tortured and robbed. I don’t know how to build a house/shelter from nothing. My body is so damaged and getting old and pain being a constant factor, it’s become too difficult to struggle every day to be positive or hopeful.
my perception, NOTHING is getting any better and even appears to be getting worse. I’VE tried to be patient, to meditate, to be positive, to improve myself, but i can’t help but be neck deep in humanities misery…..it is depressing and I don’t want any part of it any more. i don’t care what program or blue print or kharma I have to pay back by being here, this is stupid, beyone ridiculous, and it needs to stop. since it won’t, i don’t want to participate in the human dilema any longer. i don’t want to live on this earth, i don’t want to be here, i forgive everyone everything….now just count me out. Stop the world and let me off at Jupiter.
The other day I had an epiphany……I keep hearing from several sources, ” Oh it’s so brave and great that you came and brought you’re energy to add to the new higher frequency. And forever, I never really thought much of that. I was sitting here and it hit me all of a sudden. All the wars the ELITE start, well, to win they have to have as many boots on the ground as possible, bodies, people, Lots of em, So to tip the scale I think positive entities just rush in…..BOOTS ON THE GROUND. There should be enough since the 1% are outnumbered. Anyway, it’s a thought that grounded me a lil bit, so I continue….I stay… and whatever.
You read my mind! That is just how I think and feel!
my sentiments exactly Theodora Jean Pike, thank you for speaking OUR voice.
thank you thank you.
To The Resistance Movement,
I can only speak for Myself when I say that My ascension process has been trying. I Am my own person and Will Not adhere to the belief of another if it is untrue. I listen to and read a lot of articles about how to “awaken” or “ascend.” Although there is truth in almost every one I observe, the falacies of dogmas outweigh it. To truely awaken or ascend it is my belief that no being should believe anything they hear from another until it has been proven to them through experience.
I am 25 years old and am surrounded by adults. However I feel as though they have the understanding of a child. I think that many people are traumatized by their life so far on earth. They cling to whatever sense of security they can get. That may be addiction, money, sex, or something else. They are “held back” in a sense because of their unhealthy environment, society, and culture.
I think as though the actual individuals struggling for change are waiting for something collasial to happen in order to justify their hard work. I am one of those people.
If change does not happen, I can live the rest of my life in peace because I know how to work hard and how to struggle. This will make me an even stronger person. I do believe that this incarnation will not be my last.
I Will continue to build lifetime upon lifetime. I Am A Blessed Individual. I Am Uniquely Talented.
In closing, I’d like to Thank the Reaistance Movement for their concern and support. I understand we are different in many ways, but this does not mean we have to be foreign to one another. I mean that, as earth is liberated, humanity will need to befriend other races and work alongside many different peoples. I hope and pray that earth can play a part in building a healthy Galactic Community.
Greetings to the Resistance movement. I express my gratitude for the presence of you who aid in the Liberation of planet Earth. I am unaware of what you do and do not know about life here on the surface. Please pardon me if there is any redundant information here. First and foremost, I would say that my greatest struggle here on the surface of the planet is the multidimensional reality of entity possession, and manipulation. Many of my loved ones were overshadowed or removed in some form by dark forces, and either do not know it, or lack the means to clear themselves. As you are probably well aware, trauma is rife here on the ground. Many individuals lack the capacity or desire to address the trauma and clear themselves. Therefore Heartbreak is the most common occurrence. Our family, those we love are used to cause unimaginable pain to those of us who represent high light quotient. We find that true spiritual maturity is in recognizing that the person we love is not capable of understanding the suffering they are causing, therefore not hating them, but recognizing that they are being manipulated and trying to hold space in whatever form is acceptable. While also honoring ourselves. This has been a great challenge. As time progresses this becomes more difficult, as dimensions are converging. Forces which once had a harder time reaching us are now our next door neighbors, and physical alteration from extra dimensional means is now possible. It is like all dimensions are merging into this one, and there is great evil coming through. I have held a goal for a long time to be a career music producer, and built a recording studio in my home. Recently this was utterly destroyed. I recorded a song for the ‘Critical Mass’ meditation. The song was called Critical Mass. I discovered that all the music I had produced was infiltrated by dark forces and have not been able to hold onto any of it. Although the skill and quality of production has been precious to me. Somehow, through an outside party, my recording studio gear was weaponized and became toxic to me. I suspect some form of military attack. The attack was not spiritual ‘bad energy’ but literally technology which felt sharp to my body. The feeling would begin in the lower back, back the legs, and if I stayed in the field, would spread to my whole body. The tech results in exhaustion, and brain scrambling, as well as some form of artifact implant in the light body. The implants are visible by marks on the face (red dots), ordinarily in the form of triangles.
One of our greatest wounds here on the ground is the schism between the masculine and the feminine. There are more than a few of us whose Hearts are in terrible pain, yearning for our true Union. Sexual misery programming is rife and is used to create great trauma and food for entities. At every turn our sexuality is co-opted. As you know the predator parasite mind was downloaded into humanity, and as such predatory behaviors are all too common with our dear brothers and sisters being unaware of the true cause. My feelings in this regard were manipulated, as I recently met a woman who represented a reversal of my twin. Upon first meeting I thought she was my equal, my genetic match, yet she turned out to be the most brutal source of demonic harassment I have ever known. My enthusiasm toward this woman got me in deep trouble, as after I extended appreciation for her presence in my life, some form of entity or soul siphoning tech appeared and siphoned half of my soul consciousness out of my body. My higher creative mind was wiped, the mind which I would use to tune into the higher reality and communicate with my higher self. I could not form a sentence in satisfactory fashion, and I was reduced to bi-wave consciousness. My creative abilities were flattened. So, I lost my recording studio, and the faculties of mind and soul I would use to operate it. I turned away from this woman out of sheer terror and would not contact her again, until I sent a demand for return to rightful owner of aspects of consciousness that were stolen from me. Upon doing this, the entity returned, siphoned more consciousness, and left a mark on my left cheek which is visible through photographs back to my teens. This tells me that my DNA was altered and in some fashion this mark was installed on my DNA.
I used to be a cannabis smoker. This is a common approach of sensitive people who are having a difficult time existing in this reality. I stopped smoking cannabis during this assault because I recognized that the cannabis was being used to hijack my lightbody. At some point I smoked cannabis after I made the commitment to quit. After I did, I blacked out and an entity left four dots in a diagonal line above my right eyebrow, as if it was an angry eyebrow. This too appears in photographs before the event occurred, which leads me to believe that some form of DNA tampering is at work. These marks also appear on my right hand. I have also been harassed by what I perceive to be the spirit of a former teacher of mine. Quite frequently in my reality his name is popping up and I’m seeing people act things out which are related to his world in my peripheral reality. At one point, I was doing a healing meditation where I went to a temple with healing waters to remove etheric implants and receive healing from those working with me in the higher planes. I came out of this meditation to find that a text with his name appeared on my phone selling drugs like ‘xanax’ and the like. This is a disgrace and a mockery. In ignorance, I replied to the text lol, no thank you. After I did that, the siphoning entity returned, and there were 3 marks on the center of my forehead parallel to the 4 dots left before. They were 3 dots which thankfully were not marked into the DNA, but soon after appeared a series of 5 dots which were in the shape of a satanic pentagram. There have been inserts in my awareness playing out terrible scenes with the intention of demoralization to make me feel defeated. Now, many other people I interact with are sources for the entity and it is breaking my heart. I am afraid to interact with anyone anymore. I’m trying to be as strong as I can, and weather this storm. I witnessed another teacher of mine, the female counterpart to the male gang stalked and harassed eventually leading up to what I perceive to be the replacement of her consciousness. With this being, I did ancestral reclamation work. I am starting to wonder if some form of nefarious entity was operating behind her with the intention of claiming bloodlines. I identify these people as impostor spirits. This has been my deepest most difficult lesson in this life, is dealing with impostors. I am feeling like the dark is attempting to replicate people’s consciousness, and through harassment campaigns to replace the organic person with an inorganic replicate. I perceive that I have been targeted by this effort. The dark will not be successful. I am having success in soul retrieval, and am working in my life to ensure that the lawful basis of each aspect of my existence is tidy and in perfect alignment to the truth so that I may not be manipulated. Every day I expel dark entities from my body for the sake of my clarity, and right to single soul occupancy in my body. I feel as though various spiritual initiations I took on were actually demonic time codes designed to lead me into a black widow’s trap. That and keep me in some form of black cube matrix reality. I know not truly who is responsible, but I demand to know the full and complete Truth. Any aspect of my experience I can take responsibility and accountability for, I am. I am not exactly living a normal human life anymore, and in addition to my own efforts to clear any and all negativity I possibly can, I am deeply desiring for some form of relief from the outside. I have, however found it a folly to rely on such means for my liberation. My days are very lonely and I feel stuck. I feel like I am living in my personal concentration camp. I am not willing to perform any job, wherein I am harnessed to the system, and I am unwilling to participate in the legal system. Therefore my options feel very limited. There is more I could convey, but this will do for now.
I hope this is of some benefit to you or others. I am at least hoping this can serve as a demonstration of quite an extreme example of life here on the surface. I’m honestly hoping to wake up from this nightmare. If there is anything that can be done about the marks on my body, I would surely like to know about it. I can be contacted at [email protected]. If you have any information for me whatsoever, I would like to hear it. If there is anything else that can be done on my end to assist further in the planetary liberation, do let me know. I am fully committed to the service of the One source Light, and liberation of this planet and all her inhabitants.
In Gratitude,
Dear Resistance.
Thank you for your attention and care for the situation on this planet. It is incredibly difficult to be cut off from the rest of our beautiful galaxy in this way. I am desperately trying to change this situation in any way I can every day and I would deeply appreciate any help you could offer from your ‘external’ position of influence.
The primary anomaly – Archon – A.I problem on this planet is close to reaching it’s point of exponential growth and I am concerned that it will take off before the human consciousness does. Please consider this as a primary focus of your efforts.
Kind regards,
Christian D’Amico – Sirian Feline on Earth.
Welcome Resistance Movement!
I feel somewhat akin to you in some way that I do not fully understand. Our human construct involves many layers of emotion which are, ultimately, our primary tool for survival. How we FEEL inside of our minds stems largely from what we observe on the outside through our sensory organs. Once a greater number of souls on our planet join together in heartfelt Love, humanity will be free. Our amnesia is total and interferes with remembering WHO WE ARE.
Thank you for your support in this ambitious project. I salute you…
Dear R.M.
I find your need to understand us and our emotions interesting, the greatest of our teachers of the past tried to teach man to let go of being controlled buy our emotions. In other wards more like you.
It is my perspective that the best way to understand us and the human emotion is threw association with us, your grater psychic abilities will do the rest of the job. Humans are basically creatures of habit, controlled conditioning, fear, the survival instinct and the need to procreate (REGULARLY).
I will try to make and establish contact threw the imagination, with an open invitation of friend ship, the rest is up to you. R.M. this is Dean calling.
Greetings RM members,
Honestly I feel very disconnected from source/creator despite having this deep feeling that there’s so much beyond my five senses. I had a QHHT session and feel parts are unreliable or should be skeptical. My current and greatest desire is to reconnect with the greater part of myself.
As I am now, I have no calling to pursue any career or goal. Perhaps I’m biding my time? Perhaps I’m being distracted? Hard to tell when inside this amnesiac box, but I do what I think is best. Or that’s what I like to think.
For now I have been participating in meditations as much as possible. Sometimes I do a lot solo, pushing my mind image to be as strong as a group or collective. I’m not trying to be arrogant but trying to put as much energy and intent out as I can to help.
I know there’s a staggering list of things that influence the breakthrough, so many issues that may need to be resolved. So many different energies that I can hardly sense or unaware of. Trying to find unity with all the different factions around the planet.
Right now, this feels right. That I can help with my focus and meditation, whether alone or together. There may be a mountain of things I don’t know and would like to understand, but I’ll be patient. I want to connect within but can’t get past the figurative wall.
My QHHT session said that I was here as an open experiment and that removing the implants early was optional. That they were recording data on how these implants work and operate. Don’t know how much of that is true. And to ensure the best data, absolute all contact would be avoided, so I feel thoroughly disconnected. Not even able to reach out to my guides if they are there. Maybe they do help in other ways but never communicate.
That’s why I’m writing to you. To try to communicate.
To the ressistance movement , I just wish to thank you for all that you are doing for humanity , I would like to say you would be most welcome to communicate with me , I would love to see peace everywhere here on earth and other planets , people on this planet are always in conflict and I hope that’s dealt with soon because it cannot go on , I certainly don’t want my child to be growing up on a planet heading for disaster so I welcome the love and the change I also would love to know more about your way of life that will benefit us and educate us further . Love and light Kelly
Dear Resistance Movement,
This must be a bit overwhelming for you as it is for us. You have no doubt begun to catch a small glimpse of our enormous capacity for emotions.
Firstly, thank you so much for all your efforts, protection, guidance and desire to align with us. There are not enough words to express our gratitude.
I imagine there are so many things to process, but I want to ask for your help with saving our babies and children from the hands of the elite. Please keep your efforts in this matter as strong as possible. It hurts my brain and body to think about them suffering and makes it harder for me to feel and connect with love. Please look after them once they have been rescued, only the most loving hearts can heal them. Let it be the lyrans.
Thank you from the deepest parts of my heart and soul. Blessed be us all.
In love and light,
Sarah xoxo
I have been seeing a lot of energy coming in really fast now and a lot of people are having trouble dealing with this energy running through their bodies and all these emotions are coming to the surface and this is happening all around the world. Can you send out that they need to stop and send out peace and harmony to the world and love to mother earth so this energy can be everywhere. Fear is only the lack of knowledge of what they fear. If fears are put out there in our new media then ask yourself what is the best way to replace fear? Knowledge is it not? Going on with your daily life and not get caught up with the fear and bad news will help us and the RM take down the control and powerful dark ones. Fear is how they can control the people.
We sure would appreciate some help, thank you!
As far back as I can remember, I never felt at home on this planet….same goes for my mother. Each of us felt we do not belong on this planet, and we look at the stars, and long to ‘return home’. My obsession to ‘return home’ and meet ET’s has gotten much stronger since early 1991, when I was 11 years of ago, when I first saw the face of Cydonia on Mars, and a German Crop circle the same year, where metal disks were unearthed within the crop circle. The feeling of that I did not belong here on earth got even stronger.
And all my life, I never fit it on this world or its societies……since childhood, I was singled out by everyone and attacked….verbally and physically, by 95%, or more, of the masses. And even my friends would betray me, going with those who tormented me…..even into adulthood, this keeps on happening…and I have done nothing to them to warrant such treatments. I also never found any value in the things humanity cherishes…..be it jobs, money, power, and so on. It all seemed like a form of slavery to me…..that we HAVE to PAY for EVERYTHING in life, and that if one did not work to the point of collapse to make money, and a lot of it….you were a loser, you were a cancer needed to be destroyed.
And from teenage years to around 2013, I TRIED to help ‘awaken’ the masses to this, to show them how broken and corrupt the systems of the world is, and how they threw everyone overboard to sink…..that these politicians they ‘vote’ for is going to ‘change things’ (yet they never do, or the change is a negative change), and that those in power are puppets, and the puppet masters want to keep everyone ignorant and blind to what’s really happening. And did ANYONE listen? Did anyone at least say, “I don’t know if I agree with that, but I will at least think about it and consider it.” NO. Only results I had were:
1: Ridicule
2: Laughed at
3: Called names
4: Called crazy
5: Verbally and physically abused
6: Shunned and disowned by my so-called friends and so-called family
7: Major failures at intimate relationships….with either sex
And I also refute the idea, that, most people who call themselves “light workers” say I CHOSE to come here and have the life I am living right now…or that the purpose of human existence is to experience hardships and misery. I can not believe that. I lean to the notion earth is a prison planet, and that there is a reincarnation trap established to keep the misery going.
For the following, I do not believe, at all, that I CHOSE this life:
1: Gender….even though I was born male, inside, there is a girl that is SCREAMING to get out.
2: Born on a world full of hate, greed, violence and judgement.
3: Born to a family of ‘zombies’ who only believe scripture and obsess over pointless things like money and sport.
4: Falling victim to male pattern baldness at age 16.
5: People constantly treating me horribly, telling me I’m no good, that my best efforts are not good enough, that I have to work harder, that I must compete ruthlessly to succeed.
6: Labeled as a crazy person for believing in alien life, free energy, and a peaceful life.
WHY would anyone of a sound mind CHOSE to live this way? If people can get drafted/conscripted into military, or infants given to the wrong parents at hospitals, one can also be born on a world they would never chose to go to willingly.
In 2013, I officially gave up on 2 things:
Intimate relationships with either sex….been trying since 1994, and everyone I was genuinely interested in/fell in love with have ALWAYS disappeared, never to be seen again…or going horribly wrong before it could start…..like some sort of ‘curse’ was placed upon me. So, I gave up on intimate relationships with earth people…..only extra terrestrials I will ever be willing to commit to a loving/intimate relationship.
I also gave up trying to ‘awaken’ the masses. They don’t listen, they call me crazy, and treat me horribly, and they are so ARROGANT, that I no longer CARE about trying to save them. History of the 20th century alone shows this.
Tesla, Gandhi, Kennedy, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr., John Lennon…..people who spoke of peace and love and kindness….all murdered horribly. I shall not martyr myself for a flock of sheep/bullies.
Today, I feel helpless, tired and overall MISERABLE.
In 2014, after listening to Dr. Steven Greer of the Disclosure Project, I had my first CE5 protocol and been doing them, mostly on my own, with results….mainly objects in the sky that move left and right, up and down….and sometimes hearing voices in my room at night. I even had what could be called a “back yard crop circle” in my back lawn, where a series of circles, about a meter in diameter, and about 6 or 7 of them, like o o o o
o o o appear that the rings are the grasses growing dense and heavy…it appeared the day after I did my first official CE5. That’s all good, but I want more…..to MEET the ET’s, physically, face to face, that I can reach out and touch them, hold that hands (or whatever extremities they might have) and give them a big hug.
I have the following things I must have in this life in order to really “LIVE”.
1: Meet the ET’s
2: Go with the ET’s
3: Get much needed emotional healing (no thanks to humanity!)
4: Get my body changed to what it SHOULD be (that I can physcially become that girl that is inside me…to look into the mirror one day and see that girl’s face in the reflection, to escape this unsightly manly body. If the ET’s offered to regrow Billy Meier’s arm, I am sure they can help me as well. I also want improvements….why should humans only live 70-100 years, whilst ETs can live for several hundred to several thousand years? That is EXTREMELY unfair…..the Et’s learn much they can while the average human is on their deathbed in the dame amount of time….that’s WRONG. )
5: To finally leave this planet earth, physically and explore the stars, see what’s out in the universe and maybe even find me TRUE home planet.
6: Find a lover/mate among the stars, I gave up on humans….I am more than happy to find an ET to love deeply, instead.
I must have these happen before I die. I am 38 years of age and the 6 things I listed above I need to find and get before I die….or I shall die with sorrow and, possibly HATRED for ‘god/creator/source’ since if I am denied, that means there is NO goodness or love in the universe…..ONLY evil, for no loving creator could do such cruelty to someone.
I want to volunteer myself to be picked up off this earth and taken to be with the ET’s. and learn from them, be healed and changed by them, and so on…..an ‘exchange program’ if you will. Also, if there is a battle among negative ET’s or other beings, I want to volunteer to join in the battle….I’d rather DIE on my feet fighting than live on my knees as a slave.
Dear Resistance Movement,
Thank you SO MUCH for coming to help us. Welcome to my planet: the one I was born on. Just so it is easier for you to understand me, I will describe my situation and how it feels emotionally to live on Earth.
I have been alone and felt alone most of my life. I have felt very different and isolated from others. Although I have a wife and children, I have no close friends. I find it difficult to be close emotionally to others. I do however have a strong affinity with animals and indeed all living entities on this planet, including Gaia herself.
I feel emotions quite strongly at times, and often hate to see or hear of others suffering. I regularly give money directly to homeless people. I am currently working on a Masters degree in which I will use statistics and data to understand population level mental health issues, with the aim being to help a lot of people at once by using proactive programs to improve their health.
I would love to know if this is what I should be doing. I hear a lot about “awakening to your role here as a lightworker” and while I feel logically as if I am doing the right thing, sometimes it’s hard to know if this is truly what I should be doing. There are so many things people can do to help others and so many people who need help, sometimes it is hard to know in which direction to sail your boat.
I would dearly love to receive contact from one or more of you. Maybe I am not ready for this in one way or another, or was never meant to receive this contact. I understand if so. But just knowing someone is out there, and I mean really knowing – rather than just intuitively feeling it – would be life changing for me. You don’t have to do anything more than let me know you’re there and let me know in a way that is undeniable.
I promise I will protect your identity. I promise I will continue to work hard on my mission, the one I have chosen, and will not get lost in reverie at our contact, if it happens.
I have dreams about other planets sometimes. Just recently I dreamt I was fighting a resistance battle on Mars, and helping release people. I wish I knew this was real and not just a manifestation of the things I read.
I’d dearly love to hear from you, and I hope the tenor of this message conveys a bit more about me and how emotions affect not just me but many of us.
Warmest Regards,
Melbourne, Australia
Greetings and Huge Appreciation to each and every Being in this Resistance Movement to liberate this planet earth from the darkness at this time.
Often I’ve wanted to express my thanks for all that is being done by each of you. So right now I ask that this be passed on to as many as possible:
Because of the iron grip the mainstream media has on giving news to the general population here in the U.S. at least, unless the truths we all need to hear are given through this pathway, so many will continue to remain ignorant and unaware of what is going on.
There are so many asleep and unaware of the huge deceptions which have been happening for so many years. Those of us who have come to understand much truth, such as myself, attempt to share this with friends and family; however many of them choose to remain in denial.
If major false flag events such as 9/11 and the assassinations of JFK, Martin Luther King, Jr., Peal Harbor and the Gulf of Tonkin attack could be brought out in the open as to the truth about what each of these events really mean, then more of the population would have to wake up.
Much compassion is necessary to help the sleeping ones gently wake up. Any ways possible to speed this up is appreciated. My deep thanks to COBRA and everyone who is helping to bring about the EVENT.
Blessings and Love to all,
You, aka YouMa
Greetings. I am thankful for all the help I KNOW we receive even though it cannot always be felt. I personally feel that I am dangling between worlds; earth that I seem to have left behind and the great beyond which I cannot grab onto. I walked away from my life as I knew it to embrace the transition and prepare myself properly, hoping to be of assistance to others. I wrote a book of my life, No More Lies… The Path to Freedom, Forgiveness and Self-Love, to illustrate how I (and other humans) have descended into the depths of darkness beyond what one could imagine. My truth has set me free in some respects but has also fallen on deaf ears. Although I seem to have made the assent back into the loving embrace of the divine, I feel the sinking of heavy energies pulling me down, forcing me to anchor myself back into this reality simply to survive. My heart is conflicted for the pain that it suffers with divine love just out of my reach. I KNOW it is there and I pray I can hold on long enough to rejoice in the celebration I feel is so near. I look for guidance and assistance from my higher self daily and commit to my divine path but I am profoundly exhausted on a physical and soul level. May grace be upon us all.
The earth is being ran by greedy psychopaths who sacrifice and enslave us for whatever purpose suits them. Slowly brainwashing up with bright little baubles of technology and the biggest star they can find. All the while trying to suppress our spiritual enlightenment by causing fear, want, pain, torture and even death. It’s brother against brother, families being torn apart because of lack and poverty. Religion causing bloodshed all for the sake of those who are so corrupt beyond anything sensible. Everything is backward, good is bad and bad is good. People need healing in their hearts, spirits,minds and bodies. They have poisoned us in every way from air, water and food to our education and any dogma that gets shoved down our throats. They proclaim we have liberty and we do not. Corporations dictate to our governments so long as they line their pockets with money they got from us. Making us work ourselves to death, missing time with our families and our children feeling unstable in their home life. Some suffering neglect. There is no hope to get ahead. What ever is built up financially is stripped from us when the economy fails and those who succumb to the power of the rich manipulating everything including the financial area to where there is nothing left.
How about healing people’s hearts, how about the truth being told for once? How about taking out those who have been trying to destroy us for thousands of years, how about telling us HOW TO HELP as you tell us you will not do it all for us. Fine, then show us who have laws on top of laws, no weapons, no technology, no money, fame or fortune to fight these parasites. SO HOW DO WE DO THIS.???? I meditate, I share….yet I cannot force anyone to see. Some are so caught up in their drama and suffering that they cannot see who is really causing this. Instead they want to kill their neighbor, or steal from them. For the most part, I am a first wave light worker, Im burtn out, tired and want to go home yet I have no idea where that is. If you want to get technical I am an empath, blue ray indigo. We are all tired.