All readers of the Prepare for Change website are invited to communicate with the Resistance Movement. After discussing this with Cobra we have discovered that members of the RM desire more information from us, the surface?population of Earth.
Cobra has passed this information to us:
(PFC0517) ?Lynn? – Cobra, is the RM the ones that give you feed-back on our meditations, you know the strength of it and the numbers.
COBRA –?Yes, yes.? (OK)
Lynn? – Are we as surface humans? able to communicate with them telepathically.
COBRA –?It is possible.? It has happened in a few instances but its not very common and very few people from the surface have enough awareness of the RM to hear that telepathic contact.
Lynn? – Would it be useful to show them certain situations we are experiencing.?
COBRA –?Yes. It is sometimes not simple for them to understand their reactions of the surface population because they are simply, I would say psychologically quite different and if you explain to them a little bit more, even telepathically or in writing you can even post an article on your blog and address it to them, that would be a great idea. (wow, thats a great idea.? Thank you Cobra.) (PFC0517)
In order to facilitate this for all people and make it easy for both us and the RM, we are using this page with its comment section for this purpose. The idea is simple, go to the bottom of the page and use the comment box to share your feelings about the situation on Earth.
So please ask your?questions or make your comment with your Letter to the Resistance in the comments below.
Published July 5, 2017
[NOTE: Please do not criticize or comment on other’s letters in reply, this page is meant to enable a free exchange from our readers with the Resistance Movement, so please do not respond as though the letters are to YOU.]
I would say the mean reason for the attacking other light workers and warriors is because people have a hard time with cobra’s Intel. And Corey good. You rm need more voices. Contact more people. Then the attacks would mostly stop. Also better Intel to more people. The attacks happen because the messages is unclear.
I refuse to believe ( its not logical even without emotions) that we are on Earth for no reason but that we are “slaves”….I am 200% sure that we are here to learn something.
Cobra claims the opposite and frankly he is a very shady character,which posts(and maybe creates) weird animated videos about the cabal and “the fight”.
I do not have a good feeling about him at all.
Also when you concentrate on something,( guide your energy in that direction) that something gains power and increases.Cobra in several of his “messages” had guided people to concentrate on negativity ” in order to resolve it.How can this be?
Love and blessings.
And why are you on this site? But thank you for taking the time to write a letter to the RM. We will still post it because not everyone agrees and because this is a perfect example of “attack”.
As your brothers and sisters, it’s your duty to act now, effectively and decisively. Same way you don’t let your children go outside and get hurt, it’s your moral obligation to release the grip of the cabal from here for once and for all for all your brothers and sisters. Any delays are no longer acceptable. Swift action is required NOW!
Greetings Cobra and RM,
There are many instances that I have telepathically sent echoes upon the astral to Cobra. Since mental connection is a timeless TimeFlower which grows into a received future communication, the past messages I have left in the groves of the collective consciousness should be able to access at any time.
Thus, I am always open to connection and listening. My spiritual friends often times use text confirmation of messages received, with high accuracy.
Listening to music which is shared, is a good practice, the mental imprints are there, and the words should bring about an understanding of the conversation being had in context. I sent Cobra a few emails with songs about timelines, covered with my mental imprints, that’s a good start.
Keep it up RM and Cobra! Victory of the Light!
– Fates De Whynot
I believe the resistant movement could not possibly understand what its like on surface unless they had contact with a few surface population, abit like the friendship case of italy i believe it was. As for lightworkers attacking each other, i believe its because so many lightworkers are at different stages of awakening, to begin with most lightworkers learn to use discernment but many follow false channlers which causes them to question other fellow lightworkers. There simply must be more interaction with the surface population and the resistance for this to work. However i have nothing but gratitude to all these brave souls and i say please continue my brothers and sisters.
Hi, I got a plan for a system of interactive democracy. And I’m working on a video to release it. Maybe you would like to take a look and offer some advise?
Merci pour tout ce que vous faites et pour tout cet amour que vous déversez sans compter, ça fait chaud au cœur de savoir que des êtres exceptionnels sont à nos cotés et qu’ils œuvrent pour le bien de l’humanité. Beaucoup de gratitude et d’amour, merci.
google t – Thank you for all that you do and for all that love you pour without counting, it is warm to the heart to know that exceptional beings are with our side and that they work for the good of the humanity. A lot of gratitude and love, thank you.
Bonjour mes chers frères et sœur de la résistance! Quelle joie de savoir que vous allez me lire! Nous vous aimons tellement! Je pense que malgré tout ce que l’on peut nous faire croire nous sommes proche de la libération et plus nous sommes proches plus nos ennemis sont impitoyables et montrent leurs vrais visages. Sur terre les gens commencent à s’en rendre compte! Beaucoup de personnes (dont moi) n’font plus peur de dire la vérité tel qu’elle est! J’aimerais vous rencontrer! Vous êtes merveilleux et nous avons tellement à apprendre à vos côtés. Merci de tout mon cœur de ce que vos faites pour nous! j’ai une gratitude immense pour vous et tous ceux qui nous aident. C’est très dur pour nous car nous ne pouvons pas voir vos actions directement, Nous pouvons simplement les deviner au travers de médias “alternatifs” en les mettant en parallèle avec ce que COBRA nous dit. Des signes concrets de votre part nous aiderions énormément. Le point positif que tout le monde remarque c’est que notre gouvernement n’essaye (ou n’arrive) plus a caché votre existence et c’est très positif car ça engendre des questions de plus en plus pertinentes! Je ne veux pas que ma lettre soit trop longue, donc, j’ajouterais juste que lorsque nous serons libres nous vous accueillerons avec tous notre amour et toute la gratitude que nous avons pour vous. Merci de tout mon cœur pour ce que vous faites. Mélissa
google t – Hello my dear brothers and sister of the resistance! What a joy to know that you are going to read me! We love you so much! I think that despite all that we can believe we are close to liberation and the closer we are, the more our enemies are ruthless and show their true faces. On earth people begin to realize it! Many people (including myself) are no longer afraid to tell the truth as it is! I would like to meet you! You are wonderful and we have so much to learn from you. Thank you with all my heart for what you do for us! I have an immense gratitude for you and all those who help us. It’s very hard for us because we can not see your actions directly, We can just guess them through “alternative” media by putting them in parallel with what COBRA tells us. Concrete signs on your part would help us enormously. The good news is that our government is trying (or no longer) to hide your existence and it is very positive because it leads to more and more relevant questions! I do not want my letter to be too long, so I would just add that when we are free we will welcome you with all our love and all the gratitude we have for you. Thank you with all my heart for what you do. Melissa
From my perspective, the confusion is so completely overwhelming, that our individual discernment process is overwhelmed. So someone says something that doesn’t 100 percent resonate and another person feels compelled to attack them because the disharmony of a differing perspective is painful.
Also, rm. we are getting better. It’s like, imagine being pitted against one another and being forced to fight, feeling like you are alone, the only god or victim and everyone else was united against you. At one time or another everyone else was the enemy, so in this process of coming together and looking within we are still triggered to attack and some of us do. Because it is all different unique perspectives coming together in a unity mosaic and some people get defensive about where their colors begin and end. Other people only see their color and imagine unity as their solo shade.
We have all been fighting by ourselves and for ourselves in our mind for such an intense traumatic time that glowing out of separation to see the love bond same connection is just taking some time.
a Response in regards to why there is Infighting at each other.
Just as Implants that were placed in us via the chimera millions of years ago so was the “CONFLICT SEED”, this works with the “ego SEED” which works with Competition built with-in ones human Behavior Life, Competition is what we are Taught.
“Competition is a Lie” but MOST Believe it is the best way of achieving or bettering oneself for the objective so it is a Held dogma Belief, as it was taught in many regards many behaviors of Life….
Like this, as it became a SONG, “Anything you can do, I can do Better”. That is a Song here on Earth, so it teaches Conflict as to Resolve or Cooperation. Just as Republicans & Democrats, it is Team orientated, it is a Equation to conflict NOT Resolve, fight for your Side, loose perspective on the Goal, Fight fight fight, again a tool used to stagnate or get us off PATH of Resolve or Solution, so because of this Equation, it is the built in Reaction of Human Behavior that fails. Reprogram that & the Human will work fine
So as a Equation on human Behavior, this comes out and goes to ego-conflict-Fighting or stagnation of desired progress “No forward movement in consciousness or awareness”,
so it was another tool used against mankind to prevent this timeline from ever getting here or unfolding or developing, a Obstacle, so to speak. to delay this Moment as long as Possible, as it is the Ultimate Domino to their demise.
Cooperation is the Proper Equation. ALL WAYS ALWAYS
“Belief” also has a Equation which most humans do NOT Understand, this then leads to DOGMA which is Hard to Break especially if it is tradition passed from generation to generation.
Got tons more if ya want…Equations is how they run us via Human Behavior, feed back loops, Rinse & Repeat.
Lets finish this, IM 58, Homeless, Broke, Tired & lost everything
Bonjour !
Chers amis venus d’ailleurs
Tout d’abord je dois vous dire que lorsque j’ai découvert”prepare for change”, je me suis dit”c’est trop beau pour être vrai”, et je me suis inscrite, j’ai montré le site à des amis…mais c’est seulement quand j’ai connu Juliette qui s’occupe de prepare for change France, que j’ai compris qu’elle avait réellement des informations à un certains niveau et que toute cette information était véritable.
Depuis enfant, sauf avec la nature ou la mer, je me suis toujours sentie en prison et je me demandais comment je pourrais faire pour “sortir du cube”…je vivais dans une bulle, mon monde intérieur, et je savais que je venais d’ailleurs. Adolescente, j’étais passionnée par la science fiction et la connaissance ésotérique. J’ai fait partie d’un groupe branché sur les extraterrestres mais qui était négatif.
J’ai cherché partout des réponses à mes grandes questions. je trouvais un sens à ma vie en aidant les autres, je suis physiothérapeute, mais j’avais du mal à supporter le monde médical et sa négation de l’humain…j’ai suivi un grand enseignement spirituel, Les clés d’énoch, j’ai étudié les textes sacrés,. Donc je connaissais l’existence de l’hydre avec un corps en forme de tubes qui maintenait l’humanité sous contrôle mental, je connaissais l’existence de Yaldabaoth par l’évangile gnostique de la Pistis Sophia, et mais je ne faisais pas le lien concret avec notre situation terrestre, géopolitique et exopolitique.Ceci vient compléter ma connaissance et je suis prête à aider , soigner, rassembler, enseigner… Car je sais que nous vivons ce qu’on appelle la fin des temps, je sais que nous nous préparons à la citoyenneté cosmique, que beaucoup de choses seront révélées.
Mais je sais aussi que dans les extraterrestres il y a les galactiques “locaux” et il y a des zones déconnectées de l’Univers Père -ici nous sommes dans l’Univers fils expérimental, et dans l’Univers local des Cieux inférieurs où existe la dualité) et de la hiérarchie des anges de lumière ou ultraterrestres…Et qu’il y a aussi les anges déchus, qui sont quand même de la lumière, donc qui peuvent facilement nous subjuguer, mais qui ne le sont pas.(Comme Semjaze, excusez moi, ! )..
Je suis donc partagée dans ma bonne volonté d’aider mes semblables, mais sans être leurrée par des hyper-technologies. J ai donc aussi une part de méfiance liée à la volonté de garder mon discernement .Par exemple on ne me fera pas avaler que ce sont des extraterrestres qui ont créé mon ADN.;ou que YHWH est un archon…ni que c’est la contingence qui a amené la dualité. (J’ai eu la grâce de rencontrer un messager qui a été emmené dans les dimensions supérieures et qui donne l’enseignement. beaucoup jettent “bébé et l’eau du bain , en rejetant l’église, ils rejettent les textes sacrés qui sont notre héritage supérieur.)
…J’ai été confrontée à la magie noire la sorcellerie, à des personnes qui voyageaient en astral et montaient dans des vaisseaux… J’ai été comme une lanceuse d’alerte pour l’académie des sciences du futur où s’était infiltrée une femme qui servait les forces obscures, et je l’ai dénoncée en interne. s’en est ensuivie des années de torture physique et psychique, dont je ne suis pas encore totalement libérée..J’ai été confrontée à des réseaux sataniques qui m’ont pris pour cible à cause de ce que je savais sur eux, et parce que j’aidais des gens à qui ils faisaient du mal..Je dérange beaucoup autour de moi de part mon énergie qui sert un peu de révélateur…
Je m’intéresse aux nouvelles technologies, et bien sûr donc à la chambre tachyonique..
Je pense que vous avez une partie du plan de libération de la terre, et c’est formidable , mais qu’il est inclus dans un plan plus vaste…
le retour du Christ et de tous les maîtres qui servent la vraie lumière et de la Hiérarchie de lumière….
ceci je ne l’impose à personne, mais je participerai volontiers à aider le jour J !
google t – Hello !
Dear friends from elsewhere
First of all I have to tell you that when I discovered “prepare for change”, I said to myself “it’s too good to be true”, and I registered, I showed the site to friends … but it was only when I knew Juliette who took care of prepare for change France that I understood that she really had information at a certain level and that all this information was true.
Since childhood, except with nature or the sea, I have always felt in prison and wondered how I could “get out of the cube” … I lived in a bubble, my inner world, and I knew that I had just ‘elsewhere. As a teenager, I was passionate about science fiction and esoteric knowledge. I was part of a band that was hooked on extraterrestrials but was negative.
I have sought everywhere answers to my great questions. I found a meaning to my life by helping others, I am a physiotherapist, but I had difficulty withstanding the medical world and its negation of the human … I followed a great spiritual teaching, The keys of enoch, I studied the sacred texts ,. So I knew the existence of the hydra with a tube-shaped body that kept mankind under mental control, I knew the existence of Yaldabaoth through the Gnostic gospel of Pistis Sophia, but I did not Concrete link with our earthly, geopolitical and exopolitical situation. This completes my knowledge and I am ready to help, heal, gather, teach … Because I know that we live what is called the end of time, Prepare for cosmic citizenship, that many things will be revealed.
But I also know that in extraterrestrials there are “local” galactics and there are disconnected areas of the Father Universe – here we are in the experimental son Universe, and in the local Universe of the Lower Heavens where there exists The duality) and the hierarchy of the angels of light or ultraterrestrials … And that there are also the fallen angels, who are nevertheless light, and who can easily subjugate us, but who are not. (Like Semjaze , excuse me, ! )..
I am therefore divided in my willingness to help my fellow men, but without being lured by hyper-technologies. I also have a part of mistrust linked to the will to keep my discernment.For example I will not be made to swallow that they are extraterrestrials that have created my DNA, or that YHWH is an archon … nor that it is the Contingency that has brought about duality. (I had the grace to meet a messenger who was taken into the higher dimensions and who gives the teaching. Many throw “baby and bath water, rejecting the church, they reject the sacred texts that are Our superior heritage.)
… I was confronted with dark magic witchcraft, people who traveled in astral and climbed into ships … I was like a warning torch for the academy of sciences of the future where an infiltrated one A woman who served the obscure forces, and I denounced her internally. There followed the years of physical and psychic torture, of which I am not yet fully liberated. I was confronted with satanic networks that targeted me because of what I knew about them, and Because I was helping people with whom they were doing harm. I disturbed a lot around me from my energy that serves as a revealer …
I am interested in new technologies, and of course therefore in the tachyonic chamber.
I think you have a part of the plan to liberate the land, and it’s great, but it’s included in a larger plan …
The return of Christ and all the masters who serve the true light and the Hierarchy of light ….
This I do not impose on anyone, but I will gladly participate in helping on D-Day!
I will explain my perspective on how and why lightworkers often do not get along. My husband was often attacked, he experienced trauma (horrible many life times) as a child. Yes, we all agreed to these conditions just to come here. Like having your feet and hands tied up and blindfolded and still be a lightworker. So after years and lifetimes of trauma then the plasmatic anomaly attacks wherever you are the weakest. In cases of lightworkers it may be communication, power, control etc. it doesnt matter when you are the most tired and worn out is when it usually happens. Huge attacks come before during or after events to prevent confuse or then in retaliation. So making it better while you are exhausted, broke and experiencing trauma….many times it is communication that caused misunderstandings. RM we need you to understand certain groups have been very specifically targeted to prevent them from functioning in this now moment, certain groups were all but decimated by these beings and are dealing with horrible historical trauma on top of individual trauma. Coping skills are not so highly functioning in these groups so misunderstandings are then easily exploited by the plasmatic anomaly. Now add to this mix horrible gmo poisoning, floride treatments at the dentist, mercury fillings, floridated water, poor nutrition because you live at the poverty level and continual assault from chem trails. Then people are unable to hold the solar upgrades in their bodies and are having a hard time. When you work like the slaves we have been just to stay alive it is exhausting….all the time. Also a huge amount of disinformation so hard to know who to work with best. If this helps you understand better then I am glad about that. Love and light, Cynthia
Hallo Liebe brüder und schwestern ein liebes danke an eure bemühungen uns zu befreien … danke auch an cobra …
Ja wie fühle ich mich um euch das verständlich zu erklären ich bin erst seit einer weile am verfolgen von cobra und was er postet … gefühlsmässig fühl ich mich schwach mein körper ist stark angegriffen und ich bekomm es nicht unter Kontrolle er ist krank … geistig fühl ich mich in mich selber eingesperrt und unfähig mich zu befreien es scheint das ich machtlos bin aus meinen augen geht die welt immer mehr den bach runter … ohne das es besser wird … ich hätte eine bitte könntet ihr mich hier weg holen ich weis nicht wie lange ich das alles noch durch halte … oder könntet ihr kontakt mit mir auf nehmen ? … ich möchte mal einen echten licht schimmer in der dunkelheit sehen die mich umgibt …
Könntet ihr mir diesen gefallen tun ?
In hoffnungsvoller erwartung René Halle
google t – Hello dear brothers and sisters a love thank you to your efforts to free us … thanks also to cobra …
How do I feel to explain to you that I am only for a while to pursue cobra and what he postet … feeling I feel weak my body is strongly attacked and I get it under control he is sick … mentally I feel I am locked in myself and unable to free myself it seems that I am powerless from my eyes the world goes more and more down the stream … without which it gets better … I would have a please you could get me away here I do not know how long I That still hold out … or could you contact me? … I would like to see a real light shimmer in the dark surrounds me …
Could you please me?
In hopeful expectation René Halle
Hallo ihr Lieben von der RM … ich sag es mal so frei raus wie es mir kommt … danke das IHR für uns diesen kampf mitbestreitet vielen lieben dank … ich selber hätte es ohne die informationen von cobra nicht wirklich mitbekommen auch ein grosses danke an dich cobra …
Ich würde gern selber mit euch in kontakt treten können doch ich merke jeden tag das es nicht funktioniert … mein körper und mein geist sind einfach nicht eins ich bekomme es aber auch nicht hin dazu sehe ich dann noch über all dieses leid und es schmerzt mich so sehr das ich einfach drauf los heulen könnte weil ich mich so schwach fühle und nichts machen kann …. manchmal wünschte ich mir einfach nur weg zu gehen von der erde dies alles verlassen da ich mich hier so unwohl fühle doch mich hört einfach keiner … ich fühle mich dann so als würde ich in der dunkelheit hängen und versuchen zu schreien obwohl kein ton aus mir raus kommt … am anfang wollte ich helfen doch ich wurde immer schwächer und hatte auch schon suizid gedanken einfach allem ein ende zu setzen und zu schlafen … ich hätte eine bitte … doch weis ich nicht ob diese erfüllt werden kann … könntet ihr mich weg holen ? … ich weis es ist ein egoistischer gedanke … aber ich werde zu müde für alles auf der erde dennoch will ich leben und keine arschtritte mehr bekommen … würde es gehen das ihr mich holen könntet und sei es nur für ein paar tage ? …
In liebster Hoffnung René Halle.
google t – Hello dear beloved of the RM … I say it as free as it comes to me … thank the HER for us this fight mitbestreit many thanks … I myself would have it without the information of cobra not really noticed also a big thank you to you cobra …
I would like to be able to get in touch with you, but I notice every day that it does not work … my body and my mind are simply not one I get it but not synonymous to it I then still see all this sorry and it hurts me so Very much that I could simply ridicule because I feel so weak and can do nothing …. Sometimes I just wanted to get away from the earth and leave everything here because I feel so uncomfortable here but I do not hear anyone … I feel as if I hang in the dark and try to scream even though no sound out of me Is coming … at the beginning I wanted to help but I became ever weaker and had already suicidal thoughts simply put an end to everything and sleep … I had a please … but I do not know if this can be fulfilled … could you get me away? … I know it’s a selfish thought … but I’m too tired for everything on the earth yet I want to live and not get arschritte anymore … would it be possible that you could get me and be it only for a few days? …
In the hope of René Halle.
Dear brothers of the resistance movement … On this planet we live many beings that want to help in this process of liberation. We exist many human beings with good intentions and with a great heart. We have been cheated systematically for a long time and the current situation of the planet makes it very difficult to focus on those good and pure intentions. In my particular case I have an immense intention to bring light to this planet and contribute positively to this moment of change … but as I say the situation is difficult, many of our brothers do not want or are not able to see the real situation and They prefer to close themselves in their material interests, judging and distancing everyone who is not like them.
I have had to leave my work, my studies and almost most of the people that I have known throughout my life to be able to focus on the purity of my spirit; Even so I am aware that in many moments I end up hurting myself and the people I love and who surround me.
Even so I will not stop looking for my path of light … of which I am ever closer. I just want you to know that the situation of the world is so confused and vibrationally so heavy that it makes finding this path of light difficult; And that even when you find it or you are close to it, it is not so easy to stay in it.
You have to be spiritually very strong on this planet … because there are many mechanisms in place that will make you sick and that seek to get you out of your true path. Even so, I know that through the power of perseverance and love we will succeed …
Thank you for what you do for all of us … my deepest blessings for you and for all those who, whether in your path or not, came to help the liberation of this beautiful living library
I have been fighting the pwtw for over 10 years now. I have taken the corporate public school system in Arizona to court after I obtained admission of guilt on their part that they are a built for profit business and NOT a public school system at all. I have taken banks, judges and attorneys to court for not having the “note” to my house in the banks vault and instead selling it on wall street. I have taken CPS and the AZ. Attorney General to court for their admission that they are in fact a corporate entity and NOT a governmental service and of course even though I get them into their own corporate court system, they of course cheat their way out of having to face me in their court rooms by declaring that all my cases don’t fall into their jurisdictions. As a consequence, I have lost my house, my family etc…. I don not regret anything that I have done as it has opened others eyes to the sham we have had perpetrated on us. However, I am getting very, very tired of all the cabal delays. It is a constant battle to keep ones energy high when fighting this corrupt world that we have been led to believe is real. WE NEED AN END TO THIS, PLEASE CONTINUE WITH YOUR HELP! Love and Light
Dear Resistance workers:
We have been enslaved and abused. Many of us yearn to do what needs to be done, but until we reach critical mass, it leaves our loved ones (especially our children) vulnerable. We have been lied to about everything. We are beyond shell shocked. We need outside assistance.
Please be patient with us, and understand that we are a beaten down shadow of what we are capable of. Sorry you have to carry so much of the weight, that you need to do the lions share right now. When we can show our doubting friends what you have accomplished, we will reach the tipping point. Until then however, we are depending on you to help us make the case that the game has changed.
Thank you for your massive efforts to date. Please continue, we are worth it.
Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Galactic Federation,
I am what our Bible calls a “doubting Thomas”– which means that I am not so quick to believe a story without observable proof. The reason that I am listening to Cobra is because his style and language is similar to my Buddhist teacher with whom I studied for many years. I am an old woman now and just now i am able to appreciate the auspicious coincidence of my precious guru escaping from Tibet and arriving in my town to teach students whose minds were ripe for taming.
And now I am ready to meet with you face-to-face and ask for your teachings on how to live more gently upon the earth.
I very much appreciate your wish to assist all sentient beings in this time of great deception.
Thank you.
I would like to express my gratitude,thank you for everything that you are doing for us.
Dear RM,
thank you so much for your love and protection.
As a soul, searching for truth, I soon realized the immense obstacles in the way of mankind.
People of the Earth got the potential to create a wonderful world around them. To do so, most humans
need to feel safe und secure from a psychological view.
So first of all we need hope and positive perspectives, to face the changes we are in.
Spiritual Wisdom seems too far away for most of the every-day-people.
But I see a great chance for change if we can reach those people, which are not familar with meditation ect. and show them ways to come and work together in a creative and peaceful way – no matter if they know something about spirituality or not. So many people want to help and need good ideas to work together.
To build a smart-net of creative cooperation would help us all in a multiple way.
Best wishes
My dear galactic brothers and sisters of the RM,
This is short and simple. The pain and suffering of all living beings on this planet hurts me so much that I sometimes cry. Why? Because I know what pain is, I’ve experienced pain myself, and in short, never want a single being to feel it again. Thank you all for your assistance. It is humbling. I will continue to hold the light as best I can.
Gratitude Infinie à Tous et pour Tout.
Il est grand temps que nous nous retrouvions.
Hello Cobra & Resistance Movement Members,
My name is Marilyn & without going into too much emotion, I would like to say how grateful I am for all you are doing to free the earth planet. I would love to be able to do something to assist with what you are doing besides meditation. I am more than willing to assist in any way I can. I try to inform as many people as I can about the truth & the upcoming Event although most people just don’t want to believe it. I send out information to every person I know & ask them to pass it on. If there is a way, I wish you could let us know what we could do individually to facilitate the Event to happen sooner rather than later. Many of us including myself are suffering considerably with health issues & would give anything to be healthy & feel good. I have 6 autoimmune diseases that cause considerable pain & depression & I know there are millions out there who also suffer. While we know you are not here to “save us” but instead to help us, could you give us some suggestions of other things we can personally do to assist in our liberation. Many of us are ready & willing but do not know what we can do.
I wish you love, light, peace & safety in your journey to assist humanity.
Thank you for listening,
Dear sisters and brothers of RM. first i will start by saying thank you to Cobra for introducing me to you through his work that there is someone like you out there helping humanity. for all my life i have this question what is going on on this world? and searched to find answer by reading books but i could not find the answer i was looking for until i found Cobra’s blog. now thanks to Cobra i start understanding what is going on some how. this is my request please help us, to free ourselves from this out of control place, please help us in my life i have seen many bad things happen to humanity simply put if i were asked today what do i want right now, i will say this i call to end war, i call no more hunger on this planet, i call for equality, i call for world peace, i call for free earth, i call for free humanity, i call to end killings, i call for all beings to drop their killing machine gun at once, i call all people in the leader position to start telling the truth, i call to end human suffering, i call for all beings to be free, i call all criminals to serve their time or to be removed, thank you Cobra, thank you RM. for being there, thank you all the people who is working hard to end the crimes that is being done to humanity, to all of us.
thank you Victory Of The Light.
Bonne nouvelle, cette intercommunication!
Ce que je trouve le plus difficile est le détournement des intentions par oblitération (peu importe le moyen utilisé): ça demande un effort de concentration accru ainsi que des supports sensitifs mnémoniques pour parvenir à maintenir le cap de destination. C’est d’ailleurs pour cette raison que je «pète les plombs» car là réside l’injustice à mon avis. L’humain est paré à ses capacités latentes; son système nerveux est seulement bombardé donc il ne peut être totalement efficace dû à la surstimulation endocrinienne. Je suis écœurée de tout cet abus, il est temps que ça arrête. Nous sommes patients mais il y a des limites à la tolérance. Je maintiens cependant ma position de paixière et suis convaincue que nous sommes une espèce formidable capable de très grands accomplissements.
Gratitude, amour, gratitude. (H2O!)
Thank you RM, for your service to mankind.
The Elected and highly overpaid Congress and the other
knuckle heads that run the World Have pretty much
run out of everything they can wreck.
Fresh Water, Oceans,Air,GEO Enggineering
Fake and overpriced Health Care, GMO Food
Corruption.Clinton foundation. The Economy ect. ect.
We could use some help.
A Ufo air show would be cool. I love anything that can Fly
Just a bit of humor to end my little Rant.
Thank you all
Dear Resistance Movement,
Thank you for giving us a chance to express our gratitude for what you are doing. I am thankful for what you are doing to help us.
Let me tell you a story.
In 2014, a young boy of fourteen years begins his journey to awakening. He becomes fascinated with the occult. For hours a day, he researches many occult topics. Eventually, he encounters a sect of Spiritual Satanism that catches his fancy. They promise him power and glory. For months he follows them, learning their ways, until he witnesses their blatant anti-semitism. He leaves them, but his curiosity does not falter. He discovers Aquarianism, which worships the Annunaki. Since they were similar to the past Satanic sect he encountered, he approaches the subject cautiously. He finds they are more agreeable, but cannot quite accept their beliefs. It is a year after the beginning of his journey that he discovers Corey Goode. Goode’s message resonates with the boy, and he looks through all of Goode’s articles. As far fetched as the story is, the boy feels like he can believe it. Soon after, he discovers COBRA and his message. This message also resonates strongly with the boy. The boy begins daily meditation and reflection, and becomes a much brighter and happier person than he was before beginning his journey.
Three years have passed since the boy started his journey. He is now seventeen years old, has graduated high school, and is preparing to go to college. To this day, he still reads Goode’s and COBRA’s articles. However, he is not the same as he was before. Where he had total faith that the Event would come when it was time, now he has doubts. He has neglected his spiritual duties, and as a result the wait has eroded his will. Almost every night he cries, fearing that the new world he is preparing for will never come. He tries to hold on to his hope, but it gets harder with each passing day. Each week. Each month. He knows that there are others that have waited longer, that he is being selfish and impatient. That makes him feel worse. He hopes for tangible progress, but knows that hit will get none until the time is right. But when is the time right? When his will is broken away? When he finally becomes a slave to the system? When he finally decides that it isn’t worth the trouble, and gives up hope entirely? Why? Why? Why do I have to feel like this? I try to have faith, but nothing has come of it. I only hope that I can hold on to the last vestiges of it, until it is time.
Thank you for listening. It actually kind of helped to get that out there. That is how I feel about how things are going. I will do everything I can to stand strong. I only wish I could do more.
Dear RM,
You didn’t expect us to see evil and do nothing….did you? But because we spoke up, evil people targeted us and have/are attempting to destroy our families and our very lives.
Families are destroyed every day in family courts. The evil ones profit from this. They make up the rules and they financially destroy their targets. They make false accusations with no evidence to destroy their targets. When you publish evidence to defend yourself, they claim you in violation of the secret courts and place you under arrest simply based on the false testimony of someone who has paid them money to help hide their crime against you.
So you are naive and think that it is your responsibility to protect others. So you continue to speak and they continue to falsely accuse you of crimes to cover their crime. And they continue to tell you that they can destroy your life and your ability to ever be free again all based on lies. You are tried and convicted in a juryless family court, often without a lawyer who cares to defend you because he may have been paid off by the other side, and you denied your due process rights again and again and again. Then they can tell everyone you are a criminal and leave you unable to defend yourself against their malicious and known lies. Even the court records themselves can be used to show that the case was fraudulent and the accusers are never cross examined, because your lawyer has a million excuses to never actually defend you.
Still you speak, because you have courage. Because unlike them, you love people and believe in freedom and free will. You don’t want to see anyone hurt like you have been hurt. You tell yourself that if you can save one person from pain then at least it was not in vain.
So you go to the police but either they have been paid to help cover the crimes or they have been made powerless to intervene. So you go to each law enforcement agency and each one tells you that it is not in their jurisdiction to intervene in crime—not even when you hand them the evidence. They will participate in hiding that evidence and claim that you are anti-cop—so that they don’t get busted for helping criminals hide crime.
So you go the national levels. You think maybe the national guys just don’t know what is going on. Little do you know that we live in a surveilance state to such a magnitude as this has become. You have evidence that would convince any jury—and yet the NSA has all the phone records and secret emails the criminals sent—that you could only dream of obtaining—-they know that the crime happened. They know that you were unlawfully arrested and deprived of property, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. They know that the criminals conspired with malicious intent to commit a crime and paid cops and judges to look the other way. They know that this happens in family courts across the US. They have all the evidence they need to protect the innocent and jail the corrupt—and yet they do nothing. They know the Constitution was violated and Human rights trampled. They know because the have the emails, the phone records, the bank receipts and the taped phone calls. And yet they do nothing.
They use the argument that this surveilance is necessary for national security and yet they refuse to protect our country’s most vital resources: children, families, truth, justice and the American way. They claim that they need to protect the existance of their technologies that our tax dollars paid for—and can’t reveal their sources—and yet this means that they move against only a smalll percentage of the crimes they see—and many of these were apparently we are forced to accept a little more each day—only false flags in the first place. And you don’t want to believe in false flags, but decade after decade another after another false flag is proved to be true. They manufacture crimes to justify tecchnology only to refuse to prosecute real crimes, and all of this aids the very criminals at the top whose crime spree trickles down into society in ways none of us is prepared to fight alone.
And yet we stand alone, because we have courage and conviction and a believe in our god and country. And because we care too much to ever let this happen to anyone.
And this happens every day in America. And none of us knew when we were telling our stories that the reason the law enforcment agencies were silent was because the family court abuses all link up to satan-worshiping pedophiles at the top. None of us expected pedo-gate to break, and many of us would never have imagined that such things existed much less were the other side of the iceburg from us.
And you lose faith in the government agencies. How can you go to work every day and watch video after video of children being violated for the enjoyment of a twisted individual and say nothing? How can you call yourself an FBI agent when you lack the courage and conviction of a lowly nobody who stands up in court not knowing that the justice system was already designed to profit from the destruction of families and children? We could respect if you laid down your badge and told the truth to the public that you could no longer represent an agency that protects technology and unathorized survileance but will sit for hours watching infant and child porn…and do nothing. How can you look your families in the eyes? You are being paid to protect us, not that technology or suveilance technique. You think you are going to make a big arrest that the ends justifies the means to ignore the pedophiles? B.S. Because until this year you arrested only the minnows and threw back the schools of kingpin pedophiles. That is unacceptable. The ends does not justify the means.
Anonymous and wikileaks? A little less talk and A LOT MORE PEACEFUL ACTION.
Universal resistance movement? You’ve been telling us to be still. To pray. To hope. To accept that a redeemer will soon be here. But that is exactly what Christianity has told us to do for 2,000 years. If you are real and not just a government psyop to quell the resistance our corrupt so richly deserve, we need more than empty promises that never come into being while children die, while our planet dies, while our families and government dies. And while Hollywood and Religion largely are unmoved and tell us to that resistance is futile. That the only option is to expect and accept holocaust, war, famine, extinction, financial collapse, disease, chaos and planetary annilation. Just like your earthly counterparts, you too are now a witnesss to evil. You too have the responsibility to speak up and prevent future harm from coming to the people of this planet—or any other planet this could spread to. The prime directive is thrown put the window when there are so many innocent people for centuries crying out for a redeemer who never comes. The free will of the innocent people is to accept the help of the benovelent god we are told will help us. But never comes.
Ok, reportedly you would like us to share how it is for us to experience emotions and feelings and to live in this 3D world? Well, I’d say it’s not easy.
Mainly probably because of this omnipresent sense of scarcity. Besides of this, it’s also interesting, rich, demanding and challenging. Sometimes it’s very difficult, other times it’s indescribably fascinating and beautiful. Changes from one feeling to another can happen very fast, and if one has not mastered this quality yet, it’s … puh.
Most of us don’t know that emotions and feelings have a direct chemical impact on our bodies. We are also mostly not aware of the fact, that the simple act of letting go of a thought while choosing another one would literally change everything. Instead, we tend to cling to our emotions and thoughts, believing they are something real – probably because they give us strong sensations.
As a hypnotherapist, working with people let me understand that one specific subject seems to bother so many humans heavily: The lack of love for oneself. I’m not talking about narcissm, but a kind of unconditional, patient and forgiving, but also firmly guiding love, just like the one of a parent for the child.
I couldn’t figure out what specifically would help humanity to wake up from its collective hypnotic trance state so it could liberate itself from suffering. Humans seem to prefer to watch their screens. One important aspect, though, could be to wake them up for the idea of their unique value and worth that they have, that they are and that they represent.
After understanding some facts and connecting the dots I followed the inner urge and wrote a book. It’s called “PosiTeach”. A title that explains pretty much what it’s all about 😉 In this book I address teachers and let them know how they can contribute effectively to this goal of liberation. In our today’s schools, some important things are not running well yet. Teachers are unknowingly causing a lot of unnecessary distortion. But they can also do otherwise, if they understand the impact of their words.
This book is published in German (cf. PosiTeach(dot)com) and ready for translation. And certainly it is ready for distribution. I appreciate active support. One of the core ideas behind this book is as follows: When a child grows up learning to cherish and appreciate it’s unique value and worth, while understanding that every other child has the same unique value and worth, then, I assume, we’ll have built a solid foundation for the golden age within one generation. There’s a lot more to it, certainly, but that’s enough for the moment.
Personally I welcome all support that happens in accordance with the divine laws and that helps us to get rid of the veils of darkness and ignorance as well as of this artificially enforced trance state. May the unconditional, divine Love and eternal Truth prevail on this earth. Blessings to all.
Hello beautiful friends. It’s Sonja.
For now, I simply want to say THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART. From guidance up and down the mountain, to assisting my spiritual growth, and for all of your love and protection, I thank you.
I am sending you all love beyond human words… I cannot wait to meet you again. 🙂
Dearest Resistance Movement:
It is a pleasure to connect with you through a mutual understanding.
Although I did not know of the RM until connecting with COBRA since 2012, I felt a kinship with Light Beings since childhood. And probably for many lifetimes, as the presence of Light never felt strange to me. I am 71 and remember fondly connecting to all things in nature that eminated Light/Love.
So now I welcome the opportunity to share our Light together in whatever way it presents.
I am a very emotional person, and it seems from COBRA’s intel, that you are not. Or maybe you are so advanced that your emotional vibration is always in the higher octaves. Or maybe your perspective of abuse and injustice is so overshadowed by the Truth of our ultimate Liberation, that you never dip down into disparities???? I hope you do experience the vibration of bliss and harmony and unconditional love. I know we all will reside in that frequency after the Event.
And I trust that you along with so many of our Galactic Family will not give up on us or our precious home planet Earth. Bless you for all the sacrifices you have endured. I do wonder how you have survived some “major attacks” as COBRA reported. How do you keep fighting? Can you share your power and wisdom with me, with us earthlings, please?
COBRA, as well as many Masters have recommended that we stay connected to our I AM PRESENCE. For 47 years, this lifetime, I have chanted, “I AM THAT I AM”. And the layers of that awareness keep unfolding, expanding, and transforming me. We humans are such a kaleidoscope of color, shapes, expression. I love that part of being human! And the understanding that as we turn the kaleidoscope a mere fraction, a New and different reality of beauty appears!!! The Native Americans refer to Shape Shifting. Do you do that?
I do believe we who are present, at this time on Earth, are so very fortunate to be part of the unfolding of a New Age. Hallelujah! ???
And I am most grateful for your assistance, and the assistance of ALL BEINGS OF LIGHT, to accomplish such a grand Liberation.
I am more and more able to reside in a state of peace and love and faith. I use to “work” so hard at it!!! I can now feel when I’m out of sync, and without judgment or condemnation, I can pause, breathe, and BE back into the Love/Light. It is not quite automatic, but I’m aware when I’m “out of touch” with the Truth of who I Am, which is none other than a vibration. It’s not a “something”! And I really don’t know what my “mission or purpose” will be. I have chased and followed so many paths on this 47 year journey, that I now only seek to reside in Light, however that will manifest!
I admire your ability to know and to pursue your mission to liberate Planet Earth and all her inhabitants. I am cheering you on, from a place deep in my soul. I hope you can feel that. ❤️
We as Light BEIngs are each a beautiful speck in this magnificent Grand Kaleidoscope of the Cosmos.
I invite you to commune with me, and share your heart with mine.
I love you…
Karen Snyder
Earth is a powerful labyrinth of dis empowerment.
In many cases what you find security in here is a thin barrier between what you do to physically survive here and what you fear or shame. Humans are given a concept like shame as a distortion to their worthiness. Shame is to put it frankly can be programmed through the social pass down or the immediate programming of the parents and guardians of the children on the planet.
Shame is a distortion of proof in a sense its proof you are in error and unworthy of moral consideration or under worth, to be disposed of. The evil of shame is it can be abused, it can be a control mechanism that is often used by us to us. This might seem to be a highly esoteric concept to the Resistance Movement yet its ever presence is a psychological factor that each one of us hides and if triggered will cause great hostility or explosive behaviors.
As we are physically mentally and spiritually isolated, it is rare to find true forms of cooperation here. Shame divides us in this aspect and this extends to manifesting self sustaining lives on the planet its also entangled with negative ideas of poverty, classicism, spiritual worth, patronage, and charity.
There are positive aspects to these concepts but in many cases our growth and mental maturity adopts the same shame and negative beliefs about each of these that essentially corrupt all free will in seeking them as appropriate remedy to situations in our lives.
In small cases and some lineages an individual can learn about how their energies and patterns interact and work with those around them and the universe but this is a vary vary basic understanding. In my work as an intuitive I was gifted with abilities i could practice and hone but it took many years to learn these basic principals of being “adult” with these principals.
This empowerment is in many cases taboo. There is only five recognized material senses despite most minds accepting “instinct” as a non material sense (but goes undefined). In this case the shame of the slave is revealed what one slave does to deviate from the group terrorizes the rest of the group starting from the immediate familial and social circles. Family here is a survival mechanic. as material support is believed to be finite blending successfully into the slave society is paramount as parents have shame in their performance as a parent and the child has shame of being worthy of care by their guardians.
As for finite material resources IE money/economy, Light-workers often have no true will motivation to “play” the game of the money system as its perpetuity means they are tainted by its motivation to enslave all those who use it. We know its wrong, but its everywhere.
Shame is a wrongness. But its present in -most- everyone. This is but one aspect to the system that works to dis-empower us here on earth, only the truly strong and possessed of purpose “fight” the system by using it to spread goodness, truth, and support where it is needed… though as each transaction is a mark, a point towards its continued unholy life.
This has been my experience. I have seen miracles i have seen expressions that defy all of these things and they are on the rise. I implore the resistance movement to spare no mercy in the rehabilitation of this planet… We cling to what is killing us. We cry to protect what abuses and hurts us.. But when we awaken to how sick we’ve truly been..
We would only become your most ardent and immortal of allies against all that seek to perpetuate these concepts of slavery and dis-empowerment. We are an ill people we’ve learned to live with darkness as a means of survival. But I do see we are collectively through with it. We are collectively done with shame. We only want to know love and to love one another.
Thank you Cobra and Resistance Movement, for allowing this venue of communication. I am Joshua. If I may, I would like to offer a thought. I do believe that the key to liberating the human consciousness and being itself is truth. Truth itself, what it actually is, in essence and expression… That it is, in fact that it is the only thing that actually does exist. If the human mind can be prepared to accept this fact, and then be brought to do so, without reactionary forces within us and around us effecting the situation too directly and powerfully in a destructive manner…. Then liberation will not only become very likely, but will become inevitable. With conscious and willing acceptance of truth itself, individually and collectively, the Light will be more easily conducted through humanity’s expression in every dimension of being at whatever point in time and space.
I am grateful for the good that you are doing. I am grateful for every single bit of help that we can possibly get to good. Thank you Cobra, thank you Resistance. To Good, and To Light.
07-17-2017 Songs Playing for humans today:
Dear Resistance Movement helpers,
I would like to wrote something to my Soul Family, helpers.
Kedveseim, azért írok most nektek, mert hosszú idő után most első alkalommal kérek ilyen formában segítséget tőletek. Remélem elolvassátok. Eljutottam egy pontra, ahol már nem riadnék vissza a nagyobb változásoktól sem. Az országom szeretném elhagyni, spirituálisan fejlődni, menni tovább az úton és ebben kérem a segítségeteket. Vezessetek utamon, mert most a teljesen ismeretlenbe indulnék el. Nem félek azt hiszem a haláltól, a változástól, a küzdéstől. Nagy valószínűséggel idáig se jutottam volna el, ha nem így lenne. Hajt a tudás és hit. Szeretném azt csinálni, amiért ide jöttem. Remélem eljut a kérésem hozzátok. Hálás köszönettel és szeretettel.
My name is Nicolás, i’m from Chile and i express gratitude and appreciate how the RM have helped us in these hard days, that by the way i think its been a hard life time for humanity all this years, we are living so suppresed with our thoughts and habilities that i think the time has arrived for us to stop all this starting by taking our mind into the reality we want but the problem is that humanity isnt connected the right way, we arent a criticall mass and is more dificult for us to reach some things but lastly, specifically from last year i have noticed that if i wish something with my mind it becomes real!! I love that ability and always i can i try to share it with everyone making them aware of this power we have, but most of them dont realize about it or dont believe it and they fail in some stuff like university becouse they think the wrong way. Some people could said that they want proof of the existance of other beings but i dont need proof becouse i feel it, i feel the energy raise, i feel the beings that are helping us and i think thats the key, we feel a lot and if we could not be so supresed im sure humanity can be so more important on a galactic level. The only one thing i ask for you is that please dont let the chimera win this final battle, please do everything neccesary for dont let them get away with their agenda
Dear Resistance Movement,
It has become apparent to me that humans on Planet Earth are being held hostage. I, as many others who are aware of the situation do not consent to this on a conscious human level. I, as many others want to experience life free to learn what I want to learn and experience what I want to experience. But instead, we are slaves to an evil small group. I want to be free to love as I choose and explore life as I choose. I want all humans to come together and realize we are brothers and sisters instead of being divided by falsehoods. Please, dear galactic brothers and sisters help to free of from this tyranny. Allow us to be free to explore our passions and who we truly are and to love one another.
Thank you so much for all you are doing to help us.
Olá a todos aí do Movimento de Resistência.
Imagino que não deva ser fácil entender nossos sentimentos, particularmente, eu tenho grandes dificuldades de entender os meus… E acredito que muitas outras pessoas passam o mesmo. Somos atravessados por muitas coisas das quais não temos a menor ideia da existência. Vocês sabem muito mais do que nós sobre todas as forças que influenciam a nossa simples vida terrena enquanto pessoas não-conscientes. É bem difícil entender o quanto é influência e o quanto é um sentimento genuíno nosso, se é que isso faz alguma diferença.
Nesse momento eu sinto muitas coisas ao mesmo tempo, sinto confusão, medo, amor, esperança… e por aí vai… a cada dia que percebo que minha sensibilidade e conhecimentos estão se aprimorando, sou ainda mais invadida por sentimentos aparentemente contraditórios. Fora as dúvidas… que são tantas… e um pouco de decepção também, conforme eu vou tomando ciência de como o Universo é de fato. Trilhar esse caminho “sozinha”, sem uma orientação direta é bem desafiador e gera também toda essa confusão. Encontrar o site Sementes da Estrelas tem ajudado um pouco, com tudo, a amenizar e a potencializar tudo…
Tenho umas perguntas… O Gabriel RL canalizou meu símbolo pessoal. Achei bem estranho porque ele contém duas inscrições, uma é “Planet X” e a outra é “Integrante Marlon”. Coisas que pra mim não fazem o menor sentido… e gostaria de saber se vocês podem me ajudar a entender… primeiro que uma palavra está em inglês e a outra em português… porque? Porque esses dois elementos estão no meu símbolo pessoal? o que eles representam? o que eles representam está ligado à essa existência específica ou ao meu ser superior? Depois que li sobre a existência do MR e que vocês tem base no Planeta X, a inscrição “Integrante Marlon” ganhou algum sentido… Integrante pode ser um termo usado em movimentos de guerrilha, mas isso não me responde muita coisa.
Tenho várias dúvidas sobre vidas paralelas… elas estariam ligadas à esta vida específica? de que forma? São outras Talitas por aí, vivendo vidas parecidas com a minha, ou são outras encarnações do meu eu superior, como se ele fosse capaz de se dividir em consciências diferentes e independentes entre si? esse eu superior, é como “Deus”, tipo algo que existe fora de mim e que eu sou apenas uma expressão desse ser, uma dentre várias outras? Esse “Integrante Marlon”, é outra expressão desse mesmo eu superior?
E outra coisa que me intriga, assusta, mas estimula ao mesmo tempo. Já faz um bom tempo que quando eu medito sinto fortes vibrações me atingirem, se relaxo meu corpo, meu tronco se movimenta de acordo com essas vibrações. Eu consigo impedir o movimento tranquilamente, mas preciso me conscientizar dele e focar a atenção nisso. Se eu relaxo novamente, meu corpo volta a se movimentar involuntariamente. Já pensei em tudo, já pensei que é a minha própria vibração, energia que não tá conseguindo fluir pelo meu corpo e acaba “extravasando” aleatoriamente, já que não consegue ser canalizada pela coluna vertebral; pensei que eu tava mais sensível para as energias ao meu redor mesmo… tem tanta energia consciente ou não ao nosso redor né… e por fim… comecei a pensar na possibilidade de ser alguma entidade, ou ser consciente que está por perto e eu sinto a vibração. Passei a pensar isso porque um dia ouvi 2 zumbidos, um em cada ouvido e um era diferente do outro, no direito, o som era mais agudo e melodioso e no esquerdo era grave; e outro dia, primeiro eu vi um rosto falando comigo, depois eu senti uma presença do meu lado direito. Perguntei se havia outras “pessoas” comigo ali e meu corpo começou a se movimentar confirmando minha pergunta. Nesse momento eu senti medo porque eu não consigo identificar quem é/ quem são, se é algo positivo ou negativo, se é um contato sincero ou com intenções manipuladoras, se é meu inconsciente criando tudo isso… Enfim.. Eu sei que minhas perguntas são muito pessoais, mas já que no meu símbolo tá lá o Planeta X, pensei que vocês poderiam me trazer informações sobre essas coisas.
Grata pela “escuta”. Espero ter conseguido ser clara para o entendimento de vocês.
Dear sisters and brothers of RM. first i will say thank you so much for being there to help humanity. all my life i see things bad things very bad things and i ask what is going on on this world why one being do such a evil thing to another being but i did not get answer for long time. with limited education and English as second language i try to find answers by reading books but i was not getting the answer i need. the question was if God created all human equally why so many beings are suffering while only a few control the world. the light started about mid 2014 when i heard Cobra’s interview by Alfred. the very first time i said this was the answer i was looking for all my life that was the moment i said thank you Cobra, thank you RM. now i ask please help us please help humanity please help me to see the light more please help me to help humanity. if i were asked what do i want, i want free humanity today, i want free earth today, i want all beings free today, no more hunger no more war no more suffering. thank you Cobra thank you brothers and sisters of RM. thank you all who is working hard to free humanity and I Love You All And Victory Of The Light
Hi to the RM. My English is a little. I tkanks you for help country Poland and for children which are sex-related murdered in rite of satanic and abused of sex.
Dobromila Anna Piega from Poland
Cobra, I am at a dead end and have been praying to Ra, Ka Aree, my guardians and my guides for answers and guidance and since then I am being bombarded with Angelic Numbers and have NO CLUE what to do and am beyond frustrated since I am not good at all in reading signs/hints. I soooooooo very much want to help others, but multiple health issues (severe chronic fatigue, severe chronic vertigo, severe Conversion Disorder) prevent me from actively doing so. I constantly ask the Universe to let sufficient financial means come my way so that I can help people this way. But since nothing is happening, I guess it is not meant to be. With the income I have I can only do so much and my health issues also only allow me to do so much and only online, trying to wake people up. I don’t know where to go from here. HELP ME!
I send my love to ALL positive beings assisting Earth Mother Gaia & Humanity. I ask for help from ALL & ANY beings of Earth & boyond to PLEASE help us. PLEASE help us to be rid of all the death & disease, hidden & suppressed technology to actually help us. & to get rid of the sick people & things that are keeping us & our planet from true & quick healing & the truth of things we really need. Please help us to be free. TOO many humans think any truth is fake news because of how many years & lives we’ve been under mainstream controlled news & education lies. PLEASE help bring us ALL the truth of everything on every corner of our planet through our major television stations. So we can actually be free & healthy & help you & your kind also. PLEASE help everyone to see we are ALL related & to erase hate. PLEASE do everything in your powers to bring humanity & earth FULL DISCLOSURE & help people like David Wilcock, Corey Goode, William Henry, George Norry, Linda Moulton Howe, William Tompkins, Sean Stone, Dr. Michael Salla, Jordan Sathor, & EVERYONE connected to these people far & wide…PLEASE help drive these kinds of brave truthers & kep them protected ushering into mainstream ALL THINGS HIDDEN from humanity. PLEASE watch over them & similar people/truthers doing the same, growing in numbers, awakening, caring, taking action, filling themselves with the PURE LOVE of Prime Creator Mind of the Universes & sending it out everywhere. PLEASE come to our aid in ANY way possible to help us really be free. To take down the negative tech surrounding us…Feeding off of fear & negative emotions & causing strife. PLEASE hear me & ALL of us asking for your blessings, cures, help to get out of the clutches of the elite thats been controlling too much for too long. I know there are amazing things happening within american gov & Earth…The 5D dimensional shift & Ascension & all, but I dont want anyone dying unless its in their own book to do so. But please no more death at the hands & workings of the negative elite & all they’ve been ascociated with. PLEASE help Donald Trump irradicate all the from lowest to highest up involved in human trafficking & child abuse. PLEASE DO NOT LET THEM LOOK THE OTHER WAY FOR ANYONE invloved. PLEASE LET THERE BE JUSTICE for ALL humanity, the innocent, righteous & truthers. The rest, please help them awaken & find out whats really been going on & help bring us FULL DISCLOSURE in EVERY SINGLE MAINSTREAM NEWS STATION & NEWSPAPER ACROSS OUR PLANET. WE ALSO WANT TO HELP YOU ANY WAY POSSIBLE…HOWEVER NEEDED. I FOR ONE am ready. PLEASE HELP. I CANT TAKE MUCH MORE OF WHATS GOING ON HERE & ALL THE IGNORANCE & ALLOWANCE OF ALL THE SUPER NEGATIVE THINGS HERE ON OUR PLANET & COUNTRY. PLEASE HELP THE USA & MOTHER EARTH NOW. PLEASE?
Dear ET-friends, I am a starseed. I am fulfilling my Mission as best as I can. I know I have to be a pioneer with all the difficulties which Comes with that. Still, I feel a deep Depression because my father impressed me with a negative not when I was 3 years of Age. This old wound is still with me and is a hinderance to my own spiritual Progress, and how hard I tried, it is still there in my mind and heart. This is a hinderance to my personal good luck. It seems, I cannot overcome it. Even highly advanced souls wie call spiritual teachers or enlightened ones could not help. Because of this, my Body is very sick. I have to swallow 8 chemical pills every evening to survive. These have unwanted side-effects I have to bear. Due to this, I cannot work in a normal Job. I am partly happy about that because now I have free time to work for my Mission. On the other Hand it means I am living on welfare, which means I have very Little Money. I cannot go on Holidays to the sea which I would love to. And the extra-income I have from my Mission (I publish a Newsletter with Cobras words and other, also political Information about what is not told by the news-media in this world) they take it away from me.Should my mother die, she gives me our house. The state will take it away from me and force me to move out and sell it to give the Money to the state, or similar things can happen. So I live in insecure circumstances. I hope so much the Event will happen before my mother dies, she is 82. Due to my psychological Problem I am not able to find a man who loves me so I could marry and be safe and free of the welfare and the state. I can only rely on my spiritual guides. I see it every day via Internet, how the mass-media is lying about the US-president Trump. They are trying everything to get rid of him by all means, and I do pray for him that he can fulfil his Mission which I feel is of the light (Cobra says other, but this is my Feeling). The pedophiles, satanists, Illuminati, the mass-media, are all fighting him, so there must be something good in him and his deeds. Just follow our news-reports and you know how I feel, fighting against CNN with my Little Newsletter! I hope I could give you a glimpse of how even the starseeds on earth are fighting on a daily Basis. Please make the Event happen as soon as possible. I love you so much and thank you for your help to this planet. Eva
You may benefit from reading this. I was very confused about the political situation, but this has cleared a lot up for me. https://freedom4humanity.wordpress.com/2017/05/17/the-alliance-and-their-puppet-dictator/
Hello RM,
Please understand that as surface humans living in this era, our “normal” is limited to that which we can experience via the 5 physical senses. We don’t yet have the benefit of the collective consciousness, so we each must affect each through only language, media and other tangible methods that people can experience individually as well as collectively. Thus, in order to open more minds, we need more disclosure material that involves the physical plane. If the mummified “Nazca” creatures discovered recently in Peru are in fact legitimately of extra-terrestrial origin, then this is a good start, but there needs to be a lot more of it. The people of this community need validated evidence brought forth from a variety of awake and trusted messengers of disclosure that we can share with others who are not yet awake.
As one suggestion, would the Anshar (or other positively oriented beings that are willing to ignore or violate the Muhammed accord) be willing appear on camera with Corey Goode and perhaps a couple trusted witnesses (ie maybe David Wilcock)? They don’t need to disclose where they live if they feel that is too risky, but it would be meaningful to publish actual video footage of Kaaree or someone from her Anshar group escorting a small team of people via one of their advanced craft to Antarctica or some other indisputable location (ie earth orbit?) while at least 1 camera is recording (though 2 or more different types of recording devices would be preferred for validation purposes). Such a video would go a VERY long way to help awaken those of us on the surface who are still asleep, and it would be an instant boost to the entire disclosure movement.
Another suggestion would be to ask our ET or inner-earth friends to bring forward evidence of previous events that has been locked up in secret locations by our government, cabal, and others for so many years. How much effort would be necessary to quietly remove certain evidence (documents, recordings, and artifacts containing unusual properties) from secret locations and deliver it to independent media and honest researchers in the disclosure community who are seeking it?
Consider that the UFO community (and thus much of the awakening that has occurred) came about because of widely published evidence about events such as Roswell and the Battle of Los Angeles. The publishing of records of these events has opened countless minds to the possibility of a universe greater than the one that our civilization knows currently.
On a personal note, I’d like to add that I have both a father and a grandmother who are currently suffering greatly at this time due to mental conditions that have afflicted them. Both are experiencing severe dementia, and it’s worsening rapidly whereby neither of them appear to have much time left in this incarnation. They are both scared, confused, and unable to function because of their conditions. If there truly does exist technology or healing that can be performed to heal their afflictions and allow them to live their remaining days with their dignity intact, I ask for your urgent assistance before their time runs out.
dear resistance movement,
my language is German, so I write to you in German.
das Leben in unserer heutigen Zeit ist geprägt von vielen Lügen, Verschleierungen und Unwahrheiten. die Menschen haben auch im privaten Bereich sehr viel Angst offen und ehrlich zu sein mit dem, was sie fühlen und denken.
viele menschen sind innerlich sehr verletzt aus vielen Inkarnationen. Sie schützen sich und diese Verletzungen (nicht geachtet, unterdrückt, Gewalterfahrungen, nicht geliebt, nicht umsorgt, nicht anerkannt etc. zu sein) mit Unwahrheiten. Sie zeigen sich nicht wirklich, sind nicht sie selbst um nicht wieder verletzt zu werden.
Seelischer Schmerz tut sehr weh, macht klein, ohnmächtig, macht aggressiv, lieblos, gewalttätig.
Ehrlichkeit ist auch im privaten Bereich oft nicht erwünscht. Insgesamt führt das zu einen tiefen Mangel an Liebe in uns, seelischen und körperlichen Krankheiten. wir haben noch zu wenige Heilmittel um uns zu heilen, zu gesunden an Körper, Geist und Seele auf eine nachhaltige Art und Weise. Ich tue seelisch, wie körperlich sehr viel für mich und bestimmte seelische, negative, schädliche Regungen kehren immer wieder und fühlen sich so an, als könne man sie nie transformieren. Ich leide sehr darunter.
so bitte ich Euch ganz herzlich laßt neue, effektive, für die Menschen bezahlbare Heilmethoden, Heilmittel, Heiltechniken auf die Erde kommen, wie wir in Balance, in Liebe kommen können, stabiler ins Licht eintreten, wir geschützt sind vor negativen angriffen und besonders auch den Chemtrails, die ganz schrecklich versprüht werden und uns sehr belasten.
bitte, bitte, bitte laßt diese sich auflösen, verhindert diese so gut es möglich ist.
Ich danke für alles, was Ihr für uns Menschen auf Erden tut,
sende lichtvolle und herzliche Grüße
Drogi Ruchu Oporu (Polish Language)
Dziękuję Cobra za stworzenie rubryki dla naszych wiadomości do Ruchu Oporu.
Dziękuję za utworzenie portalu z informacjami i za udostępnianie ich dla nas!
Dziękuję również za Wasz wkład oraz zaangażowanie- bez Was nie podołalibyśmy !!!
My, ludzie, jesteśmy od urodzenia w danej inkarnacji programowani intelektualnie oraz duchowo na korzyść złych istot chcących nas kontrolować!!!
Ja urodziłem się 6 sierpnia 1991 w Polsce i mogłem dorosnąć miejscu, gdzie nie odbyło się ludobójstwo, rasizm oraz walka terytorialna. Niestety na naszej planecie te rzeczy dzieją się nieustannie…
Wyjechałem o Niemiec do pracy i tutaj dostrzegłem, że ludzie poróżniają się zamiast jednoczyć. Trzymają się swoich przekonań religijnych i nacjonalistycznych, które nas nie integrują. Nie potrafią stworzyć wewnętrznej akceptacji. Wierze, że Miłość jest jedynym kierunkiem i celem naszego istnienia jako ludzi z trzeciego wymiaru poprzez wymiary dalsze.
Jesteśmy rozdarci wewnętrznie, nie potrafimy integrować pozytywnych uczuć i myśli. Wielu ludzi jest ofiarą zewnętrznej manipulacji ( wygląd, prestiż, dominacja). Wielu ludzi ma kompleksy i rany z poprzednich wcieleń. Na świecie jest wiele miejsc, gdzie są uwstecznione uwarunkowania społeczne( niewolnictwo, nierówne prawa, brak równouprawnienia, zakaz niezależności, dyskryminacja, przestępstwa). My, jako kolektyw ludzki potrzebujemy Uzdrowienia i nasza Matka Gaja potrzebuje naszej globalnej poprawy. Lecz to, co spostrzegam wokół siebie oraz w mediach wywołuje wrażenie, że wielka część ludzkości nie jest jeszcze gotowa na Wzniesienie.
Ja pragnę Wam podziękować oraz chciałbym Was poznać, bo jesteście dla nas inspiracją i naszą przyszłością, którą ludzki kolektyw musi urzeczywistnić.
Pragnę odnaleźć Was podczas medytacji, albo podczas wyjścia poza ciało podczas snu.
Wiem, że istnieją Anielskie Istoty. Wiem, że istnieją istoty przebywające w świetle. Wiem, że są miejsca, które są dla ludzi niewyobrażalne, bo tak piękne są !!! Wiem o bezczasowym istnieniu w Łonie Boga i Jego Świadomości przenikającej każdy najmniejszy molekuł i atom. To takie piękne i bardziej realne niż to, co jest tutejszą kreacją.
Wiem, że tam dotrzemy. Lecz szaleństwo i nieporządek kosztuje ludzi wiele strat duchowych oraz cielesnych na drodze doskonalenia i dojrzewania.
Proszę o wstawienie się za tych, którzy w zapomnieniu i zagubieniu nie dostrzegają siebie jako jednego z Nas, jako świadomej części wszechobecnego Stwórcy.
Pokój oraz Miłość z Wami Przyjaciele. Czekamy na Was z niecierpliwością, na dzień naszej wspólnej chwili spotkania!!!
Z miłością
Good day. As the human race of Earth Prime nears both the Event & Ascension we anticipate a golden age for our civilization. After many incarnations in human form I anticipate this being my last battlefield. I anticipate rejoining my soul group the Guardians of Forever. I intend to remain on Earth Prime after Ascension. Earth has been my home world for many incarnations thus I do not plan on traveling the multi-verse much as a proverbial Marco Polo after Ascension. For God & Earth.
Hallo 🙂
Ich interessiere mich seit geburt an schon sehr für das Spirituelle. Das leben hat mich immer in diese Richtung gezogen.
Ich habe sehr viel gesehen in der Astralwelt (feinstoffliche ebene auf dem physischen planeten) sehr viel auch in der Ätherischen ebene (4. Dimensionalität). Dafür bin sehr dankbar das gesehen zu haben… Ich will mehr lernen mehr wissen!
Ich weiß dass meine seele eine Lichtseele ist. Ich habe sogar einen “Engel” gesehen der mir sagte “denke das du uns unterstützt bei dem aufstieg der Erde, wir müssen zusammen halten…”
Ich beschäftige mich jeden tag in dieser Richtung. Mache Meditation (Transzendens) und bete jeden Morgen für meine Familie, für die Menschen in meiner Umgebung und für Mutter erde <3
Mein ziel ist es mehr zu lernen meine Fähigkeiten herauszufinden. Aber ich habe noch blockaden. Ich sehe manchmal nüchtern das Torus Feld (4. Dimensionalität) das wurde mir gesagt dass es zur 4. Dimension gehört.
Für das Thema bin ich sehr offen und ich auch schon sehr vieles verrücktes zeug gesehen…
Das würde mir keiner Glauben.
Wie kann ich Kontakt im deutschen bereich aufnehmen von eurer seite aus?
Wäre sehr dankbar für eine Rückmeldung
Liebe <3
An euch, Brüder und Schwestern,
Ich bin mit einem starken Gerechtigkeitssinn gesegnet und dieser macht mir seit Jahren ein schweres Gemüt. Diese himmelschreiende Ungerechtigkeit nicht nur in der Welt, sondern auch im kleinen, auf Arbeit, bei Freunden, die sich gegenseitig wegen allem vergleichen wer den der “bessere” ist. Konkurrenzdenken, wozu? Dann dieses ewige Teile und Herrsche der “Mächtigen” von da “oben” . Das belastet mich, es liegt schwer auf meinen Schultern. Ich sehne mich nach Heilung, aber nicht nur für mich, für alle anderen auch. Ich wünsche mir liebe zwischen allen Menschen, das wir uns alle umarmen können, auch wenn mann sich nicht leiden kann. Wenn ich an meine Träume denke, dann bekomm ich dieses tolle Gefühl von Aufbruch und grenzenlose Möglichkeiten. Ich visualisiere gern und es hilft mir sehr mit Bildern und Ansichten zu arbeiten, anderen Menschen Situationen zu erläutern. Daher wünsche ich mir auch hier mehr sichtbares, offen sichtbar. Auch wenn es schwer ist, Zeichen zu erkennen. Gerade für die, die ihre Augen einfach nicht öffnen wollen, obwohl sie um Zeichen bitten.
Ich suche weiter nach Informationen und Zusammenhängen. Es ist schwer unter diesen Umständen, suchend in der Finsternis. Ihr seid wie ein Licht im dunklen, wie ich auch. In der Hoffnung euch eines baldigen Tages zu sehen.
Ich danke euch für alles
Licht und Liebe
To the RM: I welcome you with open arms. It is time for all of us to come together and create a heaven on earth for everyone. Thank you for all you have done for us earthlings!
Namaste, Sandra
This is what it “feels” like to be an awake human in this time: I have lived my life in a box made of lies. My body and mind have been intentionally damaged by “my own people”. My children have been so heavily mind-controlled and poisoned that, I fear, they may not overcome their plight. A life of slavery has left me with many limitations. Yet, I still crave an opportunity to make a difference. My mind searches for ideas on how to help, but whatever I try comes to naught.
The sight of a beautiful baby or lovely child used to warm my heart, but lately I have to choke back the tears when the horror of their massive abuse and murder comes to mind. Decent men, like my husband, are angry and frustrated by their apparent inability to protect their own people and bring the evil doers to justice.
I possess a deep love and empathy for plants. Their suffering and EXTINCTIONS are tearing my heart to shreds. I want to believe that we will resurrect our wonderful friends when we learn to use our hidden abilities, but when and how can feel like another torture. I see my beautiful Gaia ripped up and poisoned in every imaginable way. I feel a pain in my body over this violation. My spirit aches every day.
Make no mistake! I am deeply grateful for the Resistance……..If there really is one! I know that many of us do not feel responsible, but others sorely want to clean up our own mess. As highly experienced slaves, we are quick to roll up our sleeves. We want to help. Let us help. Our gratitude is tainted with shame. We NEED to help.
Hey, ich grüße Euch! Es sind ja sooo viele die hier was geschrieben haben…ich verstehe kaum englisch und schreib jetzt einfach in meiner Muttersprache, dass ich mich saumäßig freue.Ich nicht durchgeknallt und alleine bin, das alles und noch viel mehr Wirlichkeit ist, dass sich alles wandeln, verwandeln wird…jeder hier von uns hat sein eigenes Programm und Thema mitgebracht…gerade alles rund um unsere Gefühle/Emotionen ist für viele ein Räzel…wir sind hungrig und durstig nach diesem Erleben. Wir definieren uns oder identifizieren uns mit dem Gefühl.Sind ganz Angst, sind ganz Schmerz, fühlen Sehnsucht und Verlangen…oder nichts mehr. Eine große Leere…Gedanken, Programme,Biographie, Erziehung, Mangelerleben, Liebe,und Sehnsucht…nach guter Nahrung.Gefühle fühlen ohne zu werten, diese zu zu lassen, diese zu benennen oder mit kreativen Medien (Musik, Tanz, Klang, Gestaltung, Form und Farbe auszudrücken, zu verstehen, nach zu empfinden, mit zufühlen, sich gegenseitig Nahrung sein.. Vertrauen ist ein großes Thema…
In Liebe und Freude
Thank you for the help, support and action of the Resistance. I am grateful as a man and a dugger for the help you give. Every day I use help programs and tips and equipment to raise vibration. Every day I send the intention of my help in mind: I support the Forces of Light and the Resistance. Thank you for all your Heart.
I salute Iwona.