All readers of the Prepare for Change website are invited to communicate with the Resistance Movement. After discussing this with Cobra we have discovered that members of the RM desire more information from us, the surface?population of Earth.
Cobra has passed this information to us:
(PFC0517) ?Lynn? – Cobra, is the RM the ones that give you feed-back on our meditations, you know the strength of it and the numbers.
COBRA –?Yes, yes.? (OK)
Lynn? – Are we as surface humans? able to communicate with them telepathically.
COBRA –?It is possible.? It has happened in a few instances but its not very common and very few people from the surface have enough awareness of the RM to hear that telepathic contact.
Lynn? – Would it be useful to show them certain situations we are experiencing.?
COBRA –?Yes. It is sometimes not simple for them to understand their reactions of the surface population because they are simply, I would say psychologically quite different and if you explain to them a little bit more, even telepathically or in writing you can even post an article on your blog and address it to them, that would be a great idea. (wow, thats a great idea.? Thank you Cobra.) (PFC0517)
In order to facilitate this for all people and make it easy for both us and the RM, we are using this page with its comment section for this purpose. The idea is simple, go to the bottom of the page and use the comment box to share your feelings about the situation on Earth.
So please ask your?questions or make your comment with your Letter to the Resistance in the comments below.
Published July 5, 2017
[NOTE: Please do not criticize or comment on other’s letters in reply, this page is meant to enable a free exchange from our readers with the Resistance Movement, so please do not respond as though the letters are to YOU.]
Zuerst einmal danke für diese Möglichkeit der Kommunikation.
Ich möchte auf ein Thema eingehen, was mir aufgefallen ist. Angeblich wundert sich die Widerstandsbewegung, dass so wenig Erdenmenschen, normale Menschen, aufwachen.
Dazu ist folgendes zu sagen. Ich möchte der Widerstandsbewegung vorschlagen, mehr über normale Erdenmenschen zu lernen. Sie sind anders als die Sternensaaten, Starseeds.
Die meisten Vorschläge, Anleitungen, Informationen die bekannt gegeben werden, richten sich an Starseeds. Man bekommt den Eindruck, es sind nur die Starseeds welche an der Befreiung arbeiten können, welche wichtig sind als Lichtarbeiter oder Lichtkrieger. Die normalen Erdenmenschen und ihre Bedürfnisse und ihre Realitäten werden zu wenig berücksichtigt.
Dabei – liebe Widerstandsbewegung – sie sind diejenigen, die sich am besten mit irdischen Dingen und dem Leben auf der Erde auskennen. Sie sind die Experten für die Erde und sie könnten Euch die wertvollsten Hinweise, das wertvollste Wissen geben, was Euch vielleicht noch fehlt um bei der Befreiung endlich den Durchbruch zu erzielen.
Die echten Erdenmenschen, die Kinder der Erde, die schon lange und freiwillig auf diesem Planeten inkarnieren, fühlen sich nicht von der Quelle getrennt. Sie sehen auch das physische Leben auf der Erde nicht als ein Leiden an, sondern sie lieben es.
Wenn immer dieses Grunddogma vorausgesetzt wird: „Du bist von der Quelle getrennt, das physische Leben auf der Erde ist permanentes Leiden“, dann identifizieren sich die Erdenkinder damit nicht, weil es für sie nicht stimmig ist. Sie fühlen sich nicht davon angesprochen.
Dieses Dogma wurde von den künstlichen, bösartigen Religionen in die Welt gesetzt um die freien Erdenkinder zu versklaven. Sie möchten dieses Dogma nicht mehr hören, denn es stimmt einfach nicht.
Die Erdenkinder kennen das natürliche, unverfälschte Leben auf der Erde, und es ist kein Leid für sie, sondern pure Freude, auch wenn es manchmal sehr rustikal zugeht. Das verstehen viele Starseeds nicht, sie finden das furchtbar und meinen, sie müssten die Erdenkinder da herausholen oder deren Lebensbedingungen transformieren. Das ist nicht unbedingt zutreffend. Denn es ist der gewählte Entwicklungsweg der Seelen, die in großer Zahl freiwillig ins physische Leben auf der Erde, mit aller Intensität, gegangen sind.
Die Erdenkinder bitten hier um Akzeptanz ihrer Art. Sie leiden nicht unter dem rustikalen, deftigen Leben mit allen Facetten, auch den Dunklen, des Seins. Sie leiden jedoch unter der Übernahme der Welt durch die Chimära, welche eine Transhumanistische Zukunft, ohne Naturverbundenheit für die Erde anstrebt.
Liebe Widerstandsbewegung, holt bitte die Erdenmenschen mit ihrer Expertise, mit ihren Erfahrungen und ihrem Wissen endlich mit ins Boot.
Viele Grüße
ein das Dasein auf der Erde liebender
google – First of all thank you for this possibility of communication.
I would like to comment on a topic which I have noticed. Supposedly the resistance movement is surprised that so few earth people, normal humans, wake up.
The following is to be said. I would like to suggest the resistance movement to learn more about normal earth people. They are different from the star seeds, starseeds.
Most suggestions, tutorials, information that are posted are aimed at starseeds. You get the impression, it is only the starseeds which can work on liberation, which are important as light workers or light warriors. The ordinary earth people and their needs and their realities are too little considered.
They are the ones who are best acquainted with earthly things and life on earth. They are the experts for the earth and they could give you the most valuable clues, the most valuable knowledge, which is perhaps still wanting to achieve the breakthrough at liberation.
The real earth people, the children of the earth, who long since and voluntarily incarnate on this planet, do not feel separated from the source. They also do not regard physical life on earth as a suffering, but they love it.
Whenever this basic dogma is presupposed: “You are separated from the source, the physical life on earth is permanent suffering,” the earth children do not identify with it because it is not coherent for them. You do not feel affected by it.
This dogma was brought into the world by the artificial, malignant religions to enslave the free earth children. They do not want to hear this dogma anymore, because it is simply not true.
Earth children know the natural, unadulterated life on earth, and it is no pain for them, but pure joy, even if it is sometimes very rustic. Many Starseeds do not understand this, they find it terrible and think they have to get the earth children out there or to transform their living conditions. This is not necessarily true. For it is the chosen path of development of the souls, which in large numbers voluntarily went into physical life on the earth, with all intensity.
Dear Ones,
I did not read many of the letters posted in this forum. However, I scanned them sufficiently to determine that the degree and extent of the problem of suffering on this planet might have been communicated in an inadequate way.
Most of the contributors of letters have some difficulty in their life. However, if they are communicating to you through this electronic media, their lives are actually relatively rich and abundant compared to masses of people who have NOTHING! Limited consciousness and the resulting self-pity is a very REAL problem in this group who is trying to communicate with you. Self-involved Light Workers are rendered useless by their own self-absorption and useless whining, It is really quite astonishing how weak, fragile and immature this group has become.
A far larger group needs a voice and they have none. Nearly countless numbers of people on this planet would be thrilled beyond belief to have the opportunity to complain to anyone about anything. The pleasure of reading an update from COBRA or anything else to give them hope is beyond their grasp. Their lives are truly desperate and their suffering is intense. Basic survival needs such as food, water, and shelter for these ones are an everyday struggle. Some are enslaved, beaten, raped or tortured with no means to defend themselves. All of this may be happening to them on a daily basis. Vast numbers of humans and animals struggle for daily survival. To have the privilege of being attacked for being a Lightworker is a relative PLEASURE that so many cannot conceive of because they are brutalized continuously, and DEEP FEAR regarding personal safety and survival is a normal state for them.
Thank you so much for everything!
Thank u Cobra and Team, thank u LW (Light Workers & Warriors), thank u RM, thank u to anyone and everyone else for ALL ur GREAT Works!!!!!! Please spread this and listen to this (https://m.youtube.com/watch?list=PL80GxExWEfBVqOM572QB-ge-oueS_S7UV&v=qTTeXzQxB2g)!!!!! The sooner this info about The Law of Attraction gets out, the better! Keep up the great work, keep up the great fight with Love and Light! I’m beyond honored and humbled to get to write to u and everyone else who reads this- even though I don’t remember any of u… for now! We Love u and r EXTREMELY great ful for everything You r doing bcuz, truth b told, I feel like I’m not doing nearly enough even though everything I’m reading and listening to says that I AM. Please know that we r VERY appreciative of what u r doing! Humanity needs us, and I know that We r VERY close to The Event!!! Again, thank u!
Dear Resistance Movement,
Thank you for your courage and bravery and willingness to stand up for what is right. I only recently awakened and it is with a sad heart that I realize that it took me over 50 years to do so. Now, I feel like there is little time left to complete my mission. Several years ago, when I did awaken I opened up a connection with my Higher Self and gave permission for contact by asking “Who Am I?” I then began automatic writing and channeling and was told I am a psychic medium. I have filled notebooks with the writings I have done, and I have done readings for people from all over the world, knowing only their names. I went back to school to become a counselor, and then became discouraged because I have learned and realized that everything in the world, especially in the field of “mental illness” is a lie, because in reality all illness of the mind is only a result of separation from Source. So I became a hypnotherapist and now hope I can pursue that pathway to helping people. Recently I have become very drawn to the work of Spirit Release-ment. I have been receiving messages from beings who identify as being from the “White Lodge”. I feel a very close connection to the planet Sirius, and I am also an O negative blood type. Beings of Light visit me during the night and tell me that they are going to infuse me with Light so that when the Event happens and people are in a sense of anxiety and fear, I will be able to help them release their attachments/entities/spirits and become whole again. Some days I just think this makes me all just plain crazy. But I know that it is very real. I feel a real sense of urgency to do this kind of work but I feel like time is short and people are so mind-controlled that they remain in a state of ignorance. I wish I could do more! My biggest fear is that I will not complete my mission, and what I really want is to go home after this is all over. Thank you for all that you do.
Hello – Per Cobra’s latest blog post (July 21) I’m writing to propose a theory in response to the RM’s confusion about why light workers are attacking each other. I believe it’s a perfect storm of things with implants playing a key role. If these keep us disconnected from Source/guidance, then it keeps us fully identified with ego – the small vulnerable self that’s easily overwhelmed and triggered. And any light worker who is in a more public position may be especially targeted and manipulated into infusing chaos into Team Light. Whether public figures or not, there’s a lot going on on our planet and in our own lives which is overwhelming – a recipe for stress and reactivity. We are all subject now to having the most vulnerable areas of our psyches triggered – which can happen no matter how much work we have done on ourselves or how aware or intelligent we may be.
And I’m glad Cobra has posted info on how to clear implants, because my original impression was that there was not much we could do about them until the event which was very discouraging. Still, I wondered if there wasn’t something we could do to effectively eliminate these things. My thoughts went to those deeply awakened people I’ve read about or had the good fortune to cross paths with. My impression is that they have dissolved most, if not all, implants and live and transmit a different order of being – something that’s so needed on planet right now. One such person is Michael Singer. I just read his wonderful book “Untethered Soul” which provides strategies for dropping deeply within. Currently reading his book “The Surrender Experiment” which is his awakening story and basis for “Untethered”. For those who might be drawn to this info, I highly recommend both books. They won’t be for everyone, but for those who are exhausted by their runaway minds, fear and defendedness, Michael’s offerings may touch a chord. Charles Berner’s clearing technique which Cobra mentions may share some similarities to Michael’s approach. Either way, it will be a relief to clear these implants so they can return to their natural state.
In appreciation for all the RM is doing – and for your tireless work Cobra.
Greetings peoples of the Resistance Movement. My feeling about the state of the surface population is as follows. I feel thats ince we are unable to consciously read each others thoughts, and we have a belief that we can keep secrets from eachother it leads to a great deal of confusion about what the truth is or what the best path that shoukld be followed. In this way, we begin to become lost. This situation is made worse by people who are being controlled and influenced by negative entities that end up taking advantage of an already confused population. Please help us find peace of mind and heart to be able to see our own power and perhaps even help us open our ability to communicate telepathically to eachother. I think that would really help us begin to at least untangle our own confusions. I greatly appreciate all that you have been doing to help us, although we have a very limited perspective on exactly how you are helping us. Its a shame. I wish to be able to notice that you are helping us so that I have give thanks and appeciation. I hope you can understand my message. I would be open to having direct contact with you if that is possible. Via email [email protected] or even telepathically could be welcome. I want to have a heart to gheart understanding with you. Be blessed at thanks again for your help in liberating us.
Hola amigos de RM, muchísimas gracias por todo y por darnos la oportunidad de comunicarnos con ustedes, personalmente tengo muchísimas cosas que agradecer, tengo una buena buena vida con una familia muy linda, casa, coche, perros,etcétera, me gustaría que toda la gente estuviera en una buena situación, por más que quiero mantenerme con una vibración alta todo el día es muy triste salir a la calle y ver gente muy pobre, pidiendo dinero para algo tan necesario como alimento, en mi país la violencia esta de locos, muchos robos, gente desaparecida, asesinatos, es feo saber que hay personas sufriendo mucho, creo que nadie merece sufrir, si hay alguien que va a leer esto y puede hacer algo para cambiar estas cosas, por favor no tarden, se que es difícil, pero mucha gente esta en situaciones críticas, para muchos esta vida es un infierno y eso no es justo, nadie tiene que carecer en un planeta tan vasto, lo que esa gente alejada de la luz hace no debe ser permitido ni un segundo más, llevenselos lejos, a donde no puedan lastimar a nadie mas, no los queremos aqui, y aunque de cierto modo somos todos hermanos, los queremos pero bien lejos, en donde no nos puedan dañar, que culpa tenemos de su locura. Si se dan una vuelta por nuestro planeta verán todo esto que nuestros hermanos locos hacen, de verdad urge que las cosas cambien, toda la población debe dejar de vivir en esta mentira que nos han creado, todos merecemos volver a conectarnos con la fuente, no tengo la menor idea de cuando quise venir a este mundo, no niego que es muy lindo, porque no todo es horror y sufrimiento, también tenemos cosas muy buenas, hay gente de lo mejor en este lugar y se que tengo que terminar con mis asuntos en este planeta, pero sinceramente si me dieran a escoger entre mi casa y regresar a este planeta en la situación actual, mejor voy a casa, creo que ya vi suficiente, los esperamos con los brazos abiertos, es muy lindo saber que existen. Muchas gracias, no tarden. ☺
google – Hello friends of RM, thank you very much for everything and for giving us the opportunity to communicate with you, personally I have many things to thank, I have a good life with a very nice family, home, car, dogs, etcetera, I would like all the People were in a good situation, as much as I want to keep up with a high vibration all day is very sad to go out and see very poor people, asking for money for something as necessary as food, in my country violence is crazy, Many robberies, missing people, murders, it’s ugly to know that there are people suffering a lot, I think no one deserves to suffer, if there is someone who will read this and can do something to change these things, please do not delay, But many people are in critical situations, for many this life is a hell and that is not fair, no one has to lack on such a vast planet, what those people away from the light do not should be allowed even a second m s, Take them away, where they can not hurt anyone else, do not want them here, and although a certain way we are all brothers, we want but well away, where we can not harm, that we blame his folly. If you take a tour of our planet you will see all that our crazy brothers do, it really urges that things change, the whole population must stop living in this lie that they have created us, we all deserve to reconnect with the source, not I have the slightest idea when I wanted to come to this world, I do not deny that it is very cute, because not everything is horror and suffering, we also have very good things, there are the best people in this place and I know I have to finish my business On this planet, but honestly if I were to choose between my home and return to this planet in the current situation, I better go home, I think I’ve seen enough, we wait with open arms, it’s very nice to know that they exist. Thank you very much, do not delay. (I.e.
With regards to humanity attacking one another instead of unifying against the cabal. In my own observations and experiences, as I am not exempt from this behaviour, it is a result of the grief/pain we experience. After so many life times in a negative environment, the psychology is skewed. We are taught this is a dog eat dog world, the Darwinian theory of the strongest shall survive. You couple the programming embedded into the incarnation process and ongoing afterwards, the pain we all feel and essentially our interactions become heated. Easily triggered, even with positive intent and inner work, as much as we desire a change we fall victim to our own jealousies, anger, sadness, envy etc. Our emotions are so much that we do not perceive clearly. We fight ourselves internally lost in this maze of pain/grief, karma, beliefs. We perceive hardship all around us and in our weakest moment give into that pain inside of us and attack our human family. There is so much confusion present here as to what is really going on, how do we stop it, what do we believe? We fight among ourselves over trivial concepts, words, beliefs and to me it shows we are so afraid to open up and be genuine. Speaking from the heart, living an honest life, these are not easy for many of us, as this behaviour is not honoured in this civilization. The ones coerced by the negative side to act as operatives sowing distrust and confusion are as hurt and lost as any other.
Resistance, Cobra please listen to me..
I am Vaijnath and I would like to describe my point of view and I hope that I will be very careful.
For years, my personal journey has brought me a great and massive knowledge and awareness, both of myself, of the whole human race and of its present situation.
I do not like labeling or self-proclaiming, but I firmly believe that I am ready to deal with any obstacle that is at my side, at the cost of my own life.
Unfortunately, in my quest to awaken, like everyone else, I have failed and lost all, and I say all, people to me care.
I had so many, if I still had them at my side I would have created a group of Lightworkers / Lightwarriors par excellence.
And I’m not the only one who has lost all this, because you in the Resistance do not realize the gravity of the situation.
There are Lightworkers like me who have an extreme urgency to help, I have read the latest Cobra article of 07.21.2017 announcing for those who did not know that there is an ether / plasma implant in the frontal lobe.
This news sincerely overwhelms, really so much, because now it is always understood why the aided ones are not received, so you lose total trust, but above all the faith for those who have just awakened!
But there is a point very, very important, if not vital to all of us that needs to be heard.
A true being of light must have the ability to descend on the same plane where a dark being acts.
Here’s a simple example:
If we want to talk, interact, but above all try to make it something to someone who is on the first floor of a building and we find ourselves at the twelfth we can not phone him to make him understand what we are trying to tell him, we must go down the same floor and interact Face to face with the true presence in flesh and bones, and to come home to our twelfth floor.
I’m just another simple example: we can not speak German if the other person knows only the French, he never understands us.
Simply these concepts do not? We all know it and this is the problem here, we know it enough, we do not apply it.
Few do. That’s what I think is the real problem, to have the presumption that only our way, our “style”, our words, our image can be and be understood. So what’s the difference between us and them then?
I hope you understand me, I hope you understand what it’s like to say.
Here, the only tool for a sleepwalker to awaken is the money, because the money makes you create all the things that attract you, like the sleepers.
We can not draw out elements of “peace and love, Jesus Christ, victory for light!” because they do not understand that.
We can not get out words like “chakra, spirituality, etc …” because they do not understand.
We must talk to him in the same language, with their worlds, not ours, with their tastes, not ours.
This means knowing how to get down in the lower floors.
To act in the shade to serve the light, have you forgotten it?
Personally, failing to have this vital support that is money, without them we will do nothing.
Here it is necessary to know how to fertilize perfection with the “dormant”, because I repeat, we will not go anywhere.
And I’m up to doing it, but I’ve failed because I do not have a penny, so the words are down to zero with the dormant ones.
Because they look at diplomas, the fact that one has a job, you have style, that you are cool, because without them we are none. They will never go beyond materialism, so a true being of light must be able to meet its similarity if it wants to save it.
I hope you understand what I am saying to you, dear Resistance.
Unfortunately, throughout my life for the sake of this implant, like everyone else, I never and ever encountered a light being, even when I sleep in the other dimensions.
Only the Grays who tried to make me something in my forehead but I managed to reject them and send them away forever.
After years and years in the service of God, light I think I do not deserve this.
I request immediate support, and I am personally contacted as soon as possible, because I am sure to be an important key to the current process.
But for all that I never give up, even without your help, and I hope that this time I am hearing, at least here.
Because beings so maniacally alone, and I speak in the name of all those who are like me, without even a clear connection with the source, is completely unfair and devastating.
Let everyone make strong to each other, because the beings are obscured in an infinity of ways and this must not happen.
At all costs we have to save the human race.
I love you and I will love you all, no exceptions!
Forgive my English..
Vaijnath, namaskar and victory of light at all costs!
It is Chinese but I think RM have translate cause I have not to find English version yet.
The archon try to create things to stimulate anger, as the people resonate with the anger, continue to increase the entry point, manipulation and fanaticism, the formation of resistance to the target.
Why Lightworkers and Lightwarriors keep attacking each other –
Disconnected not only from spirit , but from soul , humans identify with mental emotional and physical states. Therefore they are controlled by their own belief systems . It is experienced as a lethal encounter when any facet of that belief system is undermined in any way , including by one’s allies who have a slightly different mental arrangement. Rather then reviewing various aspects of their belief systems , they strike back trying to defuse the attack by diminishing their opponent. It is experienced as a matter of life and death , as life-threatening as a genuine attack from the real enemy . Until one has settled into the deeper range of soul or even spirit , it is nearly impossible for humans to seriously review their belief systems, and act wisely even with regard to their allies. I’m reconnecting to soul is therefore just as difficult as reviewing one’s beliefs, in fact it is of course a greater task.
By the way, the suffering down here is unimaginable, it is impossible to put into words just how severe it is
Je veux travailler pour vous.
i want work with you
Here of the south of Brazil, we are trying to anchor the light that comes to us, it is not easy, because we also struggle to leave the domains of the mind. By the way, I realize that the mind can not shut itself out, so how do you stop the chattering of the mind?
Thank you so much!
Loving greetings to my Brothers and Sisters of the Resistance Movement!
I am honored to share my thoughts and feelings on a very important topic..and an equally important opportunity….that pertains to the infighting of the surface population.
First, in order to understand the behaviors of others we need to put ourselves in their shoes…their minds…and their hearts. We have been fighting a singular battle both within and without for many years. The “team concept” is not included in the training manual. Our conditioned behaviors that center around being alone mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally are represented in our current behaviors that included the current projections that manifest as infighting.
Solutions, most times, can best be implemented from an existing example of desired behaviors. Let’s share the Resistance Movement “manual” of collective efforts/collective results. Ideally, I feel that if the RM could pass on their techniques, thought processes, disciplines and ideals as it relates to “fighting the good fight” we will be on our way to One Planet…One People…One Love.
Rock On
Dear RM
Some people criticize me, and I feel very bad energy from other some people.
When I interact with these people I am very tired and I get sick.
so I can’t interact with these people.
These people doing some Light work, but insecure and egotistic.
I feel light and dark from these people.
other some people don’t understand my feeling that these people have bad energy and Impurity.
some people agree with me.
so I am very confused.
I can only interact with friendly and good energy people.
I think that we can’t become friendly with all light worker , we can only harmonious with friendly people.
On this planet, many many people didn’t heal the heart of themselves.
So they make many trouble often.
In the first place, star seeds have to healing themselves.
If we want to make friendship , we have to harmonious with own self.
but probably we can’t it now.
I hope peace. I hope make the friendship with all light worker.
I would like to comment on why light workers seem to be overly attacking each other here. When looking at the public figure light workers, there is so much deception all around us that is getting planted into every aspect of our societies, that it is very hard to know who is being truthful and who is not, especially with each person having a very different story to tell, with differing details in each. What makes it so hard for everyone is that the only tool we have at our disposal for analyzing these issues is personal discernment. Now combine this with the fact that a huge percentage of the planet is still living in the ego self, rather than the true whole self, and it goes south really quick. A lot of these people lashing out are not actually using true discernment. anytime a belief gets threatened there is no shortage of ego based minds lashing out, even though there is no proof of said belief to be true or false. Combine all of that with the sad fact that people that are operating from an ego (separate) based self have absolutely no idea (or they refuse to believe) that they are giving in to their ego, and actually, most ego based minds think that they have already overcome the ego self, thus locking themselves into their own mental prison until some event comes along to shatter this perception, usually called an ego death.
With all of that being said, there should never be any reason to attack another person based on differing beliefs, when we all have the same goal. It does seem that this message of unification is being presented more and more lately, and usually by the ones that are getting attacked.
I am asking now with utmost sincerity, gratitude, and love for any and all help for our situation that is able to be given to us, for truth, disclosure, self realization, healing, liberation, and empowerment, that I fully authorize for myself and all other-selves who fully agree with this request.
See ya on the other side. LL –
Ryan Daniel Morgan
dears in RM
thank you for your collaboration.
I do my little job here on the surface also…
see you (some) soon.
Peace Love Unity
To You, beautiful Amazing and dedicated RM! I first off am in awe and gratitude to you all for your love and dedication. Thank you! I want to ask why! No matter how hard I try to connect to my higher self to know what my contract is! I have been asking for guidance and to know my entire adult life. I am 54 and feel that I still don’t know. In several of cobras posts, he said if all the lightworkers would actually fulfill their contracts, we would have ascended already. He said it again in a very recent interview. I have seriously been tormented with the pain and suffering in my heart afraid I am letting Mother/Father god down. I was awake at a very young age and am now 54 and I live with the weight of the suffering of humanity on my shoulders. I had a shamanic journey where I stood and watched an entire planet explode and the pain I felt in that vision was so real to me and it associated the pain I have felt for suffering humanity to the pain of loosing a whole planet of beings. I pray everyday! I send light, love and healing to all of the beings in the earth and on it to be free! I ask almost daily to remember my contract! Why, oh why is this so hard to remember? My heart aches for this remembrance so I know! I am doing my part! Please! Please! Please! Hear my cry and help me to know this truth! It is one of the most important things for all of us? It seems like it would be so easy but with all the lies, deceit, programs, scalar weapons, attacks on us! What the heck! Sometimes, a lot of times, it is hard to get out of bed and have our bodies function properly. We have to overcome so much daily! Please!!!!! HELP!!!
Hey resistence I will speak my point of vision about the Starseeds unity.
Sometimes I was seeing a scoff energy comes from co. bra against me in e-mails or in coments session.
The energy was very convincent.
There’s a sophisticated plasma campaigh for that ilusion.
It’s abominable but is real.
If only we know about this ….So….
co.bra been saying
Congratulation For your work RM, or I would say Amazing RM and specialy to you that are read it.
I want to tell you my vision about the people around me and my situation.
Sometimes I nervous in see some human earth in day to day ..in form to loose and give their strenght to the sisteam error. And the form like they reject a help. I think that they are a demons. They are capable to hurt a helper hand.
I’m in a fight with dark forces while my born to here. I’m no work for my money..all the trying I was fall cause I’m not adapt and my curriculum are poor…Is a great shame my mother work to us and I am a man in that situation in that moment but it is changing cause some movements mine. my saturday night is like a monday for the extern vision. But it’s hurt.. May you are know about I say..It’s like some 10k englishs sra seeing you in masturbation and talk about while you feel cold.
But Im transform it and sincerely I mantain my seriously and vibration. And I see some people from earth.. They have not sense and I fell I depends a vision more serious and strategical from they cause now I am one of they and if they continues slack I am have more problems…may you understands me cause you are a serious people..but I m not have an ear to hear me about.
Is bad see a dog killed near, and see a children killed near.
And believe me I decide tell it to you cause I know it no abuse your energy. it’s negative to tell in a letter but it will rich your vision about a lightwarrior in surface.
Light and peace and harmony.
People are awakened to a part of the reality, too much to feel the threat and hurt. Only we abandon the brain on the other side of the stereotypes and the possibility of imagination, to be able to unite. I think even the awakening of human beings did not realize that we were brothers and sisters
Dear RM and Cobra, Thank you for all that you do, I may be your biggest critic, but also your biggest fan. The whole premise that humans living on Planet X have joined forces with groups from the Pleiades sounds so completely ridiculous but unfortunately what other hope do we have..? Nothing else is going to change humanity, it has to be intervened with in some external benevolent way, the mind parasites, implants have not let humanity rise to the level where true conscience and technology could combine to create a more loving attitude towards all life. The economic shackles are as difficult to overcome as the psychological programming. Thank you for helping us with the primary implants I look forward to trying it…I also thank you for the Pleiadian light worker prayers/ meditations they did help me with curtailing dream state intrusion by the negatives. The energy on the planet, the compression energy the Galactics are facilitating and using to break through has caused significant trauma to many humans and animals. Animals are attacking people, people are attacking people, killing each other more than they ever have in my entire life time. I have never seen so much random carnage, drug overdoses, suicides, people have literally lost their minds and sadly many lives were lost as well. My Dear Mother was one victim, I am very angry with Source for allowing this situation to occur, it has always been bad on Planet Earth, at least the last 10 thousand years or so, but what humans are experiencing now is just plain stupid, it is almost like we are at the pandemic level of mass psychosis. I am not sure why the RM would be surprised at the level of suffering, with your intelligence services you should know that this place is an absolute hell. I sure hope your tactical intel is better than your human intel, because as much as I love Cobra, to hear him say the RM was surprised, was a big let down for me. My entire life I have always wondered why I have been attacked by people, and eventually with the help of people like Cobra it all clicked… Positive vibrating people are like positive ions and they attract negative entities non stop…. Not only does this opposite polarity bring people who really hate you into your life, they also can turn somewhat normal people into monsters who just want to make your life miserable. Planet Earth was called Hell by Mary Magdalene because she knew that the evil energy i.e…. Prime Anomaly/ Yaldabaoth were going to make sure that anyone from a slightly higher frequency was going to have a horrible time on Earth… Every Light Worker here has pretty much suffered this fate I am sure….. Galactic Creator Being and Prime Creator if they are sentient beings they should understand there is no point to this type of creation… Only the energy vampires flourish when we stay stuck in these perpetual mini cycles of creation and destruction every 10 years or so…and we have been doing this somewhere on the globe everyday for the last 12000 years…. It is an ugly 3D planet plain and simple, it is hard enough for life to evolve without the interference of highly technologically driven malevolent psychopaths, however; with these Beings being here controlling life in a negative energetic way as they do has made it completely impossible…even with the help of Positive ET’s it seems almost insurmountable….but I send you my love and hope for the best anyway…..stay safe, and steadfast….peace…Your’s Truly…. little brother
Hello, I have a few points to communicate.
Financial uncertainty is probably a large reason why people act in self-serving ways.
Another reason, is the group-think that is associated with a feeling in your gut, upper solar-plexus area that makes one want to “fit-in” with the group. This has something to do with energy exchange in the third ray (yellow) and maybe the implants.?
Imbalance between energy rays and populated areas/centers has a lot to do with this.
Watching youtube videos and observing people’s behavior, you can construct patterns and extrapolate why people do things.
Study psychology, and behavioral/social interaction and evolutionary sciences. Watch some experimental videos where animalistic behavior in people is present. Like the following:
The left/right mindset or loving left or conservative right are just ways in which people express themselves based on their environment.
Same can go for the interview between alex jones and peter joseph,
A lot of discussion in this video, about the first half, can illustrate why there is an “us vs them” mindset in both the aware community and the general unaware public. Also, a lot of joe rogan’s interviews can provide some insight into the male/human psyche.
This video might not be a great representation of all or Rogan’s videos but there was a quote somewhere in this video that describes the mentality and rationality behind a right or left leaning person.
Also ready the law of one books.
about the attacking each other instead of working together toward the common cause, this ‘problem’ entered my awareness when I spent 2 months at stone circle UBUNTU in south africa in 2014, a group of people trying to ‘live’ the ideal of Michael Tellinger’s concept of contributionism and ‘we don’t need money’. I had that experience a few years after seeing a Peter Joseph Zeitgeist movie presenting to me for the first time, Jacque Fresco’s Venus Project, which also touted a beautiful life with no need for money. The money=value concept is almost impossible for us to truly imagine. I know after I saw that movie, I said, I get it, but I can’t see how we can live w/out money – in this current matrix we cannot – and it is always because of our need for money in this NOW, that the conflicts arise. Great ideas, but we’re still living this life orbiting money, which leads to conflict, and I think the bickering arises from that root source – our need, in our NOW, for money. I’ve also observed that there is an ego issue, (especially with men but of course, some women, too) that when broken down to it’s basics, goes something like this: someone else’s success somehow plays on the egoic person’s desire for success and people will do what they can to ‘rain on the other’s parade’, if you understand the metaphor. They, somehow, get some sort of perverse satisfaction and think they are themselves elevated, more educated, more spiritual, more aware by attacking. This is in answer to the question why are our warriors in the truth movement attacking each other when they all want the same outcome – oh yeah, the other thing that really had me confused when I got too deeply into looking for youtube channels so I could continue my research, learning, opening, understanding of more and more topics, in that arena it got really weird because people couldn’t tell who they could trust and who was working for the ‘man’ to mess with our psyches.
does that help?
“The main thing the Resistance does NOT understand in entirety is why Lightworkers and Lightwarriors keep attacking each other instead of uniting forces against the Cabal that clearly does not have their best interests in mind. From the perspective of the Resistance, they would never attack their fellow that is fighting for the same cause and they genuinely do not understand why the surface population keeps doing that. They are inviting the surface population to share their perspective of that situation here”
Dear Resistance Movement,
This isn’t a politically correct love and lightey message but you guys need to get a fucking clue. I’d like to explain from my perspective on why I and people like me are willing to attack others. When I was 5 years old I encountered grays when the quarantine was much lower. So it was easier for me to figure out about free energy, aliens, federal reserve, etc. I even wanted to be a super goodey lightworker just like Doreen Virtue when I was younger. I even actually incarnated into the lightworker culture this lifetime and decided to just go rogue just for the heck of it.The main reason why I am willing to attack others is a large quantity of the lightworker millennial population abused the mandate of heaven after receiving bailouts in 2008. Since they abused the mandate of heaven I got really upset with them and decided to go completely rogue due to their bullying. As a matter of fact my rogue behavior is somewhat caused by the confederation and agartha network protecting the millennial lightworker population. I’ll give you some examples on why the civil war has started within the lightworker population due to the bullying from the millennials.
So lets assume your an unawakened well intentioned millennial lightworker living in San Francisco. You’re from a wealthy legacy wasp family and you have a trust fund and never worked minimum wage. You want to make the world a better place, but you don’t know about the dark cabal. You’re glad you graduated college after the great crisis in 2008 with mommy and daddy paying for your degree. So you start getting money thrown at your startup from venture capital and angel investors funded courtesy of the worlds central banks, earth alliance, agartha network, and galactic confederation as a make work jobs scheme to prevent the economic system from collapsing. You get lucky and people from the black ops programs start supplying unicorn startups technology like they did with Steve Jobs http://yournewswire.com/apple-insider-claims-steve-jobs-used-alien-technology/.
You have a decent level of consciousness but are still unawakened. Although you are well intentioned you still consider others in the nation as beneath you and consider them “uneducated”. You think of yourself and your trust fund friends in San Francisco and Seattle as the new liberal elite whom should be running the nation. You start to call rightwing people you consider to be uneducated pejoratives such as “anti-vaxxer”, “climate change denier”, “conspiracy theorist” and other cabal propaganda buzzwords. You then start banning anyone that exposes cabal propaganda on your unicorn startups website for “hate speech” .You then start colluding with the cabal (though you don’t know what the cabal is at the time) to do a soft coup against a democratically elected president. You don’t even care if there was voting fraud committed by your own political faction.
So the main reason why we hate these people like Elon Musk even if they are being supported by the light forces, is primarily their douchybag behavior and their bullying of everyone after receiving bailouts. Plus he is a loser that promotes things like Climate change when we have free energy. These people like Musk are total charlatans. We all know it was funded by quantitative easing. Without quantitative easing these people never would have existed or been in business. It’s fairly infuriating to see the light forces supporting these people from wealthy families and allowing all the bullying to go on. If the VERY FIRST THING THEY DO after getting bailouts is to start bullying everyone then FUCK THIS AND FUCK YOU LIGHT FORCES. My thoughts on the matter are the millennial lightworkers need to have their startup funding completely CUTT OFF when they abuse the mandate of heaven and bully everyone.
These people came from wealthy families, they were irresponsible and partied their whole lives, then they and their parents cry for bailouts after being incompetent and partying, then after the light forces come running to their rescue with bailouts, THEY FUCKING START BULLYING EVERYONE. I’m gonna be honest with you I don’t even care if Donald Trump is being supported by the Jesuits or not. Because what we are doing is engaging in Byzantine diplomacy against them to prevent the “SJW” dark cabal faction originating from communism and marxism from eroding our civil liberties even further. If the lightworker millennials continue bullying everyone after receiving bailouts, then we have the right to defend ourselves and terminate them is my opinion. I’ve even reached a point where I dislike the lightworker millenials even more than the cabal honestly. Because these people were supposed to be advanced and spiritual teachers, but all they constantly do is bully others and promote cabal propaganda. There was a widely held group consensus in the 1990s that MCcarthyism was wrong. BUT THESE DUMBFUCK LIGHTWORKER MILLENIALS BROUGHT MCCARTHYISM BACK DUE TO THEIR NEW FOUND CONTROL EGGED ON BY THE SJW FEMINISM FACTION http://www.mercurynews.com/2017/07/14/silicon-valley-firm-compiling-a-blacklist-of-investors-who-harass-women-2/ . For me this is kind of like Vietnam era fragging for the lightworker millenials. I’ll elaborate on what the “SJW” dark cabal faction is planning next.
Okay so lets talk about the feminism faction in Sweden. In the current time period feminism is no longer about the “divine feminine” instead it has become nothing more than a tool to acquire money and power for demagogues, and to promote cabal propaganda. So lets assume your a lazy white upper middle class feminist from Sweden that doesn’t want to work hard. The easiest way to get ahead is to major in gender studies, accuse all of your off competitors in the office of sexism and, and demand to elevated to the C-Suite with six figure salary just for being a womyns. Peformance be damned. Another thing with the feminist sjw faction is they pretend to promote the divine feminine but in places like Rotherham these idiots almost always protect the rapist human trafficking gangs as cabal pawns. They also mindlessly and without logic defend Sharias treatment of women in the name of the divine feminine. It’s all insane.
Lets talk about the LGBT SJW faction next. Also known as the “gay mafia”. The thing with this faction is yes indeed there is a high population of spiritually advanced people in their ranks, but even the spiritually advanced can and are deceived. Lets talk about the cabals plan to artificially increase the transgender population through peer pressure and making it trendy. Here is an excellent example for the light forces http://dailysignal.com/2017/07/03/im-pediatrician-transgender-ideology-infiltrated-field-produced-large-scale-child-abuse/. So then thanks to the cabal and the LGBT SJW faction, children are being deceived into undergoing sex change operations due to being indoctrinated at a young age and thinking it’s trendy. They mutilated their own bodies, shortened their lifespans, and not to mention the high lifetime medical costs for this cabal degeneracy. This is downright child abuse thanks to idiotic lightworker millenials, in the LGBT SJW faction thinking they are spiritually advanced. The LGBT SJW faction is also being used to promote MCcarthyism , erode civil liberties through “hate speech” laws in Canada and Europe, and they are being used to promote pedophilia.
Okay lets next talk about the rise of the alt-right and alt-light and Donald Trumps base. The rise of those two factions primarily originated from 4chan and gamergate during the beginning of the Internet wars of 2014. The real reason gamergate started was because the cabal was trying to place their own propaganda into the video games industry using the Feminism and LGBT sjw factions, since the video games were becoming more popular than Hollywood the cabal wanted to control it, and people started trying to stop them from doing that. The light forces need to ask themselves “why did fbi anon go to 4chan instead of prepareforchange or project avalon?”. Well that’s because of the many character flaws within the lightworker millennial population I previously elaborated on, and many of them are shady and untrustworthy. The internet faction on 4chans /pol is primarily anti dark cabal but these people clearly are not love and lightey or even spiritually advanced. The light forces might want to consider using the alt-right and alt-light against the cabal more, even though they aren’t spiritually advanced they are still very anti cabal and have been effective against them in the past. The main thing the millennial lightworkers are doing wrong is, they are confusing the anti cabal people on the rightwing with the bush era neocon nazis from project paperclip since they were the ones that abused them in the past.
When you do all these bailouts there is no longer any deterrent to attacking them. There isn’t even much of a point anymore to reaching for the stars, because of stupid anointed golden boys like Elon Musk getting almost unlimited bailout funding from QE. If he gets unlimited bailouts then I mine as well stay home and play video games. No one can compete with this unlimited funding thus no point for reaching for the stars. If I know that they are just going to get a jubilee and free energy in the future, and they’ll just get bailed out every time, then I mine as well just attack them for the heck of it for their bullying. There aren’t even any consequences anymore to our own actions, since even the cabal members are going to be forgiven anyway. So I hope my explanation has shed some light to the light forces on why we attack them. Also please have the light forces think carefully about whom they give technology or funding to in the future. Please for the love of god don’t give any more funding or technology to stupid millennial lightworker trust fund kids that bully everyone. If they bully everyone then fucking cut their funding and let them work at Mcdonalds. My preference was that they had died on the old timeline in 2008, I’m really dissapointed that you guys let them live. If you bail them out then your directly responsible for their bullying behavior.
Hey, angrybluesirian. Broke millennial here in his 20’s.
I can’t stand Elon Musk. He’s made billions off of Tesla’s surname selling outdated techology (the first electric car was built in 1884 by Thomas Parker), and has absolutely no plans regarding free energy, cold fusion, not even hydrogen power. It’s not part of the discussion at all.
Also, he promotes transhumanism. He said anyone who doesn’t have a chip planted in their brain and doesn’t merge with machines will be left behind and made irrelevant. He already formed a company called Neuralink to work towards this goal.
He also whines about the problems this world has and escaping to Mars, yet he literally has enough money to end world hunger. I’m very fed up of how easily people are misled by people like this. I don’t agree with all of your comment, but you do make some really good points.
Also, you should be aware of this regarding Trump and the alt-right movement: https://freedom4humanity.wordpress.com/2017/05/17/the-alliance-and-their-puppet-dictator/ Personally, I subscribe to neither left nor right paradigms. Both ends of the spectrum are screwed up and intended to divide us.
This is the very first time I’ve ever heard of ‘lightworkers’ being funded by the Earth Alliance, Agartha Network, and Galactic Confederation. Where’s the source of this info? I HIGHLY doubt they are assisting anyone monetarily. I’m sure even Cobra doesn’t get money from them.
Boa noite.
Sou do Brasil e sinto-me imensamente honrado poder estar atuando junto à vocês que faz com que todo movimento seja cumprido dentro do protocolo, como sabem nós brasileiros vivenciamos um enorme problema principalmente governamental, onde o povo está deixado de lado e com isso.
Mas com toda força unificada que nós ao redor do mundo estamos cientes do que queremos, vamos em busca da libertação de todos os povos, pois estamos cansados dessa escravidão.
Agradeço de coração por podermos contar com seres de mais experiência como vocês.
Abraço e Namastê!
google – Good evening.
I am from Brazil and I feel immensely honored to be working with you that makes every movement be fulfilled within the protocol, as you know we Brazilians experience a huge problem, mainly government, where the people are left out and with that.
But with all unified strength that we around the world are aware of what we want, we seek the liberation of all peoples, as we are tired of this bondage.
Thank you from the heart for being able to count on more experienced beings like you.
Hugs and Kisses!
Cobra’s latest comment:
“The main thing the Resistance does NOT understand in entirety is why Lightworkers and Lightwarriors keep attacking each other instead of uniting forces against the Cabal that clearly does not have their best interests in mind. From the perspective of the Resistance, they would never attack their fellow that is fighting for the same cause and they genuinely do not understand why the surface population keeps doing that. They are inviting the surface population to share their perspective of that situation here:”
It is very simple: Every single light worker/warrior is targeted since before initial “birth” – and I mean initial as in thousands of lifetimes ago for many – for severe torture from birth and in the womb, brain control implants, demon (aliens like you) possession/oppression/influence trauma based mind control and soul shattering technologies you apparently claim to have no clue about. They are all born into Draconian AI controlled “families” and tracked life long. If you try to break free, you die or worse. Every single light whatever is severely compromised through these unhealed (by design, by intent) wounds and the AI Dracs and their Luciferian minions use them to infiltrate and take over/influence/deceive until the desired outcome occurs. Every movement any make, any thought or feeling we have is tracked and responded to. How stupid are you? You are looking more and more like an A.I. honeypot than anything true.
You can watch Corey Goode on Cosmic Disclosure say a similar whitewashed version of this. You tell us you “monitor” all surface communications. Apparently, not so much.
You are blaming the victims here. Damn you too. Damn you too for being cowards and claiming to be ignorant. That is all on you. You are in league with the enemy, believing projections and lies and relying on them too.
I have been DECREEING vaporization while you try to love A.I. machines to death. All of that carnage and time lost you will be held accountable for. And you will pay in kind if I have my say.
I was just up before the “authentic God” and a Cobra light worker as guide and as witness dealing with this very thing (infiltration due to unhealed wounds being used for attack against yourself and your fellow light-workers and husbands and wives, whatever is close to you) for the millionth time and you don’t know? We’ve heard that before from A.I. Drac-holes.
Shame and guilt eternal is now all over you with your admission of lack of preparation or more likely lack of concern. That is NOT loving nor kind nor true!
Humans are well aware you are not here for “us” but to save your own skins from a multi-verse wide Drac A.I. borg take over. Now you have made it crystal clear. How are you any different then they are?
And I know why this “dialogue” appeared. As do you. It was not your choice – it was by human force on you.
Now do your JOB and STFU. We’re tired of your excuses and when that fails blaming us. Save your own skins if you can.
Wow. Just wow, that you have admitted it publicly wow. Not surprised really,.. you shall know them by their fruit or lack there of.
As to why light workers and warriors fight each other.
This is only my personal opinion, right now i cannot remember what it feels like to be one with the loving source creator that are in harmony with everyone but only this dualistic mind, illusioned to feel seperated, an implant that keeps us negatively inclined towards the matrix program they created that we have to fight on everything and the evil controllers made sure that we become what circumstances made of us which they created in the first place so everything was perfectly orcheastrated to lead to their kind of result.
With that in mind, much like the evil controllers who work for the same goals would also fight with each other to vie for the top, to be the most powerful, the most famous, to be recognized as the best, to be the wealthiest…..the same goes for most light workers. They are not immune to this selfishness.
Perhaps its the implant and the programing since birth including the artificial situations the controllers made sure to produce the desired effect or the perfect situation they envisioned to herd everyone into that direction and its really working on almost all of us which is now you see today but fail to understand.
The main light workers who we rely for information with dualistic mind and programmed from birth also want to be recognize as the hero of this liberation and i dont mean a legion of heroes but the main hero that type of self aggrandizement thinking even though they are aware that nobody could claim to do this alone. The matrix programming of our mind is not easy to shake off even with awareness when our planet situations as mentioned earlier are created in a way we can be famous, earn a good living (money), recognized and other self benefits by being individualistically unique and that would mean to each his own and to join meant being a sheep and leaders do not follow someone else but their own even though again they knew they work for the same liberation and one cannot do so without the other.
Why do we fight so much, and cooperate so little?
At every moment of every day, our lives are so saturated in fear, that we scarcely know life without it. Our women live in fear of being raped. Our employees live in fear of being taken advantage of, or of being fired and thus losing their only source of income. Our business leaders live in fear of being cheated. And our biggest fear is the fear that we will not be loved. So love, in any form, even experiences that seem like love (attention, for example) are craved, coveted, and hoarded out of fear that we will never find love like that again.
Fear is our constant companion. In some ways, we love our fear because we think it will keep us safe.
A wise man once told me there are only two emotions: love and fear. All other emotions and motivations grow from one or the other of these two root emotions. Anger, for example, is the fear the offense will be repeated. Rage is the fear I will never see justice. Jealousy is the fear I will never have enough. Controlling behaviors come from the fear that others will never freely choose to meet my needs.
Fear binds us together. We gather in groups based on what we fear. We select leaders based on fear (our latest Presidential election showed that). We embrace those that fear what we fear, and shun or ridicule those that fear something we don’t fear.
Then, we see another group doing something different from what we would do in their situation. Perhaps they want to make a children’s book about how to safely handle a UFO sighting, and we believe they’re giving “wrong” instruction. Or they talk about needing an income, so we’re “afraid” their leaders are only interested in making themselves rich. Or they direct people to a course of action that we are certain is “wrong” and will make it harder or impossible for the Event to happen.
And when we’re afraid, “different” is often interpreted as “wrong.” They are “wrong” on their interpretation, “wrong” on their solution, “wrong” on the way they implement their solution. And because we’re afraid there won’t be enough time or resources, or that they will ruin things for all of us, we fight them to keep their “wrong” from happening.
Remember, we believe this. If their actions really are wrong, our children could be in danger, our income and livelihood could be at risk, our whole movement could fail, and we would have to wait another 13,000 years for our next chance to be free and ascend.
Then there’s another form of fear. We see another group getting more attention than our group — attention that should “rightfully” belong to us! And we must fight them, expose them, malign them, do anything to stop this “dangerous wrong” from happening! Jealousy doesn’t feel like jealousy when you believe you are saving people from misguided, even dangerous, actions.
Then there is the problem that we can’t see the situation clearly. Mass arrests have been predicted since 2011. Contact with ET races is something we hear about, but rarely experience for ourselves. The actions being taken to free us and help us ascend are done in secret. We can’t verify for ourselves that *any* of this is taking place. We’re afraid we are being lied to again, as we have been all our lives. Proof is intentionally kept from us, and our doubts are met with words of “Trust us” spoken by people not enough of us have even seen in person. In our fearful hearts, we aren’t sure any of this is real.
So we fall back to a powerful pair of fear reactions we know well: denial and projection. We fear we may be wrong in our beliefs, but we can’t admit our doubts to ourselves or we fear we will be (or be perceived to be) “weak.” So we live in denial. Yet we are “certain” the other group is more wrong, so we attack them by projecting all the fear-filled energy of our own doubts, magnified by the ways the other group is “wrong.”
And we use all this energy to fight the dangers of our fellow light forces, to save us from what will happen to us if they are truly wrong.
It’s said we humans will unite to fight a common enemy. And we do. But we do that when we can see, clearly and terrifyingly, how much more dangerous that common enemy is than our fellow man or fellow group. We can easily see the youtube videos and Facebook posts of our fellow light workers, and how they might be “wrong.” So it’s easy to focus on them as the dangerous ones who need to be put in their place, and misdirect our energy that could properly be used to expose and stop the Cabal.
An example. Most of us assumed our government was spying on us by reading our emails and texts, and listening in on our phone calls. Few of us tried to do anything about it. After all, the government denied it, and efforts to prove that it was happening weren’t successful. The end result was that nothing gets proven, nothing changes, and the one who tries to fight the good fight gets blamed as a “conspiracy theorist.”
Until Mark Klein came forward in 2006 with hard evidence the US government was spying on us from AT&T room 641A. Then we the people took action. It wasn’t just a guess or a suspicion, we had proof of an ongoing gross violation of our privacy. That showed us the common enemy for privacy rights advocates to unite against, and unite they did. The fight for privacy rights continues stronger and stronger to this day because of that whistleblower’s action and evidence, revealing, clearly and terrifyingly, how dangerous our government’s actions were.
The Cabal and the advanced negative ET races know how to hide. They know how to lurk in the shadows, to deflect our investigations, to keep us from seeing how truly dangerous they are. The few who have tried and failed to prove their existence have been discounted as “conspiracy theorists,” “crackpots,” and worse.
This leaves us without a clear and dangerous common enemy. It’s hard for us to unite with factions we can see that are “clearly wrong on some levels” against an enemy shrouded in so much vagueness and ambiguity that we aren’t entirely sure they exist. We don’t have our unifying point. We don’t have the clarity of focus for our efforts that a room 641A gave to the government spying conspiracy theorists.
Given the vague common enemy, and the clear “wrongness” of the groups we can clearly see, we wind up fighting each other more than we work toward the common goals of freedom and ascension for Earth and humanity.
— Roy
Dear Friends
Thank you so much for all that you are doing or us. The two things that worry me the most on our beautiful planet are hunger/people starving to death and paedophilia/adults hurting children for their own sexual gratification.
Cobra asked why is there fighting between light workers. It appears to me that there is fear of losing status as others come out with information that they do not have.
Esteemed RM, The comments of my fellow citizens explain our situation well. In attempting to bridge the communication gap, since your processing faculties are dissimilar to ours, you might enter a thought process that replicates our experience in the physical, discounting the emotional body. Such an analogous story might include deprivation of your freedom including all aspects of your existence for which you anssume free choice, consciously and unconsciously. On this prison planet, even our air supply is purposly polluted – each of our critical nutrient sources, up to and including our light bodies, are polluted with anti-nutrient pollutants, physical and energetic. Our most valued resource, love, faces in humane challenges daily, and is exploited ruthlessly in our slave culture. The majority see only ephemeral, programmed entertainment. The minority must hold space and frequency under such a dense energy burden. Equivalent this to carrying multiple times your body weight while simultaneously being deprived or your vital nutrient sources, including knowledge. The load we bear may be understood as a dark sheath of space debree that obscures connection to amd knowledge of source – a complete emptiness of truth, in it said place false ‘wisdoms’ to complete the slave matrix programming. Many light workers on this planet are, in spite of the challenges, rising up brilliantly to lead the less schooled and ambitious. This also is a load to bear, however brings with it the joy of service to others and source. To understand this ‘joy’, you would need to analogise all imposed restrictions (multiple body weight, deprivation of nutrient sources) are lifted and not perceived. This reward results from effort, from work, and love fuels this work. We would further benefit greatly with a formal publication of ‘positions vacant’ for the surface population liberation league (as opposed to ‘force’). This then would be a higher informed specific directive for individual roles that a top down view might afford from your plane of experience. This would install confidence, a sense of mission, purpose, allay the ‘lack of action’ complaints and provide a sense of community, comraderie, achievement, collective empowerment and brotherly love amongst the heavy lifting light worker community, also preventing disillusionment, burn-out. In our experience, having something to look forward to (such as the event) is an important motivator. However working towards something ‘big’, meets many more human needs on emotional and psychological levels as well as enabling the physical aspect to be fully engaged with and occupied in the liberation process. For those transitioning from being totally immersed in the world, these could be part-time roles, weekends or an evening hosting a movie. For those beyond ‘fill in’ roles, it might be a group setting up a community outdoor theatre, travelling with it, selling popcorn and printing educational material to provide patrons. These may be lame examples, but every light worker will have a divinely inspired spark of brilliance to be worked with to develop their own dedicated ‘light work’er role with in a defined scope. It would be your top down view to provide that scope dependent upon how you see the future potentially playing out, what direction you think you may guide, or nudge some light workers into, as to what roles and jobs may be documented and advertised. Each light worker would simultaneously be responsible for earning enough income for their simple living expenses, ethically, so your input in this matter would be helpful too – if you understand anything of how our system works? And if not, I wonder how we have so many nutted down plans? Obviously, fighting a stacked, corrupted system is exhaustingly futile. Setting up a new system to supplant the old is attractive and invigorating (example Ubuntu). That’s a good starting point. Namaste, Aloha, Mahalo, Blessings, Love and Light!
Why do lightworkers attack other lightworkers?
Many of us have been traumatized or betrayed. We don’t know who we can trust anymore. There are indications that Soros and other people have infiltrated some of these groups. There are other non-famous corrupt people who infiltrate social networking groups as well. Many of them are operating charitity or get rich quick scams. They target broken people to get a quick buck. So it’s very difficult in these groups to know who is real and who isn’t. Many of the lower members have energy and enthusiasm, but the leaders are deliberately sabotaging them so that their efforts are in vain. These compromised groups do not teach their members how to work within the law and meet with our leaders. They may even publish fake legal jargon to further keep people ignorant.
The lightworkers who have been hurt are looking for someone to listen to them and to help rescue them from real violence or injustice. They are so desperate to be heard that they end up hurting others of their kind. They don’t mean to kick others while they are drowning. They may even think they are helping others.
Divide and conquer is the rest. As humans we have been taught not to see the big picture. They don’t know they are fighting the same evil. The Mother’s rights groups are pitted against father’s rights groups. While it is true that specific issues are gender related, the bigger picture is that the family court lawyers get paid by the dollar. The court system profits from family division and if parents fight each other, then the court is never reformed. The same goes with abortion and adoption, which both profit from the destruction of family rights, women’s rights and children’s rights. The money that adoption lawyers and anti-abortion workers take home should go to families. Poverty is one of the leading causes of adoption and abortion, but the US government doesn’t want us to see that. We aren’t meant to ask how much tax money goes to these two industries. Even worse, Pedogate revealed even more sinister issues regarding child trafficking and abortion/ organ trafficking. We were never supposed to know about that. The same goes for politics. Trump was not an ideal president and neither was Clinton. We were taught to believe that voting for president means choosing between the lesser of two evils. In a few months, we Americans will send our two best football teams to the Superbowl. Americans would never agree to choose between the lesser of two worst football teams!
Regarding why light workers attack each other….. (from Cobra’s request in his 21 July 2017 blog post): Why do we attack each other? It’s a good question. ..
I can “only guess” about those who are in the public eye and attack others. I refer to people such as Dark Journalist and Bill Ryan (project Avalon forum) and Cliff High and then there is that person “One Who Knows” who wears the Hawaiian shirts and his name seems to be McKim.
My sense of these people is that they are dealing (a) with their own egos or their own insecurities and don’t like the attention other light workers receive. It could be called “simple jealousy” which in actuality, is really simply insecurity.
Light workers (Bill Ryan? Cliff High? etc…etc…) are often cut off from their own sense of their gifts. They don’t want to look stupid in front of the programmed (asleep) population, so they don’t speak up about the truth, or they are not in a position to talk about something like the Secret Space Program… and …. then get jealous or insecure when the rare few actually do speak up and speak truth to power.
I think a lot of people think of David Wilcock in this way. He has a huge following by light workers, but he also is often criticized. Corey Goode has taken a lot of criticism since May and all the recent disclosure he has put out there.
Also, (b) they are being paid PAID to conduct personal attacks against light workers and secret space program whistle blowers. Money talks and can turn people’s heads. Perhaps their lives are even threatened if they don’t. There may be people like Dark Journalist and Bill Ryan and Cliff High and McKim who are paid by the dark side, or paid by somebody to attack others and simply cause problems and confusion.
Meanwhile — those of us who are not public figures, but who are organized into lightworker groups have our share of disagreements!
We light workers don’t all need to think the same, think the same thoughts or think the same about other people. Light workers ourselves often forget some basic rules about being kind. And there are some light workers, who are awake on the planet, who simply have never worked on their ‘shadow selves’ or understood the basics of etiquette or politeness.
In fact, etiquette, kindness and politeness help us all get along and be more understanding. Some light workers have grown up in very unkind and violent households and have never learned politeness, diplomacy, kindness …. and they are getting a crash course in them now, as the cosmic energies rise.
To the RM, thank you for being there and reading our notes to you. Thank you for helping us all. Victory of the Light.
Greetings Resistance Movement Family. The Earth is fast approaching a tipping point. People are waking up to the fact that we have always been controlled by those who care not for our people.They are many meditation groups around the world working towards a truly peaceful and enlightened people.
The powers that be are ramping up their attacks, especially the old divide and conquer technique. It can be seen in all countries around the world where populations are turning on each other, rather than working towords a simply common goal. Peace.
We are living and have lived in times where money and power are deemed more important than the spiritual growth of all.
The time has come for us to break the shackles of oppression and become what we are all meant to be, loving spiritual beings
Dear Resistance Movement members,
we are suck emotional creatures. It make me start to cry just writing to you! This whole earth experience is SO EMOTIONAL. Its like trying to run through water, not that you necessarily know what that is like either 🙂 I’ve just recently come to realize I’ve carried with me all me life, 51 years, deep trauma… expected to come in and see wonderful earth changes… I was born in 1965. Instead I’ve unconsciously until 2 days ago felt DEEP betrayal, confusion, sadness, despair, anger, resentment, and rebellion against what felt like the wrong scenario playing in my life. Yesterday I felt a deep sense of relief, and received the message that WE WILL MAKE IT THIS TIME… our Earth ascension will not be thwarted. I AM EXHAUSTED. yet always hope returns… nature gives us, me, so much joy and encouragement…I feel it must be very hard for people living in cities and disconnected to nature… but of course not all people are like me. Anyways, that’s what I wanted to say for now… and my GOD-DESS thank you for exisiting. for communicating. for being
We have much difficulties letting go of the ego, so we fight our fellow light workers. We do not understand the law of one. Many say one thing and do another and we have to separate because of their behavior. With time being money and money being how we get food, pay rent and utilities, etc. we do not have time to really talk to each other at length to get on the same wavelength. So we separate in disappointment and isolate to preserve our integrity. Loss of friendship takes time to get over and feelings take time to heal. So we isolate even further to hurt less or to allow the other space to grow.
Greetings RM. In gratitude and in service I request a full on Full Disclosure happening upon this world. I do not agree with a partial disclosure as that would be comparable to buying a new vehicle with no engine or wheels on it. It’s like a half truth keeping one in suspense while never getting the full picture. So Yes! You all have my full permission to go full on what needs to be done once and for all. The people here suffer, the abuse continues and is not necessary. I also feel that the people have been underestimated when it comes to full disclosure, it’s been said that they will all freak out if they find we are not alone, I feel this is false, and brought on by infiltrators in the truther movement. Humanity must be told the truth, and not be drip fed a little here and a little there. I give my thanks and gratitude for everything that’s been reported that you all have done for us! This shows much character by your doings and compassion. In service and in gratitude, Me ??
P.S. see you soon! ?
To whom it may concern… two things one short and one a bit longer. The first is regarding the weekly meditations that are stumbling along and the desire to obtain 144 thousand meditating each weekend. Not long ago, you almost reached that number after a serious campaign to get as many people as possible. The campaign almost succeeded. I would strongly suggest that a decision is made to re-enact that campaign and continue doing so until we have an active 144,000 earnestly participating for at least four weekends in a row. For someone as derelict in this meditation as I have been, I will gladly commit to participating in a concerted effort to push us over the top. I strongly suggest this move as it would give many of the whiners something to do and get those gradually coming on stream something to do as well. Just Do it!
The second thing is regarding why light warriors and workers have been getting overly critical with each other. This is really quite simple. First of all the taking down of the Cabal has taken far, far, far, longer than anyone ever thought or ever dreamed it would take. Many, many light workers have long since fallen or jumped off the train as a result and haven’t come back. That leaves very few long timers and many, many newcomers with a few in the middle. Not a well experienced or well seasoned bunch and the less experienced the more likelihood there will be a time when the backstabbing begins… it is virtually a given.
Further, some people who spend their waking hours looking for the kind of truths we are dealing with, they start to find dirt under every bedpost. It doesn’t help when someone comes from out of nowhere (as did Corey Goode and a few others), and starts presenting a great deal of information beyond what everyone else has as it will raise some suspicions from someone. If the new person is nothing short of a walking talking Buddha, (which Corey is not), then it becomes easy to see flaws in their story, their personal life, how they have conducted themselves from the beginning, etc… Someone will pick up on these perceived flaws sooner or later and put some pieces together and get results that do not satisfy them and start spreading the word. Most seem to come from seasoned writers/investigators. Not surprisingly because the cabal has been sending out disinformation, disinformation experts and agents to discredit and shut these same people down, etc… from the very beginning. They are not to be blamed for the sudden disunity. It is the nature of the Beast here.
If you want this to stop then I would strongly suggest that we make every effort to get this 144,000 meditation happening and the sooner the better. If the meditations are extremely helpful then let’s tear people’s attention away from the present damaging Lightworker/Light warrior nitpicking and put people doing something of value. As Benjamin Franklin once said… “Idle hands are the devil’s playthings.”
Dear RM, In order to understand why lightworkers/warriors fight amongst each other. You have to understand the deep level of implantation and mind programming that has gone on here, and thus what the daily surface-interaction is like. I would first refer you to Eckhart Tolle’s books “Power of Now” and “A New Earth” as they lay out the human ego and pain body and situations that occur when an individual ego (who has been programmed to experience separation from all else, and thus see others as “competition for survival”) feels slighted. Earth humans are incredibly complex due to this level of anomalous exposure and programming, and that makes it very hard to predict how any individual will react in a given situation to a given stimulus or interaction.
In the West, we have been taught that its all “survival of the fittest,” and “only the strong survive,” and “to the victor go the spoils,” and that “weakness” in this respect is worse than death itself somehow. Even those that consider themselves quite spiritually aware and advanced will react to the slightest remark or comment (whether intended to be hurtful or not) as a threat to their very existence, and they then feel they must go on the attack lest they be annihilated. As you know, the Orion-Babylonian financial slave system that existed on Planet X is here as well in full force, and this system unfortunately keeps this control through divisions and competition in place such that people willfully divide themselves into “castes” or “classes.” There are of course different degrees of this social programming, even just in between the Western countries.
In my experience it is often simple misunderstanding that gets out of hand due to lack of clear communication between individuals. For example, one recent interaction I personally had was a request/suggestion I made to a lightworker/interviewer who responded to an email with an brief but angry answer attacking the inquiry I made. This left me feeling attacked and angry at the interviewer for days. I am still angry as I write this but I know it was simply lack of communication because if I had been present in person to ask the question I would have had more information about his mood, body language, facial expression, etc.. This left me feeling an urge to attack back to “feel better” but knowing that it was best to just leave it be. But, the basic situation is likely mis-communication and mis-understanding of why their was offense taken in the first place. On top of this there are elements (scalar, archon, electronic, pharmaceutical, food, water, air, etc.) of interference everywhere in our society that make it hard to even concentrate or focus on one situation leaving the reaction to the less sophisticated automatic reptilian brain in many cases. I hope this helps with the RM’s understanding, my experiences are available if needed. We appreciate all your hard work, thank you for being patient with our reactions, insanities, and complaints, they are the just the symptoms of the primary anomaly (primary error) and the insane beings mutated by it.
Dear Friends , of the resistance movement too many are on the dark side we are overrun clearance is needed also we sent this urgent call for help to our star sisters and brothers engage directly lightworkers are attacked and it is tried to tun them around to work for the dark side many people who smile are not what they seem if needed evacuate the good people and clean up the mess time is running out people are so much divided and distracted they do not feel the connection between them nor do they fully feel the source. dark side as one thing divide and rule and they are master engineers in manipulating heart and mind instead everyone is everybody s angel it seems everyone is everybody s devil we need help now before it is too late most people are sleeping sheep or they are ignorant and not sensitive to gods call do not hope many will still awake the longer you wait now the lesser will be left to rescued thank you for your ongoing support
Gegroet uit Nederland, Cobra en de resistance movement.
Als eerste van harte bedankt voor het werk dat jullie leveren in het ondersteunen van de aardse bevrijding.
Ik heb een aantal vragen wat betreft ervaringen die mijn denken te boven gaat.
Vraag 1: Wat gebeurd er met een persoon tijdens een slaap verlamming?
Vraag 2: De slaapverlamming die ik had jaren geleden, bracht me in een extreem donkere en kille wereld met donkere wezens die me aankeken en mij kompleet in angst verlamden. Cobra/RM, wie waren deze wezens en hoe kwam ik uberhaupt met ze in contact?
Vraag 3: Tijdens een ayahuasca sessie ervaarde ik verschillende lagen realiteit. Het eerste was wat ik kan omschrijven als “3d zonder enige limieten en angst.”. Een stap verder zag ik symbolen in de lucht en plots zat ik in een lichaam van energie, voelde ik enorme broederschap en kon ik niet stoppen met lachen. Ik zag een enorm draaiende poort in de verte en al mijn vragen werden beantwoord. Mijn vraag is: welke dimensies heb ik hier mogen ervaren en wat was die enorm draaiende poort?
Vraag 4: Tijdens de ayahuasca zag ik ook een mooie groengekleurde vrouw, wie was dit?
Vraag 5: Tijdens een droom kwam ik in een ijs regio met een groepje mensen. Plots lieten ze me in de steek en zag ik een ander soort volk en een spleet in het ijs brak open. Ze brachten me bij hun beschaving en het werd duidelijk dat zij alles wisten over onze beschaving. Ik zag een man die mij volledig accepteerde, en dat gaf mij het gevoel dat ik degene ben die nog iets moest loslaten. Ook was er een vrouw die mij een kaartje gaf. Verder werd er verteld dat ik moest eten wat gaia aanbood. Cobra/RM, met welke wezens ben ik in deze ervaring in contact geweest?
Vraag 6: Er is in mijn omgeving een plek waar ze beeldjes en accessoires verkopen met religieuze artikelen. Deze winkel focust zich op de naam ‘Maria’. Uit verhalen hoor ik, en zelf voel ik dat er hele rare dingen gaande zijn op die plek. Wat is daar aan de hand?
Bedankt voor het lezen van mijn bericht
Overwinning en helderheid aan het licht!
google – Greetings from the Netherlands, Cobra and the resistance movement.
First of all, thank you for the work you provide in supporting earthly liberation.
I have some questions regarding experiences that exceed my thinking.
Question 1: What happens to a person during sleep paralysis?
Question 2: The sleep palsy I had years ago brought me into an extremely dark and chilly world with dark creatures who looked at me and completely embarrassed me. Cobra / RM, who were these creatures and how did I get in touch with them?
Question 3: During an ayahuasca session, I experienced different layers of reality. The first was what I can describe as “3d without any limits and fear.” One step further I saw symbols in the sky and suddenly I was in a body of energy, I felt huge brotherhood and I could not stop laughing. I saw a huge rotating gate in the distance and all my questions were answered. My question is: what dimensions have I been able to experience here and what was that enormous gateway?
Question 4: During the ayahuasca, I also saw a beautiful green-colored woman, who was this?
Question 5: During a dream I came into an ice region with a group of people. Suddenly they let me down and saw another kind of people and a gap in the ice broke open. They brought me to their civilization and it became clear that they knew everything about our civilization. I saw a man who fully accepted me, and that made me feel like being the one who had to let go of something. There was also a woman who gave me a ticket. Furthermore, it was told that I had to eat what Gaia offered. Cobra / RM, with which creatures have I been in contact with this experience?
Question 6: There is a place in my area where they sell figurines and accessories with religious items. This shop focuses on the name ‘Maria’. From stories I hear, and myself I feel that there are very strange things going on in that place. What is going on there?
Thank you for reading my message
Victory and brightness to light!
Stay…I’m staying.
Beloved RM, here is my explanation of what might be the reason for your ‘question”:
Q: why Lightworkers and Lightwarriors keep attacking each other instead of uniting forces against the Cabal’.
I do the same, although not in an active way. I catch myself on thoughts that are not in advance of anybody or any situation. I think it’s the last bits of narcissism that was thaught to me in my youth or life I faught it actively (thank God not in a mental hospital) for a year where I only got off my chair to roll over the floor by pain, so to speak. It took me some 60 years to find out about my mother’s narcisissm that was huge. I can say from experience that narcisissum is the evil of humanity, destroying the personal inside and outside all that surrounds it. The pain of pains, the selfishness of selfishnesses, the lonelyness of lonelynesses. It is evil. The opposite of God. And I did not even see it. Because my mother was a God, I was a God, in a bad world.
I wrote this in the faith of being somehow private. It’s my story and I don’t understand the people that feel the need to react on these letters that are meant for the RM, written to the RM and sent to the RM. If it would be done to me it would make me very angry and disapointed, because I thought I had to do with upright people.
Dear Resistance Movement,
Dont worry, everything’s fine
Thank you for your continous effort at taking down those who suppress us. We all hope to save the planet before its too late.
Hey there Resistance family, I think a large part of the in fighting comes from residual programming and it is a last effort to try to regain what is thought to be normal. Kind of like a feed back loop to keep things the same only utilizing the new grouping. It is scary to think how well programmed we can be and is why even when new systems(groups) start up they end up right back where they started. An example I will use happens here in the United States, immigrants come here to make a fresh start. Only they try to get us to switch to their customs??? Now why did they come here to start anew only revert back to the same problems, I know habitual programming. It is all that they know and it is super scary going against those habits. But many times we have to allow them the ease of knowing it’s “OK”. It’s OK to let it go, it’s OK to be different and everyone else to be different at the same time too. This goes so far back I am uncertain when this started.
I call it the “one box fits all” syndrome, from birth we are expected to meet certain “mile markers” of achievement at this exact time of your developing life. Not allowing the young to develop when they are ready. One of my favorite example is one of my kids(under two years at the time) was climbing up furniture getting herself stuck and then screaming for help to get down. So I started to teach her the right way to get down. My mom got upset that I should not teach that she is too young, I replied “why not, if she can get up there she can also learn to get herself down”. What was being lost was teaching when the child is ready verses waiting till the “exact time” what ever law says they should be ready. Stick with me here. Now we go to school to learn and have a teacher dictate to us how we are to behave and when we are to learn at which certain time and we all have the same exact stuff to learn, same, same, same,same. Graduate and work at the bottom of the pile and try to climb up that corporate ladder. And if you do not comply with each rule (even if it is not nice) you will be released from working. So here is the abridged version of the programming we are going up against. In essence being different is super scary to one who was locked into that way of thinking, not allowing the openness to flow. Many are trying to bring back the hierarchy to try to normalize their world like the way it was before. Only to miss the beauty of the tapestry of life we could weave if we just let people shine as they are and not be the exact copy of each other.
So we have differences in opinion on how things should be going. And many fall for the diversionary tactics the shadow utilizes. I have an advantage, I have a limited second sight that allows me to see if stuff is true or not. If I see it then it is true, nothing means it was made up. And is why I follow Cobra and value his messages, many times I can see/or have experienced what he has talked about. Very, very, very few use even their “gut” feeling to guide them. When a lot of this division started I saw the shadows hand in it, whispering sweet anything into peoples ear. So many want their “15 seconds” of fame that talking bad about a popular person is one way to do that. OOoooo, people just love a good scandal to gossip about. SO we now have to stop and find out what is happening and then the other person has to defend their character, wasting time slowing things down(you can hear the shadow laughing in the back ground). More division, exactly how the shadow planned it.
Uniting on a single front has been the shadows fear and they knew just exactly how they could accomplish this. Take away knowledge, take away choices, if any good info came out destroy it with lies, distraction on all levels(race, gender, religion, allegiances, ect) always dividing until we all stand alone.
A common ground is what we need, you can be your different self as long as we stick to goal we have at hand. Finding the message that all will understand no matter where you are or what you believe in. No one is exactly the same so having everyone with the exact same set of beliefs is not going to work, excepting the other person has a different view is more doable. What I have done is when there is a big meditation for the planet I tell my christian warriors of prayer(who even in their own right do an excellent job) that at this time the whole world is going to pray for peace. It is a message they understand, trying to tell them to meditate for the global liberation and I would get so many questions the message would be lost. Everyone wants peace no matter where you are and I will leave it at that PEACE!!!!
I am the strange different one, 🙂
I am living in Sweden and I was raised as an atheist. I had free choice to pursue anything in my life as was my parents wish for their children. I have awoken to being infinite in nature and I am still the same as I have been all my life – just better. I am more humble, more kind and also more alive. I am this all because of being taught what spirituality and metaphysical existences are. I have learned this because of others stories of their life’s and experiences. And foremost I have been open-minded about it. Most people I’ve met in my life dismiss things like religion, spirituality, extra sensory perception (telepathy and so on) as humbug – as something that is a fantasy. Thanks to my genuine search I ended up becoming aware of my eternity, and I am really seeing the eternal peace here and now. It is amazing to be aware.
Most people I know think it is impossible to know certain things, such as if there is life after death. One thing I know thanks to my experience with so many different people from different walks of life is that most live under an authoritarian “spell” where the news and the authoritative institutions such as governments dictate what is real and what is not. If I were to tell most people I know that I KNOW I am infinite, they would think I was a lunatic and needed psychiatric help. But I can always say I think it might be so and leave it as a theory. Then people accept it, but if the authoritative force would say people would believe it. Most know things are wrong, but the power of the subduing energy is to strong for most. But nothing stops what we are – eternal love.
Most (and all if they had the right knowledge and teachings instead of the corrupted education systems and governments) do think that governments lie and that many authoritative people abuse their positions. But thanks to not knowing better they live to survive and many simply cannot engage in a battle against the system.
Thanks to Internet it has changed and many share and awake to new ideas. Never before have so many known about all that was supposed to be hidden.
For me it is A LOT easier to talk about “fringe” subjects such as UFOs and other conspiracies, there seems that almost everyone have heard about or thought about that what if UFOs are real, and what if 9/11 was an inside job. Most thinks its weird how it collapsed when explained by the authority.
The world is very ready for truth, it needs to come as a shock that can wear off and since we are so many that are aware of the satanic/negative/archon/etc corruption and most conspiracies we will help ease the shock. People will have others to ask, because everyone will have questions and will have to understand the extreme positivity that will arise.
And if everyone had all the facts, they would make the right choice. Everyone wants to be right and wants to take care of him or herself. We are just very very heavily programmed into fearful surviving states of being where we need to fit in to not feel like we’re an outsider, and this makes it so we’re not always right and honest.
The fact that we exist after death, I know almost no one that knows it. It completely gave me new perspectives on life. And most think it is impossible to know. But people are ready for truth and if everyone had the facts they would use their free will and say eternal peace is the way to go. Not the slavery we dwell in now. And most even think that our way of life with a monetary system is freedom, because they compare to history of tyranny that is worse than democracy. Its a huge brainwashing. Most cannot see through it without meditation or life alternating experiences such as near-death, or lucid dreams, or anything that triggers something profound. Many have these experiences with drugs but they attribute it to not being real, even dreams and experiences with meditations can wear off and people return to not focusing their will on a peaceful existence.
The amount of aware humans that will hatch at the day of the even will be massive. Because a lot of people have read, studied and heard about UFOs, conspiracies, illuminati, reptilians and such but they haven’t made the self-discovery of their own part of co-creation. When they do that they will easily help the world change when the paradigm-shift and event happens – the day everyone shift from believing into truly knowing that the world has been corrupt and that this will be the first day of creating a society based on love.
Today’s society is based on evil, because all money is created as debt and therefore the energy exchange we have is inherited from someone being indebted and that is an evil act. Well, the act could be kind but the force behind and its motive is not nice. The use of it can be nice though, and there are amazing people doing things with and without money for others.
The removal of corrupted leaders will hail the first day of eternal peace. Thanks for all you’re doing – no matter if you are with the resistance movement or another reader on this blog.
Be love, act like love and don’t forget to be yourself! And also remember, we aren’t perfect, but we are perfect the way we are. And if we are honest and self-aware we will heal and become the way we want to be.
Thanks to my life experience and from what I’ve experienced myself I know that everyone are ready for a new better and more enlightening world of peace, joy and love!
And I am in love with the evil corrupted beings that have created so much evil. Their time has come, and they have had all chances to surrender and turn to their infinite selves too see they too are love and they are loved by all, or its the central sun. They can realize their eternal existence and realize that we had “eternal” evil going on until now and now its just eternal unconditional love that can continue. Because the primary anomaly is not eternal. What we create after this will be even more amazing and even more fun. And as I see it, we all existed before anything that was created, its all just a matter of perspective. Now we are fixing the last of the evil because it is the wish when all facts are presented, and also the only way because life is love and evil is an expression as an anomaly to life – its not real it’s created. All of life no matter what stage of evolution are eternal and we exist beyond creations and there we all are.
I am of course in love with everyone else as well! We will all realize how we all are love and all evil will start to live, and to live is to be of love. Because it was love that made evil exist in the first place.
Life mirrors itself and the word evil spells live backwards, and when it starts to live it is love, and love and be evol that sounds like evil when spelled backwards. Interesting and for me a sign how all is connected and all is love. Love lets all live. But it can only go so far and here we are when free will wants eternal peace!
All of life is all of life and that is quite profound. What we have created and done is to experience all outcomes and this has ended with planet earth. But we must not never forget the infinite awareness of the moment we share as I am me and you are you. Something that we have forgotten when evil came into existence since evil destroys and enslaves other life not realizing it is enslaving itself by enslaving and destroying others.
And if I can learn and understand things like this, I know other can because of how dumb I’ve been compared to others who with the same facts as I have would know the same. All would, its just because of the amazingly clever brainwashing and programming that people have been kept stuck because they don’t believe what isn’t coming from an authoritative source. But with the event he spells will be broken for all who haven’t awoken already.
Thanks for all lesson from you all and thanks for sharing this moment. We are all victorious!
Loving Greetings to those of the Resistance Movement! I send my Love to you, and I say that I am extremely grateful that a dialogue has begun between us on the ground, and those who support us in unseen ways. Thank you! I literally felt a huge sigh of relief when I saw Cobra’s post, which felt honestly like the first time we were communicated to by those who we are told are aiding us, yet many don’t seem to see, feel, or hear from. It was as if a massive tension were released, and if I may say it feels like a collective experience, like maybe I’m not the only one feeling that. I wish to respond to a query posed on Cobra’s blog about why the light workers and light warriors are attacking each other. Completely, I speak from my own perspective and understanding of various situations which have occurred in my life. Incongruency between me and my fellows has occurred due to what I perceive to be infiltration. In my view because of lack of inner grounding with the core self, core integrity, and solid understanding of true spiritual principles, also trauma, there are many beings who represent radiant pure light, yet due to this trauma they are channeling impostor spirits. There are energies which claim to be in congruency with liberation and truth, yet the message creates and propagates abandonment of inner moral compass. There are many assumptions of how one must behave, even through the effort of attempting to remove assumptions from personal conduct. In my experience, beginning this process while I was younger (essentially a Child), and with no outer, or inner parental protection, namely the protection which keeps the core inner spirit in Harmony with itself, I essentially abandoned my inner being through apparent ‘enlightened principles’ in desire for truth seeking. One way we are being taken advantage of here on the surface is our memory. Many who are here to aid in the liberation (if not all) have a memory of a correct reality. Unfortunately, this memory is not consciously grounded, and until further conscious knowledge is gained it remains fuzzy and flimsy. Simply a feeling in the Heart. Those who are sensitive enough will perceive this feeling, and likely follow it, but those who have been trained to abandon their inner guidance may not operate on this memory. Because the memory is not conscious, it is VERY dangerous to engage various forces until further education is had. I have had experiences where I felt as if something were in connection with my memory, and because of that, I pursued that something, and came to find out that it represented half-truth. I now call this, impostor. Because I had a rather rude awakening to the half truths I had adopted, and not understood why this occurred, I recognized on some level that there was a tampering occurring spiritually which was not helping me. The profundity of which still shocks me, and I’m still integrating those experiences. Truth doesn’t necessarily have to be ‘conceptual,’ and in fact, the most profound truths are energetic. I speak to energetic entrainment with energetic half-truth. Because of this, I engaged in behaviors which could be perceived as ‘attack against my fellow lightworker.’ My intention was removal of energetic variable, and reconstruction of internal integrity, as inner core strength. Being empathic, I have allowed myself to be (going to sound rude here) whored around to those who needed me without my own core self being honored, and the experience was that I was effectively pillaged. I did not put the oxygen mask on myself, before I attempted to assist others in fastening theirs. I am young, and I am here to help some people who are older than I am. Thus they have stronger will, and stronger personal foundation in their fundamental energy. Yet, this equates to stronger fortress of distortion and trauma adaptation. My inner parents were not strong enough to keep me safe through this. This is changing now, and my boundaries have been reinstated, again, for purposes of energetic and personal integrity. Let me make it known that I Love profoundly, and completely, the pure soul essence of all of my friends. In fact, I miss them very much in a way that my Heart is deeply grieved over. Because of this, I feel profoundly disconnected, and because of recent attacks, which were the result of all I had experienced, it makes it more difficult. Yet, I know there is a time we will all be reunited, and no doubt great hugs and tears will be shared. I yearn for nothing more than to have them back. Yet the difficulty here and now is infiltration. Some of these people I Love are in consent with forces which are not helpful. In fact, rather destructive. In my experience, each person I come into contact with is in consent with a certain force. When interacting with this person, thus the force they are in consent with, conscious or not, there are direct energetic results, and as this story progresses, the energetic results are literally resulting in physical injury or alteration of the DNA. Therefore, it is completely critical that I stay away from any entity or energy which seeks to co-opt or corrupt my energy field, as personal integrity is a higher priority in my view, than collaboration with my fellows. That decision has been forced by conditions. I wish to describe once again a phenomena I experience in regards to extra-dimensional interference. After I contact certain people, I am experiencing a presence on the top of my skull which appears to be removing something from my field or lightbody. It is as if there is a force following me waiting for me to make contact with certain ones, and then it acts. This force is still leaving marks on my body. I look terrible after it takes whatever it is taking. I feel it to be soul essence. There are various marks which look like ‘pimples’ yet they are manifestations of the law of structure, due to higher dimensional tampering. A common threat is four dots in a straight line, the inner two softer than the outer. At one point in this process these marks took the form of a pentagram on my forehead, which I perceived to be both a portal, and a marking that other extra dimensionals may see. These marks are always the result of desiring connection with certain ones. It seems as though the severity of the attacks comes with the degree to which one is in consent with black force. Because of this, I am extremely wary of being in contact with anyone, and I know not whether this force is because of them, with them, or operating independent of them. I was told by someone with apparent ‘military clearance’ that it had nothing to do with them. I pray this is the case. Beings of the Krystalline Light are very rare in my personal experience, and many times they come with some form of co-option or impostor energy, which I know not yet how to handle in a way which results in it’s permanent removal. I only know how to defend myself. I reiterate my experience of the markings because it is serving to isolate me from people I feel I Love. This feeling results in me feeling as if this Love is somehow false, or that it is being used against me, which has been a terrible horror. I am very grateful for the tools you released through Cobra, and I will be utilizing them. It feels to me that the tools speak to the very core of these experiences, and I am grateful for this. Information about experiences such as these are in short supply. The information about the frontal lobe implant is extremely helpful to me. After a certain threshold of awareness and advancement, spiritual knowledge from external sources is very hard to come by. Much of the information available has people ‘awakening’ to certain conceptual truths, but the fundamental truth in my view that must be understood is that this battle is about consent with Christ force. I was very grateful to be guided to Lisa Renee’s material which put this in very clear terms which has aided me immensely in the restructuring of my personal integrity. One of the greatest challenges I have experienced in my personal life is discerning through the false-light, which I will reiterate is using fundamental spiritual truths in corrupted fashion to attain some agenda which I still do not understand. Perhaps it is not conscious on the part of the Humans propagating it, but I am sure there are numerous entities that would benefit from the propagation of these ‘concepts.’
On a more mundane level, many people who consider themselves light workers are attacking each other because each has a certain idea of how things need to be done, and when these disagree it is common and very easy for arguments to arise. Surely there are extra dimensionals helping to fuel the conflicts for harvesting of energy. This is on a completely egoic level, and many do not understand the fundamental nature of the battle we face, which has to do with frequency, and consent. Not content of idealogical basis. It is not a war of affidavits, so to speak, but a battle of maintaining the true essence of the self, and rejecting corruption. In this way we reject any influence which seeks to subvert, and maintain our God Sovereign authority over ourself. In my experience, the true essence of the self has no interest in meddling, no interest in authority or control, is harmless, unassuming, and lacks the force of the ego. It is magic, natural knowing, and compassion. Many people are trying to pursue liberation of the planet from an egoic basis, by trying to see that certain ideas conquer other ideas, when this is not productive. It’s like they think they need to manually change coding, when a far stronger means is to alter the magnetism fundamental to the coding thus the coding will rearrange itself without manual alteration. I would say that the ego is most of issue here. It has become my understanding that Humanity was downloaded with the predator mind, and that is is not organic to who we are, and is not resulting in harmonious interactions of any sort. The most difficult aspect of this is that most are not capable of discerning which aspects of mind are them, and which are the predator. This could be the reason for these ‘battles of territory,’ and conquest of ideas, so to speak. Which likely, is a large part of the problem here energetically.
Again, I Thank You for the efforts you make for the Liberation of Humanity known or unknown to me. I welcome and invite assistance and intercession in my life by the Light Forces, the Guardians, defenders of Life Force, the Organic Blueprint, those whose alignment is with the Freedom and Sovereignty of Human Kind, in any way you are willing or able to provide it. I maintain my efforts from where I stand to orient my consent in a fashion which is conducive to this, as such is my intention.
Again, I express my Gratitude.
Namaste. You are well loved.
I have found that patience and compassion go a long way in mitigating my imperfection.
Trust that your unique skills and intention to love and support are doing what is needed.
Sometimes I hear you whispering between moments
And I love you for that ♡
Hey my RM Brothers and Sisters, My name is Thomas Lee, im 24 and currently residing in Memphis, I am also a carrier of a Cintamani Stone. I would like to give you my full and up most Gratitude for helping our planet towards the Compression Breakthrough, Words alone can’t even describe how i feel for all of you and every one of us on Gaia that’s fighting for the freedom, truth, and light of humanity. You as in all of you, gave me hope, i never gave up faith, I’ve always had it deep down in the core of my astral body that you will save humanity from the dark forces that plagued us for all those years. i was so anxious to help with this progress in a physical way besides meditation, but from there it was all i can do, wish i can do more.
I live, breathe, and sleep for this moment to come, so people of this planet can see our interstellar families from different star systems and from The City Of Agartha. There is much love from them as it is from us that is ready to be given. So i will continue to help in every way possible for the Liberation of our mother Gaia, And if you do visitations or contact then I’m more than willing to welcome you.
Victory of Love and Light