All readers of the Prepare for Change website are invited to communicate with the Resistance Movement. After discussing this with Cobra we have discovered that members of the RM desire more information from us, the surface?population of Earth.
Cobra has passed this information to us:
(PFC0517) ?Lynn? – Cobra, is the RM the ones that give you feed-back on our meditations, you know the strength of it and the numbers.
COBRA –?Yes, yes.? (OK)
Lynn? – Are we as surface humans? able to communicate with them telepathically.
COBRA –?It is possible.? It has happened in a few instances but its not very common and very few people from the surface have enough awareness of the RM to hear that telepathic contact.
Lynn? – Would it be useful to show them certain situations we are experiencing.?
COBRA –?Yes. It is sometimes not simple for them to understand their reactions of the surface population because they are simply, I would say psychologically quite different and if you explain to them a little bit more, even telepathically or in writing you can even post an article on your blog and address it to them, that would be a great idea. (wow, thats a great idea.? Thank you Cobra.) (PFC0517)
In order to facilitate this for all people and make it easy for both us and the RM, we are using this page with its comment section for this purpose. The idea is simple, go to the bottom of the page and use the comment box to share your feelings about the situation on Earth.
So please ask your?questions or make your comment with your Letter to the Resistance in the comments below.
Published July 5, 2017
[NOTE: Please do not criticize or comment on other’s letters in reply, this page is meant to enable a free exchange from our readers with the Resistance Movement, so please do not respond as though the letters are to YOU.]
To the Resistance Movement,
There are no words to express how much gratitude and respect I have for all you have done and are doing to help us here on earth.
All humans experience pain, trauma and troubling situations which make our lives difficult. Most of us try to do the best we can. Our governments are suppose to be of service to us but we see very little of that and it is frightening. Money, food, medicine and technology should be used to help us but instead we are affected in a negative way by all.
Its an exhausting journey here on earth. Your kindness, love and hard work is being noticed everyday and is very much appreciated. THANK YOU!!!
In Light,
Cobra has asked that an explanation be made for the reason that light workers and light warriors fight amongst themselves.
It would seem that this is largely a cause of conditioning.
For thousands of years our stories on Earth have always involved a hero character. One single savior figure that rescues a much larger group of relatively helpless individuals.
This prevalence of stories where only a hero can make a difference has lead people to the beliefs that either they are the hero or they are not and must wait for the hero to save them.
In the case of light workers and light warriors, many believe they are the hero of this story and therefore other light workers and warriors can’t be.
since Chinese Traditional isn’t allowed on this site, i can only use En. to comment.
this is tacohead from Taiwan and…and…nothing but just saying ‘hello’.
IN REFERENCE TO: “The main thing the Resistance does NOT understand in entirety is why Lightworkers and Lightwarriors keep attacking each other instead of uniting forces against the Cabal that clearly does not have their best interests in mind. From the perspective of the Resistance, they would never attack their fellow that is fighting for the same cause and they genuinely do not understand why the surface population keeps doing that. They are inviting the surface population to share their perspective of that situation here:”
– I believe we are afraid of being hurt by becoming vulnerable in front of another person no matter who. We are afraid of being disappointed in not receiving what we hope for, what others promise, a better life, financial security, health, etc… It is to us a ‘Miracle’ should one thing happen. So having many Miracles all at once would be unimaginable, unbelievable. Unless one gives himself/herself up completely to what is to come/to Source, whatever is to come, one will resist until all answers are clear to them. So many questions, still some wont believe and then we question ourselves/the Lightworkers, are we doing a good enough job. We have been crushed so many times, stepped on often, so our ego have a fun time with us while we fight for what we believe in.
I suppose I Am answering my own questions:
. People will ask questions until they are ready to give themselves completely to Source/abandon themselves for what they believe in. So we must keep answering their questions.
. As Lightworkers we are still human and need support from one another to fight off ego. We need more than that too, as you say, we sometimes work agains each other in fear. So what is the solution there? We need your support, support from the Resistance. I see you have offered us ways to clear our implants. Is that all that is needed for us to become true Lightworkers, awake and on mission? I will try your way. I know many others will as well. I will tell the others, spread the news so we can ascend as quickly as possible into our new lives.
Chers, très Chers,
Certaines des lettres (en français) qui précèdent la mienne m’ont ému aux larmes. Combien d’histoires analogues ?
Par pure intuition d’abord, par réflexion ensuite, j’ai mis au point une technique de management qui fait du projet un outil d’épanouissement individuel et collectif. Suite à une enfance aussi violente que malheureuse, j’ai consacré presque 30 ans de ma vie à cette quête. J’ai compris il y a quelques mois que finalement, je cherchais à retrouver la voie du cœur. Voie individuelle et collective. Ne soyez pas étonnés de voir des chercheurs se combattre, la division est reine, même pour les causes les plus nobles. Après coup, j’ai découvert que mes essais convergent avec les travaux de nombreux chercheurs, quelques soient leurs origines dans le temps et le lieu. Maintenant, mes travaux croisent les conclusions de scientifiques, leur donnent un sens supplémentaire et une confirmation que je ne me suis pas trop trompé. Terrible ce doute de soi !
Dans vos derniers messages, il est conseillé de se donner du temps … Mes deux alternatives sont montagne et musique. Je dois vous dire que ces deux éléments me sauvent du suicide et de la maladie depuis mon adolescence. Mais je suis las … très las …
Évidemment, je passe pour un extra-terrestre auprès de mes contemporains. Même avec des mots simples, on me dit « C’est simple quand il parle, je ne comprends pas ! ». Ou bien encore, « la réunion était intéressante, sauf quand il parle, il me donne mal à la tête » …
Dans ma propre famille biologique, je suis isolé de tout et tous, accusé d’être dans une secte …
Professionnellement, je ne travaille évidemment plus depuis 6 ans … J’ai fui la dictature de mon dernier patron, je ne pouvais plus. L’an dernier, j’ai assuré 75 heures de cours dans un établissement où je me suis fait harcelé au dernier degré. Lorsque les étudiants ont compris ce que je leur apportais, ils sont venus s’excuser : ils étaient manipulés au dernier degré … Choqué, je suis rentré chez moi et j’ai dormi 12 heures d’affilée … Depuis je n’ai plus retrouvé d’emploi salarié … et mes économies, même dépensées au compte-goutte arrivent à leur fin …
Bref, il est temps que l’évènement ait lieu … Tous les jours, je me sens dans mes derniers retranchements, tous les jours, je me dis que ça ne peut pas durer, tous les jours, je crois encore au lendemain et à votre aide … Mais combien de temps encore ?
Quoiqu’il arrive, soyez assuré de ma gratitude.
Merci, mille mercis à vous …
google – Dear, very dear,
Some of the letters (in French) that preceded mine moved me to tears. How many similar stories?
By intuition first, by reflection, I developed a management technique that makes the project a tool for individual and collective fulfillment. After a childhood as violent as unhappy, I devoted nearly 30 years of my life to this quest. I understood a few months ago that finally, I was trying to find the way of the heart. Individual and collective. Do not be surprised to see researchers fighting, division is queen, even for the noblest causes. Afterwards, I discovered that my essays converge with the work of many researchers, whatever their origins in time and place. Now, my work crosses the conclusions of scientists, give them an additional meaning and confirmation that I have not been too wrong. Terrible this self-doubt!
In your last messages, it is advisable to give yourself time … My two alternatives are mountain and music. I must tell you that these two elements save me from suicide and illness since I was a teenager. But I’m tired … very tired …
Obviously, I pass for an alien to my contemporaries. Even with simple words, I am told “It’s simple when he speaks, I do not understand! “. Or else, “the meeting was interesting, except when he speaks, he gives me a headache” …
In my own biological family, I am isolated from everything and all, accused of being in a sect …
Professionally, I obviously no longer work for 6 years … I fled the dictatorship of my last boss, I could not anymore. Last year, I took 75 hours of instruction in an institution where I was harassed to the last degree. When the students understood what I was bringing to them, they came to apologize: they were manipulated to the last degree … Shocked, I went home and I slept 12 hours in a row … Since then I have not found Of salaried employment … and my savings, even spent on the dribs come to an end …
In short, it is time for the event to take place … Every day, I feel in my last entrenchments, every day, I think that it can not last, every day, I still believe the next day and your Help … But how much longer?
Whatever happens, rest assured of my gratitude.
Thank you, a thousand thanks …
Anch’io vi benedico per le informazioni e per l’impegno massiccio di questo meraviglioso Movimento di Resistenza! Scrivo dall’Italia dove l’ombra tenta si è estesa sotto il peso di governanti senza scrupoii. E’ ora di tornare all’origine della nostra bellezza, a ritrovare la pace e ritornare a casa, a riveder le stelle.
Continuerò a seguirvi con la passione e la gioia di condividere ogni successo del Luce.
Un grazie immenso a voi e un abbraccio a tutti i fratelli e le sorelle che sono qui con lo stesso desiderio di Amore.
google – I too bless you for the information and for the massive commitment of this wonderful Resistance Movement! I write from Italy where the shadow tentative has extended under the weight of unscrupulous rulers. It is time to return to the origin of our beauty, to find peace and return home, to see the stars again.
I will continue to follow you with the passion and joy of sharing every success of the Light.
Great thanks to you and a hug to all the brothers and sisters who are here with the same desire for Love.
Cari Fratelli della Resistenza,
La situazione in Italia, ma credo anche in tutto il Mondo, è drammatica, la popolzione non si rende conto della realtà continuando a vivere nell’illusione, e le cose continuano a peggiorare nell’incoscienza generale.
Purtroppo in molti ci troviamo in una condizione di estremo disagio, insostenibile. In questa condizione è facile abbandonale la Luce, è facie scegliere il volto che ci viene offerto dall’Oscuro, è facile tornare allo stato in cui abbiamo vissuto prima del nostro risveglio.
Molti si rendono certamente conto che il processo di Liberazione del Pianeta Terra ha richiesto decine di migliaia di anni, innumerevoli incarnazioni, e credo che una parte di questi molti siano sulla strada della rassegnazione verso un’altro ciclo di schiavitù per potersi risvegliare e ricominciare questo ciclo che sembra apparentemente infinito.
Purtroppo viviamo ancora in un mondo di dualità all’eccesso, è richiesto del denaro per sopravvivere, per potersi dedicare alla cura del Se Superiore, del Corpo/Anima/Spirito… le basse vibrazioni delle bollette, dei debiti, della sussistenza di base hanno molto più potere della Luce in questa realtà/densità, chi lo nega mente spudoratamente o ha un livello di consapevolezza che è fuori dalla statistica e non ha mai fame, nessuno è nato senza un impianto primario quindi nessuno, o se mi sbagliassi, tutti tranne pochissimi, sostanzialmente è collegato naturalmente alla Sorgente.
La mia richiesta, e sono convinto di parlare a nome di moltissimi, sia che siano consapevoli o no dell’esistenza della Luce ma che comunque fanno parte a pieno diritto della Famiglia Galattica e indipendentemente dalle loro scelte vanno rispettati, la mia richiesta, è che sia messa una parola FINE, ADESSO, SUBITO, NOW, a questa schiavitù del denaro.
Il rischio per la Luce è troppo grande per poterlo correre, il rischio è la perdita di un numero di risvegliati, forse anche molti, e forse sta già accadendo da tempo, ma che se dovesse iniziare ora e se anche fossero solo 3 sarebbe troppo. Se questi fanno parte dei danni collaterali ed è un problema insormontabile da risolvere allora aspettiamoci molte defezioni e dei probabili ritardi verso il Cambiamento, verso l’Evento.
Personalmente mi sento attaccato costantemente, tutti i giorni, senza sosta. Sto resistendo ma non è semplice, e credo che siano in tanti in una condizione simile, l’autonomia di resistenza è arrivata al capolinea, le forze oramai sono allo stremo, la pressione dovuta alle necessità della sopravvivenza è immensa, probabilmente il mio livello di consapevolezza non è sufficiente a superare tutto e combattere contro tutti per il discreto tempo che sembra ci sia ancora da battagliare prima dell’Evento.
Questo è un requisito primario, è, a mio avviso, uno dei motivi per cui le cose sono come sono.
Vorrei concludere esprimendo il mio punto di vista sul perché i Lighworkers si attaccano fra loro; è proprio quello che ho descritto sin’ora il motivo, la mancanza si serenità, serenità che inizia uscendo dalla schiavitù del denaro, la causa primaria delle basse vibrazioni. Forse voi, Fratelli della Resistenza, vivete in un mondo senza denaro, per questo probabilmente non riuscite a vedere il quadro generale della situazione e di quanto il denaro rappresenti una morsa serratissima sull’Anima della popolazione di superficie.
google – Dear Brothers of Resistance,
The situation in Italy, but I also believe in the whole world, is dramatic, the population does not realize reality while continuing to live in illusion, and things are getting worse in general unconsciousness.
Unfortunately, in many, we are in a state of extreme unease, unsustainable. In this condition it is easy to abandon the Light, it is facial to choose the face that is offered to us by the Dark, it is easy to return to the state we lived before our awakening.
Many realize that the Earth’s Earth Liberation process has taken tens of thousands of years, countless incarnations, and I believe that some of these are on the road to resignation to another cycle of slavery in order to awaken and start over this Cycle that seems seemingly infinite.
Unfortunately, we still live in a world of duality to excess, money is required to survive, to be devoted to the care of the Se Superiore, the Body / Soul / Spirit … the low vibrations of bills, debts, and subsistence base have much The more power of Light in this reality / density, those who denyly disagree with mind or have a level of awareness that is out of the statistics and is never hungry, no one was born without a primary plant so no one, or if I was wrong, all except very few , Is basically naturally connected to the Source.
My request, and I am convinced of speaking in the name of many, whether they are aware of the existence of the Light but who, however, are part of the Galactic Family’s full right and regardless of their choices must be respected, my request is that Be put a word END, NOW, NOW, NOW, to this slavery of money.
The risk for the Light is too big for it to run, the risk is the loss of a number of awakened, perhaps even many, and perhaps it is already happening for a long time, but if it were to start now, and even if they were only 3, it would be too much. If these are part of the collateral damage and is an insurmountable problem to be solved then expect many defects and probable delays towards the Change to the Event.
Personally I feel stuck constantly, every day, without stopping. I’m resisting but not simple, and I think they are so many in a similar condition, the resistance autonomy has come to the end, the forces I’m losing now, the pressure due to the survival needs is immense, probably my level of Awareness is not enough to overcome everything and fight against everyone for the time that seems to be still to be fought before the Event.
This is a primary requirement, it is, in my opinion, one of the reasons why things are the way they are.
I would like to conclude by expressing my point of view on why Lighworkers stick to each other; It is precisely what I have described at this juncture, the lack of serenity, serenity that starts out of the bondage of money, the primary cause of low vibrations. Perhaps you, Resistance Brethren, live in a world without money, for this reason you probably can not see the general picture of the situation and how much money is a vague clenched on the surface population’s soul.
Danke Cobra für diese Möglichkeit……ich war schon 2 x bei Dir/Euch in D und der Schweiz. Ich wirke jeden Tag für den Sieg und den Aufstieg mit meinem ganzen Herzblut. Mein Mann ist schwer krank und erhält öfters Angriffe bzgl. meines Tuns. Ich bin stark, da mir die Familie immer wieder durch Traumbotschaften beisteht. Doch finanziell geht es nicht mehr…… wie lange noch? Auch hier sind die Botschaften die ich erhalte positiv………doch wie lange in unserer Zeitlinie bis endlich die Fülle in jeder Facette uns allen zur Verfügung steht, gemäß unseres göttlichen Geburtsrechtes.
In Liebe
Gabi Lara
google – Thank you Cobra for this possibility …… I was already 2 x with you / you in D and Switzerland. I work every day for the victory and the rise with all my heart blood. My husband is seriously ill and receives attacks on my actions. I am strong, because the family always helps me by dreamy. But financially it does not matter anymore … how long? Also here are the messages that I receive positively ……… how long in our time line until finally the abundance in every facet is available to all of us, according to our divine right of birth.
In love
Gabi Lara
Kedves Ellenállási mozgalom!
Köszönöm hogy eljöttetek ide erre a karantén bolygóra az elveszett testvéreitekért.
Sajnos ezen világ nagy része elveszíttette a kapcsolatot a belső isteni Énjükkel.
Érzik ugyan hogy kell legyen egy felsőbb hatalom ami irányíthatja életüket, aki megadhatja az elveszett belső békéjüket, de a formák világában ragadtak és ebből kiindulva a formában keresik Isten minőségeit.A tökéletest keresik minden egyes formában.A formában keresik azt ami nem ott van. A vallásaink egytől-egyig dogmákra, rituálékra és a forma által kifejezhető adományokra épülnek, amikre semmi szükség sincsen.Olyan törvényeket követnek ami sohasem volt az egység szolgálatában.
Mivel spirituális ,,vezetőink” – et is az elkülönült én képzete vezeti ezért sajnos csak ezen tévképzeteiket adhatják tovább jó esetben egy kis Isteni fénnyel megfűszerezve.A felemelkedett mesterek tanítják ugyan a Belső Isteni ÉN életről szóló törvényeit, de ezen tanítások olyan messzire vannak az alap gondolkozási rendszertől, hogy még a magukat spirituálisan felébredt valló emberek többsége is elutasítja ezen tanításokat. Nem értik még azt az alapvető fogalmi különbséget sem azt hogy az Isteni szeretet és az emberi szeretet fogalma alatt értett minőség nem egy és ugyanaz. Sokszor amit mi felszíni emberek,,szeretet” címszó alatt teszünk az a legkevésbé sem nevezhető annak. Teljesen feje tetejére van állítva a valódi Spiritualitás.
A spirituális csoportok sem kivételek sajnos ezen formai mintáktól.
Az csoporttagok elkülönült énjüket követve egy külső emberi lényt és annak spirituális tanait teszik meg követendő példának. Ezen elkülönült emberi lény erényeit szeretnék magukévá tenni, ebben látják a teljességükhöz vezető utat. Belső iránymutatás hiányában a spirituális csoportok tagjai a csoportvezetőktől várják akár a cél és akár még a cél eléréséhez szükségesnek ítélt eszközök meghatározását is.Teljesen átadhatják az irányítást mindaddig amíg komfortosnak érzik a helyzetet.
Még az olyan csoportokban is ahol szellemi vezető fogja össze a csoportot és mindenkinek egyenrangúnak kellene lennie kialakulhat egyfajta hierarchia. A csatornázó társukat teszik meg vezetőnek mivel azon képessége, hogy egy magasabb dimenziós szellemi létezővel kommunikál csodálatosnak tűnik a szemükben.És összekeverik az üzenetet és tartalmának tiszteletét a tanítás vagy útmutatás csatornázójának tiszteletével. Rosszabb esetekben akár a csatornázó teljesen különlegesnek ítéli meg magát és kierőszakolja a csoportvezető szerepét, más hangját és véleményét nem tűrve meg maga mellett.Ilyen esetekben diktatúra alakul ki, és akinek ez nem tetszik annak mennie kell, vagy belső iránymutatását követve a csoport vélt érdekével azonosulva felveszi a harcot a csoport érdekében újdonsült vezetője ellen. Az ami az elkülönült elmétől származik mindig rombolással fog véget érni. Mindig lesz egy akarat aki mást akar. Az Őrület csak őrületet szülhet.
Sokan a lelki vagy testi sérüléseik miatt fordultak el a hagyományosabb társadalmi rendszertől, de nem vették észre, hogy csak a formát cserélték le nem a rendszert. A külső világ káosza a spirtuális csoportokban is tükröződik, megannyi irányzat, és útkeresési forma által. Ki-ki a maga sérülési rendszere alapján keresi meg a neki megfelelő csoportot, attól függően, hogy éppen melyik irányzatot ítéli meg úgy hogy az segíthet neki megtalálni a lelki békéjét.
Mivel az Ego a változatlan fogalmát nem ismeri, ezért az egyénben aki megtalálni vélte a lelki békéjét az adott irányzatban, újra felüti fejét a hiány érzete.
Onnantól már nem fog neki megfelelni az adott irányzat és annak rendszere sem. Elsőkén magában keresi a hibát ugyan, de eljut arra a következtetésre hogy a hiba nem benne van, a hiba kintről jön, a hiba másban van. Ebben a tévedésében felébred ősi megoldási eszköze és támadásba kezd a külvilág ellen. Megtámadhatja a ,,vezetőjét” ,a társait, akik továbbra is elfogadják a tanítót és annak tanításait. Ezek járnak a fejében: hát nem látják a balgák hogy a vezetőnknek mennyi rossz szokása van, valamiért nem működik a rendszer, még mindig nem találtam meg a békémet, nem érzem jól magamat a csoportban.
Megpróbálja megváltoztatni külső világát, követőket gyűjt, tábort szervez maga köré. Az egységet és mindent ami összetartja a csoportot lerombolni vágyik. Legjobb esetben egy ilyen ember keres egy másik csoportot egy másik eszmét, de előfordulhat ott maradva a csoportban szétszakít minden kapcsolatot. EGY ember is elég a teljes csoport szétszedéséhez a belső viszály által amit keltett.
Amíg a Belső Isteni Énjükhöz nem kacsolódnak egyenként a csoporttagok sajnos addig mindig felüti a fejét az EGO ármánykodása. Az elkülönült én belső nyugtalansága és békétlensége fog tükröződni a csoportokon belül is a Belső Vezettetés hiányában.
Ez elkerülhetetlen mivel a rész nem láthatja az egészt.Rossz döntéseket hoznak az egyének mert nem látják át hogy az egészhez a részek egysége kell.
Egy cél amit együtt határoznak meg belső késztetésből belső vezettetéssel, csak ez hozhat egységet egy csoportba.Ezen együttes elme kapcsolódással érhetik el azt a tudás amire egyenként képtelenek lennének. A szentlélek megadja a közös nyelvet és fogalomtárt, már csak a hajlandóság kell hogy összekapcsolódjunk vele. Ezért kérlek hogy alakítsunk ki egy közös fogalomtárt itt a honlapon, hogy az elhangzott szavak mindenkinek ugyanazt jelentsék. Csak így érhetünk el eredményeket, hogy a fogalmakat nem keverjük és egységes nyelvre törekszünk. A szeretet tiszta nyelvezetét használjuk és legalább a fogalmak terén ne legyen összecserélődés,keveredés.
A bennem is lévő Atya üzenete számotokra:
Csak az egységből születhet meg a megoldás és ehhez fel kell vállalni elveszett testvéreiteket is, nekik is van szerepük a felszabadulás tervében. A belső istennel együtt elérhetitek őket. Kérjétek a belső isteni éneteket és megadja nektek a segítséget. A felszínen is vannak emberek kik elérték az Isteni Énjüket és ők látják ki az aki segíthet nektek. Kérjétek a segítségüket. Elvezetem őket hozzátok, hogy segítsék a felvállalt munkátok. Ne féljetek kérni gyermekeim. A menyország bennetek is ott vár, és ÉN Egységre törekszem minden gyermekemmel ki elveszett egyszer. Elvétettétek ugyan az irányt, de szeretetem nem feledtétek.Elvezetlek benneteket vissza magamhoz. Ehhez megkaptok minden segítséget csak kérjetek és higgyetek benne, Bennem, hogy megkapjátok. Legyen Hitetek szerint, azt mondtam egyszer. Ezt szó szerit értettem. A Belső Isten ott vár bennetek, ezt ne feledjétek. Egyetlen vágyam, hogy ismét egy legyek veletek és ehhez az eszközöket is megteremtettem. Kérjétek hát a bennetek lévő szentlélek segítségét és hangja megjelenik bennetek. Őt szántam vezetőtöknek ki látja az Igazságot és a ti világotokat is.Ő az ki visszavezethet hozzám szeretett teremtményeim. A terv nála létezik. Tisztán, s egységben látja azt.
Mindenkit a maga egyéni útján vezetek vissza, mert ez a módszer amivel az elkülönültség különlegességtudata átlényegíthető.A tervből mindenki kiveszi részét senki nem hiányozhat. Mindenki a belső vezettetésem által vissza tér hozzám,az Egységbe.
Az egó nem állhatja útját igaz kéréseteknek. A szívből jövő kérés mindig teljesül. Mivel akkor akaratod egy a teremtődével. Az pedig csak az egység felé vezethet. Bízzatok hát embertársaitokban akkor is ha eltévedtek. Lássátok tisztán a célt, hogy egységben éltek, és akkor úgy is lesz. Hitetek az ami kirángathat e mocsárból, még ha nem is látjátok a világban tapasztalatként megnyilvánulni vágyatokat.Vágyatokat ami egy az enyémmel, csak tartsátok tisztán a fejetekben képként, a szívetek segítségével és megtörténik a teremtésem. Még itt is hová kezem nehezebben ér el, a ti erőtökkel melyet egykor adtam minden teremtményemnek megtörténté tehetitek az akaratommal egyező kívánságotokat. Bár az erőt én adtam elméteknek, de akaratom meg nem kerülhető, szeretetem el nem vehető. Legyen hát egy az akarat miképpen rendeltem azt. Szeretett gyermekeimnek ne keljen többet szenvedniük, a sötétség e fellegében. Úgy legyen.
Egységem legyen veletek.
google – Dear Resistance Movement!
Thank you for coming to this quarantine planet for your lost brothers.
Unfortunately, most of this world has lost contact with their divine Divinity.
They feel that there must be a higher power that can direct their lives, who can give their lost inner peace, but they are stuck in the world of forms, and from that point they seek God’s qualities in form. They seek the perfect in every form. They look for what is not there. Our religions are based on dogmas, rituals, and donations that can be expressed by form, and there is no need for it. They follow laws that never existed in the service of the unity.
Since our spiritual “leaders” are also guided by the idea of a separate self, they can only pass on these misconceptions in a good case with a small Divine light. The raised masters teach the laws of the Divine Divine Life, but these teachings are so far from the foundation Thinking that even most of the people who have been spiritually awakened are rejecting these teachings. They do not understand the fundamental conceptual difference either that the quality understood in Divine love and the concept of human love is not one and the same. Many times what we are doing under the surface people “love” is not the least it can be called. True Spirituality is completely at the top of the head.
Spiritual groups are no exception, unfortunately, from these formal patterns.
The members of the group, following their separate self, make an external human being and its spiritual tana an example to follow. I would like to embrace the virtues of this distinct human being, in this they see the path leading to their fullness. In the absence of internal guidance, members of the spiritual groups expect the leaders to identify the goals they consider necessary for achieving the goal or even the goal. You can pass control as long as you feel comfortable.
Even in groups where a spiritual leader joins the group, and a hierarchy of people must be equal. Their channeling partners make it a leader because their ability to communicate with a higher dimensional intellectual entity seems wonderful in their eyes. And they confuse the message and respect for its content in the respect of the channeler of teaching or guidance. In even worse cases, the canalizer judges himself as completely special and hears the role of the leader of the group, with no other voices and opinions. In such cases, dictatorships develop and those who do not like it must go or follow their internal guidelines identifying the group’s well-known interests He will fight for the new leader of the group. What comes from a separate mind will always end with destruction. There will always be a will who wants something else. Crazy can only be crazy.
Many people turned away from the more traditional social system due to their mental or bodily harm, but did not realize that only the form was replaced by the system. The chaos of the outer world is also reflected in the spirited groups, with many trends and a way of searching. Who’s out of your injury system is looking for a suitable group, depending on which order you think it can help him find his peace of mind.
Since the ego does not know the unchanged concept, so in the individual who finds his or her spiritual peace in that trend, the feeling of shortage shakes again.
From now on he will not be able to meet that trend and its system. First of all, he is looking for a mistake, but he comes to the conclusion that the bug is not in, the error comes from outside, the error is different. In this mistake, he wakes up as an ancient means of resolution and attacks against the outside world. He can attack his “leader”, his associates, who continue to accept the teacher and his teachings. These are in my mind: so do not see the bad guys how badly our leader has, the system does not work, I still can not find the peace, I do not feel good about the group.
She tries to change her outer world, collects followers, organizes camps around her. The unity and everything that keeps the group from wanting to demolish. In the best case, such a person is looking for another group for another idea, but it may still remain in the group disconnecting all connections. One man is enough to disarm the entire group by the inner quarrel that he has created.
As long as the members of the group do not associate with their Inner Divine Mind, unfortunately, the EGO is always knocked out by the EGO. The inner innocence and unrest of the separate self will be reflected within the groups even in the absence of the Inner Leadership.
This is inevitable since the part can not see the whole. Wrong decisions are made by individuals because they do not see that the whole unit has to be part of it.
A goal that is determined together with inner urge internally
I am a warrior. This first off needs to be said, as I do not mince words, nor do I use the soft deceptive language of the diplomat, no do I use flowery meaningless language, mine is a language of action, I speak, and I act. As such, I hold a warrior’s view. In as to this, I must add I neither consider myself a light warrior, nor a light worker. I simply see myself as one who is trying to make this shithole planet a better place for my nieces and nephews, but sometimes wonder why I even bother. In this incarnation, the warrior has softened, and the moniker of warrior philosopher is more appropriate.
In the operational capacity, I think you guys really need to examine your intelligence apparatus. How could it, or you for that matter, have missed the gross clue ins to how bad the suffering is up here? That has to be an abject failure on the magnitude of the Hindenburg crashing into the Titanic. To not understand why lightworkers up here attack one another, that is yet another major failure of your intelligence systems, which in of the word intelligence, one has to question if your organization’s intelligence services is even functioning, or to question to what degree you yourselves or you IS has been infiltrated/hoodwinked/influenced, or to whether or not they are purposefully feeding you a lot of rubbish. It sounds as though there is much housecleaning that needs to be done, as to miss something that should be so blatantly obvious, as plain as the nose on your face, or the air that you breathe, let alone the sun that comes up in the morning sky. So, in this regard, I would even question your ability to wage a war, let alone win one, as if you cannot understand your opponent and what he is capable of, how can you possibly fight that which you do not understand? That is one of the most basic rules of war, as told to us via Sun Tzu, and many others.
Your enemy is a dark and ancient enemy. Dark and insidious, ruthless. It knows war, it perpetuates war and suffering, and has mastered these arts. Your failures become its successes, as you have failed to turn the surface to your cause, it has taken this failure on your part, and turned it to their success. This is doubly so with the light community. It and its entities and organizations attack humanity every minute of every hour, of every day, since forever.
We fight amongst ourselves, because we are infiltrated at all levels. We are compromised at all levels. You remove one implant, another just takes its place. We are suffering from the voice of god technology, whereas voices tell us to kill ourselves and so on and so forth. I have a strong sense of self, so it thus far has failed miserably, but that very thing keeps trying to get me to kill myself, how worthless we are. We a subject to electromagnetic attacks, directed energy weapons as well. Ringing in the ears, pressure in the head, that sort of thing. I don’t remember experience these things before I turned on this path, and in some regards, it is working, as there are times that I wish to return to the comforting bosom of ignorance, and merely being an ignorant cog within the machine of capitalism. The fact that we are even able to reach a consensus on the color of shit is nothing short of a small miracle, with all this shit that is going on. Even as I write this now, it takes a herculean effort to do so. I have been under duress all morning, and have tried avoiding to write it. These voices and these attacks, they violate my own free will, as I no longer want them/nor desire them, and have verbal and mentally expressed this to these entities multiple times, as well as declaring these contracts null and void, but again, to no avail. They depart, only to return. Despite endless attempts at implant removal (and it is a given that those may not have been entirely successful, nor were those who advertised them as such could have very well not been competent) they return, against my wishes. How can I exercise my freewill, if I am influenced at multiple levels? Short answer, I can’t.
Ego is another large part of it, our egos, despite our (my) best efforts, seems to swell and come to the forefront of any issue. Things that should not, but do, set us off. We are under attack from every angle, a barrage of never ending, never ceasing filth, materialism, religion, multiple avenues of approach, to force this filth into our bodies. No wonder we are all fighting one another.
Hello, my entire life so far has been dominated by feeling overwhelmed on various levels. On the physical level this has showed up mainly as digestive problems. I nearly died because of that about 20 years ago. My condition was diagnosed as “malabsorption syndome”, the inability to adequately absorb nutrients which leads to many other complications. On the emotional and psychological level, I feel very sensitive and not made for this harsh world. I struggle to live which is a contradiction. I can’t be who I feel I am. At night I toss and turn a lot rather than regenerate. My entire life I have not been able to generate enough finances. I am heavily relying on others’ ability to generate money in this world. That doesn’t feel right and good. I could go on and on describing my experience. Yet I have also always felt a knowing of a deeper truth that the world I have been perceiving is “upside down” and I have been searching for health and balance with almost super-human determination and insistence to keep going until things get better. I have been asking for and receiving help all along the way. I have at times experienced very strong energies flowing to and through me. This makes me believe that something better is possible. However, in general, I feel that I am barely surviving, not living! Many times I feel so drained that even my soul seems exhausted. I can’t break through this no matter how hard I try. I have to focus so much on myself that I feel bad about not contributing more positive and not being able to help others more. I can’t discern enough to really know who is truly good and who is not so I feel suspicious of more powerful forces and their intent. Many times I have felt used by others.
Since I have felt at least a glimpse of the sincerity of the beneficial forces behind this platform, I am asking for your help for all of us. I am grateful for the work the good forces seem to be doing. I would be very happy to experience and to contribute to a reality in which love and light will dominate!
I believe the primary barrier to us having a connection with positive and supportive energies is the utter lack of certainty that these energies exist. It’s incredibly difficult to feel that your efforts are worthwhile because, in my experience, there seems to be overwhelming evidence to the contrary. The distractions in this illusion are endless. They sap our attention and energy in an unrelenting, parasitic fashion.
I also believe that faith, prayer and meditation are the conduits to positive energies. I have incorporated these into my life and have found solace. However, in the beginning especially, it often seems that those paths are the most rocky and overgrown and the least likely to lead to a positive place.
Please be patient and don’t give up on us. We desperately need your love and light. I truly believe every human being does the best that he or she can and every soul contains infinite potential.
May whatever merit that comes from this comment go toward the enlightenment of all beings and may all praise and thanks go to the One Infinite Creator. Amen.
Thank you
What can you say about “Anastasia from Russia” Books from Wladimir Megre?
I read “THE RETURN OF LIGHT” by Elora Gabriel and Karen Kirschbaum.
In 2005,the light force also said that the amount of suffering of the surface population is even greater than they imagined.
What were you doing till now 2017!?
Are you really up for helping people!?
Dear RM. We can not thank you enough for the assistance that you bring. We continue to ask that all the plans of the dark forces be revealed to you, in order for you to be able to assist us more in freeing planet earth.
Humanity have been lied to for such a long time that we do not know where to turn to for truth. Now that we have become aware of all the lies (upon which all of our beliefs, lives, outlooks, hopes, dreams and decisions where made), we became aware of the fact that we now have to question everything! Everything we have been told is a lie! We do not even know who is human and who not! We think we now know (or do we?) to what extent our minds have been manipulated and used (without our knowledge and consent)….. and this makes us now question our total reality. Every word another person speaks is put under a magnifying glass. Is he/she speaking the truth? Can we now trust him/her? Is it not just another scam trying to get us to believe something else while cunning is into yet another scam full of half- and un-truths? How will we know when we see the truth? If we have been fooled for such a long time, what is preventing that from happening again? Our whole foundation has been ripped from under us and now the whole building is collapsing. We are trying to find our way in all the rubble.
This is the reason why light workers are attacking each other. We dissect every thing to find any evidence to suggest the opposite. Is this a friend or a foe? Is this my brother or another delusion? We just want to make absolutely sure that what we are now hearing is definitely the truth. We need to make sure its not just another scam. We need to prove to ourselves that we can think for ourselves – weather there is proof or not. We thought we had proof…. and then it turned out to be a pile of rubbish. We may be working for the same cause – or we may not? (How will we know for sure?) Is the other person not being used to direct you once again into another rabbit hole? What is his/her motive behind what he/she is saying? We thought that our so called leaders had our best interest at heart. (That is what they told and promised us) We thought that we could trust them. What about the people that was supposed to teach us about the spiritual side of life? We trusted them! We could even sense their sincerity. I was one of them! In my sincerity I taught other people about God! Taught them to walk in a personal relationship…. only to find out that we are connecting to false gods. Even my own sincerity in seeking the truth did not prevent me from being misled. Can I ever trust myself again? Stay heart centred they say…..does that mean that I did not stay in my heart? Use your discernment they say …. does that mean that I never used my discernment? I thought I did. So how do we trust another person – even if we feel their sincerity. Even if we see them honestly trying to work towards the light? How far can you trust them? How far can you follow? How far can you believe? How far can you go? How far can you work together if you do not know the real purpose or motive? We need evidence…. and even then we will be questioning the evidence?
When trust is broken, nothing can put that back again! It is shattered. You have to start all over… but at the moment we do not have anything to start all over with. There is no proof. There is no evidence. There is no change. There is nothing to confirm anything. It is yet another following blindly along another dark corridor that leads to another opening, that you do not know what will be at the end of that tunnel? Have you taken the right rout this time? Have you heard right this time? Have you not learned your lesson? Are you again not seeing the obvious? Why didn’t you ask more questions? Why didn’t you see the signs? Why did you trust? Why did you not question the things you saw? Sounds like paranoia! Feels like paranoia! Are you again going to trust without questioning? Are you again going to be misled – with eyes wide shut -and open at the same time? Wilfully trying to rip everything up to see if there is anything that maybe looks or hints at deceit. We need to start building again – but where is the foundation?
That is also the reason why FULL DISCLOSURE needs to happen. No partial disclosure can or will make any difference. We need to know the WHOLE truth. We need to have all our questions answered properly and truthfully. We need to heal before we can move forward. We need to have a firm foundation from where we can start building again. And that foundation will be tested to the limit to make sure that it is solid this time!!!!!
I hope this will help you to understand our situation more. As much as you don’t understand why we shred each other to pieces – that much we don’t understand why you don’t assist us in more ways to finally get the whole truth out. We only have bits and pieces. We only have pieces of a puzzle. We still can not see the whole truth. There is just too much disinformation and lies still floating around and being dished out. Once the EVENT happens and the truth is finally in the open – we as a species will be able to make informed decisions and choices. That is the only way that true healing will ever take place. That is the foundation we so desperately need in order to start building in truth again.
We do need your assistance more than you realize. Know that we do appreciate and welcome your help.
Much love.
Victory to the light!
Warum greifen wir (Oberflächenmenschen) uns ständig gegenseitig an?
trennung – divide et impera.
das alte spiel – wenn ich im innersten der überzeugung bin, dass ich in der trennung lebe, nicht genug für alle da ist, meine erziehung und sozialisation mir immer den mangel vor augen führt – keine bedingungslose liebe, sondern ich muss irgendwie funktionieren, um angenommen zu werden, ich muss was darstellen, bedingungen erfüllen, vorgaben entsprechen, um akzeptiert zu werden, ständig zu erfahren, nicht gut genug zu sein, um einfach so geliebt zu werden:
dann betrachte ich im innersten jeden anderen menschen als konkurrenten, als gefährdung.
ich mag zu beginn voller begeisterung mich engagiert haben in einem projekt, einer gruppe, erfahre auch anerkennung – doch dann treffen defizite auf defizite. eine andere person mag sich vordrängen (auch wenn es mir bloß so erscheint), vielleicht beliebter werden, mehr anerkennung und aufmerksamkeit bekommen – und wir wissen, dass aufmerksamkeit überlebenswichtig ist. das verbindende verschwindet aus meiner aufmerksamkeit, die gefährdung meiner position, meiner existentiellen sicherheit rückt in den vordergrund.
menschen funktionieren nur, statt zu leben, indem sie verzweifelt diese sicherheit im außen suchen, statt im inneren.
entfremdet sich selbst, einsam auch in partnerschaften, egoistisch aus angst werden sie bombardiert
mit negativbotschaften und -mustern.
wenn wir getrennt von der quelle sind, müssen wir uns unsere energie von den nächsten holen – und sind uns dessen meist gar nicht bewusst.
nach 50 jahren bewusster auseinandersetzung mit den themen ich, die anderen etc. steck ich oft immer noch in zweifeln, überrollt mich mutlosigkeit, müdigkeit, das gefühl, festzustecken. lange, nachdem ich mir sicher war, gewisse gschichten, programme und muster überwunden zu haben, tauchen sie wieder auf.
welchen informationen kann man trauen? welchen tipps und vorschlägen? was dient wirklich meinem höchsten wohle und dem höchsten wohle aller?
sowenige wirklich klare kanäle, unsichere kommunikation.
kein wunder, dass die meisten menschen lieber weiterschlafen wollen – wie depressive – statt sich den anforderungen zu stellen.
soviel angst – anscheinend die vorherrschende emotion auf diesem planeten – sowenig möglichkeit, einfach und wahrhaft zu vertrauen.
gruß reinhard
google – Why do we (surface people) constantly attack each other?
Separation – divide et impera.
The old game – when I am in the deepest conviction that I am living in the separation, not enough for all, my education and socialization always leads me to the lack – no unconditional love, but I have to somehow work to accept To be, to be, to be accepted, to be accepted, not to be good enough to be simply loved:
Then I consider in the innermost every other person as an opponent, as a threat.
I like to start full of enthusiasm i have engaged in a project, a group, also experience recognition – but then meet deficit on deficit. Another person may prevail (even if it seems so to me), perhaps become more popular, get more recognition and attention, and we know that attention is vital to survival. The connecting disappears from my attention, the danger of my position, my existential security moves into the foreground.
People only work instead of living, desperately seeking this security in the outside rather than inside.
Alienates itself, lonely also in partnerships, selfish for fear they are bombed
With negative messages and patterns.
When we are separated from the source, we have to get our energy from the next – and we are mostly not aware of it.
After fifty years of conscious discussion with the themes I, the others, etc., I often get into doubt, I am overwhelmed by the feeling of being discouraged, tired, and feeling. Long, after I was certain of having overcome certain gaps, programs and patterns, they reappeared.
What information can you trust? What tips and suggestions? What really serves my highest well and the highest well of all?
Few really clear channels, unsafe communication.
No wonder most people prefer to go to sleep – as depressed – instead of meeting the requirements.
So much fear – apparently the prevailing emotion on this planet – little chance to trust simply and truly.
Greeting reinhard
Kära Cobra och motståndsrörelsen (RM) !
Tack för allt hopp ni har givit mig och alla andra på denna jord genom att kommunicera med oss, och hålla oss uppdaterad på var som sker i det fördolda, något som aldrig rapporteras i vanlig media, i varje fall inte i Sverige.
Det bråk som förekommer på nätet där olika ljusarbetare attackerar varandra tror jag beror på att det finns en del människor som tror att de sitter inne med den enda sanningen. Vilket är lite löjeväckande eftersom det finns lika många sanningar som människor på denna jord. Vidare tror jag att det även kan vara så att en del personer som ger sig ut för att vara ljusarbetare faktiskt inte är det. Utan tvärtom antingen arbetar för mörkret eller så är de så förvirrade att de inte kan vare sig tänka eller känna klart. Tråkigt !
Tack för att vi har en gemensam global meditation, denna tidpunkt är för de flesta av oss helig.
Nu längtar vi efter the event !
Seger åt ljuset !
Kärlek till er alla !
google – Dear Cobra and the Resistance Movement (RM)!
Thank you for all the hope you’ve given me and everyone else on this earth by communicating with us, and keeping up to date on what’s happening in the hidden, something that’s never reported in the regular media, at least not in Sweden.
The noise that occurs on the network where different light workers attack each other, I think, is because there are a lot of people who think they are inside the only truth. Which is a little ridiculous because there are as many truths as people on this earth. Furthermore, I think it may also be that some people who pretend to be a light worker are not actually. On the contrary, either working for the dark or they are so confused that they can not think or feel clear. Sadly!
Thank you for having a common global meditation, this time is for most of us holy.
Now we long for the event!
Win the light!
Love to you all !
Comment faire pour attaquer cette cabbale justement a part sur les plans plasmatiques en appotant un maximum de lumiere en meditation.? La permaculture, vivre hors systemes , l’energie libre.
Comment trouver des plans de machine a energie libre, plasmatiques ?
En ce qui concerne #la resistance ne comprend pas pourquoi les guerriers et travailleurs de lumieres en attaques d’autres, certaines personnes n’ontplus de reperes , comme moi de temps en temps se sentir perdu, s’exclure nous meme.
je ne pense pas que c’est meme travailleurs de lumiere veulent blesser intentionellement, peut etre justement des troubles du a cette environnement. Parce que c’est travailleur ont ete blesse eux meme et plus d’une. peut un manque de confiance en soi qui fait que nous nous sommes poser des questions sur nous meme et sur le monde exterieur. Ces memes faiblesse sont porteuses de salut. Pour ma part j’ai utiliser cela pour faire parler de sspiritualite, extra-terrestre, energie libre, etc. mais comme toutes medaille, elles a sont revers. Puisque chaque individus est createur et que chaques mots et idees sont creatrices et que les gens ne se rendent pas comptent meme les pires choses negatives peuvent avoir une influence sur nous. D’ou surmonter nos peurs. peut etre ai-je blesser aussi les autres sansm’en rendre compte. Ainsi va la vie , c’est la vie.
peut- on aussi avoir quelques explications surle plasma, les quelques quelques regles elementaires, si possible.?
Ne demandez pas a comprendre les gens cela impliquerait de devenir comme eux.
google – How to attack this cabbale precisely on the plasma plans by applaying a maximum of light in meditation. Permaculture, living outside systems, free energy.
How to find Plans for Free Energy, Plasma?
As for the resistance does not understand why the warriors and light workers in other attacks, some people no longer have any benchmarks, as I occasionally feel lost, excludes us even.
I do not think it is even light workers want to intentionally hurt, maybe just being disturbed by this environment. Because it’s hard worker have been hurt themselves and more than one. Can have a lack of self-confidence that makes us wonder about ourselves and the outside world. These same weaknesses bear salvation. For my part I use this to make talk about sspirituality, extraterrestrial, free energy, etc. But like all medals, they have setbacks. Since every individual is creative and every word and idea is creative and people do not realize even the worst negative things can have an influence on us. To overcome our fears. Maybe I hurt others too without reporting it to me. So life goes, it’s life.
Can we also have some explanations on the plasma, the few elementary rules, if possible?
Do not ask to understand people that would imply becoming like them
Dear Resistance Movement, first of all thanks for all your help to the humans of this planet. I do not know if we as a species have willfuly decided to experience such an extreme state of separation, perhaps in order to learn the lessons, from a spiritual point of view, or if as Cobra and others believe, we have been forced to experience this rather difficult situation. Ultimately it doesn’t matter, we are here and now living it and I feel deep down that it will have an end, as nothing is permanent in our current reality.
I would simply like to share my experience and in this way maybe help you understand how I have lived and experienced this state of separation. Although every individual’s experience is unique, I know many human beings who have had similar experiences.
As a child I could still feel a connection with Life or Source; joy and curiosity was natural and being alive was a magical experience. When I was around ten or twelve years old (in 1995) I started to loose this connection, my mind was starting to believe in the materialist dogma that everyone around me believed in. This, coupled with the effect of the implants, which I can clearly feel today, began to make me question the nature of my reality. Having learnt everything from older humans, I thought adults had the answer and were simply waiting for me to mature, to be able to understand the true nature of ourselves and our reality.
How huge was my deception when I started to understand that they were as lost as I was! That’s when everything fell appart. Being faced with the apparent non sense of existence, I started using substances to try to get back the feeling of being a child, of feeling this connection, and it lead me down a path of self-destruction for many years. But, even during the hardest of my experiences I always knew and felt deep down that something bigger was in me, trying to speak to me and somehow I always believed in the life that I am. That’s what kept me going and what made me look for answers.
So I started meditating, reading many books and it did a lot of good. I now have a personnal conception of reality that obviously I can’t prove to anyone, but in which I believe faithfully and this brings me an inner tranquility that makes today’s hardships easier to deal with.
In conclusion, I guess in my case, the connection was never completely severed and this is what kept me going. I also believe that this experience of extreme separation has brought a lot to my understanding of reality, from a spiritual point of view, although at times it felt as if I couldn’t go on…
Finally, regarding the in figthing between lightworkers, in my point of view, this is nothing more than another indirect consequence of our intense state of separation. We not only feel apart from the source, but separated from one another. So, the human ego, in order to preserve itself, will only admit one truth, hence the necessity to prove others wrong. You have to understand that the current human population is highly “insane”, from a cosmic point of view, perhaps we have been cut from Source for too long and this is one of the effect. Healing from such a profound wound takes time and we can’t judge individuals who are still stuck in this “self preservation mind set”. It is an enormous leap to go from a materialistic dogma where only one truth can be accepted, to the idea of a co-creating consciousness that can ultimately have an infinite amount of experiences, hence the plural nature of truth.
Hermanos y hermanas de la resistencia, yo sólo les escribo para agradecerles infinitamente por su amor, compasión y misericordia con nosotros humanos y quiero ponerme a su servicio para seguir ayudando a la humanidad cuando sea oportuno. Pido su ayuda para México, la gente sufre mucho a manos del gobierno, la mafia y la iglesia. Mucha gente esta desesperada. Pido su ayuda para Inglaterra para que me ayuden a que la gente despierte y a cumplir mi misión. Yo estoy muy feliz de darme cuenta, de despertar una vez mas y de cada día tratar de ser mejor aun con todas mis limitaciones. Pido a mi creador que me ilumine, me guíe y me ayude a dominar mi mente negativa y pido su ayuda para mi y mis hermanos humanos para que nos liberen y podamos crear el mundo de amor y de unidad que tanto deseamos todos. Tengo mucha fe y confianza que pronto será. He tenido hermosas visiones de lo que pasará con la ola bendita de energía que viene. Me pongo a su servicio para cualquier ayuda que pueda yo prestar aquí donde estoy. Su humilde trabajadora de la luz y el amor que en nombre de Cristo, Saint Germain y Metatron les mando mucho amor y gracias! Aho’o. Sikutama.
google – Brothers and sisters of the resistance, I only write to thank you infinitely for your love, compassion and mercy with us humans and I want to put myself at your service to continue helping humanity when it is opportune. I ask for your help for Mexico, people suffer a lot at the hands of the government, the mafia and the church. Many people are desperate. I ask for your help for England to help me to awaken people and fulfill my mission. I am very happy to realize, to wake up once more and every day try to be better even with all my limitations. I ask my creator to enlighten me, guide me and help me to dominate my negative mind and ask for his help for me and my human brothers to liberate us and we can create the world of love and unity that we all want so much. I have a lot of faith and trust that will soon be. I have had beautiful visions of what will happen with the blessed wave of energy coming. I am at your service for any help I can render here where I am. Your humble worker of the light and the love that in the name of Christ, Saint Germain and Metatron I send you much love and thanks! Aho’o. Sikutama.
Namaste! Dear Ones, it´s really hard here on the surface. It seems, that my Neighbors are only here to make me and my Family live strictly hard. Their Dog is permanently barking, and i am triggered by this Noise. I can’t find any positive thought and i´m going to get crazy. To find a good and helpful contact with them is not possible. Please help me and my Family to get rid of this problem, so i can do my Lightwork here! You know where me and my Family is living. Thank You so much for Your great work. I am open for personal Contact with You! Blessings and victory to the light!
Kedves Testvéreim!
Cobra blogjában elhangzott egy kérdés, ill. kérés:
„A legfontosabb dolog, amit az Ellenállás NEM ért meg teljes egészében az, hogy a Fénymunkások és Fényharcosok miért támadják egymást folyamatosan ahelyett, hogy egyesítenék erőiket a cabal ellen, akiknek egyértelműen nem a legjobb érdekek járnak a fejükben. Az Ellenállás szemszögéből nézve, ők soha nem támadnák meg azt a társukat, aki ugyanazért a célért küzd és őszintén nem értik, hogy a felszíni lakosság miért teszi ezt folyamatosan. Arra kérik a felszíni lakosságot, hogy itt osszák meg ezzel a helyzettel kapcsolatos meglátásaikat:”
Egy lehetséges válasz:
Egyszerű. Bizalmatlanság van. Az önmagunkba vetett és a mások iránti bizalom hiányáról van szó.
Az emberek hallgatnának a saját intuíciójukra, belső útmutatásukra, de aki kicsit is képben van az tudja, hogy elmeprogramozás alatt áll a felszíni lakosság. Aki ezt tudja, emiatt (és e mellett ezer és egy másik ok miatt) nem bízik eléggé a belső útmutatásában. Ez az egyik ok.
A másik az EGO. Csupa nagybetűvel. Mindenki azt hiszi, majd ő lesz az aki megmenti a világot és nem akarja átadni ezt a lehetőséget. Egyénieskednek.
Nagyon nehezen megy be az emberek, főleg a szellemi vezetők tudatába, hogy közösen kell cselekedni, együtt. Sok a kókler, a hazug is ezek között a vezetők vagy inkább „vezetők” között.
A bizalmatlanság szinte mérhetetlen. Ki az IGAZ, ki az aki IGAZAT mond, ki az aki IGAZUL cselekszik? Senki nem tudja, csak próbál tartozni egy közösséghez és igyekszik hinni abban, hogy annak a közösségnek a szellemi vezetője jó és igaz ember, tiszta lélek. Egy kis kétség mindig van, vagy ha nincs akkor a sötét oldal tesz róla, hogy legyen. A közösségekből mindig van valaki aki megbántódik és továbbáll egy másik csoportba. A kialakult sérelmek miatt a szellemi vezetők képtelenek egy térben és egy időben együtt lenni. Ha erre mégis van némi remény, akkor a sötét oldal azonnal betámad. Nagyon résen vannak, hogy a kis közösségek kicsik is maradjanak. Nemrég személyesen is tapasztaltam, hogy meddig képesek elmenni, de nem jártak sikerrel (Magyarország. Bócsa 2017.06.19-20.).
Nehezítő tényező még, hogy a fókuszpontról könnyen elterelődik a figyelmünk. Nehéz koncentrálni.
Ennek a nagyfokú bizalmatlanságnak a feloldására nagyon gyorsan megoldást kell találnunk. A másik kihívás az EGO csillapítása a „majd ÉN mentem meg a világot” tévképzettel kapcsolatos.
Várjuk az Ellenállás segítő útmutatását, mert a jelen helyzet nem csak az Ellenállás tagjait zavarja, hanem néhányunkat a felszínen is. Mi is dolgozunk raja, és sokszor elhangzik, hogy együtt és hogy össze kell fogni, hogy felül kell emelkedni a személyes okokon, de a bizalmatlanságot ennyivel nem lehet legyőzni.
Köszönöm az Ellenállás áldozatos munkáját!
A Fény Győzelme!
Dear Brothers and Sisters
Cobra’s blog is about a question or a question. look for:
“The most important thing the Resistance did not fully understand is why Lightworkers and Lighteners attack each other continually instead of joining forces against the cabal who clearly do not have the best interests in their heads. From the point of view of Resistance, they would never attack their fellow who struggles for the same purpose and honestly do not understand why the surface population does so constantly. They are asking the surface population to share their views on this situation: ”
One possible answer:
Simple. There is confusion. It is about the lack of trust in ourselves and for others.
People would listen to their own intuition, their inner guidance, but who, in a little bit of detail, know that the surface population is under programming. Anyone who knows this, for this reason (and for that, for a thousand and for another reason), does not trust enough in his inner guidance. That’s one of the reasons.
The other is EGO. All in capital letters. Everyone thinks he will be the one who will save the world and will not give up this opportunity. Egyénieskednek.
It is very difficult for people, especially the spiritual leaders, to act together, together. There is a lot of coffins, a liar between these leaders or rather “leaders”.
Distrust is almost immeasurable. Who is TRUE, WHO WOULD THINK, WHO IS REALLY ACTING? No one knows you just try to belong to a community and try to believe that the spiritual leader of the community is a good and just man, a pure soul. There is always some doubt or, if not, the dark side is about to be there. There is always someone in the communities who hurt and move to another group. Due to the resulting grievances, spiritual leaders are incapable of being in one space and at the same time. If there is any hope for that, then the dark side will bet. They are very slim to keep small communities small. I recently experienced personally how long they were able to go, but they did not succeed (Hungary. Bócsa 2017.06.19-20.).
It is also a difficult factor that the focus point is easily distracted by our attention. It’s hard to concentrate.
To resolve this great distrust we have to find a solution very quickly. The other challenge is to dampen the EGO with the “I’m going to the world” misconception.
We are looking forward to the Resistance Assistant guidance because the present situation is not only confusing members of the Resistance, but some of us on the surface as well. We are also working on a raja, and it is often said that together and that we must grasp that it has to be upgraded for personal reasons, but that mistrust can not be overcome.
Thank you for the Counter-Strike Work!
The Light of the Light!
Dear RM members
As one struggling to overcome repeated traumas, to heal, awaken and participate in my own evolvement and also try to make sense of the senselessness I experience daily, I appreciate the invitation to explain why we tend to attack one another instead of working together.
Our ability to co-operate has atrophied in a climate of persistent stressors across all levels of our existence. I will never believe our ability to co-operate it has been destroyed entirely, so please do not give up on us!
Our conditioning/indoctrination to competition begins immediately at birth (we compete for attention and the resources required of survival). I turn 60 years old in a few short months, and I have watched over the last half century as my culture devolved and degenerated due to it’s glorification of violence, in it’s championing of competition, in how it excessively rewards victors and callously ignores the impoverished. We appear to have lost all sense of collective well-being as a value, let alone as an actionable priority.
Have you heard the term “zero sum game”? It means in any situation (remember all situations are competitions) there is one winner and one loser and no other outcome is possible or to be expected. The win, +1 added to the loss -1 = 0, hence, a zero sum game. Contrast that with a “win-win” situation where everyone benefits (co-operation). This is considered a radical, crazy, unsustainable and unprofitable delusion. People are surprised when co-operative ventures succeed. Some have. Others are clearly sabotaged. Such ventures are very difficult to accomplish and sustain, those that are are a rare form of inspiration when you can find them because they are rarely publicly praised or called attention to.
We are exhausted from being kept in a state of perpetual insecurity and hopelessness. At any point many of us can and do lose our jobs, go hungry or lose our homes, we die early of preventable illnesses because our foods and water are poisoned with chemicals and drugs and in the USA heath care itself can kill you. We exist in slavery conditions that begin with false beliefs and end in loss – for which there is often either no explanation, or no accountability or responsibility taken. Our beliefs are often contradictory adding uncertainty to insecurity. Money is the only thing of value and the only measure of value and currently money is based on nothing.
We can not remember who we are or why we are here. The sense of purposefulness beyond mere survival is itself, beyond most people. We exist in a prison of lies called laws and beliefs.
Did we come here to contain primary anomaly, to give it a real form and substance in time and thereby with the help of elder, wiser beings and higher energy, ultimately transmute it? Is that the purpose of all this suffering and confusion? (I sure hope so) Is that why we agreed to forget because this brutal mission would have been even more impossible with our memories intact? (there’s an even scarier thought)
In the same posting that inspired me to write this, Cobra discussed a practice that would help dissolve implants that keep us out of a direct connection to Source. I am guessing that this situation with implants is not true for you, which would explain why our inability to co-operate would mystify you. It also would explain how you could under-estimate the degree of suffering the surface population is experiencing.
Which reveals the final point: ignorance and polarization. We have become collectively smarter and more stupid simultaneously. This particular collective polarization will not be sustainable. On mostly unconscious levels I believe most of the surface population knows this, and it only fuels individual anxiety and confusion personal isolation and defensiveness.
So we attack each other. We judge ourselves and others (often unfairly and over-harshly), we defend and we protect what’s important to us because whether it is a thing or a person, we’re always just one breath away from losing it or them.
Our environment and climate needs to change from persistent fear, violence, scarcity, lack, insecurity, lies and confusion, to love kindness, abundance, generosity, truth, accuracy and clarity (all of which will disappear insecurity) in order for the surface population to change. I am certain MANY if not ALL people would willingly cooperate in a different environment and climate.
I hope The Event is real. We don’t know what’s real or what to believe, I know I don’t. I will do the practices Cobra recommends because perhaps they will provide me with the relief I seek. I don’t know how the surface population can throw off the pathology that has been bred into it without outside intervention.
Recently, 4 people died who were very close and important loving relationships for me. Without their loving presence I am not nearly as hopeful or as buoyant a person as I used to be. I feel a kind of tiredness I have never known before. In my experience these are the perfect conditions for recognizing and releasing stuff that’s not working. It does rather feel like moving a mountain one cup at a time or pushing an elephant up the stairs…
I feel better having written this. Thanks for asking and thanks for reading. I hope it helps you understand us better. Perhaps you will become better able to assist us more accurately with the healing we require.
Christen Grace
Are you reviewing comments before posting them?
yes – we review before posting. Please expect a delay before you “see” them on the site. Thanks
Regarding Light Workers attacking each other.
Some of these attacks are purposely sponsored by the cabal to create confusion, which is easy to do because we cannot feel our true guidance from source very easily through the static created by the main implant.
Others attacks between actual Light Workers are based in fear because the flight or flight, feed or fornicate programming coming from the reptilian brain stem tends to over ride the higher impulses of even some of the most dedicated and well intentioned Light Workers.
The reptilian brain stem is driven only by the need to ensure survival at any cost and feels that it has to depend on itself to survive because we feel so alone when we have no awareness of our connection to source.
Most people are walking around in a black box that blinds them to the truth of who they really are and they are simply ignorant of any higher reality other than the false narratives fed to them by organized religion. And the reptilian brain stem is the guardian of the black box. Its job is to keep us locked in this black box of fear based frustration, anger, sorrow, suffering and limitation, make us think it is normal – just human nature.
Even though I know these things, I find myself constantly under compulsion to do exactly the opposite of what is most beneficial for me. Sometimes I will do or say something and a split second later realize that I just sabotaged myself again! Even when I knew better from prior experience, let alone when dealing with an unfamiliar situation.
From a very young age, I knew things were not right and that there had to be a better way and I have spent most of my life seeking out the truth. But, the density here and the constant struggle to survive in the face of the relentless resistance to my expression of a higher vibration has worn me down.
It used to energize me to know that I was here helping the planet and humanity, but I have developed PTSD from having most of my best efforts sabotaged over and over again, either from the outside or the inside or a combination of both.
One thing that I feel causes confusion among Light Workers is when the term Light Warrior is used to describe what we do. Any thing that has to do with WAR is based in conflict, so we fight amongst ourselves while we fight the cabal. AND, nothing can be resolved through WAR. It has to be transmuted through UNCONDITIONAL LOVE which stays compassionately neutral and passes no judgement.
It’s like the song WAR says: “War, huh, yeah. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing.”
Judgement automatically creates the right/wrong polarity and two sides that each feel they need to defend them selves at any cost. Being Neutral allows one to see to the core of any issue very quickly and take the appropriate steps to resolve the polarity and dissolve the problem. Being Neutral does not mean continuing to allow those who insist on creating conflict to continue to do so to the detriment of the majority.
Walking The Middle Way keeps us out of polarity and able to clearly see both sides of the issue. Then we can take the best of both sides and combine them to create a whole new set of benevolent solutions that allow both sides to coexist with harmony and a minimum of conflict that is easily resolved through open minded negotiation that flows organically and bypasses any fear based ego issues.
Thank you for listening to our concerns and thank you for all you are doing to free the planet and her many beings. Many Blessings on all our efforts.
The following letter to the Resistance has been published on June 7, 2017 in the Dutch blog eventnl.info with the invitation to the readers to give their thoughts, which I have added below the letter.
Boodschap aan de Resistance Movement; hoe het is om op de oppervlakte van de Aarde te leven
Ik voel dat het is bedoeld dat wij leven in liefde, dat ons hoogste zelf liefde is.
Ik voel dat ik in vrede en respect met de mensen om mij heen wil leven en samenwerken, vanuit positiviteit.
Ik kies ervoor om mij niet te laten provoceren door negatieve energieën. Maar toch gebeurt dat. De kracht van de negatieve energie om mij heen is vaak zo groot dat het mij toch te pakken neemt, hoezeer ik ook probeer om mijzelf ervoor af te sluiten. Dan wordt ik overspoeld door boosheid en irritatie. Gevoelens die niet bij mij horen, maar die toch naar boven komen.
Op andere momenten kan ik worden overspoeld door moedeloosheid, als ik zie hoe de wereld om mij heen is gevuld met oorlog, agressie, onmenselijkheid, armoede, en dat het gros van de mensheid gewoon doorgaat met leven alsof er niets aan de hand is. Ik heb vertrouwen dat wij uiteindelijk die betere wereld zullen hebben, maar op zulke momenten wordt mijn vertrouwen zwaar op de proef gesteld.
En dan realiseer ik mij dat ‘het’ mij weer te pakken heeft; matrix, sluier, archons, black goo, AI, implantaten, noem ze maar op. Het slurpt mijn energie op, totdat ik in staat ben om bewust de keuze te maken dit niet toe te laten.
Maar deze bewuste keuze kun je alleen maken als men zich bewust is van wat er gaande is. En het overgrote deel van de oppervlaktebevolking heeft zijn ogen en oren gesloten, luistert niet naar zijn gevoel maar vertrouwt alleen op het hoofd en de ‘wetenschap’, noemt ons complottheorie samenzweerders, alu hoedjes, enz., en heeft er geen flauw idee van aan wat voor negativiteit ze worden blootgesteld. En als je dit niet weet, dan kun je het ook niet vanuit je eigen vrije wil stoppen.
Je kunt het ze eigenlijk niet kwalijk nemen, dit overgrote onbewuste deel van de wereldbevolking, want hun levens staan vaak in het teken van overleven. Overleven, zowel letterlijk – om niet dood te gaan van de honger, als figuurlijk – er hangt zoveel af van jouw slagen – partner – gezin – enz. dat je jezelf gewoon de tijd en de ruimte niet geeft om naar je diepere gevoelens te gaan, om je spiritueel te ontwikkelen. Deze mensen blijven hangen in het materiële en zijn daar zo afhankelijk van dat het ze bijna dag en nacht bezig houdt. Ze zitten in de tang van de banen, de banken, bezittingen, overheden, en hebben geen energie over om zichzelf open te stellen voor een andere kijk op de wereld om ons heen.
Resistance Movement, ik hoop dat ik met deze beschrijving een bijdrage heb kunnen leveren aan jullie begrip van wat het is om op dit moment als mens op de oppervlakte van de planeet Aarde te leven. Van de druk en negativiteit waarmee wij te kampen hebben, zowel het bewuste deel als het onbewuste deel van de bevolking.
Wij als Lichtwerkers hebben vertrouwen dat die verandering komt, maar als je onder zo’n zware druk staat duurt het echt wel heel erg lang. En sommige mensen houden dit niet vol, haken af, besluiten soms om eruit te stappen of om terug te keren naar het leven dat in het teken staat van materie, want dat lijkt veel makkelijker vol te houden.
Resistance Movement, wij zijn jullie heel erg dankbaar dat jullie zo’n enorme taak op jullie hebben genomen om de planeet Aarde uit zijn slavernijbestaan te bevrijden!
En wij kijken vol spanning uit naar het moment dat alles in de openbaarheid is, dat de ogen van de volledige mensheid zijn geopend, en dat wij openlijk contact kunnen hebben met onze buitenaardse en binnenaarde familie.
Overwinning van het Licht!
7 juni 2017 at 18:51
wat hierboven beschreven herken ik mij zo in! ik ben af en toe zo moe van alles wat er om mij heen en in de wereld gebeurt. ik weet ook dat de meeste mensen zwaar vergiftigd zijn, zowel fysiek door de vergiftigde voeding, chemtrails etc. als geestelijk door de media, de collectieven en alles wat mensen weg houdt van de waarheid. dan zak ik ook in de moedeloosheid en vraag ik mij af wat ik hier op aarde doe en waarom in deze tijd! daarom ben ik zo blij met cobra en deze website! daardoor voel ik mij verbonden met de andere lichtstrijders in de aarde, op de aarde en boven de aarde. het geeft mij moed en doorzettingsvermogen om mijn missie te leven!
8 juni 2017 at 01:54
Prachtig Veronica. Hier is de mijne:
Aan de Resistence Movement
Veronica volgend over een beschrijving van onze levens in deze tijd wil ik een en ander toevoegen na nadrukkelijk bevestigen wat zij al heeft geschreven, in alle opzichten.
Ik kwam al een keer tegen in een bericht van Jezus geloof ik, dat er momenten zullen zijn dat we denken dat we gek worden. We hebben twee dingen geleerd hier: aan de ene kant het geloof / religie, dat we zonder bewijs moeten aanvaarden en het andere uiteinde (de wetenschap): bewijs leveren want anders exit.
En toen kwam Cobra met de boodschap van de eindtijd, waarin we leerden dat we in een spiegelrealiteit leven waarin alles illusie is.
Nu moeten we geloven dat er een Resistance Movement bestaat en we op weg zijn naar de Gouden Eeuw…….
Ik geloof het omdat het niet anders kan, en ik geloof het omdat de boodschappers betrouwbaar lijken. Als je ontdekt wat dit aardse leven werkelijk inhoudt, met eigenlijk alleen maar misbruik, in alle denkbare vormen, kan dat geen eeuwigheidswaarde hebben.
Ik veronderstel dat jullie je best doen om de aarde te bevrijden. Het zal geen makkelijke klus zijn, waar alles wat geen misbruik is wordt tegengewerkt. De planeet van de slapers, las ik
in een hypnoseverslag.
Ik las in een artikel van Kevin Annett zoiets prachtigs dat ik dat ook met jullie wil delen:
I looked for healing, but healing escaped me. I sought after God, and I searched for love, but neither could I see. I found myself, and I discovered all three.
Vertaling: Ik zocht genezing, maar genezing ontsnapte me. Ik zocht naar God, en ik zocht liefde, maar geen van beiden kon ik zien. Toen vond ik mezelf, en ontdekte ze alle drie.
Laat liefde, na ego en geld, ons nieuwe bloed zijn.
Dank Resistance movement, dank dank dank, Maria
9 juni 2017 at 13:28
Lieve allemaal laten we met ze n allen zo veel mogelijk Liefde en Licht sturen en vooral blijven vertrouwen samen staan we sterk .en dank aan jullie dat jullie zo je best doen om de AARDE te bevrijden ik blijf er in geloven .
Dank Resistance movement liefs Trudi
Winfried Meier
8 juni 2017 at 11:49
Van Winfried aan R.M.
Mij wens is: begin met selectief contacten te leggen met ons bewoners van de aarde. Zij die wat hun spirituele ontwikkeling betreft zich bewust zijn van hun goddelijke afkomst en bestemming verlangen naar een universele samenwerking ten dienste van ascentie en het inluiden van een gouden eeuw van vrede en overvloed. Laten we samen de handen uit de mauwen steken.
Gea Hollestelle
8 juni 2017 at 12:03
Alles wat je ziet en ervaart aan gevolgen van macht en hebzucht, kortom een liefdeloosheid waarvan je dacht dat dit niet mogelijk zou kunnen zijn in onze leefwereld, komt in de spotlights te staan van ons bewustzijn.
Dat betekent dat de mens een overstap maakt van ego-gedrag naar een bewust zielenwezen, zijn gevoelsleven, de vrouwelijke trilling, wint terrein! Je kunt ook zeggen het Licht, het bewustzijn wereldwijd, wordt zo helder dat alle leugens en bedrog ontrafeld worden. De onderste steen komt boven, alle rotte fundamenten worden afgebroken en dat geeft gigantische schokeffecten.
Kijk even twintig jaar terug, dan constateer je dat dit immense proces exponentieel aan het groeien is. Sluit je ogen niet voor de pijnlijke en ongelooflijke praktijken, maar richt je op de wereldwijde schoonmaak, verbind je met het Lichtveld door gebruik te maken van je Bronkracht. Wij zijn schitterende wezens die kunnen kiezen voor het donker, maar ook voor Licht!
Als het evenwicht verstoord is, komt een natuurlijke wet in beweging: een omslag in het tegendeel!
Machtige bolwerken storten in en dat is een angstaanjagende oproepende kracht, niet om daarin mee ten onder te gaan als krachteloze slachtoffers, maar om de roep te verstaan onze ware essentie op te pakken, een CREEREND LICHTWEZEN.
8 juni 2017 at 13:46
ik ben het volledig met veronica eens , Ik heb vroeger veel gemediteerd en licht verzonden in de wereld , maar tegenwoordig gaat het niet meer zo goed , fysiek wordt alles slechter en ik heb steeds een ruis in mijn hoofd , soms een beetje maar soms ook heel erg , ik gebruik alleen fytotherapie , want die chemische troep hoef ik niet !!! Ik vind dat het allemaal zo lang duurt voor we enige verbetering zien , hoe lang duurt het nog voor die pedofielenclub in de wereld wordt opgeruimd , ik weet dat het niet gemakkelijk is , maar elke dag verdwijnen er kinderen … ik heb zelf kleinkinderen en ben bang dat er iets met hen gebeurt . in mijn familie moet ik er niet over spreken want ze geloven je niet , ze schijnen niet door te hebben wat er in de wereld gebeurt …al die valse vlag aanslagen , ze zien ze niet voor wat ze echt zijn !!!! Mijn hoop is dat alles plots in een ” sneltreinvaart ” zal veranderen , want het gaat zoooo langzaam …Ik ben al wat ouder en hoop het nog allemaal mee te maken , en ik wil ook graag de de ” buitenaardsen ” ontmoeten !!!
Er is sprake van ” ufomeldingen ” maar ik heb in heel mijn leven nog geen enkele gezien , en ik ben nu 73 , zou ik het nog meemaken ? ik blijf hopen op de nieuwe tijd !!!!
8 juni 2017 at 17:19
Antonetta, dit zou ik geschreven kunnen hebben, ben het zo met je eens
9 juni 2017 at 23:19
Dit probleem van jou is het probleem van de hele wereld, niet zien wat er gebeurt en met oranje vlaggetjes op de kades staan zwaaien. Het moet voor de resistance ook niet leuk zijn om alleen maar ongeloof tegen te komen, en ik denk dat het zou helpen als we allemaal geloven wat er werkelijk gebeurt.
Daarom ben ik een blog gestart: mariaenbuitenaardsen.blogspot.com. Vooral om alles over de kinderen en pedofilie te vertalen en te plaatsen. We zouden het allemaal moeten doen. Miljoenen blogs, met allemaal dezelfde onthullingen: over pedofilie, buitenaards contact, pharmacie etc. Ze kosten niets.
Ik ben 67, en ik laat me er niet onder krijgen. Geen gezeik, iedereen rijk haha!
9 juni 2017 at 23:20
O, die fout maak ik vaker: mariaenbuitenaardsen.blogspot.nl.
8 juni 2017 at 12.12 pm
Wij kunnen ons niet meer voorstellen hoe het leven is buiten de aarde; d’at wensen wij weer te herinneren en wanneer we toenadering tot elkaar zoeken en vinden kunnen we leren van ELKAAR in LIEFDE… <3
google – Message to the Resistance Movement; How it is to live on the surface of the earth
I feel that it is meant that we live in love, that our highest self is love.
I feel that in peace and respect I want to live and work with the people around me, from positivity.
I choose not to provoke me by negative energies. But still that happens. The power of the negative energy around me is often so great that I take care of myself, however much I try to close myself. Then I’m flooded with anger and irritation. Feelings that do not belong to me, but that nevertheless come up.
At other times, I can be overwhelmed by despondency when I see how the world is filled with war, aggression, inhumanity, poverty, and the fact that the whole of humanity continues with life as if nothing is going on. I am confident that we will eventually have that better world, but at such times my trust is being heavily tested.
And then I realize that ‘it’ has got me back Matrix, veil, archons, black goo, AI, implants, name them. It slows up my energy until I’m able to consciously make this decision impossible.
But this conscious choice can only be made if one is aware of what is going on. And the vast majority of the surface population has his eyes and ears closed, does not listen to his feelings but rely solely on the head and ‘science’, our plot theory calls conspiracies, alu caps, etc., and has no clue of it What kind of negativity they are exposed to. And if you do not know then you can not stop it from your own free will.
You can not really blame them, this vast unconscious part of the world’s population, because their lives are often in the sign of survival. Survive, both literally – not to die from hunger, as figurative – depends so much on your successes – partner – family – etc. that you just do not give yourself the time and space to go to your deeper feelings, To develop you spiritually. These people are hanging out in the material and are so dependent on it being occupied almost every day and night. They are in the tongs of jobs, banks, possessions, governments, and have no energy to open themselves to another view of the world around us.
Resistance Movement, I hope that with this description I can contribute to your understanding of what it is like to live on Earth on Earth’s surface today. The pressure and negativity we face, both the conscious part and the unconscious part of the population.
We as Lightworkers trust that change will come, but if you are under such heavy pressure it really takes a lot of time. And some people do not keep this up, hitch down, sometimes decide to get out of it or to return to life that is a matter of matter, because that seems much easier to keep.
Resistance Movement, we are very grateful to you that you have taken such an enormous task to you to free the planet Earth from its slavery!
And we are looking forward to the moment when everything is open, that the eyes of full humanity have been opened and that we can openly contact with our alien and inward family.
Victory of the Light!
June 7, 2017 at 18:51
As described above, I recognize that! From time to time I’m so tired of everything that happens around me and in the world. I also know that most people are heavily poisoned, both physically by poisoned food, chemtrails, etc., as spiritual by the media, the collectives and all that people keep away from the truth. Then I also fall in despondency and wonder what I’m doing here on earth and why in this time! That’s why I’m so happy with cobra and this website! Therefore I feel connected with the other light fighters in the earth, on the earth and above the earth. It gives me courage and perseverance to live my mission!
June 8, 2017 at 1:54
Beautiful Veronica. Here is mine:
To the Resistence Movement
Veronica following a description of our lives during this time I want to add something after emphatically confirming what she has written in all respects.
I encountered a time in a message from Jesus I believe there will be moments that we think we will be crazy. We have learned two things here: on the one hand the faith / religion, which we must accept without proof and the other end (the science): provide proof for another exit.
And then Cobra came with the message of the end time, in which we learned that we live in a mirror reality in which everything is illusion.
Now we must believe that there is a ResistanceE Movement exists and we are heading for the Golden Age ……. I believe it because it can not and I believe it because the messengers seem reliable. If you really discover what this earthly life really means, in fact only abuse, in all conceivable forms, that can not have eternal value. I suppose you do your best to free the earth. It will not be an easy job, where everything that is not abused is being counteracted. The planet of the sleepers, I read in a hypnosis report. I read in an article by Kevin Annett such a wonderful thing that I also want to share with you: I looked for healing, but healing escaped me. I sought after God, and I searched for love, but neither could I see. I found myself, and I discovered all three. Translation: I sought healing, but healing escaped me. I was looking for God, and I sought love, but neither of them could I see. Then I found myself, and they discovered all three. Let love, after ego and money, be our new blood. Thank you Resistance movement thank you, Maria Trudi June 9, 2017 at 13:28 Dear all of us, let’s send you all the love and light as much as possible, and above all keep faith together, we are strong and thank you so much for your best Do to free the EARTH I keep believing. Thank Resistance movement love Trudi Winfried Meier June 8, 2017 at 11:49 From Winfried to R.M. My wish is: begin to make selective contacts with our inhabitants of the earth. Those who are concerned with their spiritual development are aware of their divine descent and desiring a universal cooperation for the purpose of Ascension and the initiation of a golden age of peace and abundance. Let’s put the hands out of the mites together. Gea Hollestelle June 8, 2017 at 12:03 Everything that you see and experience from the effects of power and greed, in short, a lovelessness that you thought might not be possible in our living world comes to the spotlight of our consciousness. That means that man makes a transition from selfish behavior to conscious mindedness, his emotional life, the female vibration, wins terrain! You can also say the Light, the consciousness worldwide, becomes so clear that all lies and deception are unraveled. The bottom of the stone comes up, all rotten foundations are broken and this gives gigantic shock effects. Look back 20 years ago, then you realize that this immense process is growing exponentially. Do not close your eyes to the painful and unbelievable practices, but focus on global cleaning, connect with the Light Field using your Source Power. We are beautiful creatures who can choose the dark, but also for Light! If the balance is disturbed, a natural law is moving: a reversal in the opposite direction! Mighty bolts come in and that’s a terrifying calling force, not to be treated as powerless victims, but to understand the call to address our true essence, a CREATIVE LIGHTWEZEN. Antonetta June 8, 2017 at 13:46 I agree with Veronica, I used to meditate and send light in the world, but nowadays it’s not all that good, everything is getting worse and I’m still getting a noise , Sometimes a little but sometimes too much, I only use phytotherapy because that chemical junk I do not have !!! I think it takes so long before we see any improvement, how long does it take for that pedophile club to be cleaned up in the world, I know it’s not easy, but every day there are children disappearing … I have grandchildren themselves and are afraid That something happens to them. In my family I do not have to talk about it because they do not believe you, they do not seem to have what happens in the world … all those false flag attacks, they do not see them what they really are !!!! My hope is that everything will suddenly change in a “fast track” because it’s going so slowly … I’m a bit older and I hope to meet it all, and I’d like to meet the “aliens” !!! There are “instincts” but I have not seen anybody in my life, and I’m 73, would I still have it? I keep hoping for the new time !!!! Elles 8 June 2017 at 17:19 Antonetta, this could I have written, agree with you Maria June 9, 2017 at 23:19 This problem of you is the problem of the whole world, not seeing what happens and with Orange flags are waving on the quays. It must not be fun for the resistance to just resist unbelief, and I think it would help if we all believe what really happens. That’s why I started a blog: mariaenbuitenaardsen.blogspot.com. Especially to translate and place everything about children and pedophilia. We should do it all. Millions of blogs, all of them selfThe revelations: about pedophilia, extraterrestrial contact, pharmacology etc. They cost nothing. I’m 67, and I’m not getting it down. No sigh, everyone rich haha! Maria June 9, 2017 at 23:20 Oh that mistake I make more often: mariaenbuitenaardsen.blogspot.nl. Bertina June 8, 2017 at 12.12 pm We can no longer imagine how life is outside the earth; D’we wish to recall and when we seek and find rapprochement we can learn from EVERYTHING in LOVE … <3
I’m a 17 year old french boy.
I’ve always loved philosophy, languages, esoteric, space and old wise cultures.
But recent events snowballed into my mother and spiritual family becoming lightworkers.
Then I strongly needed to help and heal people in need.
I’m also aware of the animal slaughter and slowly transitioning into a vegetarian.
I try to stay as positive and loving about everything, but sometimes other emotions get the best of me (even without a reason sometimes)
By the way have you heard about our schools it’s great (not so much)
There is discrimination, people juge you because of your opinions and beliefs even clothes …
This brings me to my next point why lightworkers fighting themselves instead of the cabal… There’s much propaganda everywhere you look, sometimes it gets us, sometimes we don’t want to see what the cabal does to us, some we get confused, we doubt ourselves, I think it contributes to the why this is happening..
Hopefully I’ve been useful.
Thanks for what to do everyday.
Victory of the light!
Dear Ones of the Light, Resistance, Galactics of the Light,
Thank you. Thank you all for shining your loving Light on this planet, Beautiful Gaia.
We humans have been mind controlled for so long, most do not know anymore than their day to day existence.
I think the “attack” programming is why we fight with each other. I liked the info on how to stop the plasma implant. I have removed several implants within my mind/body/psyche to stop the FLOW OF LOVE. We are controlled much easier if there is not love in our hearts.
We have been driven to work til we are exhausted and it still doesn’t make “ends meet”. We are fed poisoned foods and water, food without nutritional value. We are bombarded with subliminal messages in our TV showes, grocery stores, big-box stores.
Unless this poplulation conciously chooses to “Unplug” I do not know what will happen.
I have a meditation I do that calls in the Golden Light from the Central Sun, pulling it down to the core of the earth and then up through Earth Mother forming a ball of Light at the center of the Earth. This Light radiates out to all the ley lines and pyramids on the planet, activating the Earth Grid. Touching all the Beings that live here. Then it goes out to the Merkaba around the earth, connecting with the Golden Light at the Center of the Earth. We, all Beings on the planet are filled with Love, Compassions, Joy, Abundance on all levels. The Dark Ones cannot have this planet nor any being on this Planet.
Waiting for the rest of the world is not going to happen til they are removed from the mind control system. They need to see the Galactics, they need to see with their own eyes what is really going on. So stop tiptoeing around and KICK SOME ASS, NOW.
Just my opinion. Thank you very much for all the help you are giving us. We really, really do appreciate it. I look forward to meeting you soon!
Aloha, MakalehaWahine
Love from the surface!
Hello family below. As I just read the newest update. As a healer, I share my experience, research and perspective:
Malaysia team was undergoes a heavy blow of attack during 2016 Chiang Mai Conference. The attack was staged before the conference. A group of member added in Golden-Ages Malaysia, start to get very active and discuss about channeling messages. Then, I found out many key lightworker was attacked. I track the sources:
We have a we chat group that we are very active on. It serve as a communication panel lightworker discuss about light works.
1. At first, many lightworkers simultaneously get confused and shared many channeling and unreliable sources that tie to certain distorted informations. Simultaneously active lightworkers, tagged me in many false information.
2. At the same time, some of the lightworkers formed a group outside our main group, and start teaching people “advance version” of Earth Liberation Meditations. At first, it was just a more complicated version of meditation. Later, it was adding in many distorted belief.
3. Quickly, they have form a psychic group where they group up various people, mostly spiritual seeker from many place, some claim they can channel, some are “channellers of Jesus”, and they start remote seeing or detecting lightworkers who need healing to help them healed. I remain neutral, taking no action other than encourage them to follow the golden-ages standard.
4. As the group grow bigger, they start to see different lightworkers and charging them with “psychic reading” that is mostly on based on total illusion and personal feeling. Those that get healed by them, felt attacked. And many of them are the key lightworkers.
5. After the Taipei Ascension Conference at 2016, I get physical proof of that the member from the psychic reading group harassing people in a very extensive way, I took action to remove the person. Suddenly, the psychic reading group started detecting that I was infiltrating by the dark and they start “healing” me. Then I got a taste of that kind of “healing”, mostly just a bunch of people sending some irregular energy, not very healing nor does it cause too much damage, along with the dark attacking you multidimensionally.
6. As I didn’t taking action on it. Many people got influence and lost focus. I felt responsible, and talk to the leader personally asking her wouldn’t she feel responsible for her group? She said that the group is not belong to her. It’s belong to everyone. It’s just people with the right resonance get place together. She said she did nothing but to confirm encourage them for advance meditations, psychic, teaching them how to use their natural ability. I reflect to her about the phenomena that most people are in the illusion. The way they teach forgiveness is based on false belief. And many of the light works is greatly disrupted. And somehow this conversation was spread out and our group was on big trouble.
7. As most of the Malaysian spiritual group expect the leaders to be peaceful, wise and spiritual, many of them suddenly don’t know who to trust. They feel that I attacked the psychic reading group. As many of them seeing me as spiritual leader, I felt I should quit the leader’s role to safe the team, but Jedi hold me back. I had no intention of attacking anyone. I made the decision to stop the mental pollution spreading and was trying my best to stop our team from dissembling. All my words is based on proves.
I was bewildered by the scale and intensity of the attack. I would describe as multidimensionally, simultaneously and it usually nested in the complication of people personally. Where people often having trouble to be absolute honest with. It come as multilevel sequences. The root lies on the level of willingness to discuss truly what is going. And the root is in the spiritual programming.
I’ve already get things as simple as possible. I’ve pray and send report to Ashtar regularly then. It was later solved out in a very subtle level.
My action was then see as attack by majority. Thus, I would so put it under the case to report physically:
Complication and confusion I was experiencing during this incident:
-Attack is what I exactly didn’t want to do. I wasn’t trying to put down anyone, but as each days goes, people who practicing meditation have gotten less. More problem and misunderstanding emerges.
-My responsibility as a PFC/Golden-Ages community guide placed me on the role that I have to solve it. I feel like shying off from this complicated and sticky situations, but I couldn’t and shouldn’t.
-My intuition or seeing can only be a guide. Operation in community need proves. But often when wait until the proves emerges, too many damages has done.
-The leader of the Psychic Reading Group is in the relationship of the key lightworker. The key lightworker, I saw her as irreplaceable. I was then hesitate. I tried all non-public solution with them. It was ineffective.
-Everyone in that group seemed to see and hear things differently.
-With heavy blow of energy attack, it make it hard for those who were solving this operations. And some, when they were attacked, they reacts. They usually got triggered at the key time, while cause many false assumptions. And I personally suffers weird gastric. We have key person keep getting block at the heart and crown. Causing him to make wrong decision then.
Hopefully this story helps! I’m not putting it out for rambling. But the whole Golden-ages Asia Team was under attack on a massive scale. So much misunderstanding, and programmed spiritual community often don’t want to have a honest discussion to clear things off.
And the sequencing attack is very damaging, fast and we have no way to solve it if is to solve it with one by one. We need to report up and get help.
I know the dark try to hurt me in my heart. As I dear all lightworkers as family. But it’s not going to work. We will only blaze brighter. The lesson teaches me to be stronger and to use my heart in making all choices. I trust us.
As a Malaysian team, we grow wise together with this valuable experience. We gonna liberate this planet soon!
I have been following you guys for awhile, if I had the money would have attended the conference in Taiwan, as I am inta nearby country.
Your comment ” We did not know that people were suffering so much ”.! makes me wonder
how dumb are you guys ???
Whoever is incharge , including the Elders, the Galactics and that super dumb Creator too, obviously
are being taken for a ride and allowing the cabal to keep screwing the world .
Come on guys , charge forward. get the truth on the media immediately ,stop treating the 3D human as idiots, they will pull out ef shock and rebound straightaway.
Truly a dumb ascension programme !!!!!!!
Now move your collected asses and free humanity before I kick your collected asses to oblivion or whereever.
Sometimes I wonder if the higher dimensions are worth the effort ,looking at you numbskulls !!!!!
Love from the surface!
Hello family below. As I just read the newest update. As a healer, I share my experience, research and perspective:
Malaysia team was undergoes a heavy blow of attack during 2016 Chiang Mai Conference. The attack was staged before the conference. A group of member added in Golden-Ages Malaysia, start to get very active and discuss about channeling messages. Then, I found out many key lightworker was attacked. I track the sources:
We have a we chat group that we are very active on. It serve as a communication panel lightworker discuss about light works.
1. At first, many lightworkers simultaneously get confused and shared many channeling and unreliable sources that tie to certain distorted informations. Simultaneously active lightworkers, tagged me in many false information.
2. At the same time, some of the lightworkers formed a group outside our main group, and start teaching people “advance version” of Earth Liberation Meditations. At first, it was just a more complicated version of meditation. Later, it was adding in many distorted belief.
3. Quickly, they have form a psychic group where they group up various people, mostly spiritual seeker from many place, some claim they can channel, some are “channellers of Jesus”, and they start remote seeing or detecting lightworkers who need healing to help them healed. I remain neutral, taking no action other than encourage them to follow the golden-ages standard.
4. As the group grow bigger, they start to see different lightworkers and charging them with “psychic reading” that is mostly on based on total illusion and personal feeling. Those that get healed by them, felt attacked. And many of them are the key lightworkers.
5. After the Taipei Ascension Conference at 2016, I get physical proof of that the member from the psychic reading group harassing people in a very extensive way, I took action to remove the person. Suddenly, the psychic reading group started detecting that I was infiltrating by the dark and they start “healing” me. Then I got a taste of that kind of “healing”, mostly just a bunch of people sending some irregular energy, not very healing nor does it cause too much damage, along with the dark attacking you multidimensionally.
6. As I didn’t taking action on it. Many people got influence and lost focus. I felt responsible, and talk to the leader personally asking her wouldn’t she feel responsible for her group? She said that the group is not belong to her. It’s belong to everyone. It’s just people with the right resonance get place together. She said she did nothing but to confirm encourage them for advance meditations, psychic, teaching them how to use their natural ability. I reflect to her about the phenomena that most people are in the illusion. The way they teach forgiveness is based on false belief. And many of the light works is greatly disrupted. And somehow this conversation was spread out and our group was on big trouble.
7. As most of the Malaysian spiritual group expect the leaders to be peaceful, wise and spiritual, many of them suddenly don’t know who to trust. They feel that I attacked the psychic reading group. As many of them seeing me as spiritual leader, I felt I should quit the leader’s role to safe the team, but Jedi hold me back. I had no intention of attacking anyone. I made the decision to stop the mental pollution spreading and was trying my best to stop our team from dissembling. All my words is based on proves.
I was bewildered by the scale and intensity of the attack. I would describe as multidimensionally, simultaneously and it usually nested in the complication of people personally. Where people often having trouble to be absolute honest with. It come as multilevel sequences. The root lies on the level of willingness to discuss truly what is going. And the root is in the spiritual programming.
I’ve already get things as simple as possible. I’ve pray and send report to Ashtar regularly then. It was later solved out in a very subtle level.
My action was then see as attack by majority. Thus, I would so put it under the case to report physically:
Complication and confusion I was experiencing during this incident:
Attack is what I exactly didn’t want to do. I wasn’t trying to put down anyone, but as each days goes, people who practicing meditation have gotten less. More problem and misunderstanding emerges.
My responsibility as a PFC/Golden-Ages community guide placed me on the role that I have to solve it. I feel like shying off from this complicated and sticky situations, but I couldn’t and shouldn’t.
My intuition or seeing can only be a guide. Operation in community need proves. But often when wait until the proves emerges, too many damages has done.
The leader of the Psychic Reading Group is in the relationship of the key lightworker. The key lightworker, I saw her as irreplaceable. I was then hesitate. I tried all non-public solution with them. It was ineffective.
Everyone in that group seemed to see and hear things differently.
With heavy blow of energy attack, it make it hard for those who were solving this operations. And some, when they were attacked, they reacts. They usually got triggered at the key time, while cause many false assumptions.
Hopefully this story helps! I’m not putting it out for rambling. But the whole Golden-ages Asia Team was under attack on a massive scale. So much misunderstanding, and programmed spiritual community often don’t want to have a honest discussion to clear things off.
And the sequencing attack is very damaging, and we have no way to solve it if is to solve it one by one. We need to report up and get help.
I know the dark try to hurt me in my heart. As I dear all lightworkers as family. But it’s not going to work. We will only blaze brighter. The lesson teaches me to be stronger and to use my heart in making all choices. I trust us.
As a Malaysian team, we grow wise together with this valuable experience. We gonna liberate this planet soon!
Hi ! I want to share some of my personal experience and thoughts, why lightworkers sometimes attack each other as this was asked to do and was not clear for the RM. I have encountered this kind of a situation in my previous workplace. That included me (as always I`ve felt that I`m on some kind of mission here and recently came more aware of this) and one other person which I`m convinced is also on special purpouse here, but doesnt have a clue about it:) So I have thought and meditated about it a bit. This one female somehow was basicly all the time negative towards me as I was almost always positive towards her. And after some while she accelerated her negative attitude towards me and I had to respond and turn away from her eventually. There are several aspects according to me to this. First thing in my opinion is that lightworkers may feel more relaxed and may feel more free subconsciously between each other and thus not holding down their frustrations about everything and letting all negative go easily. So there are a lot of negative buffer between them and negativity accelerates itself more and more and thats when conflict eventualy and inevitably errupts. Second thing is that many many lightworkers in my opinion are totally unaware of their mission here. If they were aware of it, if only they knew, there wouldn`t be so much attacking to each other. They would instantly recognize others like them and that would exclude many conflicts in my opinion. They would treat each other like relatives, brothers and sisters. I think that this second factor is most important by far- the unawareness. Maybe someone could create some internet virus style basic info epidemy:):):) to notify everyone around the internet about they`re starseed mission?? 🙂 So anyway, the next thing of this happening is basicly same old mindcontrol tactics. I`ve seen that starseeds ar not much different and are massively exposed to this and as others tends to attack everyone who is exiting the mindcontrol field including other starseeds. This is also a matter of awareness i guess. So these would be my thoughts about this. I hope it helps. By the way it`s a great feeling to communicating to you! Cant beleive that I can actually write to a resistance movement! 🙂 Good luck up there! 🙂
We can surmise, based on Cobra’s latest post that the chimera group has, for hundreds or thousands of years, are the ones in full control of humanity’s free will. Through their implants, they have created the illusion of reality. Humanity’s choices then are limited to these false truths. Only when humanity is presented with the whole TRUTH, can we truly apply free will. So, to say that higher dimensional beings of Light are limited in their scope of ‘interaction/intercession” so as not to interfere/intervene with humanity’s free will, there really has never been any ‘FREE WILL” as intended by Source. Given this, our higher dimensional family should have interceded on our behalf thousands of years ago at the very onset, when the manipulation, control, exploitation, abuse or infiltration of our TRUE FREE WILL started. Removal of implants and other technologies, in all its forms, imposed by the chimera group on humanity, should be removed immediately by our higher dimensional Light Family, as no TRUE FREE WILL exists in the first place.
Humanity will remain asleep as long as all these false truths persists. Humanity’s awareness of its True Reality will only manifest when all forms of manipulation against True Free Will has been stopped and removed.
If humanity’s free will has been manipulated/controlled or has been infiltrated at the very onset of one’s incarnation, how can humanity be ‘blamed’ or be answerable to its actions, when in the first place, humanity has been presented with false truths? Any action then by humanity in response/reaction to any unfolding events in the ‘illusion’ should not require balancing thru Karma whether in the current 3D Earth lifetime or succeeding 3D incarnations. Since everything is an illusion, there should be no Karma. Humanity’s karma especially in our present ‘reality’ should be dispensed with and humanity’s action in the illusion should not have any adverse effect on Gaia as humanity’s reaction to an illusionary world can be considered as illusionary as well. The only ones who should be subjected to Karma are the puppet masters, the ones who created the illusion and not humanity.
Namaste , and thank you to all of you for The contribution to this page and the resistance movement for all that you have been doing for us. I would to ask the resistance, how can I further grow and expand out with the ways that I have been pursuing to help wake up humanity and my fellow light workers ? i would like to also say one of the ways that humanity can experience a great and quick change is by the removal of all implants place upon us to create chaos all throughout our lives and and also the removal of all the negativily place parasites surpressing our abilities to feel and and further awaken ourselves . Once again thank you to you all for all that you do , bless all of you and happy risings .
Pracuję dla światła od lat ale tak źle nigdy nie było .Pomimo setek modlitw ,wizualizacji ochronnej różnych rytułałów zabezpieczających nawet technologii KESHE nie czuję sie bezpieczny. Nie mam tez siły dalej walczyć nic nie przynosi efektu cobym nie wykonał. A jestem konsekwentny w tym co robię . Np.pisałem afirmacje przez 6 miesięcy każdego dnia 45 minut i nagle przestały działać ? Dlaczego ? Dlaczego gdy kiedyś zarabiałem normalnie na utrzymanie rodziny dzisiaj graniczy to z cudem ? Jestem okropnie zmęczony i nie pomogę już więcej bo nie mogę dać jesli sam nie mam. Żona w domu ciągle widzi dziwne technologiczne urządzenia w przestrzeni astralnej zaraz po przebudzeniu. Nawet modlitwy naszego dziecka 8 lat .Mam wrażenie ,że nie są słuchane. Widuję statki w nocy na niebie gdy skupiam na nich uwagę gaszą światło żeby ich widać nie było. Nie wiedze żadnej pomocy ze strony sił światła w naszym codziennym życiu. Kiedyś zabawą dla mnie było zarabianie pieniędzy a dzisiaj to graniczy z cudem. Okazywałem wdzięczność ,wybaczałem dziękowałem wysyłałem złotą energię do wrogów i to setki razy . Nic to nie wniosło w moje życie. Od chwili gdy wszedłem na drogę wojownika życie moje pogrąża się finansowo coraz bardziej. Kiedyś miałem dwa nowe mercedesy pod domem a dzisiaj zamiast kupić nowe buty odkładam pieniądze na jedzenie .Przecież swojego talentu nie utraciłem ,mam towaru na duża kwotę pieniędzy i nic sprzedać nie mogę nawet po kosztach żeby odzyskać pieniądze na życie.
Wysłałem setki modlitw do Plejedan Arkturian o pomoc żebym miał pracę. I nie otrzymałem pomocy.
Wszyscy do okoła którzy pracują dla światła żyją w nędzy gdzie jest ta obiecana pomoc dla ludzi ?
google – I have been working for light for years, but so bad has never been. Despite hundreds of prayers, protective visualization of various rattles securing even KESHE technology I do not feel safe. I do not have the strength to fight anymore nothing brings the effect he did not do. And I’m consistent in what I do. Eg I typed affirmations for 6 months every day for 45 minutes and suddenly stopped working? Why? Why when I used to earn a living for a family today is it a miracle? I’m terribly tired and I will not help anymore because I can not give if I do not have one. The wife at home still sees strange technological devices in the astral space right after waking up. Even the prayers of our 8 year old baby. I feel that they are not being listened to. I see ships at night in the sky when I focus attention on them to extinguish the light so that they are not visible. He does not know any help from the forces of light in our daily lives. It used to be fun to make money and today it’s a miracle. I showed gratitude, I forgave myself for sending golden energy to the enemies and it was hundreds of times. Nothing in my life. From the moment I entered the warrior’s path, my life became more and more financial. I used to have two new Mercedes cars under my house and today instead of buying new shoes I put aside my money for food. I have not lost my talent, I have a lot of money and I can not sell anything, even at cost to recover my life.
I sent hundreds of prayers to Pleiadian Arcturian to help me get a job. And I did not get help.
Everyone to those around who work for the light live in misery where is this promised help to people?
From my perspective the reason lightworkers are attacking each other is because of the etheric archons and the triggers and insecurities within each Light worker. Also we can not be sure who the bad guys are online. Most the time it is a light worker being triggered and resorting to negativity because of the non physical archons influence and are own unresolved trauma and low self programming.
Hi RM,
I just would like to share about the situation of Lightworkers and Lightwarriors keep attacking each other…
As I observe on some website forum that information and discussion feedback, it look like people are doing clarify their opinion is absolutely correct.
In a positive view:
People truly believe in ‘‘I am saving who are suffer in wrong information, and I will let you understand there still have one way to take off it.’’
The beginning is kindness and good intention.
As my experience, Lightworkers always have great ideal, they good at share and express their talent. It just like a light bulb always shining somewhere he is.
Although Lightworkers they are lighting, but even in physical reality light still have different vibration in the spectrum.
So attacking between them, it also like a different vibration of light try to prove which vibration is exist.
This is the people use two different languages to communicate each other, and the point is those people cannot understand how to let ‘two language’ really mesh.
It need to have a big integration, it needs to figure out how to use same language to describe the core or key issue.
Although spiritual life belong individual person, and there is no suitable way to empathy other else…
Breaking something becoming Lightworkers what they fight for…
zdravo pokretu otpora.
znam da ste upoznati koliko ljudi pate na planeti zamlji ali mislim da niste ni svesni koliko pate ne samo ljudi vec i svako zivo stvorenje na planeti zemlji.ljudi ne shvataju da smo ovde da zastitimo a ne da ubijamo.dusa me boli sto se milijarde zivotinja ubijaju svakodnevno i to od strane ljudi ne od negativnih entiteta ali problem je sto smo tako nauceni i kome god da pricam oni izgleda ne cuju ne zele da se menjaju i dalje nastavljaju da zive kao paraziti na stetu celog sveta.znam da smo mi putnici strateski rasporedjeni po celoj planeti ali treba nam vasa pomoc.molim vas priteknite nam u pomoc jer tesko da sami mozemo da ucinimo nesto bez vase pomoci.potrebni ste nam zvezdana braco i sestre.dodjite sto pre da zajedno okoncamo ovu patnju za sve oblike zivota na planeti.hvala vam.volim vas.marko milojevic.donje vidovo.srbija
google – Healthy movement of resistance.
I know that you are aware of how many people are suffering on the planet, but I do not think you are even aware of how many people are suffering, but every living creature on the planet Earth. People do not realize that we are here to protect and not kill. I’m sick of the billions of animals They kill every day by people not from negative entities, but the problem is that we are so learned and whoever I am talking about, they seem not to hear, they do not want to change, and continue to live as parasites against the damage of the whole world. I know that our passengers are strategic Distributed all over the planet, but we need your help. Please come to us for help, because it is difficult for us to do something without your help yourself. You need us starred brothers and sisters. Please as soon as possible to end this suffering together for all forms of life on the planet .hvala vam.volim vas.marko milojevic.donje vidovo.srbija
“The time and the place for the world peace is up on humility and is the duty of every man on earth to take the responsibility of making sure that this cycle of peace movement through application of new technology can guaranty the peace on earth that brings about to make all nations as one nation and all to become part of ever lasting peace on this blue planet.” MTK
“The people of the Earth are ready for Peace. We need to make the World Leaders understand that we accept Peace and they are obliged to accept Peace as the leaders of the People. The Earth Council, Universal Council and Core Team have prepared a letter to send to the World Leaders.”
The Earth Council, Universal Council and Core Team have prepared a letter to send to the World Leaders. Download the PDF, fill it out for your Nation and send it to your World Leader!
World leaders are cordially to gather at Mount Carmel, Haifa, at The Seat of The Universal House Of Justice, which has been built for this purpose by the collective effort of citizens of all the nations of this planet.
The designated dates for the signing of the peace treaty by the world leaders
is to be on the 2 nd and 3 rd of August, 2017.
It stated that “Solar Eclipse Mass Meditation to trigger The Event 8/21/17! ”
I want to ask~~is it real information?
My message has to do with the resistance wanting to know why Light Warriors and Light Workers attack each other. I became a light worker back in the 1980’s, but I also had to learn how to fight the dark entities that were coming after me. I learned how to fight them through trial and error, and ancient memories of having fought them before and how to fight them. In the 1980’s, the terms light warrior and worker did not exist. So we called ourselves the sons and daughters of light. I still like that term-a daughter of light. I really did not know about light warriors and workers attacking each other until last year. When I would post to the PFC group SOTR about what I did to the dark ones, I was attacked. This surprised me. Because like you, we are all on the same side. After some thought, I realized why the light workers attacked me. They believe that love and light will defeat the dark. In some individual cases it will. But it does not work with pure evil, because sending pure evil love and light angers them more, because they reject it. And then they attack the one who is sending them love and light. When I explained this, I was attacked again. When I explained that I am a light warrior and a light worker. I got attacked again. So I decided that the best thing to do was to no longer post, and I don’t. The light warriors do not attack the light workers. And we do not understand why they attack us. What i think that the light workers need to do is to look within, and find out why they attack the light warriors. There has been many times when a dark one will go when I ask them to go in love and peace. But this does not happen often. What i sensed from the light workers is that they do not think that a light warrior should fight against the dark. That we should just send the dark love and light. I tried explaining to them that no one can change another, whether they be in the physical or not. Everyone has free will choice. And then I got attacked again!! So the best way for me to handle this is to just exit, stage left!!! All light warriors do this. They light workers give us no other choice. And the last point that just came forward in my head. Deep down inside, I have sensed that the light workers believe that they are above the light warriors. And that is the shame, because all of us incarnated into this lifetime to do the light work, whether as a light warrior or worker. Regardless of this problem, I know that we are winning. That is all that matters to me.
Dear Resistance Movement
The removal schedule is too slow gradually. One of the recent 1% removal spend 14 days. I urge the real organizations “The Resistance Movement”, “Agartha network”, “Civilization of the inner Earth” …..whole Light force…..to join this activity~~~Violet Flame for Long Island and Yaldabaoth Global Daily Meditation at 2PM UTC
The aim is to speed up the removal schedule.
Does anyone help me to tell them this urge?
yea so thanks i guess. i say thanks cause according to this website things would have been much worst around here if you weren’t getting involved.
situation around here? sux!!!!
i can only talk for myself but im sure and know i speak for many when i say we are slaves.
you say go the nature. true i got some kind of nature 5 mins drive from where i live. but it’s just not possible when i don’t have the energy to make that step.
how can i think happy when i know i live in a reality which made us to belive lack is white and white is black in many even in the health programs for instance its ok to smoke tabboco filled with industrial poison but very bad to smoke weed? what kind of reality is that?
i work 9-10-11-12 hours a day go back to my four brick walls being captured dead alive.
i know hightech being used by the rich, free energy is supposed, i don’t live here, i don’t even survive. just wondering through it knowing even death will not give me peace.
so i read about great efforts and breakthroughs i even hear sometimes in the news about bad things being investigated, yet nothing changes in my life. i’m still a slave and i now it is safer this way cause as soon as I try to raise my head reality finds a way to suppers me.
this is a prison how fun can it be living a big prison?
I have been studying Ascension or the 2012 prophecies/paradigm shift since the mid-90’s. I thank Goddess for contacts like Cobra who release intel to the public and keep our hope alive. The situation on the planet is very severe now. The food, air, water and ‘medicine’ have been poisoned and the police killings and abuse increase every day. Soon they will show up at the door with toxic vaccines to try to kill us. Even young people have severe diseases and when you’re over 70 as I am, chronic pain, toxicity and various ailments sap your energy and it’s harder to find your joy or gratitude every day. I have to work 2 jobs just to be able to pay rent/expenses even though I receive my paltry retirement and Social Security payments. It’s exhausting and keeps everyone at a survival level.
What with implants, mind control, GMOs, flouride, GWEN/HAARP and other radiation, chemtrails, pesticides, herbicides, plasma and scalar weapons, endless wars, prisons and torture, and the obscene accumulation of wealth by the elite, there is too much suffering on Earth. We need compassionate intervention from our Galactic brothers and sisters as soon as possible to raise everyone’s living standards and make this planet safe. When people are at or below survival level it keeps them in fear and corrodes the spiritual process. The deck is stacked against us.
The Law of One permits entities who are 95% Service to Self to ascend to the 5th dimension. I do not understand why this was allowed as it promulgates evil. The bad guys hone their skills and reap rewards for their negative actions. What kind of Universe allows that?
Please consider renegotiating the ‘Mohammed’ accords so that we may receive the help we need. Thank you from the depths of my heart.
The implant makes surface population keep attacking each other!
Basically, I think the problem of light workers attacking each other is an etheric/astral/mental/plasma implant problem. Most of us majorly underestimated the difficulty of the problem before coming here. If the parasites controlling the implants can get us moving at childhood into wrong behaviors involving shame and regret, we then become much more easily infected by lower dimensional entities. Many people grow up in disfunctional/broken families which are a product of the parasite loosh system. The False programs of being proud to fight in false wars have taken a huge tole and fractured the minds and spirits of so many. For myself, I have lost more of real value (not money) than I would care to say. When people do try to awaken and attempt to raise their frequency, they become targets and often encounter physical problems that are so severe that they might wish to end their lives and of course many do. They then get inserted back into the system, even more disfunctional possibly than they started out and the cycle continues. Being awake and aware, I notice when someone is baiting me usually, but that does not mean that I always handle the situation perfectly. Many people, including light workers are still not aware that the voices they hear in their heads are often not thier own or as sometimes has happened with me, a kind of fog sets in to confuse things and destroy memories. I personally am using many technologies to counteract these parasites, but because they have control of others, the products or services that I order sometimes do not arrive or arrive damaged or are delayed several months or an excise tax is added that can make the price so high that the shipment is abandoned in Chinese Customs. I am often completely astonished at how so many people, including my wife can be so mind blocked as to not let in new information. The mind programming here is very effective and even if we are awake and aware, we might be so damaged that we become useless to the cause. I deeply regrete this situation and humbly appologize for not fulfilling my part better to create a better world where the Greatest Highest Good for All concerned is Always everyone’s first desire. I thank your for any assistance that you do whether I know about it or not or whether it affects me directly or not as long as it is offered in the spirit of the Greatest Highest Good for All concerned.
Meditate that your astral/plasma/etheric plane are ablazed with the 5th dimensional & higher dimensional versions of the Violet Flame of Transmutation then imagine that any form of control, exploitation, abuse, manipulation, control, and infiltration of your free from any being, entity, consciousness or technology will are released/removed and transmuted from your consciousness, existence, energies, vibrations/frequencies and from every sub-atomic particle of your being, cellular memory, and DNA structure, in all your realities, timelines, lifetimes/incarnations, through the assistance of all the Archangels and Angelic Galactic Guides, Ascended Masters and their Twin Flames, all Light, Love and Truth from the 5th dimension and higher, and through the Infinite Love, Blessings and Abundant Grace of Divine Source.
Slight Correction:
Meditate that your astral/plasma/etheric plane are ablazed with the 5th dimensional & higher dimensional versions of the Violet Flame of Transmutation then imagine that any form of control, exploitation, abuse, manipulation, control, and infiltration of your free will from any being, entity, consciousness or technology are released/removed and transmuted from your consciousness, existence, energies, vibrations/frequencies and from every sub-atomic particle of your being, cellular memory, and DNA structure, in all your realities, timelines, lifetimes/incarnations, through the assistance of all the Archangels and Angelic Galactic Guides, Ascended Masters and their Twin Flames, all Light, Love and Truth from the 5th dimension and higher, and through the Infinite Love, Blessings and Abundant Grace of Divine Source.
The main thing the Resistance does NOT understand in entirety is why Lightworkers and Lightwarriors keep attacking each other instead of uniting forces against the Cabal that clearly does not have their best interests in mind……(end quote)
There is less than a handful of so called ‘Lightworker /Lightwarriors’ that are attacking..but it is not a “two way street”
I see those prominent LW’s and whistleblowers defending themselves but not , attacking. All of us are allowed our own discernment ..but attacking others in interviews and posts IMO , is Agenda driven…period. Every area within the ‘Truther community’ has been infiltrated to some extent..Surely, the RM can see this for themselves and so I am puzzled that they don’t understand this type of behavior for what it is…Let’s Not Assume, that those attacking are, in fact -Lightworkers/Light-warriors
Gary Ehrlich
Dear Resistance Movement: So much gratitude for all that you are doing. Bless you all, and much love and light.
From my perspective, the fighting among light workers is ego-driven. The need to be right – “more right than my fellow human” – is a huge problem that keeps humanity bickering with each other. Also, the need to win and the need to be appreciated, also ego-based. We want others to look at us as the one who is right, a winner, intelligent, respectable, etc., thereby we are approved of and appreciated by others. I think it is particularly bad when there’s an audience. But outside of the limelight, in most human’s day-to-day life, the fighting or defending is often trigged before we can even see what’s happening. Humans will even put their own children down to fulfill this need to be right and to win. It’s heart-breaking when one looks at it. But I think that must be what our task is now… to see all this ego-based behavior and not ignore it or brush it off, but to bring it into the light. My wise teachers also say we need to realize the egoic behaviors are not who we really are, but not all of us are rooted in who we really are – that higher being. Most humans still believe they are their personalities (egoic constructs), rather then the observer/higher self. And I think this is what makes people not want to look at their dark, shadow side – they are afraid they are bad in their essence.
as to why there is conflict even between light workers im not entirely sure but i believe there is a mental construct that gives the impression of a nefarious agenda taking place. the combination of emotion like frustration and the idea that everywhere we look we are being deceived, gives way to a kind of psychosis. it feels as if nothing can be trusted. also our ability to discern depends greatly on our heart and our heart seems to depend on a predisposition of the mind. there is an epidemic of assumption making that may be caused from frustration. when i have expressed my frustrations in the past there has always been someone else who also harbored some form of trauma that would then attack and what we are seeing take place is two or more ppl ignoring or not noticing the others pain.
if my experience with dolores canons work holds true then i understand as well that yall don’t have a very accurate concept of what pain means to us. to give you an idea, we are in a frequency of consciousness that is limited or almost entirely cut off from higher source so what we tend to consider “most real” or perhaps what we give most credence to, is not what we believe, but what we see after our beliefs have created the reality around us. the old adage, “just because its not visible does not mean it isn’t there” is something we hear from each other quite often growing up but unfortunately it seems that that is in fact the idealogy that lurks in the subconscious minds of too many, only it seems to translate in their mind to, “if its not happening to me, it doesn’t apply to me”. pain is something we give most of our credence to. even I with love and pain tattooed on my fingers find it to be the most prevalent “teacher” in our society.
imagine living in a world where pain is abundant because the people REFUSE to learn from it. we’ve been travelling backwards for thousands of years and the mindset of most is too immature to grasp at the responsibility of their gift of free will. i really hope this helps.
blessings of divinity and white light!
p.s. i think ive done a really good job honing my attitude. i would LOVE to play a more significant role in the liberation process. i hope we might perhaps meet in some form to discuss possibilities.
Hi! Thank you for your job to help us humans.I am Lienite Bloma from Latvia-small country near Boltic sea.My native language is latvian but I vill vrite in english.Please forgive me my mistakes.For 15 years i lived in USA.I am citizen of this country.I am victim of mind control.When I discover what they are doing I return to may native country.It is difficult to know what are they doing and not have help.Even in my country they are chasing me.I can not tell anyone what is going on nobody believe me.I am traying to be strong.They destroyed my health but anyway i baying sintamani stones and planting around.I am not afreid of them anymore because I know help is near.Thank you for your job to liberate us.Victory of the Light.