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Benjamin Fulford Report: Trump/Harris corporate horror show to keep circling the...

By now a critical mass of Americans, -along with most of the rest of the world- understand the ongoing US “Presidential election” is just...

Benjamin Fulford Report: Biden Trump debate psy-ops causes Kool Aid drinkers’...

In a military-grade psychological warfare operation equivalent to a nuclear bomb, the so-called debate between US President Donald Trump and fake President Joe Biden...

Benjamin Fullford Report: This autumn it will be either world war...

True to its promise, the Black Sun organization is increasing mayhem worldwide. They promise that if a World Federation is not announced this autumn,...

Benjamin Fulford Report: Failure of WHO Pandemic Treaty Means the Sheeple...

The white hat victory in the battle for the planet Earth is now becoming obvious in multiple ways. For example, as Reuters reports: “Talks...

Benjamin Fulford Report: The Khazarian Mafia is planning a holocaust for...

The Khazarian mafia is planning a holocaust or mass murder event for the US Christian heartland on April 8th. The entire April 8th solar...

Benjamin Fulford Report: Death of King Charles, Biden implosion, Putin interview...

Before we start our report we have an update from last week. A former US Marines Special Forces officer and Apache warrior by the...

Benjamin Fulford Report: Actionable intelligence on child torture centers received from...

If this doesn’t make your blood boil, I don’t know what will. A high-level government official (this person has been alone in the room...

Benjamin Fulford Report: The second American Revolution has begun, God Bless...

The official defiance by Texas Governor Greg Abbot of illegal orders coming from the fake US President Joe Biden and the blackmail-compromised Supreme Court...

Benjamin Fulford Report: The Satanic group mind is about to be...

Many monotheists think we are facing end times. The reality is we are facing beginning times. An ancient group mind or cult, known in...

Benjamin Fulford Report: Chabad human sacrifice exposed as Europe revolts and...

The Satanic Khazarian mafia is reeling and it is time to finish them off once and forever. The exposure of human sacrifice facilities in...

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