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WWIII – The Quiet War is a Hybrid War
Editor’s Note: This Planned Chaos article is part 1 of a 3-part series. These articles had been completed in November of last year but...
Transhumanism And Antarctica
Antarctica; The Gate of Hell
Transhumanism And Antarctica
Antarctica is an open mystery. Each time I received an un-expectable number of emails. Everybody knows there is...
Benjamin Fulford Report: Western financial system suffers $8 trillion implosion, revolution...
The collapse of the Western financial system is a mathematical certainty because recent rate hikes created at least an $8 trillion loss for financial...
Benjamin Fulford Report: First ever world revolution about to liberate humanity...
What is happening now has never happened before in human history. We are witnessing the first-ever world revolution. The riots in France, the US...
Benjamin Fulford Report: Entire KM financial system about to collapse with...
The collapse of the Khazarian Mafia financial system is looking imminent with Credit Suisse the likely first domino. If it falls it will trigger...
Benjamin Fulford Report: China calls for end of World War III...
Last week China reacted to a massive directed energy weapons (DEW) duel by proposing peace talks to end the undeclared but ongoing, hybrid World...
Benjamin Fulford Report: The Ukraine has fallen, Israel and Switzerland are...
Major victories by the planetary liberation alliance are now impossible to deny. The Anglo-Saxons, Russians and Chinese have reached a deal over the Ukraine...
Benjamin Fulford Report: End of Rockefeller rule and the beginning of...
The surrender of the Rothschilds and the collapse of the Rockefeller stranglehold over the United States of America Corporation will allow us all to...
Becoming the Change…. Morphogenic Fields and You
Becoming the Change.... Morphogenic Fields and You
The light warriors of Prepare for Change have spent years exposing and shining light on the problems in...
Disney’s Hocus Pocus 2 Is Actually Normalizing Satanism and Pedophilia
Disney’s Hocus Pocus 2 is a complete reversal of the original 1993 movie “Hocus Pocus”. In the original, the Satan worshipping, child-eating witches are...