“Clearing” to Encourage Other Light-workers




I AM ____________________________.  (say your full name)

I AM ONLY __________________________  (say your full name)

I AM NO ONE BUT _______________________(say your full name)

I AM infinite consciousness.  I am now aware of the mind control matrix and manipulation that I have been under and I will      NO LONGER be tricked into badmouthing or fighting with other light workers.  We are different but our goal is planetary liberation and Soul Liberation.  Light Workers, Healers, Researchers all have a piece of the puzzle.   I have a mission different than you.  I will NO LONGER be tricked by the energies around me into badmouthing and back-biting other light workers.

See also:  https://prepareforchange.net/2016/01/31/how-to-become-an-advanced-human-soul/

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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.


  1. Dear Light Workers, brothers and sisters,

    Remember that if religions were created by the darks to separate and confuse humans, so is the rest.

    There is no one-single spiritual trend in this planet that has not been created by the darks with a specific purpose – If you see the recent New Age movement that is out of religions, it has also been created by the darks to pull humanity into one single spiritual believe that has not longer the label of a religion.

    Why this was done? as part of the program NWO – One single government, one single spiritual trend, one single currency, one single language and so on – We are ALL under a misleading trend even the Christians for the bible has been modified and is no longer the original book although some facts are still there. However, it does not make any difference because the sons of God resonate with goodness and with LOVE.

    Look at any-one that you think is mislead, with COMPASSION and LOVE because behind that person hides a soul with divine essence, capable to love even if this person thinks is different and better from ……NO ONE HOLDS THE TRUTH in this planet – We live under lies because this planet is under the influence of he darks who built a world based on lies.

    We ALL tend to believe that we are on the truth just as Jesus said: ” I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE! Is normal to think that we hold the truth because is reassuring , keeps one focused, offers a path to follow. We all want to be in the truth because is a DIVINE DESIRE!

    I have spent nights with my eyes opened, and days depressed, when my intuition let me understood that something I thought I thought to be the truth, was a lie, was “Fake”. I felt empty, lost, betrayed by my own perception. Let people believe they are right, they will find THE WAY at their own pace!

    IT WON’T MATTER, as our father will recognise his lost children by their heart and their capacity to LOVE. This is where, we ALL meet together, no matter if we are wrong, the TRUTH will be one for ALL when the time comes!

    “Dear Father-Mother-God, no matter what I experience, let my ears only listen to your words, let my lips only whisper your words, let my eyes only see your splendour, let my heart only feel your love! Gratitude”

    Blessings, to you ALL

    Luz Pardo

  2. Thank you for this clearing. It is important that we not see reason to bad mouth, back bite or even compete with other light workers. We might even take it one step further and extend that same intention to all beings. As you have said, we “all have a piece of the puzzle.”


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