The Dark Night Of The Soul


Our lives will represent the rising of the phoenix if we allow it. Out of the fire and ashes of our crash and burn lives, we are offered a new beginning.” ~ Taking Off The Mask

Much has been written and will be written about the Dark Night Of The Soul, and it can be confusing in understanding what it really is. There are many interpretations, yet five basic characteristics seem to be the foundation of a dark night…

5 Foundations of the Dark Night

1. Alignment With Authentic Self

The Dark Night Of The Soul is the process of aligning/integrating with who we really are; our true essence, our Authentic Self. It is the part of us that is Creator also, the essence that is in us and that we are also wholly in.

The Dark Night is our own, personal evolutionary curve of untangling and detaching from that which is unlike our Authentic Self. The more we evacuate what is not our Authentic Self, the more space is provided for its presence. We become more aligned with our true nature, our true direction and a better quality of life. The process of stripping down what is unlike ‘Who We Really Are’ has always been in motion, yet at much greater speed nowadays.

2. Decompression

Our detrimental emotions and their sources are energy packets, take up energetic space and put a choke-hold our on quality of life in many different ways.

Now imagine that everyone on the planet has their own load of detrimental emotions (and other non-beneficial energy packets.) That is a mega-load of negative energy that we are all wallowing in (picture a can of sardines) and why we can feel bound up, blocked, stuck and just not able to move thru life like we know we can.

When negative energy is exceptionally dense and packed together, there is not much room to move around and we bump up against each others’ negativity. When one person is in their Dark Night and heals just one negative thing, more expansive, fluid space is not only created for that person but for everyone.

It is like taking one sardine out of that crowded sardine can. There is decompression and more room in the can. So the more everyone gets onboard the healing train, the greater the collective evolutionary pace and the freer we all become.

3. Crisis In Consciousness

Dark night of the soul can be described as a crisis in consciousness, literally. It is the conscious experience of that which was once in the subconscious and/or stored in the physical body and has bubbled up for recognition. And that bubbling is not feel-good stuff and can create a cornucopia of crisis in our conscious life. These migratory packets of pain/fear will be screaming for attention:

Hey! Over here! 
I don’t feel good. Will you help me out?

We have to deal with it or remain stagnant. Our subconscious and physical bodies are the storehouse of all memories, thoughts, emotions, collective subconscious etc. Lots of stuff is in there.

Anything that we have ever experienced lies in that great vault, and it drives our every waking moment. We just think we are in charge and that our conscious mind is directing the show. The conscious mind only receives direction and information from whatever has the greatest and most fluid access in any given moment.

It is either our Authentic Self or the subconscious at the wheel.

The Dark Nights help us clean out the subconscious so we are more in flow with our Authentic Self.

4. Exquisitely Excruciating

Going thru a dark night really, really gets our attention. Never a pleasant experience and usually brings us to our knees. If you haven’t been brought to your knees yet, then the first dark night is still lurking and waiting for a signal that you are ready to handle the contents of the broken egg.

Manifestations of a dark night can include myriad emotional and physical symptoms to numerous too list here. Simply put – if it doesn’t feel good on any level, the dark night is upon you. Well damn, you say, most everybody doesn’t feel great or is going thru some crap at the moment. Are all of us in a dark night?


5. Not Just One Night

Dark nights may go on for one day or years. Do not fall into the trap of believing that it is a one-time event and then bam! you’re done. Some teachings may describe it as an extreme mystical experience that will set you free for all eternity and, again, that may be wishful thinking.

It is all about bringing non-beneficial emotions, memories and programs to the surface for recognition, love, cleaning and integration. Now there could be mystical adventure as we work thru the dark night, and usually is, but it is mostly about working out the mystical and subconscious in the conscious, 3-D physical life.

And the working out and working thru a dark night will thrash you around in sooo many different directions that your head will spin. By the time you get to the other side of each Dark Night you will have subtracted a lavish and overflowing amount of detrimental debris from All That You Are! You will be closer to integration with your Authentic Self.

After you have been thru an episode pat your self on the back and say thank you. Then stand back and wait for the next round. You progressively become better equipped to handle the next successive servings. And the very next serving will rise to meet you, respectively and equally, in your better-equipped consciousness.

Batter up!

Dark Night Of The Soul:

Simple in definition. Lifetimes to accomplish.
No worries though. We have eternity to work it out.

Also by Lia Love:

About the author:

Lia LoveLia Love is a healing facilitator. The absolute bottom line in life is feeling good. There is nothing more important. We cannot experience joy, inner freedom and ultimately success without feeling good.

Lia offers integrative healing services that may help. Her services are global meaning she can work with you no matter your location. She would love to hear from you and can be reached directly at [email protected] or at her site Lia Love’s Healing.



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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.


  1. The “Dark Night of the Soul” is an erroneous teaching based on the dualistic mysticism of St. John of the Cross and his theologically conditioned human mind.

    In a pure nondualist mysticism, the nature of spiritual oneness of God is “absolutely singular and total,” such that the Soul (being one in God) cannot have a “dark night.” This is the reason why the first letter of St. John says that “God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.” [1 John 1:5, NIV]

    • However the process she describes is very real, I have gone through it a few times. It’s probably more accurate to call it a healing of a trauma process. Anyhoo, for me it has been beneficial, I have cut the ties with all that negative crap. It’s a great feeling to be free (and my personal mission is to spread the joy and optimism to the hearts of others, I guess, transforming negative stuff into positive, something like that)

      • It is a great feeling to be FREE. And, yes, your are right in saying: “It’s probably more accurate to call it a healing of a trauma process.” It is the trauma of being born into the human condition.


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