Dark Lab survivor, Starfire was born into the Illuminati and donated for experiments. She describes autism vaccines, brain implant technology and mind control products. The Americans discovered the Nazi Space Program after WWII and the camp liberations. They took the plans from Germany which included brain based flight control. The American military-medical-industrial complex recruited aerospace Nazi doctors to America using Operation Paperclip. Starfire recounts her life as an autistic child in the space program. She describes the effects of test vaccines paired to electromagnetic frequency generators. By using wavelength technology, she recounts attempts by the space program to modify behavior. Are humans being genetically modified to be more compatible with artificial intelligence for life in space? Read MK Ultra Dark Labs to find out.–Anna Starfire

To contact Anna Starfire :  [email protected]



Source: https://projectcamelotportal.com/2018/01/11/starfire-mkultra-dark-labs/

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  1. Yes the starfire project is real some surviving and hiding illuminati agents of the starfire projects are located in texas Indiana Mexico California grand kanyon


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