Nathan Larson, admitted pedophile, recommends adopting children for the purpose of using them as sex toys. Photo from his now-defunct website,
An independent candidate running for office in Virginia has admitted to being a pedophile. Nathan Larson is a 37-year-old accountant running for the U.S. House of Representatives in Virginia’s 10th district.
As his extremely disturbing views on child rape, white supremacy, and more have come to light, the first reaction of many has been to hope that this was fake news.
Sadly, it is not. Huffington Post reported the story last last week, and since then, many media outlets from Newsweek and The Hill to Fox and CBS have covered the story of the admitted pedophile.
HuffPo‘s Jesselyn Cook conducted a phone interview with him and confirmed that he was the creator of websites and, which Cook describes as “chat rooms that served as gathering places for pedophiles and violence-minded misogynists like himself.” The websites were taken down last week.
His campaign manifesto for his congressional run has since been taken down also, but an archived copy is available here.
Between the interview, the websites, and his manifesto, there are enough vile, disgusting, radical views to keep the media occupied for days. The level of depravity within his writings is difficult to comprehend, and frankly, it turns the stomach.
There is one aspect of his demented views that has garnered very little press. Yet, for readers who are concerned about the kidnapping of children for the adoption and foster care industry, it is an aspect that must not be overlooked. It reveals a very dark side to the industry that the media, even now, refuses to address.
He confirmed to HuffPo that he wrote under the pseudonyms Leucosticte and Lysander. Under those names he has written to his followers who are pedophiles like him that they should endeavor to make enough money so that they can adopt children – for the purpose of using them as sex toys.
Warning: Graphic and Disturbing Language
Huffington Post reported:
As Lysander on, a forum for “suicidal pedophiles,” Larson wrote numerous posts endorsing child rape and other forms of sexual abuse.
“Why doesn’t every pedo just focus on making money so they can get a pedo-wife and then either impregnate her with some fucktoys or adopt some fucktoys?” he wrote on the platform in October. “That would accommodate both those who are and aren’t into incest. And of course, the adoption process lets you pick a boy or a girl.”
Apparently, he has already acted upon part of this philosophy. According to the Colorado Springs Independent, he raped his ex-wife and she conceived. She left him before their daughter was born, moved away, then she became trans-gender, using the name Finn:
… in a legal document that Finn filled out to waive child support in February, he writes of Larson, “During our relationship, he was severely emotionally and sexually abusive towards me.
He stated multiple times that he wanted to have sex with a child. He talked about how he would manipulate and trick the child into giving him sex, told me he wouldn’t love the child if they did not have sex with him, and stated he had no interest in children other than sexual … [He] raped me until I was pregnant and stated his intention to have sex with my child after she was born.” (Source).
Not long after this, Finn committed suicide. Larson only saw his daughter once, under supervision. The Colorado Springs Independent states that the maternal grandparents have custody of the baby.
While it is obvious that he has no business having custody of his daughter, it may not be so obvious that Larson’s views about adoption are not isolated. Most with his views don’t speak so openly about them, but the numbers make it clear that there are many who participate in fostering and adopting for the purposes of gratifying their deviant desires.
This is a very ugly part of the adoption industry that is difficult to talk about, and it is difficult for people to hear. But we must see it. Sick people who engage in such acts can and do foster and adopt children, and much of that happens through the Child “Protective” System.
Though certainly not every adopter shares views similar to Larson’s, there are many who do.
Health Impact News has long warned that part of the reason that children are stolen from their parents is to provide children for the sex trafficking trade. The more that we learn, the more that we realize how much more common this is than we ever knew.
Foster Care to Sex Trafficking Pipeline
Earlier this year we reported that Attorney Michael Dolce wrote an opinion piece for Newsweek in which he explained that the foster care system is basically set up to sexually traffic children. He wrote:
Here’s the ugly truth: most Americans who are victims of sex trafficking come from our nation’s own foster care system. It’s a deeply broken system that leaves thousands vulnerable to pimps as children and grooms them for the illegal sex trade as young adults.
We have failed our children by not fixing the systemic failures that have allowed this to happen for decades.
Attorney Reporting in Newsweek: Foster Care is a System Set Up to Sex Traffic American Children
1000 Convicted Sex Offenders in LA Approved as Fosters
Filmmaker Sean Stone interviewed Tammi Stefano, Executive Director of The National Safe Child Coalition, in 2015. Tammi revealed some shocking information about the unholy alliance between Child Protective Services and the child sex trafficking trade:
Stefano replied that what she discovered, and what the Los Angeles Times was kind enough to publish, was that 1000 “convicted sex offenders” had been given a “green light” by CPS to become “approved foster parents” just in Los Angeles County.
Filmmaker Sean Stone interviews Tammi Stefano. Image from YouTube.
CPS Putting Children into Sex Trafficking is a Huge Problem
At around the 25:15 point in the interview, Stone and Stefano begin to discuss the child sex trafficking problem. When Stone asks Stefano if she has encountered sex trafficking among children, she replies: “We need to cover it a lot more.”
As an example, she mentioned a sex trafficking case with CPS in Orange County, California last year. Stefano says that of 105 sexually abused victims that were found in this case, 65% of those victims were in the foster care system under CPS control, and they were allegedly never reported missing. Stefano says:
What we are finding now is this trafficking is a lot bigger, and a lot more involved politically, than we care to look at, or the media won’t cover. Everybody is afraid, because there are some really big heavy hitters that are very influential that are involved.
Children have been sold, and there have been cases, where children have been sold up to 75 times in one day. 75 times in one day…. someone has abused this child.
The child trafficking industry, or human trafficking industry right now, makes more money than the illegal drug trade, and illegal arms trade, combined.
So, children are definitely a commodity. They are a commodity to make money.
Child Sex Trafficking through Child “Protection” Services Exposed – Kidnapping Children for Sex
State-Kidnapped Child Given to Pedophile
We reported the tragic story of beautiful little Devani of Arizona, stolen from her mother for bogus reasons, and placed by Arizona Department of Child Services (DCS) with a man who used her in his pedophile pornography ring and committed horrible acts of sexual violence against her.
Devani, “the little girl in the blue dress,” was a victim of a pedophile foster parent. Photo from AZ Childrens Lives Matter Facebook page.
Devani was not his first, or his last, victim. Despite obvious clues that he was raping foster and adoptive children, social workers continued to place innocent children with this monster, who is finally in prison serving a 17-year sentence for his crimes. See:
Arizona Child Removed from Loving Family and Placed into Foster Care Where She was Repeatedly Raped – then 80% of Body Burned
Arizona Foster Care System Revealed as Pedophile Ring: Former Foster Child Tortured for Years Sues for $15 Million
State Auditor Finds CPS Doesn’t Consider Sexual Abuse of Children Problematic
Massachusetts State Auditor Suzanne Bump was horrified to find that Child Protective Services in her state does not view child sexual abuse of foster children to be a serious problem:
Sexual abuse to children is not considered to be a critical incident, because DCF, in their own words, did not consider sexual abuse to cause serious bodily harm or extreme physical pain.
Massachusetts State Auditor Finds Widespread Rape and Sexual Abuse in Foster Care but DCF Officials Won’t Report It
Our experience at Health Impact News in talking with children and adults who were in the foster care/adoptive system is that rape and sexual molestation is quite common in the system. Most reported it to their social workers, but very few saw any type of investigation. Most of the time the incidents were swept under the rug.
It Is All About the Money
Foster care and adoption have never been about what is best for the children. It is about the money – billions of dollars of federal money that come to the states, rewarding and incentivizing the taking of children. Because the bottom line is the money to be made, social workers, supervisors, attorneys, and judges turn a blind eye to the plight of children. It doesn’t matter to the system that children are placed with monsters who want to use the children as sex toys.
The U.S. Foster Care System: Modern Day Slavery and Child Trafficking
Child Kidnapping and Trafficking: A Lucrative U.S. Business Funded by Taxpayers Called “Foster Care”
As long as there is money to be made by doing so, and as long as there is no one held accountable for the horrific outcomes to the children placed with traffickers and other child molesting fosters and adopters, the practice will likely continue.
People with views like Larson’s exist, in the shadows and on the approved adopter rolls. If his open views shock you, please understand that he is not alone. A growing segment of our society, including those in the entertainment industry, wants to normalize pedophilia. See:
Why I Canceled My Netflix Account and You Should Too: Promoting Pedophilia is NOT OK!
Isn’t it time we fight to end this evil, corrupt system called “foster care?”
We recently published an article rebutting Lisa Wheeler’s call in the National Review to have more churches participate in the Foster Care program:
State-funded Foster Care and The Church: Part of the Problem, NOT Part of the Solution
The comments we received in social media on this article were mostly from Christian foster parents defending their role in an admittedly corrupt system.
But instead of trying to recruit more foster parents from churches, should not churches and Christians nationwide be working together to abolish such an evil system, allowing churches and other Christian organizations to work directly with families and children in need without state funding?
The current government-funded foster care system is a failed system, beyond reform, and it needs to be abolished. This was the conclusion the late Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer came to, but she was murdered and did not live long enough to try to accomplish this goal.
Senator Nancy Schaefer: Did her Fight Against CPS Child Kidnapping Cause her Murder?
Molly McGrath Tierney, the former Director of the Baltimore City Department of Social Services, is another one who believes the system is completely broken.
She gave one of the most insightful TEDx talks about the problems with the “Foster Care Industry” – an industry where children become a commodity that profits doctors, lawyers, judges, social workers, advocates, and other organizations, an industry that can only exist by taking other people’s children, an industry that damages the very children it purports to be helping. She goes on to explain the trauma inflicted on children by the foster care industry, saying:
… we’re digging a wound so deep, I don’t believe we have a way of measuring it. This dismantling of families – it has enormous consequences. Kids that grow up outside of families – they don’t master the things that can only be learned in that context, like who to trust, how to love, and how to take care of yourself, and that frankly does more damage than the abuse and neglect that brought the kid to my attention in the first place.
Statistics show that up to 85% of children put into foster care are NOT for reasons of abuse. Statistics also show that children taken out of “troubled homes” fare far worse in foster care than if they had been left in their homes with their biological parents (Source), most of whom are just simply poor.
Being poor should not be a reason for the state to take away your children and give them to others. Most of the billions of dollars spent on CPS, foster care, and adoption could be much better utilized helping poor families improve their living conditions and providing a better environment for their children, rather than removing the children and putting them into a system rife with sex trafficking.
For the few children that truly need new homes, local communities are in the best position to care for these children, with local institutions such as churches and other non-profits, who are held accountable to their communities and supporters.
We don’t need a multi-BILLION dollar federal foster care system that is nothing more than a child trafficking business.
Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.
O jogo deles acabou.
?LUZ ?
All These evil people will have to face THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY one day…and they will all be going to hell. Where the maggots and the worms will crawl in an out of their mouths for eternity…They shall burn forever…The excruciating pain will continue for ever an ever without ceasing. ..Oh how they will fear THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY…..